Esempio n. 1
 * A custom callback to display the field for entering and activating a license key.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @param array $args Array of arguments to modify output.
function audiotheme_dashboard_license_input($args)
    $value = get_audiotheme_option($option_name, $key, $default);
    $status = get_option('audiotheme_license_status');
    $activated_response = ' <strong class="audiotheme-response is-valid">' . esc_js(__('Activated!', 'audiotheme')) . '</strong>';
    printf('<input type="text" name="%s" id="%s" value="%s" class="audiotheme-settings-license-text audiotheme-settings-text regular-text">', esc_attr($field_name), esc_attr($field_id), esc_attr($value));
    if (!isset($status->status) || 'ok' !== $status->status) {
        echo '<input type="button" value="' . __('Activate', 'audiotheme') . '" disabled="disabled" class="audiotheme-settings-license-button button button-primary">';
        audiotheme_admin_spinner(array('class' => 'audiotheme-license-spinner'));
        echo '<br><span class="audiotheme-response"></span>';
    } else {
        echo $activated_response;
	<script type="text/javascript">
	jQuery(function($) {
		var $field = $('#audiotheme_license_key'),
			$button = $field.parent().find('.button');
			$spinner = $field.parent().find('.spinner');

		$field.on('keyup', function() {
			if ( '' != $field.val() ) {
				$button.attr('disabled', false);
			} else {
				$button.attr('disabled', true);

		$button.on('click', function(e) {


				url: ajaxurl,
				type: 'POST',
				data: {
					action: 'audiotheme_ajax_activate_license',
					license: $field.val(),
					nonce: '<?php 
    echo wp_create_nonce('audiotheme-activate-license');
				dataType: 'json',
				success: function( data ) {
					data = data || {};

					if ( 'status' in data && 'ok' == data.status ) {
						$button.hide().after( '<?php 
    echo $activated_response;
' );
					} else {
						var $response = $field.parent().find('.audiotheme-response').addClass('is-error'),
							errors = [];

						// ok|empty|unknown|invalid|expired|limit_reached|failed
						errors['empty']         = '<?php 
    echo esc_js(__('Empty license key.', 'audiotheme'));
						errors['invalid']       = '<?php 
    echo esc_js(__('Invalid license key.', 'audiotheme'));
						errors['expired']       = '<?php 
    echo esc_js(__('License key expired.', 'audiotheme')) . ' <a href="" target="_blank">' . esc_js(__('Renew now.', 'audiotheme')) . '</a>';
						errors['limit_reached'] = '<?php 
    echo esc_js(__('Activation limit reached.', 'audiotheme')) . ' <a href="" target="_blank">' . esc_js(__('Upgrade your license.', 'audiotheme')) . '</a>';

						if ( 'status' in data && data.status in errors ) {
							$response.html( errors[ data.status ] );
						} else {
							$response.html( '<?php 
    echo esc_js(__('Oops, there was an error.', 'audiotheme'));
' );

Esempio n. 2
 * Customizable submit meta box.
 * @see post_submit_meta_box()
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @param WP_Post $post Post object.
 * @param array $metabox Additional meta box args.
function audiotheme_post_submit_meta_box($post, $metabox)
    global $action;
    $defaults = array('force_delete' => false, 'show_publish_date' => true, 'show_statuses' => array('pending' => __('Pending Review', 'audiotheme')), 'show_visibility' => true);
    $args = apply_filters('audiotheme_post_submit_meta_box_args', $metabox['args'], $post);
    $args = wp_parse_args($metabox['args'], $defaults);
    extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
    $post_type = $post->post_type;
    $post_type_object = get_post_type_object($post_type);
    $can_publish = current_user_can($post_type_object->cap->publish_posts);

	<div class="submitbox" id="submitpost">

		<div id="minor-publishing">

    // Hidden submit button early on so that the browser chooses the right button when form is submitted with Return key
			<div style="display: none"><?php 
    submit_button(__('Save', 'audiotheme'), 'button', 'save');

