Esempio n. 1
								<td align='right'>Subject</td>
									<input type='text' name='subject' value='' size='50' /> 
									<input type='submit' name='email' value='Send' />
								<td align='left'></td>
								<td align='left'>
    require_once "htmleditor/";
    include "";
    addeditor("body", 80, 20, $text, "discuss");
    print $content;
								<td align='right'></td>
						<input type='hidden' name='action' value='send' />
						<input type='hidden' name='scope' value='<?php 
    echo $scope;
' />
						<input type='hidden' name='storyid' value='<?php 
    echo $storyid;
Esempio n. 2
 function _outputform($t)
     // outputs a post form of type $t (newpost,edit,reply)
     global $sid, $error, $site_owner, $_full_uri, $cfg;
     //$script = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
     //printpre ("fulluri: ".$_full_uri);
     //printpre ("thisinfo: ".$this->getinfo);
     if ($t == 'edit') {
         $b = 'update';
         $d = "You are editing your post &quot;<a name='" . $this->id . "'>" . $this->subject . "</a>&quot;\n";
         $c = $_REQUEST['content'] ? $_REQUEST['content'] : $this->content;
         $s = $_REQUEST['subject'] ? $_REQUEST['subject'] : $this->subject;
     if ($t == 'reply' || $t == 'newpost') {
         $b = 'post';
         $d = "<a name='new'>You are posting a new entry.</a>\n";
         $c = $_REQUEST['content'];
         if ($t == 'reply') {
             $d = "You are replying to &quot;<a name='reply' href='#'" . $this->id . ">" . $this->subject . "</a>&quot;";
             if (!$_REQUEST['subject'] && !ereg("^Re:", $this->subject)) {
                 $s = "Re: " . $this->subject;
             } else {
                 $s = $this->subject;
         } else {
             $s = $_REQUEST['subject'];
     if ($t == 'rate') {
         $b = 'rate';
         //$d = "<a name='".$this->id."'>You are editing your post &quot;".$this->subject."&quot;</a>";
         $s = $_REQUEST['subject'] ? $_REQUEST['subject'] : $this->subject;
         $a = "by <span class='subject'>" . $this->authorfname . "</span>\n";
         $a .= " posted on ";
         $a .= timestamp2usdate($this->tstamp);
         $c = $_REQUEST['content'] ? $_REQUEST['content'] : $this->content;
     $p = $t == 'reply' ? " style='padding-left: 15px'" : '';
     printc("\n<form action='" . $_full_uri . "/index.php?{$sid}&amp;action=site&amp;" . $this->getinfo . "#" . $this->id . "' method='post' name='addform'>\n");
     printc("<table width='100%'  cellspacing='0px'>\n");
     if ($t == 'rate') {
         //printc ("Subject: <input type='text' size='50' name='subject' value='".spchars($s)."' readonly />");
         if ($this->rating && isnumeric($this->rating)) {
             $rating_value = $this->rating;
         } else {
             $rating_value = "";
         printc("<td class='dheader3'>\n");
         printc("<table width='100%' cellspacing='0px'>\n");
         printc("<tr><td align='left'>\n");
         printc("<span class='subject'><a name='" . $this->id . "'>\n");
         printc("</a><input type='hidden' name='subject' value='" . spchars($s) . "' />\n");
         printc(" (<input type='text' size='3' class='textfield small' name='rating' value='" . $rating_value . "' />\n");
         printc("<input type='submit' class='button small' value='rate' />");
         printc(" <a href='" . $_full_uri . "/index.php?{$sid}&amp;action=site&amp;" . $this->getinfo . "#" . $this->id . "'><input type='button' class='button small' value='cancel' /></a>\n");
         printc(" numeric only");
         printc("<td align='right'></td>\n");
         printc("<td align='left'>\n");
         if ($this->media_tag) {
             $media_link = "<a href='" . $uploadurl . "/" . $_REQUEST[site] . "/" . $this->media_tag . "' target='media'>" . $this->media_tag . "</a>\n";
             printc("<br />attached: {$media_link}\n");
         printc("<td align='right' valign='bottom'></td></tr>\n");
     } else {
         printc("<tr><td align='left'>\n");
          * If public discussion and not logged in
          * add fields for visitor name and email
