function testAddbanner() { $this->banner_name = 'Goodmorning'; add_banner($this->banner_name, '', 'Good morning', 'Welcome', 10, '', 3, 'test notes', 1, 1329153480, get_member(), 1, $this->banner_type); //make sure the banner is created with given name $this->assertTrue('' == $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']->query_value('banners', 'img_url', array('name' => $this->banner_name))); }
} function del_link($k) { global $config, $db; $err = array(); unset($config['aff']['links'][$k]); $db->config_set('aff.links', $config['aff']['links'], 1); return $err; } switch ($vars['action']) { // banners case 'add_banner': if ($vars['save']) { $err = validate_banner_form($vars); if (!$err) { $err = add_banner($vars); if (!$err) { display_banners(); break; } } } display_banner_form($vars, $err); break; case 'edit_banner': if ($vars['save']) { $err = validate_banner_form($vars); if (!$err) { $err = edit_banner($vars, $vars['banner_id']); if (!$err) { display_banners();
/** * Standard import function. * * @param object The DB connection to import from * @param string The table prefix the target prefix is using * @param PATH The base directory we are importing from */ function import_banners($db, $table_prefix, $file_base) { require_code('banners2'); $rows = $db->query('SELECT * FROM ' . $table_prefix . 'banner_types', NULL, NULL, true); if (is_null($rows)) { return; } foreach ($rows as $row) { $test = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value_null_ok('banner_types', 'id', array('id' => $row['id'])); if (is_null($test)) { add_banner_type($row['id'], $row['t_is_textual'], $row['t_image_width'], $row['t_image_height'], $row['t_max_file_size'], $row['t_comcode_inline']); } } $rows = $db->query('SELECT * FROM ' . $table_prefix . 'banners', NULL, NULL, true); if (is_null($rows)) { return; } $on_same_msn = $this->on_same_msn($file_base); foreach ($rows as $row) { $test = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value_null_ok('banners', 'name', array('name' => $row['name'])); if (is_null($test)) { $submitter = $on_same_msn ? $row['submitter'] : import_id_remap_get('member', $row['submitter'], true); if (is_null($submitter)) { $submitter = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_guest_id(); } add_banner($row['name'], $row['img_url'], array_key_exists('b_title_text', $row) ? $row['b_title_text'] : '', $this->get_lang_string($db, $row['caption']), $row['campaign_remaining'], $row['site_url'], $row['importance_modulus'], $row['notes'], $row['the_type'], $row['expiry_date'], $submitter, $row['validated'], $row['b_type'], $row['add_date'], $row['hits_from'], $row['hits_to'], $row['views_from'], $row['views_to'], $row['edit_date']); } } $rows = $db->query('SELECT * FROM ' . $table_prefix . 'banner_clicks', NULL, NULL, true); if (is_null($rows)) { return; } foreach ($rows as $row) { $c_member_id = $on_same_msn ? $row['c_member_id'] : import_id_remap_get('member', $row['c_member_id'], true); if (is_null($c_member_id)) { $c_member_id = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_guest_id(); } $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_insert('banner_clicks', array('c_date_and_time' => $row['c_date_and_time'], 'c_member_id' => $c_member_id, 'c_ip_address' => $row['c_ip_address'], 'c_source' => $row['c_source'], 'c_banner_id' => $row['c_banner_id'])); } }
/** * Standard aed_module add actualiser. * * @return array A pair: The entry added, Description about usage */ function add_actualisation() { $name = post_param('name'); $caption = post_param('caption'); $campaignremaining = post_param_integer('campaignremaining', 0); $siteurl = fixup_protocolless_urls(post_param('site_url', '')); $importancemodulus = post_param_integer('importancemodulus', 3); $notes = post_param('notes', ''); $the_type = post_param_integer('the_type', 1); $expiry_date = get_input_date('expiry_date'); $_submitter = post_param('submitter', strval(get_member())); $submitter = !is_numeric($_submitter) ? $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_member_from_username($_submitter) : intval($_submitter); $validated = post_param_integer('validated', 0); $b_type = post_param('b_type'); $title_text = post_param('title_text', ''); $b_type = post_param('b_type'); $this->donext_type = $b_type; list($url, $title_text) = check_banner($title_text, $b_type); add_banner($name, $url, $title_text, $caption, $campaignremaining, $siteurl, $importancemodulus, $notes, $the_type, $expiry_date, $submitter, $validated, $b_type); $_banner_type_row = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('banner_types', array('t_image_width', 't_image_height'), array('id' => $b_type), '', 1); if (array_key_exists(0, $_banner_type_row)) { $banner_type_row = $_banner_type_row[0]; } else { $banner_type_row = array('t_image_width' => 468, 't_image_height' => 60); } $stats_url = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => 'view', 'source' => $name), '_SELF'); $banner_code = do_template('BANNER_SHOW_CODE', array('_GUID' => '745d555fcca3a1320123ad3a5a04418b', 'TYPE' => $b_type, 'NAME' => $name, 'WIDTH' => strval($banner_type_row['t_image_width']), 'HEIGHT' => strval($banner_type_row['t_image_height']))); $tpl = do_template('BANNER_ADDED_SCREEN', array('_GUID' => '897bab3e444f0d3c909e7a95b84d4396', 'DO_NEXT' => '', 'TEXT' => '', 'TITLE' => '', 'BANNER_CODE' => $banner_code, 'STATS_URL' => $stats_url)); if (get_option('use_banner_permissions') == '1') { $this->set_permissions($name); } return array($name, $tpl); }
/** * Standard import function. * * @param object The DB connection to import from * @param string The table prefix the target prefix is using * @param PATH The base directory we are importing from */ function import_banners($db, $table_prefix, $old_base_dir) { require_code('banners2'); $categories = $db->query("SELECT title,id FROM " . $table_prefix . "categories WHERE section='com_banner'"); foreach ($categories as $category) { $cat_title = $category['title']; $category_exist = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value_null_ok('banner_types', 'id', array('id' => $category['title'])); if (is_null($category_exist)) { add_banner_type($cat_title, 1, 160, 600, 70, 1); } $rows = $db->query("SELECT b.publish_down ,,c.title,, b.clickurl, b.imageurl,,,bc.extrainfo,,b.showBanner,b.clicks,b.impmade FROM " . $table_prefix . "banner b INNER JOIN " . $table_prefix . "bannerclient bc ON b.cid=bc.cid INNER JOIN " . $table_prefix . "categories c ON AND c.title='" . db_escape_string($cat_title) . "' AND c.title <> ''"); foreach ($rows as $row) { $name = $row['name'] . strval($row['bid']); $test = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value_null_ok('banners', 'name', array('name' => $name)); if (is_null($test)) { if ($row['imageurl'] != '') { $newimagepath = get_custom_file_base() . '/uploads/banners/' . rawurldecode($row['imageurl']); $newimage = $row['imageurl']; $oldimagepath = $old_base_dir . "/images/banners/" . rawurldecode($row['imageurl']); @copy($oldimagepath, $newimagepath); } else { $newimage = ''; } $type = 0; // Permanent $campaignremaining = 0; // Irrelevant $caption = $row['name']; $end_date = $this->mysql_time_to_timestamp($row['publish_down']); if ($end_date === false) { $end_date = NULL; } $url = $row['clickurl']; $image_url = $newimage; $member = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_member_from_username($row['contact']); if (is_null($member)) { $member = get_member(); } $desc = $row['email'] . chr(10) . $row['extrainfo']; $desc = html_to_comcode($desc); add_banner($name, $image_url, '', $caption, $campaignremaining, $url, 10, $desc, $type, $end_date, $member, 1, $cat_title, NULL, 0, 0, $row['clicks'], 0, $row['impmade']); } } } $row_start = 0; $rows = array(); do { $rows = $db->query("SELECT, u.username, u.password,,, u.registerDate, u.lastvisitDate, u.sendEmail FROM " . $table_prefix . "bannerclient AS b INNER JOIN " . $table_prefix . "users AS u ON", 200, $row_start); foreach ($rows as $row) { if (import_check_if_imported('member', strval($row['id']))) { continue; } $test = $GLOBALS['OCF_DRIVER']->get_member_from_username($row['username']); if (!is_null($test)) { import_id_remap_put('member', strval($row['id']), $test); continue; } $primary_group = get_first_default_group(); $custom_fields = array(); $datetimearr = explode(' ', $row['registerDate']); $datearr = explode('-', $datetimearr[0]); $timearr = explode(':', $datetimearr[1]); $date = $datearr[2]; $month = $datearr[1]; $year = $datearr[0]; $hour = $timearr[0]; $min = $timearr[1]; $sec = $timearr[2]; $register_date = mktime($hour, $min, $sec, $month, $date, $year); $datetimearr = explode(' ', $row['lastvisitDate']); $datearr = explode('-', $datetimearr[0]); $timearr = explode(':', $datetimearr[1]); $date = $datearr[2]; $month = $datearr[1]; $year = $datearr[0]; $hour = $timearr[0]; $min = $timearr[1]; $sec = $timearr[2]; $last_visit_date = mktime($hour, $min, $sec, $month, $date, $year); $id = get_param_integer('keep_preserve_ids', 0) == 0 ? NULL : $row['id']; $id_new = ocf_make_member($row['username'], $row['password'], $row['email'], NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, $custom_fields, NULL, $primary_group, 1, $register_date, $last_visit_date, '', NULL, '', 0, 0, 1, $row['name'], '', '', 1, 1, NULL, $row['sendEmail'], $row['sendEmail'], '', NULL, '', FALSE, NULL, '', 1, $last_visit_date, $id, 0, '*', ''); import_id_remap_put('member', strval($row['id']), $id_new); } $row_start += 200; } while (count($rows) > 0); }
