/** * Prevent a user from visiting the Edit page if it's locked. * * @since 1.6.0 */ function bp_docs_edit_lock_redirect() { if (!bp_docs_is_doc_edit()) { return; } $doc_id = get_queried_object_id(); $lock = bp_docs_check_post_lock($doc_id); if (!empty($lock) && $lock != bp_loggedin_user_id()) { $bounce = bp_docs_get_doc_link($doc_id); wp_redirect($bounce); } }
?> > <a href="<?php bp_docs_doc_link(); ?> "><?php _e('Read', 'bp-docs'); ?> </a> </li> <?php if (bp_docs_current_user_can('edit')) { ?> <li<?php if (bp_docs_is_doc_edit()) { ?> class="current"<?php } ?> > <a href="<?php bp_docs_doc_edit_link(); ?> "><?php _e('Edit', 'bp-docs'); ?> </a> </li> <?php }
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/** * Protects group docs from unauthorized access * * @since 1.2 * @uses bp_docs_current_user_can() This does most of the heavy lifting */ function protect_doc_access() { // What is the user trying to do? if (bp_docs_is_doc_read()) { $action = 'read'; } else { if (bp_docs_is_doc_create()) { $action = 'create'; } else { if (bp_docs_is_doc_edit()) { $action = 'edit'; } else { if (bp_docs_is_doc_history()) { $action = 'view_history'; } } } } if (!isset($action)) { return; } if (!bp_docs_current_user_can($action)) { $redirect_to = wp_get_referer(); if (!$redirect_to || trailingslashit($redirect_to) == trailingslashit(wp_guess_url())) { $redirect_to = bp_get_root_domain(); } switch ($action) { case 'read': $message = __('You are not allowed to read that Doc.', 'bp-docs'); break; case 'create': $message = __('You are not allowed to create Docs.', 'bp-docs'); break; case 'edit': $message = __('You are not allowed to edit that Doc.', 'bp-docs'); break; case 'view_history': $message = __('You are not allowed to view that Doc\'s history.', 'bp-docs'); break; } bp_core_add_message($message, 'error'); bp_core_redirect($redirect_to); } }
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