         if (!$_SESSION[auser]) {
             printc("<tr><td colspan = 2><div style='font-size: 9px'>If you part of the " . $cfg[inst_name]);
             printc(" community or have posted to a public forum here and received a visitor user account, please log in <b>before</b> posting.");
             printc("  If you do not yet have a user account, please register below.</div></td></tr>\n");
             //printc ("<tr><td>Full Name:</td><td><input type='text' size='50' name='visitor_name' value='".$_REQUEST['visitor_name']."' /></td></tr>\n");
             //printc ("<tr><td>Email:</td><td><div style='font-size: 9px'><input type='text' size='25' name='visitor_email' value='".$_REQUEST['visitor_email']."' />\n");
             printc("<tr><td  colspan = 2 align = center><div style='font-size: 10px'>");
             printc("<a href='passwd.php?action=login' target='password' onclick='doWindow(\"password\",400,300)'>Login</a> | ");
             printc("<a href='passwd.php?action=register' target='password' onclick='doWindow(\"password\",400,300)'>Register</a> | ");
             printc("<a href='passwd.php?action=reset' target='password' onclick='doWindow(\"password\",400,300)'>Forget your password?</a></div>");
         if ($_SESSION[auser]) {
             printc("<tr><td>Subject:</td><td><input type='text' class='textfield small' size='50' name='subject' value='" . spchars($s) . "' /></td></tr>\n");
             //	printc ("<tr><td></td><td></td></tr>\n");
     printc("</td><td align='right'>\n");
     // if not rate, print edit, update or post
     if ($t != 'rate' && $_SESSION[auser]) {
         printc("<input type='submit' class='button small' value='{$b}' />\n");
         printc("<a href='" . $_full_uri . "/index.php?{$sid}&amp;action=site&amp;" . $this->getinfo . "#" . $this->id . "'><input type='button' class='button small' value='cancel' /></a>\n");
     // print out post content
     //printc ("<tr><td class='content$p'>");
      * print out editor here... (if editing post or adding new or not rating)
     if ($t != 'rate' && $_SESSION[auser]) {
         printc("<td class='content{$p}'>\n");
         $c = convertTagsToInteralLinks($_REQUEST[site], $c);
         addeditor("content", 60, 20, $c, "discuss");
     } else {
         printc("<td>" . $c . "<br /><br />\n");
         printc("<input type='hidden' name='content' value='" . $c . "' />\n");
      * 	print hidden fields
     printc("<input type='hidden' name='discuss' value='" . $_REQUEST['discuss'] . "' />\n");
     //added fullstory action for posting form
     printc("<input type='hidden' name='action' value='" . $_REQUEST['action'] . "' />\n");
     //added site variable for discussion logging
     printc("<input type='hidden' name='site' value='" . $_REQUEST['site'] . "' />\n");
     printc("<input type='hidden' name='libraryfileid' value='" . $_REQUEST['libraryfileid'] . "' />\n");
     printc("<input type='hidden' name='dis_order' value='" . $this->dis_order . "' />\n");
     printc("<input type='hidden' name='commit' value='1' />\n");
     if ($t == 'edit' || $t == 'rate') {
         printc("<input type='hidden' name='id' value=" . $_REQUEST['id'] . " />\n");
     if ($t == 'reply') {
         printc("<input type='hidden' name='replyto' value=" . $_REQUEST['replyto'] . " />\n");
     $site = $_REQUEST[site];
      * print file upload UI
     if ($t != 'rate' && $_SESSION[auser]) {
         printc("<br />Upload a File:<input type='text' class='textfield small' name='libraryfilename' value='" . $_REQUEST['libraryfilename'] . "' size='25' readonly />\n<input type='button' class='button small' name='browsefiles' value='Browse...' onclick='sendWindow(\"filebrowser\",700,600,\"filebrowser.php?site={$site}&amp;source=discuss&amp;owner={$site_owner}&amp;editor=none\")' target='filebrowser' style='text-decoration: none' />\n\n");
         if ($_SESSION['aid']) {
             printc("<br />You will be able to edit your post as long as no-one replies to it.\n");
         } else {
             printc("<br />Once submitted, you will not be able to modify your post.\n");