Esempio n. 1
    function axiom_template_excerpt_output($post_options, $post_data)
        $show_title = true;
        //!in_array($post_data['post_format'], array('aside', 'chat', 'status', 'link', 'quote'));
        $tag = axiom_sc_in_shortcode_blogger(true) ? 'div' : 'article';
        echo $tag;
        post_class('post_item post_item_excerpt post_featured_' . esc_attr($post_options['post_class']) . ' post_format_' . esc_attr($post_data['post_format']) . ($post_options['number'] % 2 == 0 ? ' even' : ' odd') . ($post_options['number'] == 0 ? ' first' : '') . ($post_options['number'] == $post_options['posts_on_page'] ? ' last' : '') . ($post_options['add_view_more'] ? ' viewmore' : ''));

        $post_icon = axiom_get_custom_option('show_post_icon') == 'yes' ? '<span class="post_icon ' . esc_attr($post_data['post_icon']) . '"></span>' : '';

        if ($post_data['post_flags']['sticky']) {
<span class="sticky_label"></span><?php 
        if ($show_title && $post_options['location'] == 'center' && !empty($post_data['post_title'])) {
<h3 class="post_title"><a href="<?php 
            echo esc_url($post_data['post_link']);
            echo balanceTags($post_icon);
            echo $post_data['post_title'];
        if (!$post_data['post_protected'] && (!empty($post_options['dedicated']) || $post_data['post_thumb'] || $post_data['post_gallery'] || $post_data['post_video'] || $post_data['post_audio'])) {
				<div class="post_featured">
            if (!empty($post_options['dedicated'])) {
                echo $post_options['dedicated'];
            } else {
                if ($post_data['post_thumb'] || $post_data['post_gallery'] || $post_data['post_video'] || $post_data['post_audio']) {
                    require axiom_get_file_dir('templates/parts/post-featured.php');
			<div class="post_content clearfix">
        if ($show_title && $post_options['location'] != 'center' && !empty($post_data['post_title'])) {
<h3 class="post_title"><a href="<?php 
            echo esc_url($post_data['post_link']);
            echo balanceTags($post_icon);
            echo $post_data['post_title'];
        if (!$post_data['post_protected'] && $post_options['info']) {
            require axiom_get_file_dir('templates/parts/post-info.php');
				<div class="post_descr">
        if ($post_data['post_protected']) {
            echo $post_data['post_excerpt'];
        } else {
            if ($post_data['post_excerpt']) {
                echo in_array($post_data['post_format'], array('quote', 'link', 'chat', 'aside', 'status')) ? $post_data['post_excerpt'] : '<p>' . trim(axiom_strshort($post_data['post_excerpt'], isset($post_options['descr']) ? $post_options['descr'] : axiom_get_custom_option('post_excerpt_maxlength'))) . '</p>';
        if (empty($post_options['readmore'])) {
            $post_options['readmore'] = __('READ MORE', 'axiom');
        if (!axiom_sc_param_is_off($post_options['readmore']) && !in_array($post_data['post_format'], array('quote', 'link', 'chat', 'aside', 'status'))) {
            echo do_shortcode('[trx_button link="' . esc_url($post_data['post_link']) . '"]' . $post_options['readmore'] . '[/trx_button]');

