function aff_suite()
     global $msg;
     global $charset;
     // afin d'eviter de recalculer un truc deja calcule..
     if ($this->affichage_suite) {
         return $this->affichage_suite;
     // serials : si article
     $ret .= $this->genere_in_perio();
     // resume	if($this->notice->n_resume)
     if ($this->notice->n_resume) {
         $ret .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><b>" . $msg['n_resume_start'] . "</b></td><td>" . nl2br(htmlentities($this->notice->n_resume, ENT_QUOTES, $charset)) . "</td></tr>";
     // note de contenu
     if ($this->notice->n_contenu) {
         $ret .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><b>" . $msg['n_contenu_start'] . "</b></td><td>" . nl2br(htmlentities($this->notice->n_contenu, ENT_QUOTES, $charset)) . "</td></tr>";
     // Categories
     if ($this->categories_toutes) {
         $ret .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><b>" . $msg['categories_start'] . "</b></td><td>" . $this->categories_toutes . "</td></tr>";
     // indexation libre
     $mots_cles = $this->do_mots_cle();
     if ($mots_cles) {
         $ret .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><b>" . $msg['motscle_start'] . "</b></td><td>" . $mots_cles . "</td></tr>";
     // indexation interne
     if ($this->notice->indexint) {
         $indexint = new indexint($this->notice->indexint);
         $ret .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><b>" . $msg['indexint_start'] . "</b></td><td>" . inslink($indexint->name, str_replace("!!id!!", $this->notice->indexint, $this->lien_rech_indexint)) . " " . nl2br(htmlentities($indexint->comment, ENT_QUOTES, $charset)) . "</td></tr>";
     //Champs personnalises
     $perso_aff = "";
     if (!$this->p_perso->no_special_fields) {
         $perso_ = $this->p_perso->show_fields($this->notice_id);
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($perso_["FIELDS"]); $i++) {
             $p = $perso_["FIELDS"][$i];
             if ($p['OPAC_SHOW'] && $p["AFF"]) {
                 $perso_aff .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'>" . $p["TITRE"] . "</td><td>" . $p["AFF"] . "</td></tr>";
     if ($perso_aff) {
         //$ret.="<tr class='tr_spacer'><td colspan='2' class='td_spacer'>&nbsp;</td></tr>";
         $ret .= $perso_aff;
     if ($this->notice->lien) {
         //$ret.="<tr class='tr_spacer'><td colspan='2' class='td_spacer'>&nbsp;</td></tr>";
         $ret .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><b>" . $msg["lien_start"] . "</b></td><td>";
         if (substr($this->notice->eformat, 0, 3) == 'RSS') {
             $ret .= affiche_rss($this->notice->notice_id);
         } else {
             $ret .= "<a href=\"" . $this->notice->lien . "\" target=\"top\">" . htmlentities($this->notice->lien, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</a></td></tr>";
         $ret .= "</td></tr>";
         if ($this->notice->eformat && substr($this->notice->eformat, 0, 3) != 'RSS') {
             $ret .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><b>" . $msg["eformat_start"] . "</b></td><td>" . htmlentities($this->notice->eformat, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</td></tr>";
     $this->affichage_suite = $ret;
     return $ret;
 function aff_suite()
     global $msg;
     global $charset;
     global $mode;
     global $opac_allow_tags_search;
     // afin d'eviter de recalculer un truc deja calcule...
     if ($this->affichage_suite) {
         return $this->affichage_suite;
     // serials : si article
     $ret .= $this->genere_in_perio();
     $ret .= "<tr class='tr_spacer'><td colspan='2' class='td_spacer'>&nbsp;</td></tr>";
     // resume
     if ($this->notice->n_resume) {
         $ret .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['n_resume_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . nl2br(htmlentities(strip_tags(implode("\n", $this->notice->n_resume)), ENT_QUOTES, $charset)) . "</td></tr>";
     // note de contenu
     if ($this->notice->n_contenu) {
         $ret .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['n_contenu_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . nl2br(htmlentities(strip_tags(implode("\n", $this->notice->n_contenu)), ENT_QUOTES, $charset)) . "</td></tr>";
     // Categories
     if ($this->categories_toutes) {
         $ret .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['categories_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->categories_toutes . "</td></tr>";
     // Affectation du libelle mots cles ou tags en fonction de la recherche precedente
     if ($opac_allow_tags_search == 1) {
         $libelle_key = $msg['tags'];
     } else {
         $libelle_key = $msg['motscle_start'];
     // indexation libre
     $mots_cles = $this->do_mots_cle();
     if ($mots_cles) {
         $ret .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $libelle_key . "</span></td><td>" . $mots_cles . "</td></tr>";
     if (is_array($this->notice->indexint) && count($this->notice->indexint)) {
         $indexint = implode("<br>", $this->notice->indexint);
         $ret .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['indexint_start'] . "</span></td><td>{$indexint}</td></tr>";
     if ($this->notice->lien) {
         $ret .= "<tr class='tr_spacer'><td colspan='2' class='td_spacer'>&nbsp;</td></tr>";
         $ret .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg["lien_start"] . "</span></td><td>";
         if (substr($this->notice->eformat, 0, 3) == 'RSS') {
             $ret .= affiche_rss($this->notice->notice_id);
         } else {
             $ret .= "<a href=\"" . $this->notice->lien . "\" target=\"top\">" . htmlentities($this->notice->lien_texte ? $this->notice->lien_texte : $this->notice->lien, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</a></td></tr>";
         $ret .= "</td></tr>";
         if ($this->notice->eformat && substr($this->notice->eformat, 0, 3) != 'RSS') {
             $ret .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><b>" . $msg["eformat_start"] . "</b></td><td>" . htmlentities($this->notice->eformat, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</td></tr>";
