Esempio n. 1
if (!defined('SABLOG_ROOT') || !isset($php_self) || !preg_match("/[\\/\\\\]cp\\.php\$/", $php_self)) {
    exit('Access Denied');
$linkid = (int) $linkid;
if ($message) {
    $messages = array(1 => '该链接已经存在', 2 => '添加链接成功', 3 => '编辑链接成功', 4 => '至少要填写名称和地址', 5 => '选定项目已删除', 6 => '选定项目已启用', 7 => '选定项目已禁用', 8 => '选定项目已设置首页显示', 9 => '选定项目已取消首页显示', 10 => '没有选择任何项目', 11 => '链接不存在');
!$action && ($action = 'list');
$location = '';
$doit = in_array($doit, array('home', 'page', 'delete', 'enable', 'disable')) ? $doit : '';
if ($action == 'addlink' || $action == 'modlink') {
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    $new_url = char_cv(trim($_POST['new_url']));
    $new_note = char_cv(trim($_POST['new_note']));
    if ($new_name && $new_url) {
        if ($action == 'addlink') {
            $query = $DB->query("SELECT COUNT(linkid) FROM {$db_prefix}links WHERE name='{$new_name}' AND url='{$new_url}'");
        } else {
            $query = $DB->query("SELECT COUNT(linkid) FROM {$db_prefix}links WHERE name='{$new_name}' AND url='{$new_url}' AND linkid!='{$linkid}'");
        if ($DB->result($query, 0)) {
            $location = getlink('link', 'list', array('message' => 1));
        } else {
            if ($action == 'addlink') {
                $DB->query("INSERT INTO\t{$db_prefix}links (name,url,note,visible) VALUES ('{$new_name}','{$new_url}','{$new_note}','1')");
                $location = getlink('link', 'list', array('message' => 2));
            } else {
                $DB->query("UPDATE {$db_prefix}links SET name='{$new_name}', url='{$new_url}', note='{$new_note}' WHERE linkid='{$linkid}'");
                $location = getlink('link', 'list', array('message' => 3));
Esempio n. 2
    exit('error: 403 该帐户已被禁用');
} else {
    if ($cur_user['flag'] == 1) {
        header("content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8");
        exit('error: 401 该帐户还在审核中');
$tip1 = '';
$tip2 = '';
$tip3 = '';
$av_time = '';
    $action = $_POST['action'];
    if ($action == 'info') {
        $email = addslashes(filter_chr(trim($_POST['email'])));
        $url = char_cv(filter_chr(trim($_POST['url'])));
        $about = addslashes(trim($_POST['about']));
        if ($DBS->unbuffered_query("UPDATE yunbbs_users SET email='{$email}', url='{$url}', about='{$about}' WHERE id='{$cur_uid}'")) {
            $cur_user['email'] = $email;
            $cur_user['url'] = $url;
            $cur_user['about'] = $about;
            $tip1 = '已成功保存';
        } else {
            $tip1 = '数据库更新失败,修改尚未保存,请稍后再试';
    } else {
        if ($action == 'avatar') {
            if ($_FILES['avatar']['size'] && $_FILES['avatar']['size'] < 301000) {
                $img_info = getimagesize($_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name']);
                if ($img_info) {
if ($options['gzipcompress'] && extension_loaded('zlib')) {
} else {
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!$options['templatename'] && ($options['templatename'] = 'default');
$maxpages = $options['maxpages'] ? $options['maxpages'] : 1000;
$options['title'] = $options['name'];
$timeoffset = !$options['server_timezone'] || $options['server_timezone'] == '111' ? 0 : $options['server_timezone'];
// 系统URL
if (!$options['url']) {
    $options['url'] = 'http://' . char_cv($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) . preg_replace("/\\/+(admin|archiver|tools|wap)?\\/*\$/i", '', substr($php_self, 0, strrpos($php_self, '/'))) . '/';
} else {
    $options['url'] = str_replace(array('{host}', 'index.php'), array(char_cv($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']), ''), $options['url']);
    if (substr($options['url'], -1) != '/') {
