Esempio n. 1
            $str .= "</tr>";
    if ($even == 1) {
        $str .= "</tr>";
    $str .= "\n</table></td></tr>";
$str .= "<tr><td colspan='3' class='bh_folderpane_classtitle'>" . $bhlang['title:folder_files'] . "</td></tr>\n";
if (is_array($this->content1)) {
    $even = 0;
    foreach ($this->content1 as $file) {
        if ($even == 0) {
            $str .= "<tr>";
        $file['filepath'] = bh_fpclean($file['filepath']);
        $fileobj = new bhfile($file['filepath']);
        # Get system's description of file on *nix systems.
        if (bh_os() == "nix") {
            $cmdstr = "file -b " . escapeshellarg($fileobj->absfilepath);
            $systemdesc2 = `{$cmdstr}`;
            $systemdescarray = explode(",", $systemdesc2);
            $systemdesc = $systemdescarray[0];
            $systemdesc[0] = strtoupper($systemdesc[0]);
        } else {
            $systemdesc = strtoupper(bh_get_extension($file['filepath'])) . " file";
        # Get any possible description from metadata
        if (!empty($fileobj->fileinfo['description'])) {
            $systemdesc = $fileobj->fileinfo['description'];
Esempio n. 2
 *   Module
 *   $Id:,v 1.5 2005/07/26 21:55:09 andrewgodwin Exp $
#name Download
#author Andrew Godwin
#description Sends the file to the client.
#iscore 1
# Note: no layouts here, of course. Unless we get an error.
# Test for include status
if (IN_BH != 1) {
    header("Location: ../index.php");
$filepath = bh_fpclean($_GET['filepath']);
$filename = bh_get_filename($filepath);
if (bh_file_exists($filepath) == true) {
    $fileobj = new bhfile($filepath);
    #if ($fileobj->fileinfo['size'] == 0) {
    #	bh_log($bhlang['error:file_not_exist'], "BH_NOPAGE");
    #	require "modules/";
    #} else {
    # Log bandwidth usage. New feature, for those who like Absolute Control(tm). This comment shamelessly copied from
    bh_bandwidth($bhsession['username'], "down", $fileobj->fileinfo['filesize']);
    header("Content-type: " . $fileobj->mimetype());
    # If there's a Secret Message from the view image script not to include download headers, don't.
    if ($_GET['nodownheaders'] == 1) {
        header("Content-Disposition:  filename=" . $filename);
    } else {
        header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . $filename);
Esempio n. 3
                    } else {
                        # All fine, continue
                        $badcharacters = array("'", '"', "\\");
                        $newfilepath = bh_fpclean($infolder . "/" . str_replace($badcharacters, "", $fileinfo['name']));
                        $tmppath = $fileinfo['tempname'];
                        bh_move_uploaded_file($tmppath, $newfilepath);
                        # Make it add info into the db.
                        $newfileobj = new bhfile($newfilepath);
                        bh_log(str_replace("#FILE#", $fileinfo['name'], $bhlang['notice:file_#FILE#_upload_success']), "BH_NOTICE");
                        bh_log(str_replace("#USER#", $bhsession['username'], str_replace("#FILE#", $newfilepath, $bhlang['log:#USER#_uploaded_#FILE#'])), "BH_FILE_UPLOAD");
                } else {
                    # Error???
                    $newfilepath = bh_fpclean($infolder . "/" . $fileinfo['name']);
                    bh_add_logvars(array("file" => $fileinfo['name'], "user" => $bhsession['username'], "username" => $bhsession['username']));
                    bh_add_log($bhlang['log:#USER#_failed_upload_#FILE#'], "BH_FILE_UPLOAD");
        # Show directory where they went
        $_GET['filepath'] = $infolder;
        require "modules/";
