Esempio n. 1
 function get_header_gcategories($amount, $position, $brand_is_recommend = 1)
     $gcategory_mod =& bm('gcategory', array('_store_id' => 0));
     $gcategories = array();
     if (!$amount) {
         $gcategories = $gcategory_mod->get_list(-1, true);
     } else {
         $gcategory = $gcategory_mod->get_list(0, true);
         $gcategories = $gcategory;
         foreach ($gcategory as $val) {
             $result = $gcategory_mod->get_list($val['cate_id'], true);
             $result = array_slice($result, 0, $amount);
             $gcategories = array_merge($gcategories, $result);
     $tree = new Tree();
     $tree->setTree($gcategories, 'cate_id', 'parent_id', 'cate_name');
     $gcategory_list = $tree->getArrayList(0);
     $i = 0;
     $brand_mod =& m('brand');
     foreach ($gcategory_list as $k => $v) {
         $gcategory_list[$k]['top'] = isset($position[$i]) ? $position[$i] : '0px';
         $gcategory_list[$k]['brands'] = $brand_mod->find(array('conditions' => "tag = '" . $v['value'] . "' AND recommended=" . $brand_is_recommend, 'order' => 'sort_order asc,brand_id desc'));
     return array('gcategories' => $gcategory_list);
 function _get_data()
     $this->options['amount'] = intval($this->options['amount']);
     $cache_server =& cache_server();
     $key = $this->_get_cache_id();
     $data = $cache_server->get($key);
     if ($data === false) {
         $gcategory_mod =& bm('gcategory', array('_store_id' => 0));
         $gcategories = array();
         if (empty($this->options['amount'])) {
             $gcategories = $gcategory_mod->get_list(-1, true);
         } else {
             $gcategory = $gcategory_mod->get_list(0, true);
             $gcategories = $gcategory;
             foreach ($gcategory as $val) {
                 $result = $gcategory_mod->get_list($val['cate_id'], true);
                 $result = array_slice($result, 0, $this->options['amount']);
                 $gcategories = array_merge($gcategories, $result);
         $tree = new Tree();
         //LLL 商品分类挂件根据语言选择分类字段
         $lang2 = get_lang2();
         //like fr,sc etc...
         $gcategories = chg_array2_string($gcategories, 'cate_name', $lang2);
         $tree->setTree($gcategories, 'cate_id', 'parent_id', 'cate_name');
         $data = $tree->getArrayList(0);
         $cache_server->set($key, $data, $this->_ttl);
     return $data;
Esempio n. 3
 function _get_data()
     $cache_server =& cache_server();
     $key = $this->_get_cache_id();
     $data = $cache_server->get($key);
     if ($data === false) {
         $gcategory_mod =& bm('gcategory', array('_store_id' => 0));
         $gcategories = array();
         $brand_mod =& m('brand');
         if (empty($this->options['amount'])) {
             $gcategories = $gcategory_mod->get_list(-1, true);
         } else {
             $gcategory = $gcategory_mod->get_list(0, true);
             $gcategories = $gcategory;
             foreach ($gcategory as $val) {
                 $result = $gcategory_mod->get_list($val['cate_id'], true);
                 $result = array_slice($result, 0, $this->options['amount']);
                 $gcategories = array_merge($gcategories, $result);
         $tree = new Tree();
         $tree->setTree($gcategories, 'cate_id', 'parent_id', 'cate_name');
         $data = array('gcategories' => $tree->getArrayList(0), 'model_name' => $this->options['model_name'], 'brands' => $brand_mod->find(array('conditions' => "recommended = 1 AND if_show = 1", 'order' => 'sort_order', 'limit' => $this->_num)));
         $cache_server->set($key, $data, $this->_ttl);
     return $data;
Esempio n. 4
 function DatacallModule()
     $this->type = isset($_REQUEST['type']) ? intval($_REQUEST['type']) : 'goods';
     $this->call_mod =& af('datacall');
     $this->_gcategory_mod =& bm("gcategory");
Esempio n. 5
 function ajax_cate()
     if (!isset($_GET['id']) || empty($_GET['id'])) {
         echo ecm_json_encode(false);
     $this->_gcategory_mod =& bm('gcategory');
     $cate = $this->_gcategory_mod->get_list($_GET['id']);
     foreach ($cate as $key => $val) {
         $child = $this->_gcategory_mod->get_list($val['cate_id']);
         $lay = $this->_gcategory_mod->get_layer($val['cate_id']);
         if ($lay >= MAX_LAYER) {
             $cate[$key]['add_child'] = 0;
         } else {
             $cate[$key]['add_child'] = 1;
         if (!$child || empty($child)) {
             $cate[$key]['switchs'] = 0;
         } else {
             $cate[$key]['switchs'] = 1;
     header("Content-Type:text/html;charset=" . CHARSET);
     echo ecm_json_encode(array_values($cate));
Esempio n. 6
 function ChannelApp()
     $this->_channel_mod =& af('channels');
     $this->_gcategory_mod =& bm('gcategory', array('_store_id' => 0));
     $this->_tpl_filepath = ROOT_PATH . '/themes/mall/' . $this->_get_template_name() . '/';
     $this->_tpl_confpath = ROOT_PATH . '/data/page_config/';