     $this->affichage_suite = $ret;
     return $ret;
Esempio n. 3
 static function majNoticesGlobalIndex($notice, $NoIndex = 1)
     global $dbh;
     pmb_mysql_query("delete from notices_global_index where num_notice = " . $notice . " AND no_index = " . $NoIndex, $dbh);
     $titres = pmb_mysql_query("select index_serie, tnvol, index_wew, index_sew, index_l, index_matieres, n_gen, n_contenu, n_resume, index_n_gen, index_n_contenu, index_n_resume, eformat, niveau_biblio from notices where notice_id = " . $notice, $dbh);
     $mesNotices = pmb_mysql_fetch_assoc($titres);
     $tit = $mesNotices['index_wew'];
     $indTit = $mesNotices['index_sew'];
     $indMat = $mesNotices['index_matieres'];
     $indL = $mesNotices['index_l'];
     $indResume = $mesNotices['index_n_resume'];
     $indGen = $mesNotices['index_n_gen'];
     $indContenu = $mesNotices['index_n_contenu'];
     $resume = $mesNotices['n_resume'];
     $gen = $mesNotices['n_gen'];
     $contenu = $mesNotices['n_contenu'];
     $indSerie = $mesNotices['index_serie'];
     $tvol = $mesNotices['tnvol'];
     $eformatlien = $mesNotices['eformat'];
     $infos_global = ' ' . $tvol . ' ' . $tit . ' ' . $resume . ' ' . $gen . ' ' . $contenu . ' ' . $indL . ' ';
     $infos_global_index = ' ' . $indSerie . ' ' . $indTit . ' ' . $indResume . ' ' . $indGen . ' ' . $indContenu . ' ' . $indMat . ' ';
     // Authors :
     $auteurs = pmb_mysql_query("select author_id, author_type, author_name, author_rejete, author_date, author_lieu,author_ville,author_pays,author_numero,author_subdivision, index_author from authors, responsability WHERE responsability_author = author_id AND responsability_notice = {$notice}", $dbh);
     $numA = pmb_mysql_num_rows($auteurs);
     $aut_pperso = new aut_pperso("author");
     for ($j = 0; $j < $numA; $j++) {
         $mesAuteurs = pmb_mysql_fetch_assoc($auteurs);
         $infos_global .= $mesAuteurs['author_name'] . ' ' . $mesAuteurs['author_rejete'] . ' ' . $mesAuteurs['author_lieu'] . ' ' . $mesAuteurs['author_ville'] . ' ' . $mesAuteurs['author_pays'] . ' ' . $mesAuteurs['author_numero'] . ' ' . $mesAuteurs['author_subdivision'] . ' ';
         if ($mesAuteurs['author_type'] == "72") {
             $infos_global .= ' ' . $mesAuteurs['author_date'] . ' ';
         $infos_global_index .= strip_empty_chars($mesAuteurs['author_name'] . ' ' . $mesAuteurs['author_rejete'] . ' ' . $mesAuteurs['author_lieu'] . ' ' . $mesAuteurs['author_ville'] . ' ' . $mesAuteurs['author_pays'] . ' ' . $mesAuteurs['author_numero'] . ' ' . $mesAuteurs['author_subdivision']) . ' ';
         if ($mesAuteurs['author_type'] == "72") {
             $infos_global_index .= strip_empty_chars($mesAuteurs['author_date'] . " ");
         $mots_perso = $aut_pperso->get_fields_recherche($mesAuteurs['author_id']);
         if ($mots_perso) {
             $infos_global .= $mots_perso . ' ';
             $infos_global_index .= strip_empty_words($mots_perso) . ' ';
     // Nom du periodique
     //cas d'un article
     if ($mesNotices['niveau_biblio'] == 'a') {
         $temp = pmb_mysql_query("select bulletin_notice, bulletin_titre, index_titre, index_wew, index_sew from analysis, bulletins, notices  WHERE analysis_notice=" . $notice . " and analysis_bulletin = bulletin_id and bulletin_notice=notice_id", $dbh);
         $numP = pmb_mysql_num_rows($temp);
         if ($numP) {
             // La notice appartient a un periodique, on selectionne le titre de periodique :
             $mesTemp = pmb_mysql_fetch_assoc($temp);
             $infos_global .= $mesTemp['index_wew'] . ' ' . $mesTemp['bulletin_titre'] . ' ' . $mesTemp['index_titre'] . ' ';
             $infos_global_index .= strip_empty_words($mesTemp['index_wew'] . ' ' . $mesTemp['bulletin_titre'] . ' ' . $mesTemp['index_titre']) . ' ';
         //cas d'un bulletin
     } else {
         if ($mesNotices['niveau_biblio'] == 'b') {
             $temp = pmb_mysql_query("select serial.index_wew from notices join bulletins on bulletins.num_notice = notices.notice_id join notices as serial on serial.notice_id = bulletins.bulletin_notice where notices.notice_id = " . $notice);
             $numP = pmb_mysql_num_rows($temp);
             if ($numP) {
                 // La notice appartient a un periodique, on selectionne le titre de periodique :
                 $mesTemp = pmb_mysql_fetch_assoc($temp);
                 $infos_global .= $mesTemp['index_wew'] . ' ';
                 $infos_global_index .= strip_empty_words($mesTemp['index_wew']);
     // Categories :
     $aut_pperso = new aut_pperso("categ");
     $noeud = pmb_mysql_query("select notices_categories.num_noeud as categ_id, libelle_categorie from notices_categories,categories where notcateg_notice = " . $notice . " and notices_categories.num_noeud=categories.num_noeud order by ordre_categorie", $dbh);
     $numNoeuds = pmb_mysql_num_rows($noeud);
     // Pour chaque noeud trouve on cherche les noeuds parents et les noeuds fils :
     for ($j = 0; $j < $numNoeuds; $j++) {
         // On met a jour la table notices_global_index avec le noeud trouve:
         $mesNoeuds = pmb_mysql_fetch_assoc($noeud);
         $infos_global .= $mesNoeuds['libelle_categorie'] . ' ';
         $infos_global_index .= strip_empty_words($mesNoeuds['libelle_categorie']) . ' ';
         $mots_perso = $aut_pperso->get_fields_recherche($mesNoeuds['categ_id']);
         if ($mots_perso) {
             $infos_global .= $mots_perso . ' ';
             $infos_global_index .= strip_empty_words($mots_perso) . ' ';
     // Sous-collection :
     $aut_pperso = new aut_pperso("subcollection");
     $subColls = pmb_mysql_query("select subcoll_id, sub_coll_name, index_sub_coll from notices, sub_collections WHERE subcoll_id = sub_coll_id AND notice_id = " . $notice, $dbh);
     $numSC = pmb_mysql_num_rows($subColls);
     for ($j = 0; $j < $numSC; $j++) {
         $mesSubColl = pmb_mysql_fetch_assoc($subColls);
         $infos_global .= $mesSubColl['index_sub_coll'] . ' ' . $mesSubColl['sub_coll_name'] . ' ';
         $infos_global_index .= strip_empty_words($mesSubColl['index_sub_coll'] . ' ' . $mesSubColl['sub_coll_name']) . ' ';
