Esempio n. 1
 function get_pwh_data($pwhid = 0)
     $pwhQuery = "select * from tbl_pat_personal where patient_ID=" . $pwhid;
     $datavalue = $this->getdataresult($pwhQuery);
     $displayData = '';
     $displayData .= '<fieldset>';
     $displayData .= '<legend>PwH Details</legend>';
     $pwh_result = $datavalue[0];
     $pwh_details = '';
     $pwh_details = '<div class="ui-accordion-header ui-state-default ui-corner-all nhrpaneltitle" style="margin:5px 0px">PWH Details</div>';
     $pwh_details .= '<table width="100%" class="pwhdetails" border="0">';
     $pwh_details .= '<tr>';
     $pwh_details .= '<td rowspan="5" class="pwhimage" ><img src="' . $this->obj->config->item('base_url') . 'images/miss_image.gif"/>
     $pwh_details .= '<th>Name:</th>';
     $pwh_details .= '<td>' . $pwh_result['patient_first_name'] . ' ' . $pwh_result['patient_last_name'] . '</td>';
     $pwh_details .= '</tr>';
     $pwh_details .= '<tr>';
     $pwh_details .= '<th>Father/Gaurdin:</th>';
     $pwh_details .= '<td>' . $pwh_result['patient_father_name'] . '</td>';
     $pwh_details .= '</tr>';
     $pwh_details .= '<tr>';
     $pwh_details .= '<th>Clinical:</th>';
     $otherFactorInfoTemp = otherfactors($pwh_result['patient_factor_defother']);
     $otherFactorInfoTemp = empty($otherFactorInfoTemp) ? '' : '/ ' . $otherFactorInfoTemp;
     $factorinfo = factordeficiencyreturn($pwh_result['patient_factor_deficient']) . $otherFactorInfoTemp;
     $pwh_details .= '<td>Factor - ' . $factorinfo . ', ' . $pwh_result['patient_factor_level'] . ', ' . bloodgroupretrun($pwh_result['patient_bloodgroup']) . '</td>';
     $pwh_details .= '</tr>';
     $pwh_details .= '<tr>';
     $pwh_details .= '<th>Address:</th>';
     $pwh_details .= '<td>';
     $pwh_details .= $pwh_result['comm_flat'] . ' ' . $pwh_result['comm_building'] . '<br/>';
     $pwh_details .= $pwh_result['commu_road'] . ' ' . $pwh_result['commu_locality'] . '<br/>';
     $pwh_details .= $pwh_result['commu_city'] . '-' . $pwh_result['commu_pincode'] . '<br/>';
     $pwh_details .= $pwh_result['commu_state'] . '<br/>';
     $pwh_details .= '</td>';
     $pwh_details .= '</tr>';
     // $this->load->helper('form');
     $pwh_details .= '<tr>';
     $pwh_details .= '<th>Phone:</th>';
     $pwh_details .= '<td>' . $pwh_result['commu_phone'] . ' ' . $pwh_result['commu_cellnumber'] . '</td>';
     $pwh_details .= '</tr>';
     $pwh_details .= '<tr>
   <td colspan="2">
     $pwh_details .= '</table>';
     $displayData .= '</fieldset>';
     return $pwh_details;
Esempio n. 2
    function generatepdf()
        // PDF Generation
        $obj = $this->CI;
        $pwhdata = $this->pwhdata;
        $obj->cezpdf->setColor(0 / 255, 0 / 255, 0 / 255);
        $obj->cezpdf->selectFont($obj->config->item('project_abs_path') . 'fonts/Helvetica.afm');
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        $obj->cezpdf->ezText('<b>Hemophilia Federation India</b>', 12, array('justification' => 'center'));
        $obj->cezpdf->ezText('<i>National Hemophilia Registry</i>', 10, array('justification' => 'center'));
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        $obj->cezpdf->line(20, 760, 560, 760);
        $pwhArray = array();
        $pwhArray[0] = '<b>Full Name</b>:* ' . $pwhdata->patient_first_name . ' ' . $pwhdata->patient_last_name;
        $pwhArray[1] = '<b>Fathers Name</b>:* ' . $pwhdata->patient_father_name;
        $t = mysqltohuman($pwhdata->patient_dob);
        if ($t == '00/00/0000') {
            $t = '';
        $pwhArray[2] = '<b>DOB</b>:* ' . $t;
        $pwhArray[3] = '<b>Sex</b>:* ' . checksex($pwhdata->patient_sex);
        $pwhArray[4] = '<b>Address: </b>' . $pwhdata->comm_flat . ' ' . $pwhdata->comm_building . ' ' . $pwhdata->commu_road . ' ' . $pwhdata->commu_locality;
        /*$pwhArray[]='<b>Flat/Door/Block No: </b>'.$pwhdata->comm_flat;
