/** * Displays a Comment activity wall entry * * @param array $args Event data. * @return string Text to display. */ function _aoc_wall_comment($args) { $tdomain = ak_get_object('akucom')->ID; if ('insert' == $args['object_action']) { $text = sprintf(__('%1$s added a comment to %2$s', $tdomain), aoc_user_anchor($args['owner_id']), '<a href="' . get_permalink($args['object_id']) . '" rel="bookmark">' . get_the_title($args['object_id']) . '</a>'); return $text; } else { return $args['event_params']['display']; } }
/** * Displays a user profile activity wall entry * * @param array $args Event data. * @return string Text to display. */ function _aoc_wall_gallery($args) { $tdomain = ak_get_object('akucom')->ID; extract($args, EXTR_SKIP); switch ($object_action) { case 'upload': $text = sprintf(__('%s uploaded a new image to the user gallery.', $tdomain), aoc_user_anchor($owner_id)); break; default: $text = $event_params['display']; } return $text; }
/** * Displays a user profile activity wall entry * * @param array $args Event data. * @return string Text to display. */ function _aoc_wall_profile($args) { $tdomain = ak_get_object('akucom')->ID; extract($args, EXTR_SKIP); switch ($object_action) { case 'update': $text = sprintf(__('%s updated the profile data.', $tdomain), aoc_user_anchor($owner_id)); break; case 'image': $text = sprintf(__('%s selected a new profile image.', $tdomain), aoc_user_anchor($owner_id)); break; default: $text = $event_params['display']; } return $text; }