  * Implementation of the Custom Header feature
  * Setup the WordPress core custom header feature and default custom headers packaged with the theme.
  * Note that this function is hooked into the after_setup_theme hook, which runs
  * before the init hook. The init hook is too late for some features, such as indicating
  * support post thumbnails.
 function catchbase_custom_header()
      * Get Theme Options Values
     $options = catchbase_get_theme_options();
     if ('light' == $options['color_scheme']) {
         $default_header_color = catchbase_get_default_theme_options();
         $default_header_color = $default_header_color['header_textcolor'];
     } else {
         if ('dark' == $options['color_scheme']) {
             $default_header_color = catchbase_default_dark_color_options();
             $default_header_color = $default_header_color['header_textcolor'];
     $args = array('default-text-color' => $default_header_color, 'default-image' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/headers/buddha.jpg', 'height' => 400, 'width' => 1200, 'flex-height' => true, 'flex-width' => true, 'random-default' => false, 'wp-head-callback' => 'catchbase_header_style', 'admin-head-callback' => 'catchbase_admin_header_style', 'admin-preview-callback' => 'catchbase_admin_header_image');
     $args = apply_filters('custom-header', $args);
     // Add support for custom header
     add_theme_support('custom-header', $args);
 * Returns list of color keys of array with default values for each color scheme as index
 * @since Catch Base Pro 3.0.2
function catchbase_color_list()
    // Get default color scheme values
    $default = catchbase_get_default_theme_options();
    // Get default dark color scheme valies
    $default_dark = catchbase_default_dark_color_options();
    // Get coloy keys for menu
    $catchbase_menu_color_option = catchbase_get_menu_color_options();
    // Get coloy keys for all other options except menu
    $catchbase_get_color_list = array_merge(catchbase_get_basic_color_options(), catchbase_get_header_color_options(), catchbase_get_content_color_options(), catchbase_get_sidebar_color_options(), catchbase_get_pagination_color_options(), catchbase_get_footer_color_options(), catchbase_get_promotion_headline_color_options(), catchbase_get_scrollup_color_options(), catchbase_get_slider_color_options(), catchbase_get_featured_content_color_options(), $catchbase_menu_color_option);
    // Set light and dark color keys with default values for each color scheme as index
    foreach ($catchbase_get_color_list as $color_option) {
        $lower_color_option = str_replace(array(' ', '/', '-'), '_', strtolower($color_option));
        $catchbase_color_list[$lower_color_option]['light'] = $default[$lower_color_option];
        $catchbase_color_list[$lower_color_option]['dark'] = $default_dark[$lower_color_option];
    //Add Secondary Menu Color Options
    foreach ($catchbase_menu_color_option as $color_option) {
        $lower_color_option = 'secondary_' . str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower($color_option));
        $catchbase_color_list[$lower_color_option]['light'] = $default[$lower_color_option];
        $catchbase_color_list[$lower_color_option]['dark'] = $default_dark[$lower_color_option];
        //Add Header Right Menu Color Options
        $lower_color_option = 'header_right_' . str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower($color_option));
        $catchbase_color_list[$lower_color_option]['light'] = $default[$lower_color_option];
        $catchbase_color_list[$lower_color_option]['dark'] = $default_dark[$lower_color_option];
        //Add Footer Menu Color Options
        $lower_color_option = 'footer_' . str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower($color_option));
        $catchbase_color_list[$lower_color_option]['light'] = $default[$lower_color_option];
        $catchbase_color_list[$lower_color_option]['dark'] = $default_dark[$lower_color_option];
    return $catchbase_color_list;
Esempio n. 3
  * Sets up theme defaults and registers support for various WordPress features.