         $mots_perso = $aut_pperso->get_fields_recherche($mesSubColl['subcoll_id']);
         if ($mots_perso) {
             $infos_global .= $mots_perso . ' ';
             $infos_global_index .= strip_empty_words($mots_perso) . ' ';
     // Indexation numerique :
     $aut_pperso = new aut_pperso("indexint");
     $indexNums = pmb_mysql_query("select indexint_id, indexint_name, indexint_comment from notices, indexint WHERE indexint = indexint_id AND notice_id = " . $notice, $dbh);
     $numIN = pmb_mysql_num_rows($indexNums);
     for ($j = 0; $j < $numIN; $j++) {
         $mesindexNums = pmb_mysql_fetch_assoc($indexNums);
         $infos_global .= $mesindexNums['indexint_name'] . ' ' . $mesindexNums['indexint_comment'] . ' ';
         $infos_global_index .= strip_empty_words($mesindexNums['indexint_name'] . ' ' . $mesindexNums['indexint_comment']) . ' ';
         $mots_perso = $aut_pperso->get_fields_recherche($mesindexNums['indexint_id']);
         if ($mots_perso) {
             $infos_global .= $mots_perso . ' ';
             $infos_global_index .= strip_empty_words($mots_perso) . ' ';
     // Collection :
     $aut_pperso = new aut_pperso("collection");
     $Colls = pmb_mysql_query("select coll_id, collection_name ,collection_issn from notices, collections WHERE coll_id = collection_id AND notice_id = " . $notice, $dbh);
     $numCo = pmb_mysql_num_rows($Colls);
     for ($j = 0; $j < $numCo; $j++) {
         $mesColl = pmb_mysql_fetch_assoc($Colls);
         $infos_global .= $mesColl['collection_name'] . ' ' . $mesColl['collection_issn'] . ' ';
         $infos_global_index .= strip_empty_words($mesColl['collection_name']) . ' ' . strip_empty_words($mesColl['collection_issn']) . ' ';
         $mots_perso = $aut_pperso->get_fields_recherche($mesColl['coll_id']);
         if ($mots_perso) {
             $infos_global .= $mots_perso . ' ';
             $infos_global_index .= strip_empty_words($mots_perso) . ' ';
     // Editeurs :
     $aut_pperso = new aut_pperso("publisher");
     $editeurs = pmb_mysql_query("select ed_id, ed_name from notices, publishers WHERE (ed1_id = ed_id OR ed2_id = ed_id) AND notice_id = " . $notice, $dbh);
     $numE = pmb_mysql_num_rows($editeurs);
     for ($j = 0; $j < $numE; $j++) {
         $mesEditeurs = pmb_mysql_fetch_assoc($editeurs);
         $infos_global .= $mesEditeurs['ed_name'] . ' ';
         $infos_global_index .= strip_empty_chars($mesEditeurs['ed_name']) . ' ';
         $mots_perso = $aut_pperso->get_fields_recherche($mesEditeurs['ed_id']);
         if ($mots_perso) {
             $infos_global .= $mots_perso . ' ';
             $infos_global_index .= strip_empty_words($mots_perso) . ' ';
     // Titres Uniformes :
     $aut_pperso = new aut_pperso("tu");
     $tu = pmb_mysql_query("select tu_id, ntu_titre, tu_name, tu_tonalite, tu_sujet, tu_lieu, tu_contexte from notices_titres_uniformes,titres_uniformes WHERE tu_id=ntu_num_tu and ntu_num_notice=" . $notice, $dbh);
     if (pmb_mysql_error() == "" && pmb_mysql_num_rows($tu)) {
         $numtu = pmb_mysql_num_rows($tu);
         for ($j = 0; $j < $numtu; $j++) {
             $mesTu = pmb_mysql_fetch_assoc($tu);
             $infos_global .= $mesTu['ntu_titre'] . ' ' . $mesTu['tu_name'] . ' ' . $mesTu['tu_tonalite'] . ' ' . $mesTu['tu_sujet'] . ' ' . $mesTu['tu_lieu'] . ' ' . $mesTu['tu_contexte'] . ' ';
             $infos_global_index .= strip_empty_words($mesTu['ntu_titre'] . ' ' . $mesTu['tu_name'] . ' ' . $mesTu['tu_tonalite'] . ' ' . $mesTu['tu_sujet'] . ' ' . $mesTu['tu_lieu'] . ' ' . $mesTu['tu_contexte']) . ' ';
             $mots_perso = $aut_pperso->get_fields_recherche($mesTu['tu_id']);
             if ($mots_perso) {
                 $infos_global .= $mots_perso . ' ';
                 $infos_global_index .= strip_empty_words($mots_perso) . ' ';
     // indexer les cotes des etat des collections :
     $p_perso = new parametres_perso("collstate");
     $coll = pmb_mysql_query("select collstate_id, collstate_cote from collections_state WHERE id_serial=" . $notice, $dbh);
     $numcoll = pmb_mysql_num_rows($coll);
     for ($j = 0; $j < $numcoll; $j++) {
         $mescoll = pmb_mysql_fetch_assoc($coll);
         $infos_global .= $mescoll['collstate_cote'] . ' ';
         $infos_global_index .= strip_empty_words($mescoll['collstate_cote']) . ' ';
         // champ perso cherchable
         $mots_perso = $p_perso->get_fields_recherche($mescoll['collstate_id']);
         if ($mots_perso) {
             $infos_global .= $mots_perso . ' ';
             $infos_global_index .= strip_empty_words($mots_perso) . ' ';
     // Nomenclature
     global $pmb_nomenclature_activate;
     if ($pmb_nomenclature_activate) {
         $mots = nomenclature_record_ui::get_index($notice);
         $infos_global .= $mots . ' ';
         $infos_global_index .= strip_empty_words($mots) . ' ';
     // champ perso cherchable
     $p_perso = new parametres_perso("notices");
     $mots_perso = $p_perso->get_fields_recherche($notice);
     if ($mots_perso) {
         $infos_global .= $mots_perso . ' ';
         $infos_global_index .= strip_empty_words($mots_perso) . ' ';
     // champs des authperso
     $auth_perso = new authperso_notice($notice);
     $mots_authperso = $auth_perso->get_fields_search();
     if ($mots_authperso) {
         $infos_global .= $mots_authperso . ' ';
         $infos_global_index .= strip_empty_words($mots_authperso) . ' ';
     // flux RSS éventuellement
     $eformat = array();
     $eformat = explode(' ', $eformatlien);
     if ($eformat[0] == 'RSS' && $eformat[3] == '1') {
         $flux = strip_tags(affiche_rss($notice));
         $infos_global_index .= strip_empty_words($flux) . ' ';
     pmb_mysql_query("insert into notices_global_index SET num_notice=" . $notice . ",no_index =" . $NoIndex . ", infos_global='" . addslashes($infos_global) . "', index_infos_global='" . addslashes($infos_global_index) . "'", $dbh);
Esempio n. 4
 function aff_suite()
     global $msg;
     global $charset;
     global $opac_allow_tags_search, $opac_permalink, $opac_url_base;
     // afin d'éviter de recalculer un truc déjà calculé...
