/** * Return the admin links for the current topic in the loop. * * @param array $args { * @type string $seperator The character to use when separating * links. Default: '|'. * } * @return HTML string containing the admin links for the current topic. */ function bp_get_the_topic_admin_links($args = '') { global $forum_template; $defaults = array('seperator' => '|'); $r = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); extract($r, EXTR_SKIP); $links[] = '<a href="' . wp_nonce_url(bp_get_the_topic_permalink() . 'edit', 'bp_forums_edit_topic') . '">' . __('Edit Topic', 'buddypress') . '</a>'; if (bp_is_item_admin() || bp_is_item_mod() || bp_current_user_can('bp_moderate')) { if (0 == (int) $forum_template->topic->topic_sticky) { $links[] = '<a href="' . wp_nonce_url(bp_get_the_topic_permalink() . 'stick', 'bp_forums_stick_topic') . '">' . __('Sticky Topic', 'buddypress') . '</a>'; } else { $links[] = '<a href="' . wp_nonce_url(bp_get_the_topic_permalink() . 'unstick', 'bp_forums_unstick_topic') . '">' . __('Un-stick Topic', 'buddypress') . '</a>'; } if (0 == (int) $forum_template->topic->topic_open) { $links[] = '<a href="' . wp_nonce_url(bp_get_the_topic_permalink() . 'open', 'bp_forums_open_topic') . '">' . __('Open Topic', 'buddypress') . '</a>'; } else { $links[] = '<a href="' . wp_nonce_url(bp_get_the_topic_permalink() . 'close', 'bp_forums_close_topic') . '">' . __('Close Topic', 'buddypress') . '</a>'; } $links[] = '<a class="confirm" id="topic-delete-link" href="' . wp_nonce_url(bp_get_the_topic_permalink() . 'delete', 'bp_forums_delete_topic') . '">' . __('Delete Topic', 'buddypress') . '</a>'; } return implode(' ' . $seperator . ' ', (array) $links); }
function bp_group_is_mod() { return bp_is_item_mod(); }
/** * This screen function handles actions related to group forums. */ function groups_screen_group_forum() { if (!bp_is_active('forums') || !bp_forums_is_installed_correctly()) { return false; } if (bp_action_variable(0) && !bp_is_action_variable('topic', 0)) { bp_do_404(); return; } $bp = buddypress(); if (!$bp->groups->current_group->user_has_access) { bp_core_no_access(); return; } if (!bp_is_single_item()) { return false; } // Fetch the details we need. $topic_slug = (string) bp_action_variable(1); $topic_id = bp_forums_get_topic_id_from_slug($topic_slug); $forum_id = groups_get_groupmeta($bp->groups->current_group->id, 'forum_id'); $user_is_banned = false; if (!bp_current_user_can('bp_moderate') && groups_is_user_banned(bp_loggedin_user_id(), $bp->groups->current_group->id)) { $user_is_banned = true; } if (!empty($topic_slug) && !empty($topic_id)) { // Posting a reply. if (!$user_is_banned && !bp_action_variable(2) && isset($_POST['submit_reply'])) { // Check the nonce. check_admin_referer('bp_forums_new_reply'); // Auto join this user if they are not yet a member of this group. if (bp_groups_auto_join() && !bp_current_user_can('bp_moderate') && 'public' == $bp->groups->current_group->status && !groups_is_user_member(bp_loggedin_user_id(), $bp->groups->current_group->id)) { groups_join_group($bp->groups->current_group->id, bp_loggedin_user_id()); } $topic_page = isset($_GET['topic_page']) ? $_GET['topic_page'] : false; // Don't allow reply flooding. if (bp_forums_reply_exists($_POST['reply_text'], $topic_id, bp_loggedin_user_id())) { bp_core_add_message(__('It looks like you\'ve already said that!', 'buddypress'), 'error'); } else { if (!($post_id = groups_new_group_forum_post($_POST['reply_text'], $topic_id, $topic_page))) { bp_core_add_message(__('There was an error when replying to that topic', 'buddypress'), 'error'); } else { bp_core_add_message(__('Your reply was posted successfully', 'buddypress')); } } $query_vars = isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) ? '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] : ''; $redirect = bp_get_group_permalink(groups_get_current_group()) . 