			</div>	<!-- /.post_content -->

        echo $tag;
>	<!-- /.post_item -->

Esempio n. 2

//===================================== Social sharing =====================================
$show_share = axiom_get_custom_option("show_share");
if (!axiom_sc_param_is_off($show_share)) {
    $rez = axiom_show_share_links(array('post_id' => $post_data['post_id'], 'post_link' => $post_data['post_link'], 'post_title' => $post_data['post_title'], 'post_descr' => strip_tags($post_data['post_excerpt']), 'post_thumb' => $post_data['post_attachment'], 'type' => 'block', 'echo' => false));
    if ($rez) {
		<div class="post_info post_info_bottom post_info_share post_info_share_<?php 
        echo esc_attr($show_share);
        echo $rez;
Esempio n. 3
 function axiom_sc_get_animation_classes($animation, $speed = 'normal', $loop = 'none')
     // speed:	fast=0.5s | normal=1s | slow=2s
     // loop:	none | infinite
     return axiom_sc_param_is_off($animation) ? '' : 'animated ' . esc_attr($animation) . ' ' . esc_attr($speed) . (!axiom_sc_param_is_off($loop) ? ' ' . esc_attr($loop) : '');
Esempio n. 4
function axiom_sc_zoom($atts, $content = null)
    if (axiom_sc_in_shortcode_blogger()) {
        return '';
    extract(axiom_sc_html_decode(shortcode_atts(array("effect" => "zoom", "src" => "", "url" => "", "over" => "", "align" => "", "bg_image" => "", "bg_top" => '', "bg_bottom" => '', "bg_left" => '', "bg_right" => '', "id" => "", "class" => "", "animation" => "", "css" => "", "width" => "", "height" => "", "top" => "", "bottom" => "", "left" => "", "right" => ""), $atts)));
    axiom_enqueue_script('axiom-elevate-zoom-script', axiom_get_file_url('js/jquery.elevateZoom-3.0.4.js'), array(), null, true);
    $css .= axiom_get_css_position_from_values('!' . $top, '!' . $right, '!' . $bottom, '!' . $left);
    $css_dim = axiom_get_css_position_from_values('', '', '', '', $width, $height);
    $css_bg = axiom_get_css_paddings_from_values($bg_top, $bg_right, $bg_bottom, $bg_left);
    $width = axiom_prepare_css_value($width);
    $height = axiom_prepare_css_value($height);
    if (empty($id)) {
        $id = 'sc_zoom_' . str_replace('.', '', mt_rand());
    $src = $src != '' ? $src : $url;
    if ($src > 0) {
        $attach = wp_get_attachment_image_src($src, 'full');
        if (isset($attach[0]) && $attach[0] != '') {
            $src = $attach[0];
    if ($over > 0) {
        $attach = wp_get_attachment_image_src($over, 'full');
        if (isset($attach[0]) && $attach[0] != '') {
            $over = $attach[0];
    if ($effect == 'lens' && ((int) $width > 0 && axiom_substr($width, -2, 2) == 'px') || (int) $height > 0 && axiom_substr($height, -2, 2) == 'px') {
        if ($src) {
            $src = axiom_get_resized_image_url($src, (int) $width > 0 && axiom_substr($width, -2, 2) == 'px' ? (int) $width : null, (int) $height > 0 && axiom_substr($height, -2, 2) == 'px' ? (int) $height : null);
        if ($over) {
            $over = axiom_get_resized_image_url($over, (int) $width > 0 && axiom_substr($width, -2, 2) == 'px' ? (int) $width : null, (int) $height > 0 && axiom_substr($height, -2, 2) == 'px' ? (int) $height : null);
    if ($bg_image > 0) {
        $attach = wp_get_attachment_image_src($bg_image, 'full');
        if (isset($attach[0]) && $attach[0] != '') {
            $bg_image = $attach[0];
    if ($bg_image) {
        $css_bg .= $css . 'background-image: url(' . esc_url($bg_image) . ');';
        $css = $css_dim;
    } else {
        $css .= $css_dim;
    $output = empty($src) ? '' : (!empty($bg_image) ? '<div class="sc_zoom_wrap' . (!empty($class) ? ' ' . esc_attr($class) : '') . ($align && $align != 'none' ? ' align' . esc_attr($align) : '') . '"' . (!axiom_sc_param_is_off($animation) ? ' data-animation="' . esc_attr(axiom_sc_get_animation_classes($animation)) . '"' : '') . ($css_bg != '' ? ' style="' . esc_attr($css_bg) . '"' : '') . '>' : '') . '<div' . ($id ? ' id="' . esc_attr($id) . '"' : '') . ' class="sc_zoom' . (empty($bg_image) && !empty($class) ? ' ' . esc_attr($class) : '') . (empty($bg_image) && $align && $align != 'none' ? ' align' . esc_attr($align) : '') . '"' . (empty($bg_image) && !axiom_sc_param_is_off($animation) ? ' data-animation="' . esc_attr(axiom_sc_get_animation_classes($animation)) . '"' : '') . ($css != '' ? ' style="' . esc_attr($css) . '"' : '') . '>' . '<img src="' . esc_url($src) . '"' . ($css_dim != '' ? ' style="' . esc_attr($css_dim) . '"' : '') . ' data-zoom-image="' . esc_url($over) . '" alt="" />' . '</div>' . (!empty($bg_image) ? '</div>' : '');
    return apply_filters('axiom_shortcode_output', $output, 'trx_zoom', $atts, $content);
Esempio n. 5