        $options['url'] = $options['url'] . '/';
$cachelost = '';
$cachelost .= @(include SABLOG_ROOT . 'data/cache/cache_statistics.php') ? '' : 'statistics,';
$cachelost .= @(include SABLOG_ROOT . 'data/cache/cache_newarticles.php') ? '' : 'newarticles,';
$cachelost .= @(include SABLOG_ROOT . 'data/cache/cache_stick.php') ? '' : 'stick,';
$cachelost .= @(include SABLOG_ROOT . 'data/cache/cache_newcomments.php') ? '' : 'newcomments,';
$cachelost .= @(include SABLOG_ROOT . 'data/cache/cache_categories.php') ? '' : 'categories,';
$cachelost .= @(include SABLOG_ROOT . 'data/cache/cache_archives.php') ? '' : 'archives,';
if ($options['randarticle_num']) {
    $cachelost .= @(include SABLOG_ROOT . 'data/cache/cache_allarticleids.php') ? '' : 'allarticleids,';
if ($options['hottags_shownum']) {
 if ($type == 'comment') {
     $sql_query .= " AND c.type='comment'";
     $pagelink .= '&amp;type=comment';
     $subnav = '评论';
 } elseif ($type == 'trackback') {
     $sql_query .= " AND c.type='trackback'";
     $pagelink .= '&amp;type=trackback';
     $subnav = '引用';
 if ($articleid) {
     $article = $DB->fetch_one_array("SELECT title FROM {$db_prefix}articles WHERE articleid='{$articleid}'");
     $sql_query .= " AND c.articleid='{$articleid}'";
     $pagelink .= '&amp;articleid=' . $articleid;
     $subnav = '《' . $article['title'] . '》的评论';
 $ip = char_cv($ip);
 if ($ip) {
     $frontlen = strrpos($ip, '.');
     $ipc = substr($ip, 0, $frontlen);
     $sql_query .= " AND (c.ipaddress LIKE '%" . $ipc . "%')";
     $pagelink .= '&amp;ip=' . $ip;
     $subnav = '与 ' . $ip . ' 同一C段提交的评论';
 $pagenum = 15;
 if ($page) {
     $start_limit = ($page - 1) * $pagenum;
 } else {
     $start_limit = 0;
     $page = 1;
 $total = $DB->result($DB->query("SELECT COUNT(commentid) FROM {$db_prefix}comments c {$sql_query}"), 0);
Esempio n. 5
             if (getstrlen($v[$i]) > 30) {
                 wap_message('每个关键字不能超过30个字符', array('title' => '重新发表', 'link' => 'index.php?action=addarticle'));
 if ($title == '' || getstrlen($title) > 120) {
     wap_message('标题不能为空并且不能多于120个字节', array('title' => '重新发表', 'link' => 'index.php?action=addarticle'));
 if (!$mids) {
     wap_message('你还没有选择分类', array('title' => '重新发表', 'link' => 'index.php?action=addarticle'));
 if (!$content) {
     wap_message('内容不能为空', array('title' => '重新发表', 'link' => 'index.php?action=addarticle'));
 $title = char_cv($title);
 $r = $DB->result($DB->query("SELECT COUNT(articleid) FROM {$db_prefix}articles WHERE title='{$title}'"), 0);
 if ($r) {
     wap_message('数据库中已存在一样的标题了,建议您换一个', array('title' => '重新发表', 'link' => 'index.php?action=addarticle'));
 // 插入数据部分
 $DB->query("INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}articles (uid, title, content, dateline) VALUES ('{$sax_uid}', '{$title}', '{$content} <br /><br /><span style=\"font-weight:bold;color:#4685C4;background-color:#E9F1F8;\">自 WAP 发表</span>', '{$timestamp}')");
 $articleid = $DB->insert_id();
 // 关联文章分类
 foreach ($mids as $mid) {
     $DB->unbuffered_query("UPDATE {$db_prefix}metas SET count=count+1 WHERE mid='{$mid}' AND type='category'");
     $DB->query("INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}relationships (cid, mid) VALUES ('{$articleid}', '{$mid}')");
 // 插入/更新Tags
 if ($keywords) {
     $tagdb = explode(',', $keywords);
Esempio n. 6
    if (!$password || getstrlen($password) < 8) {
        redirect('密码不能为空并且密码长度不能小于8位.', $reg_url);
    if ($password != $comfirpassword) {
        redirect('请确认输入的密码一致.', $reg_url);
    if (strpos($password, "\n") !== false || strpos($password, "\r") !== false || strpos($password, "\t") !== false) {
        redirect('密码包含不可接受字符.', $reg_url);
    $username = char_cv($username);
