Esempio n. 1
function bb_attachments_process_post($post_id = 0, $display = 0)
    global $bbdb, $bb_attachments;
    if (!$post_id) {
        $post_id = intval($_GET['bb_attachments']);
    // only can upload if user is allowed to edit post
    $user_id = bb_get_current_user_info('id');
    if (!isset($_FILES['bb_attachments']) || !is_array($_FILES['bb_attachments']) || !$user_id || !$post_id || !bb_current_user_can('edit_post', $post_id) || !bb_current_user_can($bb_attachments['role']['upload'])) {
    $user_ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
    $time = time();
    $inject = "";
    $bb_post = bb_get_post($post_id);
    $topic_id = $bb_post->topic_id;
    // fetch related topic
    $topic_attachments = intval(bb_get_topicmeta($topic_id, "bb_attachments"));
    // generally how many on topic (may be off if post moved)
    $count = intval($bbdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $bb_attachments['db'] . " WHERE post_id = {$post_id} AND status = 0"));
    // how many currently on post
    $offset = 0;
    // counter for this pass
    $strip = array(' ', '`', '"', '\'', '\\', '/', '..', '__');
    // filter for filenames
    $maxlength = bb_attachments_lookup($bb_attachments['max']['filename']);
    $output = "<h3>" . __("Uploads") . "</h3><ol>";
    // start output
    while (list($key, $value) = each($_FILES['bb_attachments']['name'])) {
        if (!empty($value)) {
            // don't trust these, check after upload $_FILES['bb_attachments']['type']   $_FILES['bb_attachments']['size']
            $filename = trim(str_replace($strip, '_', stripslashes($value)));
            // sanitize filename further ???
            if (empty($filename)) {
                $filename = "unknown";
            if (intval($_FILES['bb_attachments']['error'][$key]) == 0 && $_FILES['bb_attachments']['size'][$key] > 0) {
                $ext = strrpos($filename, '.') === false ? "" : trim(strtolower(substr($filename, strrpos($filename, '.') + 1)));
                if (strlen($filename) > $maxlength) {
                    $filename = substr($filename, 0, $maxlength - strlen($ext) + 1) . "." . $ext;
                // fix filename length
                $tmp = $bb_attachments['path'] . md5(rand(0, 99999) . time() . $_FILES['bb_attachments']['tmp_name'][$key]);
                // make random temp name that can't be guessed
                if (@is_uploaded_file($_FILES['bb_attachments']['tmp_name'][$key]) && @move_uploaded_file($_FILES['bb_attachments']['tmp_name'][$key], $tmp)) {
                    $size = filesize($tmp);
                    $mime = bb_attachments_mime_type($tmp);
                    $status = 0;
                    $id = 0;
                } else {
                    $status = 2;
                    //   file move to temp name failed for some unknown reason
                    $size = $_FILES['bb_attachments']['size'][$key];
                    // we'll trust the upload sequence for the size since it doesn't matter, it failed
                    $mime = "";
                    $id = 0;
                if ($status == 0 && !in_array($ext, bb_attachments_lookup($bb_attachments['allowed']['extensions']))) {
                    $status = 3;
                // disallowed extension
                if ($status == 0 && !in_array($mime, bb_attachments_lookup($bb_attachments['allowed']['mime_types']))) {
                    $status = 4;
                // disallowed mime
                if ($status == 0 && $size > bb_attachments_lookup($bb_attachments['max']['size'], $ext)) {
                    $status = 5;
                // disallowed size
                if ($status == 0 && $count + 1 > bb_attachments_lookup($bb_attachments['max']['per_post'])) {
                    $status = 6;
                // disallowed attachment count
                if ($size > 0 && $filename) {
                    // we still save the status code if any but don't copy file until status = 0
                    $failed = $bbdb->get_var("\n\t\t\t\tINSERT INTO " . $bb_attachments['db'] . " ( time  , post_id , user_id, user_ip, status , size , ext , mime , filename )\n\t\t\t\tVALUES ('{$time}', '{$post_id}' ,  '{$user_id}' , inet_aton('{$user_ip}') , {$status}, '{$size}', '" . addslashes($ext) . "', '{$mime}', '" . addslashes($filename) . "')\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t");
                    if ($status == 0 && !$failed) {
                        $id = intval($bbdb->get_var("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()"));
                    // fetch the assigned unique id #
                    if ($failed || !$id) {
                        $status = 2;
                    // db failure ?