Template Name: Attachment page
while (have_posts()) {
    // Move axiom_set_post_views to the javascript - counter will work under cache system
    if (axiom_get_custom_option('use_ajax_views_counter') == 'no') {
    axiom_show_post_layout(array('layout' => 'attachment', 'sidebar' => !axiom_sc_param_is_off(axiom_get_custom_option('show_sidebar_main'))));
Esempio n. 6
File: news.php Progetto: pcuervo/odc
    function axiom_template_news_output($post_options, $post_data)
        if (axiom_sc_param_is_on($post_options['scroll'])) {
        require axiom_get_file_dir('templates/parts/reviews-summary.php');
        $title_tag = $post_options['columns_count'] > 0 ? 'h6' : 'h4';
        $title = '<' . esc_attr($title_tag) . ' class="post_title sc_title sc_blogger_title">' . (!isset($post_options['links']) || $post_options['links'] ? '<a href="' . esc_url($post_data['post_link']) . '">' : '') . $post_data['post_title'] . (!isset($post_options['links']) || $post_options['links'] ? '</a>' : '') . '</' . esc_attr($title_tag) . '>' . $reviews_summary;
        if (axiom_sc_param_is_on($post_options['scroll']) || $post_options['dir'] == 'horizontal' && $post_options['columns_count'] > 0) {
			<div class="<?php 
            echo 'column-1_' . esc_attr($post_options['columns_count']) . ' column_item_' . esc_attr($post_options['number']);
            echo ($post_options['number'] % 2 == 1 ? ' odd' : ' even') . ($post_options['number'] == 1 ? ' first' : '') . ($post_options['number'] == $post_options['posts_on_page'] ? ' last' : '');
            //. (axiom_sc_param_is_on($post_options['scroll']) ? ' sc_scroll_slide swiper-slide' : '');
		<div class="post_item post_item_news sc_blogger_item<?php 
        echo $post_options['number'] == $post_options['posts_on_page'] && !axiom_sc_param_is_on($post_options['loadmore']) ? ' sc_blogger_item_last' : '';
        //. (axiom_sc_param_is_on($post_options['scroll']) && $post_options['dir'] == 'vertical' ? ' sc_scroll_slide swiper-slide' : '');
        if ($post_data['post_video'] || $post_data['post_audio'] || $post_data['post_thumb'] || $post_data['post_gallery']) {
				<div class="post_featured">
            require axiom_get_file_dir('templates/parts/post-featured.php');
        echo $title;
			<div class="post_content sc_blogger_content">
        if (axiom_sc_param_is_on($post_options['info'])) {
            $info_parts = array('author' => false);
            require axiom_get_file_dir('templates/parts/post-info.php');
        if ($post_options['descr'] > 0) {
					<div class="post_descr">
            if ($post_data['post_protected']) {
                echo $post_data['post_excerpt'];
            } else {
                if ($post_data['post_excerpt']) {
                    echo in_array($post_data['post_format'], array('quote', 'link', 'chat', 'aside', 'status')) ? $post_data['post_excerpt'] : '<p>' . trim(axiom_strshort($post_data['post_excerpt'], isset($post_options['descr']) ? $post_options['descr'] : axiom_get_custom_option('post_excerpt_maxlength_masonry'))) . '</p>';
                if (empty($post_options['readmore'])) {
                    $post_options['readmore'] = __('READ MORE', 'axiom');
                if (!axiom_sc_param_is_off($post_options['readmore']) && !in_array($post_data['post_format'], array('quote', 'link', 'chat', 'aside', 'status'))) {
                    echo do_shortcode('[trx_button link="' . esc_url($post_data['post_link']) . '"]' . $post_options['readmore'] . '[/trx_button]');
        if (empty($post_options['readmore'])) {
            $post_options['readmore'] = __('READ MORE', 'axiom');
        if (!axiom_sc_param_is_off($post_options['readmore']) && !in_array($post_data['post_format'], array('quote', 'link', 'chat', 'aside', 'status'))) {
            echo do_shortcode('[trx_button link="' . esc_url($post_data['post_link']) . '"]' . $post_options['readmore'] . '[/trx_button]');

