function ajax__aff_getdashstats() { global $user; $user = wp_get_current_user(); $user_ID = $user->ID; $headings = aff_get_option('affiliateheadings', array(__('Unique Clicks', 'affiliate'), __('Sign ups', 'affiliate'), __('Paid members', 'affiliate'))); $results = $this->db->get_results($this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$this->affiliatedata} WHERE user_id = %d ORDER BY period DESC LIMIT 0, 18", $user_ID)); $startat = strtotime(date("Y-m-15")); $clicks = array(); $signups = array(); $payments = array(); $ticks = array(); if (!empty($results)) { $recent = array_shift($results); } else { $recent = array(); } for ($n = 0; $n < 10; $n++) { $place = 10 - $n; $rdate = strtotime("-{$n} month", $startat); $period = date('Ym', $rdate); $ticks[] = array((int) $place, date_i18n('M y', $rdate)); if (!empty($recent) && $recent->period == $period) { // We are on the current period $clicks[] = array((int) $place, (int) $recent->uniques); $signups[] = array((int) $place, (int) $recent->signups); $payments[] = array((int) $place, (int) $recent->completes); if (!empty($results)) { $recent = array_shift($results); } else { $recent = array(); } } else { // A zero blank row $clicks[] = array((int) $place, (int) 0); $signups[] = array((int) $place, (int) 0); $payments[] = array((int) $place, (int) 0); } } $return = array(); $return['chart'][] = array("label" => stripslashes($headings[0]), "data" => $clicks); $return['chart'][] = array("label" => stripslashes($headings[1]), "data" => $signups); $return['chart'][] = array("label" => stripslashes($headings[2]), "data" => $payments); $return['ticks'] = $ticks; $this->return_json($return); exit; }
function AM_Show_Affiliate_Settings($settings) { if (isset($_POST['gateway_settings'])) { // Do processing here if (!empty($_POST['affiliate_mp_percentage']) && $_POST['affiliate_mp_percentage'] > 0) { aff_update_option('affiliate_mp_percentage', $_POST['affiliate_mp_percentage']); } else { aff_delete_option('affiliate_mp_percentage'); } } ?> <div id="mp_gateways" class="postbox"> <h3 class='hndle'><span><?php _e('Affiliate Settings', 'mp'); ?> </span></h3> <div class="inside"> <span class="description"><?php _e('You can set the global commision amount paid to affiliates for referred purchases below. Set it to 0 for no payments.', 'affiliate'); ?> </span> <table class="form-table"> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Set percentage to be paid to affiliates', 'affiliate'); ?> </th> <td> <?php $percentage = aff_get_option('affiliate_mp_percentage', 0); ?> <input type='text' name='affiliate_mp_percentage' value='<?php echo number_format($percentage, 2); ?> ' style='width:5em;'/> <?php _e('%', 'affiliate'); ?> <?php ?> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <?php }
function __construct() { global $wpdb; // Grab our own local reference to the database class $this->db =& $wpdb; $this->detect_location(1); foreach ($this->tables as $table) { if (function_exists('is_plugin_active_for_network') && is_plugin_active_for_network('affiliate/affiliate.php') && (defined('AFFILIATE_USE_GLOBAL_IF_NETWORK_ACTIVATED') && AFFILIATE_USE_GLOBAL_IF_NETWORK_ACTIVATED == 'yes')) { // we're activated site wide $this->{$table} = $this->db->base_prefix . $table; } else { if (defined('AFFILIATE_USE_BASE_PREFIX_IF_EXISTS') && AFFILIATE_USE_BASE_PREFIX_IF_EXISTS == 'yes' && !empty($this->db->base_prefix)) { $this->{$table} = $this->db->base_prefix . $table; } else { // we're only activated on a blog level so put the admin menu in the main area $this->{$table} = $this->db->prefix . $table; } } } $installed = aff_get_option('Aff_Installed', false); if ($installed === false || $installed != $this->build) { $this->install(); aff_update_option('Aff_Installed', $this->build); } register_activation_hook(__FILE__, array(&$this, 'install')); add_action('init', array(&$this, 'handle_affiliate_link')); // Global generic functions add_action('affiliate_click', array(&$this, 'record_click'), 10, 1); add_action('affiliate_signup', array(&$this, 'record_signup'), 10); add_action('affiliate_purchase', array(&$this, 'record_complete'), 10, 5); add_action('affiliate_credit', array(&$this, 'record_credit'), 10, 2); add_action('affiliate_debit', array(&$this, 'record_debit'), 10, 2); add_action('affiliate_referrer', array(&$this, 'record_referrer'), 10, 2); // Include affiliate plugins load_affiliate_addons(); }
