function displayForm($originPage, $defaultOutputDir, $checkReportsDirError, $isJob2, $isJob3, $isJob4, $isJob5, $job2, $job3, $job4, $job5, $job_support, $job_sideTasks, $jobSupport_color, $jobNA_color, $job2_color, $job3_color, $job4_color, $job5_color, $projectList, $groupExtID, $extIdCustomFieldCandidates, $extIdCustomField, $userList, $admin_id, $statusList, $status_new, $status_feedback, $status_open, $status_closed, $is_modified = "false") { checkMantisPluginDir(); echo "<form id='form1' name='form1' method='post' action='{$originPage}' >\n"; // ------ Reports echo "<h2>" . T_("Path to output files") . "</h2>\n"; echo "<span class='help_font'>" . T_("Path to log files and other temporary files.") . "<br>" . T_("Note: <b>/var/local/codevtt</b> is a good location for this, but you'll need to create it first and give read/write access.") . "</span><br><br>\n"; echo "<code><input size='50' type='text' style='font-family: sans-serif' name='outputDir' id='outputDir' value='{$defaultOutputDir}'></code></td>\n"; echo "<input type=button value='" . T_("Check") . "' onClick='javascript: checkReportsDir()'>\n"; echo " "; if (!is_null($checkReportsDirError)) { if (FALSE === strstr($checkReportsDirError, "SUCCESS")) { echo "<span class='error_font'>{$checkReportsDirError}</span>\n"; } else { echo "<span class='success_font'>{$checkReportsDirError}</span>\n"; } } echo " <br/>\n"; echo " <br/>\n"; // ------ Status echo "<h2>" . T_("Workflow") . "</h2>\n"; echo "<span class='help_font'>" . T_("Set equivalences in accordance to your Mantis workflow") . "</span><br><br>\n"; echo '<table class="invisible">'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<td>Status NEW</td>'; echo '<td>'; echo '<select id="status_new" name="status_new">' . "<br>\n"; foreach ($statusList as $statusid => $name) { if ($status_new == $statusid) { echo "<option value='{$statusid}' selected='selected'>{$name}</option>\n"; } else { echo "<option value='{$statusid}'>{$name}</option>\n"; } } echo '</select>'; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<td>Status FEEDBACK</td>'; echo '<td>'; echo '<select id="status_feedback" name="status_feedback">' . "<br>\n"; foreach ($statusList as $statusid => $name) { if ($status_feedback == $statusid) { echo "<option value='{$statusid}' selected='selected'>{$name}</option>\n"; } else { echo "<option value='{$statusid}'>{$name}</option>\n"; } } echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<td>Status OPEN</td>'; echo '<td>'; echo '<select id="status_open" name="status_open">' . "<br>\n"; foreach ($statusList as $statusid => $name) { if ($status_open == $statusid) { echo "<option value='{$statusid}' selected='selected'>{$name}</option>\n"; } else { echo "<option value='{$statusid}'>{$name}</option>\n"; } } echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<td>Status CLOSED</td>'; echo '<td>'; echo '<select id="status_closed" name="status_closed">' . "<br>\n"; foreach ($statusList as $statusid => $name) { if ($status_closed == $statusid) { echo "<option value='{$statusid}' selected='selected'>{$name}</option>\n"; } else { echo "<option value='{$statusid}'>{$name}</option>\n"; } } echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; echo '</table>'; // ------ Administrator echo "<h2>" . T_("CodevTT Administrator") . "</h2>\n"; echo '<select id="codevttAdmin" name="codevttAdmin">' . "<br>\n"; #echo ' <option value="0"> </option>'."\n"; foreach ($userList as $userid => $name) { if ($admin_id == $userid) { echo "<option value='{$userid}' selected='selected'>{$name}</option>\n"; } else { echo "<option value='{$userid}'>{$name}</option>\n"; } } echo '</select>'; echo " <span class='help_font'>" . T_("More administrators can be defined later, for now you just need one.") . "</span>\n"; echo "<br><br>\n"; // ------- External ID echo "<h2>" . T_("Tasks external ID field") . "</h2>"; echo "<div align='left'>\n"; echo "<script type='text/javascript'>\n"; echo "\n function setCheckedValue(radioObj, newValue) {\n if(!radioObj)\n return;\n var radioLength = radioObj.length;\n if(radioLength == undefined) {\n radioObj.checked = (radioObj.value == newValue.toString());\n return;\n }\n for(var i = 0; i < radioLength; i++) {\n radioObj[i].checked = false;\n if(radioObj[i].value == newValue.toString()) {\n radioObj[i].checked = true;\n }\n }\n }\n "; echo "</script>"; $checked = 'createExtID' === $groupExtID ? 