  * Call util to set remove stale records and set UUID, and then setup any
  * table-specific data.
  * @param Doctrine_Event $event
 function preInsert($event)
     // table-specific
     $this->out_headline = "Outcome Headline - " . $this->out_uuid;
     $this->out_teaser = "Outcome Teaser - " . $this->out_uuid;
     $this->out_dtim = air2_date();
  * Converts dotted quad to long integer for tb_ip.
  * @param unknown $event
  * @return parent preValidate
 public function preValidate($event)
     if (!is_numeric($this->tb_ip)) {
         $this->tb_ip = ip2long($this->tb_ip);
     if (!$this->tb_dtim) {
         $this->tb_dtim = air2_date();
     return parent::preValidate($event);
  * @return unknown
  * @param unknown $pinq
 protected function air_delete($pinq)
     if (!$pinq->user_may_delete($this->user)) {
         throw new Rframe_Exception(Rframe::BAD_DATA, "Invalid Query authz");
     $project = $pinq->Project;
     // log activity
     $activity = new InquiryActivity();
     $activity->ia_inq_id = $this->parent_rec->inq_id;
     $activity->ia_actm_id = 49;
     $activity->ia_dtim = air2_date();
     $activity->ia_desc = sprintf('project %s removed by {USER}', $project->prj_name);
  * Loads login view and authenticate users
  * we do explicit load->view calls here because the login screen is
  * independent of the rest of the View architecture.
 public function index()
     // redirect to original request, or home page
     $back = $this->input->get_post('back');
     if (!isset($back) || !strlen($back)) {
         $back = site_url('');
     // admin allows overriding PIN SSO
     $admin = false;
     if (isset($this->input_all['admin']) && $this->input_all['admin']) {
         $admin = true;
     if (isset($_GET['admin']) && $_GET['admin']) {
         $admin = true;
     // create stash
     $stash = array('static_url' => site_url(), 'back' => $back, 'c' => $this, 'admin' => $admin);
     // GET requests show a login form
     if ($this->method == 'GET') {
         // special case.
         // if we are configured to trust the PIN SSO tkt (auth_tkt)
         // then check for it and use its "sso" data value
         // as the AIR2 username
         if (AIR2_PIN_SSO_TRUST && !$admin) {
             $tkt = $this->input->cookie(AIR2_PIN_SSO_TKT);
             if (!$tkt) {
                 $tkt = $this->input->get_post(AIR2_PIN_SSO_TKT);
             if ($tkt) {
                 $at = new Apache_AuthTkt(array('conf' => AIR2_PIN_SSO_CONFIG, 'encrypt_data' => false));
                 //Carper::carp("got auth_tkt for trust pin sso");
                 if ($at->validate_ticket($tkt)) {
                     $tkt_info = $at->parse_ticket($tkt);
                     $tkt_data = json_decode($tkt_info['data'], true);
                     if (isset($tkt_data['sso'])) {
                         $username = $tkt_data['sso'];
                         $user = $this->_fetch_user($username);
                         if ($user) {
                             // trust prior authentication. create the AIR2 tkt.
                             $this->airuser->create_tkt($user, true, true);
                             $user->user_login_dtim = air2_date();
                             //echo "Location: $back\n";
                         } else {
                             Carper::carp("Invalid user in tkt");
                             redirect(AIR2_PIN_SSO_URL . '?back=' . $back);
                     } else {
                         Carper::carp("Missing sso param in tkt");
                         redirect(AIR2_PIN_SSO_URL . '?back=' . $back);
                 } else {
                     Carper::carp("Invalid tkt");
                     redirect(AIR2_PIN_SSO_URL . '?back=' . $back);
             } else {
                 // no PIN tkt; redirect to PIN login
                 Carper::carp("No PIN SSO tkt");
                 redirect(AIR2_PIN_SSO_URL . '?back=' . $back);
         // print form
         $this->load->view('login', $stash);
     } elseif ($this->method == 'POST') {
         header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
         // allow external
         $uname = isset($this->input_all['username']) ? $this->input_all['username'] : null;
         // #9505 - xss-filter messes up passwords, so get raw input
         $pwd = isset($_POST['password']) ? $_POST['password'] : null;
         // didn't enter username or password
         if (!$uname || !$pwd || strlen($uname) < 1 || strlen($pwd) < 1) {
             if ($this->view == "json") {
                 header('X-AIR2: authentication failed', false, 400);
                 $resp = array('success' => false, 'message' => 'invalid request');
                 print json_encode($resp);
             } elseif ($this->view == "xml") {
                 header('X-AIR2: authentication failed', false, 400);
                 // TODO use 'xml' view
                 print "<air2><success>false</success><message>invalid request</message></air2>";
             } else {
                 $stash['errormsg'] = 'You must enter both a username and password';
                 $this->load->view('login', $stash);
         // bad username
         $user = $this->_fetch_user($uname);
         if (!$user || !$user->exists()) {
             if ($this->view == "json") {
                 header('X-AIR2: authentication failed', false, 401);
                 $resp = array('success' => false, 'message' => 'authentication failed');
                 print json_encode($resp);
             } elseif ($this->view == "xml") {
                 header('X-AIR2: authentication failed', false, 401);
                 // TODO use 'xml' view
                 print "<air2><success>false</success><message>authentication failed</message></air2>";
             } else {
                 $stash['errormsg'] = 'The information you entered does not match an active account';
                 $this->load->view('login', $stash);
         // delegate to PIN SSO?
