public function getPost(&$aEvent, $aBrowseParams = array()) { $oModule = $this->getModule(); if ((int) $aEvent['processed'] == 0) { $aContent = $this->_getContent($aEvent); if (!empty($aContent) && is_array($aContent)) { $aSet = array(); if (!empty($aContent['entry_author'])) { $aSet['object_owner_id'] = (int) $aContent['entry_author']; unset($aContent['entry_author']); } $aEvent['content'] = serialize($aContent); $aSet = array_merge($aSet, array('content' => $aEvent['content'], 'processed' => 1)); $this->_oDb->updateEvent($aSet, array('id' => $aEvent['id'])); } } list($sOwnerName, $sOwnerUrl, $sOwnerIcon) = $oModule->getUserInfo($aEvent['owner_id']); $bAuthorIcon = !empty($sOwnerIcon); $aEvent['content'] = unserialize($aEvent['content']); $aEvent['content']['owner_name'] = $sOwnerName; $aEvent['content']['owner_link'] = $sOwnerUrl; $sContent = _t(!empty($aEvent['content']['lang_key']) ? $aEvent['content']['lang_key'] : $this->_getLangKey($aEvent)); $sContent = $this->parseHtmlByContent($sContent, $aEvent['content'], array('{', '}')); return $this->parseHtmlByName('event.html', array('html_id' => $this->_oConfig->getHtmlIds('view', 'event') . $aEvent['id'], 'style_prefix' => $this->_oConfig->getPrefix('style'), 'js_object' => $this->_oConfig->getJsObject('view'), 'id' => $aEvent['id'], 'bx_if:show_icon' => array('condition' => $bAuthorIcon, 'content' => array('author_icon' => $sOwnerIcon)), 'bx_if:show_icon_empty' => array('condition' => !$bAuthorIcon, 'content' => array()), 'content' => $sContent, 'date' => bx_time_js($aEvent['date']))); }
function unit($aData, $isCheckPrivateContent = true, $sTemplateName = 'unit.html') { $this->getCssJs(); if ($sTemplateName == 'unit.html') { return $this->getPost($aData); } $oModule = $this->getModule(); $CNF =& $this->_oConfig->CNF; if ($isCheckPrivateContent && CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED !== ($sMsg = $oModule->isAllowedView($aData))) { $aVars = array('summary' => $sMsg); return $this->parseHtmlByName('unit_private.html', $aVars); } list($sAuthorName, $sAuthorUrl, $sAuthorIcon) = $oModule->getUserInfo($aData['object_id']); $bAuthorIcon = !empty($sAuthorIcon); // generate html $aVars = array('id' => $aData['id'], 'author' => $sAuthorName, 'author_url' => $sAuthorUrl, 'title' => bx_process_output($aData['title']), 'item_url' => $this->_oConfig->getItemViewUrl($aData), 'item_date' => bx_time_js($aData['date'], BX_FORMAT_DATE), 'module_name' => _t($CNF['T']['txt_sample_single_ext']), 'ts' => $aData['date'], 'bx_if:show_icon' => array('condition' => $bAuthorIcon, 'content' => array('author_icon' => $sAuthorIcon)), 'bx_if:show_icon_empty' => array('condition' => !$bAuthorIcon, 'content' => array())); return $this->parseHtmlByName($sTemplateName, $aVars); }
protected function _getCellLastDT($mixedValue, $sKey, $aField, $aRow) { return parent::_getCellDefault(bx_time_js($mixedValue, BX_FORMAT_DATE), $sKey, $aField, $aRow); }
function entryMessagePreviewInGrid($r) { $oModule = BxDolModule::getInstance($this->MODULE); $oProfileLast = BxDolProfile::getInstance($r['last_reply_profile_id']); if (!$oProfileLast) { $oProfileLast = BxDolProfileUndefined::getInstance(); } $sText = strmaxtextlen($r['text'], 100); $sTextCmt = strmaxtextlen($r['cmt_text'], 100); if (!isset($r['unread_messages'])) { $r['unread_messages'] = $r['comments'] - $r['read_comments']; } $aVars = array('url' => BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . BxDolPermalinks::getInstance()->permalink('page.php?i=' . $oModule->_oConfig->CNF['URI_VIEW_ENTRY'] . '&id=' . $r['id']), 'text' => $sText, 'cmt_text' => $sTextCmt, 'last_reply_time_and_replier' => _t('_bx_cnv_x_date_by_x_replier', bx_time_js($r['last_reply_timestamp'], BX_FORMAT_DATE), $oProfileLast->getDisplayName()), 'bx_if:unread_messages' => array('condition' => $r['unread_messages'] > 0, 'content' => array())); $aVars['bx_if:unread_messages2'] = $aVars['bx_if:unread_messages']; return $this->parseHtmlByName('message_preview_in_grid.html', $aVars); }
