Esempio n. 1
    $status = "NOTOK";
if (checkDateFormat($End_Date) == False || $End_Date == NULL) {
    echo '<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="3; url=Add-Event.php">';
    echo "<center><font face='Verdana' size='3' color=red>\n        Please enter the event end date in the correct format!!!\n        <br> <br> <br>\n        Wait!!! You will be redirected in 3 seconds ...</font></center>";
    $status = "NOTOK";
if (checkTimeFormat($Start_Time) == False || $Start_Time == NULL) {
    echo '<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="3; url=Add-Event.php">';
    echo "<center><font face='Verdana' size='3' color=red>\n        Please enter the event start time in the correct format!!!\n        <br> <br> <br>\n        Wait!!! You will be redirected in 3 seconds ...</font></center>";
    $status = "NOTOK";
if (checkTimeFormat($End_Time) == False || $End_Time == NULL) {
    echo '<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="3; url=Add-Event.php">';
    echo "<center><font face='Verdana' size='3' color=red>\n        Please enter the event end time in the correct format!!!\n        <br> <br> <br>\n        Wait!!! You will be redirected in 3 seconds ...</font></center>";
    $status = "NOTOK";
if ($Venue == NULL) {
    echo '<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="3; url=Add-Event.php">';
    echo "<center><font face='Verdana' size='3' color=red>\n        Please enter the event venue!!!\n        <br> <br> <br>\n        Wait!!! You will be redirected in 3 seconds ...</font></center>";
    $status = "NOTOK";
if ($Category == NULL) {
    echo '<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="3; url=Add-Event.php">';
    echo "<center><font face='Verdana' size='3' color=red>\n        Please enter the category of the event!!!\n        <br> <br> <br>\n        Wait!!! You will be redirected in 3 seconds ...</font></center>";
Esempio n. 2
    return preg_match('/(^([0-9]|[0-1][0-9]|[2][0-3]):([0-5][0-9])(\\s{0,1})([AM|PM|am|pm]{2,2})$)|(^([0-9]|[1][0-9]|[2][0-3])(\\s{0,1})([AM|PM|am|pm]{2,2})$)/xms', $eventtime, $match) ? sprintf('%02d:%d%s', $match[1], $match[2], strtoupper($match[3])) : false;
$meeting_id = ID_Incremenet();
$Date = $_POST['Date'];
$Time = $_POST['Time'];
$Venue = $_POST['Venue'];
$Agenda = $_POST['Agenda'];
$status = "OK";
if (checkDateFormat($Date) == False || $Date == NULL) {
    echo '<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="3; url=Create-Meeting.php">';
    echo "<center><font face='Verdana' size='3' color=red>\n        Please enter the meeting date in the correct format!!!\n        <br> <br> <br>\n        Wait!!! You will be redirected in 3 seconds ...</font></center>";
    $status = "NOTOK";
if (checkTimeFormat($Time) == False || $Time == NULL) {
    echo '<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="3; url=Create-Meeting.php">';
    echo "<center><font face='Verdana' size='3' color=red>\n        Please enter the meeting time in the correct format!!!\n        <br> <br> <br>\n        Wait!!! You will be redirected in 3 seconds ...</font></center>";
    $status = "NOTOK";
if ($Venue == NULL) {
    echo '<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="3; url=Create-Meeting.php">';
    echo "<center><font face='Verdana' size='3' color=red>\n        Please enter the meeting venue!!!\n        <br> <br> <br>\n        Wait!!! You will be redirected in 3 seconds ...</font></center>";
    $status = "NOTOK";
if ($Agenda == NULL) {
    echo '<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="3; url=Create-Meeting.php">';
    echo "<center><font face='Verdana' size='3' color=red>\n        Please enter the meeting agenda in point form!!!\n        <br> <br> <br>\n        Wait!!! You will be redirected in 3 seconds ...</font></center>";
    if (count($argv) < 5) {
        echo "Erreur:\tArguments manquants\n" . "Usage:\tAjoutSimpleCalendrier.php client nom début fin\n" . "\tclient\t\tIdentifiant client voir ListeIdentifiantCapteur.php\n" . "\tnom\t\tNom du calendrier\n" . "\tdébut\tHoraire de départ au format HHMM\n" . "\tfin\tHoraire de fin au format HHMM\n";
    include_once "BluePHP/BluePortail/";
    $bpl = new BluePortailLang(array());
    $clientId = $argv[1];
    $nom = $argv[2];
    $debut = $argv[3];
    $fin = $argv[4];
    $clientIdInfo = $bpl->getClientData(array("clientId" => $clientId));
    if (!count($clientIdInfo)) {
        throw new Exception("Client {$clientId} non trouvé");
    if (!checkTimeFormat($debut)) {
        throw new Exception("Le format de l'horaire de début est incorrect");
    if (!checkTimeFormat($fin)) {
        throw new Exception("Le format de l'horaire de fin est incorrect");
    if (strtotime($debut) >= strtotime($fin)) {
        throw new Exception("L'heure de début doit être inférieure à l'heure de fin");
    include_once "BluePHP/BTopLocalServer/";
    $cal = new Calendar();
    $calData = $cal->createCalendar(array("name" => $nom));
    $cal->newEntry(array("cal" => $calData["id"], "pri" => 0, "testts" => "%H%M", "ts" => "2007-01-01 " . substr($debut, 0, 2) . ":" . substr($debut, 2, 2) . ":00", "testte" => "%H%M", "te" => "2007-01-01 " . substr($fin, 0, 2) . ":" . substr($fin, 2, 2) . ":00", "isOpen" => 1));
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo "Exception reçue : " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";