     $this->_tpl_url = SITE_URL . '/themes/mall/' . $this->_get_template_name() . '/styles/' . $this->_get_style_name();
 function _list_gcategory()
     $gcategory_mod =& bm('gcategory', array('_store_id' => 0));
     $gcategories = $gcategory_mod->get_list(-1, true);
     $tree = new Tree();
     $tree->setTree($gcategories, 'cate_id', 'parent_id', 'cate_name');
     return $tree->getArrayList(0);
 function get_cat_goods_total($cate_id)
     $goods_mod =& m('goods');
     $gcategory_mod =& bm('gcategory');
     $cate_ids = implode(",", $gcategory_mod->get_descendant_ids($cate_id));
     if ($cate_id > 0) {
         $conditions = " AND cate_id IN (" . $cate_ids . ")";
     } else {
         $conditions = '';
     $goods = $goods_mod->find(array('conditions' => 'if_show=1 and closed=0 ' . $conditions, 'fields' => 'goods_id'));
     return count($goods);
 function _list_gcategory()
     $gcategory_mod =& bm('gcategory', array('_store_id' => 0));
     $gcategories = $gcategory_mod->get_list(-1, true);
     $tree = new Tree();
     $lang2 = get_lang2();
     //LLL 获取语言2个字母的代称,如fr, sc, en
     $gcategories = chg_array2_string($gcategories, 'cate_name', $lang2);
     $tree->setTree($gcategories, 'cate_id', 'parent_id', 'cate_name');
     return $tree->getArrayList(0);
Esempio n. 10
 function _list_gcategory()
     $cache_server =& cache_server();
     $key = 'page_goods_category';
     $data = $cache_server->get($key);
     if ($data === false) {
         $gcategory_mod =& bm('gcategory', array('_store_id' => 0));
         $gcategories = $gcategory_mod->get_list(-1, true);
         $tree = new Tree();
         $tree->setTree($gcategories, 'cate_id', 'parent_id', 'cate_name');
         $data = $tree->getArrayList(0);
         $cache_server->set($key, $data, 3600);
     return $data;
Esempio n. 11
 function _get_data()
     $gcategory_mod =& bm('gcategory');
     $gcategories = array();
     if (!empty($this->options['cate_id'])) {
         $gcategorys = $gcategory_mod->get_children($this->options['cate_id']);
         foreach ($gcategorys as $key => $cate) {
             $gcategorys[$key]['children'] = array();
             $gcategorys[$key]['children'] = $gcategory_mod->get_children($cate['cate_id']);
             foreach ($gcategorys[$key]['children'] as $k => $v) {
                 $gcategorys[$key]['children'][$k]['children'] = $gcategory_mod->get_children($v['cate_id']);
     $ads = array();
     for ($i = 1; $i < 9; $i++) {
         $ads[$i]['ad_image_url'] = $this->options['ad' . $i . '_image_url'];
         $ads[$i]['ad_link_url'] = $this->options['ad' . $i . '_link_url'];
     $data = array('model_color' => $this->options['model_color'], 're_store' => $this->options['re_store'], 'gcategories' => $gcategorys, 'ad0_image_url' => $this->options['ad0_image_url'], 'ads' => $ads, 'wid' => md5($this->options['model_color']));
     return $data;
Esempio n. 12
 function store_goods()
     $goods_mod =& bm('goods', array('_store_id' => $this->_store_id));
     /* 搜索条件 */
     $conditions = "1 = 1";
     if (trim($_GET['goods_name'])) {
         $str = "LIKE '%" . trim($_GET['goods_name']) . "%'";
         $conditions .= " AND (goods_name {$str})";
     if (intval($_GET['sgcate_id']) > 0) {
         $cate_mod =& bm('gcategory', array('_store_id' => $this->_store_id));
         $cate_ids = $cate_mod->get_descendant(intval($_GET['sgcate_id']));
     } else {
         $cate_ids = 0;
     /* 取得商品列表 */
     $goods_list = $goods_mod->get_list(array('conditions' => $conditions . ' AND g.if_show=1 AND g.closed=0', 'order' => 'g.add_time DESC', 'limit' => 100), $cate_ids);
     foreach ($goods_list as $key => $val) {
         $goods_list[$key]['goods_name'] = htmlspecialchars($val['goods_name']);
Esempio n. 13
 function _get_gcategory_options($parent_id = 0)
     $mod_gcategory =& bm('gcategory');
     $gcategories = $mod_gcategory->get_list($parent_id, true);
     foreach ($gcategories as $gcategory) {
         $res[$gcategory['cate_id']] = $gcategory['cate_name'];
     return $res;
Esempio n. 14
 function My_categoryApp()
     $this->_gcategory_mod =& bm('gcategory', array('_store_id' => $this->visitor->get('manage_store')));
Esempio n. 15
 function _get_mgcategory_options($parent_id = 0)
     $res = array();
     $mod =& bm('gcategory', array('_store_id' => 0));
     $gcategories = $mod->get_list($parent_id, true);
     foreach ($gcategories as $gcategory) {
         $res[$gcategory['cate_id']] = $gcategory['cate_name'];
     return $res;
 function _get_store_gcategory()
     $gcategory_mod =& bm('gcategory', array('_store_id' => $this->_store_id));
     $gcategories = $gcategory_mod->get_list(-1, true);
     //LLL store gcategories里面的cate_name部分仅保留对应语言的字符 frontend.base, store中的商品分类
     $gcategories = chg_array2_string($gcategories, 'cate_name', get_lang2());
     $tree = new Tree();
     $tree->setTree($gcategories, 'cate_id', 'parent_id', 'cate_name');
     return $tree->getArrayList(0);