     * Save/Preview buttons
			<div id="minor-publishing-actions">
				<div id="save-action">
    if ('publish' !== $post->post_status && 'future' !== $post->post_status && 'pending' !== $post->post_status) {
						<input type="submit" name="save" id="save-post" value="<?php 
        esc_attr_e('Save Draft', 'audiotheme');
" class="button" <?php 
        if ('private' === $post->post_status) {
            echo 'style="display: none"';
    } elseif ('pending' === $post->post_status && $can_publish) {
						<input type="submit" name="save" id="save-post" value="<?php 
        esc_attr_e('Save as Pending', 'audiotheme');
" class="button">

    audiotheme_admin_spinner(array('id' => 'draft-ajax-loading'));

				<div id="preview-action">
    if ('publish' === $post->post_status) {
        $preview_link = get_permalink($post->ID);
        $preview_button = __('Preview Changes', 'audiotheme');
    } else {
        $preview_link = set_url_scheme(get_permalink($post->ID));
        $preview_link = apply_filters('preview_post_link', add_query_arg('preview', 'true', $preview_link));
        $preview_button = __('Preview', 'audiotheme');
					<a class="preview button" href="<?php 
    echo esc_url($preview_link);
" target="wp-preview" id="post-preview"><?php 
    echo esc_html($preview_button);
					<input type="hidden" name="wp-preview" id="wp-preview" value="">

				<div class="clear"></div>
			</div><!--end div#minor-publishing-actions-->

			<div id="misc-publishing-actions">

     * Post status
    if (false !== $show_statuses) {
					<div class="misc-pub-section">
						<label for="post_status"><?php 
        _e('Status:', 'audiotheme');
						<span id="post-status-display">
        switch ($post->post_status) {
            case 'private':
                _e('Privately Published', 'audiotheme');
            case 'publish':
                _e('Published', 'audiotheme');
            case 'future':
                _e('Scheduled', 'audiotheme');
            case 'pending':
                _e('Pending Review', 'audiotheme');
            case 'draft':
            case 'auto-draft':
                _e('Draft', 'audiotheme');

        if ('publish' === $post->post_status || 'private' === $post->post_status || $can_publish && count($show_statuses)) {
							<a href="#post_status" class="edit-post-status hide-if-no-js" <?php 
            if ('private' === $post->post_status) {
                echo 'style="display: none"';
            _e('Edit', 'audiotheme');

							<div id="post-status-select" class="hide-if-js">
								<input type="hidden" name="hidden_post_status" id="hidden_post_status" value="<?php 
            echo esc_attr('auto-draft' === $post->post_status ? 'draft' : $post->post_status);
								<select name="post_status" id="post_status">
            if ('publish' === $post->post_status) {
										<option value="publish" <?php 
                selected($post->post_status, 'publish');
                _e('Published', 'audiotheme');
            } elseif ('private' === $post->post_status) {
										<option value="publish" <?php 
                selected($post->post_status, 'private');
                _e('Privately Published', 'audiotheme');
            } elseif ('future' === $post->post_status) {
										<option value="future" <?php 
                selected($post->post_status, 'future');
                _e('Scheduled', 'audiotheme');

            if (array_key_exists('pending', $show_statuses)) {
										<option value="pending" <?php 
                selected($post->post_status, 'pending');
                _e('Pending Review', 'audiotheme');

            if ('auto-draft' === $post->post_status) {
										<option value="draft" <?php 
                selected($post->post_status, 'auto-draft');
                _e('Draft', 'audiotheme');
            } else {
										<option value="draft" <?php 
                selected($post->post_status, 'draft');
                _e('Draft', 'audiotheme');
								 <a href="#post_status" class="save-post-status hide-if-no-js button"><?php 
            _e('OK', 'audiotheme');
								 <a href="#post_status" class="cancel-post-status hide-if-no-js"><?php 
            _e('Cancel', 'audiotheme');
					</div><!--end div.misc-pub-section-->
    } else {
					<input type="hidden" name="hidden_post_status" id="hidden_post_status" value="publish">
					<input type="hidden" name="post_status" id="post_status" value="publish">

