function connect($url, $withHeaders = true, $withCookies = false) { $this->time('reset'); global $wordpressPageName; $newfiles = array(); $process = true; $cache_setting = (int) get_option("cc_whmcs_bridge_sso_cache"); if (is_numeric($cache_setting) && $cache_setting > 0 && (substr($url, -4) == '.css' || substr($url, -3) == '.js' || substr($url, -4) == '.png' || substr($url, -4) == '.jpg' || substr($url, -5) == '.jpeg' || substr($url, -4) == '.gif')) { $cache_dir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../cache/'; $this->debug(0, 'Cacheable file - ' . $url); if (file_exists($cache_dir) && is_writable($cache_dir)) { $prefix = md5($url); foreach (glob($cache_dir . $prefix . '*') as $filename) { if (strpos($filename, '_') !== false) { $expires = explode('_', $filename); if (time() > $expires[count($expires) - 1]) { unlink($filename); $this->debug(0, 'Cache expired on - ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $expires[count($expires) - 1]) . ' - ' . $url); } else { $this->debug(0, 'Cache found for - ' . $url . ', fetching content from ' . $filename); $body = file_get_contents($filename); $this->body = $body; $process = false; } } } } } if ($process) { $this->debug(0, 'Not cached, processing file - ' . $url); if (function_exists('cc_whmcsbridge_sso_session')) { cc_whmcsbridge_sso_session(); } if (!session_id()) { @session_start(); } if (isset($_SESSION[$this->sid])) { $this->debug(0, 'session:' . print_r($_SESSION[$this->sid], true)); } $ch = curl_init(); // initialize curl handle //echo '<br />call:'.$url;echo '<br />post='.print_r($this->post,true).'=<br />headers='.print_r($this->httpHeaders,true).'<br />'; $this->debug(0, 'CURL call: ' . $url . (is_array($this->post) ? ' with ' . print_r($this->post, true) : '')); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); // set url to post to curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1); if ($withHeaders) { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); } if (get_option("cc_whmcs_bridge_affiliate_id") && is_numeric(get_option("cc_whmcs_bridge_affiliate_id")) && get_option("cc_whmcs_bridge_affiliate_id") > 0) { $this->httpHeaders[] = 'bridgeaffiliate: ' . get_option("cc_whmcs_bridge_affiliate_id"); } $this->httpHeaders[] = 'bridgeon: 1'; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $this->httpHeaders); //avoid 417 errors curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); // return into a variable curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); //cloudflare debug curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FORBID_REUSE, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT, 1); //CURLOPT_REFERER - The contents of the "Referer: " header to be used in a HTTP request. //CURLOPT_INTERFACE - The name of the outgoing network interface to use. This can be an interface name, an IP address or a host name. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 120); // times out after 120s if ($this->_protocol == "https") { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, NULL); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CAPATH, NULL); //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, 3); } // gzip //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_ENCODING, ""); // quicker lookup //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE, CURL_IPRESOLVE_V4); $cookies = ""; $cookies = apply_filters('bridgeHttpRequest_pre', $cookies); if (isset($_SESSION[$this->sid]['cookie-array']) && count($_SESSION[$this->sid]['cookie-array']) > 0) { foreach ($_SESSION[$this->sid]['cookie-array'] as $n => $v) { if ($cookies) { $cookies .= ';'; } $cookies .= $v; } } //echo '<br />cookie before='.$cookies.'