Esempio n. 17
 function index()
     /* 取得导航 */
     $this->assign('navs', $this->_get_navs());
     /* 取得满足条件的商品 */
     $conditions = "g.if_show = 1 AND g.closed = 0 AND s.state = 1";
     // 上架且没有被禁售,店铺是开启状态
     $filters = array();
     // 筛选条件
     // 分类
     $cate_id = empty($_GET['cate_id']) ? 0 : intval($_GET['cate_id']);
     if ($cate_id > 0) {
         $gcategory_mod =& m('gcategory');
         $cate_ids = $gcategory_mod->get_descendant($cate_id);
         $conditions .= " AND cate_id" . db_create_in($cate_ids);
     // 关键字
     $keyword = trim($_GET['keyword']);
     if (!empty($keyword)) {
         //LLL 主搜索中 也搜索货号
         //$conditions .= " AND goods_name OR sku LIKE '%{$keyword}%' ";
         $conditions .= " AND goods_name OR sku LIKE '%{$keyword}%' ";
         $filters['keyword'] = array('key' => 'keyword', 'name' => LANG::get('keyword'), 'value' => $keyword);
     // 品牌
     if (!empty($_GET['brand'])) {
         $conditions .= " AND brand = '{$_GET['brand']}' ";
         $filters['brand'] = array('key' => 'brand', 'name' => LANG::get('brand'), 'value' => $_GET['brand']);
     // 地区
     if (!empty($_GET['region_id'])) {
         $conditions .= " AND region_id = '{$_GET['region_id']}' ";
         $region_mod =& m('region');
         $region = $region_mod->get_info($_GET['region_id']);
         $filters['region_id'] = array('key' => 'region_id', 'name' => LANG::get('region'), 'value' => $region['region_name']);
     // 价格区间
     if (!empty($_GET['price'])) {
         $arr = explode('-', $_GET['price']);
         $min = floatval($arr[0]);
         $max = floatval($arr[1]);
         if ($min != 0 || $max != 0) {
             if ($min != 0 && $max != 0) {
                 if ($min > $max) {
                     list($min, $max) = array($max, $min);
                 $conditions .= " AND price >= '{$min}' AND price <= '{$max}' ";
                 $filters['price'] = array('key' => 'price', 'name' => LANG::get('price'), 'value' => price_format($min) . ' - ' . price_format($max));
             } else {
                 if ($min != 0) {
                     $conditions .= " AND price >= '{$min}' ";
                     $filters['price'] = array('key' => 'price', 'name' => LANG::get('price'), 'value' => LANG::get('ge') . ' ' . price_format($min));
                 } else {
                     $conditions .= " AND price <= '{$max}' ";
                     $filters['price'] = array('key' => 'price', 'name' => LANG::get('price'), 'value' => LANG::get('le') . ' ' . price_format($max));
         } else {
     $page = $this->_get_page(12);
     $goods_mod =& m('goods');
     $store_mod =& m('store');
     $sgrade_mod =& m('sgrade');
     $sgrades = $sgrade_mod->find(array('fields' => 'grade_name'));
     $goods_list = $goods_mod->get_list(array('conditions' => $conditions, 'count' => true, 'order' => empty($_GET['order']) || !in_array($_GET['order'], array('sales desc', 'price asc', 'price desc', 'credit_value_desc', 'views desc', 'add_time desc')) ? 'sales desc' : $_GET['order'], 'limit' => $page['limit']));
     //LLL search 页面中商品列表中商品名多语言
     $goods_list = chg_array2_string($goods_list, 'goods_name', get_lang2());
     foreach ($goods_list as $key => $goods) {
         $step = intval(Conf::get('upgrade_required'));
         $step < 1 && ($step = 5);
         $goods_list[$key]['credit_image'] = $this->_view->res_base . '/images/' . $store_mod->compute_credit($goods['credit_value'], $step);
         empty($goods['default_image']) && ($goods_list[$key]['default_image'] = Conf::get('default_goods_image'));
         $goods_list[$key]['grade_name'] = $sgrades[$goods['sgrade']]['grade_name'];
     $this->assign('goods_list', $goods_list);
     $page['item_count'] = $goods_mod->getCount();
     $this->assign('page_info', $page);
     /* 商品展示方式 */
     $display_mode = ecm_getcookie('goodsDisplayMode');
     if (empty($display_mode) || !in_array($display_mode, array('list', 'squares'))) {
         $display_mode = 'squares';
         // 默认格子方式
     $this->assign('display_mode', $display_mode);
     /* 统计品牌 */
     $brands = $goods_mod->count_brand();
     $this->assign('brands', $brands);
     $this->assign('brand_count', count($brands));
     /* 统计价格 */
     $this->assign('price_intervals', $goods_mod->count_price());
     /* 统计地区 */
     $regions = $goods_mod->count_region();
     $this->assign('regions', $regions);
     $this->assign('region_count', count($regions));
     /* 筛选条件 */
     $this->assign('filters', $filters);
     /* 排序方式 */
     $this->assign('orders', array('sales desc' => LANG::get('sales_desc'), 'credit_value desc' => LANG::get('credit_value_desc'), 'price asc' => LANG::get('price_asc'), 'price desc' => LANG::get('price_desc'), 'views desc' => LANG::get('views_desc'), 'add_time desc' => LANG::get('add_time_desc')));
     /* 取得下级分类 */
     $gcategory_mod =& bm('gcategory', array('_store_id' => 0));
     $categories = $gcategory_mod->get_list($cate_id, true);