     * Visibility
    if ($show_visibility) {
					<div class="misc-pub-section" id="visibility">
        if ('private' === $post->post_status) {
            $post->post_password = '';
            $visibility = 'private';
            $visibility_trans = __('Private', 'audiotheme');
        } elseif (!empty($post->post_password)) {
            $visibility = 'password';
            $visibility_trans = __('Password protected', 'audiotheme');
        } elseif ('post' === $post_type && is_sticky($post->ID)) {
            $visibility = 'public';
            $visibility_trans = __('Public, Sticky', 'audiotheme');
        } else {
            $visibility = 'public';
            $visibility_trans = __('Public', 'audiotheme');

        _e('Visibility:', 'audiotheme');
						<span id="post-visibility-display"><?php 
        echo esc_html($visibility_trans);

        if ($can_publish) {
							<a href="#visibility" class="edit-visibility hide-if-no-js"><?php 
            _e('Edit', 'audiotheme');

							<div id="post-visibility-select" class="hide-if-js">
								<input type="hidden" name="hidden_post_password" id="hidden-post-password" value="<?php 
            echo esc_attr($post->post_password);
            if ('post' === $post_type) {
									<input type="checkbox" name="hidden_post_sticky" id="hidden-post-sticky" value="sticky" <?php 
 style="display: none">
								<input type="hidden" name="hidden_post_visibility" id="hidden-post-visibility" value="<?php 
            echo esc_attr($visibility);

								<input type="radio" name="visibility" id="visibility-radio-public" value="public" <?php 
            checked($visibility, 'public');
								<label for="visibility-radio-public" class="selectit"><?php 
            _e('Public', 'audiotheme');

            if ('post' === $post_type && current_user_can('edit_others_posts')) {
									<span id="sticky-span">
										<input type="checkbox" name="sticky" id="sticky" value="sticky" <?php 
										<label for="sticky" class="selectit"><?php 
                _e('Stick this post to the front page', 'audiotheme');

								<input type="radio" name="visibility" id="visibility-radio-password" value="password" <?php 
            checked($visibility, 'password');
								<label for="visibility-radio-password" class="selectit"><?php 
            _e('Password protected', 'audiotheme');
</label><br />

								<span id="password-span">
									<label for="post_password"><?php 
									<input type="text" name="post_password" id="post_password" value="<?php 
            echo esc_attr($post->post_password);

								<input type="radio" name="visibility" id="visibility-radio-private" value="private" <?php 
            checked($visibility, 'private');
								<label for="visibility-radio-private" class="selectit"><?php 
            _e('Private', 'audiotheme');

									<a href="#visibility" class="save-post-visibility hide-if-no-js button"><?php 
            _e('OK', 'audiotheme');
									<a href="#visibility" class="cancel-post-visibility hide-if-no-js"><?php 
            _e('Cancel', 'audiotheme');
					</div><!--end div.misc-pub-section#visibility-->
    } else {
					<input type="hidden" name="hidden_post_visibility" value="public">
					<input type="hidden" name="visibility" value="public">

