Esempio n. 1
function softheader($title = '', $leftbody = true)
    global $theme, $user, $logged_in, $globals, $l, $dmenus, $onload, $newslinks, $feeds, $softpanel, $iscripts, $catwise, $allcatwise, $soft, $classes_categories, $scripts, $apps, $apps_catwise;
    if (optGET('jsnohf')) {
        return true;
    /* <script language="javascript" src="'.js_url('js/jquery.js', 'js/universal.js', 'js/suggest.js', 'js/smoothscroll.js', 'js/slider.js', 'js/dock.js').'" type="text/javascript"> </script> */
    $title = empty($title) ? $globals['sn'] : $title;
    $got_cache_js = get_cache_time();
    // Is there a Panel Header ?
    if (!empty($softpanel->pheader)) {
        echo $softpanel->pheader;
    //Lets echo the top headers
    echo '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
	<html xmlns="">
	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=' . $globals['charset'] . '" />
	<meta name="keywords" content="softaculous, software" />
	<title>' . $title . '</title>
	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $theme['this_url'] . '/style.css?' . $GLOBALS['globals']['version'] . '" />
	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $theme['url'] . '/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css?' . $GLOBALS['globals']['version'] . '" />
	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $theme['url'] . '/font-awesome.css?' . $GLOBALS['globals']['version'] . '" />
	<!--[if IE 7]>
	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $theme['url'] . '/ie7.css?' . $GLOBALS['globals']['version'] . '">
	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="' . $theme['images'] . '/' . asperapp('', 'webuzo/', 'ampps/') . 'favicon.ico" />
	<script language="javascript" src="' . $theme['url'] . '/js/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
	<script language="javascript" src="' . $theme['url'] . '/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
	<script language="javascript" src="' . $theme['url'] . '/js/combined.js?' . $GLOBALS['globals']['version'] . '" type="text/javascript"></script>
	<script language="javascript" src="' . $theme['this_url'] . '/cache/cache.js?' . $got_cache_js . '" type="text/javascript"> </script>
	<body onload="bodyonload();">';
    // Show the EULA Notice in Interworx panel
    if (empty($user['eula_accept']) && $globals['softpanel'] == 'interworx') {
        echo '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
		var message_box = function(){			
				return {
					show_message: function(title, body , image) {			
						var okbtn = \'<input  style="width:75px" class="sai_submit" type="button" onclick="message_box.close_message(this.value);" value="Agree" name="okbtn" />\';	
						var cancelbtn = \'<input  style="width:75px" class="sai_submit" type="button" onclick="message_box.close_message(this.value);" value="Decline" name="cancelbtn" />\';
						if(jQuery(\'.sai_message_box\').html() === null) {
							var message = \'<div class="sai_message_box"><table border="0" cellpadding="8" width="100%" height="100%"><tr><td width="100%" class ="msg_tr1" style="text-align:center">\' +  title + \'</td></tr><tr class ="msg_tr2"><td style="text-align:left">\' + body + \'</td></tr><tr ><td class ="msg_tr3">\' + okbtn + \' &nbsp; &nbsp; \' + cancelbtn + \'</td></tr></table></div>\';
							jQuery(document.body).append( message );								
							jQuery(\'.sai_message_box\').css(\'top\', jQuery(\'html, body\').scrollTop() + 150);
							var message =\' <table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="8" height="100%"><tr ><td widt="60%" class ="msg_tr1">\' + title + \'</td></tr><tr class ="msg_tr2"><td style="text-align:left">\' + body + \'</td></tr><tr ><td class ="msg_tr3">\' + okbtn + \'</td><td class ="msg_tr3">\' + cancelbtn + \'</td></tr></table>\';				
							jQuery(\'.sai_message_box\').css(\'top\', jQuery(\'html, body\').scrollTop() + 150);
							jQuery(\'.sai_message_box\').html( message );
					close_message: function(action) {
						if(action == "Agree"){
								type: "GET",
								url: window.location+"?&eula_accept=1",
								// Checking for error
								success: function(data){
								error: function() {
							return false;
							alert("You must not use Softaculous if you do not agree to the EULA");
			// Show the eula accept message
			var agree_msg = \'<center>You must agree to the <a href="" target="_blank">EULA</a> before using Softaculous</center>\';
			message_box.show_message("<a href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\" style=\\"text-decoration:none\\">End User License Agreement</a>",agree_msg,1);
		// ]]></script>';
    echo '<div id="loading_soft" class="sai_loading_soft">
			<img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'fb_loader.gif" alt="Loading..." />
    echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="sai_docktable">	
			<td align="left" width="440" valign="middle">
			<a href="' . $globals['ind'] . '"><img src="' . ($globals['softpanel'] == 'ampps' ? $theme['a_images'] . 'header.jpg' : (empty($globals['logo_url']) ? $globals['softpanel'] == 'webuzo' ? $theme['a_images'] . 'header.jpg' : $theme['images'] . 'header.gif' : $globals['logo_url'])) . '" alt="" /></a>
			<td align="right" width="280" style="padding:8px" valign="top">
<ul id="dock" class="sai_dock">
' . (empty($globals['off_panel_link']) ? '<li><a href="' . $softpanel->theme['panel_url'] . '"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'panel.gif" alt="" tooltip="' . $l['go_cpanel'] . '" /></a></li>' : '') . '
<li>' . (webuzo() && !$softpanel->is_sysapps_disable() ? '<img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'panel.gif" alt="" tooltip="' . $l['go_cpanel'] . '" onclick="goto_panel();" style="cursor:pointer" /></a>' : '<a href="' . $globals['ind'] . '"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'home.gif" alt="" tooltip="' . $l['go_home'] . '" /></a>') . '</li>
' . (aefer() && allow_adddomain() ? '<li><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=domains"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'domains.gif" alt="" tooltip="' . $l['go_domain'] . '" /></a></li>' : '') . (webuzo() ? '<li><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=domainmanage"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'domains.gif" alt="" tooltip="' . $l['go_domain'] . '" /></a></li>' : '') . (empty($globals['off_demo_link']) ? '<li><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=demos"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'demos.gif" alt="" tooltip="' . $l['go_demos'] . '" /></a></li>' : '') . (empty($globals['off_rating_link']) ? '<li><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=ratings"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'ratings.gif" alt="" tooltip="' . $l['go_ratings'] . '" /></a></li>' : '') . '
<li><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=installations"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'installations.gif" alt="" tooltip="' . $l['go_installations'] . '" /></a></li>' . (webuzo() && !$softpanel->is_sysapps_disable() ? '<li><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=apps_installations"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'apps_installations.gif" alt="" tooltip="' . $l['go_apps_installations'] . '" /></a></li>' : '') . '
<li><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=eu_tasklist"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'tasklist.png" alt="" tooltip="' . $l['go_tasklist'] . '" /></a></li>
<li><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=settings"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'settings.gif" alt="" tooltip="' . $l['go_settings'] . '" /></a></li>' . (empty($globals['disable_backup_restore']) ? '<li><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=backups"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'backups.gif" alt="" tooltip="' . $l['go_backups'] . '" /></a></li>' : '') . ' 
' . (empty($globals['off_email_link']) ? '<li><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=email"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'emails.gif" alt="" tooltip="' . $l['go_email_settings'] . '" /></a></li>' : '') . (empty($globals['off_sync_link']) ? '<li><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=sync"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'sync.gif" alt="" tooltip="' . $l['go_sync'] . '" /></a></li>' : '') . (!empty($globals['eu_themes_premium']) && !empty($globals['lictype']) ? '<li><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=my_themes"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'pfx_icon.png" alt="" tooltip="' . $l['go_my_themes'] . '" /></a></li>' : '') . '
<li><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=help"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'help.gif" alt="" tooltip="' . $l['go_support'] . '" /></a></li>
<span id="dock_titler" style="visibility:hidden; position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; border:1px solid #DEDCD1; background-color:#FFFFFF; text-align:left; padding: 1px; width:auto; white-space:nowrap;"></span>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
softdock = new dock();
softdock.min = 30;
softdock.max = 50;

function checksearchform(){
	if($_("inputString").value == ""){
		return false;
		return true;

function goto_panel(){
	var str = window.location; 	
	var port_find = str.toString().search(\'2003\'); 	

	if(port_find < 1){		
		var str_url = str.toString().replace("2002", "2004");
		var str_url = str.toString().replace("2003", "2005");
	var res = str_url.split("/",4);
	var res_out = res.join("/");	
	window.location = res_out+"/";

function set_pheader(){
	var cur_status = getcookie("pheader");
	if(cur_status == "no"){
	window.location.href = window.location;

		var cat_head = $(this).attr("id");
		var tmp_img = cat_head.split("_");
		//$("#shift_"+tmp_img[1]).css("width", "1");
		var id = $("#leftcontent_"+tmp_img[1]);
		if(id.css("display") == "none"){
			$("#icat"+tmp_img[1]).attr("src", "' . $theme['images'] . 'expanded.gif");
			setcookie(cat_head, 2, 365);
			$("#icat"+tmp_img[1]).attr("src", "' . $theme['images'] . 'collapsed.gif");
			setcookie(cat_head, "", -365);

