function render_hardcore()
		<h2 class="nav-tab-wrapper">
			<a href="admin.php?page=asg-image-troubleshooting-easy" class="nav-tab">Easy way using JetPack</a>
			<a href="admin.php?page=asg-image-troubleshooting-hardcore" class="nav-tab nav-tab-active">Hardcore way</a>

				<h3>Alright, you want to control it.</h3>
					If you are reading this page, then, probably, Awesome Gallery images do not load with a default
					timthumb configuration. To resolve the issue, you'll need some technical experience, so if you
					are not a PHP coder, it is best to stick to <a href="admin.php?page=asg-image-troubleshooting-easy">JetPack way</a>.
				<h3>Short intro.</h3>
				<p>First things first. I highly recommend to read <a href="" target="_blank">
						Timthumb basics</a> to get an understanding how it all works. Basically, it just takes the image
					you reference by URL, downloads it (or reads from the disk), resizes / crops to dimensions you need,
					and stores in a cache directory.
				<p>In other words, TimThumb needs the next things to work properly:</p>
						<strong>PHP GD library installed.</strong> Most of PHP installation have it nowadays, but who knows.
						You can check if GD is installed on your web server at <a href="edit.php?post_type=awesome-gallery&page=support">Awesome Gallery support page</a>.
						<strong>A writable cache folder</strong> located at <code>wp-content/awesome-gallery-cache</code> or
						<strong>It needs to find the file referenced.</strong>
						If you're using Awesome Gallery with Manual, NEXTGEN, or Posts image source - then it needs
						to know the directory at which the images are stored. It is <code>wp-content/uploads</code> by
						default, but can be changed on some WordPress installations.
						If you're using with image source like Flickr, Instagram, Facebook or another one that fetches images
						from the external server - CURL library should be installed on your server.
						Timthumb can't find the file hosted at your server because the URL structure does not match
						the file physical location.
					<li>Timthumb can't create a cache directory.</li>
			<div class="image-wrapper">
				<img src="<?php 
        echo ASG_URL;
				<h3>Quick diagnostics.</h3>
					Let's try to feed some image to timthumb and see what happens. Ideally, you should
					see the same image you see next to this paragraph.
        $src = wp_get_attachment_image_src(asg_get_test_image(), 'original');
				<a href="<?php 
        echo asg_get_timthumb_url($src[0], array('width' => 800, 'height' => 600));
" target="_blank" class="button button-hero">Open it</a>
					If not all is good - you'll see some kind of an error message. We'll discuss most frequent ones below.
			<div class="image-wrapper">
				<img src="<?php 
        echo $src[0];
				<h3>Image not found.</h3>
					In most cases, that is because your WordPress installation uses a non-standard directory naming.
					You'll need to tell Timthumb where to look for images by adding <code>wp-content/awesome-gallery-timthumb-config.php</code>
					file and placing some code there:
					<li>You can define <code>LOCAL_FILE_BASE_DIRECTORY</code> constant to tell TimThumb what directory
					matches the site root.</li>
					<li>You can change <code>$_GET['src']</code> value to forge the URL transmitted to match the directory
					paths in your filesystem.</li>
			<div class="image-wrapper">
				<img src="<?php 
        echo ASG_URL;
				<h3>Can't create a cache directory, or write to cache files.</h3>
					In this case, it is best to create <code>wp-content/awesome-gallery-cache</code> directory
					with your FTP client or using your hosting control panel and set it 775 / RWXRWXR Unix access
			<div class="image-wrapper">
				<img src="<?php 
        echo ASG_URL;
function asg_get_image_url($url, $options)
    if (asg_is_photon_active() && get_option('asg_processing_engine', 'timthumb') == 'photon') {
        return asg_get_photon_url($url, $options);
    return asg_get_timthumb_url($url, $options);