Esempio n. 1
function write_lang()
    global $path_to_root, $installed_languages;
    include_once $path_to_root . "/lang/";
    $conn = array_natsort($installed_languages, 'code', 'code');
    $installed_languages = $conn;
    $n = count($installed_languages);
    $msg = "<?php\n\n";
    $msg .= "/* How to make new entries here\n\n";
    $msg .= "-- if adding languages at the beginning of the list, make sure it's index is set to 0 (it has ' 0 => ')\n";
    $msg .= "-- 'code' should match the name of the directory for the language under \\lang\n";
    $msg .= "-- 'name' is the name that will be displayed in the language selection list (in Users and Display Setup)\n";
    $msg .= "-- 'rtl' only needs to be set for right-to-left languages like Arabic and Hebrew\n\n";
    $msg .= "*/\n\n\n";
    $msg .= "\$installed_languages = array (\n";
    $msg .= "\t0 => ";
    for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
        if ($i > 0) {
            $msg .= "\t\tarray ";
        } else {
            $msg .= "array ";
        $msg .= "('code' => '" . $installed_languages[$i]['code'] . "', ";
        $msg .= "'name' => '" . $installed_languages[$i]['name'] . "', ";
        $msg .= "'encoding' => '" . $installed_languages[$i]['encoding'] . "'";
        if (isset($installed_languages[$i]['rtl']) && $installed_languages[$i]['rtl']) {
            $msg .= ", 'rtl' => true),\n";
        } else {
            $msg .= "),\n";
    $msg .= "\t);\n?>";
    $filename = $path_to_root . "/lang/";
    // Check if the file exists and is writable first.
    if (file_exists($filename) && is_writable($filename)) {
        if (!($zp = fopen($filename, 'w'))) {
            display_error(tr("Cannot open the languages file - ") . $filename);
            return false;
        } else {
            if (!fwrite($zp, $msg)) {
                display_error(tr("Cannot write to the language file - ") . $filename);
                return false;
            // Close file
    } else {
        display_error(tr("The language file ") . $filename . tr(" is not writable. Change its permissions so it is, then re-run the operation."));
        return false;
    return true;
 // checking to see if there is any information in the array if not display a message (located after this if statment)
 $anypats = count($ret);
 $old_pid = -1;
 $first_time = 1;
 // $iter has encounter information
 // this loop gathers the user numbers
 foreach ($ret as $iter) {
     $catch_user[] = $iter['user'];
 //This statment uniques the array removing duplicates
 $user_list = array_unique($catch_user);
 // reorder the list starting with array element zero
 $final_list = array_values($user_list);
 // sort array in assending order
 $all4 = array_natsort($ret, pid, fulname, asc);
 if ($_POST['end_of_day_totals_only'] == 1) {
     $totals_only = 1;
 foreach ($all4 as $iter) {
     // Case statment to tally information by user
     switch ($iter['user']) {
         case $iter['user'] = $final_list[0]:
             $us0_user = $iter['user'];
             $us0_fee = $us0_fee + $iter['fee'];
             $us0_inspay = $us0_inspay + $iter['ins_code'];
             $us0_insadj = $us0_insadj + $iter['ins_adjust_dollar'];
             $us0_patadj = $us0_patadj + $iter['pat_adjust_dollar'];
             $us0_patpay = $us0_patpay + $iter['pat_code'];
         case $iter['user'] = $final_list[1]:
Esempio n. 3
function company_extensions($id)
    $th = array(_("Extension"), _("Modules provided"), _("Options provided"), _("Active"));
    $mods = get_company_extensions();
    $exts = get_company_extensions($id);
    foreach ($mods as $key => $ins) {
        foreach ($exts as $ext) {
            if ($ext['name'] == $ins['name']) {
                $mods[$key]['active'] = @$ext['active'];
                continue 2;
    $mods = array_natsort($mods, null, 'name');
    $k = 0;
    foreach ($mods as $i => $mod) {
        if ($mod['type'] != 'extension') {
        $entries = fmt_titles(@$mod['entries']);
        $tabs = fmt_titles(@$mod['tabs']);