// ]]></script>

    $temp_allcatwise = $allcatwise;
    // Classes are only avaialable to Premium License
    if (empty($globals['disable_classes']) && !empty($globals['lictype'])) {
        $temp_allcatwise['classes'] = 'Classes';
    // Webuzo has the APPs support
    if (webuzo()) {
        $disablesysapps = $softpanel->is_sysapps_disable();
        if (empty($disablesysapps)) {
            $temp_allcatwise['apps'] = 'Apps';
            $allcatwise['apps'] = $apps_catwise;
        } else {
            if ($globals['mode'] == 'apps') {
                return false;
    echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" height="35">	
		<td width="5" align="right">&nbsp;</td>
		<td width="10" align="right"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'leftheader.gif" alt="" /></td>
		<td width="60" align="left" class="sai_softac_header sai_headtd">
		<a href="' . $globals['ind'] . '"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'home_bar.gif" alt="' . $l['go_home'] . '" /></a>
		<td align="left" class="sai_softac_header">&nbsp;&nbsp;' . (!empty($globals['panel_hf']) && !empty($softpanel->can_shrink_nativeui) ? '<a href="javascript:set_pheader();" id="pheader_view" ><img src="' . $theme['this_images'] . ($_COOKIE['pheader'] == 'yes' ? 'expand.png" title="' . $l['expand_view'] . '"' : 'collapse.png" title="' . $l['collapse_view'] . '"') . '></a>' : '');
    if (empty($globals['nolabels'])) {
        echo '&nbsp; Scripts : &nbsp; <a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'ind=' . $globals['mode'] . '" style="font-size:15px">' . ($globals['mode'] == 'js' ? 'JavaScripts' : ($globals['mode'] == 'classes' ? 'Classes' : (asperapp(0, 1, 0) ? $globals['mode'] == 'java' ? 'JAVA' : ($globals['mode'] == 'python' ? 'Python' : strtoupper($globals['mode'])) : strtoupper($globals['mode'])))) . '</a>';
        foreach ($temp_allcatwise as $k => $v) {
            echo empty($temp_allcatwise[$k]) || $globals['mode'] == $k ? '' : '&nbsp; <a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'ind=' . $k . '" >' . ($k == 'js' ? 'JavaScripts' : ($k == 'classes' ? 'Classes' : ($k == 'java' || $k == 'apps' || $k == 'python' ? ucfirst($k) : strtoupper($k)))) . '</a>';
    echo '</td><td align="right" class="sai_softac_header"> ' . (webuzo() && $softpanel->getCurrentUser() == 'root' ? $l['root_login'] : '') . '&nbsp; ' . $l['welcome'] . ' ' . (empty($softpanel->user['displayname']) ? $softpanel->user['name'] : $softpanel->user['displayname']) . ' [<a href="' . $softpanel->theme['logout'] . '">' . $l['logout'] . '</a>] &nbsp; &nbsp;	
		<td width="168" align="left" class="sai_softac_header sai_search" valign="middle">
			<form accept-charset="' . $globals['charset'] . '" name="search" method="post" action="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=search&smode=' . $globals['mode'] . '" onsubmit="return checksearchform();" id="searchform">
			<input type="text" name="inputString" id="inputString" style="border:none" class="sai_search_box" onfocus=",;" value="' . $l['search'] . '" onKeyUp="suggestjs.myKeyDownHandler(event, this.value);" autocomplete="off" onblur=";" sugurl="' . $globals['index'] . '&act=suggest&smode=' . $globals['mode'] . '" mode="' . $globals['mode'] . '"/>
			<input type="hidden" name="hidden_cid" id="hidden_cid">
			<div id="suggestions" class="sai_suggestions" style="position:absolute;width:200px;left:0px; top:0px; display:none;"></div>
		<td width="10" align="left"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'rightheader.gif" alt="" /></td>
		<td width="5" align="left">&nbsp;</td>
	<br />';
    //The Menus of softwares
    if (!empty($leftbody)) {
        $theme['leftbody'] = $leftbody;
        echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="8" cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="sai_softwares">	
		<td align="left" valign="top" width="' . (!empty($softpanel->leftpanel_resize) ? '192' : '220') . '" class="sai_softmenu">';
        $ind = $globals['mode'];
        //This is done for the SLIDER
        $js_cat = array();
        foreach ($allcatwise[$ind] as $cat => $softs) {
            if (empty($softs)) {
            $js_cat[] = $cat;
        echo '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
			imgurl = "' . $theme['images'] . '";
			softmenu = new slider();
				softmenu.speed = 5;
			softmenu.elements = new Array(\'cat' . implode('\', \'cat', $js_cat) . '\');
			softmenu.expanded = new Array("catlibraries");
			timers = new Object();
			function incwidth(elid, to, inc){
				eleid = "shift_"+elid;
				current = parseInt($_(eleid).width);
				tobecome = current + inc;
				if(tobecome >= to){
					tobecome = to;
				$_(eleid).width = tobecome;
				r = parseInt(255 - current*2);
				g = parseInt(255 - current);
				$("#head_"+elid).css("background", "rgb("+r+", "+g+", 255)");
				if(tobecome < to){
					timers[eleid] = setTimeout("incwidth(\\""+elid+"\\", "+to+", "+inc+")", 20);
			function decwidth(elid, to, dec){
				eleid = "shift_"+elid;
				current = parseInt($_(eleid).width);
				tobecome = current - dec;
				if(tobecome < to){
					tobecome = to;
				$_(eleid).width = tobecome;
				r = parseInt(255 - current*2);
				g = parseInt(255 - current);
				$("#head_"+elid).css("background", "rgb("+r+", "+g+", 255)");
				if(tobecome > to){
					timers[eleid] = setTimeout("decwidth(\\""+elid+"\\", "+to+", "+dec+")", 20);
					$("#head_"+elid).css("background", "rgb(255, 255, 255)");
			function ajax_listsoftware(str_id){
				$_("loading_soft") = (scrolledy()+250)+"px";
				$("#softcontent").load("' . $globals['indexmode'] . 'act=listsoftwares&cat="+str_id+"&jsnohf=1", 
				window.location.hash = "!act=listsoftwares&cat="+str_id;
// ]]></script>
<div id="softmenu">';
        if ($ind == 'classes' || optGET('act') == 'classes') {
            echo '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
	(function($) {
			backgroundPosition: function(fx) {
				if (fx.state === 0 && typeof fx.end == \'string\') {
					var start = $.curCSS(fx.elem,\'backgroundPosition\');
					if(typeof(start) == "undefined"){
						start = $.css(fx.elem, "background-position-x")+\' \'+$.css(fx.elem, "background-position-y");
					start = toArray(start);
					fx.start = [start[0],start[2]];
					var end = toArray(fx.end);
					fx.end = [end[0],end[2]];
					fx.unit = [end[1],end[3]];
				var nowPosX = [];
				nowPosX[0] = ((fx.end[0] - fx.start[0]) * fx.pos) + fx.start[0] + fx.unit[0];
				nowPosX[1] = ((fx.end[1] - fx.start[1]) * fx.pos) + fx.start[1] + fx.unit[1]; = nowPosX[0]+\' \'+nowPosX[1];
			   function toArray(strg){
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				   strg = strg.replace(/right|bottom/g,\'100%\');
				   strg = strg.replace(/([0-9\\.]+)(\\s|\\)|$)/g,"$1px$2");
				   var res = strg.match(/(-?[0-9\\.]+)(px|\\%|em|pt)\\s(-?[0-9\\.]+)(px|\\%|em|pt)/);
				   return [parseFloat(res[1],10),res[2],parseFloat(res[3],10),res[4]];
	// navigation background fading effect . it will work only on loading external javascript file jquery.bgpos.js in js folder
			$("#cmenu li ").css( {backgroundPosition:"0px -120px"})
					 $(this).stop().animate({ backgroundPosition:"(0px 0px)",
					 marginLeft: "5px"}, {duration:400});
						$(this).stop().animate({backgroundPosition:"(0px -120px)",
						marginLeft: "0px"}, {duration:400, complete:function(){
						$(this).css({backgroundPosition: "0px -120px"})
	// this function will add blue arrow after clicking	
		$("#cmenu li a").click(function(){
			 $("#cmenu li a ").removeClass("selected");
	//function to display list of classes
	function show_list(start, length, cat){
		$_("loading_soft") = (scrolledy()+250)+"px";
		$.getJSON("' . $globals['api_nuphp'] . 'category_classes.php?cat="+cat+"&in=json&start="+start+"&length="+length+"&callback=?", 
		function (data) {
			if (typeof(!="object" || typeof == "undefined"){
			  $("#loading_soft").hide();//hide fb loader
			  $("#softcontent").html("<center><span class=\'sai_newhead\'>' . $l['classes_con_failed'] . '</span></center>");	
			var soft_classes = \'<div class="bg"><br /><div class="row row_usi_cls">\';
			var br = 1; 
			$.each(, function (i, item) {
				soft_classes += \'<div class="col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12 col-xs-12" style="padding-bottom: 20px;"><div class="sai_classes_boxgrid2"; id="' . $globals['index'] . 'act=classes&cid=\'+item.cid+\'&tab=overview" ><div class="sai_classes_boxgrid"><div><h2>\'
				\'</h2><p style="padding:10px;height:50px;">\'
				+item.desc+\'</p><p style="padding:10px;height:15px;"> <b>' . $l['cl_ratings'] . '</b> : \'
				+parseFloat(item.ratings)+\'/5</p> </div><div style="height:200px;"><br /><h2>\'
				\'</h2><p style="margin-left:10px;margin-top:15px"><b> ' . $l['cl_author'] . '</b> : \'\'</p><p style="margin-left:10px;"><b> ' . $l['cl_license'] . '</b> :\'
				+item.license+\'</p><p style="margin-left:10px;"><b> ' . $l['cl_version'] . '</b> :\'
				+item.version+\'</p><div align="center"> <a href="' . $globals['index'] . 'act=classes&cid=\'+item.cid+\'&tab=install" class="sai_cbutton"> ' . $l['cl_install_but'] . ' </a><a href="' . $globals['index'] . 'act=classes&cid=\'+item.cid+\'&tab=file" class="sai_cbutton"> ' . $l['cl_show_files'] . '</a></div></div></div></div></div>\';
				 br += 1 ;
			});// end of each loop
			soft_classes += "</div></div>";
			// Pagination Coding
			var p1 = 0; // Start variable for mysql api . length is set to 12
			// Find which is the current page
			var current = (start/length) + 1;
			var class_pagination = \'<center><div class="pagination"><ul>\';
			for (i=1; i<=data.pages; i++)
				var page_class = "sai_cbutton";
				if(i == current){
					page_class += " selected_page";
				class_pagination += \'<li style="display:inline;font-size:18px;font-style:italic;margin-right:3px;cursor:pointer"><a class="\'+page_class+\'" style="background: #F5F5F5;color:#000;" onclick="show_list(\'+p1+\',12, \\\'\'+data.class_category+\'\\\');" href="javascript:void(0)" >\'+ i+\'</a></li>\';
			class_pagination+= \'</ul></div></center>\';	
			$("#loading_soft").hide();//hide fb loader
			window.location.hash = "!act=listclasses&cat="+data.class_category;	
			 }); // end of get json function
	}//end of show list
// ]]></script>';
            echo '<div><ul class="sai_cmenu" id="cmenu">';
            foreach ($classes_categories as $key => $value) {
                echo '<li>
					<div class ="blue_select">
						<a onclick="show_list(0, 12, \'' . $key . '\');  return false;" href="javascript:void(0)" >' . $l['classes_' . $key] . '</a>
            echo '</ul></div>';
        } else {
            // end of $ind == 'classes'
            echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
				<div id="load_leftpanel_js"></div>';
            $icat = 0;
            $str = '<script>
				var cat_lang = new Array();
				var catimg_from_site = new Array();
            foreach ($allcatwise as $i_ind => $ind_type) {
                foreach ($ind_type as $cat => $softs) {
                    if (empty($softs)) {
                    // If we have any cat images to be load from our website
                    if (!empty($GLOBALS['catimgs'][$i_ind . '_' . $cat])) {
                        $str .= 'catimg_from_site[\'' . $i_ind . '_' . $cat . '\'] = "' . $GLOBALS['catimgs'][$i_ind . '_' . $cat] . '";';
                    $str .= 'cat_lang[\'cat_' . $i_ind . '_' . $cat . '\'] = "' . $l['cat_' . $i_ind . '_' . $cat] . '";';
            $str .= '
				var iscripts = new Array("' . implode('", "', array_keys($iscripts)) . '");
				var apps = new Array("' . implode('", "', array_keys($apps)) . '");
            echo $str;
            echo '</td>
            echo '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[