function affiliate_supporter_settings() { global $psts; if (function_exists('get_site_option')) { $getoption = 'get_site_option'; } else { $getoption = 'get_option'; } $psts_tabs = 3.5 >= $psts->version ? true : false; ?> <?php if (!$psts_tabs) { ?> <div class="postbox"> <h3 class="hndle" style="cursor:auto;"><span><?php _e('Affiliate Settings', 'affiliate'); ?> </span></h3> <?php } else { $tab = ProSites_Helper_Tabs_Settings::get_active_tab(); ProSites_Helper_Settings::settings_header($tab); } ?> <div class="inside"> <?php $prosites_currency = $psts->get_setting('currency'); $affiliate_currency = aff_get_option('affiliate-currency-paypal-masspay', 'USD'); //echo "prosites_currency[". $prosites_currency ."] affiliate_currency[". $affiliate_currency ."]<br />"; if ($prosites_currency != $affiliate_currency) { ?> <p class="error"><?php echo sprintf(__('Currency mismatch. Your Pro Sites currency is set to <strong>%s</strong> but Affiliate currency is set to <strong>%s</strong>. Please ensure both are set correctly.'), $prosites_currency, $affiliate_currency); ?> </p><?php } ?> <table class="form-table"> <tr valign="top"> <th scope="row"><?php _e('1 Month payment', 'affiliate'); ?> </th> <td> <select name="supporter_1_whole_payment"> <?php $supporter_1_whole_payment = $getoption("supporter_1_whole_payment"); $counter = 0; for ($counter = 0; $counter <= 300; $counter += 1) { echo '<option value="' . $counter . '"' . ($counter == $supporter_1_whole_payment ? ' selected' : '') . '>' . $counter . '</option>' . "\n"; } ?> </select> . <select name="supporter_1_partial_payment"> <?php $supporter_1_partial_payment = $getoption("supporter_1_partial_payment"); $counter = 0; echo '<option value="00"' . ('00' == $supporter_1_partial_payment ? ' selected' : '') . '>00</option>' . "\n"; for ($counter = 1; $counter <= 99; $counter += 1) { if ($counter < 10) { $number = '0' . $counter; } else { $number = $counter; } echo '<option value="' . $number . '"' . ($number == $supporter_1_partial_payment ? ' selected' : '') . '>' . $number . '</option>' . "\n"; } ?> </select> <?php $supporter_1_payment_type = $getoption("supporter_1_payment_type", 'actual'); ?> <select name="supporter_1_payment_type"> <option value='actual' <?php selected($supporter_1_payment_type, 'actual'); ?> ><?php echo esc_html($affiliate_currency); ?> </option> <option value='percentage' <?php selected($supporter_1_payment_type, 'percentage'); ?> ><?php _e('%', 'membership'); ?> </option> </select> <br /><?php _e('Affiliate payment for one month.'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <th scope="row"><?php _e('3 Month payment', 'affiliate'); ?> </th> <td> <select name="supporter_3_whole_payment"> <?php $supporter_3_whole_payment = $getoption("supporter_3_whole_payment"); $counter = 0; for ($counter = 0; $counter <= 300; $counter += 1) { echo '<option value="' . $counter . '"' . ($counter == $supporter_3_whole_payment ? ' selected' : '') . '>' . $counter . '</option>' . "\n"; } ?> </select> . <select name="supporter_3_partial_payment"> <?php $supporter_3_partial_payment = $getoption("supporter_3_partial_payment"); $counter = 0; echo '<option value="00"' . ('00' == $supporter_3_partial_payment ? ' selected' : '') . '>00</option>' . "\n"; for ($counter = 1; $counter <= 99; $counter += 1) { if ($counter < 10) { $number = '0' . $counter; } else { $number = $counter; } echo '<option value="' . $number . '"' . ($number == $supporter_3_partial_payment ? ' selected' : '') . '>' . $number . '</option>' . "\n"; } ?> </select> <?php $supporter_3_payment_type = $getoption("supporter_3_payment_type", 'actual'); ?> <select name="supporter_3_payment_type"> <option value='actual' <?php selected($supporter_3_payment_type, 'actual'); ?> ><?php echo esc_html($affiliate_currency); ?> </option> <option value='percentage' <?php selected($supporter_3_payment_type, 'percentage'); ?> ><?php _e('%', 'membership'); ?> </option> </select> <br /><?php _e('Affiliate payment for three months.'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <th scope="row"><?php _e('12 Month payment', 'affiliate'); ?> </th> <td> <select name="supporter_12_whole_payment"> <?php $supporter_12_whole_payment = $getoption("supporter_12_whole_payment"); $counter = 0; for ($counter = 0; $counter <= 300; $counter += 1) { echo '<option value="' . $counter . '"' . ($counter == $supporter_12_whole_payment ? ' selected' : '') . '>' . $counter . '</option>' . "\n"; } ?