function bugs_has_access($bug_id, $bug, $pw, $user_flags) { global $auth_user; if ($bug['private'] != 'Y') { return true; } // When the bug is private, only the submitter, trusted devs, security devs and assigned dev // should see the report info if ($user_flags & (BUGS_SECURITY_DEV | BUGS_TRUSTED_DEV)) { // trusted and security dev return true; } else { if ($user_flags == BUGS_NORMAL_USER && $pw != '' && verify_bug_passwd($bug_id, bugs_get_hash($pw))) { // The submitter return true; } else { if ($user_flags & BUGS_DEV_USER && $bug['reporter_name'] != '' && strtolower($bug['reporter_name']) == strtolower($auth_user->handle)) { // The submitter (php developer) return true; } else { if ($user_flags & BUGS_DEV_USER && $bug['assign'] != '' && strtolower($bug['assign']) == strtolower($auth_user->handle)) { // The assigned dev return true; } } } } return false; }
mark_related_bugs($_POST['in']['commentemail'], $_POST['in']['name'], $ncomment); } while (false); $from = spam_protect($_POST['in']['commentemail'], 'text'); } else { $from = ''; } } elseif (isset($_POST['ncomment']) && isset($_POST['preview']) && $edit == 3) { $ncomment = trim($_POST['ncomment']); // primitive spam detection if (is_spam($ncomment)) { $errors[] = "Please do not SPAM our bug system."; } $from = $_POST['in']['commentemail']; } elseif (isset($_POST['in']) && !isset($_POST['preview']) && $edit == 2) { // Edits submitted by original reporter for old bugs if (!$show_bug_info || !verify_bug_passwd($bug_id, bugs_get_hash($pw))) { $errors[] = 'The password you supplied was incorrect.'; } // Bug is private (just should be available to trusted developers, original reporter and assigned dev) if (!$show_bug_info && $bug['private'] == 'Y') { response_header('Private report'); display_bug_error("The bug #{$bug_id} is not available to public"); response_footer(); exit; } // Just trusted dev can change the package name of a Security related bug to another package if ($bug['private'] == 'Y' && !$is_security_developer && $bug['bug_type'] == 'Security' && $_POST['in']['bug_type'] != $bug['bug_type']) { $errors[] = 'You cannot change the bug type of a Security bug!'; } $ncomment = trim($_POST['ncomment']); if (!$ncomment) {
INSERT INTO bugdb ( package_name, bug_type, email, sdesc, ldesc, php_version, php_os, passwd, reporter_name, status, ts1, private, visitor_ip ) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, "Open", NOW(), ?, INET_ATON(?)) ')->execute(array($package_name, $_POST['in']['bug_type'], $_POST['in']['email'], $_POST['in']['sdesc'], $fdesc, $_POST['in']['php_version'], $_POST['in']['php_os'], bugs_get_hash($_POST['in']['passwd']), $_POST['in']['reporter_name'], $_POST['in']['private'], $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { echo "<pre>"; var_dump($_POST['in'], $fdesc, $package_name); die($res->getMessage()); } $cid = $dbh->lastInsertId(); $redirectToPatchAdd = false; if (!empty($_POST['in']['patchname']) && $_POST['in']['patchname']) { require_once "{$ROOT_DIR}/include/classes/bug_patchtracker.php"; $tracker = new Bug_Patchtracker(); PEAR::staticPushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $patchrevision = $tracker->attach($cid, 'patchfile', $_POST['in']['patchname'], $_POST['in']['handle'], array()); PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); if (PEAR::isError($patchrevision)) { $redirectToPatchAdd = true;
// Try to find the email and the password if (empty($errors)) { $query = "SELECT email, passwd FROM bugdb WHERE id = '{$bug_id}'"; // Run the query $row = $dbh->prepare($query)->execute()->fetchRow(MDB2_FETCHMODE_ASSOC); if (is_null($row)) { $errors[] = "Invalid bug id provided: #{$bug_id}"; } else { if (empty($row['passwd'])) { $errors[] = "No password found for #{$bug_id} bug report, sorry."; } else { $new_passwd = bugs_gen_passwd(); $dbh->prepare('UPDATE bugdb SET passwd = ? WHERE id = ? ')->execute(array(bugs_get_hash($new_passwd), $bug_id)); $resp = bugs_mail($row['email'], "Password for {$siteBig} bug report #{$bug_id}", "The password for {$siteBig} bug report #{$bug_id} has been set to: {$new_passwd}", 'From:'); if ($resp) { $success = "The password for bug report #{$bug_id} has been sent to " . spam_protect($row['email'], 'text'); } else { $errors[] = 'Sorry. Mail can not be sent at this time, please try again later.'; } } } } } response_header('Bug Report Password Finder'); echo "<h1>Bug Report Password Finder</h1>\n"; display_bug_error($errors); if ($success) { display_bug_success($success);