Esempio n. 1
function featureExtractor($tweet)
    $tweet = removeUrlAndUserNames($tweet);
    $tweet = replaceEmoticons($tweet);
    $tweet = changeCase($tweet);
    $tweet = separateWords($tweet);
    $tweet = stripSpecialChar($tweet);
    $tweet = removeEmptyWords($tweet);
    $tweet = removeStopWords($tweet);
    $tweet = replaceMultiLetterSpelling($tweet);
    return $tweet;
Esempio n. 2

include '../../function.php';
$letter = array('a' => 'A', 'b' => 'B', 'c' => array('d' => 'D', 'e' => 'E', 'f' => 'F'), 'g' => 'G');
function changeCase($arr)
    // 遍历
    foreach ($arr as $key => $value) {
        // 判断
        if (is_array($value)) {
            // 改变下标为大写
            $newarr = array_change_key_case($valueC, ASE_UPPER);
            return $newarr;
$re = changeCase($letter);

Esempio n. 3
function csaToRefbase($sourceText, $importRecordsRadio, $importRecordNumbersArray)
    global $alnum, $alpha, $cntrl, $dash, $digit, $graph, $lower, $print, $punct, $space, $upper, $word, $patternModifiers;
    // defined in '' and ''
    global $errors;
    global $showSource;
    // Defines the pattern by which the input text will be split into individual records:
    $recordDelimiter = "\\s*Record \\d+ of \\d+\\s*";
    // Split input text into individual records:
    $recordArray = splitSourceText($sourceText, $recordDelimiter, false);
    // split input text on the header text preceeding each CSA record (e.g. "\nRecord 4 of 52\n")
    // Count how many records are available:
    $recordsCount = count($recordArray);
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
    // Note that source data must begin with "\nRecord x of xx\n" and that (opposed to the handling in 'import_csa_modify.php') any text preceeding the source data isn't removed but treated as the first record!
    // This array lists patterns which match all CSA tags that must occur within a record to be recognized as valid CSA record:
    // (Array keys must contain the tag name as it should be displayed to the user; as is the case with search & replace actions,
    //  the search patterns MUST include the leading & trailing slashes.)
    //	 							"tag display name" =>  "tag search pattern"
    $requiredTagsArray = array("title" => "/^TI: Title *[\r\n]+ {4,4}/m", "author (or editor)" => "/^(AU: Author|ED: Editor) *[\r\n]+ {4,4}/m", "source" => "/^SO: Source *[\r\n]+ {4,4}/m");
    // Validate all records that shall be imported:
    list($errors, $importRecordNumbersRecognizedFormatArray, $importRecordNumbersNotRecognizedFormatArray) = validateRecords($recordArray, $requiredTagsArray, $importRecordsRadio, $importRecordNumbersArray, $errors);
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
    $parsedRecordsArray = array();
    // initialize array variable which will hold parsed data of all records that shall be imported
    for ($i = 0; $i < $recordsCount; $i++) {
        // if we're NOT supposed to import this record (because it was either not selected by the user -OR- because it did contain an unrecognized data format)
        if (!in_array($i + 1, $importRecordNumbersRecognizedFormatArray)) {
            // process next record (if any)
        } else {
            $singleRecord = $recordArray[$i];
            // if the "AU: Author" field is missing BUT the "ED: Editor" is present (which is allowed for book monographs):
            // we replace the "ED: Editor" field identifier with "AU: Author" (this will keep any " (ed)" and " (eds)" tags in place which, in turn, will cause the "is Editor" checkbox in 'record.php' to get marked)
            if (!preg_match("/^AU: Author *[\r\n]+ {4,4}/m", $singleRecord) and preg_match("/^ED: Editor *[\r\n]+ {4,4}/m", $singleRecord) and preg_match("/^(PT: Publication Type\\s+Book Monograph|DT: Document Type\\s+B)/m", $singleRecord)) {
                $singleRecord = preg_replace("/^ED: Editor(?= *[\r\n]+ {4,4})/m", "AU: Author", $singleRecord);
            // split each record into its fields:
            $fieldArray = preg_split("/[\r\n]+(?=\\w\\w: )/", $singleRecord);
            // initialize some variables:
            $fieldParametersArray = array();
            // setup an empty array (it will hold all fields that were extracted for a given record)
            $additionalDocumentTypeInfo = "";
            // will be used with the "PT: Publication Type" field
            $environmentalRegime = "";
            // will be used with the "ER: Environmental Regime" field
            // check if the fields "MT: Monograph Title", "JN: Journal Name", "JV: Journal Volume", "JI: Journal Issue" and "JP: Journal Pages" are present,