     if ($this->affichage_suite_flag) {
         return $this->affichage_suite;
     //$ret.="<tr class='tr_spacer'><td colspan='2' class='td_spacer'>&nbsp;</td></tr>";
     // toutes indexations
     $ret_index = "";
     // Catégories
     if ($this->categories_toutes) {
         $ret_index .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['categories_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->categories_toutes . "</td></tr>";
     // Affectation du libellé mots clés ou tags en fonction de la recherche précédente
     if ($opac_allow_tags_search == 1) {
         $libelle_key = $msg['tags'];
     } else {
         $libelle_key = $msg['motscle_start'];
     // indexation libre
     $mots_cles = $this->do_mots_cle();
     if ($mots_cles) {
         $ret_index .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $libelle_key . "</span></td><td>" . nl2br($mots_cles) . "</td></tr>";
     // indexation interne
     if ($this->notice->indexint) {
         $indexint = new indexint($this->notice->indexint);
         $ret_index .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['indexint_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . inslink($indexint->name, str_replace("!!id!!", $this->notice->indexint, $this->lien_rech_indexint)) . " " . nl2br(htmlentities($indexint->comment, ENT_QUOTES, $charset)) . "</td></tr>";
     if ($ret_index) {
         $ret .= $ret_index;
         //$ret.="<tr class='tr_spacer'><td colspan='2' class='td_spacer'>&nbsp;</td></tr>";
     // résumé
     if ($this->notice->n_resume) {
         $ret .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['n_resume_start'] . "</span></td><td class='td_resume'>" . nl2br($this->notice->n_resume) . "</td></tr>";
     // note de contenu
     if ($this->notice->n_contenu) {
         $ret .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['n_contenu_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . nl2br(htmlentities($this->notice->n_contenu, ENT_QUOTES, $charset)) . "</td></tr>";
     //Champs personalisés
     $perso_aff = "";
     if (!$this->p_perso->no_special_fields) {
         // $this->memo_perso_ permet au affichages personalisés dans notice_affichage_ex de gagner du temps
         if (!$this->memo_perso_) {
             $this->memo_perso_ = $this->p_perso->show_fields($this->notice_id);
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->memo_perso_["FIELDS"]); $i++) {
             $p = $this->memo_perso_["FIELDS"][$i];
             if ($p['OPAC_SHOW'] && $p["AFF"]) {
                 $perso_aff .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . strip_tags($p["TITRE"]) . "</span></td><td>" . $p["AFF"] . "</td></tr>";
     $ret .= $perso_aff;
     if ($this->notice->lien) {
         //$ret.="<tr class='tr_spacer'><td colspan='2' class='td_spacer'>&nbsp;</td></tr>";
         $ret .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg["lien_start"] . "</span></td><td>";
         if (substr($this->notice->eformat, 0, 3) == 'RSS') {
             $ret .= affiche_rss($this->notice->notice_id);
         } else {
             if (strlen($this->notice->lien) > 80) {
                 $ret .= "<a href=\"" . $this->notice->lien . "\" target=\"top\" class='lien856'>" . htmlentities(substr($this->notice->lien, 0, 80), ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</a>&nbsp;[...]";
             } else {
                 $ret .= "<a href=\"" . $this->notice->lien . "\" target=\"top\" class='lien856'>" . htmlentities($this->notice->lien, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</a>";
         $ret .= "</td></tr>";
         if ($this->notice->eformat && substr($this->notice->eformat, 0, 3) != 'RSS') {
             $ret .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg["eformat_start"] . "</span></td><td>" . htmlentities($this->notice->eformat, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</td></tr>";
     // Permalink avec Id
     if ($opac_permalink) {
         if ($this->notice->niveau_biblio != "b") {
             $ret .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg["notice_permalink"] . "</span></td><td><a href='" . $opac_url_base . "index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=" . $this->notice_id . "'>" . substr($opac_url_base . "index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=" . $this->notice_id, 0, 80) . "</a></td></tr>";
         } else {
             $ret .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg["notice_permalink"] . "</span></td><td><a href='" . $opac_url_base . "index.php?lvl=bulletin_display&id=" . $this->bulletin_id . "'>" . substr($opac_url_base . "index.php?lvl=bulletin_display&id=" . $this->bulletin_id, 0, 80) . "</a></td></tr>";
     $this->affichage_suite = $ret;
     $this->affichage_suite_flag = 1;
     return $ret;
 function do_public($short = 0, $ex = 1)
     global $dbh;
     global $msg;
     global $tdoc;
     global $charset;
     global $memo_notice;
     global $opac_notice_affichage_class;
     global $opac_url_base, $opac_permalink;
     $this->notice_public = $this->genere_in_perio();
     if (!$this->notice_id) {
     // Notices parentes
     $this->notice_public .= "<table>";
     if ($this->notice->typdoc == 'a' || $this->notice->typdoc == 'j' || $this->notice->typdoc == 'm' || $this->notice->typdoc == '3' || $this->notice->typdoc == '4' || $this->notice->typdoc == '5') {
          * Ouvrage - Thèse / Mémoire
          * Multimédia - Photo - Vidéo - Audio
         $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['title'] . " :</span></td>";
         $this->notice_public .= "<td><span class='public_title'><b>" . $this->notice->tit1 . "</b>";
         $this->notice_public .= "</span></td></tr>";
         // constitution de la mention de titre
         if ($this->notice->serie_name) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['tparent_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . inslink($this->notice->serie_name, str_replace("!!id!!", $this->notice->tparent_id, $this->lien_rech_serie));
             $this->notice_public .= "</td></tr>";
         if ($this->notice->tnvol) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['tnvol_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->notice->tnvol;
             $this->notice_public .= "</td></tr>";
         //Complément du titre
         if ($this->notice->tit4) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['240'] . " :</span></td>";
             $this->notice_public .= "<td>" . $this->notice->tit4 . "</td></tr>";
         //Titre parallèle
         if ($this->notice->tit3) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['other_title_t3'] . " :</span></td><td>" . $this->notice->tit2 . "</td></tr>";
         //type de doc
         if ($tdoc->table[$this->notice->typdoc]) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['typdocdisplay_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $tdoc->table[$this->notice->typdoc] . "</td></tr>";
         if ($this->auteurs_tous) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['auteur_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->auteurs_tous . "</td></tr>";
         if ($this->congres_tous) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['congres_aff_public_libelle'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->congres_tous . "</td></tr>";
         // mention d'édition
         if ($this->notice->mention_edition) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['mention_edition_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->notice->mention_edition . "</td></tr>";
         // zone de l'éditeur
         if ($this->notice->ed1_id) {
             $editeur = new publisher($this->notice->ed1_id);
             $this->publishers[] = $editeur;
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['editeur_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . ($editeur->ville ? $editeur->ville . " : " : "") . inslink($editeur->name, str_replace("!!id!!", $this->notice->ed1_id, $this->lien_rech_editeur)) . "</td></tr>";
         //Année de publication
         if ($this->notice->year) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['year_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->notice->year . "</td></tr>";
         if ($this->notice->npages) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['npages_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->notice->npages . "</td></tr>";
         //Matériel d'accompagnement
         if ($this->notice->accomp) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['accomp_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->notice->accomp . "</td></tr>";
         //Collection et Sous-collection
         if ($this->notice->subcoll_id) {
             $subcollection = new subcollection($this->notice->subcoll_id);
             $collection = new collection($this->notice->coll_id);
             $this->collections[] = $collection;
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['coll_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . inslink($collection->name, str_replace("!!id!!", $this->notice->coll_id, $this->lien_rech_collection)) . "</td></tr>";
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['subcoll_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . inslink($subcollection->name, str_replace("!!id!!", $this->notice->subcoll_id, $this->lien_rech_subcollection));
             if ($this->notice->nocoll) {
                 $this->notice_public .= ", " . $this->notice->nocoll . "</td></tr>";
         } elseif ($this->notice->coll_id) {
             $collection = new collection($this->notice->coll_id);
             $this->collections[] = $collection;