			</div>	<!-- /.post_content -->

		</div>		<!-- /.post_item -->
        if (axiom_sc_param_is_on($post_options['scroll']) || $post_options['dir'] == 'horizontal' && $post_options['columns_count'] > 0) {
			</div>	<!-- /.column-1_x -->
Esempio n. 7
 function axiom_get_post_data_options($opt)
     $opt = array_merge(array('layout' => '', 'show' => true, 'number' => 1, 'reviews' => true, 'counters' => axiom_get_custom_option("blog_counters"), 'add_view_more' => false, 'posts_on_page' => 1, 'columns_count' => 3, 'hover' => 'square effect_dir', 'hover_dir' => 'left_to_right', 'info' => true, 'date_format' => '', 'sidebar' => !axiom_sc_param_is_off(axiom_get_custom_option('show_sidebar_main')), 'more_tag' => null, 'strip_teaser' => axiom_get_custom_option('show_text_before_readmore') != 'yes', 'substitute_gallery' => axiom_get_custom_option('substitute_gallery') == 'yes', 'substitute_video' => axiom_get_custom_option('substitute_video') == 'yes', 'substitute_audio' => axiom_get_custom_option('substitute_audio') == 'yes', 'parent_tax_id' => 0, 'dedicated' => '', 'location' => '', 'post_class' => '', 'content' => false, 'terms_list' => false), $opt);
     if (empty($opt['layout'])) {
         $opt['layout'] = 'excerpt';
     return $opt;
Esempio n. 8
File: blog.php Progetto: pcuervo/odc
	<div class="isotope_wrap <?php 
    echo esc_attr(axiom_get_template_property($blog_style, 'container_classes'));
" data-columns="<?php 
    echo esc_attr($blog_columns);
while (have_posts()) {
    $post_args = array('layout' => $blog_style, 'number' => $post_number, 'add_view_more' => false, 'posts_on_page' => $per_page, 'columns_count' => $blog_columns, 'strip_teaser' => false, 'content' => axiom_get_template_property($blog_style, 'need_content'), 'terms_list' => !axiom_sc_param_is_off($show_filters) || axiom_get_template_property($blog_style, 'need_terms'), 'parent_tax_id' => $parent_tax_id, 'descr' => axiom_get_custom_option('post_excerpt_maxlength' . ($blog_columns > 1 ? '_masonry' : '')), 'sidebar' => !axiom_sc_param_is_off($show_sidebar), 'filters' => $show_filters != 'hide' ? $show_filters : '', 'hover' => $hover, 'hover_dir' => $hover_dir);
    $post_data = axiom_get_post_data($post_args);
    axiom_show_post_layout($post_args, $post_data);
    if ($show_filters == 'tags') {
        // Use tags as filter items
        if (!empty($post_data['post_terms'][$post_data['post_taxonomy_tags']]->terms)) {
            foreach ($post_data['post_terms'][$post_data['post_taxonomy_tags']]->terms as $tag) {
                $flt_ids[$tag->term_id] = $tag->name;
if (axiom_get_template_property($blog_style, 'need_isotope')) {
	</div> <!-- /.isotope_wrap -->
Esempio n. 9