         $pw_ok = false;
         // the !$admin means we avoid infinite loop with the SSO service,
         // which just points back here.
         if (AIR2_PIN_SSO_TRUST && !$admin) {
             $pw_ok = $this->check_pin_sso($uname, $pwd);
         } else {
             $pw_ok = $user->check_password($pwd);
         // bad password
         if (!$pw_ok) {
             if ($this->view == "json") {
                 header('X-AIR2: authentication failed', false, 401);
                 $resp = array('success' => false, 'message' => 'authentication failed');
                 print json_encode($resp);
             } elseif ($this->view == "xml") {
                 header('X-AIR2: authentication failed', false, 401);
                 // TODO use 'xml' view
                 print "<air2><success>false</success><message>authentication failed</message></air2>";
             } else {
                 $stash['errormsg'] = 'The information you entered does not match an active account';
                 $this->load->view('login', $stash);
                 //TODO -- form error msg
         // authenticated ok. create the tkt.
         $tkt = $this->airuser->create_tkt($user, true, true);
         $user->user_login_dtim = air2_date();
         // non-html response does not redirect
         if ($this->view == "json") {
             $tkt['success'] = true;
             print json_encode($tkt);
         } elseif ($this->view == "xml") {
             header('X-AIR2: authentication failed', false, 401);
             // TODO use 'xml' view
             print "<air2><success>true</success><air2_tkt>" . $tkt['air2_tkt'] . "</air2_tkt></air2>";
         } else {
  * Create
  * @param array $data
  * @return Doctrine_Record $rec
 protected function air_create($data)
     $name = isset($data['tm_name']) ? $data['tm_name'] : null;
     $tmid = isset($data['tm_id']) ? $data['tm_id'] : null;
     if (!$name && !$tmid) {
         throw new Rframe_Exception(Rframe::BAD_DATA, "Required data 'tm_name' or 'tm_id'");
     // create tag
     $input = $tmid ? $tmid : $name;
     $use_id = $tmid ? true : false;
     $rec = TagSource::create_tag('TagResponseSet', $this->parent_rec->srs_id, $input, $use_id);
     if (!$rec) {
         throw new Rframe_Exception(Rframe::BAD_DATA, "Invalid tm_id({$tmid})");
     if ($rec->exists()) {
         $rec->tag_upd_user = $this->user->user_id;
         $rec->tag_upd_dtim = air2_date();
     return $rec;
  * @param unknown $data
  * @return unknown
 protected function air_delete($inq_auth)
     $user = $inq_auth->User;
     // log activity
     $activity = new InquiryActivity();
     $activity->ia_inq_id = $this->parent_rec->inq_id;
     $activity->ia_actm_id = 49;
     $activity->ia_dtim = air2_date();
     $activity->ia_desc = sprintf('author %s removed by {USER}', $user->user_username);
     $this->parent_rec->InquiryActivity[] = $activity;
  * Log a src_activity to indicate that we merged a source.
  * @param array   $result_data
  * @param array   $response_data
 protected function log_activity($result_data, $response_data)
     $sa = new SrcActivity();
     $sa->sact_actm_id = ActivityMaster::SRCINFO_UPDATED;
     $sa->sact_src_id = $this->prime->src_id;
     $sa->sact_dtim = air2_date();
     $old_usr = $response_data['MergeSource']['src_username'];
     $sa->sact_desc = "{USER} merged source {SRC} with {$old_usr}";
     $sa->sact_notes = null;
     //TODO: something from result?