			function in_array(val, array){
				for (i=0; i <= array.length; i++){
					if (array[i] == val) {
						return true;
						// {alert(i +" -- "+ids[i]+" -- "+val);return i;}
				return false;
			var ind_types_array = new Array("ind_php", "ind_perl", "ind_java", "ind_python");
			var all_ind_types_array = new Array("ind_php", "ind_perl", "ind_java", "ind_apps", "ind_js", "ind_python");
			function initiate_status(){
				var main = $("#softmain tr");
					var cookie_id = $(this).closest("tr").attr("id");
					var if_isset = getcookie(cookie_id);
					var tmp_cookieid = String(cookie_id);
					if(if_isset == 2 && tmp_cookieid != "undefined"){
						//alert(if_isset+"--"+ cookie_id)
						var id = $($("#"+cookie_id).next("tr").find("div"));
						//alert(id.attr("id")+ " -- "+if_isset+"--"+ cookie_id);	
						var tmp_img = tmp_cookieid.split("_");
						$("#icat"+tmp_img[1]).attr("src", "' . $theme['images'] . 'expanded.gif");
			function show_left_panel(combine){
				var str_html = "";
				var icat = 0;
				$.each(allcatwise, function (i_ind, ind_type) {
					$.each(ind_type, function (i, item) {
						if(catimg_from_site[i_ind+\'_\'+i] != undefined || catimg_from_site[i_ind+\'_\'+i] != null){
							var catimg = catimg_from_site[i_ind+\'_\'+i];
							var catimg = "' . $theme['images'] . 'cats/"+i_ind+"_"+i+".gif";
						var if_isset = getcookie("head_"+icat);
						var tmp_cookieid = String("head_"+icat);
						var display_open = "none";
						if(if_isset == 2 && tmp_cookieid != "undefined"){
							display_open = "block";
						var show_combined = true;
						var isset_ind = ' . (isset($_GET['ind']) ? '"' . $_GET['ind'] . '"' : '0') . ';
							isset_ind = ' . (isset($_GET['act']) ? '"' . $_GET['act'] . '"' : '0') . ';
						if(!in_array("ind_"+isset_ind, all_ind_types_array)){
							isset_ind = "php";
						if(isset_ind == "software"){
							isset_ind = "php";
							var show_i_ind = isset_ind;
							var show_i_ind = "php";
						var cat_key = "cat_"+i_ind+"_"+i;
						// If all scripts in that category is disabled by Admin it was showing "undefined" so to resolve this we have written the following code.
						if(typeof cat_lang[cat_key] == "undefined"){
							for(x in ind_types_array){
								var tmp_arr = String(ind_types_array[x]).split("_");
								var tmp_cat_key = "cat_"+tmp_arr[1]+"_"+i;
								if(typeof cat_lang[tmp_cat_key] != "undefined" && typeof cat_lang[tmp_cat_key] == "string"){
									var cat_key = tmp_cat_key;
						str_html += \'<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" id="softmain" width="100%" >\';
						if(i_ind == "js" && i == "libraries"){
							var links_class = "softlib";
							var links_class = "softlinks";
						if(i_ind == show_i_ind && typeof cat_lang[cat_key] != "undefined"){
						str_html += \'<tr id="head_\'+icat+\'" class="soft_cathead_slide" onmouseout="decwidth(\\\'\'+icat+\'\\\', 1, 1)" onmouseover="incwidth(\\\'\'+icat+\'\\\', 12, 1)"><td width="1" id="shift_\'+icat+\'"></td><td class="soft_cathead" ><a href="' . (empty($globals['lictype']) ? '#' : $globals['indmode'] . 'act=listsoftwares&cat=\'+i+\'') . '" onclick="ajax_listsoftware(\\\'\'+i+\'\\\'); return false;"><img src="\'+catimg+\'" alt="" />&nbsp;&nbsp;\'+cat_lang[cat_key]+\'</a></td>' . (empty($globals['lictype']) ? '<td align="left" width="10"><a href="\'+i+\'"><img src="' . $theme['this_images'] . 'external.gif" alt="" /></a></td>' : '') . '<td width="10"><a href="javascript:void(0);"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'collapsed.gif" alt="" valign="top" id="icat\'+icat+\'"/></a></td></tr><tr><td colspan="2"><div id="leftcontent_\'+icat+\'" style="display:none;" class="\'+links_class+\'">\';
						$.each(item, function (sid, softw) {
							var tmp_sid = sid.split("_");
							sid = tmp_sid[1];
							var acts = softw.type;
							if(acts == "php"){
								acts = "software";
							var soft = "soft";
							if(acts == "app" || acts == "service"){
								acts = "apps";
								soft = "app";
							var searchin = iscripts;
							if(soft == "app"){
								searchin = apps;
							var li_classes = "";
							' . (!empty($soft) ? 'if(' . $soft . ' == sid) li_classes = "class=\\"softlinkscurrent\\"";' : '') . '
							if((softw.parent != undefined || softw.parent != null) && in_array(softw.parent, iscripts)){
							if(!in_array(sid, searchin)){
							//alert(isset_ind +"--||"+ not_selected_ind)
								for(x in ind_types_array){
									var get_ind_type = getcookie(ind_types_array[x]);
									if(get_ind_type == "yes"){
										var tmp_arr = String(ind_types_array[x]).split("_");
										setcookie(get_ind_type, "no", 365);
								show_combined = false;
								show_combined = true;
							if(acts == "apps"){
								show_combined = true;
							var start_span = "";
							var end_span = "";
							if(li_classes != ""){
								var start_span = \'<span \'+li_classes+\'>\';
								var end_span = \'</span>\';
							if(in_array(sid, searchin) && show_combined){
								str_html += start_span+\'<a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=\'+acts+\'&\'+soft+\'=\'+sid+\'" title="\'+softw.desc+\'">\'\'</a>\'+end_span;
							if(softw.type == i_ind && !show_combined){
								str_html += start_span+\'<a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=\'+acts+\'&\'+soft+\'=\'+sid+\'" title="\'+softw.desc+\'">\'\'</a>\'+end_span;
						str_html += \'</div></td></tr></table>\';
						icat = icat + 1;
			var on_index_page = ' . (isset($_GET['ind']) ? '"' . $_GET['ind'] . '"' : '0') . ';
				on_index_page = ' . (isset($_GET['act']) ? '"' . $_GET['act'] . '"' : '0') . ';
// ]]></script>';
        echo '</td>
		<td valign="top" style="padding-left:20px;">';
    //Everything else will go here
    echo '<div id="softcontent" style="padding:0px; margin:0px;" >';
Esempio n. 2
function softheader($title = '', $leftbody = true)
    global $theme, $user, $logged_in, $globals, $l, $dmenus, $onload, $newslinks, $feeds, $softpanel, $iscripts, $catwise, $allcatwise, $soft, $classes_categories, $scripts, $apps, $apps_catwise;
    if (optGET('jsnohf')) {
        return true;
    /* <script language="javascript" src="'.js_url('js/jquery.js', 'js/universal.js', 'js/suggest.js', 'js/smoothscroll.js', 'js/slider.js', 'js/dock.js').'" type="text/javascript"> </script> */
    $title = empty($title) ? $globals['sn'] : $title;
    // Is there a Panel Header ?
    if (!empty($softpanel->pheader)) {
        echo $softpanel->pheader;
    //Lets echo the top headers
    echo '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
	<html xmlns="">
		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=' . $globals['charset'] . '" />
		<meta name="keywords" content="softaculous, software" />
		<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0" />
		<title>' . $title . '</title>
		<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $theme['url'] . '/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css?' . $GLOBALS['globals']['version'] . '" />
		<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $theme['url'] . '/style.css?' . $GLOBALS['globals']['version'] . '" />
