Esempio n. 1
  * @Route("{version}/update")
  * @Method({"GET"})
 public function upgradeAction($version)
     /** @var \Knp\Console\Application $console */
     $console = $this->get('console');
     $console->addCommands(array(new \Doctrine\DBAL\Tools\Console\Command\RunSqlCommand(), new \Doctrine\DBAL\Tools\Console\Command\ImportCommand(), new \Doctrine\DBAL\Migrations\Tools\Console\Command\DiffCommand(), new \Doctrine\DBAL\Migrations\Tools\Console\Command\ExecuteCommand(), new \Doctrine\DBAL\Migrations\Tools\Console\Command\GenerateCommand(), new \Doctrine\DBAL\Migrations\Tools\Console\Command\MigrateCommand(), new \Doctrine\DBAL\Migrations\Tools\Console\Command\StatusCommand(), new \Doctrine\DBAL\Migrations\Tools\Console\Command\VersionCommand(), new \Chash\Command\Chash\SetupCommand(), new \Chash\Command\Database\RunSQLCommand(), new \Chash\Command\Database\DumpCommand(), new \Chash\Command\Database\RestoreCommand(), new \Chash\Command\Database\SQLCountCommand(), new \Chash\Command\Database\FullBackupCommand(), new \Chash\Command\Database\DropDatabaseCommand(), new \Chash\Command\Database\ShowConnInfoCommand(), new \Chash\Command\Files\CleanDataFilesCommand(), new \Chash\Command\Files\CleanTempFolderCommand(), new \Chash\Command\Files\CleanConfigFilesCommand(), new \Chash\Command\Files\MailConfCommand(), new \Chash\Command\Files\SetPermissionsAfterInstallCommand(), new \Chash\Command\Files\GenerateTempFileStructureCommand(), new \Chash\Command\Installation\InstallCommand(), new \Chash\Command\Installation\WipeCommand(), new \Chash\Command\Installation\StatusCommand(), new \Chash\Command\Installation\UpgradeCommand()));
     $helpers = array('configuration' => new \Chash\Helpers\ConfigurationHelper());
     $helperSet = $console->getHelperSet();
     foreach ($helpers as $name => $helper) {
         $helperSet->set($helper, $name);
     $command = $console->get('chamilo:upgrade');
     $version = '1.11.0';
     $def = $command->getDefinition();
     $input = new \Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArrayInput(array('name', '--path' => $this->get('sys_root'), 'version' => $version, '--temp-folder' => $this->get('sys_temp_path'), '--migration-yml-path' => api_remove_trailing_slash($this->get('sys_temp_path')), '--migration-class-path' => $this->get('sys_root') . 'vendor/chamilo/chash/src/Chash/Migrations', '--download-package' => 'true', '--silent' => 'true'), $def);
     $output = new BufferedOutput();
     $result = $command->run($input, $output);
     if ($result) {
     $output = $output->getBuffer();
     $template = $this->get('template');
     $template->assign('output', $output);
     $response = $template->render_template($this->getTemplatePath() . 'upgrade.tpl');
     return new Response($response, 200, array());
Esempio n. 2
// Resetting the course id.
$cidReset = true;
// Including some necessary chamilo files.
require_once '../inc/';
// Setting the section (for the tabs).
// Access restrictions.
$nameTools = get_lang('PlatformAdmin');
$accessUrlId = 0;
$adminExtraContentDir = api_get_path(SYS_PATH) . "home/admin/";
if (api_is_multiple_url_enabled()) {
    $accessUrlId = api_get_current_access_url_id();
    if ($accessUrlId != -1) {
        $urlInfo = api_get_access_url($accessUrlId);
        $url = api_remove_trailing_slash(preg_replace('/https?:\\/\\//i', '', $urlInfo['url']));
        $cleanUrl = str_replace('/', '-', $url);
        $adminExtraContentDir = api_get_path(SYS_PATH) . "home/{$cleanUrl}/admin/";
// Displaying the header
$message = '';
if (api_is_platform_admin()) {
    if (is_dir(api_get_path(SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH)) && !is_writable(api_get_path(SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH))) {
        $message = Display::return_message(get_lang('ArchivesDirectoryNotWriteableContactAdmin'), 'warning');
    if (!empty($_POST['Register'])) {
        $message = Display::return_message(get_lang('VersionCheckEnabled'), 'confirmation');
Esempio n. 3
     * Set header parameters
    private function set_header_parameters()
        global $httpHeadXtra, $_course, $interbreadcrumb, $language_file, $noPHP_SELF, $_configuration, $this_section;
        $help = $this->help;
        $nameTools             = $this->title;
        $navigation            = return_navigation_array();
        $this->menu_navigation = $navigation['menu_navigation'];