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['coll_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . inslink($collection->name, str_replace("!!id!!", $this->notice->coll_id, $this->lien_rech_collection));
             if ($this->notice->nocoll) {
                 $this->notice_public .= ", " . $this->notice->nocoll . "</td></tr>";
         //ISBN ou NO. commercial
         if ($this->notice->code) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['code_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->notice->code . "</td></tr>";
         //Note générale
         if ($this->notice->n_gen) {
             $zoneNote = nl2br(htmlentities($this->notice->n_gen, ENT_QUOTES, $charset));
         if ($zoneNote) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['n_gen_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $zoneNote . "</td></tr>";
         if (count($this->langues)) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['537'] . " :</span></td><td>" . $this->construit_liste_langues($this->langues);
             if (count($this->languesorg)) {
                 $this->notice_public .= " <span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['711'] . " :</span> " . $this->construit_liste_langues($this->languesorg);
             $this->notice_public .= "</td></tr>";
         } elseif (count($this->languesorg)) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['711'] . " :</span></td><td>" . $this->construit_liste_langues($this->languesorg) . "</td></tr>";
         if ($this->categories_toutes) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['categories_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->categories_toutes . "</td></tr>";
         //Indexation décimale
         if ($this->notice->indexint) {
             $indexint = new indexint($this->notice->indexint);
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['indexint_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . inslink($indexint->name . ($indexint->comment ? " - " . nl2br(htmlentities($indexint->comment, ENT_QUOTES, $charset)) : ""), str_replace("!!id!!", $this->notice->indexint, $this->lien_rech_indexint)) . "</td></tr>";
         //URL associée
         if ($this->notice->lien) {
             $ret .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg["lien_start"] . "</span></td><td>";
             if (substr($this->notice->eformat, 0, 3) == 'RSS') {
                 $ret .= affiche_rss($this->notice->notice_id);
             } else {
                 if (strlen($this->notice->lien) > 80) {
                     $ret .= "<a href=\"" . $this->notice->lien . "\" target=\"top\" class='lien856'>" . htmlentities(substr($this->notice->lien, 0, 80), ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</a>&nbsp;[...]";
                 } else {
                     $ret .= "<a href=\"" . $this->notice->lien . "\" target=\"top\" class='lien856'>" . htmlentities($this->notice->lien, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</a>";
             $ret .= "</td></tr>";
             if ($this->notice->eformat && substr($this->notice->eformat, 0, 3) != 'RSS') {
                 $ret .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg["eformat_start"] . "</span></td><td>" . htmlentities($this->notice->eformat, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</td></tr>";
         if ($this->notice->typdoc == 'j') {
             //Champs perso - Lieu de la soutenance
             $perso_aff_1 = "";
             if (!$this->p_perso->no_special_fields) {
                 // $this->memo_perso_ permet aux affichages personnalisés dans notice_affichage_ext de gagner du temps
                 if (!$this->memo_perso_) {
                     $this->memo_perso_ = $this->p_perso->show_fields($this->notice_id);
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->memo_perso_["FIELDS"]); $i++) {
                     $p = $this->memo_perso_["FIELDS"][$i];
                     if ($p["AFF"]) {
                         if ($p['NAME'] == 'cp_lieusout') {
                             $perso_aff_1 .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . strip_tags($p["TITRE"]) . "</span></td><td>" . $p["AFF"] . "</td></tr>";
             $this->notice_public .= $perso_aff_1;
     } elseif ($this->notice->typdoc == 'f' || $this->notice->typdoc == 'i') {
          * Dossier
          * Archive
         //type de doc
         if ($tdoc->table[$this->notice->typdoc]) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['typdocdisplay_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $tdoc->table[$this->notice->typdoc] . "</td></tr>";
         $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['title'] . " :</span></td>";
         $this->notice_public .= "<td><span class='public_title'><b>" . $this->notice->tit1 . "</b>";
         $this->notice_public .= "</span></td></tr>";
         //Complément du titre
         if ($this->notice->tit4) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['240'] . " :</span></td>";
             $this->notice_public .= "<td>" . $this->notice->tit4 . "</td></tr>";
         if ($this->auteurs_tous) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['auteur_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->auteurs_tous . "</td></tr>";
         if ($this->congres_tous) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['congres_aff_public_libelle'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->congres_tous . "</td></tr>";
         // zone de l'éditeur
         if ($this->notice->ed1_id) {
             $editeur = new publisher($this->notice->ed1_id);
             $this->publishers[] = $editeur;
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['editeur_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . ($editeur->ville ? $editeur->ville . " : " : "") . inslink($editeur->name, str_replace("!!id!!", $this->notice->ed1_id, $this->lien_rech_editeur)) . "</td></tr>";
         //Année édition
         if ($this->notice->year) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['year_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->notice->year . "</td></tr>";
         //Indexation décimale
         if ($this->notice->indexint) {
             $indexint = new indexint($this->notice->indexint);
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['indexint_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . inslink($indexint->name . ($indexint->comment ? " - " . nl2br(htmlentities($indexint->comment, ENT_QUOTES, $charset)) : ""), str_replace("!!id!!", $this->notice->indexint, $this->lien_rech_indexint)) . "</td></tr>";
     } elseif ($this->notice->typdoc == 'c' || $this->notice->niveau_biblio == 's' && $this->notice->typdoc == 'e') {
          * Revue juridique
          * Revue de presse
         //type de doc
         if ($tdoc->table[$this->notice->typdoc]) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['typdocdisplay_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $tdoc->table[$this->notice->typdoc] . "</td></tr>";
         $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['title'] . " :</span></td>";
         $this->notice_public .= "<td><span class='public_title'><b>" . $this->notice->tit1 . "</b>";
         $this->notice_public .= "</span></td></tr>";
         //Complément du titre
         if ($this->notice->tit4) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['240'] . " :</span></td>";
             $this->notice_public .= "<td>" . $this->notice->tit4 . "</td></tr>";
         // zone de l'éditeur
         if ($this->notice->ed1_id) {
             $editeur = new publisher($this->notice->ed1_id);
             $this->publishers[] = $editeur;
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['editeur_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . ($editeur->ville ? $editeur->ville . " : " : "") . inslink($editeur->name, str_replace("!!id!!", $this->notice->ed1_id, $this->lien_rech_editeur)) . "</td></tr>";
         //Année de publication
         if ($this->notice->year) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['year_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->notice->year . "</td></tr>";
         if ($this->notice->code) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['issn'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->notice->code . "</td></tr>";
         //Note générale
         if ($this->notice->n_gen) {
             $zoneNote = nl2br(htmlentities($this->notice->n_gen, ENT_QUOTES, $charset));
         if ($zoneNote) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['n_gen_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $zoneNote . "</td></tr>";
         //Lien - En ligne
         if ($this->notice->lien) {
             $ret .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg["lien_start"] . "</span></td><td>";
             if (substr($this->notice->eformat, 0, 3) == 'RSS') {
                 $ret .= affiche_rss($this->notice->notice_id);
             } else {
                 if (strlen($this->notice->lien) > 80) {
                     $ret .= "<a href=\"" . $this->notice->lien . "\" target=\"top\" class='lien856'>" . htmlentities(substr($this->notice->lien, 0, 80), ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</a>&nbsp;[...]";
                 } else {
                     $ret .= "<a href=\"" . $this->notice->lien . "\" target=\"top\" class='lien856'>" . htmlentities($this->notice->lien, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</a>";
             $ret .= "</td></tr>";
             if ($this->notice->eformat && substr($this->notice->eformat, 0, 3) != 'RSS') {
                 $ret .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg["eformat_start"] . "</span></td><td>" . htmlentities($this->notice->eformat, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</td></tr>";