> </select> . <select name="supporter_12_partial_payment"> <?php $supporter_12_partial_payment = $getoption("supporter_12_partial_payment"); $counter = 0; echo '<option value="00"' . ('00' == $supporter_12_partial_payment ? ' selected' : '') . '>00</option>' . "\n"; for ($counter = 1; $counter <= 99; $counter += 1) { if ($counter < 10) { $number = '0' . $counter; } else { $number = $counter; } echo '<option value="' . $number . '"' . ($number == $supporter_12_partial_payment ? ' selected' : '') . '>' . $number . '</option>' . "\n"; } ?> </select> <?php $supporter_12_payment_type = $getoption("supporter_12_payment_type", 'actual'); ?> <select name="supporter_12_payment_type"> <option value='actual' <?php selected($supporter_12_payment_type, 'actual'); ?> ><?php echo esc_html($affiliate_currency); ?> </option> <option value='percentage' <?php selected($supporter_12_payment_type, 'percentage'); ?> ><?php _e('%', 'membership'); ?> </option> </select> <?php if ($psts_tabs) { echo '<input type="hidden" name="active_tab" value="affiliate" />'; } ?> <br /><?php _e('Affiliate payment for twelve months.'); ?> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <?php if (!$psts_tabs) { ?> </div> <?php } }
/** * Display additional fields in the Membership payment options screen. * * This function is called on the admin screen where Membership payment * settings are configured. * We can directly output HTML code that is appended to the default form. * * Note that the payment form has no submit button! All settings must be * saved directly via Ajax directly when they are changed. * * @since 1.0.0 * @param MS_View $view The view object that called this function. * @param MS_Model_Membership $membership The membership that is modified. */ public function form($view, $membership) { $membership_currency = $this->api->settings->currency; $affiliate_currency = aff_get_option('affiliate-currency-paypal-masspay', 'USD'); if ($membership->is_free) { $label = __('Reward on subscription', 'affiliate'); } else { $label = __('Reward on first payment', 'affiliate'); } $fields = array(); $fields['value'] = array('type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_NUMBER, 'id' => 'aff_reward_value', 'before' => $label, 'value' => $this->get_value($membership), 'class' => 'ms-text-smallish', 'config' => array('step' => '0.01', 'min' => '0'), 'ajax_data' => array('action' => self::AJAX_ACTION, 'membership_id' => $membership->id)); $fields['type'] = array('type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_SELECT, 'id' => 'aff_reward_type', 'value' => $this->get_type($membership), 'field_options' => array('inv' => __('Percent (payment)', 'affiliate') . '*', 'mem' => __('Percent (price)', 'affiliate') . '**', 'abs' => $affiliate_currency), 'ajax_data' => array('action' => self::AJAX_ACTION, 'membership_id' => $membership->id)); ?> <div class="aff-payment-options"> <?php MS_Helper_Html::html_separator(); ?> <div class="aff-title"> <strong><?php _e('Affiliate settings', 'affiliate'); ?> </strong> </div> <div class="aff-inside"> <?php foreach ($fields as $field) { MS_Helper_Html::html_element($field); } ?> <p> * <?php _e('Reward is based on the actually paid amount which includes any discounts (but no taxes).', 'affiliate'); ?> <br /> ** <?php _e('Reward is based on the current membership price setting.', 'affiliate'); ?> </p> <p> <?php printf(__('Tipp: There is no currency conversion done. All rewards are paid in %s, regardless of the currency used by Membership2 or the invoice.', 'affiliate'), '<strong>' . $affiliate_currency . '</strong>'); ?> </p> </div> </div> <?php }
function output_banners() { $user = wp_get_current_user(); $user_ID = $user->ID; if (empty($user_ID)) { return ''; } $reference = get_user_meta($user_ID, 'affiliate_reference', true); if (function_exists('is_multisite') && is_multisite() && function_exists('is_plugin_active_for_network') && is_plugin_active_for_network('affiliate/affiliate.php')) { $site = aff_get_option('site_name'); $url = get_blog_option(1, 'home'); } else { $site = aff_get_option('blogname'); $url = aff_get_option('home'); } ob_start(); $banners = aff_get_option('affiliatebannerlinks'); foreach ((array) $banners as $banner) { ?> <img src='<?php echo $banner; ?> ' /> <br/><br/> <textarea cols='80' rows='5'><?php echo sprintf("<a href='%s?ref=%s'>\n", $url, $reference); echo "<img src='" . $banner . "' alt='" . htmlentities(stripslashes($site), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . "' title='Check out " . htmlentities(stripslashes($site), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . "' />\n"; echo "</a>"; ?> </textarea> <br/><br/> <?php } $html = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $html; }