 * The Sidebar containing the main widget areas.
$sidebar_show = axiom_get_custom_option('show_sidebar_main');
$sidebar_parts = explode(' ', $sidebar_show);
$sidebar_tint = !empty($sidebar_parts[0]) ? $sidebar_parts[0] : 'light';
$sidebar_style = !empty($sidebar_parts[1]) ? $sidebar_parts[1] : $sidebar_tint;
if (!axiom_sc_param_is_off($sidebar_show)) {
	<div class="sidebar widget_area bg_tint_<?php 
    echo esc_attr($sidebar_tint);
    echo esc_attr($sidebar_style);
" role="complementary">
    global $AXIOM_GLOBALS;
    if (!empty($AXIOM_GLOBALS['reviews_markup'])) {
        echo '<aside class="column-1_1 widget widget_reviews">' . $AXIOM_GLOBALS['reviews_markup'] . '</aside>';
    $AXIOM_GLOBALS['current_sidebar'] = 'main';
    if (is_active_sidebar(axiom_get_custom_option('sidebar_main'))) {
        //remove it so SB can work
        if (!dynamic_sidebar(axiom_get_custom_option('sidebar_main'))) {
            // Put here html if user no set widgets in sidebar
Esempio n. 10
    function axiom_template_accordion_output($post_options, $post_data)
		<div class="post_item sc_blogger_item sc_accordion_item<?php 
        echo $post_options['number'] == $post_options['posts_on_page'] && !axiom_sc_param_is_on($post_options['loadmore']) ? ' sc_blogger_item_last' : '';
			<h5 class="post_title sc_title sc_blogger_title sc_accordion_title"><span class="sc_accordion_icon sc_accordion_icon_closed icon-plus-1"></span><span class="sc_accordion_icon sc_accordion_icon_opened icon-minus-1"></span><?php 
        echo $post_data['post_title'];
			<div class="post_content sc_accordion_content">
        if (axiom_sc_param_is_on($post_options['info'])) {
					<div class="post_info">
						<span class="post_info_item post_info_posted_by"><?php 
            _e('Posted by', 'axiom');
 <a href="<?php 
            echo esc_url($post_data['post_author_url']);
" class="post_info_author"><?php 
            echo esc_html($post_data['post_author']);
						<span class="post_info_item post_info_counters">
            echo $post_options['orderby'] == 'comments' || $post_options['counters'] == 'comments' ? __('Comments', 'axiom') : __('Views', 'axiom');
							<span class="post_info_counters_number"><?php 
            echo $post_options['orderby'] == 'comments' || $post_options['counters'] == 'comments' ? $post_data['post_comments'] : $post_data['post_views'];
        if ($post_options['descr'] >= 0) {
					<div class="post_descr">
            if (!in_array($post_data['post_format'], array('quote', 'link', 'chat')) && $post_options['descr'] > 0 && axiom_strlen($post_data['post_excerpt']) > $post_options['descr']) {
                $post_data['post_excerpt'] = axiom_strshort($post_data['post_excerpt'], $post_options['descr'], $post_options['readmore'] ? '' : '...');
            echo $post_data['post_excerpt'];
        if (empty($post_options['readmore'])) {
            $post_options['readmore'] = __('READ MORE', 'axiom');
        if (!axiom_sc_param_is_off($post_options['readmore']) && !in_array($post_data['post_format'], array('quote', 'link', 'chat', 'aside', 'status'))) {
            echo do_shortcode('[trx_button link="' . esc_url($post_data['post_link']) . '"]' . $post_options['readmore'] . '[/trx_button]');
			</div>	<!-- /.post_content -->