            // if not, we attempt to generate them from the "SO: Source" field:
            $sourceField = preg_replace("/.*SO: Source *[\r\n]+ {4,4}(.+?)(?=([\r\n]+\\w\\w: |\\s*\\z)).*/ms", "\\1", $singleRecord);
            // first, we need to extract the "SO: Source" field data from the record text
            $sourceField = preg_replace("/\\s{2,}/", " ", $sourceField);
            // remove any hard returns and extra spaces within the source field data string
            // if the current record is of type "Book Monograph" but the field "MT: Monograph Title" is missing:
            if (preg_match("/^(PT: Publication Type\\s+Book Monograph|DT: Document Type\\s+B)/m", $singleRecord) and !preg_match("/^MT: Monograph Title *[\r\n]+ {4,4}/m", $singleRecord)) {
                $extractedSourceFieldData = preg_replace("/^([^.[]+).*/", "\\1", $sourceField);
                // attempt to extract the full monograph title from the source field
                if (preg_match("/^[{$upper}\\W\\d]+\$/{$patternModifiers}", $extractedSourceFieldData)) {
                    // if all of the words within the monograph title are uppercase, we attempt to convert the string to something more readable:
                    // perform case transformation (e.g. convert "BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY OF GLACIAL RELICT CRUSTACEA" into "Biology And Ecology Of Glacial Relict Crustacea")
                    $extractedSourceFieldData = changeCase('title', $extractedSourceFieldData);
                // function 'changeCase()' is defined in ''
                $fieldArray[] = "MT: Monograph Title\r\n    " . $extractedSourceFieldData;
                // add field "MT: Monograph Title" to the array of fields
            } elseif (!preg_match("/^JN: Journal Name *[\r\n]+ {4,4}/m", $singleRecord)) {
                if (preg_match("/\\[/", $sourceField)) {
                    // if the source field data contain a square bracket we assume a format like: "Journal of Phycology [J. Phycol.]. Vol. 37, no. s3, pp. 18-18. Jun 2001."
                    $extractedSourceFieldData = preg_replace("/^([^.[]+).*/", "\\1", $sourceField);
                } else {
                    // source field format might be something like: "Phycologia, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 135-144, 1995"
                    $extractedSourceFieldData = preg_replace("/^([^.,]+).*/", "\\1", $sourceField);
                // attempt to extract the full journal name from the source field
                if (preg_match("/^[{$upper}\\W\\d]+\$/{$patternModifiers}", $extractedSourceFieldData)) {
                    // if all of the words within the journal name are uppercase, we attempt to convert the string to something more readable:
                    // perform case transformation (e.g. convert "POLAR BIOLOGY" into "Polar Biology")
                    $extractedSourceFieldData = changeCase('title', $extractedSourceFieldData);
                $fieldArray[] = "JN: Journal Name\r\n    " . $extractedSourceFieldData;
                // add field "JN: Journal Name" to the array of fields
            // if the "JV: Journal Volume" is missing BUT the "SO: Source" field contains a volume specification:
            if (!preg_match("/^JV: Journal Volume *[\r\n]+ {4,4}/m", $singleRecord) and preg_match("/(?<=\\W)vol[. ]+[\\w\\/-]+/i", $sourceField)) {
                $extractedSourceFieldData = preg_replace("/.*(?<=\\W)vol[. ]+([\\w\\/-]+).*/i", "\\1", $sourceField);
                // attempt to extract the journal volume from the source field
                $fieldArray[] = "JV: Journal Volume\r\n    " . $extractedSourceFieldData;
                // add field "JV: Journal Volume" to the array of fields
            // if the "JI: Journal Issue" is missing BUT the "SO: Source" field contains an issue specification:
            if (!preg_match("/^JI: Journal Issue *[\r\n]+ {4,4}/m", $singleRecord) and preg_match("/(?<=\\W)no[. ]+[\\w\\/-]+/i", $sourceField)) {
                $extractedSourceFieldData = preg_replace("/.*(?<=\\W)no[. ]+([\\w\\/-]+).*/i", "\\1", $sourceField);
                // attempt to extract the journal issue from the source field
                $fieldArray[] = "JI: Journal Issue\r\n    " . $extractedSourceFieldData;
                // add field "JI: Journal Issue" to the array of fields
            // if the "JP: Journal Pages" is missing BUT the "SO: Source" field contains a pages specification:
            if (!preg_match("/^JP: Journal Pages *[\r\n]+ {4,4}/m", $singleRecord) and preg_match("/((?<=\\W)pp?[. ]+[\\w\\/,-]+|[\\d,]+ *pp\\b)/i", $sourceField)) {
                if (preg_match("/(?<=\\W)pp?[. ]+[\\w\\/,-]+/i", $sourceField)) {
                    // e.g. "pp. 212-217" or "p. 216" etc
                    $extractedSourceFieldData = preg_replace("/.*(?<=\\W)pp?[. ]+([\\w\\/,-]+).*/i", "\\1", $sourceField);
                } elseif (preg_match("/[\\d,]+ *pp\\b/", $sourceField)) {
                    // e.g. "452 pp"
                    $extractedSourceFieldData = preg_replace("/.*?([\\d,]+ *pp)\\b.*/i", "\\1", $sourceField);
                // attempt to extract the journal pages from the source field
                $extractedSourceFieldData = preg_replace("/,/", "", $extractedSourceFieldData);
                // remove any thousands separators from journal pages
                $fieldArray[] = "JP: Journal Pages\r\n    " . $extractedSourceFieldData;
                // add field "JP: Journal Pages" to the array of fields
            // Additionally, we extract the abbreviated journal name from the "SO: Source" field (if available):
            if (preg_match("/\\[/", $sourceField)) {
                $extractedSourceFieldData = preg_replace("/.*\\[(.+?)\\].*/", "\\1", $sourceField);
                // attempt to extract the abbreviated journal name from the source field
                $extractedSourceFieldData = preg_replace("/\\./", "", $extractedSourceFieldData);
                // remove any dots from the abbreviated journal name
                if (preg_match("/^[{$upper}\\W\\d]+\$/{$patternModifiers}", $extractedSourceFieldData)) {
                    // if all of the words within the abbreviated journal name are uppercase, we attempt to convert the string to something more readable:
                    // perform case transformation (e.g. convert "BALT SEA ENVIRON PROC" into "Balt Sea Environ Proc")
                    $extractedSourceFieldData = changeCase('title', $extractedSourceFieldData);
                $fieldArray[] = "JA: Abbrev Journal Name\r\n    " . $extractedSourceFieldData;
                // add field "JA: Abbrev Journal Name" to the array of fields (note that this field normally does NOT occur within the CSA full record format!)
            // LOOP OVER EACH FIELD:
            foreach ($fieldArray as $singleField) {
                $singleField = preg_replace("/^(\\w\\w: [^\r\n]+)[\r\n]+ {4,4}/", "\\1___LabelDataSplitter___", $singleField);
                // insert a unique text string between the field identifier and the field data
                $fieldLabelPlusDataArray = preg_split("/___LabelDataSplitter___/", $singleField);
                // split each field into a 2-element array containing [0] the field identifier and [1] the field data
                $fieldLabel = $fieldLabelPlusDataArray[0];
                $fieldData = $fieldLabelPlusDataArray[1];
                $fieldData = preg_replace("/\\s{2,}/", " ", $fieldData);
                // remove any hard returns and extra spaces within the data string
                $fieldData = trim($fieldData);
                // remove any preceeding and trailing whitespace from the field data
                if (preg_match("/AU: Author/", $fieldLabel)) {
                    $fieldData = preg_replace("/\\*/", "", $fieldData);
                    // remove any asterisk ("*")
                    $fieldData = standardizePersonNames($fieldData, true, " *; *", " *, *", true);
                    // standardize person names
                } elseif (preg_match("/ED: Editor/", $fieldLabel)) {
                    $fieldData = preg_replace("/ \\(eds?\\)(?= *\$| *;)/", "", $fieldData);
                    // remove " (ed)" and/or " (eds)"
                    $fieldData = standardizePersonNames($fieldData, true, " *; *", " *, *", true);
                    // standardize person names
                } elseif (preg_match("/TI: Title|AB: Abstract/", $fieldLabel)) {
                    if (preg_match("/TI: Title/", $fieldLabel)) {
                        $fieldData = preg_replace("/--/", "-", $fieldData);
                        // remove en-dash markup
                        $fieldData = preg_replace("/ *\\. *\$/", "", $fieldData);
                        // remove any dot from end of title
                    if (preg_match("/ su(b|per)\\(.+?\\)/", $fieldData)) {
                        $fieldData = preg_replace("/ (su(?:b|per))\\((.+?)\\)/", "[\\1:\\2]", $fieldData);
                    // transform " sub(...)" & " super(...)" markup into "[sub:...]" & "[super:...]" markup