function output_banners() { $user = wp_get_current_user(); $user_ID = $user->ID; if (empty($user_ID)) { return ''; } $reference = get_user_meta($user_ID, 'affiliate_reference', true); if (function_exists('is_multisite') && is_multisite() && function_exists('is_plugin_active_for_network') && is_plugin_active_for_network('affiliate/affiliate.php')) { $site = aff_get_option('site_name'); $url = get_blog_option(1, 'home'); } else { $site = aff_get_option('blogname'); $url = aff_get_option('home'); } if (function_exists('is_multisite') && is_multisite() && function_exists('is_plugin_active_for_network') && is_plugin_active_for_network('affiliate/affiliate.php')) { $site = aff_get_option('site_name'); // switch to use new option $siteurl = get_blog_option(1, 'home'); $affiliatelinkurl = aff_get_option('affiliatelinkurl', $siteurl); } else { $site = aff_get_option('blogname'); // switch to use new option $siteurl = aff_get_option('home'); $affiliatelinkurl = aff_get_option('affiliatelinkurl', $siteurl); } ob_start(); $banners = aff_get_option('affiliatebannerlinks'); foreach ((array) $banners as $banner) { // Split the string in case there is a | in there $advbanner = explode("|", $banner); if (count($advbanner) == 1) { $advbanner[] = $affiliatelinkurl; } // Trim the array so that it removes none text characters array_map('trim', $advbanner); ?> <img src='<?php echo $advbanner[0]; ?> ' /> <br/><br/> <textarea cols='80' rows='5'><?php echo sprintf("<a href='%s?ref=%s'>\n", $advbanner[1], $reference); echo "<img src='" . $advbanner[0] . "' alt='" . htmlentities(stripslashes($site), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . "' title='Check out " . htmlentities(stripslashes($site), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . "' />\n"; echo "</a>"; ?> </textarea> <br/><br/> <?php } $html = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $html; }
function show_affiliate_admin_metabox_settings_paypal_masspay_currency() { global $affiliate_currencies, $affiliate_currencies_paypal_masspay; sort($affiliate_currencies_paypal_masspay); ?> <div class="postbox"> <h3 class='hndle'><span><?php _e('Currency used for PayPal Masspay', 'affiliate'); ?> </span></h3> <div class="inside"> <span class="description"><?php echo sprintf(__('This setting defines the 3-character currency used for the %s.', 'affiliate'), '<a href="" target="_blank">' . __('PayPal masspay file', 'affiliate') . '</a>'); ?> </span> <table class="form-table"> <tr valign="top"> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Currency', 'mp'); ?> </th> <td> <select id="affiliate-currency-paypal-masspay" name="affiliate-currency-paypal-masspay"> <?php foreach ($affiliate_currencies_paypal_masspay as $key) { if (isset($affiliate_currencies[$key])) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $key; ?> "<?php selected(aff_get_option('affiliate-currency-paypal-masspay', 'USD'), $key); ?> ><?php echo esc_attr($key) . ' - ' . esc_attr($affiliate_currencies[$key][0]); ?> </option><?php } } ?> </select> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <?php }
function affiliate_membership_subscription_settings($sub_id) { global $M_options; ?> <h3><?php _e('Affiliate settings', 'affiliate'); ?> </h3> <div class='sub-details'> <?php $membership_currency = $M_options['paymentcurrency']; $affiliate_currency = aff_get_option('affiliate-currency-paypal-masspay', 'USD'); if ($membership_currency != $affiliate_currency) { ?> <p class="error"><?php echo sprintf(__('Currency mismatch. Your Membership currency is set to <strong>%s</strong> but Affiliate currency is set to <strong>%s</strong>. Please ensure both are set correctly.'), $membership_currency, $affiliate_currency); ?> </p><?php } ?> <label for='aff_pay'><?php _e('Affiliate payment credited for a signup on this subscription', 'management'); ?> </label> <select name="membership_whole_payment"> <?php $membership_whole_payment = get_option("membership_whole_payment_" . $sub_id); $counter = 0; for ($counter = 0; $counter <= MEMBERSHIP_MAX_CHARGE; $counter += 1) { echo '<option value="' . $counter . '"' . ($counter == $membership_whole_payment ? ' selected' : '') . '>' . $counter . '</option>' . "\n"; } ?