'CHECKED' : ''; echo "<input type='radio' name='groupExtID' value='createExtID' {$checked} > " . T_("Create a new CustomField") . "<br>\n"; $checked = 'createExtID' !== $groupExtID ? 'CHECKED' : ''; echo "<input type='radio' name='groupExtID' value='existingExtID' {$checked} > " . T_("Use this CustomField :") . "\n"; echo '<select id="extIdCustomField" name="extIdCustomField" onChange="javascript:setCheckedValue(document.forms[\'form1\'].elements[\'groupExtID\'], \'existingExtID\');">' . "\n"; echo ' <option value="0"> </option>' . "\n"; foreach ($extIdCustomFieldCandidates as $fieldid => $fname) { if ($extIdCustomField == $fieldid) { echo "<option value='{$fieldid}' selected='selected'>{$fname}</option>\n"; } else { echo "<option value='{$fieldid}'>{$fname}</option>\n"; } } echo '</select><br>'; #echo "<input type='radio' name='groupExtID' value='noExtID' > ".T_("I don't need any").'<br>'; echo "</div>\n"; // ------ Default ExternalTasks /* echo "<h2>".T_("Default ExternalTasks")."</h2>\n"; echo "<table class='invisible'>\n"; echo " <tr>\n"; echo " <td width='100'><input type=CHECKBOX CHECKED DISABLED name='cb_taskLeave' id='cb_taskLeave'>". T_("Absence")."</input></td>\n"; echo " <td><input size='40' type='text' name='task_leave' id='task_leave' value='$task_leave'></td>\n"; echo " </tr>\n"; */ // ------ echo " <br/>\n"; echo "<h2>" . T_("Default Jobs") . "</h2>\n"; echo "<table class='invisible'>\n"; echo " <tr>\n"; echo " <td width='10'><input type=CHECKBOX CHECKED DISABLED name='cb_job_support' id='cb_support' /></td>\n"; echo " <td>"; echo " <table class='invisible'><tr>"; echo " <td width='70'>{$job_support}</td>"; echo " <td><span class='help_font'>" . T_("CodevTT support management") . "</span></td>"; echo " </tr></table>"; echo " </td>\n"; echo " <td>" . T_("Color") . ": <input name='jobSupport_color' id='jobSupport_color' type='text' value='{$jobSupport_color}' size='6' maxlength='6' style='background-color: #{$jobSupport_color};' onblur='javascript: refresh()'>"; echo " <a href='' target='_blank' title='" . T_("open a colorPicker in a new Tab") . "'>ColorPicker</A></td>\n"; echo " </tr>\n"; echo " <tr>\n"; echo " <td width='10'><input type=CHECKBOX CHECKED DISABLED name='cb_job_support' id='cb_support' /></td>\n"; echo " <td>"; echo " <table class='invisible'><tr>"; echo " <td width='70'>{$job_sideTasks}</td>"; echo " <td><span class='help_font'>" . T_("Specific to SideTasks") . "</span></td>"; echo " </tr></table>"; echo " </td>\n"; echo " <td>" . T_("Color") . ": <input name='jobNA_color' id='jobNA_color' type='text' value='{$jobNA_color}' size='6' maxlength='6' style='background-color: #{$jobNA_color};' onblur='javascript: refresh()'></td>"; echo " </tr>\n"; $isChecked = $isJob2 ? "CHECKED" : ""; echo " <td width='10'><input type=CHECKBOX {$isChecked} name='cb_job2' id='cb_job2' /></td>\n"; echo ' <td><input size="40" type="text" name="job2" id="job2" value="' . $job2 . '"></td>' . "\n"; echo " <td>" . T_("Color") . ": <input name='job2_color' id='job2_color' type='text' value='{$job2_color}' size='6' maxlength='6' style='background-color: #{$job2_color};' onblur='javascript: refresh()'></td>\n"; echo " </tr>\n"; $isChecked = $isJob3 ? "CHECKED" : ""; echo " <td width='10'><input type=CHECKBOX {$isChecked} name='cb_job3' id='cb_job3' /></td>\n"; echo ' <td><input size="40" type="text" name="job3" id="job3" value="' . $job3 . '"></td>' . "\n"; echo " <td>" . T_("Color") . ": <input name='job3_color' id='job3_color' type='text' value='{$job3_color}' size='6' maxlength='6' style='background-color: #{$job3_color};' onblur='javascript: refresh()'></td>\n"; echo " </tr>\n"; echo " <tr>\n"; $isChecked = $isJob4 ? "CHECKED" : ""; echo " <td width='10'><input type=CHECKBOX {$isChecked} name='cb_job4' id='cb_job4' /></td>\n"; echo ' <td><input size="40" type="text" name="job4" id="job4" value="' . $job4 . '"></td>' . "\n"; echo " <td>" . T_("Color") . ": <input name='job4_color' id='job4_color' type='text' value='{$job4_color}' size='6' maxlength='6' style='background-color: #{$job4_color};' onblur='javascript: refresh()'></td>\n"; echo " </tr>\n"; $isChecked = $isJob5 ? "CHECKED" : ""; echo " <td width='10'><input type=CHECKBOX {$isChecked} name='cb_job5' id='cb_job5' /></td>\n"; echo ' <td><input size="40" type="text" name="job5" id="job5" value="' . $job5 . '"></td>' . "\n"; echo " <td>" . T_("Color") . ": <input