function import()
     if ($this->session->userdata('is_login') == TRUE) {
         $user_type = $this->session->userdata('type');
         if ($user_type == 2) {
             $upDir = base_dir() . 'supplier_files/' . $this->session->userdata['id'];
             if (!file_exists($upDir) || is_file($upDir)) {
             $config['upload_path'] = $upDir;
             $config['allowed_types'] = 'csv';
             $config['max_size'] = '1000';
             $this->load->library('upload', $config);
             if (!$this->upload->do_upload()) {
                 $error = array('error' => $this->upload->display_errors());
             } else {
                 // It's uploaded, so open it, loop through it and do what you need to do
                 $data = array('upload_data' => $this->upload->data());
                 $file_path = $data['upload_data']['full_path'];
Esempio n. 2
 public function output()
     $schema = (new SchemaBuilder($this->table->schema))->output();
     $output = file_get_contents(base_dir() . '/templates/migration.tpl');
     $output = str_replace('{{name}}', $this->table->name, $output);
     $output = str_replace('{{migration}}', $this->migration_name, $output);
     $output = str_replace('{{schema}}', $schema, $output);
     return $output;
Esempio n. 3
 static function tpl($tpl_name, array $vars = array())
     $tpl_dir = self::get_config('tpl_dir', dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/tpl');
     $tpl_filename = rtrim($tpl_dir, '/\\') . '/' . ltrim($tpl_name, '/\\') . '.php';
     //        $_errors = error_reporting(0);
     //        error_reporting($_errors & ~E_NOTICE);
     $_BASE_DIR = base_dir();
     require $tpl_filename;
     //        error_reporting($_errors);
Esempio n. 4
  * @param \Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface   $input
  * @param \Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface $output
  * @return void
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $dump = new Loader($input->getArgument('sqldump'));
     $parser = new Parser();
     $tables = $parser->get_tables($dump->data());
     foreach ($tables as $table) {
         $migration = new MigrationBuilder($table);
         file_put_contents(base_dir() . '/output/' . $migration->migration_name . '.php', $migration->output());
 public function index($type = 'all')
     $filesDir = base_dir() . 'buyers_files';
     if (!file_exists($filesDir) || !is_dir($filesDir)) {
         mkdir($filesDir, 0777, true);
     switch ($type) {
         case 'custom':
             $listings = $this->buyers->listing(1);
             foreach ($listings as $buyer) {
                 $u_id = $buyer->u_id;
                 $uiddir = $filesDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $u_id;
                 if (!file_exists($uiddir) || !is_dir($uiddir)) {
                     mkdir($uiddir, 0777, true);
                 $datafeed = $this->datafeeds->custom_prodlist($u_id);
                 $this->export($datafeed, 'custom', $uiddir);
         case 'supplier':
             $supplier_list = $this->suppliers->listing(1);
             foreach ($supplier_list as $supplier) {
                 $s_id = $supplier->u_id;
                 $supplier_info = $this->users->info($s_id);
                 $datafeed = $this->datafeeds->prodlist('supplier', $s_id);
                 $companyName = strtolower(preg_replace('/[\\s]+/i', '_', $supplier_info->u_company));
                 $extract = preg_replace('/[\\_]{2,}/i', '_', $companyName);
                 $this->export($datafeed, $extract, $filesDir);
         case 'dropshipping':
             $datafeed = $this->datafeeds->prodlist('dropshipping');
             $this->export($datafeed, 'dropshipping', $filesDir);
         case 'all':
             $datafeed = $this->datafeeds->prodlist();
             $this->export($datafeed, 'all', $filesDir);
     echo '';
 public function parsesupplierscsv()
     $filesDir = base_dir() . 'suppliers_files';
     if (!file_exists($filesDir) || !is_dir($filesDir)) {
         echo 'dir not found';
     $dir = opendir($filesDir);
     while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir))) {
         if ($file == '.' || $file == '..' || !preg_match('/^\\d+$/', $file)) {
         $this->session->userdata['id'] = $file;
         $this->import($filesDir, 'txt');
         $this->import($filesDir, 'csv');
     echo '';
Esempio n. 7
 function resolveHelper($name)
     // try local
     $location = $this->path . "/helper/" . $name;
     // try common
     if (!is_file($location)) {
         $location = base_dir() . "base/helper/" . $name;
     if (is_file($location)) {
         // return template if its found
         return $location;
     } else {
         return null;
 function delete_image($ii_id)
     $this->db->where('inventory_image.ii_id', $ii_id);