        check_cells(null, 'Active' . $i, @$mod['active'] ? 1 : 0, false, false, "align='center'");
    submit_center('Refresh', _('Update'), true, false, 'default');
    $pcl_select .= "<input type='radio' name='pcl' value=''>&nbsp; allow unknown-clients &nbsp;&nbsp;(Beliebige Clients)";
} else {
    $pcl_select .= "<input type='radio' name='pcl' value='' checked>&nbsp; <b>allow unknown-clients &nbsp;&nbsp;(Beliebige Clients - default)</b><br>";
    $pcl_select .= "<input type='radio' name='pcl' value='deny unknown-clients'>&nbsp; deny unknown-clients &nbsp;&nbsp;(Nur im DHCP eingetragene Clients)";
$template->assign(array("DHCPDN" => $dhcpsv_data['dn'], "DHCPDN" => $DHCP_SERVICE, "CN" => $dhcpcn, "PRIMARY" => $dhcpsv_data['dhcpprimarydn'], "SECONDARY" => $dhcpsv_data['dhcpsecondarydn'], "DESCRIPTION" => $dhcpsv_data['description'], "STATEMENTS" => $dhcpsv_data['dhcpstatements'], "FAILOVERPEER" => $dhcpsv_data['dhcpfailoverpeer'], "PCLSELECT" => $pcl_select, "PCL" => $pcl, "ALLOW" => $dhcpsv_data['dhcpoptallow'], "DENY" => $dhcpsv_data['dhcpoptdeny'], "IGNORE" => $dhcpsv_data['dhcpoptignore'], "DDNSUPDATE" => $dhcpsv_data['dhcpoptddns-update-style'], "DEFAULTLEASE" => $defaultlease_select, "MAXLEASE" => $maxlease_select, "USEHOSTDCL" => $dhcpsv_data['dhcpoptuse-host-decl-names'], "MAXMESSIZE" => $dhcpsv_data['dhcpoptdhcp-max-message-size'], "DOMAINNAME" => $dhcpsv_data['dhcpoptdomain-name'], "DOMAINNAMESERVERS" => $dhcpsv_data['dhcpoptdomain-name-servers'], "NEXTSERVER" => $dhcpsv_data['dhcpoptnext-server'], "FILENAME" => $dhcpsv_data['dhcpoptfilename'], "NTPSERVERS" => $dhcpsv_data['dhcpoptntp-servers'], "DHCPOFFERNOWDN" => $dhcpsv_data['dhcpofferdn'], "DHCPOFFERNOW" => $dhcpoffernow, "OPTDEF" => $optdef, "MNR" => $mnr, "SBMNR" => $sbmnr));
$template->define_dynamic("Dhcpoffers", "Webseite");
foreach ($dhcpoffers as $offer) {
    $template->assign(array("DHCPOFFER" => $offer['dn'], "DHCPOFFEROU" => $offer['ou']));
    $template->parse("DHCPOFFERS_LIST", ".Dhcpoffers");
# Subnetze und Hosts des Dienstes
$dhcpobjects = get_service_subnets($dhcpserviceDN, array("dn", "cn", "dhcpoptnetmask", "description"));
$dhcpobjects = array_natsort($dhcpobjects, "cn", "cn");
$template->define_dynamic("Dhcpsubnets", "Webseite");
foreach ($dhcpobjects as $subnet) {
    $template->assign(array("SUBNET" => $subnet['cn'], "NETMASK" => $subnet['dhcpoptnetmask'], "SUBNETAU" => $subnet['auDN'], "SUBNETDESC" => $subnet['description']));
    $template->parse("DHCPSUBNETS_LIST", ".Dhcpsubnets");
# alle DHCP Objekte auf sich als DHCP Service setzen
$altdhcpservices = alternative_dhcpservices($DHCP_SERVICE);
$template->define_dynamic("Altdhcpsrv", "Webseite");
$dhcp_selectbox = "";
foreach ($altdhcpservices as $altsrv) {
    $dhcp_selectbox .= "\n   \t\t   <option value='" . $altsrv['dn'] . "'>" . $altsrv['cn'] . " </option>";
    $template->assign(array("ALTDHCPSRV" => $dhcp_selectbox));
# DHCP Generator Skript Config
include '';
$mnr = 1;
$sbmnr = -1;
$mcnr = -1;
# Menuleiste erstellen
createMainMenu($rollen, $mainnr);
createComputersMenu($rollen, $mnr, $auDN, $sbmnr, $mcnr);
$sort = "hostname";
$sort = $_GET['sort'];
$template->assign(array("IP" => "", "OLDIP" => "", "DHCPCONT" => "", "RBSCONT" => "", "DNSCONT" => "", "FIXADD" => "", "HOSTNAME" => "Noch keine Rechner angelegt", "HOSTDN" => ""));
$host_array = get_hosts($auDN, array("dn", "hostname", "hwaddress", "ipaddress", "dhcphlpcont", "dhcpoptfixed-address", "hlprbservice"), $sort);
# print_r ($host_array);
if ($sort == "ipaddress") {
    $host_array = array_natsort($host_array, "ipaddress", "ipaddress");
$template->define_dynamic("Hosts", "Webseite");
$i = 0;
foreach ($host_array as $host) {
    $hostip = explode('_', $host['ipaddress']);
    $fixadd = "";
    if ($host['hwaddress']) {
        if ($host['ipaddress']) {
            if (count($host['dhcphlpcont']) != 0 && $host['dhcpoptfixed-address'] == "ip") {