        		$pwhArray[]='<b>Premises/Building/Village: </b>'.$pwhdata->comm_building;
        		$pwhArray[]='<b>Road/State/Lane/Post Office: </b>'.$pwhdata->commu_road;
        $pwhArray[5] = '<b>Town/City/District: </b>' . $pwhdata->commu_city;
        $pwhArray[6] = '<b>Pincode</b>: ' . $pwhdata->commu_pincode;
        $pwhArray[7] = '<b>Contact number</b>:* ' . $pwhdata->commu_phone;
        $pwhArray[8] = '<b>Mobile number</b>: ' . $pwhdata->commu_cellnumber;
        $pwhArray[9] = '<b>Blood Group</b>:* ' . bloodgroupretrun($pwhdata->patient_bloodgroup);
        $pwhArray[10] = '<b>Factor Deficiency</b>:* ' . factordeficiencyreturn($pwhdata->patient_factor_deficient);
        $pwhArray[11] = '<b>Other Factor Deficiency</b>:* ' . otherfactors($pwhdata->patient_factor_defother);
        $pwhArray[12] = '<b>Assay/Factor Level</b>:* ' . $pwhdata->patient_factor_level;
        $pwhArray[13] = '<b>Is PWH Deformed</b>:* ' . checkzero($pwhdata->patient_Deformity);
        $pwhArray[14] = '<b>Inhibitor Screen</b>: ' . checkzero($pwhdata->patient_inhibitor_screen);
        $pwhArray[15] = '<b>Is Studying</b>: ' . checkzero($pwhdata->patient_studying);
        $pwhArray[16] = '<b>Is working</b>: ' . checkzero($pwhdata->patient_working);
        $pwhArray[17] = '<b>Age of Diagnose</b>: ' . $pwhdata->patient_age_Diagnose;
        $pwhArray[18] = '<b>Diagnose Place</b>: ' . $pwhdata->patient_hospital_diagnose;
        $pwhArray[19] = '<b>Other Family Members</b>: ' . checkzero($pwhdata->patient_family_effected);
        $pwhArray[20] = '<b>Family Income</b>:* ' . checkzero($pwhdata->patient_family_income);
        $pwhArray[21] = '<b>Do You Have BPL</b>:* ' . checkzero($pwhdata->patient_bpl_eligibility);
        $pwhArray[22] = '<b>BPL Ref Number</b>: ' . $pwhdata->bpl_ref_number;
        $pwhArray[23] = '<b>Employed In</b>:* ' . $pwhdata->patient_employment_type;
        $pwhArray[24] = '<b>Employed Organization Name</b>:* ' . $pwhdata->employment_organization;
        $pwhArray[25] = '<b>Caste: </b> ' . checkcaste($pwhdata->patient_caste);
        //echo $pwhArray[$i]."<br/>";
        $disparray = array();
        $disparray[] = $this->dataplacer(array($pwhArray[0]));
        $disparray[] = $this->dataplacer(array($pwhArray[1]));
        $disparray[] = $this->dataplacer(array($pwhArray[2], $pwhArray[3]));
        $disparray[] = $this->dataplacer(array($pwhArray[4]));
        $disparray[] = $this->dataplacer(array($pwhArray[5], $pwhArray[6]));
        $disparray[] = $this->dataplacer(array($pwhArray[7], $pwhArray[8]));
        $disparray[] = $this->dataplacer(array($pwhArray[9], $pwhArray[10]));
        $disparray[] = $this->dataplacer(array($pwhArray[11]));
        $disparray[] = $this->dataplacer(array($pwhArray[12]));
        $disparray[] = $this->dataplacer(array($pwhArray[13], $pwhArray[14]));
        $disparray[] = $this->dataplacer(array($pwhArray[15]));
        $disparray[] = $this->dataplacer(array($pwhArray[16]));
        $disparray[] = $this->dataplacer(array($pwhArray[17], $pwhArray[18]));
        $disparray[] = $this->dataplacer(array($pwhArray[19], $pwhArray[25]));
        $disparray[] = $this->dataplacer(array($pwhArray[20]));
        $disparray[] = $this->dataplacer(array($pwhArray[21], $pwhArray[22]));
        $disparray[] = $this->dataplacer(array($pwhArray[23]));
        $disparray[] = $this->dataplacer(array($pwhArray[24]));
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        $obj->cezpdf->setLineStyle(0.2, '', '', array(0.2));
        $obj->cezpdf->rectangle(50, 702, 480, 50);
        $disptext = 'National Hemophilia Registry(NHR) is a database of PWHs in India. Please verify your details and fill information which his missing. * marks are compulsory, Please take help from your Chapter. Contact details and phone number is printed below the page.