     $result = $this->db->get('inventory_image');
     $result = $result->row(1);
     if (!empty($result->ii_link)) {
         $path = base_dir() . $result->ii_link;
         if (file_exists($path)) {
     $this->db->where('ii_id', $ii_id);
     return 1;
 function delete_product_attachment()
     $file_name = $this->input->post('fname');
     @unlink(base_dir() . "product_image/{$file_name}");
Esempio n. 10
function controller_basedir()
    return realpath(base_dir() . '/controllers/');
 function get_random_products($sup_id = "")
     $this->db->join('inventory', 'inventory.i_id = inventory_child.i_id', 'left');
     $this->db->join('inventory_image', 'inventory_image.i_id = inventory.i_id', 'left');
     $this->db->join('manufacturer', 'manufacturer.m_id = inventory.m_id', 'left');
     $this->db->join('brand', 'brand.b_id = inventory.b_id', 'left');
     $default_country = $this->countries->default_country();
     $this->db->join('translation', 'translation.i_id = inventory.i_id AND translation.c_id = ' . $default_country, 'left');
     // 1 English
     if (isset($sup_id) and $sup_id != "") {
         $this->db->where('inventory_child.u_id', $sup_id);
     $result = $this->db->get();
     //echo $this->db->last_query();exit;
     $rows = $result->result();
     foreach ($rows as $key => $row) {
         $images = $this->inventories->list_image($row->i_id);
         foreach ($images as $image) {
             $row->ii_name = '';
             $row->ii_link = '';
             $row->ii_feat = '';
             $row->ii_time = '';
             if (file_exists(base_dir() . $image->ii_link)) {
                 $row->ii_name = $images[0]->ii_name;
                 $row->ii_link = $images[0]->ii_link;
                 $row->ii_feat = $images[0]->ii_feat;
                 $row->ii_time = $images[0]->ii_time;
                 $rows[$key] = $row;
     return $rows;
            uploader: '<?php 
echo base_url();
            script: '<?php 
echo base_url();
            cancelImg: '<?php 
echo base_url();
            folder: '<?php 
echo base_dir();
echo $this->inventories->get_image_upload_group_id($product->i_id) . '/' . $product->i_id;
            scriptAccess: 'always',
            multi: true,
            auto: true,
            width: 110,
            'onError': function (a, b, c, d) {
                if (d.status == 404)
                    alert('Could not find upload script.');
                else if (d.type === "HTTP")
                    alert('error ' + d.type + ": " + d.status);
                else if (d.type === "File Size")
 public function doDelete($file, $type = 'csv', $cron = false)
     $separator = $type == 'csv' ? ';' : "\t";
     @ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);
     $row = 0;
     $total = 0;
     $deleted = 0;
     $user_type = $this->session->userdata('type');
     $errors = array();
     if (($handle = fopen($file, "r")) !== FALSE) {
         while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1024, $separator)) !== FALSE) {
             if ($user_type == 2) {
                 $is = $this->db->get_where('inventory_child', array('SKU' => $data[0], 'u_id' => $this->session->userdata('id')))->result();
                 if (!$is) {
                     $errors[] = '<b>' . $data[0] . '</b> - inventory does not exist';
                 if ($is['u_id'] == $this->session->userdata('id')) {
                 $res = $this->db->delete('inventory_child', array('SKU' => $data[0], 'u_id' => $this->session->userdata('id')));
                 if ($res) {
             } else {
                 $is = $this->db->get_where('inventory', array('manuf_num' => $data[0]))->result();
                 if (!$is || empty($is)) {
                     $errors[] = '<b>' . $data[0] . '</b> - inventory does not exist';
                 foreach ($is as $inv) {
                     $this->db->where('i_id', $inv->i_id);
                     $this->db->where('ii_src_url', NULL);
                     $results = $this->db->get('inventory_image')->result();
                     foreach ($results as $result) {
                         $path = base_dir() . 'product_image/' . $this->inventories->get_image_upload_group_id($result->i_id) . '/' . $result->i_id . '/' . $result->ii_name;
                         if (file_exists($path)) {
                     $tables = array('inventory', 'inventory_image', 'inventory_child');
                     $this->db->where('i_id', $inv->i_id);
                     $res = $this->db->delete($tables);
         return array('imported' => $row, 'updated' => 0, 'inserted' => 0, 'deleted' => $deleted, 'total' => $total, 'verr' => implode('<br>', $errors));
     return false;
Esempio n. 14
function myheading($q, $title, $displaymenu = true)
    // Generate the correct prefix for URLs in menu.