  * Create
  * @param array $data
 protected function air_create($data)
     $rec = new TranslationMap();
     $this->require_data($data, array('xm_fact_id', 'xm_xlate_from', 'xm_xlate_to_fv_id'));
     $rec->xm_fact_id = $data['xm_fact_id'];
     $rec->xm_xlate_from = $data['xm_xlate_from'];
     $rec->xm_xlate_to_fv_id = $data['xm_xlate_to_fv_id'];
     $rec->xm_cre_dtim = air2_date();
     // verify uniqueness
     return $rec;
  * @param unknown $payload (optional)
 public function unsubscribe($payload = null)
     // for flash data on POST redirect
     $method = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];
     $action = current_url();
     if ($method == 'GET') {
         // payload is (optional) base64-encoded JSON string with email and org
         $email = null;
         $org = null;
         if ($payload) {
             $buf = base64_decode($payload);
             if ($buf) {
                 $json = json_decode($buf);
                 if (isset($json->email)) {
                     $email = $json->email;
                 if (isset($json->org)) {
                     $org = $json->org;
         $organization = null;
         if ($org) {
             $organization = Doctrine::getTable('Organization')->findOneBy('org_name', $org);
         $stash = array('static_url' => $this->uri_for(''), 'action' => $action, 'method' => 'GET', 'email' => $email, 'org' => $organization);
         $this->load->view('email/unsubscribe', $stash);
     } else {
         $email = $this->input->post('email');
         $org = $this->input->post('org');
         // invalid params, re-render form with msg
         if (!$email) {
             $stash = array('static_url' => $this->uri_for(''), 'action' => $action, 'method' => 'GET', 'error' => 'Must supply an email address.');
             $this->load->view('email/unsubscribe', $stash);
         // find the source
         $src_email = Doctrine::getTable('SrcEmail')->findOneBy('sem_email', strtolower($email));
         if (!$src_email) {
             // can't act. return 404 and do not reveal why to protect privacy of email
         // determine our action.
         // if this org, and the org != APM, opt out from the org.
         // if this org == APM, or no org, or all orgs, unsubscribe the email address.
         $opt_out_from = null;
         if ($org && $org != 'all') {
             $organization = Doctrine::getTable('Organization')->findOneBy('org_name', $org);
             if ($organization) {
                 if ($organization->org_id != Organization::$APMPIN_ORG_ID) {
                     $opt_out_from = $organization;
         $source = $src_email->Source;
         $should_save = false;
         $sact = new SrcActivity();
         $sact->sact_dtim = air2_date();
         $sact->sact_actm_id = 22;
         if ($opt_out_from) {
             // toggle the relevant src_org record
             foreach ($source->SrcOrg as $so) {
                 if ($so->so_org_id != $opt_out_from->org_id) {
                 $so->so_status = SrcOrg::$STATUS_OPTED_OUT;
                 $should_save = true;
                 $sact->sact_desc = 'Source unsubscribed via AIR from Org';
                 $sact->sact_ref_type = SrcActivity::$REF_TYPE_ORG;
                 $sact->sact_xid = $so->so_org_id;
         } else {
             // toggle the relevant src_email record
             $src_email->sem_status = SrcEmail::$STATUS_UNSUBSCRIBED;
             $should_save = true;
             $sact->sact_desc = 'Source unsubscribed via AIR';
         if (!$should_save) {
             // bad org name, most likely
         $source->SrcActivity[] = $sact;
         // redirect to avoid double post
         $this->session->set_flashdata('unsubscribed', $email);
Esempio n. 10
  * Handle bulk-update operations
  * @param Bin $rec
  * @param array $data
 protected function air_update($rec, $data)
     // unset bulk_op vars
     $this->bulk_op = null;
     $this->bulk_rs = null;
     // extract any notes for a bulk_add
     $addnotes = null;
     if (array_key_exists('bulk_add_notes', $data)) {
         $addnotes = $data['bulk_add_notes'];
         if (strlen($addnotes) < 1 || strlen($addnotes) > 255) {
             throw new Rframe_Exception(Rframe::BAD_DATA, 'Invalid notes field for add');
     // look for first BULK_OP
     $bulk_op = false;
     foreach ($this->BULK_OPS as $op) {
         if (isset($data[$op])) {
             $bulk_op = $op;
     // run op
     if ($bulk_op) {
         // add-notes only allowed on 'add' operations
         if ($addnotes && !preg_match('/^bulk_add/', $bulk_op)) {
             throw new Rframe_Exception(Rframe::BAD_DATA, "Key bulk_add_notes not allowed for operation {$bulk_op}");
         // sanity
         if (count($data) > 1) {
             throw new Rframe_Exception(Rframe::BAD_DATA, "Bulk operation " . "{$bulk_op} cannot run with any other updates!");
         $this->run_bulk($rec, $bulk_op, $data[$bulk_op], $addnotes);
         // touch timestamp, since bulk ops usually don't
         $rec->bin_upd_user = $this->user->user_id;
         $rec->bin_upd_dtim = air2_date();
  * Public utility to log a src_activity without using doctrine.