                $dhcp_radio = "\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='radio' name='dhcp[{$i}]' value='fix' checked> fix &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='radio' name='dhcp[{$i}]' value=''> kein <br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='radio' name='dhcp[{$i}]' value='fixdns'> fix DNS\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='olddhcp[]' value='fix'>";
                $fixadd = $host['dhcpoptfixed-address'];
            } elseif (count($host['dhcphlpcont']) != 0 && $host['dhcpoptfixed-address'] == "hostname") {
                $dhcp_radio = "\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='radio' name='dhcp[{$i}]' value='fix'> fix &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='radio' name='dhcp[{$i}]' value=''>  kein <br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='radio' name='dhcp[{$i}]' value='fixdns' checked> fix DNS \n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='olddhcp[]' value='fixdns'>";
                $fixadd = $host['dhcpoptfixed-address'];
            } else {
Esempio n. 6
function write_modules()
    global $path_to_root, $installed_modules;
    $mods = array_natsort($installed_modules, 'tab', 'tab');
    $installed_modules = $mods;
    $n = count($installed_modules);
    $msg = "<?php\n\n";
    $msg .= "/*****************************************************************\n";
    $msg .= "External modules for ArchivistaERP\n";
    $msg .= "******************************************************************/\n";
    $msg .= "\n\n";
    $msg .= "\$installed_modules = array (\n";
    $msg .= "\t0 => ";
    for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
        if ($i > 0) {
            $msg .= "\t\tarray ";
        } else {
            $msg .= "array ";
        $msg .= "('tab' => '" . $installed_modules[$i]['tab'] . "', ";
        $msg .= "'name' => '" . $installed_modules[$i]['name'] . "', ";
        $msg .= "'path' => '" . $installed_modules[$i]['path'] . "', ";
        $msg .= "'filename' => '" . $installed_modules[$i]['filename'] . "'";
        $msg .= "),\n";
    $msg .= "\t);\n?>";
    $filename = $path_to_root . "/modules/installed_modules.php";
    // Check if the file exists and is writable first.
    if (file_exists($filename) && is_writable($filename)) {
        if (!($zp = fopen($filename, 'w'))) {
            display_error(tr("Cannot open the modules file - ") . $filename);
            return false;
        } else {
            if (!fwrite($zp, $msg)) {
                display_error(tr("Cannot write to the modules file - ") . $filename);
                return false;
            // Close file
    } else {
        display_error(tr("The modules file ") . $filename . tr(" is not writable. Change its permissions so it is, then re-run the operation."));
        return false;
    return true;
Esempio n. 7
createMainMenu($rollen, $mainnr);
createDhcpMenu($rollen, $mnr, $auDN, $sbmnr);
# DHCP Pools Daten holen
$attributes = array("dn", "cn", "dhcphlpcont", "dhcprange", "description", "dhcpstatements", "dhcpoptallow", "dhcpoptdefault-lease-time", "dhcpoptdeny", "dhcpoptignore", "dhcpoptmax-lease-time", "dhcpoptgeneric", "hlprbservice", "dhcpoptfilename", "dhcpoptnext-server", "dhcppermittedclients");
$pools = get_dhcppools($auDN, $attributes);
$scope_attributes = array("dn", "cn", "dhcphlpcont", "dhcpstatements", "dhcpoptallow", "dhcpoptdeny", "dhcpoptignore", "dhcpoptdefault-lease-time", "dhcpoptmax-lease-time", "dhcpoptgeneric", "hlprbservice", "dhcpoptfilename", "dhcpoptnext-server", "dhcppermittedclients");
$global_data = get_node_data($DHCP_SERVICE, $scope_attributes);
if (count($pools) == 0) {
    redirect(0, "dhcpnopool.php?mnr=" . $mnr, "", $addSessionId = TRUE);
$template->assign(array("POOLDN" => "", "CN" => "", "SUBNETDN" => "", "SUBNET" => "", "IPRANGES" => "", "DESCRIPTION" => "", "STATEMENTS" => "", "ALLOW" => "", "DENY" => "", "IGNORE" => "", "RBS" => "", "RBSRV" => "", "RBSSELECT" => "", "DEFAULTLEASE" => "", "MAXLEASE" => "", "MNR" => $mnr));
$template->define_dynamic("Dhcppools", "Webseite");
$pools = array_natsort($pools, "dhcphlpcont", "dhcphlpcont");
