 * Settings for the jQuery Nivo slider  
 * Extract from jQuery Nivo slider below
 * The setting selection field has been set for each line marked with an 'x' 

      x	effect: 'random',
      x	slices: 15,
      x	boxCols: 8,
      x	boxRows: 4,
      x animSpeed: 500,
      x	pauseTime: 3000,
      	startSlide: 0,
      x	directionNav: true,
      x	directionNavHide: true,
      x	controlNav: true,
      x	controlNavThumbs: false,
        controlNavThumbsFromRel: false,
      	controlNavThumbsSearch: '.jpg',
      	controlNavThumbsReplace: '_thumb.jpg',
      	keyboardNav: true,
      x	pauseOnHover: true,
      x	manualAdvance: false,
      x	captionOpacity: 0.8,
      	prevText: 'Prev',
      	nextText: 'Next',
      	randomStart: false,
      	beforeChange: function(){},
      	afterChange: function(){},
      	slideshowEnd: function(){},
        lastSlide: function(){},
        afterLoad: function(){}
function oik_nivo_slider_options()
    $option = "bw_nivo_slider";
    $options = get_option($option);
    stag('table class="form-table"');
    $effect_options = array('random', 'sliceDownRight', 'sliceDownLeft', 'sliceUpRight', 'sliceUpLeft', 'sliceUpDown', 'sliceUpDownLeft', 'fold', 'fade', 'boxRandom', 'boxRain', 'boxRainReverse', 'boxRainGrow', 'boxRainGrowReverse', 'slideInLeft', 'slideInRight');
    $effect_options_assoc = bw_assoc($effect_options);
    bw_select_arr($option, "Effect (effect=<i>effect</i>)", $options, 'effect', array("#options" => $effect_options_assoc));
    bw_textfield_arr($option, "Slices", $options, 'slices', 2);
    bw_textfield_arr($option, "Box cols", $options, 'boxCols', 2);
    bw_textfield_arr($option, "Box rows", $options, 'boxRows', 2);
    bw_textfield_arr($option, "Anim speed", $options, 'animSpeed', 4);
    bw_textfield_arr($option, "Pause time (pause=<i>nnnn</i>)", $options, 'pauseTime', 4);
    bw_checkbox_arr($option, "Control nav (nav=n|y)", $options, 'controlNav');
    bw_checkbox_arr($option, "Control nav thumbs (thumbs=n|y)", $options, 'controlNavThumbs');
    //bw_textfield_arr( $option, "Control nav thumbs search", $options, 'controlNavThumbsSearch', 20 );
    //bw_textfield_arr( $option, "Control nav thumbs replace", $options, 'controlNavThumbsReplace', 20 );
    bw_checkbox_arr($option, "Direction nav", $options, 'directionNav');
    bw_checkbox_arr($option, "Direction nav hide", $options, 'directionNavHide');
    bw_checkbox_arr($option, "Pause on hover", $options, 'pauseOnHover');
    bw_checkbox_arr($option, "Manual advance (manual=n|y)", $options, 'manualAdvance');
    bw_textfield_arr($option, "Caption opacity", $options, 'captionOpacity', 4);
    //bw_tablerow( array( "", "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"ok\" value=\"Save changes\" class=\"button-primary\"/>") );
    e(isubmit("ok", __("Save changes", "oik"), null, "button-primary"));
Esempio n. 2
 * Display the options for oik-lib
 * 'mu' Enable as a must use plugin, if possible
function oik_lib_options()
    $option = "bw_lib";
    $options = bw_form_start($option, "oik_lib_options");
    bw_checkbox_arr($option, __("Enable as Must Use plugin?", 'oik-lib'), $options, "enable-mu");
    etag("table ");
    e(isubmit("ok", __("Save changes", "oik-lib"), null, "button-primary"));