Esempio n. 1
function skin_ClientPage_Default()
    global $adm_pass;
    global $adm_login;
    global $conf_skin;
    // Create the top banner and menu //
    $anotherTopBanner = anotherTopBanner("DTC");
    $anotherLanguageSelection = anotherLanguageSelection();
    $lang_sel = skin($conf_skin, $anotherLanguageSelection, _("Language"));
    if ($adm_login != "" && isset($adm_login) && $adm_pass != "" && isset($adm_pass)) {
        // Fetch all the user informations, Print a nice error message if failure.
        $admin = fetchAdmin($adm_login, $adm_pass);
        if (($error = $admin["err"]) != 0) {
            $mesg = $admin["mesg"];
            $login_txt = _("Error") . " {$error} " . _("fetching admin: ") . "<font color=\"red\">{$mesg}</font><br>";
            $login_txt .= login_form();
            $login_skined = skin($conf_skin, $login_txt, _("Client panel:") . " " . _("Login"));
            $mypage = layout_login_and_languages($login_skined, $lang_sel);
        } else {
            // Draw the html forms
            $HTML_admin_edit_data = drawAdminTools($admin);
            $mypage = $HTML_admin_edit_data;
    } else {
        $login_txt = login_form();
        $login_skined = skin($conf_skin, $login_txt, _("Client panel:") . " " . _("Login"));
        $mypage = layout_login_and_languages($login_skined, $lang_sel);
    // Output the result !
    if (!isset($anotherHilight)) {
        $anotherHilight = "";
    echo anotherPage("Client:", "", $anotherHilight, makePreloads(), $anotherTopBanner, "", $mypage, anotherFooter(""));

require_once "../shared/autoSQLconfig.php";
$panel_type = "client";
// All shared files between DTCadmin and DTCclient
require_once "{$dtcshared_path}/dtc_lib.php";
require_once "new_account_form.php";
require_once "new_account_renewal.php";
// The language stuff...
$anotherTopBanner = anotherTopBanner("DTC");
if (isset($txt_top_menu_entrys)) {
    $anotherMenu = makeHoriMenu($txt_top_menu_entrys[$lang], 2);
$anotherLanguageSelection = anotherLanguageSelection();
$lang_sel = skin($conf_skin, $anotherLanguageSelection, _("Language"));
$proceed = "yes";
if (!isset($_REQUEST["hash_check"]) || !isRandomNum($_REQUEST["hash_check"])) {
    $form = _("Hash check not in correct format: cannot validate payment.");
    $proceed = "no";
if (!isset($_REQUEST["item_id"]) || !isRandomNum($_REQUEST["item_id"])) {
    $form = _("Hash check not in correct format: cannot validate payment.");
    $proceed = "no";
if ($proceed == "yes") {
    $q = "SELECT * FROM {$pro_mysql_pay_table} WHERE hash_check_key='" . $_REQUEST["hash_check"] . "' AND id='" . $_REQUEST["item_id"] . "'";
    $r = mysql_query($q) or die("Cannot query {$q} line " . __LINE__ . " file " . __FILE__);
    $n = mysql_num_rows($r);
    if ($n != 1) {
        $form = _("Could not find your registration in the database.");
Esempio n. 3
function skin_ClientPage()
    global $adm_pass;
    global $adm_login;
    global $conf_skin;
    global $page_metacontent;
    global $meta;
    global $confirm_javascript;
    global $java_script;
    global $skinCssString;
    global $console;
    // Create the top banner and menu //
    $anotherTopBanner = anotherTopBanner("DTC");
    $anotherLanguageSelection = anotherLanguageSelection();
    $lang_sel = skin($conf_skin, $anotherLanguageSelection, _("Language"));
    if ($adm_login != "" && isset($adm_login) && $adm_pass != "" && isset($adm_pass)) {
        // Fetch all the user informations, Print a nice error message if failure.