    $BASE_URL = base_url();
    $BASE_DIR = base_dir();
    $myDirPath = $BASE_DIR . '/menus/';
    $myWwwPath = $BASE_URL . '/menus/';
    // these files should probably not be here
    require_once $myDirPath . 'lib/PHPLIB.php';
    require_once $myDirPath . 'lib/';
    require_once $myDirPath . 'lib/';
    require_once $BASE_DIR . '/menudefs.php';
    eval("\$ADMIN_MENU = \"{$ADMIN_MENU}\";");
    // create the html page HEAD section
    insert($q, $header = wheader("IPPlan - {$title}"));
    insert($q, $w = container("div", array("class" => "matte")));
    insert($header, generic("meta", array("http-equiv" => "Content-Type", "content" => "text/html; charset=UTF-8")));
    if ($displaymenu) {
        insert($header, generic("link", array("rel" => "stylesheet", "href" => "{$myWwwPath}" . "layersmenu-gtk2.css")));
        //    insert($header, generic("link",array("rel"=>"stylesheet","href"=>"$myWwwPath"."layersmenu-demo.css")));
    // Konqueror and Safari browsers do not support overflow: auto css tag so use custom stylesheet
    if (stristr($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], "konqueror") or stristr($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], "safari")) {
        insert($header, generic("link", array("rel" => "stylesheet", "href" => "{$BASE_URL}" . "/themes/default-safari.css")));
    } else {
        // Added theme support.
        $themecookie = isset($_COOKIE["ipplanTheme"]) ? $_COOKIE["ipplanTheme"] : "";
        global $config_themes;
        // obtained from config.php file which is global
        if (!empty($themecookie) and $config_themes[$themecookie] != "") {
            insert($header, generic("link", array("rel" => "stylesheet", "href" => "{$BASE_URL}" . "/themes/{$config_themes[$themecookie]}")));
        } else {
            insert($header, generic("link", array("rel" => "stylesheet", "href" => "{$BASE_URL}" . "/themes/default.css")));
    if ($displaymenu) {
        insert($w, script("", array("language" => "JavaScript", "type" => "text/javascript", "src" => $myWwwPath . "libjs/layersmenu-browser_detection.js")));
        insert($w, script("", array("language" => "JavaScript", "type" => "text/javascript", "src" => $myWwwPath . 'libjs/layersmenu-library.js')));
        insert($w, script("", array("language" => "JavaScript", "type" => "text/javascript", "src" => $myWwwPath . 'libjs/layersmenu.js')));
        $mid = new LayersMenu(6, 7, 2, 1);
        $mid->setDirroot($BASE_DIR . '/menus/');
        $mid->setLibjsdir($BASE_DIR . '/menus/libjs/');
        $mid->setImgdir($BASE_DIR . '/menus/menuimages/');
        $mid->setImgwww($BASE_URL . '/menus/menuimages/');
        $mid->setIcondir($BASE_DIR . '/menus/menuicons/');
        $mid->setIconwww($BASE_URL . '/menus/menuicons/');
        $mid->setTpldir($BASE_DIR . '/menus/templates/');
        $mid->setIconsize(16, 16);
    // draw header box
    insert($w, $con = container("div", array("class" => "headerbox", "align" => "center")));
    insert($con, heading(1, my_("IPPlan - IP Address Management and Tracking")));
    insert($con, block("<br>"));
    insert($con, heading(3, $title));
    if ($displaymenu) {
        // draw menu box here
        insert($w, $con = container("div", array("class" => "menubox")));
        insert($con, $t = table(array("cols" => "2", "width" => "100%")));
        insert($t, $c1 = cell());
        insert($t, $c2 = cell(array("align" => "right")));
        insert($c1, block($mid->getHeader()));
        insert($c1, block($mid->getMenu('hormenu1')));
        insert($c1, block($mid->getFooter()));
        // find a place to display logged in user
        insert($c2, $uc = container("div", array("class" => "userbox")));
        if (getAuthUsername() != "") {
            insert($uc, block(sprintf(my_("Logged in as %s"), getAuthUsername())));
    insert($w, $con = container("div", array("class" => "normalbox")));
    insert($w, $con1 = container("div", array("class" => "footerbox")));
    insert($con1, block("IPPlan v4.92b"));
    return $con;
Esempio n. 15
 * Date:        $Date: 2011-10-24 11:54:02 +0200 $