    } else {
        # Sorry, no access.
        bh_log($bhlang['error:no_write_permission'], "BH_ACCESS_DENIED");
        require "modules/";
} else {
Esempio n. 4
 function fileinfo($filepath)
     $return = array();
     $filepath = bh_fpclean($filepath);
     $fileobj = new bhfile($filepath);
     $filename = bh_get_filename($filepath);
     $return['path'] = utf8_encode($filepath);
     $return['props'][] = $this->mkprop("getdisplayname", $filepath);
     $return['props'][] = $this->mkprop("displayname", $filepath);
     $return['props'][] = $this->mkprop("creationdate", $fileobj->fileinfo['createdate']);
     if (!empty($fileobj->fileinfo['moddate'])) {
         $return['props'][] = $this->mkprop("getlastmodified", $fileobj->fileinfo['moddate']);
     } else {
         $return['props'][] = $this->mkprop("getlastmodified", $fileobj->fileinfo['createdate']);
     $return['props'][] = $this->mkprop("getcontentlength", $fileobj->fileinfo['filesize']);
     if ($fileobj->is_dir() == 1) {
         $return['props'][] = $this->mkprop('getcontenttype', "directory");
         #$return['props'][] = $this->mkprop('contenttype', "directory");
         $return['props'][] = $this->mkprop('resourcetype', 'collection');
     } else {
         $return['props'][] = $this->mkprop('getcontenttype', $fileobj->mimetype());
         #$return['props'][] = $this->mkprop('contenttype', $fileobj->mimetype());
         $return['props'][] = $this->mkprop('resourcetype', '');
     return $return;
Esempio n. 5
    header("Location: ../index.php");
if ($bhcurrent['userobj']->type == "guest") {
    # Open layout object
    $layoutobj = new bhlayout("generic");
    # Send the file listing to the layout, along with directory name
    $layoutobj->title = $bhlang['title:main'];
    $layoutobj->content1 = $bhtexts['main_loggedout'];
} else {
    # Send the file listing to the layout, along with directory name
    # Open layout object
    $layoutobj = new bhlayout("filelist");
    # Grab the directory we're looking in
    $filepath = bh_fpclean($bhcurrent['userobj']->homedir);
    # Open the file object for the directory
    if (empty($filepath)) {
        $filepath = "/";
    $directoryobj = new bhfile($filepath);
    if ($directoryobj->is_dir() == FALSE) {
        bh_error($bhlang['error:not_a_dir'], "BH_INVALID_PATH");
    $modulestouse = bh_listmodulesdirectory($filepath);
    # Get listing mode for this directory
    $view = bh_view($bhcurrent['userobj']->username, $filepath);
    # Grab a listing of the files
    $files = $directoryobj->loadfile();
    # Send the file listing to the layout, along with directory name
    $layoutobj->title = $bhlang['title:viewing_directory'] . " " . $filepath;
Esempio n. 6
 function copyto($newfilepath, $aclonly = 0)
     global $bhconfig;
     # Clean up filepath
     $newfilepath = bh_fpclean($newfilepath);
     if ($aclonly == 0) {
         if ($this->is_dir()) {
         } else {
             copy($this->absfilepath, $bhconfig['fileroot'] . $newfilepath);
             chmod($bhconfig['fileroot'] . $newfilepath, 0777);
     # If directory, do the ACL stuff for all files.
     if ($this->is_dir()) {
         if ($aclonly == 0) {
             @mkdir($bhconfig['fileroot'] . $newfilepath, 0777);
         foreach ($this->filecontents as $file2copy) {
             #echo "(".$file2copy['filepath']." --to-- ".bh_fpclean($newfilepath."/".bh_get_filename($file2copy['filename'])).") ";
             $file2copyobj = new bhfile($file2copy['filepath']);
             $file2copyobj->copyto(bh_fpclean($newfilepath . "/" . bh_get_filename($file2copy['filename'])));
     # Insert ACL/metadata/filecode entries of old self
     $acl_u_rows = select_bhdb("aclusers", array("filepath" => $this->filepath), "");
     foreach ($acl_u_rows as $acl_u_row) {
         $acl_u_row['filepath'] = $newfilepath;
         insert_bhdb("aclusers", $acl_u_row);
     $acl_g_rows = select_bhdb("aclgroups", array("filepath" => $this->filepath), "");
     foreach ($acl_g_rows as $acl_g_row) {
         $acl_g_row['filepath'] = $newfilepath;
         insert_bhdb("aclgroups", $acl_g_row);
     $acl_p_rows = select_bhdb("aclpublic", array("filepath" => $this->filepath), "");
     foreach ($acl_p_rows as $acl_p_row) {
         $acl_p_row['filepath'] = $newfilepath;
         insert_bhdb("aclpublic", $acl_p_row);
     $md_rows = select_bhdb("metadata", array("filepath" => $this->filepath), "");
     foreach ($md_rows as $md_row) {
         $md_row['filepath'] = $newfilepath;
         insert_bhdb("metadata", $md_row);