        $this->assign('system_charset', api_get_system_encoding());

        if (isset($httpHeadXtra) && $httpHeadXtra) {
            foreach ($httpHeadXtra as & $thisHttpHead) {

        $this->assign('online_button', Display::return_icon('online.png'));

        // Get language iso-code for this page - ignore errors
        $this->assign('document_language', api_get_language_isocode());

        $course_title = isset($_course['name']) ? $_course['name'] : null;

        $title_list = array();

        $title_list[] = api_get_setting('Institution');
        $title_list[] = api_get_setting('siteName');

        if (!empty($course_title)) {
            $title_list[] = $course_title;
        if ($nameTools != '') {
            $title_list[] = $nameTools;

        $title_string = '';
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($title_list); $i++) {
            $title_string .= $title_list[$i];
            if (isset($title_list[$i + 1])) {
                $item = trim($title_list[$i + 1]);
                if (!empty($item)) {
                    $title_string .= ' - ';

        $this->assign('title_string', $title_string);

        //Setting the theme and CSS files

        $browser = api_browser_support('check_browser');
        if ($browser[0] == 'Internet Explorer' && $browser[1] >= '11') {
            $browser_head = '<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE9" />';
            $this->assign('browser_specific_head', $browser_head);

        // Implementation of prefetch.
        // See for details
        $prefetch = '';
        if (!empty($_configuration['cdn_enable'])) {
            $prefetch .= '<meta http-equiv="x-dns-prefetch-control" content="on">';
            foreach ($_configuration['cdn'] as $host => $exts) {
                $prefetch .= '<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="'.$host.'">';

        $this->assign('prefetch', $prefetch);
        $this->assign('text_direction', api_get_text_direction());
        $this->assign('section_name', 'section-'.$this_section);

        $favico = '<link rel="shortcut icon" href="'.api_get_path(WEB_PATH).'favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />';

        if (isset($_configuration['multiple_access_urls']) && $_configuration['multiple_access_urls']) {
            $access_url_id = api_get_current_access_url_id();
            if ($access_url_id != -1) {
                $url_info  = api_get_access_url($access_url_id);
                $url       = api_remove_trailing_slash(preg_replace('/https?:\/\//i', '', $url_info['url']));
                $clean_url = replace_dangerous_char($url);
                $clean_url = str_replace('/', '-', $clean_url);
                $clean_url .= '/';
                $homep           = api_get_path(REL_PATH).'home/'.$clean_url; //homep for Home Path
                $icon_real_homep = api_get_path(SYS_PATH).'home/'.$clean_url;

                //we create the new dir for the new sites
                if (is_file($icon_real_homep.'favicon.ico')) {
                    $favico = '<link rel="shortcut icon" href="'.$homep.'favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />';

        $this->assign('favico', $favico);


        //@todo move this in the template
        $bug_notification_link = '';
        if (api_get_setting('show_link_bug_notification') == 'true' && $this->user_is_logged_in) {
            $bug_notification_link = '<li class="report">
		        						<a href="" target="_blank">
		        						<img src="'.api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH).'bug.large.png" style="vertical-align: middle;" alt="'.get_lang('ReportABug').'" title="'.get_lang(

        $this->assign('bug_notification_link', $bug_notification_link);

        $notification = return_notification_menu();
        $this->assign('notification_menu', $notification);

        //Preparing values for the menu

        //Logout link
        if (isset($_configuration['hide_logout_button']) && $_configuration['hide_logout_button'] == 'true') {
            $this->assign('logout_link', null);
        } else {
            $this->assign('logout_link', api_get_path(WEB_PATH).'index.php?logout=logout&uid='.api_get_user_id());

        //Profile link
        if (api_get_setting('allow_social_tool') == 'true') {
            $profile_url  = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'social/home.php';
            $profile_link = Display::url(get_lang('Profile'), $profile_url);
        } else {
            $profile_url  = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'auth/profile.php';
            $profile_link = Display::url(get_lang('Profile'), $profile_url);
        $this->assign('profile_link', $profile_link);
        $this->assign('profile_url', $profile_url);

        //Message link
        $message_link = null;
        $message_url  = null;
        if (api_get_setting('allow_message_tool') == 'true') {
            $message_url  = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'messages/inbox.php';
            $message_link = '<a href="'.api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'messages/inbox.php">'.get_lang('Inbox').'</a>';
        $this->assign('message_link', $message_link);
        $this->assign('message_url', $message_url);

        $institution = api_get_setting('Institution');
        $portal_name = empty($institution) ? api_get_setting('siteName') : $institution;

        $this->assign('portal_name', $portal_name);

        $menu = return_menu();
        $this->assign('menu', $menu);

        //Setting notifications

        $count_unread_message = 0;
        if (api_get_setting('allow_message_tool') == 'true') {
            // get count unread message and total invitations
            $count_unread_message = MessageManager::get_number_of_messages(true);

