$tool_content .= "</tr>"; } else { $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-warning'>{$langGradebookNoActMessage1} <a href='{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}&addActivity=1'>{$langGradebookNoActMessage2}</a> {$langGradebookNoActMessage3}</p>\n"; } //ui counter $k = 0; if ($result) { foreach ($result as $activity) { //check if there is auto mechanism if ($activity->auto == 1) { //check for autograde (if there is already a record do not propose the auto grade) //if there is not get the grade from the book table $checkForAuto = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT id FROM gradebook_book WHERE gradebook_activity_id = ?d AND uid = ?d", $activity->id, $userID); if ($activity->module_auto_type && !$checkForAuto) { //assignments, exercises, lp(scorms) $userGrade = attendForAutoGrades($userID, $activity->module_auto_id, $activity->module_auto_type, $gradebook_range); } else { $qusergrade = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT grade FROM gradebook_book WHERE gradebook_activity_id = ?d AND uid = ?d", $activity->id, $userID); if ($qusergrade) { $userGrade = $qusergrade->grade; } } } else { $qusergrade = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT grade FROM gradebook_book WHERE gradebook_activity_id = ?d AND uid = ?d", $activity->id, $userID); if ($qusergrade) { $userGrade = $qusergrade->grade; } } $content = standard_text_escape($activity->description); $d = strtotime($activity->date); if ($k % 2 == 0) {
/** * @brief display user grades (teacher view) * @global type $course_code * @global type $tool_content * @global type $langTitle * @global type $langGradebookActivityDate2 * @global type $langType * @global type $langGradebookNewUser * @global type $langGradebookWeight * @global type $langGradebookBooking * @global type $langGradebookNoActMessage1 * @global type $langGradebookNoActMessage2 * @global type $langGradebookNoActMessage3 * @global type $langGradebookActCour * @global type $langGradebookAutoGrade * @global type $langGradebookΝοAutoGrade * @global type $langGradebookActAttend * @global type $langGradebookOutRange * @global type $langGradebookUpToDegree * @global type $langGradeNoBookAlert * @global type $langGradebookGrade * @param type $gradebook_id */ function display_user_grades($gradebook_id) { global $course_code, $tool_content, $langTitle, $langGradebookActivityDate2, $langType, $langGradebookNewUser, $langGradebookWeight, $langGradebookBooking, $langGradebookNoActMessage1, $langGradebookNoActMessage2, $langGradebookNoActMessage3, $langGradebookActCour, $langGradebookAutoGrade, $langGradebookΝοAutoGrade, $langGradebookActAttend, $langGradebookOutRange, $langGradebookUpToDegree, $langGradeNoBookAlert, $langGradebookGrade; $gradebook_range = get_gradebook_range($gradebook_id); if(weightleft($gradebook_id, 0) == 0) { $userID = intval($_GET['book']); //user //check if there are booking records for the user, otherwise alert message for first input $checkForRecords = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT COUNT(gradebook_book.id) AS count FROM gradebook_book, gradebook_activities WHERE gradebook_book.gradebook_activity_id = gradebook_activities.id AND uid = ?d AND gradebook_activities.gradebook_id = ?d", $userID, $gradebook_id)->count; if(!$checkForRecords) { $tool_content .="<div class='alert alert-success'>$langGradebookNewUser</div>"; } //get all the activities $result = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT * FROM gradebook_activities WHERE gradebook_id = ?d ORDER BY `DATE` DESC", $gradebook_id); $actNumber = count($result); if ($actNumber > 0) { $tool_content .= "<h5>" . display_user($userID) . " ($langGradebookGrade: " . userGradeTotal($gradebook_id, $userID) . ")</h5>"; $tool_content .= "<form method='post' action='$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]?course=$course_code&gradebook_id=" . getIndirectReference($gradebook_id) . "&book=" . $userID . "' onsubmit=\"return checkrequired(this, 'antitle');\"> <table class='table-default'>"; $tool_content .= "<tr><th>$langTitle</th><th >$langGradebookActivityDate2</th><th>$langType</th><th>$langGradebookWeight</th>"; $tool_content .= "<th width='10' class='text-center'>$langGradebookBooking</th>"; $tool_content .= "</tr>"; } else { $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-warning'>$langGradebookNoActMessage1 <a href='$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]?course=$course_code&addActivity=1'>$langGradebookNoActMessage2</a> $langGradebookNoActMessage3</p>\n"; } if ($result) { foreach ($result as $activity) { //check if there is auto mechanism if($activity->auto == 1){ //check for autograde (if there is already a record do not propose the auto grade) //if there is not get the grade from the book table $checkForAuto = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT id FROM gradebook_book WHERE gradebook_activity_id = ?d AND uid = ?d", $activity->id, $userID); if($activity->module_auto_type && !$checkForAuto) { //assignments, exercises, lp(scorms) $userGrade = attendForAutoGrades($userID, $activity->module_auto_id, $activity->module_auto_type, $gradebook_range); } else { $qusergrade = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT grade FROM gradebook_book WHERE gradebook_activity_id = ?d AND uid = ?d", $activity->id, $userID); if ($qusergrade) { $userGrade = $qusergrade->grade; } } } else { $qusergrade = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT grade FROM gradebook_book WHERE gradebook_activity_id = ?d AND uid = ?d", $activity->id, $userID); if ($qusergrade) { $userGrade = $qusergrade->grade; } } $content = standard_text_escape($activity->description); $tool_content .= "<tr><td><b>"; if (!empty($activity->title)) { $tool_content .= q($activity->title); } $tool_content .= "</b>"; $tool_content .= "</td>"; if($activity->date){ $tool_content .= "<td><div class='smaller'><span class='day'>" . nice_format($activity->date, true, true) . "</div></td>"; } else { $tool_content .= "<td>-</td>"; } if ($activity->module_auto_id) { $tool_content .= "<td class='smaller'>$langGradebookActCour"; if ($activity->auto) { $tool_content .= "<br>($langGradebookAutoGrade)"; } else { $tool_content .= "<br>($langGradebookΝοAutoGrade)"; } $tool_content .= "</td>"; } else { $tool_content .= "<td class='smaller'>$langGradebookActAttend</td>"; } $tool_content .= "<td width='' class='text-center'>" . $activity->weight . "%</td>"; @$tool_content .= "<td class='text-center'> <input style='width:30px' type='text' value='".$userGrade."' name='" . getIndirectReference($activity->id) . "'"; //SOS 4 the UI!! $tool_content .= "> <input type='hidden' value='" . getIndirectReference($userID) . "' name='userID'> </td>"; } // end of while } $tool_content .= "</tr></table>"; $tool_content .= "<div class='pull-right'><input class='btn btn-primary' type='submit' name='bookUser' value='$langGradebookBooking'>".generate_csrf_token_form_field()."</div>"; if(userGradeTotal($gradebook_id, $userID) > $gradebook_range){ $tool_content .= "<br>" . $langGradebookOutRange; } $tool_content .= "<span class='help-block'><small>" . $langGradebookUpToDegree . $gradebook_range . "</small></span>"; } else { $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-success'>$langGradeNoBookAlert " . weightleft($gradebook_id, 0) . "%</div>"; } }