     //LLL categories里面的cate_name部分仅保留对应语言的字符 search page中左categories内容
     $categories = chg_array2_string($categories, 'cate_name', get_lang2());
     $this->assign('categories', $categories);
     $this->assign('category_count', count($categories));
     /* 当前位置 */
     $this->assign('page_title', Conf::get('site_title'));
Esempio n. 18
 function get_sgcategory_options($store_id)
     $mod =& bm('gcategory', array('_store_id' => $store_id));
     $gcategories = $mod->get_list();
     $tree = new Tree();
     $tree->setTree($gcategories, 'cate_id', 'parent_id', 'cate_name');
     return $tree->getOptions();
 function GcategoryApp()
     $this->_gcategory_mod =& bm('gcategory', array('_store_id' => 0));
Esempio n. 20
 function distribute()
     if (!IS_POST) {
         $cate_id = empty($_GET['cate_id']) ? 0 : intval($_GET['cate_id']);
         if (!$cate_id) {
             $this->show_warning('Hacking Attempt');
         //当前分类的级层,如 女装/连衣裙
         $this->_gcate_mod =& bm('gcategory');
         $this->assign('distribute_cate', $this->_gcate_mod->get_ancestor($cate_id));
         $prop_list = $this->_props_mod->find(array('conditions' => 'status=1', 'order' => 'sort_order,pid'));
         foreach ($prop_list as $key => $prop) {
             $prop_list[$key]['prop_value'] = $this->_prop_value_mod->find(array('conditions' => 'status=1 and pid=' . $prop['pid'], 'order' => 'sort_order,vid'));
         // 如果已经分配过属性,则进行 checked="checked" 设置
         $cate_pvs = $this->_cate_pvs_mod->get($cate_id);
         if ($cate_pvs) {
             $pvs = $cate_pvs['pvs'];
             $pv = explode(';', $pvs);
             $p = array();
             // 存储分配有属性名 prop 的数组
             $v = array();
             // 存储分配有属性值 prop_value 的数组
             foreach ($pv as $pitem) {
                 $item = explode(':', $pitem);
                 $p[] = $item[0];
                 $v[] = $item[1];
             $p = array_unique($p);
             // 去掉重复值
             $v = array_unique($v);
             // 去掉重复值
         foreach ($prop_list as $key => $prop) {
             if (isset($p) && in_array($prop['pid'], $p)) {
                 $prop_list[$key]['checked'] = 1;
             } else {
                 $prop_list[$key]['checked'] = 0;
             foreach ($prop['prop_value'] as $key_v => $pvalue) {
                 if (isset($v) && in_array($pvalue['vid'], $v)) {
                     $prop_list[$key]['prop_value'][$key_v]['checked'] = 1;
                 } else {
                     $prop_list[$key]['prop_value'][$key_v]['checked'] = 0;
         $this->assign('prop_list', $prop_list);
         /* 导入css */
         $this->import_resource(array('style' => 'res:style/jqtreetable.css'));
         $this->assign('cate_id', $cate_id);
     } else {
         $cate_id = intval($_POST['cate_id']);
         $pids = $_POST['pid'];
         $vids = $_POST['vid'];
         //if(!isset($pids) || !isset($vids)) {
         //'back', 'index.php?app=props&act=distribute&cate_id='.$cate_id);
         $data = array('cate_id' => $cate_id, 'pvs' => '');
         if (isset($pids) && isset($vids)) {
             // 去除非选中的 pid
             foreach ($vids as $item) {
                 $vid = explode(':', $item);
                 if (in_array($vid[0], $pids)) {
                     $pvs .= ';' . $item;
             $data['pvs'] = substr($pvs, 1);
         if ($this->_cate_pvs_mod->get($cate_id)) {
             $this->_cate_pvs_mod->edit($cate_id, $data);
         } else {
         $this->show_message('save_ok', 'back', 'index.php?app=props&act=distribute&cate_id=' . $cate_id);
Esempio n. 21
 function edit()
     $coupon_id = isset($_GET['id']) ? intval($_GET['id']) : 0;
     $current_coupon = $this->_coupon_mod->get_info($coupon_id);
     if (empty($coupon_id)) {
         echo Lang::get("no_coupon");
     if (!IS_POST) {
         $this->import_resource(array('script' => array(array('path' => 'jquery.ui/jquery.ui.js', 'attr' => ''), array('path' => 'jquery.ui/i18n/' . i18n_code() . '.js', 'attr' => ''), array('path' => 'jquery.plugins/jquery.validate.js', 'attr' => '')), 'style' => 'jquery.ui/themes/ui-lightness/jquery.ui.css'));
         header("Content-Type:text/html;charset=" . CHARSET);
         $gcategory_mod =& bm('gcategory', array('store_id' => 0));
         $this->assign('scategories', $this->_get_scategories());
         $this->assign('sgrades', $this->_get_sgrade());
         $this->assign('gcategories', $gcategory_mod->get_options(0));
         $current_coupon['selected'] = array();
         $current_coupon['selected'][$current_coupon['type']] = $current_coupon['type_content'];
         if ($current_coupon['coupon_image']) {
             $current_coupon['coupon_image'] = dirname(site_url()) . "/" . $current_coupon['coupon_image'];
         $store_mod =& m('store');
         $store = $store_mod->find(array('conditions' => 'state=1', 'fields' => 'store_name,store_id'));