        $total_invitations = 0;
        if (api_get_setting('allow_social_tool') == 'true') {
            $number_of_new_messages_of_friend = SocialManager::get_message_number_invitation_by_user_id(
            $group_pending_invitations        = GroupPortalManager::get_groups_by_user(
            $group_pending_invitations        = 0;
            if (!empty($group_pending_invitations)) {
                $group_pending_invitations = count($group_pending_invitations);
            $total_invitations = intval($number_of_new_messages_of_friend) + $group_pending_invitations + intval(
        $total_invitations = (!empty($total_invitations) ? Display::badge($total_invitations) : null);

        $this->assign('user_notifications', $total_invitations);

        $breadcrumb = return_breadcrumb($interbreadcrumb, $language_file, $nameTools);
        $this->assign('breadcrumb', $breadcrumb);

        //Extra content
        $extra_header = null;
        if (!api_is_platform_admin()) {
            $extra_header = trim(api_get_setting('header_extra_content'));
        $this->assign('header_extra_content', $extra_header);

        //if ($this->show_header == 1) {
            header('Content-Type: text/html; charset='.api_get_system_encoding());
                'X-Powered-By: '.$_configuration['software_name'].' '.substr($_configuration['system_version'], 0, 1)
Esempio n. 4
     * Set header parameters
     * @param bool $sendHeaders send headers
    private function set_header_parameters($sendHeaders)
        global $httpHeadXtra, $interbreadcrumb, $language_file, $_configuration, $this_section;
        $_course = api_get_course_info();
        $help = $this->help;
        $nameTools = $this->title;
        $navigation = return_navigation_array();
        $this->menu_navigation = $navigation['menu_navigation'];
        $this->assign('system_charset', api_get_system_encoding());
        if (isset($httpHeadXtra) && $httpHeadXtra) {
            foreach ($httpHeadXtra as &$thisHttpHead) {
        $this->assign('online_button', Display::return_icon('statusonline.png', null, null, ICON_SIZE_ATOM));
        $this->assign('offline_button', Display::return_icon('statusoffline.png', null, null, ICON_SIZE_ATOM));
        // Get language iso-code for this page - ignore errors
        $this->assign('document_language', api_get_language_isocode());
        $course_title = isset($_course['name']) ? $_course['name'] : null;
        $title_list = array();
        $title_list[] = api_get_setting('platform.institution');
        $title_list[] = api_get_setting('platform.site_name');
        if (!empty($course_title)) {
            $title_list[] = $course_title;
        if ($nameTools != '') {
            $title_list[] = $nameTools;
        $title_string = '';
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($title_list); $i++) {
            $title_string .= $title_list[$i];
            if (isset($title_list[$i + 1])) {
                $item = trim($title_list[$i + 1]);
                if (!empty($item)) {
                    $title_string .= ' - ';
        $this->assign('title_string', $title_string);
        //Setting the theme and CSS files
        $css = $this->setCssFiles();
        $browser = api_browser_support('check_browser');
        if ($browser[0] == 'Internet Explorer' && $browser[1] >= '11') {
            $browser_head = '<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE9" />';
            $this->assign('browser_specific_head', $browser_head);
        // Implementation of prefetch.
        // See for details
        $prefetch = '';
        if (!empty($_configuration['cdn_enable'])) {
            $prefetch .= '<meta http-equiv="x-dns-prefetch-control" content="on">';
            foreach ($_configuration['cdn'] as $host => $exts) {
                $prefetch .= '<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="' . $host . '">';
        $this->assign('prefetch', $prefetch);
        $this->assign('text_direction', api_get_text_direction());
        $this->assign('section_name', 'section-' . $this_section);
        //Defaul root chamilo favicon
        $favico = '<link rel="shortcut icon" href="' . api_get_path(WEB_PATH) . 'favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />';
        //Added to verify if in the current Chamilo Theme exist a favicon
        $favicoThemeUrl = api_get_path(SYS_CSS_PATH) . 'themes/' . $this->theme . '/images/';
        //If exist pick the current chamilo theme favicon
        if (is_file($favicoThemeUrl . 'favicon.ico')) {
            $favico = '<link rel="shortcut icon" href="' . api_get_path(WEB_CSS_PATH) . 'themes/' . $this->theme . '/images/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />';
        if (api_is_multiple_url_enabled()) {
            $access_url_id = api_get_current_access_url_id();
            if ($access_url_id != -1) {