function getAuthorDesc($aData) { $oModule = BxDolModule::getInstance($this->MODULE); return bx_time_js($aData[$oModule->_oConfig->CNF['FIELD_ADDED']], BX_FORMAT_DATE); }
protected function _getPost($sType, $aEvent, $aBrowseParams = array()) { $oModule = $this->getModule(); $sStylePrefix = $this->_oConfig->getPrefix('style'); $sJsObject = $this->_oConfig->getJsObject('view'); list($sAuthorName, $sAuthorUrl, $sAuthorIcon) = $oModule->getUserInfo($aEvent['object_owner_id']); $bAuthorIcon = !empty($sAuthorIcon); $aTmplVarsMenuItemManage = $this->_getTmplVarsMenuItemManage($aEvent, $aBrowseParams); $aTmplVarsMenuItemActions = $this->_getTmplVarsMenuItemActions($aEvent, $aBrowseParams); $aTmplVarsTimelineOwner = array(); if (isset($aBrowseParams['type']) && $aBrowseParams['type'] == BX_BASE_MOD_NTFS_TYPE_CONNECTIONS) { $aTmplVarsTimelineOwner = $this->_getTmplVarsTimelineOwner($aEvent); } $bBrowseItem = isset($aBrowseParams['type']) && $aBrowseParams['type'] == BX_TIMELINE_TYPE_ITEM; $aTmplVars = array('style_prefix' => $sStylePrefix, 'js_object' => $sJsObject, 'class' => $bBrowseItem ? 'bx-tl-view-sizer' : 'bx-tl-grid-sizer', 'id' => $aEvent['id'], 'bx_if:show_menu_item_manage' => array('condition' => !empty($aTmplVarsMenuItemManage), 'content' => $aTmplVarsMenuItemManage), 'bx_if:show_icon' => array('condition' => $bAuthorIcon, 'content' => array('author_icon' => $sAuthorIcon)), 'bx_if:show_icon_empty' => array('condition' => !$bAuthorIcon, 'content' => array()), 'item_owner_url' => $sAuthorUrl, 'item_owner_name' => $sAuthorName, 'bx_if:show_timeline_owner' => array('condition' => !empty($aTmplVarsTimelineOwner), 'content' => $aTmplVarsTimelineOwner), 'item_view_url' => $this->_oConfig->getItemViewUrl($aEvent), 'item_date' => bx_time_js($aEvent['date']), 'content' => is_string($aEvent['content']) ? $aEvent['content'] : $this->_getContent($sType, $aEvent['content'], $aBrowseParams), 'bx_if:show_menu_item_actions' => array('condition' => !empty($aTmplVarsMenuItemActions), 'content' => $aTmplVarsMenuItemActions), 'comments' => $bBrowseItem ? $this->_getComments($aEvent['comments']) : '', 'votes' => $this->_getVotes($aEvent['votes'])); return $this->parseHtmlByName('item.html', $aTmplVars); }
/** * Generate value for view mode row * * @param array $aInput * @return string */ function genViewRowValue(&$aInput) { switch ($aInput['type']) { case 'hidden': $sValue = null; break; case 'select': case 'radio_set': $sValue = isset($aInput['value']) && isset($aInput['values'][$aInput['value']]) ? $aInput['values'][$aInput['value']] : null; break; case 'datepicker': $iTime = bx_process_input($aInput['value'], BX_DATA_DATE_TS, false, false); $sValue = bx_time_js($iTime, BX_FORMAT_DATE); break; case 'date_time': case 'datetime': $iTime = bx_process_input($aInput['value'], BX_DATA_DATETIME_TS, false, false); $sValue = bx_time_js($iTime, BX_FORMAT_DATE_TIME); break; case 'checkbox_set': case 'select_multiple': $sValue = null; if (!empty($aInput['value']) && is_array($aInput['value'])) { $sValue = ''; foreach ($aInput['value'] as $sVal) { $sValue .= $aInput['values'][$sVal] . ', '; } $sValue = trim($sValue, ', '); } break; case 'checkbox': case 'switcher': $sValue = isset($aInput['checked']) && $aInput['checked'] ? _t('_sys_form_checkbox_value_on') : _t('_sys_form_checkbox_value_off'); break; case 'textarea': $sValue = isset($aInput['value']) ? $aInput['value'] : null; break; default: $sValue = isset($aInput['value']) ? bx_process_output($aInput['value']) : null; } return $sValue; }
protected function _getCellLogged($mixedValue, $sKey, $aField, $aRow) { return parent::_getCellDefault(bx_time_js($mixedValue), $sKey, $aField, $aRow); }