  * Note that this function is hooked into the after_setup_theme hook, which runs
  * before the init hook. The init hook is too late for some features, such as indicating
  * support post thumbnails.
 function catchbase_setup()
      * Get Theme Options Values
     $options = catchbase_get_theme_options();
      * Make theme available for translation
      * Translations can be filed in the /languages/ directory
      * If you're building a theme based on catchbase, use a find and replace
      * to change 'catch-base' to the name of your theme in all the template files
     load_theme_textdomain('catch-base', get_template_directory() . '/languages');
      * Add default posts and comments RSS feed links to head
      * Enable support for Post Thumbnails on posts and pages
      * @link http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/add_theme_support#Post_Thumbnails
     // Add Catchbase custom image sizes
     add_image_size('catchbase-featured-content', 400, 225, true);
     // used in Featured Content Options Ratio 16:9
     add_image_size('catchbase-slider', 1200, 514, true);
     // used in Featured Slider Ratio 21:9
     //One Archive Image
     add_image_size('catchbase-featured', 780, 439, true);
     // used in Archive Landecape Ratio 16:9
      * This theme uses wp_nav_menu() in one location.
     register_nav_menus(array('primary' => __('Primary Menu', 'catch-base'), 'secondary' => __('Secondary Menu', 'catch-base')));
      * Enable support for Post Formats
     add_theme_support('post-formats', array('aside', 'image', 'video', 'quote', 'link'));
      * Setup the WordPress core custom background feature.
     if ('light' == $options['color_scheme']) {
         $default_bg_color = catchbase_get_default_theme_options();
         $default_bg_color = $default_bg_color['background_color'];
     } else {
         if ('dark' == $options['color_scheme']) {
             $default_bg_color = catchbase_default_dark_color_options();
             $default_bg_color = $default_bg_color['background_color'];
     add_theme_support('custom-background', apply_filters('catchbase_custom_background_args', array('default-color' => $default_bg_color)));
      * Setup Editor style
      * Setup title support for theme
      * Supported from WordPress version 4.1 onwards 
      * More Info: https://make.wordpress.org/core/2014/10/29/title-tags-in-4-1/
      * Setup Infinite Scroll using JetPack if navigation type is set
     $pagination_type = $options['pagination_type'];
     if ('infinite-scroll-click' == $pagination_type) {
         add_theme_support('infinite-scroll', array('type' => 'click', 'container' => 'main', 'footer' => 'page'));
     } else {
         if ('infinite-scroll-scroll' == $pagination_type) {
             add_theme_support('infinite-scroll', array('type' => 'scroll', 'container' => 'main', 'footer' => 'page'));
 * Returns list of color keys of array with default values for each color scheme as index
 * @since Catch Base 2.1
function catchbase_color_list()
    // Get default color scheme values
    $default = catchbase_get_default_theme_options();
    // Get default dark color scheme valies
    $default_dark = catchbase_default_dark_color_options();
    $catchbase_color_list['background_color']['light'] = $default['background_color'];
    $catchbase_color_list['background_color']['dark'] = $default_dark['background_color'];
    $catchbase_color_list['header_textcolor']['light'] = $default['header_textcolor'];
    $catchbase_color_list['header_textcolor']['dark'] = $default_dark['header_textcolor'];
    return $catchbase_color_list;
Esempio n. 5
  * Enqueue Custon CSS
  * @uses  set_transient, wp_head, wp_enqueue_style
  * @action wp_enqueue_scripts
  * @since Catch Base 1.0
 function catchbase_custom_css()
     $options = catchbase_get_theme_options();
     $defaults = catchbase_get_default_theme_options();
     $defaults_temp = $defaults;
     $fonts = catchbase_avaliable_fonts();
     $responsive_select = isset($options['responsive_select']) && $options['responsive_select'] ? 1 : 0;
     if (!($catchbase_custom_css = get_transient('catchbase_custom_css'))) {
         $catchbase_custom_css = '';
         $text_color = get_header_textcolor();
         //Change values of default colors if the scheme is dark
         if ('dark' == $options['color_scheme']) {
             $defaults = catchbase_default_dark_color_options();
         if ('blank' == $text_color) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= ".site-title a, .site-description { position: absolute !important; clip: rect(1px 1px 1px 1px); clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px); }" . "\n";
         } elseif (HEADER_TEXTCOLOR != $text_color) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= ".site-title a, .site-description { color: #" . $text_color . "; }" . "\n";
         //Basic Color Options
         if ($defaults['text_color'] != $options['text_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= "body, button, input, select, textarea { color: " . $options['text_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         if ($defaults['link_color'] != $options['link_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= "a { color: " . $options['link_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         if ($defaults['link_hover_color'] != $options['link_hover_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= "a:hover, a:focus, a:active { color: " . $options['link_hover_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         //Header Color Options