                $url_info = api_get_access_url($access_url_id);
                $url = api_remove_trailing_slash(preg_replace('/https?:\\/\\//i', '', $url_info['url']));
                $clean_url = api_replace_dangerous_char($url);
                $clean_url = str_replace('/', '-', $clean_url);
                $clean_url .= '/';
                $homep = api_get_path(REL_PATH) . 'home/' . $clean_url;
                //homep for Home Path
                $icon_real_homep = api_get_path(SYS_APP_PATH) . 'home/' . $clean_url;
                //we create the new dir for the new sites
                if (is_file($icon_real_homep . 'favicon.ico')) {
                    $favico = '<link rel="shortcut icon" href="' . $homep . 'favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />';
        $this->assign('favico', $favico);
        //@todo move this in the template
        $bug_notification_link = '';
        if (api_get_setting('show_link_bug_notification') == 'true' && $this->user_is_logged_in) {
            $bug_notification_link = '<li class="report">
		        						<a href="" target="_blank">
		        						<img src="' . api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH) . 'bug.large.png" style="vertical-align: middle;" alt="' . get_lang('ReportABug') . '" title="' . get_lang('ReportABug') . '"/></a>
        $this->assign('bug_notification_link', $bug_notification_link);
        $notification = return_notification_menu();
        $this->assign('notification_menu', $notification);
        $resize = '';
        if (api_get_setting('accessibility_font_resize') == 'true') {
            $resize .= '<div class="resize_font">';
            $resize .= '<div class="btn-group">';
            $resize .= '<a title="' . get_lang('DecreaseFontSize') . '" href="#" class="decrease_font btn btn-default"><em class="fa fa-font"></em></a>';
            $resize .= '<a title="' . get_lang('ResetFontSize') . '" href="#" class="reset_font btn btn-default"><em class="fa fa-font"></em></a>';
            $resize .= '<a title="' . get_lang('IncreaseFontSize') . '" href="#" class="increase_font btn btn-default"><em class="fa fa-font"></em></a>';
            $resize .= '</div>';
            $resize .= '</div>';
        $this->assign('accessibility', $resize);
        // Preparing values for the menu
        // Logout link
        $hideLogout = api_get_setting('hide_logout_button');
        if ($hideLogout === 'true') {
            $this->assign('logout_link', null);
        } else {
            $this->assign('logout_link', api_get_path(WEB_PATH) . 'index.php?logout=logout&uid=' . api_get_user_id());
        //Profile link
        if (api_get_setting('social.allow_social_tool') == 'true') {
            $profile_url = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'social/home.php';
            $profile_link = Display::url(get_lang('Profile'), $profile_url);
        } else {
            $profile_url = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'auth/profile.php';
            $profile_link = Display::url(get_lang('Profile'), $profile_url);
        $this->assign('profile_link', $profile_link);
        $this->assign('profile_url', $profile_url);
        //Message link
        $message_link = null;
        $message_url = null;
        if (api_get_setting('message.allow_message_tool') == 'true') {
            $message_url = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'messages/inbox.php';
            $message_link = '<a href="' . api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'messages/inbox.php">' . get_lang('Inbox') . '</a>';
        $this->assign('message_link', $message_link);
        $this->assign('message_url', $message_url);
        $institution = api_get_setting('platform.institution');
        $portal_name = empty($institution) ? api_get_setting('platform.site_name') : $institution;
        $this->assign('portal_name', $portal_name);
        $menu = return_menu();
        $this->assign('menu', $menu);
        // Setting notifications
        $count_unread_message = 0;
        if (api_get_setting('message.allow_message_tool') == 'true') {
            // get count unread message and total invitations
            $count_unread_message = MessageManager::get_number_of_messages(true);
        $total_invitations = 0;
        if (api_get_setting('social.allow_social_tool') == 'true') {
            $number_of_new_messages_of_friend = SocialManager::get_message_number_invitation_by_user_id(api_get_user_id());
            $usergroup = new UserGroup();
            $group_pending_invitations = $usergroup->get_groups_by_user(api_get_user_id(), GROUP_USER_PERMISSION_PENDING_INVITATION, false);
            if (!empty($group_pending_invitations)) {
                $group_pending_invitations = count($group_pending_invitations);
            } else {