                    if (preg_match("/(?<= )mu /", $fieldData)) {
                        $fieldData = preg_replace("/(?<= )mu /", "[mu]", $fieldData);
                    // transform "mu " markup into "[mu]" markup
                // BUILD FIELD PARAMETERS:
                // build an array of key/value pairs:
                // "AU: Author":
                if (preg_match("/AU: Author/", $fieldLabel)) {
                    $fieldParametersArray['author'] = $fieldData;
                } elseif (preg_match("/TI: Title/", $fieldLabel)) {
                    $fieldParametersArray['title'] = $fieldData;
                } elseif (preg_match("/PT: Publication Type/", $fieldLabel)) {
                    if (preg_match("/[;:,.]/", $fieldData)) {
                        $correctDocumentType = preg_replace("/(.+?)\\s*[;:,.]\\s*.*/", "\\1", $fieldData);
                        // extract everything before this delimiter
                        $additionalDocumentTypeInfo = preg_replace("/.*?\\s*[;:,.]\\s*(.+)/", "\\1", $fieldData);
                        // extract everything after this delimiter
                        $additionalDocumentTypeInfo = $additionalDocumentTypeInfo;
                        // this info will be appended to any notes field data (see below)
                    } else {
                        // we take the "PT: Publication Type" field contents as they are
                        $correctDocumentType = $fieldData;
                    // Note that for books the "PT: Publication Type" field will always start with "Book Monograph", no matter whether the referenced
                    // publication is a whole book or just a book chapter within that book! This is a design flaw within the CSA full record format.
                    // So we can only apply some "good guessing" whether the current record actually references a complete book or just a book chapter:
                    if (preg_match("/^(PT: Publication Type\\s+Book Monograph|DT: Document Type\\s+B)/m", $singleRecord)) {
                        // and if the source field contains some page specification like "213 pp." (AND NOT something like "pp. 76-82" or "p. 216")...
                        if (preg_match("/[\\d,]+ *pp\\b/i", $sourceField) and !preg_match("/(?<=\\W)pp?[. ]+[\\w\\/,-]+/i", $sourceField)) {
                            $correctDocumentType = "Book Whole";
                        } else {
                            $correctDocumentType = "Book Chapter";
                        // ...otherwise we assume its a book chapter (which may NOT always be correct!)
                    $fieldParametersArray['type'] = $correctDocumentType;
                } elseif (preg_match("/PY: Publication Year/", $fieldLabel)) {
                    $fieldParametersArray['year'] = $fieldData;
                } elseif (preg_match("/JN: Journal Name/", $fieldLabel)) {
                    // if the current record is of type "Book Monograph" AND the field "JN: Journal Name" was given within the *original* record data (i.e., before adding stuff to it):
                    if (preg_match("/^(PT: Publication Type\\s+Book Monograph|DT: Document Type\\s+B)/m", $singleRecord) and preg_match("/^JN: Journal Name *[\r\n]+ {4,4}/m", $singleRecord)) {
                        // for book monographs the publication title is given in "MT: Monograph Title"; if a "JN: Journal Name" was originally provided as well, we assume, it's the series title:
                        $fieldParametersArray['series_title'] = $fieldData;
                    } else {
                        $fieldParametersArray['publication'] = $fieldData;
                } elseif (preg_match("/JA: Abbrev Journal Name/", $fieldLabel)) {
                    if (preg_match("/^(PT: Publication Type\\s+Book Monograph|DT: Document Type\\s+B)/m", $singleRecord)) {
                        // if the current record is of type "Book Monograph"
                        // for book monographs the publication title is given in "MT: Monograph Title"; if a "JA: Abbrev Journal Name" is provided as well, we assume, it's the abbreviated series title:
                        $fieldParametersArray['abbrev_series_title'] = $fieldData;
                    } else {
                        $fieldParametersArray['abbrev_journal'] = $fieldData;
                } elseif (preg_match("/MT: Monograph Title/", $fieldLabel)) {
                    // if the source field contains some page specification like "213 pp." (AND NOT something like "pp. 76-82" or "p. 216")...
