public function addFilterCell($label, $field, $values, $value)
     $form = 'filter' . $this->count;
     $this->addCell('<form action="?m=' . $this->module . '" method="post" name="' . $form . '" accept-charset="utf-8">' . arraySelect($values, $field, 'size="1" class="text" onChange="document.' . $form . '.submit();"', $value, false) . '</form>');
     $this->addCell($this->_AppUI->_($label) . ':');
Esempio n. 2
function showRow($id = 0, $key = 0, $title = '', $value = '')
    global $canEdit, $sysval_id, $CR, $AppUI, $keys;
    $s = '<tr>' . $CR;
    if ($sysval_id == $id && $canEdit) {
        // edit form
        $s .= '<form name="sysValFrm" method="post" action="?m=system&u=syskeys&a=do_sysval_aed">' . $CR;
        $s .= '<input type="hidden" name="del" value="0" />' . $CR;
        $s .= '<input type="hidden" name="sysval_id" value="' . $id . '" />' . $CR;
        $s .= '<td>&nbsp;</td>';
        $s .= '<td valign="top">' . arraySelect($keys, 'sysval_key_id', 'size="1" class="text"', $key) . '</td>';
        $s .= '<td valign="top"><input type="text" name="sysval_title" value="' . dPformSafe($title) . '" class="text" /></td>';
        $s .= '<td valign="top"><textarea name="sysval_value" class="small" rows="5" cols="40">' . $value . '</textarea></td>';
        $s .= '<td><input type="submit" value="' . $AppUI->_($id ? 'edit' : 'add') . '" class="button" /></td>';
        $s .= '<td>&nbsp;</td>';
    } else {
        $s .= '<td width="12" valign="top">';
        if ($canEdit) {
            $s .= '<a href="?m=system&u=syskeys&sysval_id=' . $id . '" title="' . $AppUI->_('edit') . '">' . dPshowImage('./images/icons/stock_edit-16.png', 16, 16, '') . '</a>';
            $s .= '</td>' . $CR;
        $s .= '<td valign="top">' . $keys[$key] . '</td>' . $CR;
        $s .= '<td valign="top">' . dPformSafe($title) . '</td>' . $CR;
        $s .= '<td valign="top" colspan="2">' . nl2br(dPformSafe($value)) . '</td>' . $CR;
        $s .= '<td valign="top" width="16">';
        if ($canEdit) {
            $s .= '<a href="javascript:delIt(' . $id . ', \'' . addslashes(htmlentities($title)) . '\')" title="' . $AppUI->_('delete') . '">' . dPshowImage('./images/icons/stock_delete-16.png', 16, 16, '') . '</a>';
        $s .= '</td>' . $CR;
    $s .= '</tr>' . $CR;
    return $s;
Esempio n. 3
function showRow($id = 0, $key = 0, $title = '', $value = '')
    global $canEdit, $sysval_id, $CR, $AppUI, $keys, $locale_char_set;
    $s = '<tr>' . $CR;
    if ($sysval_id == $id && $canEdit) {
        // edit form
        $s .= '<td>' . $CR;
        $s .= '<input type="hidden" name="del" value="0" />' . $CR;
        $s .= '<input type="hidden" name="sysval_id" value="' . $id . '" />' . $CR;
        $s .= '&nbsp;</td>';
        $s .= '<td valign="top">' . arraySelect($keys, 'sysval_key_id', 'size="1" class="text"', $key) . '</td>';
        $s .= '<td valign="top"><input type="text" name="sysval_title" value="' . dPformSafe($title) . '" class="text" /></td>';
        $s .= '<td valign="top"><textarea name="sysval_value" class="small" rows="5" cols="40">' . htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_COMPAT, $locale_char_set) . '</textarea></td>';
        $s .= '<td><input type="submit" value="' . $AppUI->_($id ? 'edit' : 'add') . '" class="button" /></td>';
        $s .= '<td>&nbsp;</td>';
    } else {
        $s .= '<td width="12" valign="top">';
        if ($canEdit) {
            $s .= '<a href="?m=system&amp;u=syskeys&amp;sysval_id=' . $id . '" title="' . $AppUI->_('edit') . '">' . dPshowImage('./images/icons/stock_edit-16.png', 16, 16, '') . '</a>';
            $s .= '</td>' . $CR;
        $s .= '<td valign="top">' . $keys[$key] . '</td>' . $CR;
        $s .= '<td valign="top">' . dPformSafe($title) . '</td>' . $CR;
        $s .= '<td valign="top" colspan="2">' . htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_COMPAT, $locale_char_set) . '</td>' . $CR;
        $s .= '<td valign="top" width="16">';
        if ($canEdit) {
            $s .= '<a href="javascript:delIt(' . $id . ')" title="' . $AppUI->_('delete') . '">' . dPshowImage('./images/icons/stock_delete-16.png', 16, 16, '') . '</a>';
        $s .= '</td>' . $CR;
    $s .= '</tr>' . $CR;
    return $s;
 protected function _createCompanySelection($AppUI, $companyInput)
     $company = new CCompany();
     $companyMatches = $company->getCompanyList($AppUI, -1, $companyInput);
     $company_id = count($companyMatches) == 1 ? $companyMatches[0]['company_id'] : $AppUI->user_company;