     * Publish date
    if ($show_publish_date) {
        /* translators: Publish box date format, see */
        $datef = __('M j, Y @ G:i');
        if (0 !== $post->ID) {
            if ('future' === $post->post_status) {
                // scheduled for publishing at a future date
                $stamp = __('Scheduled for: <strong>%1$s</strong>', 'audiotheme');
            } elseif ('publish' === $post->post_status || 'private' === $post->post_status) {
                // already published
                $stamp = __('Published on: <strong>%1$s</strong>', 'audiotheme');
            } elseif ('0000-00-00 00:00:00' === $post->post_date_gmt) {
                // draft, 1 or more saves, no date specified
                $stamp = __('Publish <strong>immediately</strong>', 'audiotheme');
            } elseif (time() < strtotime($post->post_date_gmt . ' +0000')) {
                // draft, 1 or more saves, future date specified
                $stamp = __('Schedule for: <strong>%1$s</strong>', 'audiotheme');
            } else {
                // draft, 1 or more saves, date specified
                $stamp = __('Publish on: <strong>%1$s</strong>', 'audiotheme');
            $date = date_i18n($datef, strtotime($post->post_date));
        } else {
            // draft (no saves, and thus no date specified)
            $stamp = __('Publish <strong>immediately</strong>', 'audiotheme');
            $date = date_i18n($datef, strtotime(current_time('mysql')));
        if ($can_publish) {
            // Contributors don't get to choose the date of publish
						<div class="misc-pub-section curtime">
							<span id="timestamp"><?php 
            printf($stamp, $date);
							<a href="#edit_timestamp" class="edit-timestamp hide-if-no-js"><?php 
            _e('Edit', 'audiotheme');
							<div id="timestampdiv" class="hide-if-js"><?php 
            touch_time('edit' === $action, 1);

			</div><!--end div#misc-publishing-actions-->
			<div class="clear"></div>
		</div><!--end div#minor-publishing-->

		<div id="major-publishing-actions">

    if ('auto-draft' !== $post->post_status) {
				<div id="delete-action">
        if (current_user_can('delete_post', $post->ID)) {
            $onclick = '';
            if (!EMPTY_TRASH_DAYS || $force_delete) {
                $delete_text = __('Delete Permanently', 'audiotheme');
                $onclick = " onclick=\"return confirm('" . esc_js(sprintf(__('Are you sure you want to delete this %s?', 'audiotheme'), strtolower($post_type_object->labels->singular_name))) . "');\"";
            } else {
                $delete_text = __('Move to Trash', 'audiotheme');
						<a class="submitdelete deletion" href="<?php 
            echo esc_url(get_delete_post_link($post->ID, '', $force_delete));
            echo $onclick;
            echo esc_html($delete_text);

			<div id="publishing-action">
    audiotheme_admin_spinner(array('id' => 'ajax-loading'));
    if (!in_array($post->post_status, array('publish', 'future', 'private')) || 0 === $post->ID) {
        if ($can_publish) {
            if (!empty($post->post_date_gmt) && time() < strtotime($post->post_date_gmt . ' +0000')) {
							<input type="hidden" name="original_publish" id="original_publish" value="<?php 
                esc_attr_e('Schedule', 'audiotheme');
                submit_button(__('Schedule', 'audiotheme'), 'primary', 'publish', false, array('accesskey' => 'p'));
            } else {
							<input type="hidden" name="original_publish" id="original_publish" value="<?php 
                esc_attr_e('Publish', 'audiotheme');
                submit_button(__('Publish', 'audiotheme'), 'primary button-large', 'publish', false, array('accesskey' => 'p'));
        } else {
						<input type="hidden" name="original_publish" id="original_publish" value="<?php 
            esc_attr_e('Submit for Review', 'audiotheme');
            submit_button(__('Submit for Review', 'audiotheme'), 'primary button-large', 'publish', false, array('accesskey' => 'p'));
    } else {
					<input type="hidden" name="original_publish" id="original_publish" value="<?php 
        esc_attr_e('Update', 'audiotheme');
					<input type="submit" name="save" id="publish" class="button-primary button-large" accesskey="p" value="<?php 
        esc_attr_e('Update', 'audiotheme');
			</div><!--end div#publishing-action-->