  * @param int     $usrid
  * @param array   $srcids
  * @param string  $dtim
  * @param string  $desc
  * @param string  $note
 public static function log_raw($usrid, $srcids, $dtim, $desc, $note)
     // collect default values
     if (!$dtim) {
         $dtim = air2_date();
     if (!$desc) {
         $desc = '';
     if (!$note) {
         $note = '';
     // create generic mapping
     $mapping = array('src_activity' => array('sact_src_id' => array('map' => 0), 'sact_actm_id' => array('val' => 40), 'sact_dtim' => array('val' => $dtim), 'sact_desc' => array('val' => $desc), 'sact_notes' => array('val' => $note), 'sact_cre_user' => array('val' => $usrid), 'sact_upd_user' => array('val' => $usrid), 'sact_cre_dtim' => array('val' => $dtim), 'sact_upd_dtim' => array('val' => $dtim)));
     // import data (FAST if there are alot of rows)
     $rdr = new ArrayReader($srcids);
     $conn = AIR2_DBManager::get_master_connection();
     if (count($srcids) < 10) {
         $wrt = new SqlWriter($conn, $mapping);
     } else {
         $wrt = new MySqlImporter('/tmp', $mapping, $conn);
     // check for errors
     $errs = $wrt->get_errors();
     if (count($errs) > 0) {
         $str = implode(', ', $errs);
         throw new Exception("Errors on activity logging: {$str}");
  * Run this job
  * @return unknown
 public function run()
     $cmd = $this->jq_job;
     if (!isset($cmd) || !strlen($cmd)) {
         throw new Exception("jq_job is empty for jq_id " . $this->jq_id);
     if ($this->jq_start_dtim || $this->jq_pid) {
         throw new Exception('Job already run');
     // write our pid and hostname
     $this->jq_pid = getmypid();
     $this->jq_host = php_uname('n');
     $this->jq_start_dtim = air2_date();
     // replace vars
     $php = PHP_BINDIR . '/php';
     $perl = '/usr/bin/env perl';
     $root = realpath(APPPATH . '../');
     // simple interpolation
     $cmd = preg_replace('/PHP /', "{$php} ", $cmd);
     $cmd = preg_replace('/PERL /', "{$perl} ", $cmd);
     $cmd = preg_replace('/AIR2_ROOT/', $root, $cmd);
     // redirect STDERR to STDOUT (so it's captured correctly)
     $cmd .= " 2>&1";
     // exec the cmd, saving the completion time
     exec($cmd, $output, $ret);
     $this->jq_complete_dtim = air2_date();
     if ($ret != 0) {
         // truncate long output
         $output = implode("\n", $output);
         if (($len = strlen($output)) > 65535) {
             $output = substr($output, $len - 65535);
         $this->jq_error_msg = $output;
     // save and return success
     return $ret == 0;
  * Annotate sources in a bin (must have write-authz on the actual source)
  * @param  User   $u
  * @param  Bin    $bin
  * @param  array  $note
  * @return array  $counts
 public function annotate_sources($u, $bin, $note)
     $stats = self::init_stats($stats = array('total', 'insert', 'duplicate', 'invalid'));
     // validate note
     $note = is_string($note) ? trim($note) : $note;
     if (!$note || !strlen($note)) {
         throw new Exception("Invalid annotation '{$note}'");
     // calculate total
     $conn = AIR2_DBManager::get_master_connection();
     $q = "select count(*) from bin_source where bsrc_bin_id = ?";
     $stats['total'] = $conn->fetchOne($q, array($bin->bin_id), 0);
     // fast-sql insert
     $read_org_ids = $u->get_authz_str(ACTION_ORG_SRC_UPDATE, 'soc_org_id');
     $cache = "select soc_src_id from src_org_cache where {$read_org_ids}";
     $where = "where bsrc_bin_id=? and bsrc_src_id in ({$cache})";
     $select = "select bsrc_src_id,?,?,?,?,? from bin_source {$where}";
     $flds = 'srcan_src_id,srcan_value,srcan_cre_user,srcan_upd_user,srcan_cre_dtim,srcan_upd_dtim';
     $ins = "insert into src_annotation ({$flds}) {$select}";
     $params = array($note, $u->user_id, $u->user_id, air2_date(), air2_date(), $bin->bin_id);