                    if ($status == 0) {
                        // successful db insert - bbdb returns NULL on success so that !NULL is it's wierd way
                        $dir = $bb_attachments['path'] . floor($id / 1000);
                        if (function_exists('get_current_user') && function_exists('posix_setuid')) {
                            // try to set user's id so file/dir creation is under their account
                            $current = get_current_user();
                            if (!($current && !in_array($current, array("nobody", "httpd", "apache", "root")) && strpos(__FILE__, $current))) {
                                $current = "";
                            $x = posix_getuid();
                            if (0 == $x && $current) {
                                $org_uid = posix_getuid();
                                $pw_info = posix_getpwnam($current);
                                $uid = $pw_info["uid"];
                        if (!file_exists($dir)) {
                            // check for sub-directory based on file number 0,1,2,3,4 etc.
                            $oldumask = umask(0);
                            @mkdir($dir, 0755);
                            // I've found that as long as the PARENT is 777, the children don't have to be
                        $file = $dir . "/" . $id . "." . $filename;
                        // file is commited here
                        if (!$failed && $id > 0 && file_exists($tmp)) {
                            @rename($tmp, $file);
                            // now it's officially named
                            @chmod($file, 0777);
                            // make accessable via ftp for ease of management
                            if ($bb_attachments['aws']['enable']) {
                                bb_attachments_aws("{$dir}/", "{$id}.{$filename}", $mime);
                            // copy to S3
                            // count how many successfully uploaded this time
                        } else {
                            $status = 2;
                            // failed - not necessarily user's fault, could be filesystem
                        if (isset($org_uid) && $org_uid > 0 && function_exists('posix_setuid')) {
                    } else {
                        if ($status == 0) {
                            $status = 2;
                        // failed for db?
            } else {
                $status = 2;
            if (!empty($tmp) && file_exists($tmp)) {
            // never, ever, leave temporary file behind for security
            if ($status > 0) {
                if ($id > 0) {
                    $bbdb->query("UPDATE " . $bb_attachments['db'] . " SET 'status' = {$status} WHERE 'id' = {$id}");
                $error = "";
                if ($_FILES['bb_attachments']['error'][$key] > 0) {
                    $error = " (" . $bb_attachments['errors'][$_FILES['bb_attachments']['error'][$key]] . ") ";
                $output .= "<li><span style='color:red'><strong>{$filename} " . " <span class='num'>(" . round($size / 1024, 1) . " KB)</span> " . __('error:') . " " . $bb_attachments['status'][$status] . "</strong>{$error}</span></li>";
            } else {
                $output .= "<li><span style='color:green'><strong>{$filename} " . " <span class='num'>(" . round($size / 1024, 1) . " KB)</span> " . __('successful') . "</strong></span></li>";
                if ($bb_attachments['inline']['auto'] && (list($width, $height, $type) = getimagesize($file))) {
                    if ($display) {
                        $location = bb_attachments_location();
                        $can_inline = true;
                        if (!($bb_attachments['role']['inline'] == "read" || bb_current_user_can($bb_attachments['role']['inline']))) {
                            $can_inline = false;
                        if ($location == "edit.php" && $can_inline) {
                            $output .= '<scr' . 'ipt type="text/javascript" defer="defer">			
					bbat_field = document.getElementsByTagName("textarea")[0];
					bbat_value=" [attachment="+' . $post_id . '+","+' . $id . '+"] ";
					bbat_field.value += bbat_value;</script>';
                        // above auto-injects newly uploaded attachment if edit form present
                    } else {
                        $inject .= " [attachment={$post_id},{$id}]";
        // end !$empty
    // end while
    $output .= "</ol>";
    if ($display) {
        echo $output;
    } elseif (!empty($inject) && $bb_attachments['inline']['auto']) {
        $bb_post->post_text = apply_filters('edit_text', $bb_post->post_text . $inject);
    // auto-inject
    bb_update_topicmeta($topic_id, 'bb_attachments', $topic_attachments + $offset);
Esempio n. 2
function socialit_insert_in_post($post_content)
    global $socialit_plugopts, $bbdb;
    // decide whether or not to generate the bookmarks.