* Copyright (c) BoonEx Pty Limited - * CC-BY License - * * @defgroup TridentCore Samples * @{ */ /** * @page samples * @section ajax AJAX loader */ $aPathInfo = pathinfo(__FILE__); require_once $aPathInfo['dirname'] . '/../inc/'; require_once BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . ""; if (bx_get('ajax') || isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] == 'XMLHttpRequest') { sleep(3); echo '<div class="bx-def-padding bx-def-color-bg-block">AJAX content here: ' . bx_time_js(time(), BX_FORMAT_DATE_TIME, rand(0, 1)) . '</div>'; exit; } $oTemplate = BxDolTemplate::getInstance(); $oTemplate->addJs('jquery.webForms.js'); $oTemplate->setPageNameIndex(BX_PAGE_DEFAULT); $oTemplate->setPageHeader("AJAX"); $oTemplate->setPageContent('page_main_code', PageCompMainCode()); $oTemplate->getPageCode(); /** * page code function */ function PageCompMainCode() { ob_start(); ?>
/** * get one just posted comment * * @param int $iCmtId - comment id * @return string */ function getComment($mixedCmt, $aBp = array(), $aDp = array()) { $oTemplate = BxDolTemplate::getInstance(); $iUserId = $this->_getAuthorId(); $aCmt = !is_array($mixedCmt) ? $this->getCommentRow((int) $mixedCmt) : $mixedCmt; if (!$aCmt) { return ''; } list($sAuthorName, $sAuthorLink, $sAuthorIcon) = $this->_getAuthorInfo($aCmt['cmt_author_id']); $sClass = ''; if (isset($aCmt['vote_rate']) && (double) $aCmt['vote_rate'] < $this->_aSystem['viewing_threshold']) { $oTemplate->pareseHtmlByName('comment_hidden.html', array('js_object' => $this->_sJsObjName, 'id' => $aCmt['cmt_id'], 'title' => bx_process_output(_t('_hidden_comment', $sAuthorName)), 'bx_if:show_replies' => array('condition' => $aCmt['cmt_replies'] > 0, 'content' => array('replies' => _t('_Show N replies', $aCmt['cmt_replies']))))); $sClass = ' cmt-hidden'; } if ($aCmt['cmt_author_id'] == $iUserId) { $sClass .= ' cmt-mine'; } if (!empty($aDp['blink']) && in_array($aCmt['cmt_id'], $aDp['blink'])) { $sClass .= ' cmt-blink'; } $sActions = $this->_getActionsBox($aCmt, $aDp); $aTmplReplyTo = array(); if ((int) $aCmt['cmt_parent_id'] != 0) { $aParent = $this->getCommentRow($aCmt['cmt_parent_id']); list($sParAuthorName, $sParAuthorLink, $sParAuthorIcon) = $this->_getAuthorInfo($aParent['cmt_author_id']); $aTmplReplyTo = array('style_prefix' => $this->_sStylePrefix, 'par_cmt_link' => $this->getBaseUrl() . '#' . $this->_sSystem . $aCmt['cmt_parent_id'], 'par_cmt_title' => bx_html_attribute(_t('_in_reply_to', $sParAuthorName)), 'par_cmt_author' => $sParAuthorName); } $aTmplImages = array(); if ($this->isAttachImageEnabled()) { $aImages = $this->_oQuery->getImages($this->_aSystem['system_id'], $aCmt['cmt_id']); if (!empty($aImages) && is_array($aImages)) { $oStorage = BxDolStorage::getObjectInstance($this->getStorageObjectName()); $oTranscoder = BxDolTranscoderImage::getObjectInstance($this->getTranscoderPreviewName()); foreach ($aImages as $aImage) { $aTmplImages[] = array('style_prefix' => $this->_sStylePrefix, 'js_object' => $this->_sJsObjName, 'image' => $oTranscoder->getFileUrl($aImage['image_id']), 'image_orig' => $oStorage->getFileUrlById($aImage['image_id'])); } } } $sReplies = ''; if ((int) $aCmt['cmt_replies'] > 0 && !empty($aDp) && $aDp['type'] == BX_CMT_DISPLAY_THREADED) { $aDp['show_empty'] = false; $sReplies = $this->getComments(array('parent_id' => $aCmt['cmt_id'], 'vparent_id' => $aCmt['cmt_id'], 'type' => $aBp['type']), $aDp); } $sAgo = bx_time_js($aCmt['cmt_time']); $bObjectTitle = !empty($this->_aSystem['trigger_field_title']); return $oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('comment.html', array_merge(array('system' => $this->_sSystem, 'style_prefix' => $this->_sStylePrefix, 'js_object' => $this->_sJsObjName, 'id' => $aCmt['cmt_id'], 'class' => $sClass, 'bx_if:show_reply_to' => array('condition' => !empty($aTmplReplyTo), 'content' => $aTmplReplyTo), 'bx_if:show_ago_link' => array('condition' => $bObjectTitle, 'content' => array('style_prefix' => $this->_sStylePrefix, 'view_link' => $this->getViewUrl($aCmt['cmt_id']), 'ago' => $sAgo)), 'bx_if:show_ago_text' => array('condition' => !