Esempio n. 1
* For example, navigating to /commodity/ displays the available functions.
* This is included from ../private/summary.php 
* This is used to display a summary of functions available for a
* particular sub-directory. For example, /v1/ itself uses this.
function buildApiIndex($path, &$results)
    global $basePath;
    // Scan the sub-directories:
    $files = scandir($basePath . $path);
    foreach ($files as $fileName) {
        if (strstr($fileName, '.')) {
            // Ignore all files, . and ..
        // The folder is, for example, entity/create.
        // We know it's an API function if the folder contains a summary.json file in it.
        // Otherwise, we recurse further.
        $folder = $path . '/' . $fileName;
        if (file_exists($basePath . $folder . '/summary.json')) {
            if (file_exists($basePath . $folder . '/index.php')) {
                // API function found! We just add the full folder for now.
                // Note that this will be e.g. '/v1/entity/create'
                array_push($results['functions'], $folder);
            } else {
                // Otherwise we have a type definition, such as an error.
                array_push($results['types'], $folder);
        } else {
Esempio n. 2

// Include the index functionality:
include '../private/Functions/index.php';
// The index consists of functions and types. Build a set to collect them into.
$set = array('functions' => array(), 'types' => array());
// The sub-directory we're on is $path. Find the functions for this path and put them into $set:
buildApiIndex($path, $set);
echo '{';
// Output the functions:
outputIndex('functions', $set['functions']);
echo ',';
// Output the types:
outputIndex('types', $set['types']);
echo '}';
// These results should be cached - the response is always the same so:
// cache();