     $stats['insert'] = $conn->exec($ins, $params);
     // invalid == no write-authz on source
     $stats['invalid'] = $stats['total'] - $stats['insert'] - $stats['duplicate'];
     return $stats;
  * Add sources to a PINfluence
  * @param  Outcome  $outcome
  * @param  Bin      $bin
  * @param  string   $type
 public static function add_sources_from_bin($outcome, $bin, $type)
     $stats = array('total' => 0, 'insert' => 0, 'duplicate' => 0, 'invalid' => 0);
     $bin_id = $bin->bin_id;
     $b_where = "where bsrc_bin_id={$bin_id}";
     //hardcode so i don't get mixed up
     // totals
     $conn = AIR2_DBManager::get_master_connection();
     $stats['total'] = $conn->fetchOne("select count(*) from bin_source {$b_where}", array(), 0);
     // duplicates
     $b_s = "select bsrc_src_id from bin_source {$b_where}";
     $b_q = "select count(*) from src_outcome where sout_out_id=? and sout_src_id in ({$b_s})";
     $stats['duplicate'] += $conn->fetchOne($b_q, array($outcome->out_id), 0);
     // insert
     $user_id = $outcome->UpdUser->user_id;
     $s_where = "where src_id in ({$b_s})";
     $s_s = "select ?, src_id, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? from source {$s_where}";
     $s_q = "insert ignore into src_outcome (sout_out_id,sout_src_id, sout_type, sout_cre_user, sout_cre_dtim, sout_upd_user, sout_upd_dtim) {$s_s}";
     $stats['insert'] += $conn->exec($s_q, array($outcome->out_id, $type, $user_id, air2_date(), $user_id, air2_date()));
     $stats['invalid'] += $stats['total'] - $stats['insert'] - $stats['duplicate'];
     return $stats;
  * Create or update a SrcOrg record for a Source.
  * @param Source  $src
 public function process_source(Source $src)
     // run raw-sql for efficiency
     $conn = AIR2_DBManager::get_master_connection();
     $src_id = $src->src_id;
     $org_id = $this->to_org_id;
     $unset_home_flags = false;
     // check for existing (and total)
     $where = "where so_src_id = {$src_id} and so_org_id = {$org_id}";
     $status = "(select so_status from src_org {$where}) as status";
     $ishome = "(select so_home_flag from src_org {$where}) as ishome";
     $select = "select count(*) as total, {$status}, {$ishome}";
     $q = "{$select} from src_org where so_src_id = {$src_id}";
     $rs = $conn->fetchRow($q);
     // run operation
     $op = false;
     $data = array();
     if (is_null($rs['status'])) {
         // insert
         $data = array('so_src_id' => $src_id, 'so_org_id' => $org_id, 'so_uuid' => air2_generate_uuid(), 'so_effective_date' => air2_date(), 'so_home_flag' => $this->to_so_home_flag ? 1 : 0, 'so_status' => $this->to_so_status, 'so_cre_user' => $this->Tank->tank_user_id, 'so_upd_user' => $this->Tank->tank_user_id, 'so_cre_dtim' => $this->Tank->tank_cre_dtim, 'so_upd_dtim' => $this->Tank->tank_upd_dtim);
         // determine home flag
         if ($rs['total'] == 0) {
             $data['so_home_flag'] = true;
         } elseif ($this->to_so_home_flag && $data['total'] > 0) {
             $unset_home_flags = true;
         // insert
         $flds = implode(',', array_keys($data));
         $vals = air2_sql_param_string($data);
         $q = "insert into src_org ({$flds}) values ({$vals})";
         $conn->exec($q, array_values($data));
     } else {
         // update
         $updates = array();
         // change to status
         if ($rs['status'] != $this->to_so_status) {
             $updates[] = "so_status='" . $this->to_so_status . "'";
         // change to home flag (only allow setting, not unsetting)
         if ($this->to_so_home_flag && !$rs['ishome']) {
             $updates[] = "so_home_flag=1";
             //MUST be true
             if ($rs['total'] > 1) {
                 $unset_home_flags = true;
         // do we need to do anything?