         if ($defaults['header_background_color'] != $options['header_background_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= "#masthead { background-color: " . $options['header_background_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         if ($defaults['site_title_hover_color'] != $options['site_title_hover_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= ".site-title a:hover { color: " . $options['site_title_hover_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         if ($defaults['tagline_color'] != $options['tagline_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= ".site-description { color: " . $options['tagline_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         //Content Color Options
         if ($defaults['content_wrapper_background_color'] != $options['content_wrapper_background_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= "#content { background-color: " . $options['content_wrapper_background_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         if ($defaults['content_background_color'] != $options['content_background_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= "#main { background-color: " . $options['content_background_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         if ($defaults['content_title_color'] != $options['content_title_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= ".page-title, #main .entry-title, #main .entry-title a { color: " . $options['content_title_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         if ($defaults['content_title_hover_color'] != $options['content_title_hover_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= "#main .entry-title a:hover { color: " . $options['content_title_hover_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         if ($defaults['content_meta_color'] != $options['content_meta_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= "#main .entry-meta a { color: " . $options['content_meta_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         if ($defaults['content_meta_hover_color'] != $options['content_meta_hover_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= "#main .entry-meta a:hover { color: " . $options['content_meta_hover_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         //Sidebar Color Options
         if ($defaults['sidebar_background_color'] != $options['sidebar_background_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= ".sidebar-primary, .sidebar-secondary { background-color: " . $options['sidebar_background_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         if ($defaults['sidebar_widget_title_color'] != $options['sidebar_widget_title_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= ".sidebar-primary .widget-wrap .widget-title, .sidebar-primary .widget-wrap .widget-title a, .sidebar-secondary .widget-wrap .widget-title, .widget-wrap .sidebar-secondary .widget-title a { color: " . $options['sidebar_widget_title_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         if ($defaults['sidebar_widget_text_color'] != $options['sidebar_widget_text_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= ".sidebar-primary .widget-wrap, .sidebar-secondary .widget-wrap { color: " . $options['sidebar_widget_text_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         if ($defaults['sidebar_widget_link_color'] != $options['sidebar_widget_link_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= ".sidebar-primary .widget-wrap a, .sidebar-secondary .widget-wrap a { color: " . $options['sidebar_widget_text_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         //Pagination Color Options
         if ($defaults['pagination_background_color'] != $options['pagination_background_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= "#nav-below, #infinite-handle { background-color: " . $options['pagination_background_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         if ($defaults['pagination_hover_background_color'] != $options['pagination_hover_background_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= "#nav-below:hover, #infinite-handle:hover { background-color: " . $options['pagination_hover_background_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         if ($defaults['pagination_text_color'] != $options['pagination_text_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= "#nav-below .wp-pagenavi span.pages, #infinite-handle span { color: " . $options['pagination_text_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         if ($defaults['pagination_link_color'] != $options['pagination_link_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= "#nav-below a, #nav-below .wp-pagenavi a, #nav-below .wp-pagenavi span, #infinite-handle span { color: " . $options['pagination_link_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         if ($defaults['pagination_hover_active_color'] != $options['pagination_hover_active_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= "#nav-below a:hover, #nav-below .wp-pagenavi a:hover, #nav-below .wp-pagenavi span.current, #infinite-handle span:hover, #infinite-handle span:hover { color: " . $options['pagination_hover_active_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         if ($defaults['numeric_infinite_scroll_background_color'] != $options['numeric_infinite_scroll_background_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= "#nav-below .wp-pagenavi a, #infinite-handle span { background-color: " . $options['numeric_infinite_scroll_background_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         if ($defaults['numeric_infinite_scroll_hover_background_color'] != $options['numeric_infinite_scroll_hover_background_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= "#nav-below .wp-pagenavi a:hover, #nav-below .wp-pagenavi span.current,  #infinite-handle span:hover { background-color: " . $options['numeric_infinite_scroll_hover_background_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         //Footer Color Options
