/** * Deactivate a single plugin or multiple plugins. * * The deactivation hook is disabled by the plugin upgrader by using the $silent * parameter. * * @since unknown * * @param string|array $plugins Single plugin or list of plugins to deactivate. * @param bool $silent Optional, default is false. Prevent calling deactivate hook. */ function bb_deactivate_plugins($plugins, $silent = false) { $active_plugins = (array) bb_get_option('active_plugins'); if (!is_array($plugins)) { $plugins = array($plugins); } foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { $plugin = bb_plugin_basename(trim($plugin)); if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { continue; } // Remove the deactivated plugin array_splice($active_plugins, array_search($plugin, $active_plugins), 1); if (!$silent) { do_action('bb_deactivate_plugin_' . $plugin); } } bb_update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); }
function bb_register_plugin_deactivation_hook($file, $function) { $file = bb_plugin_basename($file); add_action('bb_deactivate_plugin_' . $file, $function); }
function nospamuser_block($type, $data, $noway) { $settings = bb_get_option('nospamuser-settings'); bb_update_option('nospamuser-blocks', bb_get_option('nospamuser-blocks') + 1); $types = array('email' => __('email address', 'nospamuser'), 'ip' => __('IP address', 'nospamuser'), 'username' => __('username', 'nospamuser')); if ($noway) { bb_die(sprintf(__('Your %1$s (%2$s) is listed in <a href="%3$s">Stop Forum Spam</a>\'s database. You have been automatically blocked. If you are not a spammer, you may <a href="http://www.stopforumspam.com/removal">appeal this listing</a>.', 'nospamuser'), $types[$type], $data, 'http://www.stopforumspam.com/' . ($type == 'ip' ? 'ipcheck/' : 'search?q=') . $data), 'Registration forbidden', 403); } if (!isset($_COOKIE['nospamuser_override']) || !bb_verify_nonce($_COOKIE['nospamuser_override'], 'nospamuser-override-' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { if (!function_exists('recaptcha_check_answer')) { // Compatibility with anything else that uses reCAPTCHA require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/recaptchalib.php'; } bb_die(sprintf(__('Your %1$s (%2$s) is listed in <a href="%3$s">Stop Forum Spam</a>\'s database. You have been automatically blocked. If you are not a spammer, you may <a href="http://www.stopforumspam.com/removal">appeal this listing</a> or solve the CAPTCHA below.', 'nospamuser'), $types[$type], $data, 'http://www.stopforumspam.com/' . ($type == 'ip' ? 'ipcheck/' : 'search?q=') . $data) . '<form method="post" action="' . bb_get_plugin_uri(bb_plugin_basename(__FILE__)) . '/bb-nospamuser.php"><script type="text/javascript">var RecaptchaOptions={theme:\'clean\'}</script>' . recaptcha_get_html($settings['recaptcha_pub']) . '<br/><input type="submit" value="' . esc_attr__('Submit', 'nospamuser') . '"/></form>', 'Registration forbidden', 401); } }
*/ /** * @package Easy Mentions * @subpackage Main Section * @author Gautam Gupta (www.gaut.am) * @link http://gaut.am/bbpress/plugins/easy-mentions/ * @license GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3): http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html */ bb_load_plugin_textdomain('easy-mentions', dirname(__FILE__) . '/languages'); /* Create Text Domain For Translations */ /* Defines */ define('EM_VER', '0.2'); /* Version */ define('EM_OPTIONS', 'Easy-Mentions'); /* Option Name */ define('EM_PLUGPATH', bb_get_plugin_uri(bb_plugin_basename(__FILE__))); /* Plugin URL */ /* Get the options, if not found then set them */ $em_plugopts = bb_get_option(EM_OPTIONS); if (!is_array($em_plugopts)) { $em_plugopts = array('link-tags' => 1, 'link-users' => 1, 'link-user-to' => 'profile', 'reply-link' => 0, 'reply-text' => "<em>Replying to @%%USERNAME%%\\'s <a href=\"%%POSTLINK%%\">post</a>:</em>"); bb_update_option(EM_OPTIONS, $em_plugopts); } if ($em_plugopts['link-to']) { /* Update the old options, will be removed in v0.4 */ unset($em_plugopts['link-to']); $em_plugopts['link-users'] = 1; $em_plugopts['link-tags'] = 1; $em_plugopts['link-user-to'] = $em_plugopts['link-to'] == 'website' ? 'website' : 'profile'; bb_update_option(EM_OPTIONS, $em_plugopts); }
$bbdb->query("INSERT INTO {$bbdb->users} (user_login,user_nicename, user_registered) VALUES ('anonymous','Anonymous', '" . bb_current_time('mysql') . "')"); if ($anon_id = bb_get_option('bb_anon_user_id')) { $bbdb->query("UPDATE {$bbdb->users} SET ID = {$anon_id} where ID = " . $bbdb->insert_id); } else { $anon_id = $bbdb->insert_id; bb_update_option('bb_anon_user_id', $anon_id); } $user = new BP_User($anon_id); $user->add_role('anonymous'); $user->remove_role('member'); $user->add_cap('anonymous'); $user->remove_cap('member'); } // remove user and meta data on deactivation // do note remove the option in case you activate the plugin again later add_action('bb_deactivate_plugin_' . bb_plugin_basename(__FILE__), 'bb_anon_deactivate_plugin'); function bb_anon_deactivate_plugin() { global $bbdb; $anon_id = bb_get_option('bb_anon_user_id'); $bbdb->query("DELETE FROM {$bbdb->users} WHERE ID = '{$anon_id}'"); $bbdb->query("DELETE FROM {$bbdb->usermeta} WHERE user_id = '{$anon_id}'"); } // fixes the frontpage link to add new post add_filter('new_topic_url', 'bb_anon_filter_new_topic_url'); function bb_anon_filter_new_topic_url($url) { if (is_front() && bb_get_option('bb_anon_write_topics') == "Y") { $url = add_query_arg('new', '1', bb_get_option('uri')); } return $url;