		</div>		<!-- /.post_item -->

Esempio n. 11
							<h1 class="sc_title sc_title_regular sc_align_center styling3" style="margin-top:-13px;margin-bottom:35px;text-align:center;" data-animation="animated fadeInUp normal"><?php 
        echo __('Testimonials', 'axiom');
							<div class="content_wrap"><?php 
        echo $data;
// Footer Twitter stream
$show = axiom_get_custom_option('show_twitter_in_footer');
if (!axiom_sc_param_is_off($show)) {
    $count = max(1, axiom_get_custom_option('twitter_count'));
    $data = do_shortcode('[trx_twitter count="' . esc_attr($count) . '"]');
    if ($data) {
        $bg_image = axiom_get_custom_option('twitter_bg_image');
        $bg_color = apply_filters('axiom_filter_get_link_color', axiom_get_custom_option('twitter_bg_color'));
        $bg_overlay = max(0, min(1, axiom_get_custom_option('twitter_bg_overlay')));
        if ($bg_overlay > 0) {
            $rgb = axiom_hex2rgb($bg_color);
            $over_color = 'rgba(' . (int) $rgb['r'] . ',' . (int) $rgb['b'] . ',' . (int) $rgb['b'] . ',' . (double) $bg_overlay . ')';
					<footer class="twitter_wrap sc_section bg_tint_<?php 
        echo esc_attr($show);
" style="<?php 
Esempio n. 12
 function axiom_woocommerce_loop_shop_columns($cols)
     $ccc_add = in_array(axiom_get_custom_option('body_style'), array('fullwide', 'fullscreen')) ? 1 : 0;
     return axiom_sc_param_is_off(axiom_get_custom_option('show_sidebar_main')) ? 3 + $ccc_add : 2 + $ccc_add;
Esempio n. 13
					<div class="sc_scroll_wrapper swiper-wrapper">
						<div class="sc_scroll_slide swiper-slide">
        } else {
            if (axiom_get_template_property('related', 'need_columns')) {
				<div class="columns_wrap">
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($recent_posts as $recent) {
            axiom_show_post_layout(array('layout' => 'related', 'number' => $i, 'add_view_more' => false, 'posts_on_page' => axiom_get_custom_option('post_related_count'), 'columns_count' => $columns, 'thumb_size' => 'related_' . max(1, min(4, count($recent_posts))), 'strip_teaser' => false, 'sidebar' => !axiom_sc_param_is_off(axiom_get_custom_option('show_sidebar_main')), 'content' => axiom_get_template_property('related', 'need_content'), 'terms_list' => axiom_get_template_property('related', 'need_terms')), null, $recent);
        if ($columns < 2) {
					<div id="related_scroll_bar" class="sc_scroll_bar sc_scroll_bar_horizontal related_scroll_bar"></div>
				<div class="sc_scroll_controls_wrap"><a class="sc_scroll_prev" href="#"></a><a class="sc_scroll_next" href="#"></a></div>
        } else {
            if (axiom_get_template_property('related', 'need_columns')) {
Esempio n. 14