        $obj->cezpdf->setColor(92 / 255, 94 / 255, 96 / 255);
        $disptext = $obj->cezpdf->addTextWrap(60, 740, 470, 9, $disptext, array('justification' => 'left'));
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        $obj->cezpdf->addText(60, 165, 9, 'Signature');
        $obj->cezpdf->addText(400, 165, 9, 'Date');
        $obj->cezpdf->setLineStyle(0.6, '', '', array(0.2));
        $obj->cezpdf->setStrokeColor(0 / 255, 0 / 255, 0 / 255);
        $obj->cezpdf->line(20, 140, 560, 140);
        $disptext = '<b>For more Details contact your Chapter:</b>';
        $obj->cezpdf->addText(20, 130, 8, $disptext);
        $disptext = '<i>     Chapter Keyperson:</i> ' . $pwhdata->chapter_keyperson;
        $obj->cezpdf->addText(20, 120, 8, $disptext);
        $disptext = '<i>     Phone Number:</i> ' . $pwhdata->chapter_phone;
        $obj->cezpdf->addText(20, 110, 8, $disptext);
        $disptext = '<i>     Email:</i> ' . $pwhdata->chapter_email;
        $obj->cezpdf->addText(20, 100, 8, $disptext);
        $obj->cezpdf->setColor(160 / 255, 164 / 255, 160 / 255);
        $disptext = '<b>NHR Helpline:</b>  <i>Phone Number:</i> +91.7353777778/+91.9845188706.           <i>Email:</i>     <i>Ref.Id:</i> ' . $pwhdata->patient_ID;
        $obj->cezpdf->line(20, 95, 560, 95);
        $obj->cezpdf->addText(100, 80, 7, $disptext);
Esempio n. 3
    function details_pwh_dashboard($id = 0)
        //fetch data from database
        $pwh_query = $this->db->query("Select *  from tbl_pat_personal where patient_ID=" . $id);
        $pwh_result = $pwh_query->result_array();
        $pwh_result = $pwh_result[0];
        $pwh_details = '';
        $pwh_details = '<div class="ui-accordion-header ui-state-default ui-corner-all nhrpaneltitle"
     style="margin:5px 0px">PWH Details</div>';
        $pwh_details .= '<table width="100%" class="pwhdetails" border="0">';
        $pwh_details .= '<tr>';
        $pwh_details .= '<th>Name:</th>';
        $pwh_details .= '<td>' . $pwh_result['patient_first_name'] . ' ' . $pwh_result['patient_last_name'] . '</td>';
        //Profile Photo Check and Place
        $imginfo = $this->pwh_info->getProfilePicture($id);
        $pwh_details .= '<td rowspan="5" class="pwhimage" style="border-bottom:1px solid #CCCCCC">' . $imginfo . '
    <a href="' . $this->config->item('base_url') . 'mediaupload/view_uploadform/' . $id . '/1"> <button style="width:100%" >Uload Photo</button></a>
        $pwh_details .= '</tr>';
        $pwh_details .= '<tr>';
        $pwh_details .= '<th>Father/Gaurdin:</th>';
        $pwh_details .= '<td>' . $pwh_result['patient_father_name'] . '</td>';
        $pwh_details .= '</tr>';
        $pwh_details .= '<tr>';
        $pwh_details .= '<th>Clinical:</th>';
        $otherFactorInfoTemp = otherfactors($pwh_result['patient_factor_defother']);
        $otherFactorInfoTemp = empty($otherFactorInfoTemp) ? '' : '/ ' . $otherFactorInfoTemp;
        $factorinfo = factordeficiencyreturn($pwh_result['patient_factor_deficient']) . $otherFactorInfoTemp;
        $pwh_details .= '<td>Factor - ' . $factorinfo . ', ' . $pwh_result['patient_factor_level'] . ', ' . bloodgroupretrun($pwh_result['patient_bloodgroup']) . '</td>';
        $pwh_details .= '</tr>';