$bObjectTitle, 'content' => array('ago' => $sAgo)), 'bx_if:show_attached' => array('condition' => !empty($aTmplImages), 'content' => array('style_prefix' => $this->_sStylePrefix, 'bx_repeat:attached' => $aTmplImages)), 'actions' => $sActions, 'replies' => $sReplies), $this->_getTmplVarsAuthor($aCmt), $this->_getTmplVarsText($aCmt))); }
public function onPaymentReceived(&$aData, $fAmount) { $sProfileId = $aData['recurring_payment_id']; $aAccount = $this->_oModule->_oDb->getAccount(array('type' => 'profile_id', 'value' => $sProfileId)); if (!empty($aAccount) && is_array($aAccount)) { $sTransaction = bx_process_input($aData['txn_id']); $iWhen = strtotime($aData['payment_date']); $iPaidUntil = strtotime($aData['next_payment_date']); $sActStatus = $sPmtType = ''; if ($aData['period_type'] == BX_SITES_PP_PERIOD_TRIAL) { $sActStatus = BX_SITES_ACCOUNT_STATUS_TRIAL; $sPmtType = BX_SITES_TRANSACTION_TRIAL; $this->_oModule->_oDb->updateOwner(array('trials' => $aAccount['owner_trials'] + 1), array('id' => $aAccount['owner_id'])); } else { if ($aData['period_type'] == BX_SITES_PP_PERIOD_REGULAR) { $sActStatus = BX_SITES_ACCOUNT_STATUS_ACTIVE; $sPmtType = BX_SITES_TRANSACTION_REGULAR; } } $this->_oModule->_oDb->insertPaymentHistory(array('account_id' => $aAccount['id'], 'type' => $sPmtType, 'transaction' => $sTransaction, 'amount' => $fAmount, 'when' => $iWhen, 'when_next' => $iPaidUntil)); $this->_oModule->_oDb->updateAccount(array('paid' => $iPaidUntil, 'status' => $sActStatus), array('id' => $aAccount['id'])); $aTemplate = array(); $sFirstName = bx_process_input($aData['first_name']); $sLastName = bx_process_input($aData['last_name']); /*--- Site was created and paid ---*/ if ($aAccount['status'] == BX_SITES_ACCOUNT_STATUS_PENDING && in_array($sActStatus, array(BX_SITES_ACCOUNT_STATUS_TRIAL, BX_SITES_ACCOUNT_STATUS_ACTIVE))) { bx_import('BxDolPermalinks'); $oPermalinks = BxDolPermalinks::getInstance(); bx_import('BxDolEmailTemplates'); $aTemplate = BxDolEmailTemplates::getInstance()->parseTemplate('bx_sites_site_created_and_paid', array('RealName' => $sFirstName . (!empty($sFirstName) && !empty($sLastName) ? ' ' . $sLastName : ''), 'Domain' => $this->_oModule->getDomain($aAccount['domain']), 'Email' => $aAccount['email'], 'Amount' => $fAmount . ' ' . $this->_oModule->_oConfig->getCurrencyCode(), 'Status' => _t('_bx_sites_txt_status_' . $sActStatus), 'NextPaymentDate' => bx_time_js($iPaidUntil), 'DetailsFormUrl' => BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $oPermalinks->permalink('page.php?i=site-edit&sid=' . $aAccount['pd_profile_sid']))); } else { bx_import('BxDolEmailTemplates'); $aTemplate = BxDolEmailTemplates::getInstance()->parseTemplate('bx_sites_payment_received', array('RealName' => $sFirstName . (!empty($sFirstName) && !empty($sLastName) ? ' ' . $sLastName : ''), 'Amount' => $fAmount . ' ' . $this->_oModule->_oConfig->getCurrencyCode(), 'NextPaymentDate' => bx_time_js($iPaidUntil))); } if (!empty($aTemplate)) { sendMail($aAccount['email'], $aTemplate['Subject'], $aTemplate['Body']); $sLog = "---\n"; $sLog .= "--- Send Email Notification: {date}\n"; $sLog .= "--- Email: " . $aAccount['email'] . "\n"; $sLog .= "--- Subject: " . $aTemplate['Subject'] . "\n"; $sLog .= "--- Body: " . $aTemplate['Body'] . "\n"; $sLog .= "---\n"; $this->_logEmail($sLog); } } }