'forum/topic/' . $topic_slug . '/' . $query_vars; if (!empty($post_id)) { $redirect .= '#post-' . $post_id; } bp_core_redirect($redirect); } elseif (bp_is_action_variable('stick', 2) && (bp_is_item_admin() || bp_is_item_mod())) { // Check the nonce. check_admin_referer('bp_forums_stick_topic'); if (!bp_forums_sticky_topic(array('topic_id' => $topic_id))) { bp_core_add_message(__('There was an error when making that topic a sticky', 'buddypress'), 'error'); } else { bp_core_add_message(__('The topic was made sticky successfully', 'buddypress')); } /** * Fires after a group forum topic has been stickied. * * @since 1.1.0 * * @param int $topic_id ID of the topic being stickied. */ do_action('groups_stick_forum_topic', $topic_id); bp_core_redirect(wp_get_referer()); } elseif (bp_is_action_variable('unstick', 2) && (bp_is_item_admin() || bp_is_item_mod())) { // Check the nonce. check_admin_referer('bp_forums_unstick_topic'); if (!bp_forums_sticky_topic(array('topic_id' => $topic_id, 'mode' => 'unstick'))) { bp_core_add_message(__('There was an error when unsticking that topic', 'buddypress'), 'error'); } else { bp_core_add_message(__('The topic was unstuck successfully', 'buddypress')); } /** * Fires after a group forum topic has been un-stickied. * * @since 1.1.0 * * @param int $topic_id ID of the topic being un-stickied. */ do_action('groups_unstick_forum_topic', $topic_id); bp_core_redirect(wp_get_referer()); } elseif (bp_is_action_variable('close', 2) && (bp_is_item_admin() || bp_is_item_mod())) { // Check the nonce. check_admin_referer('bp_forums_close_topic'); if (!bp_forums_openclose_topic(array('topic_id' => $topic_id))) { bp_core_add_message(__('There was an error when closing that topic', 'buddypress'), 'error'); } else { bp_core_add_message(__('The topic was closed successfully', 'buddypress')); } /** * Fires after a group forum topic has been closed. * * @since 1.1.0 * * @param int $topic_id ID of the topic being closed. */ do_action('groups_close_forum_topic', $topic_id); bp_core_redirect(wp_get_referer()); } elseif (bp_is_action_variable('open', 2) && (bp_is_item_admin() || bp_is_item_mod())) { // Check the nonce. check_admin_referer('bp_forums_open_topic'); if (!bp_forums_openclose_topic(array('topic_id' => $topic_id, 'mode' => 'open'))) { bp_core_add_message(__('There was an error when opening that topic', 'buddypress'), 'error'); } else { bp_core_add_message(__('The topic was opened successfully', 'buddypress')); } /** * Fires after a group forum topic has been opened. * * @since 1.1.0 * * @param int $topic_id ID of the topic being opened. */ do_action('groups_open_forum_topic', $topic_id); bp_core_redirect(wp_get_referer()); } elseif (empty($user_is_banned) && bp_is_action_variable('delete', 2) && !bp_action_variable(3)) { // Fetch the topic. $topic = bp_forums_get_topic_details($topic_id); /* Check the logged in user can delete this topic */ if (!bp_is_item_admin() && !bp_is_item_mod() && (int) bp_loggedin_user_id() != (int) $topic->topic_poster) { bp_core_redirect(wp_get_referer()); } // Check the nonce. check_admin_referer('bp_forums_delete_topic'); /** * Fires before a group forum topic is deleted. * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param int $topic_id ID of the topic being deleted. */ do_action('groups_before_delete_forum_topic', $topic_id); if (!groups_delete_group_forum_topic($topic_id)) { bp_core_add_message(__('There was an error deleting the topic', 'buddypress'), 'error'); } else { bp_core_add_message(__('The topic was deleted successfully', 'buddypress')); } /** * Fires after a group forum topic has been deleted. * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param int $topic_id ID of the topic being deleted. */ do_action('groups_delete_forum_topic', $topic_id); bp_core_redirect(bp_get_group_permalink(groups_get_current_group()) . 