     # Done.
Esempio n. 7
#name File Link Module
#author Andrew Godwin
#description Does the one-time time-expiring links. This only generates them, serving them is done by a separate PHP process (filelink.php)
# Test for include status
if (IN_BH != 1) {
    header("Location: ../index.php");
$filepath = $_GET['filepath'];
if (empty($filepath)) {
    $filepath = $_POST['filepath'];
if (empty($filepath)) {
$filepath = bh_fpclean($filepath);
# See if we have details passed to us in the POST
if (!empty($_POST['filemail'])) {
    # Check to see if we email or not
    if ($_POST['filemail']['linkonly'] == "on") {
        # Check expiry date
        $expiresin = $_POST['filemail']['expires'];
        if (is_numeric($expiresin) && $expiresin > 0) {
            if ($expiresin > $bhconfig['maxexpires']) {
                bh_log($bhlang['error:expires_too_much'], "BH_ERROR");
            } else {
                if ($_POST['filemail']['notify'] == "on") {
                    $notify = 1;
                } else {
                    $notify = 0;
Esempio n. 8
if (empty($infolder)) {
    $infolder = $_POST['infolder'];
if (empty($infolder)) {
    $infolder = $_SESSION['lastdir'];
if (empty($infolder)) {
    $infolder = $bhcurrent['userobj']->homedir;
if (!empty($_POST['foldername'])) {
    # Check they have permission to write in the folder
    if (bh_checkrights(bh_fpclean($infolder), $bhsession['username']) >= 2) {
        bh_mkdir(bh_fpclean($infolder . "/" . $_POST['foldername']));
        $fileobj = new bhfile(bh_fpclean($infolder . "/" . $_POST['foldername']));
        bh_log($bhlang['notice:folder_created'], "BH_NOTICE");
        bh_log(str_replace("#USER#", $bhsession['username'], str_replace("#FOLDER#", bh_fpclean($infolder . "/" . $_POST['foldername']), $bhlang['log:#USER#_created_#FOLDER#'])), "BH_FOLDER_CREATED");
        $_GET['filepath'] = bh_fpclean($infolder . "/" . $_POST['foldername']);
        require "modules/";
    } else {
        bh_log($bhlang['error:access_denied'], "BH_ERROR");
        bh_log(str_replace("#USER#", $bhsession['username'], str_replace("#PAGE#", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $bhlang['log:#USER#_denied_#PAGE#'])), "BH_ACCESS_DENIED");
        require "modules/";
} else {
    # Open layout object
    $layoutobj = new bhlayout("addfolderform");
    $layoutobj->filepath = $infolder;
Esempio n. 9
# FileLink/FileMail functions
# File array
$file = file($_GET['file']) or die("I'm sorry. That isn't a valid file.");
# Loooop through
foreach ($file as $num => $line) {
    if (substr($line, 0, 1) == "#" || substr($line, 0, 1) == ";" || trim($line) == "") {
    } else {
        $linearray = explode(",", $line);
        if (empty($linearray[0])) {
            die("No username provided! Line " . ($num + 1));
        } elseif (empty($linearray[1])) {
            die("No password provided! Line " . ($num + 1));
        } elseif (empty($linearray[2])) {
            die("No email provided! Line " . ($num + 1));
        } else {
            $userrows = select_bhdb("users", array("username" => $linearray[0]), "");
            if (empty($userrows)) {
                if (empty($linearray[4])) {
                    $linearray[4] = "normal";
                bh_adduser($linearray[0], $linearray[1], bh_fpclean("/" . $linearray[0]), $linearray[4]);
                insert_bhdb("userinfo", array("username" => $linearray[0], "itemname" => "fullname", "itemcontent" => empty($linearray[3])));
                insert_bhdb("userinfo", array("username" => $linearray[0], "itemname" => "email", "itemcontent" => empty($linearray[2])));
                echo "User " . $linearray[0] . " added! <br>\n\r";
            } else {
                echo "User " . $linearray[0] . " exists, not added. <br>\n\r";
echo $num + 1 . " lines processed. Finished.";
Esempio n. 10

 * ByteHoard 2.1
 * Copyright (c) Andrew Godwin & contributors 2004
 *   Module
 *   $Id:,v 1.1 2005/07/26 21:55:09 andrewgodwin Exp $
#name Return To Folder
#author Andrew Godwin
#description Goes to the folder that the passed file is in.