protected function _getDataArray($sFilter, $sOrderField, $sOrderDir, $iStart, $iPerPage) { $this->_aOptions['source'] = array(); $sCurrency = $this->_oModule->_oConfig->getCurrencyCode(); $iNextPayment = $this->_aAccount['paid']; $aPayment = $this->_oModule->_oDb->getPaymentHistory(array('type' => 'account_id_last', 'value' => $this->_aAccount['id'])); if (!empty($aPayment) && is_array($aPayment)) { $this->_aOptions['source'][] = array('id' => 'last', 'title' => '_bx_sites_grid_overview_txt_payment_last', 'type' => '_bx_sites_txt_payment_type_' . $aPayment['type'], 'transaction' => $aPayment['transaction'], 'when' => bx_time_js($aPayment['when']), 'amount' => number_format($aPayment['amount'], 2) . ' ' . $sCurrency); } if (!empty($iNextPayment)) { $aAmount = 0; $fAmountTrial = $this->_oModule->_oConfig->getPaymentPrice(BX_SITES_PP_PERIOD_TRIAL); $fAmountRegular = $this->_oModule->_oConfig->getPaymentPrice(BX_SITES_PP_PERIOD_REGULAR); switch ($this->_aAccount['status']) { case BX_SITES_ACCOUNT_STATUS_PENDING: $aAmount = $fAmountTrial != 0 ? $fAmountTrial : $fAmountRegular; break; case BX_SITES_ACCOUNT_STATUS_TRIAL: $aAmount = $fAmountRegular; break; case BX_SITES_ACCOUNT_STATUS_ACTIVE: $aAmount = $fAmountRegular; break; } $this->_aOptions['source'][] = array('id' => 'next', 'title' => '_bx_sites_grid_overview_txt_payment_next', 'type' => '', 'transaction' => '', 'when' => bx_time_js($iNextPayment), 'amount' => number_format($aAmount, 2) . ' ' . $sCurrency); } return parent::_getDataArray($sFilter, $sOrderField, $sOrderDir, $iStart, $iPerPage); }
function getMediaDesc($aData) { return _t('_sys_txt_n_by', bx_time_js($aData['added'], BX_FORMAT_DATE)); }
/** * Checks if a given action is allowed for a given profile and updates action information if the * action is performed. * * @param int $iProfileId ID of a profile that is going to perform an action * @param int $iActionId ID of the action itself * @param boolean $bPerformAction if true, then action information is updated, i.e. action is 'performed' * @return array( * CHECK_ACTION_RESULT => CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ constant, * CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE => CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE_ constant, * CHECK_ACTION_PARAMETER => additional action parameter (string) * ) * * NOTES: * * $aResult[CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE] contains a message with detailed information about the result, * already processed by the language file * * if $aResult[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] === CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED then this node contains * an empty string * * The error messages themselves are stored in the language file. Additional variables are * passed to the function _t_ext() as an array and can be used there in the form of * {0}, {1}, {2} ... * * Additional variables passed to the lang. file on errors (can be used in error messages): * * For all errors: * * $arg0[CHECK_ACTION_LANG_FILE_ACTION] = name of the action * $arg0[CHECK_ACTION_LANG_FILE_MEMBERSHIP]= name of the current membership * * CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_LIMIT_REACHED: * * $arg0[CHECK_ACTION_LANG_FILE_LIMIT] = limit on number of actions allowed for the profile * $arg0[CHECK_ACTION_LANG_FILE_PERIOD] = period that the limit is set for (in hours, 0 if unlimited) * * CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_NOT_ALLOWED_BEFORE: * * $arg0[CHECK_ACTION_LANG_FILE_BEFORE] = date/time since when the action is allowed * * CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_NOT_ALLOWED_AFTER: * * $arg0[CHECK_ACTION_LANG_FILE_AFTER] = date/time since when the action is not allowed * * $aResult[CHECK_ACTION_PARAMETER] contains an additional parameter that can be considered * when performing the action (like the number of profiles to show in search result) */ function checkAction($iProfileId, $iActionId, $bPerformAction = false) { $aResult = array(); $aLangFileParams = array(); $iProfileId = (int) $iProfileId; $iActionId = (int) $iActionId; $bPerformAction = $bPerformAction ? true : false; $aMembership = $this->getMemberMembershipInfo($iProfileId); // get current profile's membership information $aLangFileParams[CHECK_ACTION_LANG_FILE_MEMBERSHIP] = _t($aMembership['name']); $aLangFileParams[CHECK_ACTION_LANG_FILE_SITE_EMAIL] = getParam('site_email'); $aAction = $this->oDb->getAction($aMembership['id'], $iActionId); if (!