        $pwh_details .= '<tr>';
        $pwh_details .= '<th>Address:</th>';
        $pwh_details .= '<td>';
        $pwh_details .= $pwh_result['comm_flat'] . ' ' . $pwh_result['comm_building'] . '<br/>';
        $pwh_details .= $pwh_result['commu_road'] . ' ' . $pwh_result['commu_locality'] . '<br/>';
        $pwh_details .= $pwh_result['commu_city'] . '-' . $pwh_result['commu_pincode'] . '<br/>';
        $pwh_details .= $pwh_result['commu_state'] . '<br/>';
        $pwh_details .= '</td>';
        $pwh_details .= '</tr>';
        $pwh_details .= '<tr>';
        $pwh_details .= '<th style="border-bottom:1px solid #CCCCCC">Phone:</th>';
        $pwh_details .= '<td style="border-bottom:1px solid #CCCCCC">' . $pwh_result['commu_phone'] . ' ' . $pwh_result['commu_cellnumber'] . '</td>';
        $pwh_details .= '</tr>';
        $buttonlink = array();
        $buttonlink[] = base_url() . 'homepage/patient_form/' . $pwh_result['patient_ID'];
        $buttonlink[] = base_url() . 'managemed/med_list/' . $pwh_result['patient_ID'];
        $buttonlink[] = base_url() . 'manageclinical/list_clinical/' . $pwh_result['patient_ID'];
        $buttonlink[] = base_url() . 'managepatient/downloadpwdhform/' . $pwh_result['patient_ID'];
        $buttonlink[] = base_url() . 'communication/pwhsendmail/' . $pwh_result['patient_ID'];
        $buttonlink[] = base_url() . 'communication/sendmessage/' . $pwh_result['patient_ID'];
        $buttonlink[] = base_url() . 'core_tracker/maintenance_mode/' . $pwh_result['patient_ID'];
        $buttonlink[] = base_url() . 'mediaupload/view_uploadform/' . $pwh_result['patient_ID'] . '/3';
        $pwh_details .= '<tr>
      <td colspan="3">
       <a href="' . $buttonlink[0] . '"><button id="pwhdataedit"><span class=" "></span>Edit</button></a>
       &nbsp; <a href="' . $buttonlink[3] . '"><button id="pwhdataedit"><span class=""></span>Download</button></a>

      &nbsp;<a href="' . $buttonlink[5] . '"><button id="pwhdataedit"><span class=""></span> SMS</button></a>
      &nbsp;<a href="' . $buttonlink[6] . '"><button id="pwhdataedit"><span class=""></span> Manage</button></a>
        &nbsp;<a href="' . $buttonlink[7] . '"><button id="pwhdataedit"><span class=""></span> Attach</button></a>
        if ($pwh_result['maintenance_mode'] != 0) {
            $pwh_details .= '<tr>
      <td colspan="3" style="background-color:#EDEDED"><b>This PWH is Marked as: </b>' . pwhTagging($pwh_result['maintenance_mode']) . '</td>
        $pwh_details .= '</table>';
        /*$pwh_details.='<div class="pwhnavigation">';
          $pwh_details.='<a href="#"><img src="'.$this->config->item('base_url').'images/medicinelog.jpg" /></a>';
          $pwh_details.='<a href="#"><img src="'.$this->config->item('base_url').'images/deformity.jpg" /></a>';
          $pwh_details.='<a href="#"><img src="'.$this->config->item('base_url').'images/clinicaldata.jpg" /></a>';
          $pwh_details.='<a href="#"><img src="'.$this->config->item('base_url').'images/modifydata.jpg" /></a>';
        $retData['pwh_details'] = $pwh_details;
        $retData['jsnhrscript'] = '
        function bindcontrols(){
        //  alert("am called");
        /*  $(\'#pwhdataedit\').bind(\'click\', function() {