> </select> . <select name="membership_partial_payment"> <?php $membership_partial_payment = get_option("membership_partial_payment_" . $sub_id); $counter = 0; echo '<option value="00"' . ('00' == $membership_partial_payment ? ' selected' : '') . '>00</option>' . "\n"; for ($counter = 1; $counter <= 99; $counter += 1) { if ($counter < 10) { $number = '0' . $counter; } else { $number = $counter; } echo '<option value="' . $number . '"' . ($number == $membership_partial_payment ? ' selected' : '') . '>' . $number . '</option>' . "\n"; } ?> </select> <?php $membership_payment_type = get_option("membership_payment_type_" . $sub_id, 'actual'); ?> <select name="membership_payment_type"> <option value='actual' <?php selected($membership_payment_type, 'actual'); ?> ><?php echo esc_html($affiliate_currency); ?> </option> <option value='percentage' <?php selected($membership_payment_type, 'percentage'); ?> ><?php _e('%', 'membership'); ?> </option> </select> </div> <?php }
function handle_affiliates_panel() { global $page; wp_reset_vars(array('page')); $page = addslashes($_GET['page']); echo "<div class='wrap nosubsub'>"; echo "<h2>" . __('Affiliate System Administration', 'affiliate') . "</h2>"; $this->show_affiliates_panel_menu(); if (!empty($page) && $page != 'affiliatesadmin') { switch ($page) { case 'affiliatesadminsettings': $this->handle_affiliate_settings_panel(); break; case 'affiliatesadminmanage': $this->handle_affiliate_users_panel(); break; case 'affiliatesadminaddons': $this->handle_addons_panel(); break; default: break; } } else { if (isset($_GET['action'])) { switch (addslashes($_GET['action'])) { case 'allaffiliates': // Bulk operations if (isset($_POST['allaction_markaspaid'])) { check_admin_referer('allaffiliateactions'); if (!empty($_POST['allpayments'])) { foreach ($_POST['allpayments'] as $affiliate) { $affdetails = explode('-', $affiliate); if (count($affdetails) == 2) { $affected = $this->db->query("UPDATE " . $this->affiliatedata . " SET payments = payments + (credits - debits), lastupdated = '" . current_time('mysql', true) . "' WHERE user_id = " . $affdetails[0] . " AND period = '" . $affdetails[1] . "'"); } } echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . __('Payments has been assigned correctly.', 'affiliate') . '</p></div>'; } // Mark as paid } break; case 'makepayment': // Mark a payment $affiliate = addslashes($_GET['id']); if (isset($affiliate)) { $affdetails = explode('-', $affiliate); if (count($affdetails) == 2) { $affected = $this->db->query("UPDATE " . $this->affiliatedata . " SET payments = payments + (credits - debits), lastupdated = '" . current_time('mysql', true) . "' WHERE user_id = " . $affdetails[0] . " AND period = '" . $affdetails[1] . "'"); if ($affected) { echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . __('Payment has been assigned correctly.', 'affiliate') . '</p></div>'; } } } break; } } $headings = aff_get_option('affiliateheadings', array(__('Unique Clicks', 'affiliate'), __('Sign ups', 'affiliate'), __('Paid members', 'affiliate'))); $headings = array_merge($headings, array(__('Debits', 'affiliate'), __('Credits', 'affiliate'), __('Payments', 'affiliate'))); $newcolumns = apply_filters('affiliate_column_names', $headings); if (count($newcolumns) == 6) { // We must have 6 columns $columns = $newcolumns; } if (isset($_REQUEST['reportperiod'])) { $reportperiod = addslashes($_REQUEST['reportperiod']); } else { $reportperiod = date('Ym'); } $results = $this->db->get_results($this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$this->affiliatedata} WHERE period = %s ORDER BY credits DESC", $reportperiod)); echo '<form id="form-affiliate-list" action="?page=' . $page . '&action=allaffiliates" method="post">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="allaffiliates" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="page" value="' . $page . '" />'; echo '<div class="tablenav">'; echo '<div class="alignleft">'; echo __('Show report for', 'affiliate') . ' '; echo '<select name="reportperiod" id="reportperiod">'; $startat = strtotime(date("Y-m-15")); for ($n = 0; $n <= 24; $n++) { $rdate = strtotime("-{$n} month", $startat); $period = date('Ym', $rdate); echo '<option value="' . $period . '"'; if ($reportperiod == $period) { echo ' selected="selected"'; } echo '>' . date('M Y', $rdate) . '</option>'; } echo '</select> '; echo '<input type="submit" value="' . __('Refresh', 'affiliate') . '" name="allaction_refresh" class="button-secondary" />'; echo '<br class="clear" />'; echo '</div>'; echo '<div class="alignright">'; echo '<input type="submit" value="' . __('Export Payments', 