     $companies = $company->getAllowedRecords($AppUI->user_id, 'company_id,company_name', 'company_name');
     $companies = arrayMerge(array('0' => ''), $companies);
     $output .= '<td>' . arraySelect($companies, 'company_id', ' onChange=this.form.new_company.value=\'\'', $company_id) . '<input type="text" name="new_company" value="' . ($company_id > 0 ? '' : $companyInput) . '" />';
     if ($company_id == 0) {
         $output .= '<br /><em>' . $AppUI->_('compinfo') . '</em>';
     $output .= '</td></tr>';
     return $output;
Esempio n. 5
function arraySelectTree(&$arr, $select_name, $select_attribs, $selected, $translate = false)
    global $AppUI;
    $children = array();
    // first pass - collect children
    foreach ($arr as $k => $v) {
        $id = $v[0];
        $pt = $v[2];
        $list = @$children[$pt] ? $children[$pt] : array();
        array_push($list, $v);
        $children[$pt] = $list;
    $list = tree_recurse($arr[0][2], '', array(), $children);
    return arraySelect($list, $select_name, $select_attribs, $selected, $translate);
Esempio n. 6
$today = $ctoday->format(FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE);
$date = w2PgetParam($_GET, 'date', $today);
// get the list of visible companies
$company = new CCompany();
$companies = $company->getAllowedRecords($AppUI->user_id, 'company_id,company_name', 'company_name');
$companies = arrayMerge(array('0' => $AppUI->_('All')), $companies);
// setup the title block
$titleBlock = new CTitleBlock('Monthly Calendar', 'myevo-appointments.png', $m, $m . '.' . $a);
$titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=calendar&a=year_view&date=' . $date, 'year view');
$titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=calendar&date=' . $date, 'month view');
$titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=calendar&a=week_view&date=' . $date, 'week view');
$titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=calendar&a=day_view&date=' . $date, 'day view');
$titleBlock->addCell($AppUI->_('Company') . ':');
$titleBlock->addCell(arraySelect($companies, 'company_id', 'onChange="document.pickCompany.submit()" class="text"', $company_id), '', '<form action="' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '" method="post" name="pickCompany" accept-charset="utf-8">', '</form>');
$titleBlock->addCell($AppUI->_('Event Filter') . ':');
$titleBlock->addCell(arraySelect($event_filter_list, 'event_filter', 'onChange="document.pickFilter.submit()" class="text"', $event_filter, true), '', '<form action="' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '" method="post" name="pickFilter" accept-charset="utf-8">', '</form>');

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function clickDay( uts, fdate ) {
	window.location = './index.php?m=calendar&a=day_view&date='+uts+'&tab=0';
function clickWeek( uts, fdate ) {
	window.location = './index.php?m=calendar&a=week_view&date='+uts;

<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%"><tr><td>
// establish the focus 'date'
 /><label for="add_pwoid"><?php 
echo $AppUI->_('Show Projects whose Owner is Member of the Dep.');
	<td align="right" nowrap="nowrap">
        <form action="?m=departments&a=view&dept_id=<?php 
echo $dept_id;
echo $tab;
" method="post" name="pickProject" accept-charset="utf-8">
echo arraySelect($projFilter, 'proFilter', 'size=1 class=text onChange="document.pickProject.submit()"', $proFilter, true);
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" class="tbl">
$fieldList = array('project_color_identifier', 'project_priority', 'project_name', 'company_name', 'project_start_date', 'project_duration', 'project_end_date', 'project_actual_end_date', 'task_log_problem', 'user_username', 'project_task_count', 'project_status');
$fieldNames = array('Color', 'P', 'Project Name', 'Company', 'Start', 'Duration', 'End', 'Actual', 'LP', 'Owner', 'Tasks', 'Status');
$baseUrl = '?m=' . $m . (isset($a) ? '&a=' . $a : '') . (isset($extraGet) ? $extraGet : '');
foreach ($fieldNames as $index => $name) {
<th nowrap="nowrap">
                <a href="<?php 
Esempio n. 8
" /></td></tr>
  <tr><td align='right'><?php 
echo $AppUI->_('Resource Name');
  <td align='left'><input type='text' size="30" maxlength="255" name="resource_name"
echo dPformSafe($obj->resource_name);
" /></td></tr>
  <tr><td align='right'><?php 
echo $AppUI->_('Type');
  <td align='left'><?php 
echo arraySelect($typelist, 'resource_type', 'class=select', $obj->resource_type, true);
  <tr><td align='right'><?php 
echo $AppUI->_('Maximum Allocation Percentage');