/** * Standard stage of pointstore item purchase. * * @return tempcode The UI */ function __newbanner() { if (get_option('is_on_banner_buy') == '0') { return new ocp_tempcode(); } $this->check_afford_banner(); // So we don't need to call these big ugly names, again... $image_url = post_param('image_url'); $site_url = post_param('site_url'); $caption = post_param('caption'); $notes = post_param('notes', ''); $name = post_param('name'); $cost = intval(get_option('banner_setup')); $this->handle_has_banner_already(); check_banner(); add_banner($name, $image_url, '', $caption, intval(get_option('initial_banner_hits')), $site_url, 3, $notes, 1, NULL, get_member(), 0); $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_insert('sales', array('date_and_time' => time(), 'memberid' => get_member(), 'purchasetype' => 'banner', 'details' => $name, 'details2' => '')); require_code('points2'); charge_member(get_member(), $cost, do_lang('ADD_BANNER')); // Send mail to staff require_code('submit'); $edit_url = build_url(array('page' => 'cms_banners', 'type' => '_ed', 'name' => $name), get_module_zone('cms_banners'), NULL, false, false, true); if (addon_installed('unvalidated')) { send_validation_request('ADD_BANNER', 'banners', true, $name, $edit_url); } $title = get_page_title('ADD_BANNER'); $stats_url = build_url(array('page' => 'banners', 'type' => 'misc'), get_module_zone('banners')); $text = do_lang_tempcode('PURCHASED_BANNER'); $_banner_type_row = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('banner_types', array('t_image_width', 't_image_height'), array('id' => ''), '', 1); if (array_key_exists(0, $_banner_type_row)) { $banner_type_row = $_banner_type_row[0]; } else { $banner_type_row = array('t_image_width' => 468, 't_image_height' => 60); } $banner_code = do_template('BANNER_SHOW_CODE', array('_GUID' => 'c96f0ce22de97782b1ab9bee3f43c0ba', 'TYPE' => '', 'NAME' => $name, 'WIDTH' => strval($banner_type_row['t_image_width']), 'HEIGHT' => strval($banner_type_row['t_image_height']))); return do_template('BANNER_ADDED_SCREEN', array('_GUID' => '68725923b19d3df71c72276ada826183', 'TITLE' => $title, 'TEXT' => $text, 'BANNER_CODE' => $banner_code, 'STATS_URL' => $stats_url, 'DO_NEXT' => '')); }
/** * Standard import function. * * @param object The DB connection to import from * @param string The table prefix the target prefix is using * @param PATH The base directory we are importing from */ function import_banners($db, $table_prefix, $old_base_dir) { require_code('banners2'); require_code('menus2'); $topsites_standard_type = $this->custom_add_banner_type('topsites_standard', 0, 478, 60, 0, 0); $topsites_button_type = $this->custom_add_banner_type('topsites_button', 0, 120, 60, 0, 0); $rows = $db->query('SELECT * FROM ' . $table_prefix . 'topsite'); foreach ($rows as $row) { $row['title'] = @html_entity_decode($row['title'], ENT_QUOTES, get_charset()); $name = $row['title'] . strval($row['id']); $name = preg_replace('#^[\\_\\.\\-]#', 'x', preg_replace('#[^\\w\\.\\-]#', '_', $name)); $name2 = $row['title'] . strval($row['id'] + 1); $test = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value_null_ok('banners', 'name', array('name' => $name)); if (is_null($test)) { $type = 0; // Permanent $campaignremaining = 0; // Irrelevant $caption = $row['title']; $end_date = NULL; $old_url = $row['link']; $image_url = $row['banner']; $image_button_url = $row['banner2']; $site_email = $row['email']; if (get_forum_type() != 'ocf') { ocf_over_msn(); $all_members = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_matching_members(''); ocf_over_local(); $email_address_map = array(); foreach ($all_members as $member) { $email_address_map[$GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->pname_email($member)] = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->pname_id($member); } if (array_key_exists($site_email, $email_address_map)) { $member = $email_address_map[$site_email]; } else { $member = NULL; } } else { $member = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']->query_value_null_ok('f_members', 'id', array('m_email_address' => $site_email)); } if (is_null($member)) { $member = $row['id_member']; } ocf_over_msn(); if (strlen($image_url) > 0) { add_banner($name, $image_url, $caption, $caption, $campaignremaining, $old_url, 10, html_to_comcode($row['description']), 0, $end_date, $member, $row['validate'], $topsites_standard_type, NULL, 0, $row['click'], 0); } if (strlen($image_button_url) > 0) { add_banner($name2, $image_button_url, $caption, $caption, $campaignremaining, $old_url, 10, html_to_comcode($row['description']), 0, $end_date, $member, $row['validate'], $topsites_button_type, NULL, 0, $row['click'], 0); } ocf_over_local(); } } //create Top Sites page if it is not already created $topsites_panel = get_file_base() . '/site/pages/comcode_custom/' . get_site_default_lang() . '/topsites.txt'; require_lang('banners'); //ensure that there is custom left panel if (!file_exists($topsites_panel)) { $source_path = get_file_base() . '/site/pages/comcode/' . get_site_default_lang() . '/topsites.txt'; if (file_exists($source_path)) { copy($source_path, $topsites_panel); fix_permissions($topsites_panel); sync_file($topsites_panel); } else { //create file $myfile = @fopen($topsites_panel, 'w'); if ($myfile !== false) { $page = <<<END [title]{!banners:TOP_SITES}[/title] [block="topsites_standard"]main_topsites[/block] END; fwrite($myfile, $page); fclose($myfile); fix_permissions($topsites_panel); sync_file($topsites_panel); } } } add_menu_item_simple('main_features', NULL, 'TOP_SITES', 'site:topsites'); }
/** * Standard import function. * * @param object The DB connection to import from * @param string The table prefix the target prefix is using * @param PATH The base directory we are importing from */ function import_banners($db, $table_prefix, $old_base_dir) { require_code('banners'); require_code('banners2'); $rows = $db->query('SELECT * FROM ' . $table_prefix . 'banner b LEFT JOIN ' . $table_prefix . 'bannerclient c ON b.cid=c.cid'); foreach ($rows as $row) { $name = $row['name'] . $row['bid']; $test = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value_null_ok('banners', 'name', array('name' => $name)); if (is_null($test)) { $type = 0; // Permanent $campaignremaining = 0; // Irrelevant $caption = $row['alttext']; $end_date = $this->mysql_time_to_timestamp($row['date']); $old_url = $row['clickurl']; $image_url = $row['imageurl']; $member = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_member_from_username($row['contact']); if (is_null($member)) { $member = get_member(); } add_banner($name, $image_url, '', $caption, $campaignremaining, $old_url, 10, $row['email'] . chr(10) . $row['extrainfo'], $type, $end_date, $member, $row['active'], '', NULL, 0, $row['clicks'], 0, $row['impmade']); } } }
function do_work() { $num_wanted = 100000; require_code('config2'); set_option('post_history_days', '0'); // Needed for a little sanity in recent post retrieval set_value('disable_sunk', '1'); // members (remember to test the username autocompleter, and birthdays) // authors (remember to check author autocompleter and popup author list) // lots of people getting notifications on a forum // lots of people getting notifications on a topic require_code('authors'); require_code('ocf_members_action'); require_code('notifications'); for ($i = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']->query_value('f_members', 'COUNT(*)'); $i < $num_wanted; $i++) { $member_id = ocf_make_member(uniqid('', true), uniqid('', true), uniqid('', true) . '', array(), intval(date('d')), intval(date('m')), intval(date('Y')), array(), NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, '', NULL, '', 0, 0, 1, '', '', '', 1, 1, NULL, 1, 1, '', NULL, '', false); add_author(random_line(), '', $member_id, random_text(), random_text()); enable_notifications('ocf_topic', 'forum:' . strval(db_get_first_id()), $member_id); enable_notifications('ocf_topic', strval(db_get_first_id()), $member_id); // number of friends to a single member $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_insert('chat_buddies', array('member_likes' => $member_id, 'member_liked' => db_get_first_id() + 1, 'date_and_time' => time()), false, true); } $member_id = db_get_first_id() + 2; // point earn list / gift points to a single member require_code('points2'); for ($j = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('gifts', 'COUNT(*)'); $j < $num_wanted; $j++) { give_points(10, $member_id, mt_rand(db_get_first_id(), min(100, $num_wanted - 1)), random_line(), false, false); } // number of friends of a single member for ($j = intval(floatval($GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('chat_buddies', 'COUNT(*)')) / 2.0); $j < $num_wanted; $j++) { $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_insert('chat_buddies', array('member_likes' => $member_id, 'member_liked' => $j + db_get_first_id(), 'date_and_time' => time()), false, true); } echo 'done member/authors/points/notifications/friends stuff' . chr(10); if (function_exists('gc_collect_cycles')) { gc_enable(); } // banners require_code('banners2'); for ($i = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('banners', 'COUNT(*)'); $i < $num_wanted; $i++) { add_banner(uniqid('', true), get_logo_url(), random_line(), random_text(), 100, get_base_url(), 3, '', db_get_first_id(), NULL, db_get_first_id() + 1, 1); } echo 'done banner stuff' . chr(10); if (function_exists('gc_collect_cycles')) { gc_enable(); } // comcode pages require_code('files'); require_code('files2'); for ($i = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('comcode_pages', 'COUNT(*)'); $i < $num_wanted; $i++) { $file = uniqid('', true); /*$path=get_custom_file_base().'/site/pages/comcode_custom/'.fallback_lang().'/'.$file.'.txt'; $myfile=fopen($path,'wt'); fwrite($myfile,random_text()); fclose($myfile); sync_file($path); fix_permissions($path);*/ $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_insert('comcode_pages', array('the_zone' => 'site', 'the_page' => $file, 'p_parent_page' => '', 'p_validated' => 1, 'p_edit_date' => NULL, 'p_add_date' => time(), 'p_submitter' => db_get_first_id(), 'p_show_as_edit' => 0)); } echo 'done comcode stuff' . chr(10); if (function_exists('gc_collect_cycles')) { gc_enable(); } // zones require_code('zones2'); require_code('abstract_file_manager'); for ($i = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('zones', 'COUNT(*)'); $i < min($num_wanted, 1000); $i++) { actual_add_zone(uniqid('', true), random_line(), 'start', random_line(), 'default', 0, 0, 0); } echo 'done zone stuff' . chr(10); if (function_exists('gc_collect_cycles')) { gc_enable(); } // calendar events require_code('calendar2'); for ($i = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('calendar_events', 'COUNT(*)'); $i < $num_wanted; $i++) { add_calendar_event(db_get_first_id(), '', NULL, 0, random_line(), random_text(), 1, 1, intval(date('Y')), intval(date('m')), intval(date('d')), 0, 0); } echo 'done event stuff' . chr(10); if (function_exists('gc_collect_cycles')) { gc_enable(); } // chat rooms require_code('chat2'); require_code('chat'); for ($i = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('chat_rooms', 'COUNT(*)'); $i < $num_wanted; $i++) { $room_id = add_chatroom(random_text(), random_line(), mt_rand(db_get_first_id() + 1, $num_wanted - 1), strval(db_get_first_id() + 1), '', '', '', fallback_lang()); } $room_id = db_get_first_id() + 1; // messages in chat room for ($j = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('chat_messages', 'COUNT(*)'); $j < $num_wanted; $j++) { $_message_parsed = insert_lang_comcode(random_text(), 4); $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_insert('chat_messages', array('system_message' => 0, 'ip_address' => '', 'room_id' => $room_id, 'user_id' => db_get_first_id(), 'date_and_time' => time(), 'the_message' => $_message_parsed, 'text_colour' => get_option('chat_default_post_colour'), 'font_name' => get_option('chat_default_post_font'))); } echo 'done chat stuff' . chr(10); if (function_exists('gc_collect_cycles')) { gc_enable(); } // download categories under a subcategory require_code('downloads2'); $subcat_id = add_download_category(random_line(), db_get_first_id(), random_text(), ''); for ($i = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('download_categories', 'COUNT(*)'); $i < $num_wanted; $i++) { add_download_category(random_line(), $subcat_id, random_text(), ''); } // downloads (remember to test content by the single author) require_code('downloads2'); require_code('awards'); $time = time(); for ($i = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('download_downloads', 'COUNT(*)'); $i < $num_wanted; $i++) { $content_id = add_download(db_get_first_id(), random_line(), get_logo_url(), random_text(), 'admin', random_text(), NULL, 1, 1, 1, 1, '', uniqid('', true) . '.jpg', 100, 110, 1); give_award(db_get_first_id(), strval($content_id), $time - $i); } $content_id = db_get_first_id(); $content_url = build_url(array('page' => 'downloads', 'type' => 'entry', 'id' => $content_id), 'site'); for ($j = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('trackbacks', 'COUNT(*)'); $j < $num_wanted; $j++) { // trackbacks $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_insert('trackbacks', array('trackback_for_type' => 