'affiliate') . '" name="allaction_exportpayments" class="button-secondary delete" /> '; echo '<input type="submit" value="' . __('Mark as Paid', 'affiliate') . '" name="allaction_markaspaid" class="button-secondary" />'; wp_nonce_field('allaffiliateactions'); echo '<br class="clear" />'; echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; echo '<table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3" class="widefat" style="width: 100%;">'; echo '<thead>'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<th scope="col" class="check-column"></th>'; echo '<th scope="col">'; echo __('Username', 'affiliate'); echo '</th>'; foreach ($columns as $column) { echo '<th scope="col" class="num">'; echo $column; echo '</th>'; } echo '</tr>'; echo '</thead>'; echo '<tbody id="the-list">'; if ($results) { foreach ($results as $result) { echo "<tr class=''>"; // Check boxes echo '<th scope="row" class="check-column">'; echo '<input type="checkbox" id="payment-' . $result->user_id . "-" . $result->period . '" name="allpayments[]" value="' . $result->user_id . "-" . $result->period . '" />'; echo '</th>'; echo '<td valign="top">'; $user = get_userdata($result->user_id); echo $user->user_login; echo " ( " . get_user_meta($result->user_id, 'affiliate_paypal', true) . " )"; // Get the affiliate website listing $referrer = get_user_meta($result->user_id, 'affiliate_referrer', true); if (!empty($referrer)) { echo " " . __('linked to ', 'affiliate') . "<a href='http://{$referrer}'>" . $referrer . "</a>"; } // Quick links $actions = array(); $actions[] = "<a href='?page={$page}&action=makepayment&id=" . $result->user_id . "-" . $result->period . "&reportperiod=" . $reportperiod . "' class='edit'>" . __('Mark as Paid', 'affiliate') . "</a>"; $actions[] = "<a href='?page=affiliatesadminmanage&subpage=users&id=" . $result->user_id . "' class='edit'>" . __('Manage Affiliate', 'affiliate') . "</a>"; echo '<div class="row-actions">'; echo implode(' | ', $actions); echo '</div>'; echo '</td>'; echo '<td valign="top" class="num">'; echo $result->uniques; echo '</td>'; echo '<td valign="top" class="num">'; echo $result->signups; echo '</td>'; echo '<td valign="top" class="num">'; echo $result->completes; echo '</td>'; echo '<td valign="top" class="num">'; echo number_format($result->debits, 2); echo '</td>'; echo '<td valign="top" class="num">'; echo number_format($result->credits, 2); echo '</td>'; echo '<td valign="top" class="num">'; echo number_format($result->payments, 2); echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } } else { echo "<tr class=''>"; echo '<td colspan="8" valign="top">'; echo __('There are no results for the selected month.', 'affiliate'); echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } echo '</tbody>'; echo '<tfoot>'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<th scope="col" class="check-column"></th>'; echo '<th scope="col">'; echo __('Username', 'affiliate'); echo '</th>'; reset($columns); foreach ($columns as $column) { echo '<th scope="col" class="num">'; echo $column; echo '</th>'; } echo '</tr>'; echo '</tfoot>'; echo '</table>'; echo '</form>'; ?> </div> <?php } }
function show_users_period_summary_table($user_id) { $headings = aff_get_option('affiliateheadings', array(__('Unique Clicks', 'affiliate'), __('Sign ups', 'affiliate'), __('Paid members', 'affiliate'))); $headings = array_merge($headings, array(__('Credits', 'affiliate'), __('Debits', 'affiliate'), __('Payments', 'affiliate'), __('Balance', 'affiliate'))); $newcolumns = apply_filters('affiliate_summary_columns', $headings); if (count($newcolumns) == 7) { // We must have 6 columns $columns = $newcolumns; } $results = $this->db->get_results($this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$this->affiliatedata} WHERE user_id = %d ORDER BY period DESC", $user_id)); // The table echo '<table width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3" class="widefat" style="width: 100%;">'; echo '<thead>'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<th scope="col">'; echo __('Period', 'affiliate'); echo '</th>'; foreach ($columns as $column) { echo '<th scope="col" class="num">'; echo stripslashes($column); echo '</th>'; } echo '</tr>'; echo '</thead>'; echo '<tbody id="the-list">'; $totalclicks = 0.0; $totalsignups = 0.0; $totalcompletes = 0.0; $totaldebits = 0.0; $totalcredits = 0.0; $totalpayments = 0.0; $totalbalances = 0.0; if (!empty($results)) { $recent = array_shift($results); } else { $recent = array(); } $startat = strtotime(date("Y-m-15")); //echo "startat[". $startat ."]