add_action('bp_before_directory_activity_content', 'bfox_bp_before_bible_directory_activity_content');
function bfox_bp_before_activity_post_form()
    $ref = bfox_ref();
    $ref_str = $ref->get_string();
		<div class="ref-read">
    _e('Bible tags', 'bfox');
&nbsp;<input type="text" id="bfox_read_ref_str" name="bfox_read_ref_str" value="<?php 
    echo attribute_escape($ref_str);
" /></label>
add_action('bp_before_activity_post_form', 'bfox_bp_before_activity_post_form');
// HACK: Get rid of the 'Site Activity' string which is used as the header when not logged in
// This is a hack because we are filtering in the translate functions
add_filter('gettext', create_function('$translated, $text, $domain', 'if (\'Site Activity\' == $text) return \'\'; return $translated;'), 10, 3);
add_filter('gettext', create_function('$translated, $text, $domain', 'if (\'What\\\'s new %s?\' == $text) return \'Any thoughts to share?\'; return $translated;'), 10, 3);
// Load the normal activity/index template
Esempio n. 2
function bfox_bp_plans_my_plans_screen_view()
    add_action('bp_template_content', 'bfox_bp_plans_my_plans_screen_view_content');
    bfox_bp_core_load_template(apply_filters('bfox_bp_plans_my_plans_screen_template', 'members/single/plugins'));
function bfox_bp_plans_screen_create()
    global $bp;
    $bp->plans->plan_creation_steps = apply_filters('plans_create_plan_steps', array('plan-details' => array('name' => __('Plan Details', 'bfox'), 'position' => 0), 'plan-add-groups' => array('name' => __('Add Groups of Chapters', 'bfox'), 'position' => 10), 'plan-edit-readings' => array('name' => __('Edit Readings', 'bfox'), 'position' => 20), 'plan-avatar' => array('name' => __('Add an Avatar', 'bfox'), 'position' => 30)));
    /* If no current step is set, reset everything so we can start a fresh plan creation */
    if (!($bp->plans->current_create_step = $bp->action_variables[1])) {
        setcookie('bp_new_plan_id', false, time() - 1000, COOKIEPATH);
        setcookie('bp_completed_plan_create_steps', false, time() - 1000, COOKIEPATH);
        $reset_steps = true;
    /* If this is a creation step that is not recognized, just redirect them back to the first screen */
    if ($bp->action_variables[1] && !$bp->plans->plan_creation_steps[$bp->action_variables[1]]) {
        bp_core_add_message(__('There was an error saving reading plan details. Please try again.', 'bfox'), 'error');
    /* Fetch the currently completed steps variable */
    if (isset($_COOKIE['bp_completed_plan_create_steps']) && !$reset_steps) {
        $bp->plans->completed_create_steps = unserialize(stripslashes($_COOKIE['bp_completed_plan_create_steps']));
    /* Set the ID of the new plan, if it has already been created in a previous step */
    if (isset($_COOKIE['bp_new_plan_id'])) {
        $new_plan_id = (int) $_COOKIE['bp_new_plan_id'];
    } else {
        $new_plan_id = 0;
    $plan = bfox_bp_plan(BfoxReadingPlan::plan($new_plan_id));
    /* If the save, upload or skip button is hit, lets calculate what we need to save */
    if (isset($_POST['save'])) {
        /* Check the nonce */
        check_admin_referer('plans_create_save_' . $bp->plans->current_create_step);
        if ('plan-details' == $bp->plans->current_create_step) {
            if (empty($_POST['plan-name'])) {
                bp_core_add_message(__('Please fill in all of the required fields', 'bfox'), 'error');
        } elseif ('plan-add-groups' == $bp->plans->current_create_step || 'plan-edit-readings' == $bp->plans->current_create_step) {
        do_action('plans_create_plan_step_save_' . $bp->plans->current_create_step);
        // Mostly for clearing cache on a generic action name
         * Once we have successfully saved the details for this step of the creation process
         * we need to add the current step to the array of completed steps, then update the cookies
         * holding the information
        if (!in_array($bp->plans->current_create_step, (array) $bp->plans->completed_create_steps)) {
            $bp->plans->completed_create_steps[] = $bp->plans->current_create_step;
        /* Reset cookie info */
        setcookie('bp_new_plan_id', $plan->id, time() + 60 * 60 * 24, COOKIEPATH);
        setcookie('bp_completed_plan_create_steps', serialize($bp->plans->completed_create_steps), time() + 60 * 60 * 24, COOKIEPATH);
        /* If we have completed all steps and hit done on the final step we can redirect to the completed plan */
        if (count($bp->plans->completed_create_steps) == count($bp->plans->plan_creation_steps) && $bp->plans->current_create_step == array_pop(array_keys($bp->plans->plan_creation_steps))) {
            /* Once we compelete all steps, record the plan creation in the activity stream. */
            /*plans_record_activity( array(
            			'content' => apply_filters( 'plans_activity_created_plan', sprintf( __( '%s created the reading plan %s', 'bfox'), bp_core_get_userlink( $bp->loggedin_user->id ), '<a href="' . bp_get_plan_permalink( $plan ) . '">' . attribute_escape( $plan->name ) . '</a>' ) ),
            			'primary_link' => apply_filters( 'plans_activity_created_plan_primary_link', bp_get_plan_permalink( $plan ) ),
            			'component_action' => 'created_plan',
            			'item_id' => $plan->id
            		) );*/
            do_action('plans_plan_create_complete', $plan->id);
            bp_core_redirect($plan->url() . 'add-schedule/');
        } else {
             * Since we don't know what the next step is going to be (any plugin can insert steps)
             * we need to loop the step array and fetch the next step that way.
            foreach ($bp->plans->plan_creation_steps as $key => $value) {
                if ($key == $bp->plans->current_create_step) {
                    $next = 1;
                if ($next) {
                    $next_step = $key;
    if ('plan-avatar' == $bp->plans->current_create_step) {
        bfox_bp_plans_update_plan_avatar($plan, true);
    bfox_bp_core_load_template(apply_filters('bfox_bp_plans_template_screen_create', 'plans/create'));