  <td><input type='text' size="5" maxlength="5" value='<?php 
if ($obj->resource_max_allocation) {
    echo dPformSafe($obj->resource_max_allocation);
} else {
    echo '100';
Esempio n. 9
					<td align="center">
						<select class="text" name="percentage_assignment" title="<?php 
            echo $AppUI->_('Assign with Percentage');
            for ($i = 0; $i <= 100; $i += 5) {
                $selected = $i == 30 ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
                echo "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . '<option value="' . $i . '"' . $selected . '>' . $i . '%</option>' . "\n";
					<td align="center">
            echo arraySelect($taskPriority, 'user_task_priority', 'onchange="javascript:chPriority(' . $user_id . ');" size="1" class="text" title="' . $AppUI->_('Change User specific Task Priority of selected Tasks') . '"', 0, true);
            $orphTasks = array_diff(array_map("getOrphanedTasks", $task_list), array(NULL));
            $tmptasks = '';
            $actual_date = $start_date;
            $zi = 0;
            foreach ($orphTasks as $task) {
                $tmptasks .= displayTask($orphTasks, $task, 0, $display_week_hours, $sss, $sse, $user_id);
                // do we need to get the children?
            echo $tmptasks . '</form>';
Esempio n. 10
                                  <input type='text' class='text' style='width:120px;text-align:right;' id='bulk_move_date' name='bulk_move_date' value='' />
                  <th width="15%"><?php 
echo $AppUI->_('Other');
                  <td width="130"><?php 
echo arraySelect($sother, 'bulk_task_other', 'style="width:180px" class="text"', '');
                  <th width="15%"><?php 
echo $AppUI->_('Project');
                  <td width="130"><?php 
echo arraySelect($sprojects, 'bulk_task_project', 'style="width:300px" class="text"', '');
                  <td width="100%">&nbsp;</td>
                  <td colspan="20" align="right"><input type="button" class="button" value="<?php 
echo $AppUI->_('update');
" onclick="if (confirm('Are you sure you wish to apply the update(s) to the selected task(s)?')) document.frm_bulk.submit();" /></td>

function getSpaces($amount)
Esempio n. 11
                echo $s;
            $projectArray[$project_id] = $project_id;
if ($none) {
    echo '<tr><td colspan="12">' . $AppUI->_('No projects available') . '</td></tr>';
} else {
					<td colspan="12" align="right">
    $s = '<input type="submit" class="button" value="' . $AppUI->_('Update projects status') . '" />';
    $s .= '<input type="hidden" name="update_project_status" value="1" />';
    $s .= '<input type="hidden" name="m" value="projects" />';
    $s .= arraySelect($pstatus, 'project_status', 'size="1" class="text"', $project_status_filter + 1, true);
    echo $s;
    // 2 will be the next step
if ($is_tabbed) {
    echo buildPaginationNav($AppUI, $m, $currentTabId, $xpg_totalrecs, $xpg_pagesize, $page);
Esempio n. 12
<form name="frmDel" action="./index.php?m=system" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8">
	<input type="hidden" name="dosql" value="do_billingcode_aed" />
	<input type="hidden" name="del" value="1" />
	<input type="hidden" name="company_id" value="<?php 
echo $company_id;
" />
	<input type="hidden" name="billingcode_id" value="" />
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" class="std">
	<form name="changeMe" action="./index.php?m=system&amp;a=billingcode" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8">
echo arraySelect($company_list, 'company_id', 'size="1" class="text" onchange="changeIt();"', $company_id, false);
	<th width="40">&nbsp;
	<form name="changeuser" action="./index.php?m=system" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8">
		<input type="hidden" name="dosql" value="do_billingcode_aed" />
		<input type="hidden" name="del" value="0" />
		<input type="hidden" name="company_id" value="<?php 
echo $company_id;
" />
		<input type="hidden" name="billingcode_status" value="0" />
Esempio n. 13
$titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=system&a=addeditpref', 'default user preferences');
// prepare the automated form fields based on db system configuration data
$output = null;
$last_group = '';
foreach ($rs as $c) {
    $tooltip = $AppUI->_($c['config_name'] . '_tooltip');
    // extraparse the checkboxes and the select lists
    $extra = '';
    $value = '';
    switch ($c['config_type']) {
        case 'select':
            // Build the select list.