    $istopic = bb_is_topic();
    if ($istopic && $socialit_plugopts['topic'] == 1 || bb_is_feed() && $socialit_plugopts['feed'] == 1 && bb_get_topicmeta(get_topic_id(), 'hide_socialit') != "true") {
        //socials should be generated and added
        $post_id_fc = get_post_id();
        //post id for check
        if (bb_is_first($post_id_fc)) {
            $post_content .= get_socialit();
    return $post_content;
Esempio n. 3
  * Sends a single pingback if a link is found
  * @return integer The number of pingbacks sent
 function send_pingback($topic_id, $post_text)
     if (!$topic_id || !$post_text) {
         return 0;
     // Get all links in the text and add them to an array
     if (!preg_match_all('@<a ([^>]+)>@im', make_clickable($post_text), $post_links)) {
         return 0;
     $_links = array();
     foreach ($post_links[1] as $post_link_attributes) {
         $post_link_attributes = preg_split('@\\s+@im', $post_link_attributes, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
         foreach ($post_link_attributes as $post_link_attribute) {
             if (strpos($post_link_attribute, '=', 1) !== false) {
                 list($_key, $_value) = explode('=', $post_link_attribute, 2);
                 if (strtolower($_key) === 'href') {
                     $_links[] = trim($_value, "'\"");
     // Get pingbacks which have already been performed from this topic
     $past_pingbacks = bb_get_topicmeta($topic_id, 'pingback_performed');
     $new_pingbacks = array();
     foreach ($_links as $_link) {
         // If it's already been pingbacked, then skip it
         if ($past_pingbacks && in_array($_link, $past_pingbacks)) {
         // If it's trying to ping itself, then skip it
         if ($topic = bb_get_topic_from_uri($_link)) {
             if ($topic->topic_id === $topic_id) {
         // Make sure it's a page on a site and not the root
         if (!($_url = parse_url($_link))) {
         if (!isset($_url['query'])) {
             if ($_url['path'] == '' || $_url['path'] == '/') {
         // Add the URL to the array of those to be pingbacked
         $new_pingbacks[] = $_link;
     include_once BACKPRESS_PATH . '/class.ixr.php';
     $count = 0;
     foreach ($new_pingbacks as $pingback_to_url) {
         if (!($pingback_endpoint_uri = BB_Pingbacks::get_endpoint_uri($pingback_to_url))) {
         // Stop this nonsense after 60 seconds
         // Get the URL to pingback from
         $pingback_from_url = get_topic_link($topic_id);
         // Using a timeout of 3 seconds should be enough to cover slow servers
         $client = new IXR_Client($pingback_endpoint_uri);
         $client->timeout = 3;
         $client->useragent .= ' -- bbPress/' . bb_get_option('version');
         // When set to true, this outputs debug messages by itself
         $client->debug = false;
         // If successful or the ping already exists then add to the pingbacked list
         if ($client->query('', $pingback_from_url, $pingback_to_url) || isset($client->error->code) && 48 == $client->error->code) {
             $past_pingbacks[] = $pingback_to_url;
     bb_update_topicmeta($topic_id, 'pingback_performed', $past_pingbacks);
     return $count;