function calculate_box($lat, $lon, $wide) { $lat_unit_distance = calculate_distance($lat, $lon, $lat + 1, $lon); $lat_delta = $wide / (2 * $lat_unit_distance); $lon_unit_distance = calculate_distance($lat, $lon, $lat, $lon + 1); $lon_delta = $wide / (2 * $lon_unit_distance); return array($lat - $lat_delta, $lon - $lon_delta, $lat + $lat_delta, $lon + $lon_delta); }
protected function calculate_distance($lat1, $lng1, $lat2, $lng2, $miles = FALSE) { if (defined('STRICT_TYPES') && CAMEL_CASE == '1') { return (double) self::parameters(['lat1' => DT::FLOAT, 'lng1' => DT::FLOAT, 'lat2' => DT::FLOAT, 'lng2' => DT::FLOAT, 'miles' => DT::BOOL])->call(__FUNCTION__)->with($lat1, $lng1, $lat2, $lng2, $miles)->returning(DT::FLOAT); } else { return (double) calculate_distance($lat1, $lng1, $lat2, $lng2, $miles); } }
public function testCheckDistance() { $lat_one = 50; $lng_one = -10; $lat_two = 30; $lng_two = -5; $distance = calculate_distance($lat_one, $lng_one, $lat_two, $lng_two); $this->assertEquals(2265.57, $distance); }
function get_thing_near_node($lat, $lon, $max_distance, $q1, $q2) { $square = calculate_box($lat, $lon, $max_distance * 2); $halts = mysql_query(sprintf($q1, $square[0], $square[2], $square[1], $square[3])); $railways = array(); while ($halt = mysql_fetch_assoc($halts)) { $distance = calculate_distance($lat, $lon, $halt['lat'], $halt['lon']); if ($distance > $max_distance) { continue; } $railway_ids_query = mysql_query(sprintf($q2, $halt['id'])); while (list($railway_id, $ordering) = mysql_fetch_row($railway_ids_query)) { if (!isset($railways[$railway_id]) || $distance < $railways[$railway_id]['distance']) { $railways[$railway_id] = array('distance' => $distance, 'node' => $halt, 'ordering' => $ordering); } } } return $railways; }
function process_data($resource) { $customers_in_range = []; $line_number = 0; while ($line = fgets($resource)) { $line_number++; $customer = json_decode($line); if (!$customer) { echo "Unable to parse record on line {$line_number}\n"; continue; } //check distance $distance = calculate_distance($_ENV['office_lat'], $_ENV['office_lng'], $customer->latitude, $customer->longitude); if ($distance < 100) { //add customer to list $customer->distance = $distance; $customers_in_range[$customer->user_id] = $customer; } } return $customers_in_range; }
/** * This function is useful only when there's a railway with the same ordering for two points. **/ function is_way_inverted($railway_id, $type, $from_railway, $to_railway) { $railway_ways_func = "get_" . $type . "_ways"; $railway_by_ordering_func = "get_" . $type . "_way_by_ordering"; $actual_way = $railway_by_ordering_func($railway_id, $from_railway['ordering']); // Looks for the previous way if it exists. Otherwise, finds the next one and change de comparision order. if ($from_railway['ordering'] > RAILWAY_MIN_ORDERING) { $previous_way = $railway_by_ordering_func($railway_id, $from_railway['ordering'] - 1); $reference_node = get_node_from_way_ids($actual_way, $previous_way); $invert_comparision = false; } else { $next_way = $railway_by_ordering_func($railway_id, $from_railway['ordering'] + 1); $reference_node = get_node_from_way_ids($actual_way, $next_way); $invert_comparision = true; } $from2reference_distance = calculate_distance($from_railway["node"]["lat"], $from_railway["node"]["lon"], $reference_node["lat"], $reference_node["lon"]); $to2reference_distance = calculate_distance($to_railway["node"]["lat"], $to_railway["node"]["lon"], $reference_node["lat"], $reference_node["lon"]); if ($from2reference_distance > $to2reference_distance ^ $invert_comparision) { return true; } return false; }
function suburb($lat = 0, $lon = 0) { // header('content-type: text/plain'); require_once 'lib/idiorm.php'; $databaseName = "govhack15"; ORM::configure(";dbname={$databaseName}"); ORM::configure('username', 'ben'); ORM::configure('password', 'Password1'); // 4 queries for all 4 vector directions // $q1 = ORM::for_table('locations')->find_many(); // var_dump($q1); $q1 = ORM::for_table('locations')->select_many('suburb', 'lat', 'lon')->where_gte('lat', $lat)->where_gte('lon', $lon)->limit(5)->order_by_asc('lat')->order_by_asc('lon')->find_many(); $q2 = ORM::for_table('locations')->select_many('suburb', 'lat', 'lon')->where_gte('lat', $lat)->where_lt('lon', $lon)->limit(5)->order_by_asc('lat')->order_by_desc('lon')->find_many(); $q3 = ORM::for_table('locations')->select_many('suburb', 'lat', 'lon')->where_lt('lat', $lat)->where_gte('lon', $lon)->limit(5)->order_by_desc('lat')->order_by_asc('lon')->find_many(); $q4 = ORM::for_table('locations')->select_many('suburb', 'lat', 'lon')->where_lt('lat', $lat)->where_lt('lon', $lon)->limit(5)->order_by_desc('lat')->order_by_desc('lon')->find_many(); // Select closest long $closest = false; $smallestStraightLineDist = 9999; foreach (array($q1, $q2, $q3, $q4) as $resultSet) { foreach ($resultSet as $record) { $thisSuburbDist = calculate_distance($lat, $lon, $record->lat, $record->lon); // echo "Checking $record->suburb, $record->lat, $record->lon, dist $thisSuburbDist m", PHP_EOL; if ($thisSuburbDist < $smallestStraightLineDist) { $smallestStraightLineDist = $thisSuburbDist; $closest = $record; // echo "---- NEW CLOSEST FOUND, $record->suburb", PHP_EOL; } } } // Now we have the closest suburb $final = ORM::for_table('locations')->where('suburb', $closest->suburb)->find_array(); // echo "final", PHP_EOL; // var_dump($final); return $final[0]; // json encode it later }
$maxDistance = $r['total']; } } if ($maxDistance > 0) { foreach ($reindeer as $i => $r) { if ($r['total'] >= $maxDistance) { $reindeer[$i]['points']++; } } } } while ($sec < $seconds); return $reindeer; } $max = 0; $part2 = star2($reindeer, $total); foreach ($reindeer as &$item) { $item['total'] = calculate_distance($item, $total); if ($max < $item['total']) { $max = $item['total']; } } $m2 = 0; foreach ($part2 as $item) { if ($m2 < $item['points']) { $m2 = $item['points']; } } //print_r($reindeer); echo "MAX: {$max}\n"; echo "PART@: {$m2}"; //print_r($part2);
function is_in_scanrange($uid, $sid) { global $uid; // erstmal check ob eine eigene bzw. allieerte flotte im system ist $is_in_range = false; if (is_a_fleet_in_system($uid, $sid)) { $is_in_range = true; } else { // flotten von alliierten im system? $allied = get_allied_ids($uid); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($allied); $i++) { if (is_a_fleet_in_system($allied[$i], $sid)) { $is_in_range = true; break; } } // ist es denn wenigstens in irgendeinem scanradius des users oder eines allierten? if (!$is_in_range) { $sth = mysql_query("select max(radius) from scanradius"); if (!$sth || mysql_num_rows($sth) == 0) { return 0; } $max_scanrange = mysql_fetch_row($sth); $systems = get_systems_in_scanrange($sid, $max_scanrange[0]); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($systems); $i++) { $own_star = is_own_star($systems[$i]); // auch ob er alliiert ist if ($own_star) { // nen gebäude mit ner aussreichenden scanrange? $sth = mysql_query("select p.uid,,s.x,s.y from planets as p, systems as s where p.sid='{$systems[$i]}' and'{$systems[$i]}'"); if (!$sth) { return 0; } while ($planets = mysql_fetch_array($sth)) { if ($planets["uid"] == $uid || is_allied($uid, $planets["uid"])) { $planets_scan_range = get_max_scan_range_by_pid($planets["id"]); if ($planets_scan_range) { $system_coords = get_system_coords($sid); $system_x = substr($system_coords, 0, strpos($system_coords, ":")); $system_y = substr($system_coords, strpos($system_coords, ":") + 1); $entfernung = calculate_distance($planets["x"], $planets["y"], $system_x, $system_y); if ($entfernung <= $planets_scan_range) { $is_in_range = true; } } } } } // end if // oder vielleicht ne flotte? if (!$is_in_range) { // $sth = mysql_query("select s.radius,fi.uid,sy.x,sy.y from scanradius as s,systems as sy, fleet as f, fleetinfo as fi where f.prod_id = s.prod_id and f.fid = fi.fid and fi.sid='$systems[$i]' and and'$systems[$i]'"); $sth = mysql_query("select fid, uid, sid from fleet_info where sid=" . $systems[$i] . ""); if (!$sth) { return 0; } if (mysql_num_rows($sth) != 0) { while ($flotten = mysql_fetch_array($sth)) { if ($flotten["uid"] == $uid || is_allied($uid, $flotten["uid"])) { $sth2 = mysql_query("select max(s.radius) from scanradius as s, fleet as f where f.fid=" . $flotten["fid"] . " and f.prod_id=s.prod_id"); $fleet_scan_range = mysql_fetch_row($sth2); if ($fleet_scan_range) { $system_coords = get_system_coords($sid); $system_x = substr($system_coords, 0, strpos($system_coords, ":")); $system_y = substr($system_coords, strpos($system_coords, ":") + 1); $fleet_coords = get_system_coords($flotten["{$sid}"]); $fleet_x = substr($fleet_coords, 0, strpos($fleet_coords, ":")); $fleet_y = substr($fleet_coords, strpos($fleet_coords, ":") + 1); $entfernung = calculate_distance($fleet_x, $fleet_y, $system_x, $system_y); if ($entfernung <= $fleet_scan_range) { $is_in_range = true; } } } } } //if (!$sth) //return 0; } } // end for } } return $is_in_range; }