		<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $theme['url'] . '/font-awesome.css?' . $GLOBALS['globals']['version'] . '" />
		<!--[if IE 7]>
		<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $theme['url'] . '/ie7.css?' . $GLOBALS['globals']['version'] . '">
		<link rel="shortcut icon" href="' . $theme['images'] . '/' . asperapp('', 'webuzo/', 'ampps/') . 'favicon.ico" />';
    $got_cache_js = get_cache_time();
    echo '<script language="javascript" src="' . $theme['url'] . '/js/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"> </script>
		<script language="javascript" src="' . $theme['url'] . '/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js" type="text/javascript"> </script>
		<script language="javascript" src="' . $theme['url'] . '/js/combined.js" type="text/javascript"> </script>
		<script language="javascript" src="' . $theme['url'] . '/cache/cache.js?' . $got_cache_js . '" type="text/javascript"> </script>
		<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
    echo '
	<body onload="bodyonload();">';
    $ind = $globals['mode'];
    //This is done for the SLIDER
    $js_cat = array();
    foreach ($allcatwise[$ind] as $cat => $softs) {
        if (empty($softs)) {
        $js_cat[] = $cat;
    $temp_allcatwise = $allcatwise;
    // Classes are only avaialable to Premium License
    if (empty($globals['disable_classes']) && !empty($globals['lictype'])) {
        $temp_allcatwise['classes'] = 'Classes';
    // Webuzo has the APPs support
    if (webuzo()) {
        $disablesysapps = $softpanel->is_sysapps_disable();
        if (empty($disablesysapps)) {
            $temp_allcatwise['apps'] = 'Apps';
            $allcatwise['apps'] = $apps_catwise;
        } else {
            if ($globals['mode'] == 'apps') {
                return false;
    // Show the EULA Notice in Interworx panel
    if (empty($user['eula_accept']) && $globals['softpanel'] == 'interworx') {
        echo '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
		var message_box = function(){			
				return {
					show_message: function(title, body , image) {			
						var okbtn = \'<input  style="width:75px; margin-top:10px; background:#00A0D2; color:#FFF;" class="sai_submit" type="button" onclick="message_box.close_message(this.value);" value="Agree" name="okbtn" />\';	
						var cancelbtn = \'<input  style="width:75px; margin-top:10px; background:#00A0D2; color:#FFF;" class="sai_submit" type="button" onclick="message_box.close_message(this.value);" value="Decline" name="cancelbtn" />\';
						if(jQuery(\'.sai_message_box\').html() === null) {
							var message = \'<div class="sai_message_box"><table border="0" cellpadding="8" width="100%" height="100%"><tr><td width="100%" class ="msg_tr1" style="text-align:center">\' +  title + \'</td></tr><tr class ="msg_tr2"><td style="text-align:left">\' + body + \'</td></tr><tr ><td class ="msg_tr3">\' + okbtn + \' &nbsp; &nbsp; \' + cancelbtn + \'</td></tr></table></div>\';
							jQuery(document.body).append( message );								
							jQuery(\'.sai_message_box\').css(\'top\', jQuery(\'html, body\').scrollTop() + 150);
							var message =\' <table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="8" height="100%"><tr ><td widt="60%" class ="msg_tr1">\' + title + \'</td></tr><tr class ="msg_tr2"><td style="text-align:left">\' + body + \'</td></tr><tr ><td>\' + okbtn + \'</td><td>\' + cancelbtn + \'</td></tr></table>\';				
							jQuery(\'.sai_message_box\').css(\'top\', jQuery(\'html, body\').scrollTop() + 150);
							jQuery(\'.sai_message_box\').html( message );
					close_message: function(action) {
						if(action == "Agree"){
								type: "GET",
								url: window.location+"?&eula_accept=1",
								// Checking for error
								success: function(data){
								error: function() {
							return false;
							alert("You must not use Softaculous if you do not agree to the EULA");
			// Show the eula accept message
			var agree_msg = \'<center>You must agree to the <a href="" target="_blank">EULA</a> before using Softaculous</center>\';
			message_box.show_message("<a href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\" style=\\"text-decoration:none\\">End User License Agreement</a>",agree_msg,1);
		// ]]></script>';
    //For native UI support
    if (!empty($softpanel->pheader)) {
        if (substr_count($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'paper_lantern') > 0) {
            echo '
			@media screen and (min-width: 320px) and (max-width: 360px){
    echo '
	<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
				<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="soft_nav">								
						<td width="' . (!empty($softpanel->leftpanel_resize) ? '192' : '220') . '" id="header_logo">
							<a href="' . $globals['ind'] . '" style="margin:20px;"><img src="' . ($globals['softpanel'] == 'ampps' ? $theme['a_images'] . 'header.png' : (empty($globals['logo_url']) ? $globals['softpanel'] == 'webuzo' ? $theme['a_images'] . 'header.png' : $theme['images'] . 'header.png' : $globals['logo_url'])) . '" alt="" height="' . (!empty($softpanel->leftpanel_resize) ? '60' : '55') . '"/></a>
    $top_bar = !empty($globals['panel_hf']) && !empty($softpanel->can_shrink_nativeui) ? '<td width="40" align="center">&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="javascript:set_pheader();" id="pheader_view" ><img src="' . $theme['images'] . ($_COOKIE['pheader'] == 'yes' ? 'expand.png" title="' . $l['expand_view'] . '"' : 'collapse.png" title="' . $l['collapse_view'] . '"') . '></a></td>' : '';
    $pre_selected_ind = array('php', 'perl', 'java', 'python');
    if (empty($globals['nolabels'])) {
        $top_bar .= '<td align="center" width="40" ' . (!empty($softpanel->pheader) ? 'height="40"' : '') . '>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'ind=' . $globals['mode'] . '" id="' . $globals['mode'] . '" class="indtype soft_nav_selected">' . ($globals['mode'] == 'js' ? 'JavaScripts' : ($globals['mode'] == 'classes' ? 'Classes' : (asperapp(0, 1, 0) ? $globals['mode'] == 'java' ? 'JAVA' : ($globals['mode'] == 'python' ? 'Python' : strtoupper($globals['mode'])) : strtoupper($globals['mode'])))) . '</a></td>';
        foreach ($temp_allcatwise as $k => $v) {
            $top_bar .= empty($temp_allcatwise[$k]) || $globals['mode'] == $k ? '' : '<td  align="center" width="40">&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'ind=' . $k . '" class="' . ($globals['mode'] == $k || empty($_GET['act']) && empty($_GET['ind']) && in_array($k, $pre_selected_ind) ? 'indtype soft_nav_selected' : 'indtype') . '" id="' . $k . '">' . ($k == 'js' ? 'JavaScripts' : ($k == 'classes' ? 'Classes' : ($k == 'java' || $k == 'apps' || $k == 'python' ? ucfirst($k) : strtoupper($k)))) . '</a></td>';
    $top_bar .= '
    $top_bar1 = (empty($globals['off_panel_link']) ? '<td align="center" width="32" class="someclass" title="' . $l['go_cpanel'] . '"><a href="' . $softpanel->theme['panel_url'] . '"><i class="fa sai-control_panel fa-2x"></i></a></td>' : '') . '