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * @author      $Author: Edd, Exinaus, Shw  $
 * @copyright   2011-2012 Edd - Aleksandr Ustinov
 * @link
 * @package     Clan Stat
 * @version     $Rev: 2.2.0 $
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_STRICT);
ini_set("display_errors", 1);
if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/func_admin.php')) {
    define('LOCAL_DIR', dirname(__FILE__));
    include_once LOCAL_DIR . '/func_admin.php';
    include_once LOCAL_DIR . '/translate/tabs.php';
    define('ROOT_DIR', base_dir('admin'));
    include_once ROOT_DIR . '/including/check.php';
    //Multiget CURL
    include_once ROOT_DIR . '/function/curl.php';
    include_once ROOT_DIR . '/function/mcurl.php';
    include_once ROOT_DIR . '/function/auth.php';
    include_once ROOT_DIR . '/function/cache.php';
    include_once ROOT_DIR . '/function/mysql.php';
    include_once ROOT_DIR . '/function/func.php';
    include_once ROOT_DIR . '/function/func_get.php';
    include_once ROOT_DIR . '/function/func_main.php';
    include_once ROOT_DIR . '/function/config.php';
    include_once ROOT_DIR . '/config/config_' . $config['server'] . '.php';
    foreach (scandir(LOCAL_DIR . '/translate/') as $files) {
        if (preg_match("/_" . $config['lang'] . ".php/", $files)) {
 function add()
     if ($this->session->userdata('is_login') == TRUE) {
         $user_type = $this->session->userdata('type');
         //get user type;
         $uid = $this->session->userdata('id');
         if ($this->input->post('action') != "") {
             $action = $this->input->post('action');
             if ($action == 'add') {
                 $upc_ean = $this->input->post('upc_ean');
                 $manu_num = $this->input->post('manu_num');
                 $manu = $this->input->post('manu');
                 $brand = $this->input->post('brand');
                 $weight = $this->input->post('weight');
                 $weight_scale = $this->input->post('weight_scale');
                 //$item_price = $this->input->post('item_price');
                 $ship_alone = $this->input->post('ship_alone');
                 $height = $this->input->post('height');
                 $width = $this->input->post('width');
                 $depth = $this->input->post('depth');
                 $d_scale = $this->input->post('d_scale');
                 $category = $this->input->post('category');
                 $case_pack = $this->input->post('case_pack');
                 $min_order = $this->input->post('min_order');
                 if ($user_type == 2) {
                     $sku = $this->input->post('sku');
                     $quan = $this->input->post('quan');
                     $price = $this->input->post('price');
                     $ret_price = $this->input->post('ret_price');
                     $ret_price = trim($ret_price) == '' || $ret_price == 0 ? $price * 3 : $ret_price;
                     $lead_time = $this->input->post('lead_time');
                     $map = $this->input->post('map');
                     $ship_cost = $this->input->post('ship_cost') == '' ? null : $this->input->post('ship_cost');
                     $ship_from = $this->input->post('ship_from');
                     $prom_text = $this->input->post('prom_text');
                     $this->form_validation->set_rules('sku', 'SKU', 'trim|required|xss_clean');
                     $this->form_validation->set_rules('quan', 'Quantity', 'trim|required|xss_clean');
                     $this->form_validation->set_rules('price', 'Price', 'trim|required|xss_clean');
                     $this->form_validation->set_rules('ret_price', 'Retailed Price', 'trim|required|xss_clean');
                     $this->form_validation->set_rules('lead_time', 'Lead Time', 'trim|required|xss_clean');
                     $this->form_validation->set_rules('map', 'MAP', 'trim|xss_clean');
                 $this->form_validation->set_rules('upc_ean', 'UPC/EAN', 'trim|required|min_length[5]|numeric|xss_clean');
                 $this->form_validation->set_rules('manu_num', 'Manufacturer Part Number', 'trim|required|min_length[3]|xss_clean');
