function bp_blogs_check_installed() { global $wpdb, $bp, $userdata; /* Only create the bp-blogs tables if this is a multisite install */ if ( is_super_admin() && bp_core_is_multisite() ) { /* Need to check db tables exist, activate hook no-worky in mu-plugins folder. */ if ( get_site_option( 'bp-blogs-db-version' ) < BP_BLOGS_DB_VERSION ) bp_blogs_install(); } }
function bp_blogs_check_installed() { global $wpdb, $bp, $userdata; if (is_site_admin()) { /* Need to check db tables exist, activate hook no-worky in mu-plugins folder. */ if (get_site_option('bp-blogs-db-version') < BP_BLOGS_DB_VERSION) { bp_blogs_install(); } } }