Esempio n. 1
function arras_options_upgrade()
    // If we've already done this, bail
    if (arras_get_option('updated')) {
    $new_options = array();
    $settings = arras_get_settings_data();
    // Load our Arras 3 default settings
    foreach ($settings as $key => $value) {
        $new_options[$key] = $value[0];
    // See if we have any old options,
    $old_options = maybe_unserialize(get_option('arras_options'));
    if ('object' == gettype($old_options)) {
        // Arras 1.x stored tapestry info in a second place in the options table
        $old_tapestry_default = maybe_unserialize(get_option('arras_tapestry_default'));
        // Retrieve the old defaults into an array
        foreach ($old_options->defaults as $key => $value) {
            $new_options[$key] = $value;
        // Now get the non-default settings (and overwrite the defaults for those that have been set)
        // we're done with those
        foreach ($old_options as $key => $value) {
            $new_options[$key] = $value;
        // Add the loose settings, too!
        if (is_array($old_tapestry_default)) {
            $new_options['nodes_per_row'] = $old_tapestry_default['nodes'];
            $new_options['nodes_excerpt'] = $old_tapestry_default['excerpt'];
        // Check for renamed settings
        $new_names = array('logo' => 'site_logo', 'header_color' => 'header_background_color', 'facebook_profile' => 'facebook', 'twitter_username' => 'twitter', 'gplus_profile' => 'google', 'flickr_profile' => 'flickr', 'youtube_profile' => 'youtube');
        foreach ($new_names as $old_name => $new_name) {
            if (array_key_exists($old_name, $new_options) && !empty($new_options[$old_name])) {
                $new_options[$new_name] = $new_options[$old_name];
    // One last pass to clean things up
    foreach ($new_options as $key => $value) {
        if (!array_key_exists($key, $settings)) {
    // Write the translated options back to the database as Arras 3 options
    $new_options['updated'] = true;
    update_option('arras-options', $new_options);
Esempio n. 2
 $panels = apply_filters('arras_customizer_panels', $panels);
 foreach ($panels as $id => $args) {
     $wp_customize->add_panel($id, array('title' => $args[0], 'description' => $args[1], 'active_callback' => $args[2], 'priority' => $args[3]));
  * Array for adding custom sections.
  * 'section-id' => array( 'panel-id', 'title', 'description', 'active_callback', priority )
  * @var array
 $sections = array('post-meta' => array('', __('Post Display', 'arras'), __('Options for displaying meta-data on single posts.', 'arras'), 35), 'social' => array('', __('Social Media Links', 'arras'), '', 100), 'duplicate-posts' => array('homepage', __('Duplicate Posts', 'arras'), '', 10), 'slideshow' => array('homepage', __('Slideshow', 'arras'), '', 20), 'featured-1' => array('homepage', __('Featured #1', 'arras'), '', 20), 'featured-2' => array('homepage', __('Featured #2', 'arras'), '', 20), 'news' => array('homepage', __('News', 'arras'), '', 20));
 $sections = apply_filters('arras_customizer_sections', $sections);
 foreach ($sections as $id => $args) {
     $wp_customize->add_section($id, array('panel' => $args[0], 'title' => $args[1], 'description' => $args[2], 'priority' => $args[3]));
 // Generate Settings Objects
 $settings = arras_get_settings_data();
 foreach ($settings as $id => $args) {
     $wp_customize->add_setting('arras-options[' . $id . ']', array('default' => $args[0], 'type' => $args[1], 'sanitize_callback' => $args[2]));
 // Colors Settings & Controls
 $wp_customize->add_setting('color_scheme', array('default' => 'default', 'sanitize_callback' => array($arras_colors, 'sanitize_color_scheme'), 'transport' => 'postMessage'));
 $wp_customize->add_control('color_scheme', array('label' => __('Base Color Scheme', 'arras'), 'section' => 'colors', 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $arras_colors->get_color_scheme_names(), 'priority' => 1));
 $wp_customize->add_setting('header_background_color', array('default' => $color_scheme[0], 'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_hex_color', 'transport' => 'postMessage'));
 $wp_customize->add_control(new WP_Customize_Color_Control($wp_customize, 'header_background_color', array('label' => __('Header Background Color', 'arras'), 'section' => 'colors', 'priority' => 3)));
  * Array for custom controls using default control class.