'downloads', 'trackback_for_id' => $content_id, 'trackback_ip' => '', 'trackback_time' => time(), 'trackback_url' => '', 'trackback_title' => random_line(), 'trackback_excerpt' => random_text(), 'trackback_name' => random_line())); // ratings $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_insert('rating', array('rating_for_type' => 'downloads', 'rating_for_id' => $content_id, 'rating_member' => $j + 1, 'rating_ip' => '', 'rating_time' => time(), 'rating' => 3)); // posts in a comment topic $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->make_post_forum_topic(get_option('comments_forum_name'), 'downloads_' . strval($content_id), get_member(), random_text(), random_line(), '', do_lang('COMMENT'), $content_url->evaluate(), NULL, NULL, 1, 1); } echo 'done download stuff' . chr(10); if (function_exists('gc_collect_cycles')) { gc_enable(); } // forums under a forum (don't test it can display, just make sure the main index still works) require_code('ocf_forums_action'); for ($i = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']->query_value('f_forums', 'COUNT(*)'); $i < $num_wanted; $i++) { ocf_make_forum(random_line(), random_text(), db_get_first_id(), array(), db_get_first_id() + 3); } // forum topics require_code('ocf_topics_action'); require_code('ocf_posts_action'); require_code('ocf_forums'); require_code('ocf_topics'); for ($i = intval(floatval($GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']->query_value('f_topics', 'COUNT(*)')) / 2.0); $i < $num_wanted; $i++) { $topic_id = ocf_make_topic(db_get_first_id(), '', '', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, false); ocf_make_post($topic_id, random_line(), random_text(), 0, true, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false); } // forum posts in a topic require_code('ocf_topics_action'); require_code('ocf_posts_action'); $topic_id = ocf_make_topic(db_get_first_id() + 1, '', '', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, false); for ($i = intval(floatval($GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']->query_value('f_posts', 'COUNT(*)')) / 3.0); $i < $num_wanted; $i++) { ocf_make_post($topic_id, random_line(), random_text(), 0, true, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, mt_rand(db_get_first_id(), $num_wanted - 1), NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false); } echo 'done forum stuff' . chr(10); if (function_exists('gc_collect_cycles')) { gc_enable(); } // clubs require_code('ocf_groups_action'); require_code('ocf_groups'); for ($i = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']->query_value('f_groups', 'COUNT(*)'); $i < $num_wanted; $i++) { ocf_make_group(random_line(), 0, 0, 0, random_line(), '', NULL, NULL, NULL, 5, 0, 70, 50, 100, 100, 30000, 700, 25, 1, 0, 0, 0, $i, 1, 0, 1); } echo 'done club stuff' . chr(10); if (function_exists('gc_collect_cycles')) { gc_enable(); } // galleries under a subcategory require_code('galleries2'); $xsubcat_id = uniqid('', true); add_gallery($xsubcat_id, random_line(), random_text(), '', '', 'root'); for ($i = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('galleries', 'COUNT(*)'); $i < $num_wanted; $i++) { add_gallery(uniqid('', true), random_line(), random_text(), '', '', $xsubcat_id); } // images require_code('galleries2'); for ($i = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('images', 'COUNT(*)'); $i < $num_wanted; $i++) { add_image('', 'root', random_text(), get_logo_url(), get_logo_url(), 1, 1, 1, 1, ''); } // videos / validation queue require_code('galleries2'); for ($i = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('videos', 'COUNT(*)'); $i < $num_wanted; $i++) { add_video('', 'root', random_text(), get_logo_url(), get_logo_url(), 0, 1, 1, 1, '', 0, 0, 0); } echo 'done galleries stuff' . chr(10); if (function_exists('gc_collect_cycles')) { gc_enable(); } // newsletter subscribers require_code('newsletter'); for ($i = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('newsletter', 'COUNT(*)'); $i < $num_wanted; $i++) { basic_newsletter_join(uniqid('', true) . ''); } echo 'done newsletter stuff' . chr(10); if (function_exists('gc_collect_cycles')) { gc_enable(); } // polls (remember to test poll archive) require_code('polls'); for ($i = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('poll', 'COUNT(*)'); $i < $num_wanted; $i++) { $poll_id = add_poll(random_line(), random_line(), random_line(), random_line(), random_line(), random_line(), random_line(), random_line(), random_line(), random_line(), random_line(), 