						' . (webuzo() && !$softpanel->is_sysapps_disable() ? '<td align="center" width="32" class="someclass" title="' . $l['go_cpanel'] . '"><a href="javascript:goto_panel();"><i class="fa sai-control_panel fa-2x"></i></a>' : '<td align="center" width="32" class="someclass" title="' . $l['go_home'] . '"><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . '"><i class="fa sai-home fa-2x"></i></a></td>') . '

						' . (aefer() && allow_adddomain() ? '<td align="center" width="32" class="someclass" title="' . $l['go_domain'] . '"><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=domains"><i class="fa sai-www fa-2x"></i></a></td>' : '') . (webuzo() ? '<td align="center" width="32" class="someclass" title="' . $l['go_domain'] . '"><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=domainmanage"><b><i class="fa sai-www fa-2x"></i></b></a></td>' : '') . (empty($globals['off_demo_link']) ? '<td align="center" width="32" class="someclass" title="' . $l['go_demos'] . '"><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=demos"><i class="fa sai-demo fa-1x"></i></a></td>' : '') . (empty($globals['off_rating_link']) ? '<td align="center" width="32" class="someclass" title="' . $l['go_ratings'] . '"><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=ratings"><i class="fa sai-fullstar fa-1x"></i></a></td>' : '') . '

						<td  align="center" width="32" class="someclass" title="' . $l['go_installations'] . '"><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=installations"><i class="fa sai-installations fa-1x"></i></a></td>' . (webuzo() && !$softpanel->is_sysapps_disable() ? '<td align="center" width="32" class="someclass" title="' . $l['go_apps_installations'] . '"><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=apps_installations"><i class="fa sai-apps fa-2x"></i></a></td>' : '') . '

						<td  align="center" width="32" class="someclass" title="' . $l['go_tasklist'] . '"><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=eu_tasklist"><i class="fa sai-list fa-1x"></i></a></td>

						<td align="center" width="32" class="someclass" title="' . $l['go_settings'] . '"><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=settings"><i class="fa sai-settings fa-1x"></i></a></td>' . (empty($globals['disable_backup_restore']) ? '<td align="center" width="32" class="someclass" title="' . $l['go_backups'] . '"><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=backups"><i class="fa sai-backup fa-1x"></i></a></td>' : '') . '

