Esempio n. 1
    SystemPref::Set("DBReplicationPort", $f_db_repl_port);
} else {
    SystemPref::Set("UseDBReplication", 'N');
// template filter
SystemPref::Set("TemplateFilter", $f_template_filter);
// External cron management
SystemPref::Set('ExternalCronManagement', $f_external_cron_management);
// geolocation
foreach ($f_geo as $key => $value) {
    $name = '';
    foreach (explode('_', $key) as $part) {
        $name .= ucfirst($part);
    SystemPref::Set($name, $value);
$f_mysql_client_command_path = Input::Get('f_mysql_client_command_path', 'string');
SystemPref::Set('MysqlClientCommandPath', $f_mysql_client_command_path);
require_once $GLOBALS['g_campsiteDir'] . '/bin/cli_script_lib.php';
global $Campsite;
global $g_ado_db;
if (!camp_geodata_loaded($g_ado_db) && !empty($f_mysql_client_command_path)) {
    camp_load_geodata($f_mysql_client_command_path, $Campsite['db']);
// Success message if everything was ok
if ($msg_ok == 1) {
    camp_html_add_msg(getGS("System preferences updated."), "ok");
Esempio n. 2
 private function databaseConfiguration($p_input)
     global $g_db;
     if (file_exists(CS_PATH_SITE . DIR_SEP . '.htaccess')) {
         if (!file_exists(CS_PATH_SITE . DIR_SEP . '.htaccess-default')) {
             @copy(CS_PATH_SITE . DIR_SEP . '.htaccess', CS_PATH_SITE . DIR_SEP . '.htaccess-default');
         @unlink(CS_PATH_SITE . DIR_SEP . '.htaccess');
     $session = CampSession::singleton();
     $db_hostname = Input::Get('db_hostname', 'text');
     $db_hostport = Input::Get('db_hostport', 'int');
     $db_username = Input::Get('db_username', 'text');
     $db_userpass = Input::Get('db_userpass', 'text');
     $db_database = Input::Get('db_database', 'text');
     $db_overwrite = Input::Get('db_overwrite', 'int', 0);
     $dbhost = $db_hostname;
     if (empty($db_hostport)) {
         $db_hostport = 3306;
     if (empty($db_hostname) || empty($db_hostport) || empty($db_username) || empty($db_database)) {
         $this->m_step = 'database';
         $this->m_message = 'Error: Please input the requested data';
         return false;
     $error = false;
     $connectionParams = array('dbname' => $db_database, 'user' => $db_username, 'password' => $db_userpass, 'host' => $db_hostname, 'port' => $db_hostport);
     $g_db = $this->getTestDbConnection($connectionParams);
     if (!$g_db->isConnected(true)) {
         $error = true;
     } else {
         $isDbEmpty = TRUE;
         $selectDb = $g_db->hasDatabase($db_database);
         if ($selectDb) {
             $g_db = $this->getDbConnection($connectionParams);
             $dbTables = $g_db->GetAll('SHOW TABLES');
             $isDbEmpty = empty($dbTables) ? TRUE : FALSE;
         if (!$isDbEmpty && !$db_overwrite) {
             $this->m_step = 'database';
             $this->m_overwriteDb = true;
             $this->m_message = '<p>There is already a database named <i>' . $db_database . '</i>.</p><p>If you are sure to overwrite it, check <i>Yes</i> for the option below. If not, just change the <i>Database Name</i> and continue.</p>';
             $this->m_config['database'] = array('hostname' => $db_hostname, 'hostport' => $db_hostport, 'username' => $db_username, 'userpass' => $db_userpass, 'database' => $db_database);
             $session->unsetData('config.db', 'installation');
             $session->setData('config.db', $this->m_config['database'], 'installation', true);
             return false;
     if (!$error && !$selectDb) {
         try {
             $g_db = $this->getDbConnection($connectionParams);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $error = true;
     if ($error == true) {
         $this->m_step = 'database';
         $this->m_message = 'Error: Database parameters invalid. Could not ' . 'connect to database server.';
         return false;
     $sqlFile = CS_INSTALL_DIR . DIR_SEP . 'sql' . DIR_SEP . 'campsite_core.sql';
     $errors = CampInstallationBaseHelper::ImportDB($sqlFile, $errorQueries);
     if ($errors > 0) {
         $this->m_step = 'database';
         $this->m_message = 'Error: Importing Database';
         foreach ($errorQueries as $query) {
             $this->m_message .= "<br>{$query}";
         return false;
     // load geonames
     foreach (array('CityNames', 'CityLocations') as $table) {
         $conn_specs = 'mysql:host=' . $db_hostname . ';';
         if (!empty($db_hostport)) {
             $conn_specs .= 'port=' . $db_hostport . ';';
         $conn_specs .= 'dbname=' . $db_database . '';
         $l_db = new PDO($conn_specs, $db_username, $db_userpass, array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_LOCAL_INFILE => 1, PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES utf8'));
         $l_db->exec("TRUNCATE `{$table}`");
         $l_db->exec("ALTER TABLE `{$table}` DISABLE KEYS");
         $csvFile = CS_INSTALL_DIR . DIR_SEP . 'sql' . DIR_SEP . "{$table}.csv";
         $csvFile = str_replace("\\", "\\\\", $csvFile);
         $l_db->exec("LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '{$csvFile}' INTO TABLE {$table} FIELDS TERMINATED BY ';' ENCLOSED BY '\"'");
         $l_db->exec("ALTER TABLE `{$table}` ENABLE KEYS");
     require_once $GLOBALS['g_campsiteDir'] . '/bin/cli_script_lib.php';
     if (!camp_geodata_loaded($g_db)) {
         $which_output = '';
         $which_ret = '';
         @exec('which mysql', $which_output, $which_ret);
         if (is_array($which_output) && isset($which_output[0])) {
             $mysql_client_command = $which_output[0];
             if (0 < strlen($mysql_client_command)) {
                 $db_conf = array('host' => $db_hostname, 'port' => $db_hostport, 'user' => $db_username, 'pass' => $db_userpass, 'name' => $db_database);
                 camp_load_geodata($mysql_client_command, $db_conf);
     // installing the stored function for 'point in polygon' checking
     $sqlFile = CS_INSTALL_DIR . DIR_SEP . 'sql' . DIR_SEP . "checkpp.sql";
     importSqlStoredProgram($g_db, $sqlFile);
     $this->m_config['database'] = array('hostname' => $db_hostname, 'hostport' => $db_hostport, 'username' => $db_username, 'userpass' => $db_userpass, 'database' => $db_database);
     require_once $GLOBALS['g_campsiteDir'] . '/bin/cli_script_lib.php';
     camp_remove_dir(CS_PATH_TEMPLATES . DIR_SEP . '*', null, array('system_templates', 'unassigned'));
     $db_versions = array_map('basename', glob($GLOBALS['g_campsiteDir'] . '/install/sql/upgrade/[2-9].[0-9]*'));
     if (!empty($db_versions)) {
         usort($db_versions, 'camp_version_compare');
         $db_last_version = array_pop($db_versions);
         $db_last_version_dir = $GLOBALS['g_campsiteDir'] . "/install/sql/upgrade/{$db_last_version}/";
         $db_last_roll = '';
         $db_rolls = camp_search_db_rolls($db_last_version_dir, '');
         if (!empty($db_rolls)) {
             $db_last_roll_info = array_slice($db_rolls, -1, 1, true);
             $db_last_roll_info_keys = array_keys($db_last_roll_info);
             $db_last_roll = $db_last_roll_info_keys[0];
         camp_save_database_version($g_db, $db_last_version, $db_last_roll);
     return true;