         if (count($updates)) {
             $set = implode(', ', $updates);
             $where = "so_src_id={$src_id} and so_org_id={$org_id}";
             $q = "update src_org set {$set} where {$where}";
     // optionally unset other home flags
     if ($unset_home_flags) {
         $set = 'so_home_flag=0';
         $where = "so_src_id={$src_id} and so_org_id!={$org_id}";
         $conn->exec("update src_org set {$set} where {$where}");
  * Optionally update the user/time stamps on the parent record
  * @param Doctrine_Record $rec
 protected function update_parent(Doctrine_Record $rec)
     if ($this->update_parent_stamps && $this->parent_rec) {
         $user = $this->user->user_id;
         $dtim = air2_date();
         $parentd = $this->parent_rec->toArray();
         foreach ($parentd as $col => $val) {
             if (preg_match('/_upd_user$/', $col)) {
                 $this->parent_rec->{$col} = $user;
             if (preg_match('/_upd_dtim$/', $col)) {
                 $this->parent_rec->{$col} = $dtim;
  * Get response sets from row object
  * @param array   $obj    row object
  * @param int     $idx    row index
  * @param array   $fields field mapping def
  * @return array data
 protected function get_response_sets($obj, $idx, $fields)
     if (!$this->tank_me_inq_id) {
         return false;
     $date = $this->tank_me_validator->extract('date', $obj);
     $date = air2_date(strtotime($date));
     return array("TankResponseSet_{$idx}" => array("TankSource" => "TankSource_{$idx}", "srs_inq_id" => $this->tank_me_inq_id, "srs_type" => SrcResponseSet::$TYPE_MANUAL_ENTRY, "srs_date" => $date));
  * Create JobQueue for send-watcher-email.
  * @param TankSource $tsrc
 private function _queue_notification($tsrc)
     $tank = $tsrc->Tank;
     // querymaker imports only
     if ($tank->tank_type != Tank::$TYPE_QM) {
     $job = new JobQueue();
     $job->jq_job = sprintf("PERL AIR2_ROOT/bin/send-watcher-email --inq_uuid %s --complete 1 --srs_uuid %s", $tank->tank_xuuid, $tsrc->TankResponseSet[0]->srs_uuid);
     $job->jq_start_after_dtim = air2_date(time() + 5 * 60);
     // let search index update
  * Magic path to mark submissions as unfavorite
  * @param string @srs_uuid
  * @param unknown $srs_uuid
 public function unfavorite($srs_uuid)
     $conn = AIR2_DBManager::get_master_connection();
     $srsid = $conn->fetchOne('select srs_id from src_response_set where srs_uuid = ?', array($srs_uuid), 0);
     if (!$srsid) {
     $now = air2_date();
     $flds = "usrs_user_id, usrs_srs_id, usrs_favorite_flag, usrs_cre_dtim, usrs_upd_dtim";
     $ondup = "on duplicate key update usrs_favorite_flag=0,usrs_upd_dtim='{$now}'";
     $ins = "insert into user_srs ({$flds}) values (?,{$srsid},0,'{$now}','{$now}') {$ondup}";
     $n = $conn->exec($ins, array($this->user->user_id));
     air2_touch_stale_record('src_response_set', $srsid);
  * Returns AIR2_Query object for published Inquiries.