$aAction) { bx_trigger_error('Unknown action ID: ' . $iActionId, 2); } $aResult[CHECK_ACTION_PARAMETER] = $aAction['additional_param_value']; $aLangFileParams[CHECK_ACTION_LANG_FILE_ACTION] = !empty($aAction['title']) ? _t($aAction['title']) : $aAction['name']; /** * Action is not allowed for the current membership */ if (is_null($aAction['id'])) { $sLangKey = CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE_NOT_ALLOWED; if (isset($this->_aLevel2MessageMap[$aMembership['id']])) { $sLangKey = $this->_aLevel2MessageMap[$aMembership['id']]; } $aResult[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] = CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_NOT_ALLOWED; $aResult[CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE] = _t_ext($sLangKey, $aLangFileParams); return $aResult; } /** * Check fixed period limitations if present (also for non-members) */ if ($aAction['allowed_period_start'] && time() < $aAction['allowed_period_start']) { $aLangFileParams[CHECK_ACTION_LANG_FILE_BEFORE] = bx_time_js($aAction['allowed_period_start'], BX_FORMAT_DATE_TIME); $aResult[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] = CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_NOT_ALLOWED_BEFORE; $aResult[CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE] = _t_ext(CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE_NOT_ALLOWED_BEFORE, $aLangFileParams); return $aResult; } if ($aAction['allowed_period_end'] && time() > $aAction['allowed_period_end']) { $aLangFileParams[CHECK_ACTION_LANG_FILE_AFTER] = bx_time_js($aAction['allowed_period_end'], BX_FORMAT_DATE_TIME); $aResult[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] = CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_NOT_ALLOWED_AFTER; $aResult[CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE] = _t_ext(CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE_NOT_ALLOWED_AFTER, $aLangFileParams); return $aResult; } /** * if non-member, allow action without performing further checks */ if ($aMembership['id'] == MEMBERSHIP_ID_NON_MEMBER) { $aResult[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] = CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED; return $aResult; } /** * Check other limitations (for members only) */ $iAllowedCnt = (int) $aAction['allowed_count']; ///< Number of allowed actions. Unlimited if not specified or 0 $iPeriodLen = (int) $aAction['allowed_period_len']; ///< Period for AllowedCount in hours. If not specified, AllowedCount is treated as total number of actions permitted. if ($iAllowedCnt > 0) { $aActionTrack = $this->oDb->getActionTrack($iActionId, $iProfileId); $iActionsLeft = $bPerformAction ? $iAllowedCnt - 1 : $iAllowedCnt; $iValidSince = time(); /** * Member is requesting/performing this action for the first time, * and there is no corresponding record in sys_acl_actions_track table. */ if (!