                 $this->form_validation->set_rules('manu', 'Manufacture', 'trim|required|xss_clean');
                 $this->form_validation->set_rules('brand', 'Brand', 'trim|required|xss_clean');
                 $this->form_validation->set_rules('weight', 'Weight', 'trim|required|xss_clean|numeric');
                 $this->form_validation->set_rules('weight_scale', 'Weight Scale', 'trim|required|xss_clean');
                 $this->form_validation->set_message('min_length', 'The %s must be at least %s characters long');
                 //$this->form_validation->set_rules('item_price','Item Price','trim|required|xss_clean|numeric');
                 $this->form_validation->set_rules('ship_alone', 'Ship Alone', 'trim|required|xss_clean');
                 if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) {
                     //If has invalid input
                     $returnmessage = array('message' => validation_errors(), 'status' => 0);
                     echo json_encode($returnmessage);
                 } else {
                     $array_insert = array("u_id" => $uid, "upc_ean" => $upc_ean, "manuf_num" => $manu_num, "m_id" => $manu, "b_id" => $brand, "c_id" => $category, "weight" => $weight, "weightScale" => $weight_scale, "qty" => 0, "ship_alone" => $ship_alone, "d_height" => $height, "d_width" => $width, "d_dept" => $depth, "d_scale" => $d_scale, "i_time" => apputils::ConvertUnStampToMysqlDateTime(time()));
                     @ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
                     $i_id = $this->inventories->add($array_insert);
                     $images = $this->input->post('images');
                     foreach ($images as $image) {
                         mkdir(base_dir() . 'product_image/' . $i_id);
                         copy(base_dir() . 'product_image/' . $image['filename'], base_dir() . 'product_image/' . $i_id . '/' . $image['filename']);
                         $image_id = $this->inventories->add_image(array("i_id" => $i_id, "ii_name" => $image['filename'], "ii_link" => 'product_image/' . $i_id . '/' . $image['filename'], "ii_feat" => $image['featured'], "ii_time" => apputils::ConvertUnStampToMysqlDateTime(time())));
                     $lang_title = $this->input->post('lang_title');
                     $short_desc = $this->input->post('short_desc');
                     $long_decs = $this->input->post('long_decs');
                     $lang = $this->input->post('lang');
                     $data_add_language = array('i_id' => $i_id, 'c_id' => $lang, 'tr_title' => $lang_title, 'tr_short_desc' => $short_desc, 'tr_desc' => $long_decs, 'tr_time' => date("Y-m-d h:i:s", time()));
                     if ($user_type == 2) {
                         $add_array = array('i_id' => $i_id, 'u_id' => $uid, 'SKU' => $sku, 'ic_quan' => $quan, 'ic_price' => $price, 'ic_retail_price' => $ret_price, 'ic_leadtime' => $lead_time, 'ic_map' => $map, 'ic_ship_cost' => $ship_cost, 'ic_ship_country' => $ship_from, 'ic_prom_text' => $prom_text, 'ic_min_order' => $min_order, 'ic_case_pack' => $case_pack, 'ic_time' => apputils::ConvertUnStampToMysqlDateTime(time()));
                         $stock_id = $this->inventories->add_stock($add_array);
                     if ($user_type == 2) {
                         $returnmessage = array('message' => base_url() . 'inventory/detail/' . $i_id . "/" . $stock_id . "", 'status' => 1);
                     } elseif ($user_type == 1) {
                         $returnmessage = array('message' => base_url() . 'inventory/detail/' . $i_id . "", 'status' => 1);
                     echo json_encode($returnmessage);
             } elseif ($action == 'stock') {
                 $sku = $this->input->post('sku');
                 $quan = $this->input->post('quan');
                 $price = $this->input->post('price');
                 $ret_price = $this->input->post('ret_price');
                 $lead_time = $this->input->post('lead_time');
                 $i_id = $this->input->post('inv_id');
                 $map = $this->input->post('map');
                 $ship_cost = $this->input->post('ship_cost') == '' ? null : $this->input->post('ship_cost');