name='job5_color' id='job5_color' type='text' value='{$job5_color}' size='6' maxlength='6' style='background-color: #{$job5_color};' onblur='javascript: refresh()'></td>\n"; echo " </tr>\n"; echo "</table>\n"; // ------ Add custom fields to existing projects echo " <br/>\n"; echo "<h2>" . T_("Configure existing Projects") . "</h2>\n"; echo "<span class='help_font'>" . T_("Select the projects to be managed with CodevTT") . "</span><br/>\n"; echo " <br/>\n"; echo "<select name='projects[]' multiple size='5'>\n"; foreach ($projectList as $id => $name) { echo "<option selected value='{$id}'>{$name}</option>\n"; } echo "</select>\n"; echo " <br/>\n"; echo " <br/>\n"; echo "<div style='text-align: center;'>\n"; echo "<input type=button style='font-size:150%' value='" . T_("Proceed Step 3") . "' onClick='javascript: proceedStep3()'>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; // ------ echo "<input type=hidden name=action value=noAction>\n"; echo "<input type=hidden name=is_modified value={$is_modified}>\n"; echo "</form>"; }
/** * update 1.0.x to 1.1.0 (DB v14 to DB v15) * * - clasmap.ser * - config.ini * - remove from mantis menu * - mantis-plugins if mantis v1.3 * - DB */ function update_v14_to_v15() { echo "- Update classmap.ser<br>"; try { Tools::createClassMap(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "<span class='error_font'>Could not create classmap: " . $e->getMessage() . "</span><br/>"; exit; } echo "- Add [mantis] 'status_enum_workflow' to config.ini<br>"; // reload mantis config files $path_config_defaults_inc = Constants::$mantisPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "config_defaults_inc.php"; $path_core_constant_inc = Constants::$mantisPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "core" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "constant_inc.php"; $path_mantis_config = Constants::$mantisPath; if (is_dir(Constants::$mantisPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config')) { $path_mantis_config .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config'; // mantis v1.3 or higher } $path_mantis_config_inc = $path_mantis_config . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config_inc.php'; $path_custom_constants = $path_mantis_config . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'custom_constants_inc.php'; global $g_status_enum_workflow; include_once $path_core_constant_inc; include_once $path_custom_constants; include_once $path_config_defaults_inc; include_once $path_mantis_config_inc; // set status_enum_workflow Constants::$status_enum_workflow = $g_status_enum_workflow; if (!is_array(Constants::$status_enum_workflow)) { echo "<span class='error_font'>Could not retrieve status_enum_workflow from Mantis config files</span><br/>"; exit; } // write new config file if (!update_config_file()) { // ask for manual update echo "<span class='error_font'>Could not update config.ini</span><br/>"; exit; } // if Mantis 1.3, plugins must be updated if (Tools::isMantisV1_3()) { echo "- Remove 'CodevTT' from Mantis main menu (CodevTT v1.0.x is incompatible with Mantis v1.3.x)<br>"; $query = "DELETE FROM `mantis_config_table` WHERE config_id = 'main_menu_custom_options'"; $result = execQuery($query); echo "- Install Mantis plugin: CodevTT (for mantis v1.3.x)<br>"; if (checkMantisPluginDir()) { $errStr = installMantisPlugin('CodevTT', true); if (NULL !== $errStr) { echo "<span class='error_font'>Please update 'CodevTT' mantis-plugin manualy</span><br/>"; echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">console.error(\"{$errStr}\");</script>"; } echo "- Install Mantis plugin: FilterBugList (for mantis v1.3.x)<br>"; $errStr = installMantisPlugin('FilterBugList', true); if (NULL !== $errStr) { echo "<span class='error_font'>Please update 'FilterBugList' mantis-plugin manualy</span><br/>"; echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">console.error(\"{$errStr}\");</script>"; } } } // execute the SQL script $sqlScriptFilename = Constants::$codevRootDir . '/install/codevtt_update_v14_v15.sql'; if (!file_exists($sqlScriptFilename)) { echo "<span class='error_font'>SQL script not found:{$sqlScriptFilename}</span><br/>"; exit; } echo "- Execute SQL script: {$sqlScriptFilename}<br>"; $retCode = Tools::execSQLscript2($sqlScriptFilename); if (0 != $retCode) { echo "<span class='error_font'>Could not execSQLscript: {$sqlScriptFilename}</span><br/>"; exit; } }