            if ($c['config_name'] == 'system_timezone') {
                $timezones = w2PgetSysVal('Timezones');
                $entry = arraySelect($timezones, 'w2Pcfg[system_timezone]', 'class=text size=1', w2PgetConfig('system_timezone'), true);
            } else {
                $entry = '<select class="text" name="w2Pcfg[' . $c['config_name'] . ']">';
                // Find the detail relating to this entry.
                $children = $w2Pcfg->getChildren($c['config_id']);
                foreach ($children as $child) {
                    $entry .= '<option value="' . $child['config_list_name'] . '"';
                    if ($child['config_list_name'] == $c['config_value']) {
                        $entry .= ' selected="selected"';
                    $entry .= '>' . $AppUI->_($child['config_list_name'] . '_item_title') . '</option>';
                $entry .= '</select>';
        case 'checkbox':
Esempio n. 14
            <td align="right"><?php 
echo $AppUI->_('Postcode') . ' / ' . $AppUI->_('Zip Code');
            <td colspan="2"><input type="text" class="text" name="contact_zip" value="" maxlength="50" size="40" /> </td>
			<td align="right"><?php 
echo $AppUI->_('Country');
			<td colspan="2">
$countries = array('' => $AppUI->_('(Select a Country)')) + w2PgetSysVal('GlobalCountries');
echo arraySelect($countries, 'contact_country', 'size="1" class="text"', 0);
			<td valign="middle" align="right">* <?php 
echo $AppUI->_('Anti Spam Security');
			<td valign="middle" width="50"><input type="text" class="text" id="spam" name="spam_check" value="" maxlength="5" size="5" /></td>
			<td valign="middle" align="left"><img src="<?php 
echo W2P_BASE_URL;
echo $uid;
Esempio n. 15
$last_time->setTime(23, 59, 59);
$prev_day = new w2p_Utilities_Date(Date_calc::prevDay($dd, $mm, $yy, FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE));
$next_day = new w2p_Utilities_Date(Date_calc::nextDay($dd, $mm, $yy, FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE));
// get the list of visible companies
$company = new CCompany();
global $companies;
$companies = $company->getAllowedRecords($AppUI->user_id, 'company_id,company_name', 'company_name');
$companies = arrayMerge(array('0' => $AppUI->_('All')), $companies);
// setup the title block
$titleBlock = new CTitleBlock('Day View', 'myevo-appointments.png', $m, $m . '.' . $a);
$titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=calendar&a=year_view&date=' . $this_day->format(FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE), 'year view');
$titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=calendar&date=' . $this_day->format(FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE), 'month view');
$titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=calendar&a=week_view&date=' . $this_week, 'week view');
$titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=calendar&a=day_view&date=' . $this_day->format(FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE), 'day view');
$titleBlock->addCell($AppUI->_('Company') . ':');
$titleBlock->addCell(arraySelect($companies, 'company_id', 'onChange="document.pickCompany.submit()" class="text"', $company_id), '', '<form action="' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '" method="post" name="pickCompany" accept-charset="utf-8">', '</form>');
$titleBlock->addCell('<input type="submit" class="button" value="' . $AppUI->_('new event') . '">', '', '<form action="?m=calendar&a=addedit&date=' . $this_day->format(FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE) . '" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8">', '</form>');
<script language="javascript">
function clickDay( idate, fdate ) {
        window.location = './index.php?m=calendar&a=day_view&date='+idate+'&tab=0';

<table class="std" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
        <td valign="top">
            <table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" width="100%" class="motitle">
Esempio n. 16