                 $ship_from = $this->input->post('ship_from');
                 $prom_text = $this->input->post('prom_text');
                 $this->form_validation->set_rules('sku', 'SKU', 'trim|required|min_length[4]|xss_clean');
                 $this->form_validation->set_rules('quan', 'Quantity', 'trim|required|numeric|xss_clean|greater_than[-1]');
                 $this->form_validation->set_rules('price', 'Price', 'trim|required|numeric|xss_clean|greater_than[0]');
                 $this->form_validation->set_rules('ret_price', 'Retailed Price', 'trim|required|numeric|xss_clean|greater_than[0]');
                 if ($map != "") {
                     $this->form_validation->set_rules('map', 'MAP', 'trim|numeric|xss_clean');
                 $this->form_validation->set_rules('ship_cost', 'Ship Cost', 'trim|numeric|xss_clean');
                 $this->form_validation->set_rules('ship_from', 'Ship Country', 'trim|required|xss_clean');
                 $this->form_validation->set_rules('prom_text', 'Promo Text', 'trim|xss_clean');
                 $this->form_validation->set_rules('inv_id', 'Inventory ID', 'trim|required|xss_clean');
                 if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) {
                     $returnmessage = array('message' => validation_errors(), 'status' => 0);
                     echo json_encode($returnmessage);
                 } else {
                     $add_array = array('i_id' => $i_id, 'u_id' => $uid, 'SKU' => $sku, 'ic_quan' => $quan, 'ic_price' => $price, 'ic_retail_price' => $ret_price, 'ic_leadtime' => $lead_time, 'ic_map' => $map, 'ic_ship_cost' => $ship_cost, 'ic_ship_country' => $ship_from, 'ic_prom_text' => $prom_text, 'ic_time' => apputils::ConvertUnStampToMysqlDateTime(time()));
                     $ic_id = $this->inventories->add_stock($add_array);
                     $url_ext = $i_id . '/' . $ic_id;
                     $returnmessage = array('message' => "Stock is Added Succesfully", 'status' => 1, 'url_ext' => $url_ext);
                     echo json_encode($returnmessage);
         } else {
             if ($user_type == 1) {
                 $level = 0;
                 $data['list_manufac'] = $this->manufacturers->listing();
                 $data['scale_dimension'] = $this->categories->scale_dimension_listing();
                 $data['list_scale'] = $this->inventories->listing_scale();
                 $data['categories'] = $this->categories->listings($level);
                 $data['countries'] = $this->countries->listing_country();
                 $data['default_country'] = $this->countries->default_country();
                 $this->load->view('admin/inventory/add-inventory', $data);
             } elseif ($user_type == 2) {
                 $view_form = $this->uri->segment(3);
                 if ($view_form == "stock") {
                     $i_id = $this->uri->segment(4);
                     //redirect to another function for stock inventory page
                 } else {
                 //Add Product for Supplier
     } else {
         redirect('', 'refresh');
 function file($datafeed, $separator, $filename, $user_id = '')
     $temp_file = base_dir() . 'buyers_files' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $user_id . $filename;
     if (!file_exists($temp_file)) {
         $output = "";
         $row = array('SKU', 'Barcode', 'Manufacturer Part Number', 'Manufacturer Name', 'Brand', 'Title', 'Description', 'Category ID', 'Category Name', 'Weight', 'Ship Alone', 'Height', 'Width', 'Depth', 'Lead Time', 'Quantity In Stock', 'Selling Price', 'MSRP', 'Promo text', 'MAP', 'Shipping cost', 'Image 1', 'Image 2', 'Image 3', 'Image 4', 'Image 5', 'Image 6', 'Case Pack', 'Min Order');
         $output = $output . str_putcsv($row, $separator);
         foreach ($datafeed as $feed) {
             $feed->ic_retail_price = trim($feed->ic_retail_price) == '' || $feed->ic_retail_price == 0 ? $feed->ic_price * 3 : $feed->ic_retail_price;
