Esempio n. 1

require_once '../configuration_admin.php';
// start the session
$session = getSession();
// get smarty handle
$smarty = getSmartyHandle();
// see if form was submitted
if (isset($_REQUEST['submit'])) {
    // yes, this is a login attempt
    // verify variables needed for this page
    $errors = checkVariableConstraints($session, array(array('variable' => 'username', 'error_invalid' => 'You must enter a username.', 'error_missing' => 'You must enter a username.', 'regex' => '/^.+$/'), array('variable' => 'password', 'error_invalid' => 'You must enter a password.', 'error_missing' => 'You must enter a password.', 'regex' => '/^.+$/')), 'index');
    // check if there were constraint errors
    if (sizeof($errors)) {
        // we didn't get the variables we needed, don't even attempt to log in
        // show index again
        $errors['global']['message'] = "Please correct the issues in the form below.";
        $smarty->assign('errors', $errors);
        $smarty->assign('username', $session->username);
    } else {
        // try to log in
        $success = $session->login($_POST['username'], $_POST['password'], isset($_POST['employee']));
        if ($success) {
            // remove password from session - no reason to store that
            $session->password = null;
            // log in succeeded, redirect to home page
            header("Location: home.php");
        } else {
            // login failed, display form again
            $errors['global']['message'] = "Login failed.";
Esempio n. 2

require_once '../configuration_admin.php';
// start the session
$session = getSession();
// get smarty handle
$smarty = getSmartyHandle();
// check permissions
if ($session->isLoggedIn()) {
    // get handle on database
    $db = getDBHandle();
    if (isset($_REQUEST['submit'])) {
        try {
            // check variable constraints
            // verify variables needed for this page
            $errors = checkVariableConstraints($session, array(array('variable' => 'link_url', 'error_invalid' => 'You must enter a link URL.', 'error_missing' => 'You must enter a link URL.', 'regex' => '/^https*:\\/\\/.+$/'), array('variable' => 'title', 'error_invalid' => 'You must enter a title.', 'error_missing' => 'You must enter a title.', 'regex' => '/^.+$/'), array('variable' => 'description', 'error_invalid' => 'You must enter a description.', 'error_missing' => 'You must enter a description.', 'regex' => '/^.+$/'), array('variable' => 'slot', 'error_invalid' => "You must choose an ad slot.", 'error_missing' => "You must choose an ad slot.", 'regex' => '/^[0-9]+$/')), 'ad_add');
            // override empty link URLs, those are allowed
            if (!strlen($_REQUEST['link_url'])) {
            // manually check date
            // first set values for session
            $session->start_year = $_REQUEST['start_year'];
            $session->start_month = $_REQUEST['start_month'];
            $session->start_day = $_REQUEST['start_day'];
            $session->end_year = $_REQUEST['end_year'];
            $session->end_month = $_REQUEST['end_month'];
            $session->end_day = $_REQUEST['end_day'];
            if (!checkdate($session->start_month, $session->start_day, $session->start_year)) {
                $GLOBALS['applog']->logMessage("Invalid start date entered", LOGGER_DEBUG, 'ad_add');
                $errors['start_date']['message'] = "You must enter a valid start date.";
Esempio n. 3
require_once '../configuration_admin.php';
// start the session
$session = getSession();
// get smarty handle
$smarty = getSmartyHandle();
// check permissions
if ($session->isLoggedIn()) {
    // get DB handle
    $db = getDBHandle();
    // set error message on bad context
    $badContext = 'ad_delete.php was called without a context. If this error persists, please contact the system administrator.';
    if (isset($_REQUEST['submit'])) {
        try {
            // check variable constraints
            // verify variables needed for this page
            $errors = checkVariableConstraints($session, array(array('variable' => 'delete_id', 'error_invalid' => $badContext, 'error_missing' => $badContext, 'regex' => '/^[0-9]+$/')), 'ad_delete');
            // check if that worked, if yes, try to delete the logo file this points to
            if (!sizeof($errors)) {
                // check that the ad exists, find the logo it points to and delete it from the file system
                $ad = $db->query("SELECT image_url FROM ads WHERE id = ?", 'i', array($_REQUEST['delete_id']));
                if (sizeof($ad)) {
                    $filePath = $GLOBALS['baseDir'] . '/html' . $ad[0]['image_url'];
                    if (unlink($filePath)) {
                        // success
                        $GLOBALS['applog']->logMessage('Deleted file ' . $filePath . '.', LOGGER_DEBUG, 'ad_delete');
                    } else {
                        $GLOBALS['applog']->logMessage('Unable to delete logo file for ad with ID ' . $_REQUEST['delete_id'] . '.', LOGGER_INFO, 'ad_delete');
                        $errors['global']['message'] = 'Unable to delete logo file for ad with ID ' . $_REQUEST['delete_id'] . '.';
                } else {
                    $GLOBALS['applog']->logMessage('Unable to find ad with ID ' . $_REQUEST['delete_id'] . '.', LOGGER_INFO, 'ad_delete');