# Für jeden Pool ...
foreach ($pools as $pool) {
    $subnet_data = get_node_data($pool['dhcphlpcont'], $scope_attributes);
    # DHCP Subnet des Pools
    if ($pool['dhcphlpcont']) {
        $subnetexp = ldap_explode_dn($pool['dhcphlpcont'], 1);
        $subnetdnexp = ldap_explode_dn($pool['dhcphlpcont'], 0);
        $subnetauexp = array_slice($subnetdnexp, 3);
        $subnetau = implode(',', $subnetauexp);
        $subnet = $subnetexp[0];
    } else {
        $subnet = "<b>Pool nicht aktiv!</b>";
    $poollink = "<a href='dhcppool_one.php?dn=" . $pool[dn] . "&mnr=" . $mnr . "&url=dhcppools.php' class='headerlink'><b>>> Pool verwalten</b></a> ";
    # DHCP Ranges
function get_subnet_childaus($all_childs, $subnetcn)
    $childs = array();
    $subnetip = explode(".", $subnetcn);
    foreach ($all_childs as $childau) {
        # AUs die Subnet administrieren in rot
        $red = "";
        $red_end = "";
        if ($childau['maxipblock']) {
            if (is_array($childau['maxipblock'])) {
                $ipblocks = "";
                foreach ($childau['maxipblock'] as $mipb) {
                    $expmipb = explode("_", $mipb);
                    $mipb1 = explode(".", $expmipb[0]);
                    $mipb2 = explode(".", $expmipb[1]);
                    if ($subnetip[0] == $mipb1[0] && $subnetip[1] == $mipb1[1] && $subnetip[2] == $mipb1[2]) {
                        #$ipblocks [] = "$mipb1[2].$mipb1[3] - $mipb2[2].$mipb2[3]";
                        $netadmin = "";
                        if ($mipb1[3] == "0") {
                            $netadmin = 1;
                            $red = "<code class='red_font_object'>";
                            $red_end = "</code>";
                        $ip_string = "<td align='right' width='30%'>{$red} {$mipb1['3']} {$red_end}</td>";
                        if ($mipb1[3] != $mipb2[3]) {
                            $ip_string .= "<td align='center' width='15%'> - </td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td align='right' width='30%'>{$red} {$mipb2['3']} {$red_end}</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>";
                        } else {
                            $ip_string .= "<td align='center' width='15%'>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td align='right' width='30%'>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>";
                        $ipblocks[] = $ip_string;
                        #$ipblocks [] = "<td align='right' width='30%'>$red $mipb1[3] $red_end</td>
                        #					<td align='center' width='15%'> - </td>
                        #					<td align='right' width='30%'>$red $mipb2[3] $red_end</td>
                        #					<td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>";
                        $ipblocks = array_natsort($ipblocks, "", "");
                if ($ipblocks) {
                    $childs[] = array('au' => $childau['ou'], 'dn' => $childau['dn'], 'zone' => $childau['associateddomain'], 'mipb' => $ipblocks, 'netadmin' => $netadmin);
            } else {
                $expmipb = explode("_", $childau['maxipblock']);
                $mipb1 = explode(".", $expmipb[0]);
                $mipb2 = explode(".", $expmipb[1]);
                if ($subnetip[0] == $mipb1[0] && $subnetip[1] == $mipb1[1] && $subnetip[2] == $mipb1[2]) {
                    $netadmin = "";
                    if ($mipb1[3] == "0") {
                        $netadmin = 1;
                        $red = "<code class='red_font_object'>";
                        $red_end = "</code>";
                    $childs[] = array('au' => $childau['ou'], 'dn' => $childau['dn'], 'zone' => $childau['associateddomain'], 'mipb' => "<td align='right' width='30%'>{$red} {$mipb1['3']} {$red_end}</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t\t\t<td align='center' width='15%'> - </td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t\t\t<td align='right' width='30%'>{$red} {$mipb2['3']} {$red_end}</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t\t\t<td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>", 'netadmin' => $netadmin);
    #$childs = array_natsort($childs, "mipb", "mipb");
    return $childs;