'forum/'); } elseif (empty($user_is_banned) && bp_is_action_variable('edit', 2) && !bp_action_variable(3)) { // Fetch the topic. $topic = bp_forums_get_topic_details($topic_id); // Check the logged in user can edit this topic. if (!bp_is_item_admin() && !bp_is_item_mod() && (int) bp_loggedin_user_id() != (int) $topic->topic_poster) { bp_core_redirect(wp_get_referer()); } if (isset($_POST['save_changes'])) { // Check the nonce. check_admin_referer('bp_forums_edit_topic'); $topic_tags = !empty($_POST['topic_tags']) ? $_POST['topic_tags'] : false; if (!groups_update_group_forum_topic($topic_id, $_POST['topic_title'], $_POST['topic_text'], $topic_tags)) { bp_core_add_message(__('There was an error when editing that topic', 'buddypress'), 'error'); } else { bp_core_add_message(__('The topic was edited successfully', 'buddypress')); } /** * Fires after a group forum topic has been edited. * * @since 1.1.0 * * @param int $topic_id ID of the topic being edited. */ do_action('groups_edit_forum_topic', $topic_id); bp_core_redirect(bp_get_group_permalink(groups_get_current_group()) . 'forum/topic/' . $topic_slug . '/'); } /** * Filters the template to load for a topic edit page. * * @since 1.1.0 * * @param string $value Path to a topic edit template. */ bp_core_load_template(apply_filters('groups_template_group_forum_topic_edit', 'groups/single/home')); // Delete a post. } elseif (empty($user_is_banned) && bp_is_action_variable('delete', 2) && ($post_id = bp_action_variable(4))) { // Fetch the post. $post = bp_forums_get_post($post_id); // Check the logged in user can edit this topic. if (!bp_is_item_admin() && !bp_is_item_mod() && (int) bp_loggedin_user_id() != (int) $post->poster_id) { bp_core_redirect(wp_get_referer()); } // Check the nonce. check_admin_referer('bp_forums_delete_post'); /** * Fires before the deletion of a group forum post. * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param int $post_id ID of the forum post being deleted. */ do_action('groups_before_delete_forum_post', $post_id); if (!groups_delete_group_forum_post($post_id)) { bp_core_add_message(__('There was an error deleting that post', 'buddypress'), 'error'); } else { bp_core_add_message(__('The post was deleted successfully', 'buddypress')); } /** * Fires after the deletion of a group forum post. * * @since 1.1.0 * * @param int $post_id ID of the forum post being deleted. */ do_action('groups_delete_forum_post', $post_id); bp_core_redirect(wp_get_referer()); // Editing a post. } elseif (empty($user_is_banned) && bp_is_action_variable('edit', 2) && ($post_id = bp_action_variable(4))) { // Fetch the post. $post = bp_forums_get_post($post_id); // Check the logged in user can edit this topic. if (!bp_is_item_admin() && !bp_is_item_mod() && (int) bp_loggedin_user_id() != (int) $post->poster_id) { bp_core_redirect(wp_get_referer()); } if (isset($_POST['save_changes'])) { // Check the nonce. check_admin_referer('bp_forums_edit_post'); $topic_page = isset($_GET['topic_page']) ? $_GET['topic_page'] : false; if (!($post_id = groups_update_group_forum_post($post_id, $_POST['post_text'], $topic_id, $topic_page))) { bp_core_add_message(__('There was an error when editing that post', 'buddypress'), 'error'); } else { bp_core_add_message(__('The post was edited successfully', 'buddypress')); } if ($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) { $query_vars = '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } /** * Fires after the editing of a group forum post. * * @since 1.1.0 * * @param int $post_id ID of the forum post being edited. */ do_action('groups_edit_forum_post', $post_id); bp_core_redirect(bp_get_group_permalink($bp->groups->current_group) . 