         //Champs personnalisés (en 2 parties)
         $perso_aff_1 = "";
         $perso_aff_2 = "";
         if (!$this->p_perso->no_special_fields) {
             // $this->memo_perso_ permet aux affichages personnalisés dans notice_affichage_ext de gagner du temps
             if (!$this->memo_perso_) {
                 $this->memo_perso_ = $this->p_perso->show_fields($this->notice_id);
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->memo_perso_["FIELDS"]); $i++) {
                 $p = $this->memo_perso_["FIELDS"][$i];
                 if ($p["AFF"]) {
                     if ($p['NAME'] == 'cp_abrev') {
                         $perso_aff_1 .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . strip_tags($p["TITRE"]) . "</span></td><td>" . $p["AFF"] . "</td></tr>";
                     } else {
                         if ($p['NAME'] == 'cp_titreabrev') {
                             $perso_aff_2 .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . strip_tags($p["TITRE"]) . "</span></td><td>" . $p["AFF"] . "</td></tr>";
         $this->notice_public .= $perso_aff_1;
     } elseif ($this->notice->typdoc == 'd' || $this->notice->niveau_biblio == 'a' && $this->notice->typdoc == 'e') {
          * Article de périodique
          * Article de presse
         //Champs personnalisés (en 4 parties)
         $perso_aff_1 = "";
         $perso_aff_2 = "";
         $perso_aff_3 = "";
         $perso_aff_4 = "";
         $perso_aff_5 = "";
         $perso_aff_6 = "";
         if (!$this->p_perso->no_special_fields) {
             // $this->memo_perso_ permet aux affichages personnalisés dans notice_affichage_ext de gagner du temps
             if (!$this->memo_perso_) {
                 $this->memo_perso_ = $this->p_perso->show_fields($this->notice_id);
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->memo_perso_["FIELDS"]); $i++) {
                 $p = $this->memo_perso_["FIELDS"][$i];
                 if ($p["AFF"]) {
                     if ($p['NAME'] == 'cp_theme') {
                         $perso_aff_1 .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . strip_tags($p["TITRE"]) . "</span></td><td>" . $p["AFF"] . "</td></tr>";
                     } else {
                         if ($p['NAME'] == 'cp_cahier') {
                             $perso_aff_2 .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . strip_tags($p["TITRE"]) . "</span></td><td>" . $p["AFF"] . "</td></tr>";
                         } else {
                             if ($p['NAME'] == 'cp_recueil') {
                                 $perso_aff_3 .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . strip_tags($p["TITRE"]) . "</span></td><td>" . $p["AFF"] . "</td></tr>";
                             } else {
                                 if ($p['NAME'] == 'cp_revdoct') {
                                     $perso_aff_4 .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . strip_tags($p["TITRE"]) . "</span></td><td>" . $p["AFF"] . "</td></tr>";
                                 } else {
                                     if ($p['NAME'] == 'cp_cpt_tit') {
                                         $perso_aff_5 .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . strip_tags($p["TITRE"]) . "</span></td><td>" . $p["AFF"] . "</td></tr>";
                                     } else {
                                         if ($p['NAME'] == 'cp_partie_revue') {
                                             $perso_aff_6 .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . strip_tags($p["TITRE"]) . "</span></td><td>" . $p["AFF"] . "</td></tr>";
         $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['title'] . " :</span></td>";
         $this->notice_public .= "<td><span class='public_title'><b>" . $this->notice->tit1 . "</b>";
         $this->notice_public .= "</span></td></tr>";
         //Complément du titre
         if ($this->notice->tit4) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['240'] . " :</span></td>";
             $this->notice_public .= "<td>" . $this->notice->tit4 . "</td></tr>";
         //Autres compléments de titre
         $this->notice_public .= $perso_aff_5;
         //Partie revue
         $this->notice_public .= $perso_aff_6;
         if ($this->auteurs_tous) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['auteur_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->auteurs_tous . "</td></tr>";
         if ($this->congres_tous) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['congres_aff_public_libelle'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->congres_tous . "</td></tr>";
         //Année édition
         if ($this->notice->year) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['year_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->notice->year . "</td></tr>";
         if ($this->notice->npages) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['npages_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->notice->npages . "</td></tr>";
         $this->notice_public .= $perso_aff_1;
         $this->notice_public .= $perso_aff_2;
         $this->notice_public .= $perso_aff_3;
         //Revue doctrine
         $this->notice_public .= $perso_aff_4;
     } elseif ($this->notice->typdoc == 'b') {
          * Article d'ouvrage
         //Champs personnalisés
         $perso_aff_1 = "";
         if (!$this->p_perso->no_special_fields) {
             // $this->memo_perso_ permet aux affichages personnalisés dans notice_affichage_ext de gagner du temps
             if (!$this->memo_perso_) {
                 $this->memo_perso_ = $this->p_perso->show_fields($this->notice_id);
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->memo_perso_["FIELDS"]); $i++) {
                 $p = $this->memo_perso_["FIELDS"][$i];
                 if ($p["AFF"]) {
                     if ($p['NAME'] == 'cp_cpt_tit') {
                         $perso_aff_1 .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . strip_tags($p["TITRE"]) . "</span></td><td>" . $p["AFF"] . "</td></tr>";
         $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['title'] . " :</span></td>";
         $this->notice_public .= "<td><span class='public_title'><b>" . $this->notice->tit1 . "</b>";
         $this->notice_public .= "</span></td></tr>";
         //Complément du titre
         if ($this->notice->tit4) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['240'] . " :</span></td>";
             $this->notice_public .= "<td>" . $this->notice->tit4 . "</td></tr>";
         //Autres compléments de titre
         $this->notice_public .= $perso_aff_1;
         //Titre en langue étrangère
         if ($this->notice->tit3) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['other_title_t3'] . " :</span></td><td>" . $this->notice->tit2 . "</td></tr>";
         //type de doc
         if ($tdoc->table[$this->notice->typdoc]) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['typdocdisplay_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $tdoc->table[$this->notice->typdoc] . "</td></tr>";
         if ($this->auteurs_tous) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['auteur_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->auteurs_tous . "</td></tr>";
         if ($this->congres_tous) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['congres_aff_public_libelle'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->congres_tous . "</td></tr>";
         // mention d'édition
         if ($this->notice->mention_edition) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['mention_edition_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->notice->mention_edition . "</td></tr>";
         // zone de l'éditeur
         if ($this->notice->ed1_id) {
             $editeur = new publisher($this->notice->ed1_id);
             $this->publishers[] = $editeur;
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['editeur_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . ($editeur->ville ? $editeur->ville . " : " : "") . inslink($editeur->name, str_replace("!!id!!", $this->notice->ed1_id, $this->lien_rech_editeur)) . "</td></tr>";
         //Année de publication
         if ($this->notice->year) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['year_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->notice->year . "</td></tr>";
         if ($this->notice->npages) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['npages_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->notice->npages . "</td></tr>";
         // langues
         if (count($this->langues)) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['537'] . " :</span></td><td>" . $this->construit_liste_langues($this->langues);
             if (count($this->languesorg)) {
                 $this->notice_public .= " <span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['711'] . " :</span> " . $this->construit_liste_langues($this->languesorg);
             $this->notice_public .= "</td></tr>";
         } elseif (count($this->languesorg)) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['711'] . " :</span></td><td>" . $this->construit_liste_langues($this->languesorg) . "</td></tr>";
         if ($this->categories_toutes) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['categories_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->categories_toutes . "</td></tr>";
         //URL associée
         if ($this->notice->lien) {
             $ret .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg["lien_start"] . "</span></td><td>";
             if (substr($this->notice->eformat, 0, 3) == 'RSS') {
                 $ret .= affiche_rss($this->notice->notice_id);
             } else {