                    if (preg_match("/[\\d,]+ *pp\\b/i", $sourceField) and !preg_match("/(?<=\\W)pp?[. ]+[\\w\\/,-]+/i", $sourceField)) {
                        // ...we assume its a whole book (see above comment), in which case we assign the monograph title to the series title field:
                        $fieldParametersArray['series_title'] = $fieldData;
                    } else {
                        $fieldParametersArray['publication'] = $fieldData;
                } elseif (preg_match("/JV: Journal Volume/", $fieldLabel)) {
                    if (preg_match("/^(PT: Publication Type\\s+Book Monograph|DT: Document Type\\s+B)/m", $singleRecord)) {
                        // if the current record is of type "Book Monograph"
                        // for book monographs, if there's a volume given, we assume, it's the series volume:
                        $fieldParametersArray['series_volume'] = $fieldData;
                    } else {
                        $fieldParametersArray['volume'] = $fieldData;
                } elseif (preg_match("/JI: Journal Issue/", $fieldLabel)) {
                    if (preg_match("/^(PT: Publication Type\\s+Book Monograph|DT: Document Type\\s+B)/m", $singleRecord)) {
                        // if the current record is of type "Book Monograph"
                        // for book monographs, if there's an issue given, we assume, it's the series issue:
                        $fieldParametersArray['series_issue'] = $fieldData;
                    } else {
                        $fieldParametersArray['issue'] = $fieldData;
                } elseif (preg_match("/JP: Journal Pages/", $fieldLabel)) {
                    $fieldParametersArray['pages'] = $fieldData;
                } elseif (preg_match("/AF: (Author )?Affilia?tion/", $fieldLabel)) {
                    $fieldParametersArray['address'] = $fieldData;
                } elseif (preg_match("/CA: Corporate Author/", $fieldLabel)) {
                    $fieldParametersArray['corporate_author'] = $fieldData;
                } elseif (preg_match("/DE: Descriptors/", $fieldLabel)) {
                    // currently, the fields "KW: Keywords" and "ID: Identifiers" are ignored!
                    $fieldParametersArray['keywords'] = $fieldData;
                } elseif (preg_match("/AB: Abstract/", $fieldLabel)) {
                    $fieldParametersArray['abstract'] = $fieldData;
                } elseif (preg_match("/PB: Publisher/", $fieldLabel)) {
                    if (preg_match("/^[{$upper}\\W\\d]+\$/{$patternModifiers}", $fieldData)) {
                        // if all of the words within the publisher name are uppercase, we attempt to convert the string to something more readable:
                        // perform case transformation (e.g. convert "ELSEVIER SCIENCE B.V." into "Elsevier Science B.V.")
                        $fieldData = changeCase('title', $fieldData);
                    $fieldParametersArray['publisher'] = $fieldData;
                } elseif (preg_match("/ED: Editor/", $fieldLabel)) {
                    $fieldParametersArray['editor'] = $fieldData;
                } elseif (preg_match("/LA: Language/", $fieldLabel)) {
                    $fieldParametersArray['language'] = $fieldData;
                } elseif (preg_match("/SL: Summary Language/", $fieldLabel)) {
                    $fieldParametersArray['summary_language'] = $fieldData;
                } elseif (preg_match("/OT: Original Title/", $fieldLabel)) {
                    $fieldParametersArray['orig_title'] = $fieldData;
                } elseif (preg_match("/IS: ISSN/", $fieldLabel)) {
                    $fieldParametersArray['issn'] = $fieldData;
                } elseif (preg_match("/IB: ISBN/", $fieldLabel)) {
                    $fieldParametersArray['isbn'] = $fieldData;
                } elseif (preg_match("/ER: Environmental Regime/", $fieldLabel)) {
                    $environmentalRegime = $fieldData;
                } elseif (preg_match("/CF: Conference/", $fieldLabel)) {
                    $fieldParametersArray['conference'] = $fieldData;
                } elseif (preg_match("/NT: Notes/", $fieldLabel)) {
                    $fieldParametersArray['notes'] = $fieldData;
                } elseif (preg_match("/DO: DOI/", $fieldLabel)) {
                    $fieldParametersArray['doi'] = $fieldData;
            // (END LOOP OVER EACH FIELD)
            if (!empty($showSource)) {
                // if we're supposed to display the original source data
                // append original source field data (they will be presented within the header message of 'record.php' for easy comparison with the extracted data):
                $fieldParametersArray['source'] = $sourceField;
            // we'll hack the "notes" element in order to append additional info:
            // (this cannot be done earlier above since we don't know about the presence & order of fields within the source text!)