         if ($current_coupon['type'] == 4) {
             $type_content = unserialize($current_coupon['type_content']);
             if (!empty($type_content)) {
                 foreach ($type_content as $key => $val) {
                     $store[$val]['selected'] = 1;
         $this->assign('build_editor', $this->_build_editor(array('name' => 'tip', 'content_css' => SITE_URL . "/themes/mall/{$template_name}/styles/{$style_name}/css/ecmall.css")));
         $this->assign('build_upload', $this->_build_upload(array('belong' => BELONG_ARTICLE, 'item_id' => 0)));
         // 构建swfupload上传组件
         $this->assign('store', $store);
         $this->assign('coupon', $current_coupon);
     } else {
         if (!$current_coupon['if_issue']) {
             $coupon_value = floatval(trim($_POST['coupon_value']));
             $use_times = intval(trim($_POST['use_times']));
             $min_amount = floatval(trim($_POST['min_amount']));
             if (empty($coupon_value) || $coupon_value < 0) {
             if (empty($use_times)) {
             if ($min_amount < 0) {
             $start_time = gmstr2time(trim($_POST['start_time']));
             $end_time = gmstr2time_end(trim($_POST['end_time'])) - 1;
             //echo gmstr2time_end(trim($_POST['end_time'])) . '-------' .$end_time;exit;
             if ($end_time < $start_time) {
             $coupon = array('coupon_name' => trim($_POST['coupon_name']), 'coupon_value' => $coupon_value, 'store_id' => 0, 'use_times' => $use_times, 'start_time' => $start_time, 'end_time' => $end_time, 'min_amount' => $min_amount, 'if_issue' => trim($_POST['if_issue']) == 1 ? 1 : 0, 'tip' => $_POST['tip'], 'open_agree_item' => $_POST['open_agree_item'], 'show_in_list' => $_POST['show_in_list']);
             if ($_POST['open_agree_item']) {
                 $coupon['type_content'] = $_POST['type'] == 4 ? serialize($_POST['type_content'][$_POST['type']]) : $_POST['type_content'][$_POST['type']];
                 $coupon['type'] = $_POST['type'];
             } else {
                 $coupon['type_content'] = '';
                 $coupon['type'] = '';
             /* 处理上传的图片 */
             $coupon_image = $this->_upload_image($coupon_id);
             if ($coupon_image) {
                 $coupon['coupon_image'] = $coupon_image;
             if ($_POST['open_agree_item']) {
                 $store_ids = $this->_save_store_coupon($_POST['type'], $_POST['type_content'][$_POST['type']], $coupon_id);
                 if (trim($_POST['if_issue']) == 1) {
                     if ($store_ids) {
                         foreach ($store_ids as $key => $val) {
                             $ms =& ms();
                             $content = get_msg(Lang::get('to_store_owner_who_can_use_coupon'), array('coupon_name' => $_POST['coupon_name']));
                             $ms->pm->send(MSG_SYSTEM, $val, '', $content);
             } else {
                 $store_coupon_mod =& m('store_coupon');
                 $store_coupon_mod->drop('coupon_id=' . $coupon_id);
         } else {
             $coupon['if_issue'] = trim($_POST['if_issue']) == 1 ? 1 : 0;
             $coupon['tip'] = $_POST['tip'];
         $this->_coupon_mod->edit($coupon_id, $coupon);
         if ($this->_coupon_mod->has_error()) {
         $this->show_message('edit_coupon_success', 'back_list', 'index.php?app=coupon');
Esempio n. 22
 function _get_mgcategory_options($parent_id = 0)
     $res = array();
     $mod =& bm('gcategory', array('_store_id' => 0));
     $gcategories = $mod->get_list($parent_id, true);
     foreach ($gcategories as $gcategory) {
         //LLL 本店所有商品分类多语言
         $res[$gcategory['cate_id']] = get_part_string($gcategory['cate_name'], '', true);
     return $res;
Esempio n. 23
 function _get_group_by_info($param, $cached)
     $data = false;
     if ($cached) {
         $cache_server =& cache_server();
         $key = 'group_by_info_' . var_export($param, true);
         $data = $cache_server->get($key);
     if ($data === false) {
         $data = array('total_count' => 0, 'by_category' => array(), 'by_brand' => array(), 'by_region' => array(), 'by_price' => array());
         $goods_mod =& m('goods');
         $store_mod =& m('store');
         // sku tyioocom
         $goods_pvs_mod =& m('goods_pvs');
         $props_mod =& m('props');
         $prop_value_mod =& m('prop_value');
         $table = " {$goods_mod->table} g LEFT JOIN {$store_mod->table} s ON g.store_id = s.store_id LEFT JOIN {$goods_pvs_mod->table} gp ON gp.goods_id=g.goods_id ";
         // end sku
         $conditions = $this->_get_goods_conditions($param);
         $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$table} WHERE" . $conditions;
         $total_count = $goods_mod->getOne($sql);
         if ($total_count > 0) {
             $data['total_count'] = $total_count;
             /* 按分类统计 */
             $cate_id = isset($param['cate_id']) ? $param['cate_id'] : 0;
             $sql = "";