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, ''); } // votes on a poll $poll_id = db_get_first_id(); for ($j = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('poll_votes', 'COUNT(*)'); $j < $num_wanted; $j++) { $cast = mt_rand(1, 6); $ip = uniqid('', true); $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_insert('poll_votes', array('v_poll_id' => $poll_id, 'v_voter_id' => 2, 'v_voter_ip' => $ip, 'v_vote_for' => $cast)); } echo 'done polls stuff' . chr(10); if (function_exists('gc_collect_cycles')) { gc_enable(); } // quizzes require_code('quiz'); for ($i = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('quizzes', 'COUNT(*)'); $i < $num_wanted; $i++) { add_quiz(random_line(), 0, random_text(), random_text(), random_text(), '', 0, time(), NULL, 3, 300, 'SURVEY', 1, '1) Some question'); } echo 'done quizzes stuff' . chr(10); if (function_exists('gc_collect_cycles')) { gc_enable(); } // successful searches (to test the search recommender) // ACTUALLY: I have manually verified the code, it is an isolated portion // cedi pages (do a long descendant tree for some, and orphans for others) // cedi posts (remember to test cedi changes screen) require_code('cedi'); for ($i = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('seedy_pages', 'COUNT(*)'); $i < $num_wanted; $i++) { $page_id = cedi_add_page(random_line(), random_text(), '', 1); cedi_add_post($page_id, random_text(), 1, NULL, false); } echo 'done cedi stuff' . chr(10); if (function_exists('gc_collect_cycles')) { gc_enable(); } // iotds require_code('iotds'); for ($i = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('iotd', 'COUNT(*)'); $i < $num_wanted; $i++) { add_iotd(get_logo_url(), random_line(), random_text(), get_logo_url(), 1, 0, 0, 0, ''); } echo 'done iotd stuff' . chr(10); if (function_exists('gc_collect_cycles')) { gc_enable(); } // logged hack attempts for ($i = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('hackattack', 'COUNT(*)'); $i < $num_wanted; $i++) { $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_insert('hackattack', array('url' => get_base_url(), 'data_post' => '', 'user_agent' => '', 'referer' => '', 'user_os' => '', 'the_user' => db_get_first_id(), 'date_and_time' => time(), 'ip' => uniqid('', true), 'reason' => 'ASCII_ENTITY_URL_HACK', 'reason_param_a' => '', 'reason_param_b' => '')); } // logged hits in one day require_code('site'); for ($i = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('stats', 'COUNT(*)'); $i < $num_wanted; $i++) { log_stats('/testing' . uniqid('', true), mt_rand(100, 2000)); } echo 'done logs stuff' . chr(10); if (function_exists('gc_collect_cycles')) { gc_enable(); } // blogs and news entries (remember to test both blogs [categories] list, and a list of all news entries) require_code('news'); for ($i = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('news', 'COUNT(*)'); $i < $num_wanted; $i++) { add_news(random_line(), random_text(), 'admin', 1, 1, 1, 1, '', random_text(), NULL, NULL, NULL, db_get_first_id() + $i); } echo 'done news stuff' . chr(10); if (function_exists('gc_collect_cycles')) { gc_enable(); } // support tickets require_code('tickets'); require_code('tickets2'); for ($i = intval(floatval($GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']->query_value('f_topics', 'COUNT(*)')) / 2.0); $i < $num_wanted; $i++) { ticket_add_post(mt_rand(db_get_first_id(), $num_wanted - 1), uniqid('', true), db_get_first_id(), random_line(), random_text(), '', ''); } echo 'done tickets stuff' . chr(10); if (function_exists('gc_collect_cycles')) { gc_enable(); } // catalogues require_code('catalogues2'); $root_id = db_get_first_id(); for ($i = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('catalogues', 'COUNT(*)'); $i < $num_wanted; $i++) { $catalogue_name = uniqid('', true); $root_id = actual_add_catalogue($catalogue_name, random_line(), random_text(), mt_rand(0, 3), 1, '', 30); } // catalogue categories under a subcategory (remember to test all catalogue views: atoz, index, and root cat) $catalogue_name = 'products'; $subcat_id = actual_add_catalogue_category($catalogue_name, random_line(), random_text(), '', $root_id); for ($j = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('catalogue_categories', 'COUNT(*)'); $j < $num_wanted; $j++) { actual_add_catalogue_category($catalogue_name, random_line(), random_text(), '', $subcat_id); } echo 'done catalogue stuff' . chr(10); if (function_exists('gc_collect_cycles')) { gc_enable(); } // items in ecommerce store require_code('catalogues2'); $cat_id = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('catalogue_categories', 