'forum/topic/' . $topic_slug . '/' . $query_vars . '#post-' . $post_id); } /** This filter is documented in bp-groups/bp-groups-screens.php */ bp_core_load_template(apply_filters('groups_template_group_forum_topic_edit', 'groups/single/home')); // Standard topic display. } else { if (!empty($user_is_banned)) { bp_core_add_message(__("You have been banned from this group.", 'buddypress')); } /** * Filters the template to load for a topic page. * * @since 1.1.0 * * @param string $value Path to a topic template. */ bp_core_load_template(apply_filters('groups_template_group_forum_topic', 'groups/single/home')); } // Forum topic does not exist. } elseif (!empty($topic_slug) && empty($topic_id)) { bp_do_404(); return; } else { // Posting a topic. if (isset($_POST['submit_topic']) && bp_is_active('forums')) { // Check the nonce. check_admin_referer('bp_forums_new_topic'); if ($user_is_banned) { $error_message = __("You have been banned from this group.", 'buddypress'); } elseif (bp_groups_auto_join() && !bp_current_user_can('bp_moderate') && 'public' == $bp->groups->current_group->status && !groups_is_user_member(bp_loggedin_user_id(), $bp->groups->current_group->id)) { // Auto join this user if they are not yet a member of this group. groups_join_group($bp->groups->current_group->id, bp_loggedin_user_id()); } if (empty($_POST['topic_title'])) { $error_message = __('Please provide a title for your forum topic.', 'buddypress'); } elseif (empty($_POST['topic_text'])) { $error_message = __('Forum posts cannot be empty. Please enter some text.', 'buddypress'); } if (empty($forum_id)) { $error_message = __('This group does not have a forum setup yet.', 'buddypress'); } if (isset($error_message)) { bp_core_add_message($error_message, 'error'); $redirect = bp_get_group_permalink($bp->groups->current_group) . 'forum'; } else { if (!($topic = groups_new_group_forum_topic($_POST['topic_title'], $_POST['topic_text'], $_POST['topic_tags'], $forum_id))) { bp_core_add_message(__('There was an error when creating the topic', 'buddypress'), 'error'); $redirect = bp_get_group_permalink($bp->groups->current_group) . 'forum'; } else { bp_core_add_message(__('The topic was created successfully', 'buddypress')); $redirect = bp_get_group_permalink($bp->groups->current_group) . 'forum/topic/' . $topic->topic_slug . '/'; } } bp_core_redirect($redirect); } /** * Fires at the end of the group forum screen loading process. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param int $topic_id ID of the topic being displayed. * @param int $forum_id ID of the forum being displayed. */ do_action('groups_screen_group_forum', $topic_id, $forum_id); /** * Filters the template to load for a group forum page. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $value Path to a group forum template. */ bp_core_load_template(apply_filters('groups_template_group_forum', 'groups/single/home')); } }
function bp_group_admin_tabs($group = false) { global $bp, $groups_template; if (empty($group)) { $group = $groups_template->group ? $groups_template->group : $bp->groups->current_group; } $current_tab = bp_get_group_current_admin_tab(); if (bp_is_item_admin() || bp_is_item_mod()) { ?> <li<?php if ('edit-details' == $current_tab || empty($current_tab)) { ?> class="current"<?php } ?> ><a href="<?php echo trailingslashit(bp_get_group_permalink($group) . 'admin/edit-details'); ?> "><?php _e('Details', 'buddypress'); ?> </a></li> <?php } ?> <?php if (!bp_is_item_admin()) { return false; } ?> <li<?php if ('group-settings' == $current_tab) { ?> class="current"<?php } ?> ><a href="<?php echo trailingslashit(bp_get_group_permalink($group) . 