						' . (empty($globals['off_email_link']) ? '<td align="center" width="32" class="someclass" title="' . $l['go_email_settings'] . '"><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=email"><i class="fa sai-mail fa-1x"></i></a></td>' : '') . (!empty($globals['eu_themes_premium']) && !empty($globals['lictype']) ? '<td align="center" width="32" class="someclass" title="' . $l['go_my_themes'] . '"><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=my_themes"><i class="fa sai-pfx_icon fa-2x"></i></a></td>' : '') . (empty($globals['off_sync_link']) ? '<td align="center" width="32" class="someclass" title="' . $l['go_sync'] . '"><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=sync"><i class="fa sai-sync fa-1x"></i></a></td>' : '') . '
						<td align="center" width="32" class="someclass" title="' . $l['go_support'] . '"><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=help"><i class="fa sai-question fa-1x"></i></a></td>
						<td align="center" width="32" class="someclass" title="' . $l['go_logout'] . '">
							<a href="' . $softpanel->theme['logout'] . '"><i class="fa sai-logout fa-1x"></i></a>
    if (!empty($softpanel->pheader) && substr_count($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'paper_lantern') < 0) {
        echo $top_bar . '</tr><tr>' . $top_bar1;
    } else {
        echo $top_bar . $top_bar1;
    echo '</tr>
	<img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'menu.png" alt="Left_menu" id="header_toggle_btn" class="header_toggle_btn pull-right">			
	<div class="soft_nav_mob"><br />
		<ul style="list-style-type:none; padding-left:10px;">';
    $top_bar = !empty($globals['panel_hf']) && !empty($softpanel->can_shrink_nativeui) ? '<li style="display:inline-block;">&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="javascript:set_pheader();" id="pheader_view" ><img src="' . $theme['images'] . ($_COOKIE['pheader'] == 'yes' ? 'expand.png" title="' . $l['expand_view'] . '"' : 'collapse.png" title="' . $l['collapse_view'] . '"') . '></a></li>' : '';
    $pre_selected_ind = array('php', 'perl', 'java', 'python');
    if (empty($globals['nolabels'])) {
        $top_bar .= '<li style="display:inline-block;">&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'ind=' . $globals['mode'] . '" id="' . $globals['mode'] . '" class="indtype soft_nav_selected">' . ($globals['mode'] == 'js' ? 'JavaScripts' : ($globals['mode'] == 'classes' ? 'Classes' : (asperapp(0, 1, 0) ? $globals['mode'] == 'java' ? 'JAVA' : ($globals['mode'] == 'python' ? 'Python' : strtoupper($globals['mode'])) : strtoupper($globals['mode'])))) . '</a></li>';
        foreach ($temp_allcatwise as $k => $v) {
            $top_bar .= empty($temp_allcatwise[$k]) || $globals['mode'] == $k ? '' : '<li style="display:inline-block;">&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'ind=' . $k . '" class="' . ($globals['mode'] == $k || empty($_GET['act']) && empty($_GET['ind']) && in_array($k, $pre_selected_ind) ? 'indtype soft_nav_selected' : 'indtype') . '" id="' . $k . '">' . ($k == 'js' ? 'JavaScripts' : ($k == 'classes' ? 'Classes' : ($k == 'java' || $k == 'apps' || $k == 'python' ? ucfirst($k) : strtoupper($k)))) . '</a></li>';
    $top_bar1 = (empty($globals['off_panel_link']) ? '<li><a href="' . $softpanel->theme['panel_url'] . '"><i class="fa sai-control_panel fa-2x"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $l['go_cpanel'] . '</a></li><br />' : '') . '
						<li>' . (webuzo() && !$softpanel->is_sysapps_disable() ? '<a href="javascript:goto_panel();"><i class="fa sai-control_panel fa-2x"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $l['go_cpanel'] . '</a>' : '<a href="' . $globals['ind'] . '"><i class="fa sai-home fa-2x"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $l['go_home'] . '</a>') . '</li><br />
						' . (aefer() && allow_adddomain() ? '<li><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=domains"><i class="fa sai-www fa-2x"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $l['go_domain'] . '</a></li><br />' : '') . (webuzo() ? '<li><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=domainmanage"><b><i class="fa sai-www fa-2x"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $l['go_domain'] . '</b></a></li><br />' : '') . (empty($globals['off_demo_link']) ? '<li><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=demos"><i class="fa sai-demo fa-1x"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $l['go_demos'] . '</a></li><br />' : '') . (empty($globals['off_rating_link']) ? '<li><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=ratings"><i class="fa sai-fullstar fa-1x"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $l['go_ratings'] . '</a></li><br />' : '') . '

						<li><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=installations"><i class="fa sai-installations fa-1x"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $l['go_installations'] . '</a></li><br />' . (webuzo() && !$softpanel->is_sysapps_disable() ? '<li><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=apps_installations"><i class="fa sai-apps fa-2x"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $l['go_apps_installations'] . '</a></li><br />' : '') . '

						<li><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=eu_tasklist"><i class="fa sai-list fa-1x"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $l['go_tasklist'] . '</a></li><br />

						<li><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=settings"><i class="fa sai-settings fa-1x"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $l['go_settings'] . '</a></li><br />' . (empty($globals['disable_backup_restore']) ? '<li><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=backups"><i class="fa sai-backup fa-1x"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $l['go_backups'] . '</a></li><br />' : '') . '

						' . (empty($globals['off_email_link']) ? '<li><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=email"><i class="fa sai-mail fa-1x"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $l['go_email_settings'] . '</a></li><br />' : '') . (!empty($globals['eu_themes_premium']) && !empty($globals['lictype']) ? '<li><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=my_themes"><i class="fa sai-pfx_icon fa-2x"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $l['go_my_themes'] . '</a></li><br />' : '') . (empty($globals['off_sync_link']) ? '<li><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=sync"><i class="fa sai-sync fa-1x"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $l['go_sync'] . '</a></li><br />' : '') . '
						<li><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=help"><i class="fa sai-question fa-1x"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $l['go_support'] . '</a></li><br />
						<li><a href="' . $softpanel->theme['logout'] . '"><i class="fa sai-logout fa-1x"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $l['go_logout'] . '</a></li><br />';
    echo $top_bar . '<br /><br />' . $top_bar1;
    echo '
	<script type=text/javascript>
    if (!empty($softpanel->pheader) && substr_count($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'x3') > 0) {
        echo '$(".ver_style").css("margin-left","0px");
					$(".change_style").css({"margin-left":"0px", "margin-top":"-15px"});
    echo '  });