echo arraySelect($users, 'forum_owner', 'size="1" class="text"', $forum_info['forum_owner'] ? $forum_info['forum_owner'] : $AppUI->user_id);
			<td align="right" nowrap><?php 
echo $AppUI->_('Moderator');
echo arraySelect($users, 'forum_moderated', 'size="1" class="text"', $forum_info['forum_moderated']);
if ($forum_id) {
			<td align="right"><?php 
    echo $AppUI->_('Created On');
			<td bgcolor="#ffffff"><?php 
    echo @$forum_info["forum_create_date"];
 function parseEditField($key)
     $field_config = unserialize($this->fields_array[$key]);
     $parsed = "<tr id='custom_tr_{$key}'>";
     $parsed .= $this->_getLabelHTML($field_config);
     switch ($field_config["type"]) {
         case "text":
             $parsed .= "<td align='left'><input type='text' name='custom_{$key}' class='text' " . $field_config["options"] . " value='" . (isset($this->previous_data[$key]) ? $this->previous_data[$key] : "") . "' /></td>";
         case "select":
             $parsed .= "<td align='left'>" . arraySelect(explode(",", $field_config["selects"]), "custom_{$key}", 'size="1" class="text" ' . $field_config["options"], isset($this->previous_data[$key]) ? $this->previous_data[$key] : "") . "</td>";
         case "textarea":
             $parsed .= "<td align='left'><textarea name='custom_{$key}' class='textarea'" . $field_config["options"] . ">" . (isset($this->previous_data[$key]) ? $this->previous_data[$key] : "") . "</textarea></td>";
         case "checkbox":
             $options_array = explode(",", $field_config["selects"]);
             $parsed .= "<td align='left'>";
             foreach ($options_array as $option) {
                 $checked = "";
                 if (isset($this->previous_data[$key]) && array_key_exists($option, array_flip($this->previous_data[$key]))) {
                     $checked = "checked";
                 $parsed .= "<input type='checkbox' value='{$option}' name='custom_" . $key . "[]' class='text' style='border:0' {$checked} " . $field_config["options"] . "  />{$option}<br />";
                 $checked = "";
             $parsed .= "</td>";
     $parsed .= "</tr>";
     return $parsed;
Esempio n. 18
	<input type="hidden" name="user_name" value="<?php 
    echo $user_name;
	<input type="hidden" name="role_id" value="">
	<th colspan='2'><?php 
    echo $AppUI->_('Add Role');
	<td colspan='2' width="100%"><?php 
    echo arraySelect($roles_arr, 'user_role', 'size="1" class="text"', '', true);
		<input type="reset" value="<?php 
    echo $AppUI->_('clear');
" class="button" name="sqlaction" onClick="clearIt();">
	<td align="right">
		<input type="submit" value="<?php 
    echo $AppUI->_('add');
" class="button" name="sqlaction2">
Esempio n. 19
$titleBlock->addCell($AppUI->_('Company') . ':');
$titleBlock->addCell(arraySelect($filters2, 'f2', 'size="1" class="text" onChange="document.companyFilter.submit();"', $f2, false), '', '<form action="?m=tasks" method="post" name="companyFilter" accept-charset="utf-8">', '</form>');
if ($canEdit && $project_id) {
    $titleBlock->addCell('<input type="submit" class="button" value="' . $AppUI->_('new task') . '">', '', '<form action="?m=tasks&amp;a=addedit&amp;task_project=' . $project_id . '" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8">', '</form>');
if (w2PgetParam($_GET, 'inactive', '') == 'toggle') {
    $AppUI->setState('inactive', $AppUI->getState('inactive') == -1 ? 0 : -1);
$in = $AppUI->getState('inactive') == -1 ? '' : 'in';
// use a new title block (a new row) to prevent from oversized sites
$titleBlock = new w2p_Theme_TitleBlock('', 'shim.gif');
$titleBlock->showhelp = false;
$titleBlock->addCell('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $AppUI->_('Task Filter') . ':');
$titleBlock->addCell(arraySelect($filters, 'f', 'size="1" class="text" onChange="document.taskFilter.submit();"', $f, true), '', '<form action="?m=tasks" method="post" name="taskFilter" accept-charset="utf-8">', '</form>');
$titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=tasks&amp;a=todo&amp;user_id=' . $user_id, 'my todo');
if (w2PgetParam($_GET, 'pinned') == 1) {
    $titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=tasks', 'all tasks');
} else {
    $titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=tasks&amp;pinned=1', 'my pinned tasks');
$titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=tasks&amp;inactive=toggle', 'show ' . $in . 'active tasks');
$titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=tasks&amp;a=tasksperuser', 'tasks per user');
if (!$project_id) {
    if (!isset($query_string)) {
        $query_string = '';
        <form name="task_list_options" method="post" action="' . $query_string . '" accept-charset="utf-8">
Esempio n. 20
" />

    $priorities = w2Pgetsysval('TaskPriority');
    $types = w2Pgetsysval('TaskType');
    $durntype = w2PgetSysVal('TaskDurationType');
    global $task_access;
    $task_access = is_array($task_access) ? $task_access : array();
    $extra = array(0 => '(none)', 1 => 'Milestone', 2 => 'Dynamic Task', 3 => 'Inactive Task');
    $sel_priorities = arraySelect($priorities, 'add_task_priority0', 'style="width:80px" class="text"', '0');
    $sel_types = arraySelect($types, 'add_task_type0', 'style="width:80px" class="text"', '');
    $sel_access = arraySelect($task_access, 'add_task_access0', 'style="width:80px" class="text"', '');
    $sel_extra = arraySelect($extra, 'add_task_extra0', 'style="width:80px" class="text"', '');
    $sel_durntype = arraySelect($durntype, 'add_task_durntype0', 'style="width:80px" class="text"', '', true);
<script language="javascript">
// security improvement:
// some javascript functions may not appear on client side in case of user not having write permissions
// else users would be able to arbitrarily run 'bad' functions
    if ($canEdit) {
function delIt() {
	if (confirm( '<?php 
        echo $AppUI->_('doDelete', UI_OUTPUT_JS) . ' ' . $AppUI->_('Project', UI_OUTPUT_JS) . '?';
' )) {
      <input type="text" name="log_date" size="10" value="<?php 
echo $log_date->format($df);
" class="text" disabled="disabled">
      <a href="#" onClick="popCalendar('log_date')">
	<img src="./images/calendar.gif" width="24" height="12" alt="<?php 
echo $AppUI->_('Calendar');
" border="0" />
echo arraySelect($tasks, 'task_log_task', 'size="1" class="text" onchange="javascript:task_log_task.value = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;"', $obj->task_log_task);
	<textarea name="task_log_description" class="textarea" cols="50" rows="6"><?php 
echo $obj->task_log_description;
echo $AppUI->_('End Task?');
 </b><input type=checkbox name="progresso"></td>
	<input name="task_log_hours" type="text" id="task_log_hours" value="<?php 
Esempio n. 22
    $sprojects[$prj_id] = $idx_companies[$prj_id] . ': ' . $prj_name;
$sprojects = array('O' => '(' . $AppUI->_('Move to Project', UI_OUTPUT_RAW) . ')') + array('0' => '(' . $AppUI->_('All Projects', UI_OUTPUT_RAW) . ')') + $sprojects;
                        <td colspan="50" align="right">
                              <form name='frm_bulk' method='POST' action='?m=files&a=do_files_bulk_aed'>
							  <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="<?php 
echo $current_uri;
" />
                              <table id="tbl_bulk" name="tbl_bulk">
echo arraySelect($sprojects, 'bulk_file_project', 'style="width:180px" class="text"', 'O');
echo arraySelectTree($folders, 'bulk_file_folder', 'style="width:180px;" class="text"', 'O');
                                    <td align="right"><input type="button" class="button" value="<?php 
echo $AppUI->_('Go');
" onclick="if (confirm('Are you sure you wish to apply the options on the selected files?')) document.frm_bulk.submit();" /></td>
Esempio n. 23
$project = new CProject();
$extra = array('from' => 'files', 'where' => 'project_id = file_project');
$projects = $project->getAllowedRecords($AppUI->user_id, 'project_id,project_name', 'project_name', null, $extra);