'admin/group-settings'); ?> "><?php _e('Settings', 'buddypress'); ?> </a></li> <?php if (!(int) bp_get_option('bp-disable-avatar-uploads')) { ?> <li<?php if ('group-avatar' == $current_tab) { ?> class="current"<?php } ?> ><a href="<?php echo trailingslashit(bp_get_group_permalink($group) . 'admin/group-avatar'); ?> "><?php _e('Avatar', 'buddypress'); ?> </a></li> <?php } ?> <li<?php if ('manage-members' == $current_tab) { ?> class="current"<?php } ?> ><a href="<?php echo trailingslashit(bp_get_group_permalink($group) . 'admin/manage-members'); ?> "><?php _e('Members', 'buddypress'); ?> </a></li> <?php if ($groups_template->group->status == 'private') { ?> <li<?php if ('membership-requests' == $current_tab) { ?> class="current"<?php } ?> ><a href="<?php echo trailingslashit(bp_get_group_permalink($group) . 'admin/membership-requests'); ?> "><?php _e('Requests', 'buddypress'); ?> </a></li> <?php } ?> <?php do_action('groups_admin_tabs', $current_tab, $group->slug); ?> <li<?php if ('delete-group' == $current_tab) { ?> class="current"<?php } ?> ><a href="<?php echo trailingslashit(bp_get_group_permalink($group) . 'admin/delete-group'); ?> "><?php _e('Delete', 'buddypress'); ?> </a></li> <?php }
function bp_link_is_mod() { return true === bp_is_item_mod() || true === bp_links_is_mod(); }
/** * Setup BuddyBar navigation * * @global BuddyPress $bp The one true BuddyPress instance */ function setup_nav() { // Define local variables $sub_nav = array(); // Add 'Groups' to the main navigation $main_nav = array('name' => sprintf(__('Groups <span>%d</span>', 'buddypress'), groups_total_groups_for_user()), 'slug' => $this->slug, 'position' => 70, 'screen_function' => 'groups_screen_my_groups', 'default_subnav_slug' => 'my-groups', 'item_css_id' => $this->id); $groups_link = trailingslashit(bp_loggedin_user_domain() . $this->slug); // Add the My Groups nav item $sub_nav[] = array('name' => __('Memberships', 'buddypress'), 'slug' => 'my-groups', 'parent_url' => $groups_link, 'parent_slug' => $this->slug, 'screen_function' => 'groups_screen_my_groups', 'position' => 10, 'item_css_id' => 'groups-my-groups'); // Add the Group Invites nav item $sub_nav[] = array('name' => __('Invitations', 'buddypress'), 'slug' => 'invites', 'parent_url' => $groups_link, 'parent_slug' => $this->slug, 'screen_function' => 'groups_screen_group_invites', 'user_has_access' => bp_is_my_profile(), 'position' => 30); parent::setup_nav($main_nav, $sub_nav); if (bp_is_groups_component() && bp_is_single_item()) { // Reset sub nav $sub_nav = array(); // Add 'Groups' to the main navigation $main_nav = array('name' => __('Memberships', 'buddypress'), 'slug' => $this->current_group->slug, 'position' => -1, 'screen_function' => 'groups_screen_group_home', 'default_subnav_slug' => $this->default_extension, 'item_css_id' => $this->id); $group_link = bp_get_group_permalink($this->current_group); // Add the "Home" subnav item, as this will always be present $sub_nav[] = array('name' => _x('Home', 'Group home navigation title', 'buddypress'), 'slug' => 'home', 'parent_url' => $group_link, 'parent_slug' => $this->current_group->slug, 'screen_function' => 'groups_screen_group_home', 'position' => 10, 'item_css_id' => 'home'); // If this is a private group, and the user is not a member, show a "Request Membership" nav item. if (is_user_logged_in() && !bp_current_user_can('bp_moderate') && !