'MIN(id)', array('c_name' => 'products')); $fields = collapse_1d_complexity('id', $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('catalogue_fields', array('id'), array('c_name' => 'products'))); for ($i = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('catalogue_entries', 'COUNT(*)'); $i < $num_wanted; $i++) { $map = array($fields[0] => random_line(), $fields[1] => uniqid('', true), $fields[2] => '1.0', $fields[3] => '1', $fields[4] => '0', $fields[5] => '1', $fields[6] => '0%', $fields[7] => get_logo_url(), $fields[8] => '2.0', $fields[9] => random_text()); $pid = actual_add_catalogue_entry($cat_id, 1, '', 1, 1, 1, $map); unset($map); } // outstanding ecommerce orders $pid = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('catalogue_entries', 'MIN(id)', array('c_name' => 'products')); require_code('shopping'); for ($j = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('shopping_cart', 'COUNT(*)'); $j < $num_wanted; $j++) { $product_det = array('product_id' => $pid, 'product_name' => $fields[0], 'product_code' => $fields[1], 'price' => $fields[2], 'tax' => preg_replace('#[^\\d\\.]#', '', $fields[6]), 'description' => $fields[9], 'quantity' => mt_rand(1, 20), 'product_type' => 'catalogue_items', 'product_weight' => $fields[8]); $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_insert('shopping_cart', array('session_id' => mt_rand(0, 1000000), 'ordered_by' => mt_rand(db_get_first_id() + 1, $num_wanted - 1), 'product_id' => $product_det['product_id'], 'product_name' => $product_det['product_name'], 'product_code' => $product_det['product_code'], 'quantity' => $product_det['quantity'], 'price' => round(floatval($product_det['price']), 2), 'price_pre_tax' => $product_det['tax'], 'product_description' => $product_det['description'], 'product_type' => $product_det['product_type'], 'product_weight' => $product_det['product_weight'], 'is_deleted' => 0)); } for ($j = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('shopping_order', 'COUNT(*)'); $j < $num_wanted; $j++) { $order_id = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_insert('shopping_order', array('c_member' => mt_rand(db_get_first_id() + 1, $num_wanted - 1), 'session_id' => mt_rand(0, 1000000), 'add_date' => time(), 'tot_price' => '123.00', 'order_status' => 'ORDER_STATUS_awaiting_payment', 'notes' => '', 'purchase_through' => 'purchase_module', 'transaction_id' => '', 'tax_opted_out' => 0), true); $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_insert('shopping_order_details', array('p_id' => 123, 'p_name' => random_line(), 'p_code' => 123, 'p_type' => 'catalogue_items', 'p_quantity' => 1, 'p_price' => '12.00', 'order_id' => $order_id, 'dispatch_status' => '', 'included_tax' => '1.00')); } echo 'done store stuff' . chr(10); if (function_exists('gc_collect_cycles')) { gc_enable(); } echo '{{DONE}}' . chr(10); }
################ Banner Löschen ################ if($subpage=="del") { include("core/del_banner.htm"); if($pagesite=="YES") { del_banner($pageid); echo"<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0; URL=index.php?s=banner'>"; } } ################ Banner hinzufügen ############# if($subpage=="add") { include("core/add_banner.htm"); if($pagesite=="YES") { add_banner($bt,$bc,$ba,$bn,$bp); echo"<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0; URL=index.php?s=banner'>"; } } ################ Banner bearbeiten ############ if($subpage=="work") { $bid=get_banner_data_id("bannerid",$pageid); $baktiv=get_banner_data_id("aktiv",$pageid); $btyp=get_banner_data_id("bannertyp",$pageid); $bname=get_banner_data_id("name",$pageid); $bpartner=get_banner_data_id("partner",$pageid); $bcode=get_banner_data_id("bannercode",$pageid); include("core/work_banner.htm"); if($pagesite=="YES") {
BannerChange($bid, $cid, $adname, $imptotal, $impadded, $imageurl, $clickurl, $alttext, $position, $active, $ad_code, $ad_width, $ad_height, $impmade); break; case "BannerClientDelete": BannerClientDelete($cid, $ok); break; case "BannerClientEdit": BannerClientEdit($cid); break; case "BannerClientChange": BannerClientChange($cid, $name, $contact, $email, $extrainfo, $login, $passwd); break; case "BannerStatus": BannerStatus($bid, $status); break; case "add_banner": add_banner(); break; case "add_client": add_client(); break; case "ad_positions": ad_positions(); break; case "position_save": position_save($apid, $ad_position_number, $ad_position_name, $position_new); break; case "position_edit": position_edit($apid); break; case "position_delete": position_delete($apid, $ok, $active, $new_pos);