$projects = arrayMerge(array('0' => $AppUI->_('All', UI_OUTPUT_RAW)), $projects);
// get SQL for allowed projects/tasks and folders
$task = new CTask();
$allowedProjects = $project->getAllowedSQL($AppUI->user_id, 'file_project');
$allowedTasks = $task->getAllowedSQL($AppUI->user_id, 'file_task');
$cfObj = new CFileFolder();
$allowedFolders = $cfObj->getAllowedSQL($AppUI->user_id, 'file_folder');
//get permissions for folder tab
$canAccess_folders = getPermission('file_folders', 'access');
// setup the title block
$titleBlock = new CTitleBlock('Files', 'folder5.png', $m, $m . '.' . $a);
$titleBlock->addCell($AppUI->_('Filter') . ':');
$titleBlock->addCell(arraySelect($projects, 'project_id', 'onchange="javascript:document.pickProject.submit()" size="1" class="text"', $project_id), '', '<form name="pickProject" action="?m=files" method="post">', '</form>');
 * override the file module's $canEdit variable passed from the main index.php 
 * in order to check on file folder permissions
$canAuthor_folders = getPermission('file_folders', 'add');
if ($canAuthor) {
    $titleBlock->addCell('<input type="submit" class="button" value="' . $AppUI->_('new file') . '" />', '', '<form action="?m=files&amp;a=addedit&amp;folder=' . $folder . '" method="post">', '</form>');
if ($canAuthor_folders) {
    $titleBlock->addCell('<input type="submit" class="button" value="' . $AppUI->_('new folder') . '" />', '', '<form action="?m=files&amp;a=addedit_folder" method="post">', '</form>');
$file_types = dPgetSysVal('FileType');
$fts = $file_types;
if ($tab != -1) {
Esempio n. 24

<form action="index.php?m=public&a=contact_selector&dialog=1<?php 
echo !is_null($call_back) ? '&call_back=' . $call_back : '';
echo $company_id;
" method='post' name='frmContactSelect'>

$pointer_department = '';
$pointer_company = '';
$companies_names = array(0 => $AppUI->_('Select a company')) + $aCpies;
echo arraySelect($companies_names, 'company_id', 'onchange="document.frmContactSelect.contacts_submited.value=0; ' . 'setContactIDs(); document.frmContactSelect.submit();"', 0);

<br />
<h4><a href="#" onClick="window.location.href=setContactIDs('GET','dialog=1<?php 
echo !is_null($call_back) ? '&call_back=' . $call_back : '';
echo $AppUI->_('View all allowed companies');
<hr />
echo $AppUI->_('Contacts for');
Esempio n. 25
// check for requestor filter
if ($HELPDESK_CONFIG['search_criteria_requestor']) {
    if (isset($_GET['requestor'])) {
        $AppUI->setState('HelpDeskRequestor', $_GET['requestor']);
    $requestor = $AppUI->getState('HelpDeskRequestor') !== null ? $AppUI->getState('HelpDeskRequestor') : -1;
    if (isset($requestor) && strlen($requestor) > 0 && $requestor != '-1') {
        $tarr[] = "hi.item_requestor='{$requestor}'";
    // retrieve requestor list
    $sql = "SELECT distinct(item_requestor) as requestor, item_requestor\n\t\t      FROM helpdesk_items\n\t\t      WHERE " . getCompanyPerms("item_company_id", NULL, PERM_READ) . "\n\t\t      ORDER BY item_requestor";
    $requestor_list = db_loadHashList($sql);
    if (!$_REQUEST['project_id']) {
        $selectors[] = "<td align=\"right\"><label for=\"requestor\">" . $AppUI->_('Requestor') . ":</label></td><td>" . arraySelect(arrayMerge(array('-1' => $AppUI->_('All')), $requestor_list), 'requestor', 'size="1" id="requestor" class="text" onchange="changeList()"', $requestor) . "</td>";
$where = getItemPerms();
if (count($tarr)) {
    $where .= 'AND (' . implode("\n AND ", $tarr) . ') ';
$sql = "SELECT hi.*,\n        CONCAT(co.contact_first_name,' ',co.contact_last_name) assigned_fullname,\n        co.contact_email as assigned_email,\n        p.project_id,\n        p.project_name,\n        p.project_color_identifier\n        FROM helpdesk_items hi\n        LEFT JOIN users u2 ON u2.user_id = hi.item_assigned_to\n        LEFT JOIN contacts co ON u2.user_contact = co.contact_id\n        LEFT JOIN projects p ON p.project_id = hi.item_project_id\n        WHERE {$where}\n        ORDER BY ";
// Do custom order by if needed, default at the end