$this->current_group->is_user_member && !groups_check_for_membership_request(bp_loggedin_user_id(), $this->current_group->id) && $this->current_group->status == 'private') { $sub_nav[] = array('name' => __('Request Membership', 'buddypress'), 'slug' => 'request-membership', 'parent_url' => $group_link, 'parent_slug' => $this->current_group->slug, 'screen_function' => 'groups_screen_group_request_membership', 'position' => 30); } // Forums are enabled and turned on if ($this->current_group->enable_forum && bp_is_active('forums')) { $sub_nav[] = array('name' => __('Forum', 'buddypress'), 'slug' => 'forum', 'parent_url' => $group_link, 'parent_slug' => $this->current_group->slug, 'screen_function' => 'groups_screen_group_forum', 'position' => 40, 'user_has_access' => $this->current_group->user_has_access, 'item_css_id' => 'forums'); } $sub_nav[] = array('name' => sprintf(__('Members <span>%s</span>', 'buddypress'), number_format($this->current_group->total_member_count)), 'slug' => 'members', 'parent_url' => $group_link, 'parent_slug' => $this->current_group->slug, 'screen_function' => 'groups_screen_group_members', 'position' => 60, 'user_has_access' => $this->current_group->user_has_access, 'item_css_id' => 'members'); if (bp_is_active('friends') && bp_groups_user_can_send_invites()) { $sub_nav[] = array('name' => __('Send Invites', 'buddypress'), 'slug' => 'send-invites', 'parent_url' => $group_link, 'parent_slug' => $this->current_group->slug, 'screen_function' => 'groups_screen_group_invite', 'item_css_id' => 'invite', 'position' => 70, 'user_has_access' => $this->current_group->user_has_access); } // If the user is a group mod or more, then show the group admin nav item if (bp_is_item_admin() || bp_is_item_mod()) { $sub_nav[] = array('name' => __('Admin', 'buddypress'), 'slug' => 'admin', 'parent_url' => $group_link, 'parent_slug' => $this->current_group->slug, 'screen_function' => 'groups_screen_group_admin', 'position' => 1000, 'user_has_access' => true, 'item_css_id' => 'admin'); } parent::setup_nav($main_nav, $sub_nav); } if (isset($this->current_group->user_has_access)) { do_action('groups_setup_nav', $this->current_group->user_has_access); } else { do_action('groups_setup_nav'); } }
function groups_screen_group_admin_edit_details() { global $bp; if ('edit-details' == bp_get_group_current_admin_tab()) { if (bp_is_item_admin() || bp_is_item_mod()) { // If the edit form has been submitted, save the edited details if (isset($_POST['save'])) { // Check the nonce if (!check_admin_referer('groups_edit_group_details')) { return false; } if (!groups_edit_base_group_details($_POST['group-id'], $_POST['group-name'], $_POST['group-desc'], (int) $_POST['group-notify-members'])) { bp_core_add_message(__('There was an error updating group details, please try again.', 'buddypress'), 'error'); } else { bp_core_add_message(__('Group details were successfully updated.', 'buddypress')); } do_action('groups_group_details_edited', $bp->groups->current_group->id); bp_core_redirect(bp_get_group_permalink(groups_get_current_group()) . 'admin/edit-details/'); } do_action('groups_screen_group_admin_edit_details', $bp->groups->current_group->id); bp_core_load_template(apply_filters('groups_template_group_admin', 'groups/single/home')); } } }
/** * Add topic row action HTML when viewing group forum admin * * @since bbPress (r3653) * @uses bp_is_item_admin() * @uses bbp_get_forum_id() */ public function topic_row_actions() { // Only admins can take actions on forums if (is_super_admin() || current_user_can('moderate') || bp_is_item_admin() || bp_is_item_mod()) { ?> <div class="row-actions"> <?php echo 'Edit | View | Trash | Close | Stick (To Front) | Spam'; ?> </div> <?php } }