            if (!empty($additionalDocumentTypeInfo)) {
                if (isset($fieldParametersArray['notes'])) {
                    // and if the notes element is present
                    $fieldParametersArray['notes'] = $fieldParametersArray['notes'] . "; " . $additionalDocumentTypeInfo;
                } else {
                    // the notes parameter wasn't specified yet
                    $fieldParametersArray['notes'] = $additionalDocumentTypeInfo;
                // add notes element with additional info from "PT: Publication Type" field
            if (!empty($environmentalRegime)) {
                if (isset($fieldParametersArray['notes'])) {
                    // and if the notes element is present
                    $fieldParametersArray['notes'] = $fieldParametersArray['notes'] . "; " . $environmentalRegime;
                } else {
                    // the notes parameter wasn't specified yet
                    $fieldParametersArray['notes'] = $environmentalRegime;
                // add notes element with "ER: Environmental Regime" field data
            // Append the array of extracted field data to the main data array which holds all records to import:
            $parsedRecordsArray[] = $fieldParametersArray;
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
    $importDataArray = buildImportArray("refbase", "1.0", "", "Matthias Steffens", "*****@*****.**", array('prefix_call_number' => "true"), $parsedRecordsArray);
    // 'records' - array of record(s) (with each record being a sub-array of fields)
    return array($importDataArray, $recordsCount, $importRecordNumbersRecognizedFormatArray, $importRecordNumbersNotRecognizedFormatArray, $errors);
Esempio n. 4
function handleFileUploads($uploadFile, $formVars)
    global $filesBaseDir;
    // these variables are defined in ''
    global $moveFilesIntoSubDirectories;
    global $dirNamingScheme;
    global $renameUploadedFiles;
    global $fileNamingScheme;
    global $handleNonASCIIChars;
    global $allowedFileNameCharacters;
    global $allowedDirNameCharacters;
    global $changeCaseInFileNames;
    global $changeCaseInDirNames;
    $tmpFilePath = $uploadFile["tmp_name"];
    // Generate file name:
    if ($renameUploadedFiles == "yes") {
        if (preg_match("/.+\\.[^.]+\$/i", $uploadFile["name"])) {
            // preserve any existing file name extension
            $fileNameExtension = preg_replace("/.+(\\.[^.]+)\$/i", "\\1", $uploadFile["name"]);
        } else {
            $fileNameExtension = "";
        // auto-generate a file name according to the naming scheme given in '$fileNamingScheme':
        $newFileName = parsePlaceholderString($formVars, $fileNamingScheme, "<:serial:>");
        // function 'parsePlaceholderString()' is defined in ''
        // handle non-ASCII and unwanted characters:
        $newFileName = handleNonASCIIAndUnwantedCharacters($newFileName, $allowedFileNameCharacters, $handleNonASCIIChars);
        // function 'handleNonASCIIAndUnwantedCharacters()' is defined in ''
        // add original file name extension:
        $newFileName .= $fileNameExtension;
    } else {
        // take the file name as given by the user:
        $newFileName = $uploadFile["name"];
    // Generate directory structure:
    if ($moveFilesIntoSubDirectories != "never") {
        // remove any slashes (i.e., directory delimiter(s)) from the beginning or end of '$dirNamingScheme':
        $dirNamingScheme = trimTextPattern($dirNamingScheme, "[\\/\\\\]+", true, true);
        // function 'trimTextPattern()' is defined in ''
        $dirNamingSchemePartsArray = preg_split("#[/\\\\]+#", $dirNamingScheme);
        // split on slashes to separate between multiple sub-directories
        $subDirNamesArray = array();
        // initialize array variable which will hold the generated sub-directory names
        // auto-generate a directory name according to the naming scheme given in '$dirNamingScheme'