if ($orderby == "project_name") {
    $sql .= "p.project_name";
} elseif ($orderby == "item_assigned_to") {
    $sql .= "assigned_fullname";
} elseif ($orderby == "item_updated") {
    $sql .= "hi.item_updated";
} else {
Esempio n. 26
                $s .= $CT . '<input type="checkbox" name="project_id[]" value="' . $row['project_id'] . '" />';
            } else {
                $s .= $CT . '&nbsp;';
            $s .= $CR . '</td>';
        $s .= $CR . '</tr>';
        echo $s;
if ($none) {
    echo $CR . '<tr><td colspan="' . $table_cols . '">' . $AppUI->_('No projects available') . '</td></tr>';
} else {
	<td colspan="<?php 
    echo $table_cols;
" align="right">
    echo '<input type="submit" class="button" value="' . $AppUI->_('Update projects status') . '" />';
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="update_project_status" value="1" />';
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="m" value="projects" />';
    echo arraySelect($pstatus, 'project_status', 'size="1" class="text"', 2, true);
                        <a href="<?php 
echo '?m=planner&date=' . $next_day->format(FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE);
"><img src="<?php 
echo w2PfindImage('next.gif');
" width="16" height="16" alt="next" border="0"></a>

$html = '
<form action="' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '" method="post" name="pickFilter" accept-charset="utf-8">';
$html .= $AppUI->_('Event Filter') . ':' . arraySelect($event_filter_list, 'event_filter', 'onChange="document.pickFilter.submit()" class="text"', $event_filter, true);
if ($other_users) {
    $html .= $AppUI->_('Show Events for') . ':' . '<select name="show_user_events" onchange="document.pickFilter.submit()" class="text">';
    if ($rows = w2PgetUsersList()) {
        foreach ($rows as $row) {
            if ($user_id == $row['user_id']) {
                $html .= '<option value="' . $row['user_id'] . '" selected="selected">' . $row['contact_first_name'] . ' ' . $row['contact_last_name'];
            } else {
                $html .= '<option value="' . $row['user_id'] . '">' . $row['contact_first_name'] . ' ' . $row['contact_last_name'];
    $html .= '</select>';
$w2p_base_url = W2P_BASE_URL;
require_once W2P_BASE_DIR . '/modules/events/links_events.php';
} else {
		<form name="frmSelector" action="./index.php?m=contacts&a=select_contact_company&dialog=1&table_name=<?php 
    echo $table_name . "&{$additional_get_information}";
" method="post">
			<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" border="0">
				<td colspan="2">
    echo $AppUI->_('Select') . ' ' . $AppUI->_($selection_string) . ':<br />';
    echo arraySelect($company_list, $id_field, ' size="10"', $company_id);
					<input type="button" class="button" value="<?php 
    echo $AppUI->_('cancel');
" onclick="window.close()" />
				<td align="right">
					<input type="checkbox" name="overwrite_address" id="overwrite_address" /> <label for="overwrite_address"><?php 
    echo $AppUI->_("Overwrite contact address information");
Esempio n. 29
echo arraySelect($owners, 'company_owner', 'size="1" class="text"', @$obj->company_owner ? $obj->company_owner : $AppUI->user_id);
		<td align="right"><?php 
echo $AppUI->_('Type');
echo arraySelect($types, 'company_type', 'size="1" class="text"', @$obj->company_type, true);
		<td align="right" valign=top><?php 
echo $AppUI->_('Description');
		<td align="left">
			<textarea cols="70" rows="10" class="textarea" name="company_description"><?php 
echo @$obj->company_description;
Esempio n. 30
    } else {
        echo '<input type="hidden" name="dept_parent" value="0">';
	<td align="right"><?php 
    echo $AppUI->_('Owner');
    echo arraySelect($owners, 'dept_owner', 'size="1" class="text"', $drow["dept_owner"]);
	<td align="right" valign="top" nowrap><?php 
    echo $AppUI->_('Description');
	<td align="left">
		<textarea cols="70" rows="10" class="textarea" name="dept_desc"><?php 
    echo @$drow["dept_desc"];