/** * Output the forums for a group in the edit screens * * @since bbPress (r3653) * @uses bp_get_current_group_id() * @uses bbp_get_group_forum_ids() * @uses bbp_has_forums() * @uses bbp_get_template_part() */ public function display_forums($offset = 0) { // Allow actions immediately before group forum output do_action('bbp_before_group_forum_display'); // Load up bbPress once $bbp = bbpress(); // Forum data $forum_slug = bp_action_variable($offset); $forum_ids = bbp_get_group_forum_ids(bp_get_current_group_id()); $forum_args = array('post__in' => $forum_ids, 'post_parent' => null); // Unset global queries $bbp->forum_query = new stdClass(); $bbp->topic_query = new stdClass(); $bbp->reply_query = new stdClass(); // Unset global ID's $bbp->current_forum_id = 0; $bbp->current_topic_id = 0; $bbp->current_reply_id = 0; $bbp->current_topic_tag_id = 0; // Reset the post data wp_reset_postdata(); // Allow admins special views $post_status = array(bbp_get_closed_status_id(), bbp_get_public_status_id()); if (is_super_admin() || current_user_can('moderate') || bp_is_item_admin() || bp_is_item_mod()) { $post_status = array_merge($post_status, array(bbp_get_spam_status_id(), bbp_get_trash_status_id())); } ?> <div id="bbpress-forums"> <?php // Looking at the group forum root if (empty($forum_slug) || 'page' == $forum_slug) { // Query forums and show them if they exist if (!empty($forum_ids) && bbp_has_forums($forum_args)) { // Only one forum found if (1 == $bbp->forum_query->post_count) { // Remove 'name' check for paginated requests if ('page' == $forum_slug) { $forum_args = array('post_type' => bbp_get_forum_post_type()); } else { $forum_args = array('name' => $forum_slug, 'post_type' => bbp_get_forum_post_type()); } // Get the forums $forums = get_posts($forum_args); bbp_the_forum(); // Forum exists if (!empty($forums)) { $forum = $forums[0]; // Suppress subforums for now add_filter('bbp_get_forum_subforum_count', '__return_false'); // Set up forum data bbpress()->current_forum_id = $forum->ID; bbp_set_query_name('bbp_single_forum'); ?> <h3><?php bbp_forum_title(); ?> </h3> <?php bbp_get_template_part('content', 'single-forum'); ?> <?php // Remove the subforum suppression filter remove_filter('bbp_get_forum_subforum_count', '__return_false'); ?> <?php } else { ?> <?php bbp_get_template_part('feedback', 'no-topics'); ?> <?php bbp_get_template_part('form', 'topic'); ?> <?php } // More than 1 forum found or group forum admin screen } elseif (1 < $bbp->forum_query->post_count) { ?> <h3><?php _e('Forums', 'bbpress'); ?> </h3> <?php bbp_get_template_part('loop', 'forums'); ?> <h3><?php _e('Topics', 'bbpress'); ?> </h3> <?php if (bbp_has_topics(array('post_parent__in' => $forum_ids))) { ?> <?php bbp_get_template_part('pagination', 'topics'); ?> <?php bbp_get_template_part('loop', 'topics'); ?> <?php bbp_get_template_part('pagination', 'topics'); ?> <?php bbp_get_template_part('form', 'topic'); ?> <?php } else { ?> <?php bbp_get_template_part('feedback', 'no-topics'); ?> <?php bbp_get_template_part('form', 'topic'); ?> <?php } // No forums found } else { ?> <div id="message" class="info"> <p><?php _e('This group does not currently have any forums.', 'bbpress'); ?> </p> </div> <?php } // No forums found } else { ?> <div id="message" class="info"> <p><?php _e('This group does not currently have any forums.', 'bbpress'); ?> </p> </div> <?php } // Single forum } elseif (bp_action_variable($offset) != $this->slug && bp_action_variable($offset) != $this->topic_slug && bp_action_variable($offset) != $this->reply_slug) { // Get forum data $forum_slug = bp_action_variable($offset); $forum_args = array('name' => $forum_slug, 'post_type' => bbp_get_forum_post_type()); $forums = get_posts($forum_args); // Forum exists if (!empty($forums)) { $forum = $forums[0]; // Set up forum data $forum_id = bbpress()->current_forum_id = $forum->ID; // Reset necessary forum_query attributes for forums loop to function $bbp->forum_query->query_vars['post_type'] = bbp_get_forum_post_type(); $bbp->forum_query->in_the_loop = true; $bbp->forum_query->post = get_post($forum_id); // Forum edit if (bp_action_variable($offset + 1) == $bbp->edit_id) { global $wp_query, $post; $wp_query->bbp_is_edit = true; $wp_query->bbp_is_forum_edit = true; $post = $forum; bbp_set_query_name('bbp_forum_form'); bbp_get_template_part('form', 'forum'); } else { bbp_set_query_name('bbp_single_forum'); ?