             $row = array($feed->SKU, $feed->upc_ean, $feed->manuf_num, $feed->m_name, $feed->b_name, $feed->tr_title, str_replace(array("\n", "\r\n", "\t"), " ", strip_tags($feed->tr_desc)), $feed->c_id, $this->getFullCategoryName($feed->c_id), $feed->weight + " " + $feed->weightScale, $feed->ship_alone, $feed->d_height + " " + $feed->d_scale, $feed->d_width + " " + $feed->d_scale, $feed->d_dept + " " + $feed->d_scale, $feed->ic_leadtime, $feed->ic_quan, $feed->ic_price, $feed->ic_retail_price, str_replace(array("\n", "\r\n", "\t"), " ", $feed->ic_prom_text), $feed->ic_map, $feed->ic_ship_cost);
             $image_list = $this->inventories->list_image($feed->i_id);
             $images = array('', '', '', '', '', '');
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($image_list); $i++) {
                 if ($i >= count($images)) {
                 $images[$i] = base_url() . $image_list[$i]->ii_link;
             $row = array_merge($row, $images, array($feed->ic_case_pack, $feed->ic_min_order));
             $output = $output . "\r\n" . str_putcsv($row, $separator);
         force_download($filename, $output);
     } else {
         ini_set('memory_limit', '512M');
Esempio n. 18

// Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Aron Racho <*****@*****.**>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// for security
$fake_register_globals = false;
$sanitize_all_escapes = true;
require "../../globals.php";
require_once "ui.php";
require_once "common.php";
// recursively require all .php files in the base library folder
foreach (glob(base_dir() . "base/library/*.php") as $filename) {
    require_once $filename;
// recursively require all .php files in the application library folder
foreach (glob(library_dir() . "/*.php") as $filename) {
    require_once $filename;
Esempio n. 19
 * Began:       2011
 * Date:        $Date: 2011-10-24 11:54:02 +0200 $
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * @author      $Author: Edd, Exinaus, Shw  $
 * @copyright   2011-2012 Edd - Aleksandr Ustinov
 * @link
 * @package     Clan Stat
 * @version     $Rev: 2.2.0 $
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_STRICT);
ini_set("display_errors", 1);
if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/func_ajax.php')) {
    define('LOCAL_DIR', dirname(__FILE__));
    include_once LOCAL_DIR . '/func_ajax.php';
    define('ROOT_DIR', base_dir('ajax'));
} else {
    define('LOCAL_DIR', '.');
    include_once LOCAL_DIR . '/func_ajax.php';
    define('ROOT_DIR', '..');
include_once ROOT_DIR . '/including/check.php';
include_once ROOT_DIR . '/function/auth.php';
include_once ROOT_DIR . '/function/mysql.php';
include_once ROOT_DIR . '/function/func.php';
include_once ROOT_DIR . '/function/func_main.php';
include_once ROOT_DIR . '/function/config.php';
include_once ROOT_DIR . '/config/config_' . $config['server'] . '.php';
foreach (scandir(ROOT_DIR . '/translate/') as $files) {
    if (preg_match("/_" . $config['lang'] . ".php/", $files)) {
 function activate()
     $id_activate = $this->uri->segment(3);
     if ($this->users->validate_regisCode($id_activate)) {
         $user_id = $this->session->userdata('id');
         if ($user_id) {
             @mkdir(base_dir() . 'suppliers_files' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $user_id, 0777);
         redirect('supplier', 'refresh');
     } else {
         echo 'Invalid registration Code, or the Code is Already used';
	<div class='prod-list-cont fl'>
		<div class='img-feat-prod-list-cont'>
			<a href="<?php 
        echo base_url();
        echo $inv->i_id;
        //				$image_list = $this->inventories->list_image($inv->i_id,1,true);
        $image_list = $this->inventories->list_image($inv->i_id);
        //limit 1, select only the featured image
        $img = null;
        foreach ($image_list as $image) {
            if (file_exists(base_dir() . $image->ii_link)) {
                $img = $image;
        //echo 'test'.$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/'.str_replace('http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/', '', base_url().$img->ii_link).'<div class=\'clear\'></div>';
        if ($img == null) {
					<img width=100% src="<?php 
            echo base_url();

        } else {