<br />"; //global $wp_locale; //echo "wp_locale<pre>"; print_r($wp_locale); echo "</pre>"; for ($n = 0; $n < 18; $n++) { $rdate = strtotime("-{$n} month", $startat); $period = date('Ym', $rdate); $place = 10 - $n; echo "<tr class='periods' id='period-{$place}'>"; echo '<td valign="top">'; //echo "recent<pre>"; print_r($recent); echo "</pre>"; if (!empty($recent->uniques) || !empty($recent->signups) || !empty($recent->completes) || !empty($recent->debits) || !empty($recent->credits) || !empty($recent->payments)) { /* if(is_network_admin()) { echo '<a href="' . network_admin_url('user-edit.php?user_id='. $user_id .'&period='. $period .'#affiliate-details') .'">'. date("M", $rdate) . '<br/>' . date("Y", $rdate) .'</a>'; } else { echo '<a href="'. admin_url('user-edit.php?user_id='. $user_id .'&period='. $period .'#affiliate-details') .'">'. date("M", $rdate) . '<br/>' . date("Y", $rdate) .'</a>'; } */ $period_url = esc_url(add_query_arg('subpage', 'details')); $period_url = esc_url(add_query_arg('period', $period, $period_url)); echo '<a title="' . __('View Affiliate detail transactions for this period', 'affiliate') . '" href="' . $period_url . '">' . date_i18n("M", $rdate, true) . '<br/>' . date_i18n("Y", $rdate) . '</a>'; } else { echo date_i18n("M", $rdate, true) . '<br/>' . date_i18n("Y", $rdate); } echo '</td>'; if (!empty($recent) && $recent->period == $period) { // We are on the current period echo '<td valign="top" class="num">'; echo $recent->uniques; $totalclicks += $recent->uniques; echo '</td>'; echo '<td valign="top" class="num">'; echo $recent->signups; $totalsignups += $recent->signups; echo '</td>'; echo '<td valign="top" class="num">'; echo $recent->completes; $totalcompletes += $recent->completes; echo '</td>'; echo '<td valign="top" class="num">'; echo number_format($recent->credits, 2); $totalcredits += (double) $recent->credits; echo '</td>'; echo '<td valign="top" class="num">'; echo number_format($recent->debits * -1, 2); $totaldebits += (double) $recent->debits; echo '</td>'; echo '<td valign="top" class="num">'; echo number_format($recent->payments * -1, 2); $totalpayments += (double) $recent->payments; echo '</td>'; echo '<td valign="top" class="num">'; $balanace = $recent->credits - $recent->debits - $recent->payments; $totalbalances += $balanace; echo number_format($balanace, 2); echo '</td>'; if (!empty($results)) { $recent = array_shift($results); } else { $recent = array(); } } else { // A zero blank row echo '<td valign="top" class="num">'; echo 0; echo '</td>'; echo '<td valign="top" class="num">'; echo 0; echo '</td>'; echo '<td valign="top" class="num">'; echo 0; echo '</td>'; echo '<td valign="top" class="num">'; echo "0.00"; echo '</td>'; echo '<td valign="top" class="num">'; echo number_format(0, 2); echo '</td>'; echo '<td valign="top" class="num">'; echo number_format(0, 2); echo '</td>'; echo '<td valign="top" class="num">'; echo number_format(0, 2); echo '</td>'; } echo '</tr>'; } echo '</tbody>'; echo '<tfoot>'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<th scope="col">'; echo '</th>'; echo '<th scope="col" class="num">'; echo $totalclicks; echo '</th>'; echo '<th scope="col" class="num">'; echo $totalsignups; echo '</th>'; echo '<th scope="col" class="num">'; echo $totalcompletes; echo '</th>'; echo '<th scope="col" class="num">'; echo number_format($totalcredits, 2); echo '</th>'; echo '<th scope="col" class="num">'; echo number_format($totaldebits * -1, 2); echo '</th>'; echo '<th scope="col" class="num">'; echo number_format($totalpayments * -1, 2); echo '</th>'; echo '<th scope="col" class="num">'; echo number_format($totalbalances, 2); echo '</th>'; echo '</tr>'; echo '</tfoot>'; echo '</table>'; }
function get_columns() { $columns = array(); //$columns['cb'] = '<input type="checkbox" />'; $columns['username'] = __('Username', 'affiliate'); $columns['name'] = __('Name', 'affiliate'); if (is_multisite() && is_network_admin()) { $columns['blog'] = __('Blog', 'affiliate'); } if (aff_get_option('affiliateenableapproval', 'no') == 'yes') { $columns['approval'] = __('Approved', 'affiliate'); } $columns['paypal'] = __('PayPal account', 'affiliate'); $columns['reference'] = __('Reference', 'affiliate'); $columns['linked'] = __('URL', 'affiliate'); return $columns; }