> <h3><?php bbp_forum_title(); ?> </h3> <?php bbp_get_template_part('content', 'single-forum'); } } else { bbp_get_template_part('feedback', 'no-topics'); bbp_get_template_part('form', 'topic'); } // Single topic } elseif (bp_action_variable($offset) == $this->topic_slug) { // Get topic data $topic_slug = bp_action_variable($offset + 1); $topic_args = array('name' => $topic_slug, 'post_type' => bbp_get_topic_post_type(), 'post_status' => $post_status); $topics = get_posts($topic_args); // Topic exists if (!empty($topics)) { $topic = $topics[0]; // Set up topic data $topic_id = bbpress()->current_topic_id = $topic->ID; $forum_id = bbp_get_topic_forum_id($topic_id); // Reset necessary forum_query attributes for topics loop to function $bbp->forum_query->query_vars['post_type'] = bbp_get_forum_post_type(); $bbp->forum_query->in_the_loop = true; $bbp->forum_query->post = get_post($forum_id); // Reset necessary topic_query attributes for topics loop to function $bbp->topic_query->query_vars['post_type'] = bbp_get_topic_post_type(); $bbp->topic_query->in_the_loop = true; $bbp->topic_query->post = $topic; // Topic edit if (bp_action_variable($offset + 2) == $bbp->edit_id) { global $wp_query, $post; $wp_query->bbp_is_edit = true; $wp_query->bbp_is_topic_edit = true; $post = $topic; // Merge if (!empty($_GET['action']) && 'merge' == $_GET['action']) { bbp_set_query_name('bbp_topic_merge'); bbp_get_template_part('form', 'topic-merge'); // Split } elseif (!empty($_GET['action']) && 'split' == $_GET['action']) { bbp_set_query_name('bbp_topic_split'); bbp_get_template_part('form', 'topic-split'); // Edit } else { bbp_set_query_name('bbp_topic_form'); bbp_get_template_part('form', 'topic'); } // Single Topic } else { bbp_set_query_name('bbp_single_topic'); ?> <h3><?php bbp_topic_title(); ?> </h3> <?php bbp_get_template_part('content', 'single-topic'); } // No Topics } else { bbp_get_template_part('feedback', 'no-topics'); bbp_get_template_part('form', 'topic'); } // Single reply } elseif (bp_action_variable($offset) == $this->reply_slug) { // Get reply data $reply_slug = bp_action_variable($offset + 1); $reply_args = array('name' => $reply_slug, 'post_type' => bbp_get_reply_post_type()); $replies = get_posts($reply_args); if (empty($replies)) { return; } // Get the first reply $reply = $replies[0]; // Set up reply data $reply_id = bbpress()->current_reply_id = $reply->ID; $topic_id = bbp_get_reply_topic_id($reply_id); $forum_id = bbp_get_reply_forum_id($reply_id); // Reset necessary forum_query attributes for reply to function $bbp->forum_query->query_vars['post_type'] = bbp_get_forum_post_type(); $bbp->forum_query->in_the_loop = true; $bbp->forum_query->post = get_post($forum_id); // Reset necessary topic_query attributes for reply to function $bbp->topic_query->query_vars['post_type'] = bbp_get_topic_post_type(); $bbp->topic_query->in_the_loop = true; $bbp->topic_query->post = get_post($topic_id); // Reset necessary reply_query attributes for reply to function $bbp->reply_query->query_vars['post_type'] = bbp_get_reply_post_type(); $bbp->reply_query->in_the_loop = true; $bbp->reply_query->post = $reply; if (bp_action_variable($offset + 2) == $bbp->edit_id) { global $wp_query, $post; $wp_query->bbp_is_edit = true; $wp_query->bbp_is_reply_edit = true; $post = $reply; bbp_set_query_name('bbp_reply_form'); bbp_get_template_part('form', 'reply'); } } ?> </div> <?php // Allow actions immediately after group forum output do_action('bbp_after_group_forum_display'); }