='; if ($cookies) { $this->debug(0, 'Cookie before:' . print_r($cookies, true)); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIE, $cookies); } $_SESSION['cookieCache'] = $cookies; if (count($_FILES) > 0) { foreach ($_FILES as $name => $file) { if (is_array($file['tmp_name']) && count($file['tmp_name']) > 0) { $c = count($file['tmp_name']); for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) { if ($file['tmp_name'][$i]) { $newfile = BLOGUPLOADDIR . $file['name'][$i]; $newfiles[] = $newfile; copy($file['tmp_name'][$i], $newfile); if ($file['tmp_name'][$i]) { $this->post[$name][$i] = '@' . $newfile . $this->mimeType($newfile); } } } } elseif ($file['tmp_name']) { $newfile = BLOGUPLOADDIR . $file['name']; $newfiles[] = $newfile; copy($file['tmp_name'], $newfile); if ($file['tmp_name']) { $this->post[$name] = '@' . $newfile . $this->mimeType($newfile); } } } } $apost = array(); if (count($this->post) > 0) { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); // set POST method $post = ""; $apost = array(); foreach ($this->post as $k => $v) { if (is_array($v)) { foreach ($v as $k2 => $v2) { if (is_array($v2)) { foreach ($v2 as $k3 => $v3) { if (is_array($v3)) { foreach ($v3 as $k4 => $v4) { $apost[$k . '[' . $k2 . ']' . '[' . $k3 . '][' . $k4 . ']'] = $v4; } } else { $apost[$k . '[' . $k2 . ']' . '[' . $k3 . ']'] = $v3; } } } else { $apost[$k . '[' . $k2 . ']'] = $v2; } } } else { $apost[$k] = $v; } } } if (count($apost) > 0) { // waiting for php 5.5's curlfiles support to be standard if (count($newfiles) > 0) { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $apost); } else { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($apost)); } } $data = curl_exec($ch); // run the whole process if (curl_errno($ch)) { $this->errno = curl_errno($ch); $this->error = curl_error($ch); $this->error('HTTP Error:' . $this->errno . '/' . $this->error . ' at ' . $url); return false; } $info = curl_getinfo($ch); $this->debug(0, 'Call information: ' . print_r($info, true)); if (!empty($data)) { $headerLength = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE); $head = trim(substr($data, 0, $headerLength)); if (strlen($data) > $headerLength) { $body = substr($data, $headerLength); } else { $body = ''; } if (false !== strpos($head, "\r\n\r\n")) { $headerParts = explode("\r\n\r\n", $head); $head = $headerParts[count($headerParts) - 1]; } $head = $this->processHeaders($head); $headers = $head['headers']; $cookies = $head['cookies']; } else { $headers = array(); $cookies = ''; $body = ''; $this->error('An undefined error occured'); return false; } if (isset($this->cookieArray['PHPSESSID']) && $this->cookieArray['PHPSESSID']) { $_SESSION[$this->sid]['sessid'] = $this->cookieArray['PHPSESSID']; } if ($cookies) { $this->debug(0, 'Cookie after:' . print_r($cookies, true)); if (!isset($_SESSION[$this->sid])) { $_SESSION[$this->sid] = array(); } if (isset($_SESSION[$this->sid]['sessid'])) { if (!strstr($cookies, 'PHPSESSID') && $cookies) { $cookies .= ';' . $_SESSION[$this->sid]['sessid']; } elseif (!strstr($cookies, 'PHPSESSID')) { $cookies = $_SESSION[$this->sid]['sessid']; } } $_SESSION[$this->sid]['cookies'] = $cookies; } //echo '<br />cookie after='.print_r($_SESSION[$this->sid]['cookies'],true).'='; if (is_array($cookies)) { $this->debug(0, 'Cookie after:' . print_r($cookies, true)); } curl_close($ch); //remove temporary upload files if (count($newfiles) > 0) { foreach ($newfiles as $file) { unlink($file); } } $this->headers = $headers; $this->data = $data; $this->cookies = $cookies; $this->body = $body; if ($headers['content-type']) { $this->type = $headers['content-type']; } $this->cookies = apply_filters('bridgeHttpRequest_post', $this->cookies); $this->debug(0, 'Call process completed in ' . $this->time('delta') . ' microseconds'); if ($this->follow && isset($headers['location']) && $headers['location']) { //echo '<br />redirect to:'.print_r($headers,true); //echo '<br />protocol='.$this->_protocol; //echo '<br />path='.$this->_path; $redir = $headers['location']; if ($this->os() == 'WINDOWS') { if (strpos($redir, $this->_protocol . '://' . $this->_host . $this->_path) === 0) { //do nothing } elseif (strstr($this->_protocol . '://' . $this->_host . $redir, $this->_protocol . '://' . $this->_host . $this->_path)) { $new_redir = $this->_protocol . '://' . $this->_host . $this->_path; if (strstr($new_redir, $redir) === false) { $new_redir .