             if ($cate_id > 0) {
                 $layer = $param['layer'];
                 if ($layer < 4) {
                     $sql = "SELECT g.cate_id_" . ($layer + 1) . " AS id, COUNT(*) AS count FROM {$table} WHERE" . $conditions . " AND g.cate_id_" . ($layer + 1) . " > 0 GROUP BY g.cate_id_" . ($layer + 1) . " ORDER BY count DESC";
             } else {
                 $sql = "SELECT g.cate_id_1 AS id, COUNT(*) AS count FROM {$table} WHERE" . $conditions . " AND g.cate_id_1 > 0 GROUP BY g.cate_id_1 ORDER BY count DESC";
             if ($sql) {
                 $category_mod =& bm('gcategory');
                 $children = $category_mod->get_children($cate_id, true);
                 $res = $goods_mod->db->query($sql);
                 while ($row = $goods_mod->db->fetchRow($res)) {
                     $data['by_category'][$row['id']] = array('cate_id' => $row['id'], 'cate_name' => $children[$row['id']]['cate_name'], 'count' => $row['count']);
             /* 按品牌统计 */
             $sql = "SELECT g.brand, COUNT(*) AS count FROM {$table} WHERE" . $conditions . " AND g.brand > '' GROUP BY g.brand ORDER BY count DESC";
             $by_brands = $goods_mod->db->getAllWithIndex($sql, 'brand');
             /* 滤去未通过商城审核的品牌 */
             if ($by_brands) {
                 $m_brand =& m('brand');
                 $brand_conditions = db_create_in(addslashes_deep(array_keys($by_brands)), 'brand_name');
                 $brands_verified = $m_brand->getCol("SELECT brand_name FROM {$m_brand->table} WHERE " . $brand_conditions . ' AND if_show=1');
                 foreach ($by_brands as $k => $v) {
                     if (!in_array($k, $brands_verified)) {
             $by_brands = Init_SearchApp::_get_group_by_info_by_brands($by_brands, $param);
             $data['by_brand'] = $by_brands;
             /* 按地区统计 */
             $sql = "SELECT s.region_id, s.region_name, COUNT(*) AS count FROM {$table} WHERE" . $conditions . " AND s.region_id > 0 GROUP BY s.region_id ORDER BY count DESC";
             $by_regions = Init_SearchApp::_get_group_by_info_by_region($sql, $param);
             $data['by_region'] = $by_regions;
             /*  end  */
             /* 按价格统计 */
             if ($total_count > NUM_PER_PAGE) {
                 $sql = "SELECT MIN(g.price) AS min, MAX(g.price) AS max FROM {$table} WHERE" . $conditions;
                 $row = $goods_mod->getRow($sql);
                 $min = $row['min'];
                 $max = min($row['max'], MAX_STAT_PRICE);
                 $step = max(ceil(($max - $min) / PRICE_INTERVAL_NUM), MIN_STAT_STEP);
                 $sql = "SELECT FLOOR((g.price - '{$min}') / '{$step}') AS i, count(*) AS count FROM {$table} WHERE " . $conditions . " GROUP BY i ORDER BY i";
                 $res = $goods_mod->db->query($sql);
                 while ($row = $goods_mod->db->fetchRow($res)) {
                     $data['by_price'][] = array('count' => $row['count'], 'min' => $min + $row['i'] * $step, 'max' => $min + ($row['i'] + 1) * $step);
             // sku tyioocom  按 属性统计
             $sql = "SELECT gp.* FROM {$table} WHERE " . $conditions . " AND gp.pvs > '' ";
             $prop_list = $goods_mod->getAll($sql);
             $pvs = '';
             foreach ($prop_list as $key => $prop) {
                 $pvs .= ';' . $prop['pvs'];
             $pvs = substr($pvs, 1);
             // 去掉前面的";"
             $props_data = array();
             if (!empty($pvs)) {
                 $pv_arr = array_unique(explode(';', $pvs));
                 // 去除重复值,形成新的数组
                 $pid = 0;
                 $prop_value = array();
                 //  先排序
                 foreach ($pv_arr as $key => $row) {
                     $volume[$key] = $row[0];
                 array_multisort($volume, SORT_DESC, $pv_arr);
                 // 排序后才能做以下 $pid!=$item[0] 的判断
                 /* 检查属性名和属性值是否存在,有可能是之前有,但后面删除了 */
                 foreach ($pv_arr as $key => $pv) {
                     if ($pv) {
                         $item = explode(':', $pv);
                         $check_prop = $props_mod->get(array('conditions' => 'pid=' . $item[0] . ' AND status=1', 'fields' => 'pid'));
                         // 如果属性名存在,则检查该属性名下的当前属性值是否存在
                         if ($check_prop) {
                             $check_prop_value = $prop_value_mod->get(array('conditions' => 'pid=' . $item[0] . ' AND vid=' . $item[1] . ' and status=1', 'fields' => 'vid'));
                             if (!$check_prop_value) {
                         } else {
                 //  将当前的筛选数据除掉
                 $p = array();
                 if (!empty($_GET['props'])) {
                     foreach (explode(';', $_GET['props']) as $pv) {
                         $pv = explode(':', $pv);
                         $p[] = $pv[0];
                     $p = array_unique($p);
                 //  end 当前的筛选数据除掉
                 foreach ($pv_arr as $key => $pv) {