        $admin = fetchAdmin($adm_login, $adm_pass);
        if (($error = $admin["err"]) != 0) {
            $mesg = $admin["mesg"];
            $login_txt = _("Error") . " {$error} " . _("fetching admin: ") . "<font color=\"red\">{$mesg}</font><br>";
            $login_txt .= login_form();
            $login_skined = skin($conf_skin, $login_txt, _("Client panel:") . " " . _("Login"));
            $mypage = layout_login_and_languages($login_skined, $lang_sel);
        } else {
            // Draw the html forms
            $HTML_admin_edit_data = '<div class="box_wnb_content_container">' . drawAdminTools($admin) . '</div>';
            $mypage = $HTML_admin_edit_data;
    } else {
        $login_txt = login_form();
        $mypage = skin($conf_skin, $login_txt, _("Client panel:") . " " . _("Login"));
    echo "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \"\">\n<html>\n<head>\n<title>DTC: Client: " . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . "</title>\n{$page_metacontent}\n{$meta}\n</head>\n<body id=\"page\" leftmargin=\"0\" topmargin=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\">\n\t  <div id=\"outerwrapper\">\n    <div id=\"wrapper\">\n\n" . makePreloads() . "\n{$confirm_javascript}\n{$java_script}\n<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"gfx/skin/bwoup/skin.css\" type=\"text/css\">\n{$skinCssString}\n\n" . anotherTopBanner("DTC", "yes") . "<div id=\"usernavbarreplacement\"></div>\n<div id=\"content\"><div class=\"box_wnb_content_container\">" . $mypage . "</div></div>\n<div id=\"footer\">" . anotherFooter("Footer content<br><br>") . "</div>\n    </div>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>";
Esempio n. 4
function anotherTopBanner($inside, $drawLanguageSelect = "no")
    global $conf_dtc_version;
    global $conf_dtc_release;
    global $conf_unix_type;
    global $adm_login;
    global $adm_email_login;
    global $panel_type;
    global $conf_panel_title;
    global $conf_panel_subtitle;
    global $conf_panel_logo;
    global $conf_skin;
    global $dtcshared_path;
    $nowrap = " style=\"white-space:nowrap\" valign=\"top\" nowrap ";
    if ($drawLanguageSelect == "yes") {
        $zeLanguage = "\n\t<td valign=\"top\">&nbsp;</td>\n\t<td {$nowrap} width=\"1\">" . anotherLanguageSelection() . "</td>";
        $links = "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/dtcdoc/\">" . _("Documentation") . "</a> <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/phpmyadmin/\">" . _("PhpMyAdmin") . "</a>";
    } else {
        $links = "";
        $zeLanguage = "";
    if ($panel_type == "admin") {
        $display_user = $_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_USER"];
    } else {
        if ($panel_type == "client") {
            $display_user = $adm_login;
        } else {
            if ($panel_type == "email") {
                $display_user = $adm_email_login;
            } else {
                $display_user = "";
    $pagetop_filename = $dtcshared_path . '/gfx/skin/' . $conf_skin . '/pagetop.html';
    if (file_exists($pagetop_filename)) {
        $fp = fopen($pagetop_filename, "r");
        $inside = fread($fp, filesize($pagetop_filename));
        // Enable possible customization of the title and logos
        if ($conf_panel_title == "default") {
            $inside = str_replace("__DTC_TITLE__", _("Domain Technologie Control"), $inside);
        } else {
            $inside = str_replace("__DTC_TITLE__", $conf_panel_title, $inside);
        if ($conf_panel_subtitle == "default") {
            $inside = str_replace("__DTC_SUBTITLE__", _("Take control of your domain name"), $inside);
        } else {
            $inside = str_replace("__DTC_SUBTITLE__", $conf_panel_subtitle, $inside);
        if ($conf_panel_logo == "default") {
            $inside = str_replace("__DTC_LOGO__", "gfx/skin/" . $conf_skin . "/gfx/logo_dtc.gif", $inside);
        } else {
            $inside = str_replace("__DTC_LOGO__", "gfx/skin/" . $conf_skin . "/gfx/" . $conf_panel_logo, $inside);
        $inside = str_replace("__DTC_LANGUAGES_LINKS__", $zeLanguage, $inside);
        $inside = str_replace("__DTC_VERSION__", "V{$conf_dtc_version} R{$conf_dtc_release} - {$conf_unix_type}", $inside);
        $inside = str_replace("__DTC_LINK__", $links, $inside);
        $inside = str_replace("__AUTH_USER__", _("Logged as:") . " " . $display_user, $inside);
