function project_edit_bug_component($project_id, $id, $name) { global $db; $component_tbl = BUG_COMPONENT_TBL; $f_id = $component_tbl . "." . COMPONENT_ID; $f_proj_id = $component_tbl . "." . COMPONENT_PROJECT_ID; $f_name = $component_tbl . "." . COMPONENT_NAME; $history_tbl = BUG_HISTORY_TBL; $f_field = BUG_HISTORY_FIELD; $f_old_value = BUG_HISTORY_OLD_VALUE; $f_new_value = BUG_HISTORY_NEW_VALUE; $bug_component = BUG_COMPONENT; # Get current component name $old_component = bug_get_component($id); # Update the component $q = "UPDATE {$component_tbl}\n\t\t SET\n\t\t\t{$f_name} = '{$name}'\n\t\t WHERE\n\t\t\t{$f_id} = {$id}\n\t\t AND {$f_proj_id} = {$project_id}"; db_query($db, $q); # Update the history table to the new value where it was the old value $q1 = "UPDATE {$history_tbl}\n\t\t SET {$f_old_value} = '{$name}'\n\t\t WHERE {$f_field} = '{$bug_component}'\n\t\t AND {$f_old_value} = '{$old_component}'"; db_query($db, $q1); $q2 = "UPDATE {$history_tbl}\n\t\t SET {$f_new_value} = '{$name}'\n\t\t WHERE {$f_field} = '{$bug_component}'\n\t\t AND {$f_new_value} = '{$old_component}'"; db_query($db, $q2); }
function bug_history_log_event_special($bug_id, $field, $old_value, $new_value) { if ($old_value != $new_value && $new_value != '') { global $db; $tbl_history = BUG_HISTORY_TBL; $f_history_id = BUG_HISTORY_ID; $f_bug_id = BUG_HISTORY_BUG_ID; $f_date_modified = BUG_HISTORY_DATE; $f_user = BUG_HISTORY_USER; $f_field = BUG_HISTORY_FIELD; $f_old_value = BUG_HISTORY_OLD_VALUE; $f_new_value = BUG_HISTORY_NEW_VALUE; $username = session_get_username(); $current_date = date_get_short_dt(); switch ($field) { case BUG_CATEGORY: $old_value = bug_get_category($old_value); $new_value = bug_get_category($new_value); break; case BUG_COMPONENT: $old_value = bug_get_component($old_value); $new_value = bug_get_component($new_value); break; } $q = "INSERT INTO {$tbl_history}\n\t\t\t ( {$f_bug_id}, {$f_date_modified}, {$f_user}, {$f_field}, {$f_old_value}, {$f_new_value} )\n\t\t\t VALUES\n\t\t\t ('{$bug_id}', '{$current_date}', '{$username}', '{$field}', '{$old_value}', '{$new_value}' )"; db_query($db, $q); } }