function install() { return; // The install is done via the admin class on plugin activation. WTF is this doing here? // This shouldn't really need to be called as the admin area will set up the tables - but just in case if ($this->db->get_var("SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . $this->affiliatedata . "' ") != $this->affiliatedata) { $charset_collate = ''; if (!empty($this->db->charset)) { $charset_collate = "DEFAULT CHARACTER SET " . $this->db->charset; } if (!empty($this->db->collate)) { $charset_collate .= " COLLATE " . $this->db->collate; } $sql = "CREATE TABLE `" . $this->affiliatedata . "` (\n\t\t\t \t`user_id` bigint(20) default NULL,\n\t\t\t \t`period` varchar(6) default NULL,\n\t\t\t \t`uniques` bigint(20) default '0',\n\t\t\t \t`signups` bigint(20) default '0',\n\t\t\t \t`completes` bigint(20) default '0',\n\t\t\t \t`debits` decimal(10,2) default '0.00',\n\t\t\t \t`credits` decimal(10,2) default '0.00',\n\t\t\t \t`payments` decimal(10,2) default '0.00',\n\t\t\t \t`lastupdated` datetime default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',\n\t\t\t \tUNIQUE KEY `user_period` (`user_id`,`period`)\n\t\t\t\t) {$charset_collate};"; $this->db->query($sql); $sql = "CREATE TABLE `" . $this->affiliatereferrers . "` (\n\t\t\t \t`user_id` bigint(20) default NULL,\n\t\t\t \t`period` varchar(6) default NULL,\n\t\t\t \t`url` varchar(250) default NULL,\n\t\t\t \t`referred` bigint(20) default '0',\n\t\t\t \tUNIQUE KEY `user_id` (`user_id`,`period`,`url`)\n\t\t\t\t) {$charset_collate};"; $this->db->query($sql); } if ($this->db->get_var("SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . $this->affiliaterecords . "' ") != $this->affiliaterecords) { $sql = "CREATE TABLE `" . $this->affiliaterecords . "` (\n\t\t\t \t`user_id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t `period` varchar(6) DEFAULT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t `affiliatearea` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t `area_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t `affiliatenote` text,\n\t\t\t\t `amount` decimal(10,2) DEFAULT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t KEY `user_id` (`user_id`),\n\t\t\t\t KEY `period` (`period`)\n\t\t\t\t) {$charset_collate};"; $this->db->query($sql); } if (affiliate_is_plugin_active_for_network() && (defined('AFFILIATE_USE_GLOBAL_IF_NETWORK_ACTIVATED') && AFFILIATE_USE_GLOBAL_IF_NETWORK_ACTIVATED == 'yes')) { // We need to check for a transfer across from old options to new ones $option = aff_get_option('affiliateheadings', false); if ($option == false) { $option = get_blog_option(1, 'affiliateheadings'); aff_update_option('affiliateheadings', $option); } $option = aff_get_option('affiliatesettingstext', false); if ($option == false) { $option = get_blog_option(1, 'affiliatesettingstext'); aff_update_option('affiliatesettingstext', $option); } $option = aff_get_option('affiliateadvancedsettingstext', false); if ($option == false) { $option = get_blog_option(1, 'affiliateadvancedsettingstext'); aff_update_option('affiliateadvancedsettingstext', $option); } $option = aff_get_option('affiliateenablebanners', false); if ($option == false) { $option = get_blog_option(1, 'affiliateenablebanners'); aff_update_option('affiliateenablebanners', $option); } $option = aff_get_option('affiliatelinkurl', false); if ($option == false) { $option = get_blog_option(1, 'affiliatelinkurl'); aff_update_option('affiliatelinkurl', $option); } $option = aff_get_option('affiliatebannerlinks', false); if ($option == false) { $option = get_blog_option(1, 'affiliatebannerlinks'); aff_update_option('affiliatebannerlinks', $option); } $option = aff_get_option('affiliate_activated_addons', false); if ($option == false) { $option = get_blog_option(1, 'affiliate_activated_addons'); aff_update_option('affiliate_activated_addons', $option); } } }
function load_affiliate_addons() { $plugins = aff_get_option('affiliate_activated_addons', array()); if (is_dir(affiliate_dir('affiliateincludes/addons'))) { if ($dh = opendir(affiliate_dir('affiliateincludes/addons'))) { $aff_plugins = array(); while (($plugin = readdir($dh)) !== false) { // Not sure why this file is present. But ignore it. if ($plugin == "prosites.php") { continue; } if (substr($plugin, -4) == '.php') { $aff_plugins[] = $plugin; } } closedir($dh); sort($aff_plugins); $aff_plugins = apply_filters('affiliate_available_addons', $aff_plugins); foreach ($aff_plugins as $aff_plugin) { if (in_array($aff_plugin, (array) $plugins)) { include_once affiliate_dir('affiliateincludes/addons/' . $aff_plugin); } } } } }