    $subnet_array = array_merge($admin_subnets, $ro_subnets);
} else {
    $subnet_array = $admin_subnets;
# Global DHCP Data
$global_options = array("dhcpoptdefault-lease-time", "dhcpoptmax-lease-time", "dhcpoptdomain-name", "dhcpoptdomain-name-servers", "dhcpoptgeneric", "dhcppermittedclients");
$global_data = get_node_data($DHCP_SERVICE, $global_options);
if ($global_data['dhcppermittedclients']) {
    $global_pcl = $global_data['dhcppermittedclients'];
} else {
    $global_pcl = "Beliebige Clients";
$template->assign(array("GLOBALPCL" => $global_pcl));
$subnet_array = array_natsort($subnet_array, "cn", "cn");
$template->define_dynamic("Subnets", "Webseite");
$template->define_dynamic("Pools", "Webseite");
$i = 0;
foreach ($subnet_array as $subnet) {
    $subnetcn = "<a href='dhcpsubnet.php?dn=" . $subnet['dn'] . "&mnr=" . $mnr . "' class='headerlink'><b>" . $subnet['cn'] . "<br>{$subnet['access']}</b></a>";
    # Dienstzuordnung des Subnetzes
    $dhcpservice = "&nbsp;";
    if ($subnet['dhcphlpcont'] != "") {
        #$dhcpservice = "<code class='red_font_object'>X</code>";
        #$dhcpservice = "<code class='red_font_object'>@</code>";
        $dhcpservice = "<code class='red_font_object'>aktiv</code>";
        #$dhcpservice = "<input type='checkbox' readonly name='dhcpsrv[]' value='".$subnet['dn']."' checked>
        #					<input type='hidden' name='olddhcpsrv[]' value='".$subnet['dn']."'>";
        #$dhcpservice = "<input type='checkbox' name='dhcpsrv[]' value='".$subnet['dn']."'>
$mnr = 1;
# Menuleisten erstellen
createMainMenu($rollen, $mainnr);
createDNSMenu($rollen, $mnr);
$template->assign(array("AUOU" => "Noch keine untergordnete AU angelegt", "AUCN" => "", "AUDN" => "", "AUZONE" => "", "AUIPS" => ""));
$attributes = array("dn", "ou", "associateddomain");
#$aunits = get_all_aus($attributes);
$backbone_nodes = get_childau($auDN, $attributes);
$template->define_dynamic("Aus", "Webseite");
foreach ($backbone_nodes as $bn) {
    $aulist = "";
    $aunits = get_childau_sub($bn['dn'], $attributes);
    #print_r($aunits);echo "<br><br>";
    $aunits = array_slice($aunits, 1);
    $aunits = array_natsort($aunits, "ou", "ou");
    if ($aunits) {
        $aulist .= "<table cellpadding='2' cellspacing='0' border='1' align='left' width='100%' style='border-width: 0 0 0 0;'>";
        foreach ($aunits as $au) {
            $aulist .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='tab_dgrey' width='50%'>{$au['ou']}&nbsp;</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='tab_dgrey'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type='Text' name='auzone[]' value='{$au['associateddomain']}' size='23' class='medium_form_field'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='oldauzone[]' value='{$au['associateddomain']}'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='audn[]' value='{$au['dn']}'></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</tr>";
        $aulist .= "</table>";
    } else {
        $aulist = "Keine untergeordneten AUs";
    $template->assign(array("AUOU" => $bn['ou'], "AUCN" => $bn['cn'], "AUDN" => $bn['dn'], "AUZONE" => $bn['associateddomain'], "AUIPS" => "", "AULIST" => $aulist));
    $template->parse("AUS_LIST", ".Aus");
include "";
        $host_array = array_natsort($host_array, "ipaddress", "ipaddress");
    case "hwaddress":
        $host_array = array_sort($host_array, "hwaddress", "hwaddress");
    case "description":
        $host_array = array_natsort($host_array, "description", "description");
    case "geolocation":
        $host_array = array_sort($host_array, "geolocation", "geolocation");
    case "inventarnr":
        $host_array = array_natsort($host_array, "inventarnr", "inventarnr");
        $host_array = array_natsort($host_array, "hostname", "hostname");
// print_r($host_array); echo "<br>";
## SESSION Variable fuer Hosts der AU (nach der Sortierung) -> PDF Print, Clients-Kopieren
$_SESSION['hosts_array'] = $host_array;
// echo "<pre>";
// var_dump($_SESSION['hosts_array']);
// echo "</pre>";
// echo "<pre>";
// var_dump($_POST["choice"]);
// var_dump($_POST["ip"]);
// var_dump($_POST["host"]);
// echo "</pre>";
$template->define_dynamic("Rechner", "Webseite");
$modentry['domainname'] = $assocdom;