        // and handle non-ASCII chars plus unwanted characters:
        foreach ($dirNamingSchemePartsArray as $dirNamingSchemePart) {
            // parse given placeholder string:
            $subDirName = parsePlaceholderString($formVars, $dirNamingSchemePart, "");
            // function 'parsePlaceholderString()' is defined in ''
            // handle non-ASCII and unwanted characters:
            $subDirName = handleNonASCIIAndUnwantedCharacters($subDirName, $allowedDirNameCharacters, $handleNonASCIIChars);
            // function 'handleNonASCIIAndUnwantedCharacters()' is defined in ''
            if (!empty($subDirName)) {
                $subDirNamesArray[] = $subDirName;
        if (!empty($subDirNamesArray)) {
            $subDirName = implode("/", $subDirNamesArray) . "/";
        } else {
            $subDirName = "";
    } else {
        $subDirName = "";
    // Perform any case transformations:
    // change case of file name:
    if (preg_match("/^(lower|upper)\$/i", $changeCaseInFileNames)) {
        $newFileName = changeCase($changeCaseInFileNames, $newFileName);
    // function 'changeCase()' is defined in ''
    // change case of DIR name:
    if (preg_match("/^(lower|upper)\$/i", $changeCaseInDirNames) && !empty($subDirName)) {
        $subDirName = changeCase($changeCaseInDirNames, $subDirName);
    // Generate full destination path:
    // - if '$moveFilesIntoSubDirectories = "existing"' and there's an existing sub-directory (within the default files directory '$filesBaseDir')
    //   whose name equals '$subDirName' we'll copy the new file into that sub-directory
    // - if '$moveFilesIntoSubDirectories = "always"' and '$subDirName' isn't empty, we'll generate an appropriately named sub-directory if it
    //   doesn't exist yet
    // - otherwise we just copy the file to the root-level of '$filesBaseDir':
    if (!empty($subDirName) && ($moveFilesIntoSubDirectories == "existing" and is_dir($filesBaseDir . $subDirName) or $moveFilesIntoSubDirectories == "always")) {
        $destFilePath = $filesBaseDir . $subDirName . $newFileName;
        // new file will be copied into sub-directory within '$filesBaseDir'...
        // copy the new subdir name & file name to the 'file' field variable:
        // Note: if a user uploads a file and there was already a file specified within the 'file' field, the old file will NOT get removed
        //       from the files directory! Automatic file removal is omitted on purpose since it's way more difficult to recover an
        //       inadvertently deleted file than to delete it manually. However, future versions should introduce a smarter way of handling
        //       orphaned files...
        $fileName = $subDirName . $newFileName;
        if ($moveFilesIntoSubDirectories == "always" and !is_dir($filesBaseDir . $subDirName)) {
            // make sure the directory we're moving the file to exists before proceeding:
            recursiveMkdir($filesBaseDir . $subDirName);
    } else {
        $destFilePath = $filesBaseDir . $newFileName;
        // new file will be copied to root-level of '$filesBaseDir'...
        $fileName = $newFileName;
        // copy the new file name to the 'file' field variable (see note above!)
    // Copy uploaded file from temporary location to the default file directory specified in '$filesBaseDir':
    // (for more on PHP file uploads see <>)
    move_uploaded_file($tmpFilePath, $destFilePath);
    return $fileName;
Esempio n. 5

$fh = fopen($argv[1], "r");
while (!feof($fh)) {
    $val = fgets($fh);
    if ($val != "") {
        $allChar = str_split(trim($val));
        $upperCase = true;
        foreach ($allChar as $char) {
            if (ctype_alpha($char)) {
                echo changeCase($char, $upperCase);
                $upperCase = !$upperCase;
            } else {
                echo $char;
        echo PHP_EOL;
function changeCase($char, $boolean)
    return $boolean ? strtoupper($char) : strtolower($char);