/** * Check if Sesstings tables exists in Configuration Database * @return boolean */ function checkSettings() { if (!checkTable('settings')) { createSettings(); } return true; }
} } $selQ->where = "p.promo != '0'"; $cleanProps = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($propNames); $i++) { $selQ->select = array_merge($selQ->select, array($propNames[$i] . " as `" . $propLangName[$i] . "`")); } $selQ->tableNames = array("products as p"); $selQ->joins = array(); $selQ->joinTypes = array(); if (checkTable($conn, "products_" . $catid)) { $selQ->tableNames[] = "products_" . $catid . " as nld"; $selQ->joins[] = "p.id = nld.infoid"; $selQ->joinTypes[] = "LEFT JOIN"; } if (checkTable($conn, "products_" . $catid . "_" . $language)) { $selQ->tableNames[] = "products_" . $catid . "_" . $language . " as ld"; $selQ->joins[] = "p.id = ld.infoid"; $selQ->joinTypes[] = "LEFT JOIN"; } if (!$selQ->executeQuery()) { $statusMessage = $selQ->status; mysqli_close($conn); return; } if ($selQ->getNumberOfResults() == 0) { $statusMessage = makeStatusMessage(59, "error"); } else { $data = array(); while ($row = $selQ->result->fetch_assoc()) { $data[] = $row;
function checkTables() { global $mydirname; xoops_cp_header(); echo sprintf('<h4>%s »» %s »» %s</h4>', indexLink(), dbManagerLink(), _AM_WEBLOG_CHECKTABLE); // checking table 'weblog' $columns = array('blog_id', 'user_id', 'cat_id', 'created', 'title', 'contents', 'private', 'comments', 'reads', 'trackbacks', 'permission_group', 'dohtml', 'dobr'); checkTable($mydirname, $columns); echo "<br />"; // checking table 'weblog_category' $columns = array('cat_id', 'cat_pid', 'cat_title', 'cat_description', 'cat_created', 'cat_imgurl'); checkTable($mydirname . '_category', $columns); echo "<br />"; // checking table 'weblog_priv' $columns = array('priv_id', 'priv_gid'); checkTable($mydirname . '_priv', $columns); echo "<br />"; // checking table 'weblog_trackback' $columns = array('blog_id', 'tb_url', 'blog_name', 'title', 'description', 'link', 'direction', 'trackback_created'); checkTable($mydirname . '_trackback', $columns); echo "<br />"; // checking table 'weblogmyalbum_photos' $columns = array('lid', 'cid', 'title', 'ext', 'res_x', 'res_y', 'submitter', 'status', 'date'); checkTable($mydirname . 'myalbum_photos', $columns); xoops_cp_footer(); }
function checkPublishTable() { if (!checkTable('db_tables')) { createPublishTable(); } return true; }
echo 'legacy22_check.php should set the same directory of mainfile.php.'; die; } require_once 'mainfile.php'; $messages = array(); /*** check setting of XOOPS_TRUST_PATH ***/ switch (checkMainfile()) { case 0: $messages[] = 'You must add XOOPS_TRUST_PATH setting in ' . XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/mainfile.php'; break; case 1: $messages[] = 'Directory XOOPS_TRUST_PATH(' . XOOPS_TRUST_PATH . ') is NOT found.'; break; } /*** check table field expand by preload ***/ if (!checkTable()) { $messages[] = 'You must put extras/extra_preload/upgrade22.class.php in ' . XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/preload'; } /*** check latest language file ***/ $lang = XCube_Root::getSingleton()->mLanguageManager->mLanguageName; if (!checkLanguage($lang)) { $messages[] = 'You must move the latest language files from extras/extra_languages/' . $lang . '. DON\'T MOVE /install directory !'; } /*** check file existing ***/ $files = checkFile(); foreach ($files as $file) { $messages[] = $file; } /*** check directory existing ***/ $directories = checkDirectory(); foreach ($directories as $dir) {
$content .= ' </tr>'; } $content .= ' </table> <button id="export" class="my_button right"><img src="../modules/mailjet/img/page_excel.png" />' . Tools::safeOutput($obj->trad[26]) . '</button> <div class="right" id="seg_pagination"> <a href="javascript:next(1, ' . $nb . ')"><<</a> <a href="javascript:next(' . (Tools::getvalue('page') ? Tools::getvalue('page') - 1 : 1) . ', ' . $nb . ')"><</a> ' . Tools::safeOutput($obj->trad[27]) . ' <b>' . (Tools::getvalue('page') ? Tools::getvalue('page') : 1) . '</b> / ' . $nb . ' <a href="javascript:next(' . (Tools::getvalue('page') ? Tools::getvalue('page') + 1 : 2) . ', ' . $nb . ')">></a> <a href="javascript:next(' . $nb . ',' . $nb . ')">>></a> <font size="3">' . $nb1 . ' ' . Tools::safeOutput($obj->trad[25]) . '</font> </div> <div class="clear"> </div>'; if (checkTable(Tools::getValue('fieldSelect')) && ($fs = Tools::getValue('fieldSelect')) && $obj->fieldIsPrintable($fs[0])) { $stat = array(); $nbcustomer = Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'customer`'); $req = Db::getInstance()->executeS($reqsql); if (Tools::getIsset($obj->getFieldLabel($fs[0])) && Tools::getIsset($req[0][$obj->getFieldLabel($fs[0])])) { $fieldSelect_nb = count(Tools::getValue('fieldSelect')); for ($i = 0; $i < $fieldSelect_nb; $i++) { $val1 = $_POST['value1'][$i]; $val2 = $_POST['value2'][$i]; $range = true; $op = false; if ($obj->translateOp($val1) && !$obj->translateOp($val2)) { $range = false; $op = $val1; $val1 = $val2; } else {
function presenceTable($dbConn, $prjm_id, $constraint = '') { $sqln = "select afko,description,prjm_id ,year,prj_id,milestone \n" . " from project natural join prj_milestone where prjm_id={$prjm_id}"; //$page_opening="Presence list for project $afko $description prjm_id $prjm_id prj_id $prj_id milestone $milestone"; $resultSet = $dbConn->Execute($sqln); if (!$resultSet->EOF) { extract($resultSet->fields); $caption = "Presence list for project {$afko} ({$year}) {$description} prjm_id {$prjm_id} prj_id {$prj_id} milestone {$milestone}"; } else { $caption = 'Presence list'; } $sql = "select \n" . "p.afko||p.year as activity," . "agroup as grp, \n" . " datum||'#'||al.act_id||': '||short||' '||al.description as title, present,note \n" . " from act_presence_list2 al join student st using(snummer) \n" . "natural join activity join prj_milestone using(prjm_id) join project p using (prj_id)" . " left join absence_reason ar using (act_id,snummer)\n" . " where prjm_id={$prjm_id} "; if ($constraint != '') { $sql .= ' and ' . $constraint; } $sql .= " order by datum,start_time"; //achternaam,roepnaam,al.act_id desc\n"; return checkTable($dbConn, $sql, 0, 2, 3, 4, "<table summary='{$caption}' border='1' align='left' style='border-collapse:collapse'>\n" . "<caption style='font-weight:bold'>{$caption}</caption>\n"); }
function getProds($conn) { require_once 'languageConfig.php'; $catid = array(); if (empty($_POST['catid'])) { $selQ = new selectSQL($conn); $selQ->select = array("id"); $selQ->tableNames = array("categories"); $selQ->where = "visible = 1"; if (!$selQ->executeQuery()) { $GLOBALS['statusMessage'] = $selQ->status; return; } if ($selQ->getNumberOfResults() == 0) { $GLOBALS['statusMessage'] = makeStatusMessage(51, "error"); return; } while ($r = $selQ->result->fetch_assoc()) { $catid[] = $r['id']; } $propNames = array("*"); } else { $catid[] = $conn->real_escape_string($_POST['catid']); $arr = getPropsForCat($conn, $catid[0], $langArr); if (!$arr) { return; } $propNames = array_merge(array("p.id as id"), $arr['propNamesDef']); foreach ($arr['propNamesDefld'] as $pd) { $propNames[] = $pd; } foreach ($arr['propNamesld'] as $p) { $propNames[] = $p; } $propNames = array_merge($propNames, $arr['propNames']); } $selQ = new selectSQL($conn); $selQ->select = $propNames; if (isset($_POST['id'])) { $selQ->where = "id = " . $conn->real_escape_string($_POST['id']); } else { $w = "("; foreach ($catid as $i) { $w .= "p.catid = '" . $i . "' OR "; } $selQ->where = substr($w, 0, -3) . ")"; if (isset($_POST['deleted'])) { $selQ->where .= " AND p.visible != 1"; } else { $selQ->where .= " AND p.visible = 1"; } } $selQ->tableNames = array("products as p"); $selQ->joins = array(); $selQ->joinTypes = array(); foreach ($catid as $i) { if (checkTable($conn, "products_" . $i)) { $selQ->tableNames[] = "products_" . $i; $selQ->joins[] = "p.id = products_" . $i . ".infoid"; $selQ->joinTypes[] = "LEFT JOIN"; } foreach ($langArr as $l) { if (checkTable($conn, "products_" . $i . "_" . $l)) { $selQ->tableNames[] = "products_" . $i . "_" . $l; $selQ->joins[] = "p.id = products_" . $i . "_" . $l . ".infoid"; $selQ->joinTypes[] = "LEFT JOIN"; } } } if (!$selQ->executeQuery()) { $GLOBALS['statusMessage'] = $selQ->status; mysqli_close($conn); return; } $data = array(); while ($r = $selQ->result->fetch_assoc()) { $data[] = $r; } $GLOBALS['data'] = $data; $GLOBALS['statusMessage'] = makeStatusMessage(22, "success"); }