addStat(getStat($p, $id, true, true), $winrateC, $ch); } foreach ($items as $i) { addStat(getStat($p, $i, false), $poprateI, $i); addStat(getStat($p, $i, true), $winrateI, $i); addStat(getStat($p, $i, false, false, $arr["matchDuration"]), $dpsI, $i); } foreach ($boots as $i) { addStat(getStat($p, $i, false, false, false, 2), $poprateB, $i); addStat(getStat($p, $i, true, false, false, 2), $winrateB, $i); addStat(getStat($p, $i, false, false, $arr["matchDuration"], 2), $dpsB, $i); } foreach ($mr as $i) { addStat(getStat($p, $i, false, false, false, 3), $poprateMR, $i); addStat(getStat($p, $i, true, false, false, 3), $winrateMR, $i); addStat(getStat($p, $i, false, false, $arr["matchDuration"], 3), $dpsMR, $i); } getIC($p, $champs, $popArray); getIC($p, $champs, $winArray, true); getIC($p, $champs, $popArrayB, false, 2); getIC($p, $champs, $winArrayB, true, 2); } } } closedir($handle); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// foreach ($winrateC[1] as $item => $stat) { if ($winrateC[2][$item] == 0) { $winrateC[0][$item] = 0; } else {
<?php $time = microtime(1); //Calculate time in microseconds to calculate time taken to execut //error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set("display_errors", 1); include '/data/project/xtools/stats.php'; $tool = 'IPCalc'; $surl = "//" . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; if (isset($_GET['name'])) { addStat($tool, $surl, $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); //Stat checking } unset($tool, $surl); //require_once( '/data/project/xtools/public_html/phptemp/PHPtemp.php' ); //require_once( '/data/project/xtools/public_html/phptemp/Language.php' ); require_once "/data/project/xtools/public_html/Smarty/languages.class.php"; require_once "/data/project/xtools/public_html/Smarty/Smarty.class.php"; require_once '/data/project/xtools/public_html/sitenotice.php'; require_once '/data/project/xtools/public_html/ipcalc/base.php'; //$phptemp = new PHPtemp( '/data/project/xtools/public_html/templates/main.tpl' ); //$content = new PHPtemp( '/data/project/xtools/public_html/ipcalc/templates/ipcalc.tpl' ); $phptemp = new Smarty(); $content = new Smarty(); $language = new Language(array("en")); $lang = $language->getLang(); $langlinks = $language->generateLangLinks(); $phptemp->config_load('../../configs/' . $lang . '.conf', 'main'); $content->config_load('../../configs/' . $lang . '.conf', 'main'); $phptemp->config_load($lang . '.conf', 'ipcalc'); $content->config_load($lang . '.conf', 'ipcalc');
function addStatV2($tool) { $surl = "" . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; addStat($tool, $surl, @$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); }
ini_set("display_errors", 1); $time = microtime(1); //Calculate time in microseconds to calculate time taken to execute include '/data/project/xtools/public_html/common/header.php'; include '/data/project/xtools/wikibot.classes.php'; include '/data/project/xtools/stats.php'; include '/data/project/xtools/public_html/common/rfalib2.php'; $tool = 'RFAP'; $surl = "//" . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; if (isset($_GET['name'])) { if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { $refer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; } else { $refer = "none"; } addStat($tool, $surl, $refer, $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); //Stat checking } unset($tool, $surl); //Debugging stuff //error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set("display_errors", 1); function pre($array) { echo "<pre>"; print_r($array); echo "</pre>"; } //Output header echo '<div id="content"> <table class="cont_table" style="width:100%;">
function removeMV($password, $ID) { /*Tar bort ett MV*/ if ($password === "iklabbe") { if ($ID == '1') { return '...försökte rubba det fundament på vilket allt vilade?'; } if (empty($ID)) { return '...inte förstod?'; } try { $db = new PDO('sqlite:zahabe.db'); $result = $db->query('SELECT * FROM MinnsDu ORDER BY MVOrder asc LIMIT 1 OFFSET ' . $ID . '-1'); $db->query('delete from MinnsDu where id = ( select id from (select id from MinnsDu order by MVOrder limit 1 OFFSET ' . $ID . '-1) as t )'); $i = 0; addStat(-1, $db); foreach ($result as $row) { return "..tog bort raden: " . $row['Text'] . "<br>"; $i = 1; } if ($i == 0) { return "Rad nummer " . $ID . " existerar ej"; } $db = NULL; } catch (PDOException $e) { return 'Exception : ' . $e->getMessage(); } } else { return "...glömde nycklarna hemma?"; } }