Esempio n. 1
function wp_email_capture_form_page($error = 0)
    $url = get_option('home');
    $url = addLastCharacter($url);
    $display = "";
    $display .= "<div id='wp_email_capture_2' class='wp-email-capture wp-email-capture-display'><form name='wp_email_capture_display' method='post' action='" . $url . "'>\n";
    if (isset($_GET['wp_email_capture_error'])) {
        $error = wp_email_capture_sanitize($_GET['wp_email_capture_error']);
        $display .= "<div class='wp-email-capture-error'>Error: " . " " . $error . "</div>\n";
    $display .= "<label class='wp-email-capture-name wp-email-capture-label wp-email-capture-display-worldwide wp-email-capture-name-display wp-email-capture-name-label wp-email-capture-name-label-display";
    if (get_option("wp_email_capture_name_required") == 1) {
        $display .= " wp-email-capture-required";
    $display .= "' for='wp-email-capture-name-display'>" . __('Name:', 'WPEC') . "</label> <input name='wp-email-capture-name' id='wp-email-capture-name-display' type='text' class='wp-email-capture-name wp-email-capture-label wp-email-capture-display-worldwide wp-email-capture-name-display wp-email-capture-name-input wp-email-capture-name-input-display' title='Name' /><br/>\n";
    $display .= "<label class='wp-email-capture-email wp-email-capture-label wp-email-capture-display wp-email-capture-email-display wp-email-capture-email-label wp-email-capture-email-label-display' for='wp-email-capture-email-display'>" . __('Email:', 'WPEC') . "</label> <input name='wp-email-capture-email' id='wp-email-capture-email-display' type='text' class='wp-email-capture-email wp-email-capture-input wp-email-capture-display wp-email-capture-email-display wp-email-capture-email-input wp-email-capture-email-input-display' title='Email' /><br/>\n";
    $display .= "<input type='hidden' name='wp_capture_action' value='1' />\n";
    $display .= "<input name='Submit' type='submit' value='" . __('Submit', 'WPEC') . "' class='wp-email-capture-submit' /></form></div>\n";
    if (get_option("wp_email_capture_link") == 1) {
        $display .= "<p style='font-size:10px;'>" . __('Powered by', 'WPEC') . " <a href='' target='_blank'>WP Email Capture</a></p>\n";
    return $display;
Esempio n. 2
function wp_email_capture_signup()
    global $wpdb;
    // Random confirmation code
    $confirm_code = md5(uniqid(rand()));
    $name = $_REQUEST['wp-email-capture-name'];
    $starturl = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
    if (strpos($starturl, "?") === false) {
        $extrastring = "?";
    } else {
        $extrastring = "&";
    if (get_option("wp_email_capture_name_required") == 1 && $name == "") {
        $error = urlencode(__('Please Provide A Name', 'WPEC'));
        $url = $starturl . $extrastring . "wp_email_capture_error=" . $error;
    $email = $_REQUEST['wp-email-capture-email'];
    if (!is_email($email)) {
        $error = urlencode(__('Not a valid email', 'WPEC'));
        $url = $starturl . $extrastring . "wp_email_capture_error=" . $error;
    if (wp_email_capture_double_check_everything($name, $email)) {
        // values sent from form
        $name = wp_email_capture_sanitize($name);
        $email = wp_email_capture_sanitize($email);
        $name = wp_email_injection_test($name);
        $email = wp_email_injection_test($email);
        $name = wp_email_stripslashes($name);
        $email = wp_email_stripslashes($email);
        $referrer = wp_email_capture_sanitize($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
        $ip = wp_email_capture_sanitize($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
        $date = date("Y-m-d H-i");
        $sqlcheck = wp_email_capture_checkIfPresent($email);
        if ($sqlcheck) {
            $error = urlencode(__('User already present', 'WPEC'));
            $url = $starturl . $extrastring . "wp_email_capture_error=" . $error;
        // Insert data into database
        $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "wp_email_capture_temp_members";
        $result = $wpdb->insert($table_name, array('confirm_code' => $confirm_code, 'name' => $name, 'email' => $email), array('%s', '%s', '%s'));
        // if suceesfully inserted data into database, send confirmation link to email
        if ($result) {
            // ---------------- SEND MAIL FORM ----------------
            // send e-mail to ...
            $to = $email;
            $message = "";
            $siteurl = get_option('home');
            $siteurl = addLastCharacter($siteurl);
            // Your subject
            $subject = "";
            $subject = get_option('wp_email_capture_subject');
            if ($subject == "") {
                $subject = __("Sign Up For Our Newsletter", "WPEC");
            // From
            $from = "";
            $from = get_option('wp_email_capture_from');
            if ($from == "") {
                $from = get_option('admin_email');
            $fromname = "";
            $fromname = get_option('wp_email_capture_from_name');
            if ($from == "") {
                $fromname = get_option('blogname');
            $header = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" . "From: " . $fromname . " <" . $from . ">\n";
            $header .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"" . get_option('blog_charset') . "\"\n";
            // Your message
            $message .= get_option('wp_email_capture_body') . "\n\n";
            if ($message == "\n\n") {
                $message .= __("Thank you for signing up for our newsletter, please click the link below to confirm your subscription", "WPEC") . "\n\n";
            $message .= $siteurl . "?wp_email_confirm=1&wp_email_capture_passkey={$confirm_code}";
            $message .= "\n\n----\n";
            $message .= __("This is an automated message that is generated because somebody with the IP address of", 'WPEC') . " " . $ip . " " . __('(possibly you) on', 'WPEC') . " " . $date . " " . __('filled out the form on the following page', 'WPEC') . " " . $referrer . "\n";
            $message .= __("If you are sure this isn't you, please ignore this message, you will not be sent another message.", 'WPEC');
            $message = str_replace("%NAME%", $name, $message);
            // send email
            $sentmail = wp_mail($to, $subject, $message, $header);
    } else {
        echo __("Not found your email in our database", 'WPEC');
    // if your email succesfully sent
    if ($sentmail) {
        $halfreg = "";
        $halfreg = get_option('wp_email_capture_signup');
        if ($halfreg == "") {
            $halfreg = get_bloginfo('url');
    } else {
        $error = urlencode(__('Email unable to be sent', 'WPEC'));
        $url = $starturl . $extrastring . "wp_email_capture_error=" . $error;
        //echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0;". $url . "?wp_email_capture_error=Email%20unable%20to%20be%sent'>";