        $inside = str_replace("__DOCUMENTATION__", _("Documentation"), $inside);
        $inside = str_replace("__PHPMYADMIN__", _("PhpMyAdmin"), $inside);
        $inside .= "<script language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"gfx/wz_tooltip.js\"></script>";
        return $inside;
    } else {
        return "\n<script language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"gfx/wz_tooltip.js\"></script>\n<table cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" height=\"1\">\n<tr>\n\t<td {$nowrap}><center><a href=\"\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"Domain Teck Control\" src=\"gfx/dtc_logo_small.gif\"></a><br>\n<font size=\"-2\" face=\"Arial\">V{$conf_dtc_version} R{$conf_dtc_release} - {$conf_unix_type}</font></center></td>\n\t<td {$nowrap}><center><b><font size=\"+1\" face=\"Verdana\">Domain Technologie Control</font></b><br>\n<font size=\"-1\"><i>" . _("Take control of your domain name") . "</i></font><br>{$links}</center></td>\n\t<td {$nowrap} width=\"100%\">&nbsp;</td>" . $zeLanguage . "\n</tr>\n</table>\n";
Esempio n. 5
function skin_ClientPage()
    global $adm_pass;
    global $adm_login;
    global $conf_skin;
    global $page_metacontent;
    global $meta;
    global $confirm_javascript;
    global $java_script;
    global $skinCssString;
    global $console;
    // Create the top banner and menu //
    $anotherTopBanner = anotherTopBanner("DTC");
    $anotherLanguageSelection = anotherLanguageSelection();
    $lang_sel = skin($conf_skin, $anotherLanguageSelection, _("Language"));
    if ($adm_login != "" && isset($adm_login) && $adm_pass != "" && isset($adm_pass)) {
        // Fetch all the user informations, Print a nice error message if failure.
        $admin = fetchAdmin($adm_login, $adm_pass);
        if (($error = $admin["err"]) != 0) {
            $mesg = $admin["mesg"];
            $login_txt = _("Error") . " {$error} " . _("fetching admin: ") . "<font color=\"red\">{$mesg}</font><br />";
            $login_txt .= login_form();
            $login_skined = skin($conf_skin, $login_txt, _("Client panel:") . " " . _("Login"));
            $mypage = layout_login_and_languages($login_skined, $lang_sel);
        } else {
            // Draw the html forms
            $HTML_admin_edit_data = '<div class="box_wnb_content_container">' . drawAdminTools($admin) . '</div>';
            $mypage = $HTML_admin_edit_data;
    } else {
        $login_txt = login_form();
        $mypage = skin($conf_skin, $login_txt, _("Client panel:") . " " . _("Login"));
    echo "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"\">\n<html xmlns=\"\" dir=\"ltr\" lang=\"en\" xml:lang=\"en\">\n<head>\n<title>DTC: Client: " . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . "</title>\n{$page_metacontent}\n{$meta}\n<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"gfx/skin/paperboard/skin.css\" type=\"text/css\" media=\"all\" />\n</head>\n<body id=\"page\">\n\t<div id=\"outerwrapper\">\n\t\t<div id=\"wrapper\">\n\t\t\t" . makePreloads() . "\n\t\t\t{$confirm_javascript}\n\t\t\t{$java_script}\n\t\t\t{$skinCssString}\n\t\t\t" . anotherTopBanner("DTC", "yes") . "<div id=\"usernavbarreplacement\"></div>\n\t\t\t<table class=\"tht\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td class=\"thl-1\" nowrap=\"nowrap\">&nbsp;</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td class=\"thm-1 hleft\" nowrap=\"nowrap\">&nbsp;</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td class=\"thr-1\" nowrap=\"nowrap\">&nbsp;</td>\n\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td class=\"bord-left\" nowrap=\"nowrap\"></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $mypage . "\n\t\t\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td class=\"bord-right\" nowrap=\"nowrap\"></td>\n\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td class=\"tbl-1\" nowrap=\"nowrap\"></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td class=\"tbm-1 hleft\" nowrap=\"nowrap\">&nbsp;</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td class=\"tbr-1\" nowrap=\"nowrap\"></td>\n\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t</table>\n\t\t\t<div id=\"footer\">" . anotherFooter("Footer content<br /><br />") . "PaperBoard template for DTC made by <a href=\"\" title=\"la bestiole\" target=\"_blank\">cali</a></div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t</div>\n</body>\n</html>";