			<div class="clear"></div>
		</div><!--end div#major-publishing-actions-->
	</div><!--end div#submitpost-->
Esempio n. 3
 * Display custom venue submit meta box.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @param WP_Post $post Venue post object.
function audiotheme_venue_submit_meta_box($post)
    $post = empty($post) ? get_default_post_to_edit('audiotheme_venue') : $post;
    $post_type = $post->post_type;
    $post_type_object = get_post_type_object($post_type);
    $can_publish = current_user_can($post_type_object->cap->publish_posts);
	<div class="submitbox" id="submitpost">

		<div id="major-publishing-actions">

    if ('auto-draft' !== $post->post_status && 'draft' !== $post->post_status) {
				<div id="delete-action">
        if (current_user_can($post_type_object->cap->delete_post, $post->ID)) {
            $delete_args['action'] = 'delete';
            $delete_args['venue_id'] = $post->ID;
            $delete_url = get_audiotheme_venues_admin_url($delete_args);
            $delete_url_onclick = " onclick=\"return confirm('" . esc_js(sprintf(__('Are you sure you want to delete this %s?', 'audiotheme'), strtolower($post_type_object->labels->singular_name))) . "');\"";
            echo sprintf('<a href="%s" class="submitdelete deletion"%s>%s</a>', wp_nonce_url($delete_url, 'delete-venue_' . $post->ID), $delete_url_onclick, esc_html(__('Delete Permanently', 'audiotheme')));

			<div id="publishing-action">
    audiotheme_admin_spinner(array('id' => 'ajax-loading'));
    if (!in_array($post->post_status, array('publish', 'future', 'private')) || 0 === $post->ID) {
					<input type="hidden" name="original_publish" id="original_publish" value="<?php 
        esc_attr_e('Publish', 'audiotheme');
        submit_button($post_type_object->labels->add_new_item, 'primary', 'publish', false, array('accesskey' => 'p'));
    } else {
					<input type="hidden" name="original_publish" id="original_publish" value="<?php 
        esc_attr_e('Update', 'audiotheme');
					<input type="submit" name="save" id="publish" class="button-primary" accesskey="p" value="<?php 
        esc_attr_e('Update', 'audiotheme');
			</div><!--end div#publishing-action-->

			<div class="clear"></div>
		</div><!--end div#major-publishing-actions-->
	</div><!--end div#submitpost-->

	<script type="text/javascript">
	jQuery(function($) {
		$('input[type="submit"], a.submitdelete').click(function(){
			window.onbeforeunload = null;
			$(':button, :submit', '#submitpost').each(function(){
				var t = $(this);
				if ( t.hasClass('button-primary') )

			if ( $(this).attr('id') == 'publish' )
				$('#major-publishing-actions .spinner').show();
Esempio n. 4
 * Add a link to get the video thumbnail from an oEmbed endpoint.
 * Adds data about the current thumbnail and a previously fetched thumbnail
 * from an oEmbed endpoint so the link can be hidden or shown as necessary. A
 * function is also fired each time the HTML is output in order to determine
 * whether the link should be displayed.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @param string $content Default post thumbnail HTML.
 * @param int $post_id Post ID.
 * @return string
function audiotheme_video_admin_post_thumbnail_html($content, $post_id)
    if ('audiotheme_video' === get_post_type($post_id)) {
        $thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($post_id);
        $oembed_thumb_id = get_post_meta($post_id, '_audiotheme_oembed_thumbnail_id', true);
        $content .= sprintf('<p id="audiotheme-select-oembed-thumb" class="hide-if-no-js" data-thumb-id="%s" data-oembed-thumb-id="%s">', $thumbnail_id, $oembed_thumb_id);
        $content .= sprintf('<a href="#" id="audiotheme-select-oembed-thumb-button">%s</a>', __('Get video thumbnail', 'audiotheme'));
        $content .= audiotheme_admin_spinner(array('echo' => false));
        $content .= '</p>';
        $content .= '<script>AudioThemeToggleVideoThumbLink();</script>';
    return $content;