        	var pagenumber=$(".pcontrol input").val();
            window.location.replace("' . base_url() . 'homepage/patient_form/' . $pwh_result['patient_ID'] . '");
          $(\'#managemed\').bind(\'click\', function() {
            window.location.replace("' . base_url() . 'managemed/med_list/' . $pwh_result['patient_ID'] . '");
          $(\'#manageclinical\').bind(\'click\', function() {
            window.location.replace("' . base_url() . 'manageclinical/list_clinical/' . $pwh_result['patient_ID'] . '");
        $retData['nhrcallfunc'] = 'bindcontrols()';
        // $retData=array('a'=>'hello','b'=>'hi');
        $jsonObj = json_encode($retData);
        echo $jsonObj;
Esempio n. 4
 function getDupDetailsData()
     $patient_id = $_POST['patient_id'];
     $dupQuery = 'select * from tbl_dup where patient_id=' . $patient_id;
     $dupObject = $this->db->query($dupQuery);
     $dupRow = $dupObject->row();
     $query = 'select * from tbl_pat_personal a join tbl_chapters b on a.chap_id=b.chapter_id
       where patient_id = ' . $patient_id;
     $queryOrgObject = $this->db->query($query);
     $orgRow = $queryOrgObject->row();
     $query = 'select * from tbl_pat_personal a join tbl_chapters b on a.chap_id=b.chapter_id
       where patient_id in (' . $dupRow->patient_match . ')';
     $queryObj = $this->db->query($query);
     $retValue = "";
     $retValue .= '<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="2" border="0" width="100%">';
     //Clicked Data
     $retValue .= '<tr>
         <td colspan="2" class="chapname" style="background-color:#F3EEEE"><b>Clicked PWH Details</b></td>
     $retValue .= '<tr>
         <th width="100">Patient Name</th>
         <td>' . $orgRow->patient_first_name . ' ' . $orgRow->patient_last_name . '</td>
     $retValue .= '<tr>
         <th>Father Name</th>
         <td>' . $orgRow->patient_father_name . '</td>
     $retValue .= '<tr>
         <th>Data of Birth</th>
         <td>' . mysqltohuman($orgRow->patient_dob) . '</td>
     $retValue .= '<tr>
         <th>Medical Details</th>
         <td>' . bloodgroupretrun($orgRow->patient_bloodgroup) . ' / ' . factordeficiencyreturn($orgRow->patient_factor_deficient) . ' / ' . $orgRow->patient_factor_level . '</td>
     $retValue .= '<tr>
         <th>NHR Ref ID*</th>
         <td>' . $orgRow->patient_ID . '</td>
     $retValue .= '<tr><td colspan="2" style="border-bottom:2px solid #ff0000"><br/></td></tr>';
     foreach ($queryObj->result() as $qryRow) {
         $retValue .= '<tr>
         <td colspan="2" class="chapname" style="background-color:#F3EEEE"><b>Chapter Name: </b>' . $qryRow->chapter_name . '</td>
         $retValue .= '<tr>
         <th width="100">Patient Name</th>
         <td>' . $qryRow->patient_first_name . ' ' . $qryRow->patient_last_name . '</td>
         $retValue .= '<tr>
         <th>Father Name</th>
         <td>' . $qryRow->patient_father_name . '</td>
         $retValue .= '<tr>
         <th>Data of Birth</th>
         <td>' . mysqltohuman($qryRow->patient_dob) . '</td>
         $retValue .= '<tr>
         <th>Medical Details</th>
         <td>' . bloodgroupretrun($qryRow->patient_bloodgroup) . ' / ' . factordeficiencyreturn($qryRow->patient_factor_deficient) . ' / ' . $qryRow->patient_factor_level . '</td>