         if ($defaults['footer_background_color'] != $options['footer_background_color'] || $defaults['footer_text_color'] != $options['footer_text_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= "#site-generator { background-color: " . $options['footer_background_color'] . "; color: " . $options['footer_text_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         if ($defaults['footer_link_color'] != $options['footer_link_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= "#site-generator a { color: " . $options['footer_link_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         if ($defaults['footer_sidebar_area_background_color'] != $options['footer_sidebar_area_background_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= "#supplementary { background-color: " . $options['footer_sidebar_area_background_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         if ($defaults['footer_widget_background_color'] != $options['footer_widget_background_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= "#supplementary .widget { background-color: " . $options['footer_widget_background_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         if ($defaults['footer_widget_title_color'] != $options['footer_widget_title_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= "#supplementary .widget-wrap .widget-title, #supplementary .widget-wrap .widget-title a { color: " . $options['footer_widget_title_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         if ($defaults['footer_widget_text_color'] != $options['footer_widget_text_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= "#supplementary .widget-wrap { color: " . $options['footer_widget_text_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         if ($defaults['footer_widget_link_color'] != $options['footer_widget_link_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= "#supplementary .widget-wrap a { color: " . $options['footer_widget_link_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         //Promotion Headline Color Options
         if ($defaults['promotion_headline_background_color'] != $options['promotion_headline_background_color'] || $defaults['promotion_headline_text_color'] != $options['promotion_headline_text_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= "#promotion-message { background-color: " . $options['promotion_headline_background_color'] . "; color: " . $options['promotion_headline_text_color'] . ";  }" . "\n";
         if ($defaults['promotion_headline_link_color'] != $options['promotion_headline_link_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= "#promotion-message a { color: " . $options['promotion_headline_link_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         if ($defaults['promotion_headline_button_background_color'] != $options['promotion_headline_button_background_color'] || $defaults['promotion_headline_button_text_color'] != $options['promotion_headline_button_text_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= "#promotion-message .right a { background-color: " . $options['promotion_headline_button_background_color'] . "; color: " . $options['promotion_headline_button_text_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         if ($defaults['promotion_headline_button_hover_background_color'] != $options['promotion_headline_button_hover_background_color'] || $defaults['promotion_headline_button_hover_text_color'] != $options['promotion_headline_button_hover_text_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= "#promotion-message .right a:hover { background-color: " . $options['promotion_headline_button_hover_background_color'] . "; color: " . $options['promotion_headline_button_hover_text_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         //Scrollup Color Options
         if ($defaults['scrollup_background_color'] != $options['scrollup_background_color'] || $defaults['scrollup_text_color'] != $options['scrollup_text_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= "#scrollup { background-color: " . $options['scrollup_background_color'] . "; color: " . $options['scrollup_text_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         if ($defaults['scrollup_hover_background_color'] != $options['scrollup_hover_background_color'] || $defaults['scrollup_hover_text_color'] != $options['scrollup_hover_text_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= "#scrollup:hover { background-color: " . $options['scrollup_hover_background_color'] . "; color: " . $options['scrollup_hover_text_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         //Slider Color Options