Template Name: Team member
$single_style = 'single-team';
while (have_posts()) {
    // Move axiom_set_post_views to the javascript - counter will work under cache system
    if (axiom_get_custom_option('use_ajax_views_counter') == 'no') {
    axiom_show_post_layout(array('layout' => $single_style, 'sidebar' => !axiom_sc_param_is_off(axiom_get_custom_option('show_sidebar_main')), 'content' => axiom_get_template_property($single_style, 'need_content'), 'terms_list' => axiom_get_template_property($single_style, 'need_terms')));
Esempio n. 15
 function axiom_get_sidebar_class($style, $pos)
     return axiom_sc_param_is_off($style) ? 'sidebar_hide' : 'sidebar_show sidebar_' . $pos;
Esempio n. 16
    function axiom_template_single_standard_output($post_options, $post_data)
        $avg_author = 0;
        $avg_users = 0;
        if (!$post_data['post_protected'] && $post_options['reviews'] && axiom_get_custom_option('show_reviews') == 'yes') {
            $avg_author = $post_data['post_reviews_author'];
            $avg_users = $post_data['post_reviews_users'];
        $show_title = axiom_get_custom_option('show_post_title') == 'yes' && (axiom_get_custom_option('show_post_title_on_quotes') == 'yes' || !in_array($post_data['post_format'], array('aside', 'chat', 'status', 'link', 'quote')));
        $title_tag = axiom_get_custom_option('show_page_top') == 'yes' && axiom_get_custom_option('show_page_title') == 'yes' ? 'h3' : 'h1';
        axiom_open_wrapper('<article class="' . join(' ', get_post_class('itemscope' . ' post_item post_item_single' . ' post_featured_' . esc_attr($post_options['post_class']) . ' post_format_' . esc_attr($post_data['post_format']))) . '"' . ' itemscope itemtype="' . ($avg_author > 0 || $avg_users > 0 ? 'Review' : 'Article') . '">');
        $post_icon = axiom_get_custom_option('show_post_icon') == 'yes' ? '<span class="post_icon ' . esc_attr($post_data['post_icon']) . '"></span>' : '';
        if ($show_title && $post_options['location'] == 'center' && (axiom_get_custom_option('show_page_top') == 'no' || axiom_get_custom_option('show_page_title') == 'no')) {
            echo esc_html($title_tag);
            echo $avg_author > 0 || $avg_users > 0 ? 'itemReviewed' : 'name';
" class="post_title entry-title"><?php 
            echo balanceTags($post_icon);
            echo $post_data['post_title'];
            echo esc_html($title_tag);
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			<section class="post_featured">
            if (!empty($post_options['dedicated'])) {
                echo $post_options['dedicated'];
            } else {
				<div class="post_thumb" data-image="<?php 
                echo esc_url($post_data['post_attachment']);
" data-title="<?php 
                echo esc_attr($post_data['post_title']);
					<a class="hover_icon hover_icon_view" href="<?php 
                echo esc_url($post_data['post_attachment']);
" title="<?php 
                echo esc_attr($post_data['post_title']);
                echo $post_data['post_thumb'];
        if ($show_title && $post_options['location'] != 'center' && (axiom_get_custom_option('show_page_top') == 'no' || axiom_get_custom_option('show_page_title') == 'no')) {
            echo esc_html($title_tag);
            echo $avg_author > 0 || $avg_users > 0 ? 'itemReviewed' : 'name';
" class="post_title entry-title"><?php 
            echo balanceTags($post_icon);
            echo $post_data['post_title'];
            echo esc_html($title_tag);
        if (!$post_data['post_protected'] && axiom_get_custom_option('show_post_info') == 'yes') {
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            require axiom_get_file_dir('templates/parts/post-info.php');
        require axiom_get_file_dir('templates/parts/reviews-block.php');
        axiom_open_wrapper('<section class="post_content" itemprop="' . ($avg_author > 0 || $avg_users > 0 ? 'reviewBody' : 'articleBody') . '">');
        // Post content
        if ($post_data['post_protected']) {
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            echo get_the_password_form();
        } else {
            global $AXIOM_GLOBALS;
            if (axiom_strpos($post_data['post_content'], axiom_sc_reviews_placeholder()) === false) {
                $post_data['post_content'] = do_shortcode('[trx_reviews]') . $post_data['post_content'];
            echo trim(axiom_sc_gap_wrapper(axiom_sc_reviews_wrapper($post_data['post_content'])));
            require axiom_get_file_dir('templates/parts/single-pagination.php');
            if (axiom_get_custom_option('show_post_tags') == 'yes' && !empty($post_data['post_terms'][$post_data['post_taxonomy_tags']]->terms_links)) {
				<div class="post_info post_info_bottom">
					<span class="post_info_item post_info_tags"><?php 
                _e('Tags:', 'axiom');
                echo join(', ', $post_data['post_terms'][$post_data['post_taxonomy_tags']]->terms_links);
        // .post_content
        if (!$post_data['post_protected']) {
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            require axiom_get_file_dir('templates/parts/author-info.php');
            require axiom_get_file_dir('templates/parts/share.php');
        $sidebar_present = !axiom_sc_param_is_off(axiom_get_custom_option('show_sidebar_main'));
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        // .post_item
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        if ($sidebar_present) {
        // .post_item
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        require axiom_get_file_dir('templates/parts/views-counter.php');
Esempio n. 17
    function axiom_template_masonry_output($post_options, $post_data)
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        $tag = axiom_sc_in_shortcode_blogger(true) ? 'div' : 'article';
		<div class="isotope_item isotope_item_<?php 
        echo esc_attr($style);
        echo esc_attr($post_options['layout']);
        echo esc_attr($columns);
        if ($post_options['filters'] != '') {
            if ($post_options['filters'] == 'categories' && !empty($post_data['post_terms'][$post_data['post_taxonomy']]->terms_ids)) {
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            } else {
                if ($post_options['filters'] == 'tags' && !empty($post_data['post_terms'][$post_data['post_taxonomy_tags']]->terms_ids)) {
                    echo ' flt_' . join(' flt_', $post_data['post_terms'][$post_data['post_taxonomy_tags']]->terms_ids);
        echo $tag;
 class="post_item post_item_<?php 
        echo esc_attr($style);
        echo esc_attr($post_options['layout']);
        echo ' post_format_' . esc_attr($post_data['post_format']) . ($post_options['number'] % 2 == 0 ? ' even' : ' odd') . ($post_options['number'] == 0 ? ' first' : '') . ($post_options['number'] == $post_options['posts_on_page'] ? ' last' : '');
        if ($post_data['post_video'] || $post_data['post_audio'] || $post_data['post_thumb'] || $post_data['post_gallery']) {
					<div class="post_featured">
            require axiom_get_file_dir('templates/parts/post-featured.php');