  * 'control-id' =>
  * 		array( 'label', 'description', 'section', 'settings', 'type', 'choices', priority )
  * @var array
 $controls = array('footer-message' => array(__('Footer Message', 'arras'), __('You may use some limited html here (for links, etc).', 'arras'), 'title_tagline', 'footer_message', 'textarea', '', 35), 'enable-slideshow' => array(__('Enable Slideshow', 'arras'), '', 'slideshow', 'enable_slideshow', 'checkbox', '', 1), 'slideshow-posttype' => array(__('Slideshow Post Type', 'arras'), __('If you change this, please save and then refresh the page to get updated taxonomy and term choices.', 'arras'), 'slideshow', 'slideshow_posttype', 'select', arras_get_posttypes(), 5), 'slideshow-taxonomy' => array(__('Slideshow Taxonomy', 'arras'), __('If you change this, please save and then refresh the page to get updated term choices.', 'arras'), 'slideshow', 'slideshow_tax', 'select', arras_get_taxonomies(arras_get_option('slideshow_posttype')), 7), 'slideshow-count' => array(__('Maximum Posts in Slideshow', 'arras'), '', 'slideshow', 'slideshow_count', 'number', '', 13), 'enable-featured1' => array(__('Enable Featured #1', 'arras'), '', 'featured-1', 'enable_featured1', 'checkbox', '', 1), 'featured1-title' => array(__('Header for Featured #1 Section', 'arras'), '', 'featured-1', 'featured1_title', 'text', '', 3), 'featured1-posttype' => array(__('Featured #1 Post Type', 'arras'), __('If you change this, please save and then refresh the page to get updated taxonomy and term choices.', 'arras'), 'featured-1', 'featured1_posttype', 'select', arras_get_posttypes(), 5), 'featured1-taxonomy' => array(__('Featured #1 Taxonomy', 'arras'), __('If you change this, please save and then refresh the page to get updated term choices.', 'arras'), 'featured-1', 'featured1_tax', 'select', arras_get_taxonomies(arras_get_option('featured1_posttype')), 7), 'featured1-display' => array(__('Display Mode for Featured #1', 'arras'), '', 'featured-1', 'featured1_display', 'select', arras_get_tapestry_choices(), 11), 'featured1-count' => array(__('Maximum Posts in Featured #1', 'arras'), '', 'featured-1', 'featured1_count', 'number', '', 13), 'enable-featured2' => array(__('Enable Featured #2', 'arras'), '', 'featured-2', 'enable_featured2', 'checkbox', '', 1), 'featured2-title' => array(__('Header for Featured #2 Section', 'arras'), '', 'featured-2', 'featured2_title', 'text', '', 3), 'featured2-posttype' => array(__('Featured #2 Post Type', 'arras'), __('If you change this, please save and then refresh the page to get updated taxonomy and term choices.', 'arras'), 'featured-2', 'featured2_posttype', 'select', arras_get_posttypes(), 5), 'featured2-taxonomy' => array(__('Featured #2 Taxonomy', 'arras'), __('If you change this, please save and then refresh the page to get updated term choices.', 'arras'), 'featured-2', 'featured2_tax', 'select', arras_get_taxonomies(arras_get_option('featured2_posttype')), 7), 'featured2-display' => array(__('Display Mode for Featured #2', 'arras'), '', 'featured-2', 'featured2_display', 'select', arras_get_tapestry_choices(), 11), 'featured2-count' => array(__('Maximum Posts in Featured #2', 'arras'), '', 'featured-2', 'featured2_count', 'number', '', 13), 'enable-news' => array(__('Enable News', 'arras'), '', 'news', 'enable_news', 'checkbox', '', 1), 'news-title' => array(__('Header for News Section', 'arras'), '', 'news', 'news_title', 'text', '', 3), 'news-posttype' => array(__('News Post Type', 'arras'), __('If you change this, please save and then refresh the page to get updated taxonomy and term choices.', 'arras'), 'news', 'news_posttype', 'select', arras_get_posttypes(), 5), 'news-taxonomy' => array(__('News Taxonomy', 'arras'), __('If you change this, please save and then refresh the page to get updated term choices.', 'arras'), 'news', 'news_tax', 'select', arras_get_taxonomies(arras_get_option('news_posttype')), 7), 'news-display' => array(__('Display Mode for News', 'arras'), '', 'news', 'news_display', 'select', arras_get_tapestry_choices(), 11), 'news-count' => array(__('Maximum Posts in News', 'arras'), '', 'news', 'news_count', 'number', '', 13));