         if ($defaults['slider_background_color'] != $options['slider_background_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= "#feature-slider { background-color: " . $options['slider_background_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         if ($defaults['slider_text_color'] != $options['slider_text_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= "#feature-slider .entry-container { color: " . $options['slider_text_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         if ($defaults['slider_link_color'] != $options['slider_link_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= "#feature-slider .entry-container a { color: " . $options['slider_link_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         //Featured Content Color Options
         if ($defaults['featured_content_background_color'] != $options['featured_content_background_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= "#featured-content { background-color: " . $options['featured_content_background_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         if ($defaults['featured_content_title_color'] != $options['featured_content_title_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= "#featured-content .entry-title, #featured-content .entry-title a { color: " . $options['featured_content_title_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         if ($defaults['featured_content_text_color'] != $options['featured_content_text_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= "#featured-content { color: " . $options['featured_content_text_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         if ($defaults['featured_content_link_color'] != $options['featured_content_link_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= "#featured-content a { color: " . $options['featured_content_link_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         // Primary Menu Color
         if ($defaults['menu_background_color'] != $options['menu_background_color'] || $defaults['menu_color'] != $options['menu_color'] || $defaults['hover_active_color'] != $options['hover_active_color'] || $defaults['hover_active_text_color'] != $options['hover_active_text_color'] || $defaults['sub_menu_background_color'] != $options['sub_menu_background_color'] || $defaults['sub_menu_text_color'] != $options['sub_menu_text_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= ".nav-primary { background-color: " . $options['menu_background_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
             $catchbase_custom_css .= ".nav-primary ul.menu a { color: " . $options['menu_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
             $catchbase_custom_css .= ".nav-primary ul.menu li:hover > a, .nav-primary ul.menu a:focus, .nav-primary ul.menu .current-menu-item > a, .nav-primary ul.menu .current-menu-ancestor > a, .nav-primary ul.menu .current_page_item > a, .nav-primary ul.menu .current_page_ancestor > a { background-color: " . $options['hover_active_color'] . "; color: " . $options['hover_active_text_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
             $catchbase_custom_css .= ".nav-primary ul.menu .sub-menu a, .nav-primary ul.menu .children a { background-color: " . $options['sub_menu_background_color'] . "; color: " . $options['sub_menu_text_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         // Secondary Menu Color
         if ($defaults['secondary_menu_background_color'] != $options['secondary_menu_background_color'] || $defaults['secondary_menu_color'] != $options['secondary_menu_color'] || $defaults['secondary_hover_active_color'] != $options['secondary_hover_active_color'] || $defaults['secondary_hover_active_text_color'] != $options['secondary_hover_active_text_color'] || $defaults['secondary_sub_menu_background_color'] != $options['secondary_sub_menu_background_color'] || $defaults['secondary_sub_menu_text_color'] != $options['secondary_sub_menu_text_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= ".nav-secondary { background-color: " . $options['secondary_menu_background_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
             $catchbase_custom_css .= ".nav-secondary ul.menu a { color: " . $options['secondary_menu_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
             $catchbase_custom_css .= ".nav-secondary ul.menu li:hover > a, .nav-secondary ul.menu a:focus, .nav-secondary ul.menu .current-menu-item > a, .nav-secondary ul.menu .current-menu-ancestor > a, .nav-secondary ul.menu .current_page_item > a, .nav-secondary ul.menu .current_page_ancestor > a { background-color: " . $options['secondary_hover_active_color'] . "; color: " . $options['secondary_hover_active_text_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
             $catchbase_custom_css .= ".nav-secondary ul.menu .sub-menu a, .nav-secondary ul.menu .children a { background-color: " . $options['secondary_sub_menu_background_color'] . "; color: " . $options['secondary_sub_menu_text_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         // Header Right Menu Color
         if (isset($options['header_right_menu_background_color'])) {
             //Check isset because this option is added later. Remove this check for fresh themes
             if ($defaults['header_right_menu_background_color'] != $options['header_right_menu_background_color'] || $defaults['header_right_menu_color'] != $options['header_right_menu_color'] || $defaults['header_right_hover_active_color'] != $options['header_right_hover_active_color'] || $defaults['header_right_hover_active_text_color'] != $options['header_right_hover_active_text_color'] || $defaults['header_right_sub_menu_background_color'] != $options['header_right_sub_menu_background_color'] || $defaults['header_right_sub_menu_text_color'] != $options['header_right_sub_menu_text_color']) {