	<!--[if IE]>
	<div id="loading_soft" class="sai_loading_soft">
		<img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'fb_loader.gif" alt="Loading..." />
    echo '<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" style="margin-top:-53px;"> 
			<img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'menu.png" alt="Left_menu" class="left_toggle_btn" id="left_toggle_btn">
			<td width="' . (!empty($softpanel->leftpanel_resize) ? '192' : '220') . '" valign="top" class="left_panel" style="min-height:100%;">
				<!--left panel table start here-->
					<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
							<td align="center">
									<a href="' . $globals['ind'] . '"><img src="' . ($globals['softpanel'] == 'ampps' ? $theme['a_images'] . 'header.png' : (empty($globals['logo_url']) ? $globals['softpanel'] == 'webuzo' ? $theme['a_images'] . 'header.png' : $theme['images'] . 'header.png' : $globals['logo_url'])) . '" alt="" height="' . (!empty($softpanel->leftpanel_resize) ? '60' : '70') . '"/></a>
    if ($ind != 'classes') {
        echo '<tr>
								<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" align="center">
									<tr><br />
										<td align="right">
											<form accept-charset="' . $globals['charset'] . '" name="search" method="post" action="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=search&smode=' . $globals['mode'] . '" onsubmit="return checksearchform();" id="searchform">
												<input type="text" name="inputString" size="23" id="inputString" onfocus="this.value=\'\';" value="' . $l['search'] . '" onblur="this.value=\'' . $l['search'] . '\';init();" onKeyUp="search_scripts(this.value);" autocomplete="off"  sugurl="' . $globals['index'] . '&act=suggest&smode=' . $globals['mode'] . '" mode="' . $globals['mode'] . '" class="sai_search_left" style="margin-bottom:8px;"/>
												<img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'search.png" class="sai_search_img" />
												<input type="hidden" name="hidden_cid" id="hidden_cid" />
												<div id="suggestions" class="sai_suggestions" style="position:absolute;left:0px; top:0px; display:none;"></div>
								<!--<div class="search_suggestion" style="display:none"></div>-->
    if (!empty($leftbody)) {
        if ($ind == 'classes' || optGET('act') == 'classes') {
            echo '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
		(function($) {
				backgroundPosition: function(fx) {
					if (fx.state === 0 && typeof fx.end == \'string\') {
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							start = $.css(fx.elem, "background-position-x")+\' \'+$.css(fx.elem, "background-position-y");
						start = toArray(start);
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		// this function will add blue arrow after clicking	
			$("#cmenu li a").click(function(){
		//function to display list of classes
		function show_list(start, length, cat){
			$_("loading_soft") = (scrolledy()+250)+"px";
			$.getJSON("' . $globals['api_nuphp'] . 'category_classes.php?cat="+cat+"&in=json&start="+start+"&length="+length+"&callback=?", 
			function (data) {
				if (typeof(!="object" || typeof == "undefined"){
				  $("#loading_soft").hide();//hide fb loader
				  $("#softcontent").html("<center><span class=\'sai_newhead\'>' . $l['classes_con_failed'] . '</span></center>");	
				var soft_classes = \'<div class="bg"><br /><div class="row row_usi_cls">\';
				var br = 1; 
				$.each(, function (i, item) {
					soft_classes += \'<div class="col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12 col-xs-12" style="padding-bottom: 20px;"><div class="sai_classes_boxgrid2"; id="' . $globals['index'] . 'act=classes&cid=\'+item.cid+\'&tab=overview" ><div class="sai_classes_boxgrid"><div><h2>\'
					\'</h2><p style="padding:10px;height:50px;">\'
					+item.desc+\'</p><p style="padding:10px;height:15px;"> <b>' . $l['cl_ratings'] . '</b> : \'
					+parseFloat(item.ratings)+\'/5</p> </div><div style="height:200px;"><br /><h2>\'
					\'</h2><p style="margin-left:10px;margin-top:20px"><b> ' . $l['cl_author'] . '</b> : \'\'</p><p style="margin-left:10px;"><b> ' . $l['cl_license'] . '</b> :\'
					+item.license+\'</p><p style="margin-left:10px;"><b> ' . $l['cl_version'] . '</b> :\'
					+item.version+\'</p><div align="center"> <a href="' . $globals['index'] . 'act=classes&cid=\'+item.cid+\'&tab=install" style="margin:5px;" class="sai_cbutton"> ' . $l['cl_install_but'] . ' </a><a href="' . $globals['index'] . 'act=classes&cid=\'+item.cid+\'&tab=file" style="margin:5px;"class="sai_cbutton"> ' . $l['cl_show_files'] . '</a></div></div></div></div></div>\';
					 br += 1 ;
				});// end of each loop
				soft_classes += "</div></div>";
				// Pagination Coding
				var p1 = 0; // Start variable for mysql api . length is set to 12
				// Find which is the current page
				var current = (start/length) + 1;
				var class_pagination = \'<center><div class="pagination"><ul>\';
				for (i=1; i<=data.pages; i++)
					var page_class = "sai_cbutton";
					if(i == current){
						page_class += " selected_page";
					class_pagination += \'<li style="display:inline;font-size:18px;font-style:italic;margin-right:3px;cursor:pointer"><a class="\'+page_class+\'" style="background: #F5F5F5;color:#000;" onclick="show_list(\'+p1+\',12, \\\'\'+data.class_category+\'\\\');" href="javascript:void(0)" >\'+ i+\'</a></li>\';
				class_pagination+= \'</ul></div></center>\';	
				$("#loading_soft").hide();//hide fb loader
				window.location.hash = "!act=listclasses&cat="+data.class_category;	
			}); // end of get json function
		}//end of show list
// ]]></script>';
        // end of $ind == 'classes'
        $theme['leftbody'] = $leftbody;
        echo '<tr>
								<td id="load_leftpanel_js">';
        // Only for classes menu
        if ($ind == 'classes') {
            echo '<ul class="softlinks" id="cmenu">';
            foreach ($classes_categories as $key => $value) {
                echo '<li>
												<a onclick="show_list(0, 12, \'' . $key . '\');  return false;" href="javascript:void(0)" >' . $l['classes_' . $key] . '<div class="class_arrow"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'collapsed.png"></div></a>
            echo '</ul>';
        } else {
            $icat = 0;
            $str = '<script>
									var cat_lang = new Array();
									var catimg_from_site = new Array();';
            foreach ($allcatwise as $i_ind => $ind_type) {
                foreach ($ind_type as $cat => $softs) {
                    if (empty($softs)) {
                    // If we have any cat images to be load from our website
                    if (!empty($GLOBALS['catimgs'][$i_ind . '_' . $cat])) {
                        $str .= 'catimg_from_site[\'' . $i_ind . '_' . $cat . '\'] = "' . $GLOBALS['catimgs'][$i_ind . '_' . $cat] . '";';
                    $str .= 'cat_lang[\'cat_' . $i_ind . '_' . $cat . '\'] = "' . $l['cat_' . $i_ind . '_' . $cat] . '";';
            $str .= '
									var iscripts = new Array("' . implode('", "', array_keys($iscripts)) . '");
									var apps = new Array("' . implode('", "', array_keys($apps)) . '");
            echo $str;
        // End of ELSE (i.e for iscripts)
        echo '</td>
    echo '</table>
				<td colspan="2"  valign="top">
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[