  * @param string  $class (optional)
  * @return AIR2_Query $q
 public static function get_base_query_for_published($class = 'Inquiry')
     $now = air2_date();
     $q = AIR2_Query::create()->from("{$class} i")->whereIn("i.inq_type", array(self::$TYPE_FORMBUILDER, self::$TYPE_QUERYBUILDER, self::$TYPE_TEST, self::$TYPE_NONJOURN))->andWhereIn('i.inq_status', Inquiry::published_status_flags())->andWhere("(i.inq_publish_dtim is null OR i.inq_publish_dtim <= '{$now}')")->andWhere("(i.inq_expire_dtim is null OR i.inq_expire_dtim > '{$now}')")->andWhere("(i.inq_deadline_dtim is null OR i.inq_deadline_dtim > '{$now}')");
     return $q;
  * Update out_org_id
  * @param Doctrine_Record $rec
  * @param array $data
 protected function air_update($rec, $data)
     // check perms
     if (!$rec->user_may_write($this->user)) {
         throw new Rframe_Exception(Rframe::BAD_DATA, "You do not have permission to update this PINfluence.");
     // unset bulk_op vars
     $this->bulk_op = null;
     $this->bulk_rs = null;
     if (isset($data['org_uuid']) && $data['org_uuid']) {
         $o = AIR2_Record::find('Organization', $data['org_uuid']);
         if (!$o) {
             throw new Rframe_Exception(Rframe::BAD_DATA, 'Invalid org_uuid');
         $rec->out_org_id = $o->org_id;
         $rec->Organization = $o;
     $bulk_op = '';
     foreach ($this->BULK_OPS as $op) {
         if (isset($data[$op])) {
             $bulk_op = $op;
     if ($bulk_op) {
         // sanity
         if (count($data) > 1) {
             throw new Rframe_Exception(Rframe::BAD_DATA, "Bulk operation " . "{$bulk_op} cannot run with any other updates!");
         $this->run_bulk($rec, $bulk_op, $data[$bulk_op]);
         // touch timestamp, since bulk ops usually don't
         $rec->out_upd_user = $this->user->user_id;
         $rec->out_upd_dtim = air2_date();
  * Update - (handle image creation/deletion)
  * @param Email   $eml
  * @param array   $data
 protected function air_update($eml, $data)
     if (array_key_exists('logo', $data)) {
         if ($data['logo']) {
             try {
                 if (!$eml->Logo) {
                     $eml->Logo = new ImageEmailLogo();
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 throw new Rframe_Exception(RFrame::BAD_DATA, $e->getMessage());
         } else {
             if ($eml->Logo) {
     // organization change
     if (isset($data['org_uuid'])) {
         $org = AIR2_Record::find('Organization', $data['org_uuid']);
         if (!$org) {
             throw new Rframe_Exception(Rframe::BAD_DATA, 'Invalid Organization specified!');
         $eml->Organization = $org;
     // signature setting/creation
     if (isset($data['usig_uuid'])) {
         $usig = AIR2_Record::find('UserSignature', $data['usig_uuid']);
         if (!$usig) {
             throw new Rframe_Exception(Rframe::BAD_DATA, 'Invalid Signature specified!');
         $usig->usig_upd_dtim = air2_date();
         $eml->UserSignature = $usig;
     } elseif (isset($data['usig_text'])) {
         $usig = new UserSignature();
         $usig->usig_user_id = $this->user->user_id;
         $usig->usig_text = $data['usig_text'];
         $eml->UserSignature = $usig;
  * @return unknown
  * @param unknown $iorg
 protected function air_delete($iorg)
     $org = $iorg->Organization;
     // log activity
     $activity = new InquiryActivity();
     $activity->ia_inq_id = $this->parent_rec->inq_id;
     $activity->ia_actm_id = 49;
     $activity->ia_dtim = air2_date();
     $activity->ia_desc = sprintf('org %s removed by {USER}', $org->org_name);
Esempio n. 24
  * Tag an object using raw connections.  Returns true if the tag was added,
  * or false if the tag already existed.
  * @param int     $xid
  * @param string  $type
  * @param string  $tag
  * @return boolean
 public static function make_tag($xid, $type, $tag)
     // sanity!
     if (!is_numeric($xid) || $xid < 1) {
         throw new Exception("Bad tag XID({$xid})");
     if (!in_array($type, array('I', 'P', 'S', 'R'))) {
         throw new Exception("Bad tag TYPE({$type})");
     if (!is_string($tag) || strlen($tag) < 1) {
         throw new Exception("Bad tag '{$tag}'");
     // fetch/create tag master
     $tm_id = TagMaster::get_tm_id($tag);
     // params
     $usrid = defined('AIR2_REMOTE_USER_ID') ? AIR2_REMOTE_USER_ID : 1;
     $dtim = air2_date();
     $cols = array('tag_tm_id', 'tag_xid', 'tag_ref_type', 'tag_cre_user', 'tag_upd_user', 'tag_cre_dtim', 'tag_upd_dtim');
     $vals = array($tm_id, $xid, $type, $usrid, $usrid, $dtim, $dtim);
     // insert ignore
     $conn = AIR2_DBManager::get_master_connection();
     $colstr = implode(',', $cols);
     $params = air2_sql_param_string($cols);
     $n = $conn->exec("insert ignore into tag ({$colstr}) values ({$params})", $vals);
     // if tag existed, update userstamp
     $tag_was_new = true;
     if ($n == 0) {
         $tag_was_new = false;
         $set = "tag_upd_user={$usrid}, tag_upd_dtim='{$dtim}'";
         $where = "tag_tm_id={$tm_id} and tag_xid={$xid} and tag_ref_type='{$type}'";
         $conn->exec("update tag set {$set} where {$where}");
     return $tag_was_new;
 * Indicate to the search server that the record for $pk in table $table
 * needs to be re-indexed.
