case 'edit': if (!empty($_POST)) { $result = $fm_module_policies->update($_POST); if ($result !== true) { $response = $result; $form_data = $_POST; } else { header('Location: ' . $GLOBALS['basename'] . "?type={$type}&server_serial_no={$server_serial_no}"); } } break; } } printHeader(); @printMenu(); $avail_types = buildSubMenu($type, $server_serial_no); $response = $form_data = $action = null; echo printPageHeader($response, null, currentUserCan('manage_servers', $_SESSION['module']), $type); /* echo <<<HTML <div id="pagination_container" class="submenus"> <div> <div class="stretch"></div> $avail_types </div> </div> HTML; */ $result = basicGetList('fm_' . $__FM_CONFIG[$_SESSION['module']]['prefix'] . 'policies', 'policy_order_id', 'policy_', "AND server_serial_no={$server_serial_no} AND policy_type='{$type}'"); $fm_module_policies->rows($result, $type);
case 'edit': if (!empty($_POST)) { $result = $fm_module_options->update($_POST); if ($result !== true) { $response = $result; $form_data = $_POST; } else { setBuildUpdateConfigFlag($server_serial_no, 'yes', 'build'); header('Location: ' . $GLOBALS['basename'] . $uri_params); } } } } printHeader(); @printMenu(); $avail_types = buildSubMenu(strtolower($option_type)); $avail_servers = buildServerSubMenu($server_serial_no); $sort_direction = null; $sort_field = 'cfg_name'; if (isset($_SESSION[$_SESSION['module']][$GLOBALS['path_parts']['filename']])) { extract($_SESSION[$_SESSION['module']][$GLOBALS['path_parts']['filename']], EXTR_OVERWRITE); } echo printPageHeader($response, $display_option_type . ' ' . getPageTitle(), currentUserCan('manage_servers', $_SESSION['module']), $name, $rel); echo <<<HTML <div id="pagination_container" class="submenus"> \t<div> \t<div class="stretch"></div> \t{$avail_types} \t{$avail_servers} \t</div> </div>
} $user_info = getUserInfo($_GET['id']); if ($user_info) { if ($user_info['user_template_only'] == 'no') { if (updateStatus('fm_users', $_GET['id'], 'user_', $_GET['status'], 'user_id')) { addLogEntry(sprintf(_("Set user '%s' status to %s."), $user_info['user_login'], $_GET['status']), $fm_name); header('Location: ' . $GLOBALS['basename'] . '?type=' . $_POST['type']); } } } $response = sprintf(_('This user could not be set to %s.') . "\n", $_GET['status']); } } printHeader(); @printMenu(); $avail_types = buildSubMenu($type); echo printPageHeader($response, $display_type, currentUserCan('manage_users'), $type); $sort_field = $type == 'users' ? 'user_login' : 'group_name'; $sort_direction = null; if (isset($_SESSION[$_SESSION['module']][$GLOBALS['path_parts']['filename']])) { extract($_SESSION[$_SESSION['module']][$GLOBALS['path_parts']['filename']], EXTR_OVERWRITE); } echo <<<HTML <div id="pagination_container" class="submenus"> \t<div> \t<div class="stretch"></div> \t{$avail_types} \t</div> </div> HTML;
if (!$patients) { echo "<p class='notice'>There are no patients with billing accounts.</p>"; } $form = array('form_action' => 'getBill', 'submit_text' => 'Get Bill', '_dropdown1' => array('label' => 'Patient', 'name' => 'pid', $patients)); buildForm($form); ?> <?php break; // Default index page // Default index page default: $items = array('readme' => "Read Me", 'tests' => "Run Tests"); buildSubMenu($items); ?> <h2>Hello!</h2> <p>Welcome to the hospital management system project!</p> <h2>Read Me</h2> <p>You can create the tables required with the createTables.sql file manually in DB2 Express C. This is also the updated Db2 DDL file for this part of the project.</p> <p>To use the functions of the hospital management system, choose an option from the above menu. Then, navigate to an appropriate sub-action.</p> <p>To insert some physicians into the database to use some functionality, click <a href='process.php?insertEmployees'>here</a>.</p> <p>You can edit the database connection credentials in config.php.</p> <a name='tests'></a> <h2>Perform Tests</h2> <p>These test the basic functionality of the system's functions.</p> <?php include 'tests.php'; ?>