                 if (strlen($this->notice->lien) > 80) {
                     $ret .= "<a href=\"" . $this->notice->lien . "\" target=\"top\" class='lien856'>" . htmlentities(substr($this->notice->lien, 0, 80), ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</a>&nbsp;[...]";
                 } else {
                     $ret .= "<a href=\"" . $this->notice->lien . "\" target=\"top\" class='lien856'>" . htmlentities($this->notice->lien, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</a>";
             $ret .= "</td></tr>";
             if ($this->notice->eformat && substr($this->notice->eformat, 0, 3) != 'RSS') {
                 $ret .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg["eformat_start"] . "</span></td><td>" . htmlentities($this->notice->eformat, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</td></tr>";
     } elseif ($this->notice->typdoc == 'g') {
          * Décision du CC
         //Champs personnalisés (en 4 parties)
         $perso_aff_1 = "";
         $perso_aff_2 = "";
         $perso_aff_3 = "";
         $perso_aff_4 = "";
         if (!$this->p_perso->no_special_fields) {
             // $this->memo_perso_ permet aux affichages personnalisés dans notice_affichage_ext de gagner du temps
             if (!$this->memo_perso_) {
                 $this->memo_perso_ = $this->p_perso->show_fields($this->notice_id);
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->memo_perso_["FIELDS"]); $i++) {
                 $p = $this->memo_perso_["FIELDS"][$i];
                 if ($p["AFF"]) {
                     if ($p['NAME'] == 'cp_referent') {
                         $perso_aff_1 .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . strip_tags($p["TITRE"]) . "</span></td><td>" . $p["AFF"] . "</td></tr>";
                     } else {
                         if ($p['NAME'] == 'cp_datedec') {
                             $perso_aff_2 .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . strip_tags($p["TITRE"]) . "</span></td><td>" . $p["AFF"] . "</td></tr>";
                         } else {
                             if ($p['NAME'] == 'cp_codedec') {
                                 $perso_aff_3 .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . strip_tags($p["TITRE"]) . "</span></td><td>" . $p["AFF"] . "</td></tr>";
                             } else {
                                 if ($p['NAME'] == 'cp_type_dec') {
                                     $perso_aff_4 .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . strip_tags($p["TITRE"]) . "</span></td><td>" . $p["AFF"] . "</td></tr>";
         //type de doc
         if ($tdoc->table[$this->notice->typdoc]) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['typdocdisplay_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $tdoc->table[$this->notice->typdoc] . "</td></tr>";
         $this->notice_public .= $perso_aff_1;
         $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['title'] . " :</span></td>";
         $this->notice_public .= "<td><span class='public_title'><b>" . $this->notice->tit1 . "</b>";
         $this->notice_public .= "</span></td></tr>";
         //Complément du titre
         if ($this->notice->tit4) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['240'] . " :</span></td>";
             $this->notice_public .= "<td>" . $this->notice->tit4 . "</td></tr>";
         //Date de décision
         $this->notice_public .= $perso_aff_2;
         //Code décision
         $this->notice_public .= $perso_aff_3;
         //Type décision
         $this->notice_public .= $perso_aff_4;
     } elseif ($this->notice->typdoc == 'l') {
          * Ressource électronique
         //Champs personnalisés
         $perso_aff_1 = "";
         if (!$this->p_perso->no_special_fields) {
             // $this->memo_perso_ permet aux affichages personnalisés dans notice_affichage_ext de gagner du temps
             if (!$this->memo_perso_) {
                 $this->memo_perso_ = $this->p_perso->show_fields($this->notice_id);
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->memo_perso_["FIELDS"]); $i++) {
                 $p = $this->memo_perso_["FIELDS"][$i];
                 if ($p["AFF"]) {
                     if ($p['NAME'] == 'cp_cpt_tit') {
                         $perso_aff_1 .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . strip_tags($p["TITRE"]) . "</span></td><td>" . $p["AFF"] . "</td></tr>";
         $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['title'] . " :</span></td>";
         $this->notice_public .= "<td><span class='public_title'><b>" . $this->notice->tit1 . "</b>";
         $this->notice_public .= "</span></td></tr>";
         //Complément du titre
         if ($this->notice->tit4) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['240'] . " :</span></td>";
             $this->notice_public .= "<td>" . $this->notice->tit4 . "</td></tr>";
         //Autres compléments de titre
         $this->notice_public .= $perso_aff_1;
         if ($this->auteurs_tous) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['auteur_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->auteurs_tous . "</td></tr>";
         if ($this->congres_tous) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['congres_aff_public_libelle'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->congres_tous . "</td></tr>";
         // zone de l'éditeur
         if ($this->notice->ed1_id) {
             $editeur = new publisher($this->notice->ed1_id);
             $this->publishers[] = $editeur;
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['editeur_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . ($editeur->ville ? $editeur->ville . " : " : "") . inslink($editeur->name, str_replace("!!id!!", $this->notice->ed1_id, $this->lien_rech_editeur)) . "</td></tr>";
         //Année de publication
         if ($this->notice->year) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['year_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->notice->year . "</td></tr>";
         if ($this->notice->npages) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['npages_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->notice->npages . "</td></tr>";
         //Indexation décimale
         if ($this->notice->indexint) {
             $indexint = new indexint($this->notice->indexint);
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['indexint_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . inslink($indexint->name . ($indexint->comment ? " - " . nl2br(htmlentities($indexint->comment, ENT_QUOTES, $charset)) : ""), str_replace("!!id!!", $this->notice->indexint, $this->lien_rech_indexint)) . "</td></tr>";
         if ($this->categories_toutes) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['categories_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->categories_toutes . "</td></tr>";
     } elseif ($this->notice->typdoc == '6') {
          * Bulletin
         //Titre du bulletin
         if ($this->parent_bulletin_title) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['title'] . " :</span></td><td><span class='public_title'><b>" . $this->parent_bulletin_title . "</b></span></td></tr>";
         //type de doc
         if ($tdoc->table[$this->notice->typdoc]) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['typdocdisplay_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $tdoc->table[$this->notice->typdoc] . "</td></tr>";
         //Mention de date
         if ($this->parent_date) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['bull_mention_date'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->parent_date . "</td></tr>";
         //Numéro du bulletin
         if ($this->parent_numero) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['bull_numero_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->parent_numero . "</td></tr>";
         if ($this->notice->npages) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['npages_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->notice->npages . "</td></tr>";
     } else {
          * Default
         $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['title'] . " :</span></td>";
         $this->notice_public .= "<td><span class='public_title'><b>" . $this->notice->tit1 . "</b>";
         $this->notice_public .= "</span></td></tr>";
         // constitution de la mention de titre
         if ($this->notice->serie_name) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['tparent_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . inslink($this->notice->serie_name, str_replace("!!id!!", $this->notice->tparent_id, $this->lien_rech_serie));
             $this->notice_public .= "</td></tr>";
         if ($this->notice->tnvol) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['tnvol_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->notice->tnvol;
             $this->notice_public .= "</td></tr>";
         //Complément du titre
         if ($this->notice->tit4) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['240'] . " :</span></td>";
             $this->notice_public .= "<td>" . $this->notice->tit4 . "</td></tr>";
         //Titre parallèle
         if ($this->notice->tit3) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['other_title_t3'] . " :</span></td><td>" . $this->notice->tit2 . "</td></tr>";
         //type de doc
         if ($tdoc->table[$this->notice->typdoc]) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['typdocdisplay_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $tdoc->table[$this->notice->typdoc] . "</td></tr>";
         if ($this->auteurs_tous) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['auteur_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->auteurs_tous . "</td></tr>";
