function amr_empty_start_list($linessaved, $icols, $cols, $page, $rowsperpage, $totalitems, $caption, $search, $ulist, $c, $filtercol, $sortedbynow, $options = array()) { global $aopt, $amain, $amrusers_fieldfiltering, $amr_current_list, $amr_search_result_count, $ahtm; // the display html structure to use global $amr_refreshed_heading; $amr_current_list = $ulist; $html = $hhtml = $fhtml = ''; $filterhtml = ''; $filterhtml_separate = ''; $apply_filter_html = ''; $filter_submit_html = ''; $summary = ''; $explain_filter = ''; $adminoptions = array('show_search' => true, 'show_perpage' => true, 'show_pagination' => true, 'show_headings' => true, 'show_csv' => true, 'show_refresh' => true); if (!is_admin()) { // set public options to overrwite admin foreach ($adminoptions as $i => $opt) { if (isset($options[$i])) { $adminoptions[$i] = $options[$i]; } else { $adminoptions[$i] = ''; } } } //if (WP_DEBUG) var_dump($adminoptions); if (!empty($_REQUEST['headings']) or !empty($_REQUEST['filtering'])) { $adminoptions['show_search'] = false; $adminoptions['show_csv'] = false; $adminoptions['show_refresh'] = false; $adminoptions['show_perpage'] = false; $adminoptions['show_headings'] = false; $adminoptions['show_pagination'] = true; $amain['filter_html_type'][$amr_current_list] = 'none'; // if editingheadings, then no showingfilter } if (is_admin() or !isset($amain['html_type'][$amr_current_list])) { // must be after the check above, so will force table in admin $ahtm = amr_get_html_to_use('table'); } else { $ahtm = amr_get_html_to_use($amain['html_type'][$amr_current_list]); } if (empty($linessaved)) { $saveditems = 0; } else { $saveditems = count($linessaved); } if (is_array($caption)) { $caption = '<h3 class="caption">' . implode(', ', $caption) . '</h3>'; } // now fix the icols and cols for any special functioning-------------------------- if (isset($icols[0]) and $icols[0] == 'ID') { /* we only saved the ID so that we can access extra info on display - we don't want to always display it */ unset($icols[0]); unset($cols[0]); } $icols = array_unique($icols); // since may end up with two indices, eg if filtering and grouping by same value foreach ($icols as $i => $col) { if ($col == 'index') { // we only saved the index so that we can access extra info on display - we don't want to display it if (!isset($aopt['list'][$amr_current_list]['selected']['index'])) { unset($icols[$i]); unset($cols[$i]); } } else { if (!isset($cols[$i])) { unset($icols[$i]); } } } // end fix icols and cols if (!empty($search)) { $searchselectnow = sprintf(__('%s Users found.', 'amr-users'), $amr_search_result_count); $searchselectnow .= sprintf(__('Searching for "%s" in list', 'amr-users'), $search); } // reset count if searching if (isset($amain['sortable'])) { $sortable = $amain['sortable']; } else { $sortable = false; } if (!empty($adminoptions['show_headings'])) { //admin always has if (is_admin()) { if (!empty($amr_refreshed_heading)) { $summary = $amr_refreshed_heading; } else { $summary = $c->get_cache_summary(amr_rptid($ulist)); } } if (!empty($sortedbynow)) { $summary = str_replace('<li class="sort">', $sortedbynow, $summary); } if (!empty($searchselectnow)) { $summary = str_replace('<li class="selected">', '<li class="searched">' . $searchselectnow . '</li><li class="selected">', $summary); } if (!empty($filtercol)) { $text = implode(', ', $filtercol); $summary = str_replace('<li class="selected">', '<li class="selected">' . __('Selected users with: ', 'amr-users') . $text . '</li><li class="selected">', $summary); } } // //$sortedbynow is set if maually resorted if (!isset($amain['html_type'][$amr_current_list]) or !isset($amain['filter_html_type']) or isset($amain['filter_html_type'][$amr_current_list]) and $amain['filter_html_type'][$amr_current_list] == "intableheader") { if (function_exists('amr_show_filters')) { // for pseudo compatability if unmatched versions $filterhtml = amr_show_filters($cols, $icols, $ulist, $filtercol); // will have tr and th } } elseif (!empty($amain['filter_html_type'][$amr_current_list]) and $amain['filter_html_type'][$amr_current_list] == "above") { if (function_exists('amr_show_filters_alt')) { $filterhtml_separate = amr_show_filters_alt($cols, $icols, $ulist, $filtercol); } } if (!empty($filterhtml) or !empty($filterhtml_separate)) { $apply_filter_html = amr_show_apply_filter_button($ulist); } // footer $fhtml = $ahtm['tfoot'] . $ahtm['tr'] . '>'; if (stristr($ahtm['th'], '<th')) { // if table $fhtml .= $ahtm['th'] . ' colspan="' . count($icols) . '">' . amr_users_give_credit(); } else { $fhtml .