= $redir; } $redir = $new_redir; } elseif (!strstr($redir, $this->_host)) { $redir = $this->_protocol . '://' . $this->_host . $this->_path . $redir; } } else { if (strpos($redir, $this->_protocol . '://' . $this->_host . $this->_path) === 0) { //do nothing } elseif (strstr($this->_protocol . '://' . $this->_host . $redir, $this->_protocol . '://' . $this->_host . $this->_path)) { $redir = $this->_protocol . '://' . $this->_host . $redir; } elseif ((strpos($redir, 'http://') === 0 || strpos($redir, 'https://') === 0) && !strstr($redir, $this->_host)) { $this->redirect = true; return $redir; } elseif (!strstr($redir, $this->_host)) { $redir = $this->_protocol . '://' . $this->_host . $this->_path . $redir; } } $fwd = $this->forceWithRedirectToString($redir); if ($fwd) { if (strstr($redir, '&')) { $redir .= '&'; } elseif (strstr($redir, '?')) { $redir .= '&'; } else { $redir .= '?'; } $redir .= $fwd; } $this->debug(0, 'Redirect to: ' . $redir); if (strstr($redir, 'viewinvoice.php')) { $newRedir = cc_whmcs_bridge_parse_url($redir); if ($redir != $newRedir) { header('Location:' . $newRedir); die; } } else { if (strstr($redir, 'cpsess')) { header('location: ' . $redir); die; } else { if (strstr($redir, 'custom_page=reissue') || strstr($redir, 'custom_page=manage_validation') || strstr($url, 'dologin') !== false && !isset($this->post['bg'])) { $newRedir = cc_whmcs_bridge_parse_url($redir); if ($wordpressPageName) { $p = $wordpressPageName; } else { $p = '/'; } $this->debug(0, 'Processing redirect...'); if (strstr($url, 'dologin') !== false && class_exists('wpusers')) { $this->debug(0, 'Logging in to WordPress with ' . $this->post['username'] . '/' . $this->post['password']); $wpusers = new wpusers(); $wpusers->loginWpUser($this->post['username'], $this->post['password']); } if (get_option('cc_whmcs_bridge_permalinks') && function_exists('cc_whmcs_bridge_parser_with_permalinks')) { $f[] = '/.*\\/([a-zA-Z\\_]*?).php.(.*?)/'; $r[] = get_option('home') . $p . '/$1?$2'; $f[] = "/([a-zA-Z0-9\\_]*?).php.(.*?)/"; $r[] = get_option('home') . $p . '/$1?$2'; } else { $f[] = '/.*\\/([a-zA-Z\\_]*?).php.(.*?)/'; $r[] = get_option('home') . $p . '?ccce=$1&$2'; $f[] = "/([a-zA-Z0-9\\_]*?).php.(.*?)/"; $r[] = get_option('home') . $p . '?ccce=$1&$2'; } $this->debug(0, 'Location: ' . $newRedir); $newRedir = preg_replace($f, $r, $newRedir, -1, $count); header('Location:' . $newRedir); die; } } } if (!$this->repost) { $this->post = array(); } $this->countRedirects++; if ($this->countRedirects < 10) { //if ($redir != $url) { return $this->connect($redir, $withHeaders, $withCookies); //} } else { $this->error('ERROR: Too many redirects ' . $url . ' > ' . $headers['location'], E_USER_ERROR); return false; } } if (is_numeric($cache_setting) && $cache_setting > 0 && (substr($url, -4) == '.css' || substr($url, -3) == '.js' || substr($url, -4) == '.png' || substr($url, -4) == '.jpg' || substr($url, -5) == '.jpeg' || substr($url, -4) == '.gif')) { $cache_dir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../cache/'; if (file_exists($cache_dir) && is_writable($cache_dir)) { $filename = md5($url) . '_' . strtotime('+' . $cache_setting . ' minutes'); file_put_contents($cache_dir . $filename, $body); $this->debug(0, 'Cache written for ' . $url); } } return $body; } else { return $body; } }
function cc_whmcs_bridge_init() { ob_start(); if (function_exists('cc_whmcsbridge_sso_session')) { cc_whmcsbridge_sso_session(); } if (!session_id()) { @session_start(); } register_sidebars(1, array('name' => 'WHMCS Top Page Widget Area', 'id' => 'whmcs-top-page')); //register_sidebars(1,array('name'=>'WHMCS Bottom Page Widget Area','id'=>'whmcs-top-page',)); if (get_option('cc_whmcs_bridge_jquery') == 'wp') { wp_enqueue_script(array('jquery', 'jquery-ui', 'jquery-ui-slider', 'jquery-ui-button')); } if (is_admin() && isset($_REQUEST['page']) && $_REQUEST['page'] == 'cc-ce-bridge-cp') { wp_enqueue_script(array('jquery-ui-tabs')); wp_enqueue_style('jquery-style', ''); } }