    $r = $DB->fetch_one_array("SELECT userid FROM {$db_prefix}users WHERE username='******' LIMIT 1");
    if ($r['userid']) {
    $email = char_cv($email);
    $r = $DB->fetch_one_array("SELECT userid FROM {$db_prefix}users WHERE email='{$email}' LIMIT 1");
    if ($r['userid']) {
    $password = md5($password);
    $DB->query("INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}users (username, password, logincount, loginip, logintime, email, url, regdateline, regip, groupid, lastip, lastvisit, lastactivity) VALUES ('{$username}', '{$password}', '1', '{$onlineip}', '{$timestamp}', '{$email}', '{$url}', '{$timestamp}', '{$onlineip}', '3', '{$onlineip}', '{$timestamp}', '{$timestamp}')");
    $sax_uid = $DB->insert_id();
    scookie('sax_auth', authcode("{$sax_uid}\t{$password}\t1"), $login_life);
    redirect('注册成功.', $options['url']);
if (!$sax_uid || !$sax_pw || !$sax_logincount) {
Esempio n. 7
 if ($page) {
     $start_limit = ($page - 1) * $pagenum;
 } else {
     $start_limit = 0;
     $page = 1;
 $sqladd = ' WHERE 1 ';
 $pagelink = '';
 if ($groupid && in_array($groupid, array(1, 2, 3))) {
     $sqladd .= " AND groupid='{$groupid}'";
     $pagelink .= '&groupid=' . $groupid;
     $subnav = $groupdb[$groupid];
 $srhname = char_cv($srhname);
 if ($srhname) {
     $sqladd .= " AND (BINARY username LIKE '%" . str_replace('_', '\\_', $srhname) . "%' OR username='******')";
     $pagelink .= '&srhname=' . $srhname;
 $usertotal = $DB->result($DB->query("SELECT COUNT(userid) FROM {$db_prefix}users"), 0);
 $admintotal = $DB->result($DB->query("SELECT COUNT(userid) FROM {$db_prefix}users WHERE groupid='1'"), 0);
 $editortotal = $DB->result($DB->query("SELECT COUNT(userid) FROM {$db_prefix}users WHERE groupid='2'"), 0);
 $publictotal = $usertotal - $admintotal - $editortotal;
 $total = $DB->result($DB->query("SELECT COUNT(userid) FROM {$db_prefix}users " . $sqladd), 0);
 $multipage = multi($total, $pagenum, $page, 'cp.php?job=user&amp;action=list' . $pagelink);
 $query = $DB->query("SELECT userid,email,username,url,regdateline,groupid,lastvisit FROM {$db_prefix}users {$sqladd} ORDER BY userid DESC LIMIT {$start_limit}, {$pagenum}");
 $userdb = array();
 while ($user = $DB->fetch_array($query)) {
     $user['regdateline'] = sadate('Y-m-d H:i', $user['regdateline'], 1);
     $user['lastvisit'] = $user['lastvisit'] ? sadate('Y-m-d H:i', $user['lastvisit'], 1) : '从未';
Esempio n. 8

include_once "../check.php";
$ChannelId = char_cv("ChannelId");
$ChannelId = 1;
if ($ChannelId) {
    if (!file_exists(ONEZ_ROOT . './onezdata/cache/channel/' . $ChannelId . '.php')) {
        exit('Channel Error!');
    } else {
switch ($action = char_cv("action", "get")) {
    case "send":
        mkdirs(ONEZ_ROOT . './onezdata/online');
        @touch(ONEZ_ROOT . './onezdata/online/' . $userid);
        $touser = Char_Cv('touser');
        $content = Char_Cv('msg');
        $content = oiconv('utf-8', 'gbk', $content);
        $content = delhtml($content);
        $content = str_replace("\r\n", '[br]', $content);
        $content = str_replace("\n", '[br]', $content);
        if ($setting['badwords']) {
            $A = $B = array();
            foreach (explode("\n", $setting['badwords']) as $v) {
                $v = Trim($v);
                if ($v) {
                    $A[] = $v;
                    $B[] = '*';
        $state = '禁用';
        $location = getlink('template', 'stylevar', array('message' => 7, 'stylevarid' => $stylevarid));
    } else {
        $visible = 1;
        $state = '启用';
        $location = getlink('template', 'stylevar', array('message' => 8, 'stylevarid' => $stylevarid));
