> <a class="featured-article" href="<?php echo wpmu_link(); ?> " rel="bookmark" style="background: url(<?php echo arras_get_thumbnail('featured-slideshow-thumb'); ?> ) no-repeat #1E1B1A;"> <span class="featured-entry"> <span class="entry-title"><?php the_title(); ?> </span> <span class="entry-summary"><?php echo arras_strip_content(get_the_excerpt(), 20); ?> </span> <span class="progress"></span> </span> </a> </div> <?php $count++; } } ?> </div> </div> <?php }
function arras_get_posts($page_type, $query = null) { global $post, $wp_query; if (!$query) { $query = $wp_query; } if ($query->have_posts()) { ?> <?php if (arras_get_option($page_type . '_news_display') == 'traditional') { ?> <div class="traditional hfeed"> <?php while ($query->have_posts()) { $query->the_post(); ?> <div <?php arras_single_post_class(); ?> > <?php arras_postheader(); ?> <div class="entry-content"><?php the_content(__('<p>Read the rest of this entry »</p>', 'arras')); ?> </div> <?php arras_postfooter(); ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div><!-- .traditional --> <?php } elseif (arras_get_option($page_type . '_news_display') == 'line') { ?> <ul class="hfeed posts-line clearfix"> <?php while ($query->have_posts()) { $query->the_post(); ?> <li <?php arras_post_class(); ?> > <?php if (!is_archive()) { ?> <span class="entry-cat"><?php $cats = get_the_category(); if (arras_get_option('news_cat')) { echo $cats[1]->cat_name; } else { echo $cats[0]->cat_name; } ?> </span> <?php } ?> <h3 class="entry-title"><a rel="bookmark" href="<?php the_permalink(); ?> " title="<?php printf(__('Permalink to %s', 'arras'), get_the_title()); ?> "><?php the_title(); ?> </a></h3> <span class="entry-comments"><?php comments_number(); ?> </span> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php } else { ?> <ul class="hfeed posts-<?php echo arras_get_option($page_type . '_news_display'); ?> clearfix"> <?php while ($query->have_posts()) { $query->the_post(); ?> <li <?php arras_post_class(); ?> > <?php arras_newsheader($page_type); ?> <div class="entry-summary"><?php echo arras_strip_content(get_the_excerpt(), 20); ?> </div> <?php arras_newsfooter($page_type); ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php }