                $group_pending_invitations = 0;
            $total_invitations = intval($number_of_new_messages_of_friend) + $group_pending_invitations + intval($count_unread_message);
        $total_invitations = !empty($total_invitations) ? Display::badge($total_invitations) : null;
        $this->assign('user_notifications', $total_invitations);
        // Block Breadcrumb
        $breadcrumb = return_breadcrumb($interbreadcrumb, $language_file, $nameTools);
        $this->assign('breadcrumb', $breadcrumb);
        //Extra content
        $extra_header = null;
        if (!api_is_platform_admin()) {
            $extra_header = trim(api_get_setting('header_extra_content'));
        $this->assign('header_extra_content', $extra_header);
        if ($sendHeaders) {
            header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=' . api_get_system_encoding());
            header('X-Powered-By: ' . $_configuration['software_name'] . ' ' . substr($_configuration['system_version'], 0, 1));
        $socialMeta = '';
        $metaTitle = api_get_setting('meta_title');
        if (!empty($metaTitle)) {
            $socialMeta .= '<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary" />' . "\n";
            $socialMeta .= '<meta property="og:title" content="' . $metaTitle . '" />' . "\n";
            $socialMeta .= '<meta property="og:url" content="' . api_get_path(WEB_PATH) . '" />' . "\n";
            $metaDescription = api_get_setting('meta_description');
            if (!empty($metaDescription)) {
                $socialMeta .= '<meta property="og:description" content="' . $metaDescription . '" />' . "\n";
            $metaSite = api_get_setting('meta_twitter_site');
            if (!empty($metaSite)) {
                $socialMeta .= '<meta name="twitter:site" content="' . $metaSite . '" />' . "\n";
                $metaCreator = api_get_setting('meta_twitter_creator');
                if (!empty($metaCreator)) {
                    $socialMeta .= '<meta name="twitter:creator" content="' . $metaCreator . '" />' . "\n";
            $metaImage = api_get_setting('meta_image_path');
            if (!empty($metaImage)) {
                if (is_file(api_get_path(SYS_PATH) . $metaImage)) {
                    $path = api_get_path(WEB_PATH) . $metaImage;
                    $socialMeta .= '<meta property="og:image" content="' . $path . '" />' . "\n";
        $this->assign('social_meta', $socialMeta);
Esempio n. 5
     $lpPathInfo = $lp->generate_lp_folder($course_info);
     if (empty($lpPathInfo)) {
     require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'fileDisplay.lib.php';
     require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'document.lib.php';
     require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'fileUpload.lib.php';
     foreach (array('video', 'audio') as $type) {
         if (isset($_FILES["{$type}-blob"])) {
             $fileName = $_POST["{$type}-filename"];
             //$file = $_FILES["${type}-blob"]["tmp_name"];
             $file = $_FILES["{$type}-blob"];
             $fileInfo = pathinfo($fileName);
             $file['name'] = 'rec_' . date('Y-m-d_His') . '_' . uniqid() . '.' . $fileInfo['extension'];
             $file['file'] = $file;
             $lpPathInfo['dir'] = api_remove_trailing_slash($lpPathInfo['dir']);
             $result = DocumentManager::upload_document($file, $lpPathInfo['dir'], $file['name'], null, 0, 'overwrite', false, false);
             if (!empty($result) && is_array($result)) {
                 $newDocId = $result['id'];
                 $courseId = $result['c_id'];
                 $lpItem = new learnpathItem($_REQUEST['lp_item_id']);
                 $data = DocumentManager::get_document_data_by_id($newDocId, $course_info['code']);
                 echo $data['document_url'];
Esempio n. 6
$page .= '<div id="lp_sidebar" class="col-md-4">';
$page .= $_SESSION['oLP']->return_new_tree(null, true);
// Show the template list.
$page .= '</div>';
$recordVoiceForm = Display::page_subheader(get_lang('RecordYourVoice'));
$page .= '<div id="doc_form" class="col-md-8">';
$tpl = new Template(null);
$tpl->assign('unique_file_id', api_get_unique_id());
$tpl->assign('course_code', api_get_course_id());
$tpl->assign('php_session_id', session_id());
$tpl->assign('filename', $lp_item->get_title() . '_nano.wav');
$tpl->assign('enable_nanogong', api_get_setting('enable_nanogong') == 'true' ? 1 : 0);
$tpl->assign('enable_wami', api_get_setting('enable_wami_record') == 'true' ? 1 : 0);
$tpl->assign('cur_dir_path', '/audio');
$tpl->assign('lp_item_id', $lp_item_id);
$tpl->assign('lp_dir', api_remove_trailing_slash($lpPathInfo['dir']));
$recordVoiceForm .= $tpl->fetch('default/learnpath/record_voice.tpl');
$form->addElement('header', get_lang('Or'));
$form->addElement('header', get_lang('AudioFile'));