                 $catchbase_custom_css .= ".sidebar-header-right .wrapper, .sidebar-header-right .widget_nav_menu { background-color: " . $options['header_right_menu_background_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
                 $catchbase_custom_css .= ".sidebar-header-right ul.menu a { color: " . $options['header_right_menu_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
                 $catchbase_custom_css .= ".sidebar-header-right ul.menu li:hover > a, .sidebar-header-right ul.menu a:focus, .sidebar-header-right ul.menu .current-menu-item > a, .sidebar-header-right ul.menu .current-menu-ancestor > a { background-color: " . $options['header_right_hover_active_color'] . "; color: " . $options['header_right_hover_active_text_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
                 $catchbase_custom_css .= ".sidebar-header-right ul.menu .sub-menu a { background-color: " . $options['header_right_sub_menu_background_color'] . "; color: " . $options['header_right_sub_menu_text_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         // Footer Menu Color
         if ($defaults['footer_menu_background_color'] != $options['footer_menu_background_color'] || $defaults['footer_menu_color'] != $options['footer_menu_color'] || $defaults['footer_hover_active_color'] != $options['footer_hover_active_color'] || $defaults['footer_hover_active_text_color'] != $options['footer_hover_active_text_color'] || $defaults['footer_sub_menu_background_color'] != $options['footer_sub_menu_background_color'] || $defaults['footer_sub_menu_text_color'] != $options['footer_sub_menu_text_color']) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= ".nav-footer { background-color: " . $options['footer_menu_background_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
             $catchbase_custom_css .= ".nav-footer ul.menu a { color: " . $options['footer_menu_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
             $catchbase_custom_css .= ".nav-footer ul.menu li:hover > a, .nav-footer ul.menu a:focus, .nav-footer ul.menu .current-menu-item > a, .nav-footer ul.menu .current-menu-ancestor > a, .nav-footer ul.menu .current_page_item > a, .nav-footer ul.menu .current_page_ancestor > a { background-color: " . $options['footer_hover_active_color'] . "; color: " . $options['footer_hover_active_text_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
             $catchbase_custom_css .= ".nav-footer ul.menu .sub-menu a, .nav-footer ul.menu .children a { background-color: " . $options['footer_sub_menu_background_color'] . "; color: " . $options['footer_sub_menu_text_color'] . "; }" . "\n";
         //Revert values of default to its originals if the value is changed due to dark color scheme
         $defaults = $defaults_temp;
         // Typography (Font Family) Options
         if (!$options['reset_typography']) {
             if ($defaults['body_font'] != $options['body_font']) {
                 $catchbase_custom_css .= "body, button, input, select, textarea { font-family: " . $fonts[$options['body_font']]['label'] . "; }" . "\n";
             if ($defaults['title_font'] != $options['title_font']) {
                 $catchbase_custom_css .= ".site-title { font-family: " . $fonts[$options['title_font']]['label'] . "; }" . "\n";
             if ($defaults['tagline_font'] != $options['tagline_font']) {
                 $catchbase_custom_css .= ".site-description { font-family: " . $fonts[$options['tagline_font']]['label'] . "; }" . "\n";
             if ($defaults['content_title_font'] != $options['content_title_font']) {
                 $catchbase_custom_css .= ".page-title, #main .entry-container .entry-title, #featured-content .entry-title { font-family: " . $fonts[$options['content_title_font']]['label'] . "; }" . "\n";
             if ($defaults['content_font'] != $options['content_font']) {
                 $catchbase_custom_css .= "#main .entry-container, #featured-content { font-family: " . $fonts[$options['content_font']]['label'] . "; }" . "\n";
             if ($defaults['headings_font'] != $options['headings_font']) {
                 $catchbase_custom_css .= "h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { font-family: " . $fonts[$options['headings_font']]['label'] . "; }" . "\n";
          * Custom css for genericon social icons. needs change: @change
         if ($defaults['social_icon_size'] != $options['social_icon_size']) {
             if (isset($options['social_icon_size']) && $options['social_icon_size'] != '') {
                 $size = $options['social_icon_size'];
                 $catchbase_custom_css .= '.widget_catchbase_social_icons .genericon:before { font-size:' . $size . 'px; }' . "\n";
         //Custom CSS Option
         if (!empty($options['custom_css'])) {
             $catchbase_custom_css .= $options['custom_css'] . "\n";
         if ('' != $catchbase_custom_css) {
             echo '<!-- refreshing cache -->' . "\n";
             $catchbase_custom_css = '<!-- ' . get_bloginfo('name') . ' inline CSS Styles -->' . "\n" . '<style type="text/css" media="screen">' . "\n" . $catchbase_custom_css;
             $catchbase_custom_css .= '</style>' . "\n";
         set_transient('catchbase_custom_css', htmlspecialchars_decode($catchbase_custom_css), 86940);
     echo $catchbase_custom_css;