				<div class="post_content isotope_item_content">
        if ($show_title) {
            if (!isset($post_options['links']) || $post_options['links']) {
							<h4 class="post_title"><a href="<?php 
                echo esc_url($post_data['post_link']);
                echo $post_data['post_title'];
            } else {
							<h4 class="post_title"><?php 
                echo $post_data['post_title'];

					<div class="post_descr">
        if ($post_data['post_protected']) {
            echo $post_data['post_excerpt'];
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            if ($post_data['post_excerpt']) {
                echo in_array($post_data['post_format'], array('quote', 'link', 'chat', 'aside', 'status')) ? $post_data['post_excerpt'] : '<p>' . trim(axiom_strshort($post_data['post_excerpt'], isset($post_options['descr']) ? $post_options['descr'] : axiom_get_custom_option('post_excerpt_maxlength_masonry'))) . '</p>';
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            $info_parts = array('counters' => false, 'terms' => false);
            require axiom_get_file_dir('templates/parts/post-info.php');
        if (empty($post_options['readmore'])) {
            $post_options['readmore'] = __('MORE', 'axiom');
        if (!axiom_sc_param_is_off($post_options['readmore']) && !in_array($post_data['post_format'], array('quote', 'link', 'chat', 'aside', 'status'))) {
            echo do_shortcode('[trx_button style="filled" bg_style="menu" link="' . esc_url($post_data['post_link']) . '"]' . $post_options['readmore'] . '[/trx_button] [trx_button link="' . esc_url($post_data['post_link']) . '"]' . esc_html($post_data['post_views']) . '[/trx_button]');

				</div>				<!-- /.post_content -->
        echo $tag;
>	<!-- /.post_item -->
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