#iscore 1
# Test for include status
if (IN_BH != 1) {
    header("Location: ../index.php");
# Get the directory
$filepath = bh_fpclean(bh_get_parent($_GET['filepath']));
$_GET['filepath'] = $filepath;
# Include the viewdir module
require "modules/";
Esempio n. 11
$filename = bh_get_filename($filepath);
if (empty($infolder)) {
    $infolder = $_GET['infolder'];
if (empty($infolder)) {
    $infolder = $_POST['infolder'];
if (empty($infolder)) {
    $infolder = $bhsession['lastdir'];
if (empty($infolder)) {
    $infolder = $bhcurrent['userobj']->homedir;
if (bh_file_exists($filepath) == true) {
    if ($_POST['newname']) {
        $destfilepath = bh_fpclean($infolder . "/" . $_POST['newname']);
        if (bh_checkrights($infolder, $bhsession['username']) >= 2) {
            $fileobj = new bhfile($filepath);
            bh_log($bhlang['notice:file_copied'], "BH_NOTICE");
            bh_log(str_replace("#DEST#", $newfilepath, str_replace("#FILE#", $filepath, str_replace("#USER#", $bhsession['username'], $bhlang['log:#USER#_copied_#FILE#_to_#DEST#']))), "BH_FILE_COPIED");
            $_GET['filepath'] = $infolder;
            require "modules/";
        } else {
            die("You are not allowed to upload files there.");
    } else {
        $layoutobj = new bhlayout("copyform");
        $layoutobj->infolder = $infolder;
        $layoutobj->subtitle1 = str_replace("#FILE#", $filename, $bhlang['title:copying_#FILE#']);
        $layoutobj->title = str_replace("#FILE#", $filename, $bhlang['title:copying_#FILE#']);
Esempio n. 12
 function copyto($newfilepath)
     global $bhconfig;
     # Clean up filepath
     $newfilepath = bh_fpclean($newfilepath);
     copy($this->absfilepath, $bhconfig['fileroot'] . $newfilepath);
     # Insert ACL/metadata/filecode entries of old self
     $acl_u_rows = select_bhdb("aclusers", array("filepath" => $this->filepath), "");
     foreach ($acl_u_rows as $acl_u_row) {
         $acl_u_row['filepath'] = $newfilepath;
         insert_bhdb("aclusers", $acl_u_row);
     $acl_g_rows = select_bhdb("aclgroups", array("filepath" => $this->filepath), "");
     foreach ($acl_g_rows as $acl_g_row) {
         $acl_g_row['filepath'] = $newfilepath;
         insert_bhdb("aclgroups", $acl_g_row);
     $acl_p_rows = select_bhdb("aclpublic", array("filepath" => $this->filepath), "");
     foreach ($acl_p_rows as $acl_p_row) {
         $acl_p_row['filepath'] = $newfilepath;
         insert_bhdb("aclpublic", $acl_p_row);
     $md_rows = select_bhdb("metadata", array("filepath" => $this->filepath), "");
     foreach ($md_rows as $md_row) {
         $md_row['filepath'] = $newfilepath;
         insert_bhdb("metadata", $md_row);
     # Done.