/** * Sets up the title for pages and <title> * * @global BuddyPress $bp The one true BuddyPress instance */ public function setup_title() { $bp = buddypress(); if (bp_is_buddyblog_component()) { if (bp_is_my_profile() && !bp_is_single_item()) { $bp->bp_options_title = __('Posts', 'buddyblog'); } elseif (!bp_is_my_profile() && !bp_is_single_item()) { $bp->bp_options_avatar = bp_core_fetch_avatar(array('item_id' => bp_displayed_user_id(), 'type' => 'thumb', 'alt' => sprintf(__('Profile picture of %s', 'buddyblog'), bp_get_displayed_user_fullname()))); $bp->bp_options_title = bp_get_displayed_user_fullname(); // We are viewing a single group, so set up the // group navigation menu using the $this->current_group global. } } parent::setup_title(); }
/** * Is it new Post page * @return type */ function buddyblog_is_new_post() { $action = bp_current_action(); $post_id = bp_action_variable(0); if (bp_is_buddyblog_component() && $action == 'edit' && empty($post_id)) { return true; } return false; }
function buddyblog_modify_page_title($full_title, $title, $sep, $seplocation) { if (!bp_is_buddyblog_component()) { return $full_title; } $post_type_obj = get_post_type_object(buddyblog_get_posttype()); $full_title = bp_get_displayed_user_fullname() . ' ' . $sep . ' ' . $post_type_obj->labels->name . ' ' . $sep . ' '; if (buddyblog_is_single_post()) { $post_id = buddyblog_get_post_id(bp_action_variable(0)); $post = get_post($post_id); $full_title .= $post->post_title . ' ' . $sep . ' '; } elseif (buddyblog_is_edit_post()) { $full_title .= $post_type_obj->labels->edit_item . ' ' . $sep . ' '; } elseif (buddyblog_is_new_post()) { $full_title .= $post_type_obj->labels->new_item . ' ' . $sep . ' '; } return $full_title; // bp_get_displayed_user_fullname(), ucwords( $component_name ), $sep //if we are here, we are on }
/** * Generate pagination links * * @global type $wp_query */ function buddyblog_paginate() { /// get total number of pages global $wp_query; $total = $wp_query->max_num_pages; // only bother with the rest if we have more than 1 page! if ($total > 1) { // get the current page if (!($current_page = get_query_var('paged'))) { $current_page = 1; } // structure of “format” depends on whether we’re using pretty permalinks $perma_struct = get_option('permalink_structure'); $format = empty($perma_struct) ? '&page=%#%' : 'page/%#%/'; $base = trailingslashit(buddyblog_get_home_url() . BUDDYBLOG_ARCHIVE_SLUG); // echo $base; if (bp_is_buddyblog_component()) { //$base = $base.'/'; } echo paginate_links(array('base' => $base . '%_%', 'format' => $format, 'current' => $current_page, 'total' => $total, 'mid_size' => 4, 'type' => 'list')); } }
/** * Unpublish a post */ public function unpublish() { if (!(bp_is_buddyblog_component() && bp_is_current_action('unpublish'))) { return; } $id = bp_action_variable(0); if (!$id) { return; } if (buddyblog_user_can_unpublish(get_current_user_id(), $id)) { $post = get_post($id, ARRAY_A); $post['post_status'] = 'draft'; wp_update_post($post); //unpublish bp_core_add_message(__('Post unpublished', 'buddyblog')); } bp_core_redirect(buddyblog_get_home_url()); }