$form->addElement('html', sprintf(get_lang('AudioFileForItemX'), $lp_item->get_title()));
if (!empty($file)) {
    $audioPlayer = '<div id="preview">' . Display::getMediaPlayer($file, array('url' => $urlFile)) . "</div>";
    $form->addElement('label', get_lang('Listen'), $audioPlayer);
    $url = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'newscorm/lp_controller.php?lp_id=' . $_SESSION['oLP']->get_id() . '&action=add_audio&id=' . $lp_item_id . '&delete_file=1&' . api_get_cidreq();
    $form->addElement('label', null, Display::url(get_lang('RemoveAudio'), $url, array('class' => 'btn btn-danger')));
} else {
    $form->addElement('file', 'file');
    $form->addElement('hidden', 'id', $lp_item_id);
$form->addElement('header', get_lang('Or'));
Esempio n. 7
 * Get home path
 * @return string
function api_get_home_path()
    $home = 'app/home/';
    if (api_get_multiple_access_url()) {
        $access_url_id = api_get_current_access_url_id();
        $url_info = api_get_access_url($access_url_id);
        $url = api_remove_trailing_slash(preg_replace('/https?:\\/\\//i', '', $url_info['url']));
        $clean_url = api_replace_dangerous_char($url);
        $clean_url = str_replace('/', '-', $clean_url);
        $clean_url .= '/';
        $home = 'app/home/' . $clean_url;
    return $home;
Esempio n. 8
    // This is the main configuration file of the system before the upgrade.
    // Old configuration file.
    // Don't change to include_once
    $oldConfigPath = api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH) . 'inc/conf/configuration.php';
    if (file_exists($oldConfigPath)) {
        include $oldConfigPath;
if (!isset($_GET['running'])) {
    $dbHostForm = 'localhost';
    $dbUsernameForm = 'root';
    $dbPassForm = '';
    $dbNameForm = 'chamilo';
    $dbPortForm = 3306;
    // Extract the path to append to the url if Chamilo is not installed on the web root directory.
    $urlAppendPath = api_remove_trailing_slash(api_get_path(REL_PATH));
    $urlForm = api_get_path(WEB_PATH);
    $pathForm = api_get_path(SYS_PATH);
    $emailForm = 'webmaster@localhost';
    if (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN'])) {
        $emailForm = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN'];
    $email_parts = explode('@', $emailForm);
    if (isset($email_parts[1]) && $email_parts[1] == 'localhost') {
        $emailForm .= '.localdomain';
    $adminLastName = get_lang('DefaultInstallAdminLastname');
    $adminFirstName = get_lang('DefaultInstallAdminFirstname');
    $loginForm = 'admin';
    $passForm = api_generate_password();
    $campusForm = 'My campus';
Esempio n. 9
 * Get home path
 * @return string
function api_get_home_path()
    // FIX : Start the routing determination from central path definition
    $home = api_get_path(SYS_HOME_PATH);
    if (api_get_multiple_access_url()) {
        $access_url_id = api_get_current_access_url_id();
        $url_info = api_get_access_url($access_url_id);
        $url = api_remove_trailing_slash(preg_replace('/https?:\\/\\//i', '', $url_info['url']));
        $clean_url = api_replace_dangerous_char($url);
        $clean_url = str_replace('/', '-', $clean_url);
        $clean_url .= '/';
        if ($clean_url != 'localhost/') {
            return "{$home}{$clean_url}";
    return $home;
Esempio n. 10
function return_menu()
    $navigation = return_navigation_array();
    $navigation = $navigation['navigation'];
    // Displaying the tabs
    $lang = '';
    //el for "Edit Language"
    if (!empty($_SESSION['user_language_choice'])) {
        $lang = $_SESSION['user_language_choice'];
    } elseif (!empty($_SESSION['_user']['language'])) {
        $lang = $_SESSION['_user']['language'];
    } else {
        $lang = get_setting('platformLanguage');
    //Preparing home folder for multiple urls
    if (api_get_multiple_access_url()) {
        $access_url_id = api_get_current_access_url_id();
        if ($access_url_id != -1) {
            $url_info = api_get_access_url($access_url_id);
            $url = api_remove_trailing_slash(preg_replace('/https?:\\/\\//i', '', $url_info['url']));
            $clean_url = replace_dangerous_char($url);
            $clean_url = str_replace('/', '-', $clean_url);
            $clean_url .= '/';
            $homep = api_get_path(SYS_PATH) . 'home/' . $clean_url;
            //homep for Home Path
            //we create the new dir for the new sites
            if (!is_dir($homep)) {
                mkdir($homep, api_get_permissions_for_new_directories());
    } else {
        $homep = api_get_path(SYS_PATH) . 'home/';
    $ext = '.html';
    $menutabs = 'home_tabs';
    $mtloggedin = 'home_tabs_logged_in';
    $home_top = '';
    if (is_file($homep . $menutabs . '_' . $lang . $ext) && is_readable($homep . $menutabs . '_' . $lang . $ext)) {