         if ($this->congres_tous) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['congres_aff_public_libelle'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->congres_tous . "</td></tr>";
         // mention d'édition
         if ($this->notice->mention_edition) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['mention_edition_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->notice->mention_edition . "</td></tr>";
         // zone de l'éditeur
         if ($this->notice->ed1_id) {
             $editeur = new publisher($this->notice->ed1_id);
             $this->publishers[] = $editeur;
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['editeur_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . ($editeur->ville ? $editeur->ville . " : " : "") . inslink($editeur->name, str_replace("!!id!!", $this->notice->ed1_id, $this->lien_rech_editeur)) . "</td></tr>";
         //Année de publication
         if ($this->notice->year) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['year_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->notice->year . "</td></tr>";
         if ($this->notice->npages) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['npages_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->notice->npages . "</td></tr>";
         //Matériel d'accompagnement
         if ($this->notice->accomp) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['accomp_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->notice->accomp . "</td></tr>";
         //Collection et Sous-collection
         if ($this->notice->subcoll_id) {
             $subcollection = new subcollection($this->notice->subcoll_id);
             $collection = new collection($this->notice->coll_id);
             $this->collections[] = $collection;
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['coll_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . inslink($collection->name, str_replace("!!id!!", $this->notice->coll_id, $this->lien_rech_collection)) . "</td></tr>";
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['subcoll_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . inslink($subcollection->name, str_replace("!!id!!", $this->notice->subcoll_id, $this->lien_rech_subcollection));
             if ($this->notice->nocoll) {
                 $this->notice_public .= ", " . $this->notice->nocoll . "</td></tr>";
         } elseif ($this->notice->coll_id) {
             $collection = new collection($this->notice->coll_id);
             $this->collections[] = $collection;
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['coll_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . inslink($collection->name, str_replace("!!id!!", $this->notice->coll_id, $this->lien_rech_collection));
             if ($this->notice->nocoll) {
                 $this->notice_public .= ", " . $this->notice->nocoll . "</td></tr>";
         //ISBN ou NO. commercial
         if ($this->notice->code) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['code_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->notice->code . "</td></tr>";
         //Note générale
         if ($this->notice->n_gen) {
             $zoneNote = nl2br(htmlentities($this->notice->n_gen, ENT_QUOTES, $charset));
         if ($zoneNote) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['n_gen_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $zoneNote . "</td></tr>";
         if (count($this->langues)) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['537'] . " :</span></td><td>" . $this->construit_liste_langues($this->langues);
             if (count($this->languesorg)) {
                 $this->notice_public .= " <span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['711'] . " :</span> " . $this->construit_liste_langues($this->languesorg);
             $this->notice_public .= "</td></tr>";
         } elseif (count($this->languesorg)) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['711'] . " :</span></td><td>" . $this->construit_liste_langues($this->languesorg) . "</td></tr>";
         if ($this->categories_toutes) {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['categories_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->categories_toutes . "</td></tr>";
         //Indexation décimale
         if ($this->notice->indexint) {
             $indexint = new indexint($this->notice->indexint);
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['indexint_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . inslink($indexint->name . ($indexint->comment ? " - " . nl2br(htmlentities($indexint->comment, ENT_QUOTES, $charset)) : ""), str_replace("!!id!!", $this->notice->indexint, $this->lien_rech_indexint)) . "</td></tr>";
         //URL associée
         if ($this->notice->lien) {
             $ret .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg["lien_start"] . "</span></td><td>";
             if (substr($this->notice->eformat, 0, 3) == 'RSS') {
                 $ret .= affiche_rss($this->notice->notice_id);
             } else {
                 if (strlen($this->notice->lien) > 80) {
                     $ret .= "<a href=\"" . $this->notice->lien . "\" target=\"top\" class='lien856'>" . htmlentities(substr($this->notice->lien, 0, 80), ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</a>&nbsp;[...]";
                 } else {
                     $ret .= "<a href=\"" . $this->notice->lien . "\" target=\"top\" class='lien856'>" . htmlentities($this->notice->lien, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</a>";
             $ret .= "</td></tr>";
             if ($this->notice->eformat && substr($this->notice->eformat, 0, 3) != 'RSS') {
                 $ret .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg["eformat_start"] . "</span></td><td>" . htmlentities($this->notice->eformat, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</td></tr>";
         if ($this->notice->typdoc == 'j') {
             //Champs perso - Lieu de la soutenance
             $perso_aff_1 = "";
             if (!$this->p_perso->no_special_fields) {
                 // $this->memo_perso_ permet aux affichages personnalisés dans notice_affichage_ext de gagner du temps
                 if (!$this->memo_perso_) {
                     $this->memo_perso_ = $this->p_perso->show_fields($this->notice_id);
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->memo_perso_["FIELDS"]); $i++) {
                     $p = $this->memo_perso_["FIELDS"][$i];
                     if ($p["AFF"]) {
                         if ($p['NAME'] == 'cp_lieusout') {
                             $perso_aff_1 .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . strip_tags($p["TITRE"]) . "</span></td><td>" . $p["AFF"] . "</td></tr>";
             $this->notice_public .= $perso_aff_1;
     //statut de notice en commande
     if ($this->notice->statut == 3) {
         $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['statut_start'] . "</span></td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td><font color='red'>" . $this->statut_notice . "</font></td></tr>";
     // Permalink avec Id
     if ($opac_permalink) {
         if ($this->notice->niveau_biblio != "b") {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg["notice_permalink"] . "</span></td><td><a href='" . $opac_url_base . "index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=" . $this->notice_id . "'>" . substr($opac_url_base . "index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=" . $this->notice_id, 0, 80) . "</a></td></tr>";
         } else {
             $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg["notice_permalink"] . "</span></td><td><a href='" . $opac_url_base . "index.php?lvl=bulletin_display&id=" . $this->bulletin_id . "'>" . substr($opac_url_base . "index.php?lvl=bulletin_display&id=" . $this->bulletin_id, 0, 80) . "</a></td></tr>";
     //Identifiant de la notice
     $this->notice_public .= "<tr><td align='right' class='bg-grey'><span class='etiq_champ'>" . $msg['notice_id_start'] . "</span></td><td>" . $this->notice_id . "</td></tr>";
     //		if (!$short) $this->notice_public .= $this->aff_suite() ;
     //		else $this->notice_public.=$this->genere_in_perio();
     $this->notice_public .= "</table>\n";
     //notice mère
     $this->notice_public .= $this->parents;
     //etat des collections
     if ($this->notice->niveau_biblio == 's' && $this->notice->niveau_hierar == 1) {
         $this->notice_public .= $this->affichage_etat_collections();
     // exemplaires, résas et compagnie
     if ($ex) {
         $this->affichage_resa_expl = $this->aff_resa_expl();
Esempio n. 6

// +-------------------------------------------------+
// © 2002-2004 PMB Services / et contributeurs (voir
// +-------------------------------------------------+
// $Id:,v 1.7 2015-04-03 11:16:16 jpermanne Exp $
if (stristr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ".inc.php")) {
    die("no access");
require_once $include_path . "/";
$req_rss = "select notice_id, eformat from notices where eformat like 'RSS%' order by tit1 ";
$res_rss = pmb_mysql_query($req_rss);
while ($rss = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res_rss)) {
    $rss_lu = explode(' ', $rss->eformat);
    if ($rss_lu[2]) {
        $sites[] = $rss->notice_id;
// $sites=array(",2-3208,1-0,0.xml","","","","","");
if (count($sites) > 0) {
    print pmb_bidi("<div id='rss'><h3><span id='titre_rss'>" . htmlentities($msg[rss_titre], ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</span></h3><span>");
    $red = false;
    $articles = "";
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($sites); $i++) {
        $articles .= affiche_rss($sites[$i]);
    print pmb_bidi($articles);
    print "</span></div>";