    $DB->unbuffered_query("UPDATE {$db_prefix}stylevars SET visible='{$visible}' WHERE stylevarid='{$stylevarid}'");
    header("Location: {$location}");
if ($action == 'addstylevar' || $action == 'modstylevar') {
    $new_title = strtolower(sax_addslashes($_POST['new_title']));
    $new_value = sax_addslashes($_POST['new_value']);
    $new_description = char_cv($_POST['new_description']);
    $goaction = str_replace('stylevar', '', $action);
    if ($new_title) {
        if (!preg_match("/^[a-z]+[a-z0-9_]*\$/i", $new_title)) {
            $location = getlink('template', $goaction, array('message' => 9, 'stylevarid' => $stylevarid));
        if ($action == 'addstylevar') {
            $query = $DB->query("SELECT COUNT(stylevarid) FROM {$db_prefix}stylevars WHERE title='{$new_title}'");
        } else {
            $query = $DB->query("SELECT COUNT(stylevarid) FROM {$db_prefix}stylevars WHERE title='{$new_title}' AND stylevarid!='{$stylevarid}'");
        if ($DB->result($query, 0)) {
            $location = getlink('template', $goaction, array('message' => 10, 'stylevarid' => $stylevarid));
        } else {
            if ($action == 'addstylevar') {
                $DB->query("INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}stylevars (title, value, description) VALUES ('{$new_title}', '{$new_value}', '{$new_description}')");
Esempio n. 10
            if ($cids) {
                $aids = get_cids($cids);
                $query_sql .= " AND articleid IN ({$aids})";
            $query_sql .= " AND ({$sqltxtsrch}) ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 500";
            $totals = 0;
            $ids = $comma = '';
            $query = $DB->query($query_sql);
            while ($article = $DB->fetch_array($query)) {
                $ids .= $comma . $article['articleid'];
                $comma = ',';
            $DB->query("INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}searchindex (keywords, searchstring, dateline, expiration, totals, ids, ipaddress, uid) VALUES ('" . char_cv($keywords) . "', '{$searchstring}', '{$timestamp}', '" . ($timestamp + 3600) . "', '{$totals}', '{$ids}', '{$onlineip}', '{$sax_uid}')");
            $searchid = $DB->insert_id();
        $gourl = getsearchlink($searchid);
        if ($options['showmsg']) {
            message('搜索成功完成,现在将转入结果页面.', $gourl);
        } else {
            $gourl = str_replace("&amp;", "&", $gourl);
            @header("Location: " . $gourl);
message('未定义操作', $referer);
// 检查用户提交内容合法性
function checkcontent($content)
     $location = getlink('category', $goaction, array('message' => 2));
 $new_name = char_cv($new_name);
 if ($action == 'add') {
     $r = $DB->fetch_one_array("SELECT mid FROM {$db_prefix}metas WHERE type='{$type}' AND name='{$new_name}' LIMIT 1");
 } else {
     $r = $DB->fetch_one_array("SELECT mid FROM {$db_prefix}metas WHERE type='{$type}' AND mid!='{$mid}' AND name='{$new_name}' LIMIT 1");
 if ($r) {
     $location = getlink('category', $goaction, array('message' => 3));
 if ($new_url) {
     if (!checkalias($new_url)) {
         $location = getlink('category', $goaction, array('message' => 4));
     } else {
         $new_url = char_cv($new_url);
         if ($action == 'add') {
             $r = $DB->fetch_one_array("SELECT mid FROM {$db_prefix}metas WHERE type='{$type}' AND slug='{$new_url}' LIMIT 1");
         } else {
             $r = $DB->fetch_one_array("SELECT mid FROM {$db_prefix}metas WHERE type='{$type}' AND slug='{$new_url}' AND mid!='{$mid}' LIMIT 1");
         if ($r) {
             $location = getlink('category', $goaction, array('message' => 5));
 } else {
     $new_url = $new_name;
 if (!$location) {
     if ($action == 'add') {
         insert_meta($new_name, $new_url, $type);