        $home_top = @(string) file_get_contents($homep . $menutabs . '_' . $lang . $ext);
    } elseif (is_file($homep . $menutabs . $lang . $ext) && is_readable($homep . $menutabs . $lang . $ext)) {
        $home_top = @(string) file_get_contents($homep . $menutabs . $lang . $ext);
    } else {
        //$errorMsg = get_lang('HomePageFilesNotReadable');
    $home_top = api_to_system_encoding($home_top, api_detect_encoding(strip_tags($home_top)));
    $open = str_replace('{rel_path}', api_get_path(REL_PATH), $home_top);
    $open = api_to_system_encoding($open, api_detect_encoding(strip_tags($open)));
    $open_mtloggedin = '';
    if (api_get_user_id() && !api_is_anonymous()) {
        if (is_file($homep . $mtloggedin . '_' . $lang . $ext) && is_readable($homep . $mtloggedin . '_' . $lang . $ext)) {
            $home_top = @(string) file_get_contents($homep . $mtloggedin . '_' . $lang . $ext);
            $home_top = str_replace('::private', '', $home_top);
        } elseif (is_file($homep . $mtloggedin . $lang . $ext) && is_readable($homep . $mtloggedin . $lang . $ext)) {
            $home_top = @(string) file_get_contents($homep . $mtloggedin . $lang . $ext);
            $home_top = str_replace('::private', '', $home_top);
        } else {
            //$errorMsg = get_lang('HomePageFilesNotReadable');
        $home_top = api_to_system_encoding($home_top, api_detect_encoding(strip_tags($home_top)));
        $open_mtloggedin = str_replace('{rel_path}', api_get_path(REL_PATH), $home_top);
        $open_mtloggedin = api_to_system_encoding($open_mtloggedin, api_detect_encoding(strip_tags($open_mtloggedin)));
    $lis = '';
    if (!empty($open) or !empty($open_mtloggedin)) {
        if (strpos($open . $open_mtloggedin, 'show_menu') === false) {
            if (api_is_anonymous()) {
                $navigation[SECTION_CAMPUS] = null;
        } else {
            //$lis .= Display::tag('li', $open);
            if (api_get_user_id() && !api_is_anonymous()) {
                $lis .= $open_mtloggedin;
            } else {
                $lis .= $open;
    if (count($navigation) > 0 || !empty($lis)) {
        $pre_lis = '';
        foreach ($navigation as $section => $navigation_info) {
            $key = !empty($navigation_info['key']) ? 'tab-' . $navigation_info['key'] : '';
            if (isset($GLOBALS['this_section'])) {
                $current = $section == $GLOBALS['this_section'] ? ' id="current" class="active ' . $key . '" ' : ' class="' . $key . '"';
            } else {
                $current = '';
            if (!empty($navigation_info['title'])) {
                $pre_lis .= '<li' . $current . '><a  href="' . $navigation_info['url'] . '" target="_top">' . $navigation_info['title'] . '</a></li>';
        $lis = $pre_lis . $lis;
    $menu = null;
    if (!empty($lis)) {
        $menu .= $lis;
    return $menu;
Esempio n. 11
function api_get_home_path()
    return null;
    $home = 'home/';
    $access_url_id = api_get_current_access_url_id();
    if (api_get_multiple_access_url() && $access_url_id != -1) {
        $url_info = api_get_current_access_url_info();
        $url = api_remove_trailing_slash(preg_replace('/https?:\\/\\//i', '', $url_info['url']));
        $clean_url = api_replace_dangerous_char($url);
        $clean_url = str_replace('/', '-', $clean_url);
        $clean_url .= '/';
        // if $clean_url ==  "localhost/" means that the multiple URL was not well configured we don't rename the $home variable
        if ($clean_url != 'localhost/') {
            //$home          = 'home/'.$clean_url;
        $home = 'home/' . $clean_url;
    return $home;
Esempio n. 12
$page .= '<div id="lp_sidebar" class="col-md-4">';
$page .= $learnPath->return_new_tree(null, true);
// Show the template list.
$page .= '</div>';
$recordVoiceForm = Display::page_subheader(get_lang('RecordYourVoice'));
$page .= '<div id="doc_form" class="col-md-8">';
$tpl = \Chamilo\CoreBundle\Framework\Container::getTwig();
$tpl->addGlobal('unique_file_id', api_get_unique_id());
$tpl->addGlobal('course_code', api_get_course_id());
$tpl->addGlobal('php_session_id', session_id());
$tpl->addGlobal('filename', $lp_item->get_title() . '_nano.wav');
$tpl->addGlobal('enable_nanogong', api_get_setting('document.enable_nanogong') == 'true' ? 1 : 0);
$tpl->addGlobal('enable_wami', api_get_setting('document.enable_wami_record') == 'true' ? 1 : 0);
$tpl->addGlobal('cur_dir_path', '/audio');
$tpl->addGlobal('lp_item_id', $lp_item_id);
$tpl->addGlobal('lp_dir', api_remove_trailing_slash($lpPathInfo['dir']));
$recordVoiceForm .= $tpl->render('@template_style/learnpath/record_voice.html.twig');
$form->addElement('header', get_lang('Or'));
$form->addElement('header', get_lang('AudioFile'));
$form->addElement('html', sprintf(get_lang('AudioFileForItemX'), $lp_item->get_title()));
if (!empty($file)) {