         $retValue .= '<tr>
         <th>NHR Ref ID*</th>
         <td>' . $qryRow->patient_ID . '</td>
         $retValue .= '<tr><td colspan="2" style="border-bottom:2px solid #cccccc"><br/></td></tr>';
     $retValue .= '<tr><td colspan="2" style="font-size:.8em;color:#ff0000">* This is IT team reference not NHR ID</td></tr>';
     $retValue .= '</table>';
     echo $retValue;
Esempio n. 5
 function details_pwh_dashboard($id = 0)
     //fetch data from database
     $pwh_query = $this->db->query("Select *  from tbl_pat_personal where patient_ID=" . $id);
     $pwh_result = $pwh_query->result_array();
     $pwh_result = $pwh_result[0];
     $pwh_details = '';
     $pwh_details = '<div class="tableheading">PWH Details</div>';
     $pwh_details .= '<table width="100%" class="pwhdetails">';
     $pwh_details .= '<tr>';
     $pwh_details .= '<th>Name:</th>';
     $pwh_details .= '<td>' . $pwh_result['patient_first_name'] . ' ' . $pwh_result['patient_last_name'] . '</td>';
     $pwh_details .= '<td rowspan="4" class="pwhimage"><img src="' . $this->config->item('base_url') . 'images/miss_image.gif"/></td>';
     $pwh_details .= '</tr>';
     $pwh_details .= '<tr>';
     $pwh_details .= '<th>Father/Gaurdin:</th>';
     $pwh_details .= '<td>' . $pwh_result['patient_father_name'] . '</td>';
     $pwh_details .= '</tr>';
     $pwh_details .= '<tr>';
     $pwh_details .= '<th>Clinical:</th>';
     $otherFactorInfoTemp = otherfactors($pwh_result['patient_factor_defother']);
     $otherFactorInfoTemp = empty($otherFactorInfoTemp) ? '' : '/ ' . $otherFactorInfoTemp;
     $factorinfo = factordeficiencyreturn($pwh_result['patient_factor_deficient']) . $otherFactorInfoTemp;
     $pwh_details .= '<td>Factor - ' . $factorinfo . ', ' . $pwh_result['patient_factor_level'] . ', ' . bloodgroupretrun($pwh_result['patient_bloodgroup']) . '</td>';
     $pwh_details .= '</tr>';
     $pwh_details .= '<tr>';
     $pwh_details .= '<th>Address:</th>';
     $pwh_details .= '<td>';
     $pwh_details .= $pwh_result['comm_flat'] . ' ' . $pwh_result['comm_building'] . '<br/>';
     $pwh_details .= $pwh_result['commu_road'] . ' ' . $pwh_result['commu_locality'] . '<br/>';
     $pwh_details .= $pwh_result['commu_city'] . '-' . $pwh_result['commu_pincode'] . '<br/>';
     $pwh_details .= $pwh_result['commu_state'] . '<br/>';
     $pwh_details .= '</td>';
     $pwh_details .= '</tr>';
     $pwh_details .= '<tr>';
     $pwh_details .= '<th>Phone:</th>';
     $pwh_details .= '<td>' . $pwh_result['commu_phone'] . ' ' . $pwh_result['commu_cellnumber'] . '</td>';
     $pwh_details .= '</tr>';
     $pwh_details .= '</table>';
     $pwh_details .= '<div class="pwhnavigation">';
     $pwh_details .= '<a href="#"><img src="' . $this->config->item('base_url') . 'images/medicinelog.jpg" /></a>';
     $pwh_details .= '<a href="#"><img src="' . $this->config->item('base_url') . 'images/deformity.jpg" /></a>';
     $pwh_details .= '<a href="#"><img src="' . $this->config->item('base_url') . 'images/clinicaldata.jpg" /></a>';
     $pwh_details .= '<a href="#"><img src="' . $this->config->item('base_url') . 'images/modifydata.jpg" /></a>';
     $pwh_details .= '</div>';
     echo $pwh_details;