                     $item = explode(':', $pv);
                     if (!empty($item[1]) && !in_array($item[0], $p)) {
                         $props = $props_mod->get(array('conditions' => 'status=1 and pid=' . $item[0], 'fields' => 'name,pid'));
                         $props_data[$item[0]] = $props;
                         if ($pid != $item[0]) {
                             // 不是同一个 pid 的属性值,不做累加
                             $prop_value = array();
                             $pid = $item[0];
                         $prop_value[] = $prop_value_mod->get(array('conditions' => 'status=1 and pid=' . $item[0] . ' and vid=' . $item[1], 'fields' => 'prop_value,vid,pid'));
                         $props_data[$item[0]] += array('value' => $prop_value);
             $data['by_props'] = $props_data;
         if ($cached) {
             $cache_server->set($key, $data, SEARCH_CACHE_TTL);
     return $data;
Esempio n. 24
  * 取得某分类的前4级分类id(存入商品作为冗余数据,方便查询和统计)
  * @param   int     $cate_id    分类id
  * @return  array(
  *              'cate_id_1' => 1,
  *              'cate_id_2' => 2,
  *              'cate_id_3' => 3,
  *              'cate_id_4' => 4,
  *          )
 function _get_cate_ids($cate_id)
     $res = array('cate_id_1' => 0, 'cate_id_2' => 0, 'cate_id_3' => 0, 'cate_id_4' => 0);
     if ($cate_id > 0) {
         $gcategory_mod =& bm('gcategory');
         $ancestor = $gcategory_mod->get_ancestor($cate_id);
         for ($i = 1; $i <= 4; $i++) {
             $res['cate_id_' . $i] = isset($ancestor[$i - 1]) ? $ancestor[$i - 1]['cate_id'] : 0;
     return $res;
Esempio n. 25
  * 根据查询条件取得分组统计信息
  * @param   array   $param  查询参数(参加函数_get_query_param的返回值说明)
  * @param   bool    $cached 是否缓存
  * @return  array(
  *              'total_count' => 10,
  *              'by_category' => array(id => array('cate_id' => 1, 'cate_name' => 'haha', 'count' => 10))
  *              'by_brand'    => array(array('brand' => brand, 'count' => count))
  *              'by_region'   => array(array('region_id' => region_id, 'region_name' => region_name, 'count' => count))
  *              'by_price'    => array(array('min' => 10, 'max' => 50, 'count' => 10))
  *          )
 function _get_group_by_info($param, $cached)
     $data = false;
     if ($cached) {
         $cache_server =& cache_server();
         $key = 'group_by_info_' . var_export($param, true);
         $data = $cache_server->get($key);
     if ($data === false) {
         $data = array('total_count' => 0, 'by_category' => array(), 'by_brand' => array(), 'by_region' => array(), 'by_price' => array());
         $goods_mod =& m('goods');
         $store_mod =& m('store');
         $table = " {$goods_mod->table} g LEFT JOIN {$store_mod->table} s ON g.store_id = s.store_id";
         $conditions = $this->_get_goods_conditions($param);
         $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$table} WHERE" . $conditions;
         $total_count = $goods_mod->getOne($sql);
         if ($total_count > 0) {
             $data['total_count'] = $total_count;
             /* 按分类统计 */
             $cate_id = isset($param['cate_id']) ? $param['cate_id'] : 0;
             $sql = "";
             if ($cate_id > 0) {
                 $layer = $param['layer'];
                 if ($layer < 4) {
                     $sql = "SELECT g.cate_id_" . ($layer + 1) . " AS id, COUNT(*) AS count FROM {$table} WHERE" . $conditions . " AND g.cate_id_" . ($layer + 1) . " > 0 GROUP BY g.cate_id_" . ($layer + 1) . " ORDER BY count DESC";
             } else {
                 $sql = "SELECT g.cate_id_1 AS id, COUNT(*) AS count FROM {$table} WHERE" . $conditions . " AND g.cate_id_1 > 0 GROUP BY g.cate_id_1 ORDER BY count DESC";
             if ($sql) {
                 $category_mod =& bm('gcategory');
                 $children = $category_mod->get_children($cate_id, true);
                 $res = $goods_mod->db->query($sql);
                 while ($row = $goods_mod->db->fetchRow($res)) {
                     $data['by_category'][$row['id']] = array('cate_id' => $row['id'], 'cate_name' => $children[$row['id']]['cate_name'], 'count' => $row['count']);
             /* 按品牌统计 */
             $sql = "SELECT g.brand, COUNT(*) AS count FROM {$table} WHERE" . $conditions . " AND g.brand > '' GROUP BY g.brand ORDER BY count DESC";
             $data['by_brand'] = $goods_mod->getAll($sql);
             /* 按地区统计 */
             $sql = "SELECT s.region_id, s.region_name, COUNT(*) AS count FROM {$table} WHERE" . $conditions . " AND s.region_id > 0 GROUP BY s.region_id ORDER BY count DESC";
             $data['by_region'] = $goods_mod->getAll($sql);
             /* 按价格统计 */
             if ($total_count > NUM_PER_PAGE) {
                 $sql = "SELECT MIN(g.price) AS min, MAX(g.price) AS max FROM {$table} WHERE" . $conditions;
                 $row = $goods_mod->getRow($sql);
                 $min = $row['min'];
                 $max = min($row['max'], MAX_STAT_PRICE);