    $audioPlayer = '<div id="preview">' . Display::getMediaPlayer($file, array('url' => $urlFile)) . "</div>";
    $form->addElement('label', get_lang('Listen'), $audioPlayer);
    $url = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'newscorm/lp_controller.php?lp_id=' . $learnPath->get_id() . '&action=add_audio&id=' . $lp_item_id . '&delete_file=1&' . api_get_cidreq();
    $form->addElement('label', null, Display::url(get_lang('RemoveAudio'), $url, array('class' => 'btn btn-danger')));
} else {
    $form->addElement('file', 'file');
    $form->addElement('hidden', 'id', $lp_item_id);
$form->addElement('header', get_lang('Or'));
Esempio n. 13
  * @param array $course
  * @param string $lp_name
  * @param int $creatorId
  * @return array
 public function generate_lp_folder($course, $lp_name = '', $creatorId = 0)
     $filepath = '';
     $dir = '/learning_path/';
     if (empty($lp_name)) {
         $lp_name = $this->name;
     $creatorId = empty($creatorId) ? api_get_user_id() : $creatorId;
     $folder = self::generate_learning_path_folder($course, $creatorId);
     // Limits title size
     $title = api_substr(api_replace_dangerous_char($lp_name), 0, 80);
     $dir = $dir . $title;
     // Creating LP folder
     $documentId = null;
     if ($folder) {
         $filepath = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH) . $course['path'] . '/document';
         if (!is_dir($filepath . '/' . $dir)) {
             $folderData = create_unexisting_directory($course, $creatorId, 0, 0, 0, $filepath, $dir, $lp_name);
             if (!empty($folderData)) {
                 $folder = true;
             $documentId = $folderData['id'];
         } else {
             $folder = true;
         $dir = $dir . '/';
         if ($folder) {
             $filepath = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH) . $course['path'] . '/document' . $dir;
     if (empty($documentId)) {
         $dir = api_remove_trailing_slash($dir);
         $documentId = DocumentManager::get_document_id($course, $dir, 0);
     $array = array('dir' => $dir, 'filepath' => $filepath, 'folder' => $folder, 'id' => $documentId);
     return $array;
Esempio n. 14
  * @return null|string
 public function returnMenu()
     return null;
     $navigation = $this->navigation_array;
     $navigation = $navigation['navigation'];
     // Displaying the tabs
     $lang = api_get_user_language();
     // Preparing home folder for multiple urls
     if (api_get_multiple_access_url()) {
         $access_url_id = api_get_current_access_url_id();
         if ($access_url_id != -1) {
             $url_info = api_get_current_access_url_info();
             $url = api_remove_trailing_slash(preg_replace('/https?:\\/\\//i', '', $url_info['url']));
             $clean_url = api_replace_dangerous_char($url);
             $clean_url = str_replace('/', '-', $clean_url);
             $clean_url .= '/';
             $homep = $this->app[''] . 'home/' . $clean_url;
             //homep for Home Path
             //we create the new dir for the new sites
             if (!is_dir($homep)) {
                 mkdir($homep, api_get_permissions_for_new_directories());
     } else {
         $homep = $this->app[''] . 'home/';
     $ext = '.html';
     $menutabs = 'home_tabs';
     $home_top = '';
     if (is_file($homep . $menutabs . '_' . $lang . $ext) && is_readable($homep . $menutabs . '_' . $lang . $ext)) {
         $home_top = @(string) file_get_contents($homep . $menutabs . '_' . $lang . $ext);
     } elseif (is_file($homep . $menutabs . $lang . $ext) && is_readable($homep . $menutabs . $lang . $ext)) {
         $home_top = @(string) file_get_contents($homep . $menutabs . $lang . $ext);
     $home_top = api_to_system_encoding($home_top, api_detect_encoding(strip_tags($home_top)));
     $open = str_replace('{rel_path}', $this->app[''], $home_top);
     $open = api_to_system_encoding($open, api_detect_encoding(strip_tags($open)));
     $lis = '';
     if (!empty($open)) {
         if (strpos($open, 'show_menu') === false) {
             if (api_is_anonymous()) {
                 $navigation[SECTION_CAMPUS] = null;
         } else {
             $lis .= $open;
     if (count($navigation) > 0 || !empty($lis)) {
         $pre_lis = '';
         foreach ($navigation as $section => $navigation_info) {
             if (isset($GLOBALS['this_section'])) {
                 $current = $section == $GLOBALS['this_section'] ? ' id="current" class="active" ' : '';
             } else {
                 $current = '';
             if (!empty($navigation_info['title'])) {
                 $pre_lis .= '<li' . $current . ' ><a  href="' . $navigation_info['url'] . '" target="_top">' . $navigation_info['title'] . '</a></li>';
         $lis = $pre_lis . $lis;
     $menu = null;
     if (!empty($lis)) {
         $menu .= $lis;
     return $menu;