= $ahtm['th'] . '>'; } $fhtml .= $ahtm['thc'] . $ahtm['trc'] . $ahtm['tfootc']; /* setup the html for the table headings */ if (!empty($linessaved)) { $html .= amr_display_a_page($linessaved, $icols, $cols, $ahtm); } // if (!empty($adminoptions['show_search'])) { $sformtext = alist_searchform($ulist); } else { $sformtext = ''; } // if (!empty($adminoptions['show_csv'])) { $csvtext = amr_users_get_csv_link($ulist, 'csv'); } else { $csvtext = ''; } // if (!empty($adminoptions['show_refresh'])) { $refreshtext = amr_users_get_refresh_link($ulist); } else { $refreshtext = ''; } // if (!empty($adminoptions['show_perpage'])) { $pformtext = alist_per_pageform($ulist); } else { $pformtext = ''; } if (!empty($amr_search_result_count)) { if ($rowsperpage > $amr_search_result_count) { $rowsperpage = $amr_search_result_count; } //$totalitems = $amr_search_result_count; } if (function_exists('amr_custom_navigation')) { $custom_nav = amr_custom_navigation($ulist); } else { $custom_nav = ''; } $moretext = ''; if (!empty($adminoptions['show_pagination'])) { // allows on to just show latest x $pagetext = amr_pagetext($page, $totalitems, $rowsperpage); } else { $pagetext = ''; } if (!empty($filterhtml) or !empty($hhtml)) { $hhtml = $ahtm['thead'] . $filterhtml . $hhtml . $ahtm['theadc']; } $html = amr_manage_headings_submit() . $filter_submit_html . $sformtext . $explain_filter . $filterhtml_separate . $apply_filter_html . $custom_nav . $pagetext . PHP_EOL . '<div id="userslist' . $ulist . '"><!-- user list-->' . PHP_EOL . $ahtm['table'] . $caption . $hhtml . $fhtml . PHP_EOL . $ahtm['tbody'] . $html . $ahtm['tbodyc'] . '<!-- end user list body-->' . PHP_EOL . $ahtm['tablec'] . '<!-- end user list table-->' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . '</div><!-- end user list-->' . PHP_EOL . '<div class="userlistfooter">' . $pagetext . $csvtext . $refreshtext . $pformtext . '</div>'; if (is_admin()) { $html = PHP_EOL . '<div class="wrap" >' . $html . '</div>' . PHP_EOL; } $html = $summary . $html; return $html; }
function amr_users_say_thanks_opportunity_form() { global $amain; if (empty($amain['no_credit']) or $amain['no_credit'] == 'give_credit') { $givecredit = true; } else { $givecredit = false; } echo '<h3>' . __('Acknowledgements', 'amr-users') . '</h3>'; echo '<div style="width: 200px; float:left; padding-right: 50px;">' . amr_users_give_credit() . '</div>'; echo '<br />'; echo '<label for="give_credit">'; echo '<input id="give_credit" type="radio" name="no_credit" value="give_credit"'; if ($givecredit) { echo ' checked="checked" '; } echo '>'; _e('Very discreetly, give credit', 'amr-users'); echo '</label>'; echo '<br />'; echo '<label for="no_credit">'; echo '<input type="radio" id="no_credit" name="no_credit" value="no_credit"'; if (!$givecredit) { echo ' checked="checked" '; } echo '>'; _e('Do not give credit', 'amr-users'); echo '</label>'; echo '<br /><br />'; _e('Express thanks in other ways:', 'amr-users'); echo ' <a target="_blank" href="" title="Support development by purchasing membership and gaining access to add on functionality.">'; _e('Buy it', 'amr-users'); echo '</a>, '; echo '<a target="_blank" href="" title="Tell others this version works for you!">'; _e('Work it', 'amr-users'); echo '</a>, '; echo '<a target="_blank" href="" title="Plug all the plugins you use.">'; _e('Plug it', 'amr-users'); echo '</a>, '; echo '<a target="_blank" href="" title="Rate it at wordpress">'; _e('Rate it', 'amr-users'); echo '</a>, '; echo '<a target="_blank" href="" title="Stay in touch at least - monitor the rss feed">'; _e('Watch it', 'amr-users'); echo '</a>, '; echo '<a href="' . admin_url('post-new.php?post_type=post') . '" title="Write a post about it.">'; _e('Press it', 'amr-users'); echo '</a>, '; echo '<a target="_blank" href="" title="Send via paypal to">'; _e('Send it', 'amr-users'); echo '</a>, '; echo '<a target="_blank" href="' . esc_attr('amr-users plugin from') . '" title="Share something positive.">'; _e('Tweet it', 'amr-users'); echo '</a>, '; echo '<a target="_blank" href="" title="Like it from the plugin website.">'; _e('Like it', 'amr-users'); echo '</a>, '; echo '<g:plusone size="small" annotation="inline" width="120" href=""></g:plusone>'; echo '<!-- Place this render call where appropriate --> <script type="text/javascript"> (function() { var po = document.createElement(\'script\'); po.type = \'text/javascript\'; po.async = true; po.src = \'\'; var s = document.getElementsByTagName(\'script\')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s); })(); </script>'; // links policy // // }