$aActionTrack) { $this->oDb->insertActionTarck($iActionId, $iProfileId, $iActionsLeft, $iValidSince); $aResult[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] = CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED; return $aResult; } /** * Action has been requested/performed at least once at this point and there is a corresponding record in sys_acl_actions_track table * * Action record in sys_acl_actions_track table is out of date. */ $iPeriodEnd = (int) $aActionTrack['valid_since'] + $iPeriodLen * 3600; //ValidSince is in seconds, PeriodLen is in hours if ($iPeriodLen > 0 && $iPeriodEnd < time()) { $this->oDb->updateActionTrack($iActionId, $iProfileId, $iActionsLeft, $iValidSince); $aResult[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] = CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED; return $aResult; } $iActionsLeft = (int) $aActionTrack['actions_left']; ///< Action record is up to date /** * Action limit reached for now */ if ($iActionsLeft <= 0) { $aLangFileParams[CHECK_ACTION_LANG_FILE_LIMIT] = $iAllowedCnt; $aLangFileParams[CHECK_ACTION_LANG_FILE_PERIOD] = $iPeriodLen; $aResult[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] = CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_LIMIT_REACHED; $aResult[CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE] = '<div style="width: 80%">' . _t_ext(CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE_LIMIT_REACHED, $aLangFileParams) . ($iPeriodLen > 0 ? _t_ext(CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE_MESSAGE_EVERY_PERIOD, $aLangFileParams) : '') . '.</div>'; return $aResult; } if ($bPerformAction) { $iActionsLeft--; $this->oDb->updateActionTrack($iActionId, $iProfileId, $iActionsLeft); } } $aResult[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] = CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED; return $aResult; }
protected function _getActionsBox(&$aCmt, $aDp = array()) { $oTemplate = BxDolTemplate::getInstance(); //--- Actions Menu bx_import('BxDolMenu'); $oMenuActions = BxDolMenu::getObjectInstance($this->_sMenuObjActions); $oMenuActions->setCmtsData($this, $aCmt['cmt_id']); $sMenuActions = $oMenuActions->getCode(); $oVote = $this->getVoteObject($aCmt['cmt_id']); if ($oVote !== false) { $sMenuActions .= $oVote->getJsScript(); } //--- Manage Menu $oMenuManage = BxDolMenu::getObjectInstance($this->_sMenuObjManage); $oMenuManage->setCmtsData($this, $aCmt['cmt_id']); $sMenuManage = $oMenuManage->getCode(); $bMenuManage = !empty($sMenuManage); if ($bMenuManage) { $sMenuManage = $oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('comment_manage.html', array('style_prefix' => $this->_sStylePrefix, 'content' => $sMenuManage)); bx_import('BxTemplFunctions'); $sMenuManage = BxTemplFunctions::getInstance()->transBox($this->_sSystem . '-manage-' . $aCmt['cmt_id'], $sMenuManage, true); } $sAgo = bx_time_js($aCmt['cmt_time']); $bObjectTitle = !empty($this->_aSystem['trigger_field_title']); return $oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('comment_actions.html', array('id' => $aCmt['cmt_id'], 'js_object' => $this->_sJsObjName, 'style_prefix' => $this->_sStylePrefix, 'bx_if:show_ago_link' => array('condition' => $bObjectTitle, 'content' => array('style_prefix' => $this->_sStylePrefix, 'view_link' => bx_append_url_params($this->_sViewUrl, array('sys' => $this->_sSystem, 'id' => $this->_iId, 'cmt_id' => $aCmt['cmt_id'])), 'ago' => $sAgo)), 'bx_if:show_ago_text' => array('condition' => !$bObjectTitle, 'content' => array('ago' => $sAgo)), 'menu_actions' => $sMenuActions, 'bx_if:show_menu_manage' => array('condition' => $bMenuManage, 'content' => array('js_object' => $this->_sJsObjName, 'style_prefix' => $this->_sStylePrefix, 'id' => $aCmt['cmt_id'], 'popup_text' => $sMenuManage)))); }
public function serviceGetBlockVersion() { $sJsObject = $this->getPageJsObject(); $sContent = BxDolStudioTemplate::getInstance()->parseHtmlByName('dbd_versions.html', array('js_object' => $sJsObject, 'domain' => getParam('site_title'), 'version' => bx_get_ver(), 'installed' => bx_time_js(getParam('sys_install_time')))); return array('content' => $sContent); }
protected function _getCellCreated($mixedValue, $sKey, $aField, $aRow) { $mixedValue = bx_time_js((int) $mixedValue); return parent::_getCellDefault($mixedValue, $sKey, $aField, $aRow); }