                 $step = max(ceil(($max - $min) / PRICE_INTERVAL_NUM), MIN_STAT_STEP);
                 $sql = "SELECT FLOOR((g.price - '{$min}') / '{$step}') AS i, count(*) AS count FROM {$table} WHERE " . $conditions . " GROUP BY i ORDER BY i";
                 $res = $goods_mod->db->query($sql);
                 while ($row = $goods_mod->db->fetchRow($res)) {
                     $data['by_price'][] = array('count' => $row['count'], 'min' => $min + $row['i'] * $step, 'max' => $min + ($row['i'] + 1) * $step);
         if ($cached) {
             $cache_server->set($key, $data, SEARCH_CACHE_TTL);
     return $data;
Esempio n. 26
 function _assign_searched_goods($id)
     $goods_mod =& bm('goods', array('_store_id' => $id));
     $search_name = LANG::get('all_goods');
     $conditions = $this->_get_query_conditions(array(array('field' => 'goods_name', 'name' => 'keyword', 'equal' => 'like')));
     if ($conditions) {
         $search_name = sprintf(LANG::get('goods_include'), $_GET['keyword']);
         $sgcate_id = 0;
     } else {
         $sgcate_id = empty($_GET['cate_id']) ? 0 : intval($_GET['cate_id']);
     if ($sgcate_id > 0) {
         $gcategory_mod =& bm('gcategory', array('_store_id' => $id));
         $sgcate = $gcategory_mod->get_info($sgcate_id);
         $search_name = $sgcate['cate_name'];
         $sgcate_ids = $gcategory_mod->get_descendant_ids($sgcate_id);
     } else {
         $sgcate_ids = array();
     /* 排序方式 */
     $orders = array('add_time desc' => LANG::get('add_time_desc'), 'price asc' => LANG::get('price_asc'), 'price desc' => LANG::get('price_desc'));
     $this->assign('orders', $orders);
     $page = $this->_get_page(16);
     $goods_list = $goods_mod->get_list(array('conditions' => 'closed = 0 AND if_show = 1' . $conditions, 'count' => true, 'order' => empty($_GET['order']) || !isset($orders[$_GET['order']]) ? 'add_time desc' : $_GET['order'], 'limit' => $page['limit']), $sgcate_ids);
     foreach ($goods_list as $key => $goods) {
         empty($goods['default_image']) && ($goods_list[$key]['default_image'] = Conf::get('default_goods_image'));
     $this->assign('searched_goods', $goods_list);
     $page['item_count'] = $goods_mod->getCount();
     $this->assign('page_info', $page);
     $this->assign('search_name', $search_name);
Esempio n. 27
  * 取得当前位置
  * @param int $cate_id 分类id
 function _get_curlocal($cate_id)
     $parents = array();
     if ($cate_id) {
         $gcategory_mod =& bm('gcategory');
         $parents = $gcategory_mod->get_ancestor($cate_id, true);
     $curlocal = array(array('text' => LANG::get('all_categories'), 'url' => url('app=category')));
     foreach ($parents as $category) {
         $curlocal[] = array('text' => $category['cate_name'], 'url' => url('app=search&cate_id=' . $category['cate_id']));
     $curlocal[] = array('text' => LANG::get('goods_detail'));
     return $curlocal;
Esempio n. 28
  * 取得当前位置
  * @param int $cate_id 分类id
 function _get_curlocal($cate_id, $goods_name)
     $parents = array();
     if ($cate_id) {
         $gcategory_mod =& bm('gcategory');
         $parents = $gcategory_mod->get_ancestor($cate_id, true);
     foreach ($parents as $category) {
         $curlocal[] = array('text' => $category['cate_name'], 'url' => url('app=search&cate_id=' . $category['cate_id']));
     $curlocal[] = array('text' => $goods_name);
     return $curlocal;
Esempio n. 29
	<li><a href="<?php 
echo get_base_url();
echo bm();
" class="glyphicons dashboard"><i></i> <?php 
echo _t('Dashboard');
	<li class="divider"></li>
	<li><a href="<?php 
echo get_base_url();
echo bm();
" class="glyphicons search"><i></i> <?php 
echo _t('Search Course');
	<li class="divider"></li>
echo _t('Create Course');

echo _t('Add Course');
Esempio n. 30
 function edit()
     if (!IS_POST) {
         // 第一级分类
         $cate_mod =& bm('gcategory', array('_store_id' => 0));
         $this->assign('gcategories', $cate_mod->get_options(0, true));
         $this->headtag('<script type="text/javascript" src="{lib file=mlselection.js}"></script>');
     } else {
         $id = isset($_POST['id']) ? trim($_POST['id']) : '';
         if (!$id) {
             $this->show_warning('Hacking Attempt');
         $ids = explode(',', $id);
         $data = array();
         if ($_POST['cate_id'] > 0) {
             $data['cate_id'] = $_POST['cate_id'];
             $data['cate_name'] = $_POST['cate_name'];
         if (trim($_POST['brand'])) {
             $data['brand'] = trim($_POST['brand']);
         if ($_POST['closed'] >= 0) {
             $data['closed'] = $_POST['closed'] ? 1 : 0;
             $data['close_reason'] = $_POST['closed'] ? $_POST['close_reason'] : '';
         if (empty($data)) {
         $this->_goods_mod->edit($ids, $data);
         $ret_page = isset($_GET['ret_page']) ? intval($_GET['ret_page']) : 1;
         $this->show_message('edit_ok', 'back_list', 'index.php?app=goods&page=' . $ret_page);