function goto_panel(){
	var str = window.location; 	
	var port_find = str.toString().search(\'2003\'); 	

	if(port_find < 1){		
		var str_url = str.toString().replace("2002", "2004");
		var str_url = str.toString().replace("2003", "2005");
	var res = str_url.split("/",4);
	var res_out = res.join("/");	
	window.location = res_out+"/";	

function in_array(val, array){
	for (i=0; i <= array.length; i++){
		if (array[i] == val) {
			return true;
			// {alert(i +" -- "+ids[i]+" -- "+val);return i;}
	return false;

var ind_types_array = new Array("ind_php", "ind_perl", "ind_java", "ind_python");

var all_ind_types_array = new Array("ind_php", "ind_perl", "ind_java", "ind_apps", "ind_js", "ind_python");

	var shown=false;
	$("#left_toggle_btn").on("click", function(e){
			$(".left_panel").css({"position":"absolute", "z-index":"1000"});
				left: "' . (!empty($softpanel->leftpanel_resize) ? '192' : '220') . 'px"
				left: "0px"
		$("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 500);
		return false;
	function checksearchform(){
		if($_("inputString").value == ""){
			return false;
			return true;

function set_pheader(){
	var cur_status = getcookie("pheader");
	if(cur_status == "no" || cur_status == false){
	window.location.href = window.location;
    // If the $ind == classes than dond load unecessary stuff
    if ($ind != 'classes') {
        echo 'function initiate_status(){
		var main = $("#softmain tr");
			var cookie_id = $(this).closest("tr").attr("id");
			var if_isset = getcookie(cookie_id);
			var tmp_cookieid = String(cookie_id);
			if(if_isset == 2 && tmp_cookieid != "undefined"){
				//alert(if_isset+"--"+ cookie_id)
				var id = $($("#"+cookie_id).next("tr").find("div"));
				var tmp_img = tmp_cookieid.split("_");
				$("#icat"+tmp_img[1]).attr("src", "' . $theme['images'] . 'expanded.png");
	function show_left_panel(combine){
		var str_html = "";
		var icat = 0;
		$.each(allcatwise, function (i_ind, ind_type) {
			$.each(ind_type, function (i, item) {
				if(catimg_from_site[i_ind+\'_\'+i] != undefined || catimg_from_site[i_ind+\'_\'+i] != null){
					var catimg = catimg_from_site[i_ind+\'_\'+i];
					var catimg = "' . $theme['images'] . 'cats/"+i_ind+"_"+i+".png";
				var if_isset = getcookie("head_"+icat);
				var tmp_cookieid = String("head_"+icat);
				var display_open = "none";
				if(if_isset == 2 && tmp_cookieid != "undefined"){
					display_open = "block";
				var show_combined = true;
				var isset_ind = ' . (isset($_GET['ind']) ? '"' . $_GET['ind'] . '"' : '0') . ';
					isset_ind = ' . (isset($_GET['act']) ? '"' . $_GET['act'] . '"' : '0') . ';
				if(!in_array("ind_"+isset_ind, all_ind_types_array)){
					isset_ind = "php";
				if(isset_ind == "software"){
					isset_ind = "php";
					var show_i_ind = isset_ind;
					var show_i_ind = "php";
				var cat_key = "cat_"+i_ind+"_"+i;
				str_html += \'<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="softmain" width="100%">\';
				if(i_ind == show_i_ind){
				str_html += \'<tr id="head_\'+icat+\'" class="soft_cathead_slide"><td width="80%" class="soft_cathead" height="32" valign="middle"><a href="' . (empty($globals['lictype']) ? '#' : $globals['indmode'] . 'act=listsoftwares&cat=\'+i+\'') . '" onclick="ajax_listsoftware(\\\'\'+i+\'\\\'); return false;"><i class="fa sai-\'+i+\' fa-lg"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;\'+cat_lang[cat_key]+\'</a></td>' . (empty($globals['lictype']) ? '<td align="left" width="5%"><a href="\'+i+\'"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'external.gif" alt="" /></a></td>' : '') . '<td width="5%"><a href="javascript:void(0);"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'collapsed.png" alt="" valign="top" id="icat\'+icat+\'"/></a></td></tr><tr><td><div id="leftcontent" style="display:none"><ul class="softlinks">\';
				$.each(item, function (sid, softw) {
					var tmp_sid = sid.split("_");
					sid = tmp_sid[1];
					var acts = softw.type;
					if(acts == "php"){
						acts = "software";
					var soft = "soft";
					if(acts == "app" || acts == "service"){
						acts = "apps";
						soft = "app";
					var searchin = iscripts;
					if(soft == "app"){
						searchin = apps;
					var li_classes = "";
					' . (!empty($soft) ? 'if(' . $soft . ' == sid) li_classes = "class=\\"softlinkscurrent\\"";' : '') . '
					if((softw.parent != undefined || softw.parent != null) && in_array(softw.parent, iscripts)){
					if(!in_array(sid, searchin)){
					//alert(isset_ind +"--||"+ not_selected_ind)
						// Removed this because causing issues in paper_lantern Native UI
						/*for(x in ind_types_array){
							var get_ind_type = getcookie(ind_types_array[x]);
							if(get_ind_type == "yes"){
								var tmp_arr = String(ind_types_array[x]).split("_");
								setcookie(get_ind_type, "no", 365);
						show_combined = false;
						show_combined = true;
					if(acts == "apps"){
						show_combined = true;
					if(in_array(sid, searchin) && show_combined){
						str_html += \'<li \'+li_classes+\'><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=\'+acts+\'&\'+soft+\'=\'+sid+\'" title="\'+softw.desc+\'">\'\'</a></li>\';
					if(softw.type == i_ind && !show_combined){
						str_html += \'<li \'+li_classes+\'><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=\'+acts+\'&\'+soft+\'=\'+sid+\'" title="\'+softw.desc+\'">\'\'</a></li>\';
				str_html += \'</ul></div></td></tr></table>\';
				icat = icat + 1;
	var on_index_page = ' . (isset($_GET['ind']) ? '"' . $_GET['ind'] . '"' : '0') . ';
		on_index_page = ' . (isset($_GET['act']) ? '"' . $_GET['act'] . '"' : '0') . ';
	$(".indtype").click(function(e) {
		var chk_ind = $(this).attr("id");
		if(chk_ind == "js" || chk_ind == "apps" || chk_ind == "classes") return true;
		if(e.shiftKey) {
		if(e.ctrlKey) {
			var indtype_name = "ind_"+$(this).attr("id");
			var get_ind_type = getcookie(indtype_name);
			if(get_ind_type == "no" || get_ind_type == false){
				setcookie(indtype_name, "yes", 365);
				setcookie(indtype_name, "no", 365);
			return false;
		if(e.altKey) {
	function search_scripts(val){
		var q = val.toLowerCase();
		var qlen = val.length;
		var str_html = "";
		var icat = 0;
		var cats_array = new Array();
		$.each(allcatwise, function (i_ind, ind_type) {
			$.each(ind_type, function (i, item) {
				if(catimg_from_site[i_ind+\'_\'+i] != undefined || catimg_from_site[i_ind+\'_\'+i] != null){
					var catimg = catimg_from_site[i_ind+\'_\'+i];
					var catimg = "' . $theme['images'] . 'cats/"+i_ind+"_"+i+".png";
				var isset_ind = ' . (isset($_GET['ind']) ? '"' . $_GET['ind'] . '"' : '0') . ';
					var show_i_ind = "' . $_GET['ind'] . '";
					var show_i_ind = "php";
				var cat_key = "cat_"+i_ind+"_"+i;
				// If all scripts in that category is disabled by Admin it was showing "undefined" so to resolve this we have written the following code.
				if(typeof cat_lang[cat_key] == "undefined"){
					for(x in ind_types_array){
						var tmp_arr = String(ind_types_array[x]).split("_");
						var tmp_cat_key = "cat_"+tmp_arr[1]+"_"+i;
						if(typeof cat_lang[tmp_cat_key] != "undefined" && typeof cat_lang[tmp_cat_key] == "string"){
							var cat_key = tmp_cat_key;
				str_html += \'<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="softmain" width="100%">\';
				if((i_ind == show_i_ind || i_ind == "apps" || i_ind == "js") && typeof cat_lang[cat_key] != "undefined"){
					str_html += \'<tr id="head_\'+icat+\'" class="soft_cathead_slide"><td width="100%" class="soft_cathead" valign="middle" height="32"><a href="' . (empty($globals['lictype']) ? '#' : $globals['indmode'] . 'act=listsoftwares&cat=\'+i+\'') . '" onclick="ajax_listsoftware(\\\'\'+i+\'\\\'); return false;"><i class="fa sai-\'+i+\' fa-lg"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;\'+cat_lang[cat_key]+\'</a></td>' . (empty($globals['lictype']) ? '<td align="left" width="5%"><a href="\'+i+\'"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'external.gif" alt="" /></a></td>' : '') . '<td width="5%"><a href="javascript:void(0);"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'expanded.png" alt="" valign="top" id="icat\'+icat+\'"/></a></td></tr><tr><td><div id="leftcontent"><ul class="softlinks">\';
					$.each(item, function (sid, softw) {
						var tmp_sid = sid.split("_");
						sid = tmp_sid[1];
						var acts = softw.type;
						if(acts == "php"){
							acts = "software"
						var soft = "soft";
						if(acts == "app" || acts == "service"){
							acts = "apps";
							soft = "app";
						var searchin = iscripts;
						if(soft == "app"){
							searchin = apps;
						var name = String(;
						var searched = name.substr(0, qlen).toLowerCase();
						if(searched == q){
							if((softw.parent != undefined || softw.parent != null) && in_array(softw.parent, iscripts)){
							if(in_array(sid, searchin)){
								str_html += \'<li><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=\'+acts+\'&\'+soft+\'=\'+sid+\'" title="\'+softw.desc+\'">\'\'</a></li>\';
				str_html += \'</ul></div></td></tr></table>\';
				icat = icat + 1;
	function remove_unnecessary_tables(){
		var icat = 0;
		$.each(allcatwise, function (i_ind, ind_type) {
			$.each(ind_type, function (i, item) {
				var id = $($("#head_"+icat).next("tr").find("div").children());
				if(id.children().length == 0){
				icat = icat + 1;
		if($("#load_leftpanel_js").children().length == 0){
			$("#load_leftpanel_js").html("<center>' . $l['no_script_found'] . '</center>");
			$("#load_leftpanel_js").css("color", "' . (!empty($user['color_theme']['left_panel_scriptname']) ? $user['color_theme']['left_panel_scriptname'] : $globals['default_scriptname_text']) . '");
    // End of if($ind != 'classes')
    echo '
function init(){
	var cat_head = $(this).attr("id");
	var tmp_img = cat_head.split("_");
	var id = $($(this).next("tr").find("div"));
	if(id.css("display") == "none"){
		$("#icat"+tmp_img[1]).attr("src", "' . $theme['images'] . 'expanded.png");
		setcookie(cat_head, 2, 365);
		setcookie(cat_head, "", -365);
		$("#icat"+tmp_img[1]).attr("src", "' . $theme['images'] . 'collapsed.png");

// navigation background fading effect . it will work only on loading external javascript file jquery.bgpos.js in js folder
	$(".soft_cathead, .soft_cathead_slide").mouseover(function()
		 $(this).animate({color:"#fff",paddingLeft: "10px"});
		$(this).stop().animate({color:"#fff",paddingLeft: "10px"});
    // if user has it own color scheme than we will have to change the css boy!';
    if (!empty($user['user_defined_color']) || !empty($globals['default_hf_bg']) || !empty($globals['default_cat_hover']) || !empty($globals['default_hf_text']) || !empty($globals['default_scriptname_text'])) {
        // For changing text colors of category heading hover color
        if (!empty($user['color_theme']['left_panel_cathead_hover']) || !empty($globals['default_cat_hover'])) {
            echo '
		$(".soft_cathead_slide, .soft_cathead").mouseover(function(){
			$(this).css("background-color", "' . (!empty($user['color_theme']['left_panel_cathead_hover']) ? $user['color_theme']['left_panel_cathead_hover'] : $globals['default_cat_hover']) . '");
		$(".soft_cathead_slide, .soft_cathead").mouseout(function(){
			$(this).css("background-color", "' . (!empty($user['color_theme']['left_panel_bg']) ? $user['color_theme']['left_panel_bg'] : $globals['default_hf_bg']) . '");
        // For changing background color
        if (!empty($user['color_theme']['left_panel_bg']) || !empty($globals['default_hf_bg'])) {
            echo '
		$(".soft_nav").css("background", "none");
		$(".left_toggle_btn").css("background", "none");
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    echo '}// End of init()


function ajax_listsoftware(str_id){
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// ]]></script>';
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