 * @param string  $table
 * @param string  $pk
 * @return unknown
function air2_touch_stale_record($table, $pk)
    if (!is_numeric($pk)) {
        throw new Exception("pk must be a numeric primary key");
    $stale_types = array('source' => StaleRecord::$TYPE_SOURCE, 'src_response_set' => StaleRecord::$TYPE_RESPONSE, 'public_response' => StaleRecord::$TYPE_PUBLIC_RESPONSE, 'inquiry' => StaleRecord::$TYPE_INQUIRY, 'project' => StaleRecord::$TYPE_PROJECT);
    if (!array_key_exists($table, $stale_types)) {
        throw new Exception("Undefined table for stale records: {$table}");
    $stale_record = new StaleRecord();
    $stale_record->str_xid = $pk;
    $stale_record->str_type = $stale_types[$table];
    $stale_record->str_upd_dtim = air2_date();
    return $stale_record->replace();
  * Custom setter for the image.
  * @param array|string $image
 public function set_image($image)
     if (is_array($image)) {
         $name = $image['name'];
         $path = $image['tmp_name'];
     } elseif (is_string($image) && is_readable($image)) {
         $name = basename($image);
         $path = $image;
     } else {
         throw new Exception("Invalid image");
     // validate image
     if (!is_readable($path)) {
         throw new Exception("Invalid image path: {$path}");
     $img_info = getimagesize($path);
     if (!$img_info) {
         throw new Exception("Invalid image file: {$name}");
     // check/create image directory
     if (!$this->img_uuid) {
         $this->img_uuid = air2_generate_uuid();
     $dir = self::get_directory($this->img_ref_type, $this->img_uuid);
     if (!is_writable($dir)) {
         throw new Exception("Cannot write to: {$dir}");
     // looks okay... raw-set the info
     $this->_set('img_file_name', air2_fileify($name));
     $this->_set('img_file_size', filesize($path));
     $this->_set('img_content_type', $img_info['mime']);
     $this->_set('img_dtim', air2_date());
     $this->_set_image = $path;
  * Convenience method for adding a SrcOrg record to a new Source.
  * @param Source  $source
  * @param string  $org_uuid
  * @return SrcOrg $src_org
 public static function for_new_source($source, $org_uuid)
     $org = AIR2_Record::find('Organization', $org_uuid);
     if (!$org) {
         throw new Exception("No such Organization for uuid {$org_uuid}");
     $so = new SrcOrg();
     $so->so_home_flag = true;
     $so->so_org_id = $org->org_id;
     $so->so_effective_date = air2_date();
     return $so;
 * @package default
echo "Enter the username of an AIR2 User:\n > ";
$username = trim(fgets(STDIN));
if (strlen($username) < 1) {
    echo "Error! No username specified!\n";
$user = Doctrine::getTable('User')->findOneBy('user_username', $username);
if (!$user) {
    $user = new User();
    $user->user_username = $username;
    $user->user_first_name = '[First]';
    $user->user_last_name = '[Last]';
    $user->user_cre_dtim = air2_date();
    $user->user_cre_user = 1;
    // system user
    $user->user_uuid = air2_generate_uuid();
    $user->user_type = 'A';
    // system type
    $user->user_status = 'A';
    // active
    echo "AIR2 User '{$username}' not found!\n";
    echo "Enter new password to create User. (Blank to cancel)\n > ";
} else {
    echo "Enter new password:\n > ";
$userpass = trim(fgets(STDIN));
$pinpass = new PINPassword(array('username' => $username, 'phrase' => $userpass));
if (!$pinpass->validate()) {