Esempio n. 1
function dopsperf($data, $user)
    global $fld_sep, $val_sep;
    $cols = array('#0000c0');
    $nc = count($cols);
    $datacols = $cols[0];
    $ans = getPShiftData($user);
    $iCrap = strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'iP');
    if ($iCrap) {
        $vlines = false;
    } else {
        $vlines = true;
    $pg = '<h1>Pool Shift Reward Performance</h1><br>';
    if ($ans['STATUS'] == 'ok' and $ans['DATA'] != '') {
        $cbx = array('skey' => 'shift key', 'slines' => 'shift lines', 'tkey' => 'time key', 'tlines' => 'time lines', 'over' => 'key overlap', 'smooth' => 'smooth', 'zerob' => 'zero based', 'utc' => 'utc');
        $xon = array('skey' => 1, 'utc' => 1);
        if ($vlines === true) {
            $xon['slines'] = 1;
        $pg .= "<div>";
        foreach ($cbx as $nam => $txt) {
            $pg .= ' <span class=nb>';
            $pg .= "<input type=checkbox id={$nam} onclick='gact(this)'>";
            $pg .= "{$txt}&nbsp;</span>";
        $pg .= '</div>';
        $pg .= '<div id=can0><canvas id=can width=1 height=1>';
        $pg .= 'A graph will show here if your browser supports html5/canvas';
        $pg .= "</canvas></div>\n";
        $data = str_replace(array("\\", "'"), array("\\\\", "\\'"), $ans['DATA']);
        $data .= $fld_sep . 'cols' . $val_sep . $datacols;
        $pg .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\n";
        $pg .= pspg($nc);
        $pg .= "\nfunction godrw(f){var cbx=[";
        $comma = '';
        foreach ($cbx as $nam => $txt) {
            $pg .= "{$comma}'{$nam}'";
            $comma = ',';
        $pg .= '];if(f){var xon={};';
        foreach ($xon as $nam => $val) {
            $pg .= "xon['{$nam}']=1;";
        $pg .= "doinit(cbx,xon)}dodrw('{$data}',cbx)};godrw(1);</script>\n";
    return $pg;
Esempio n. 2
function dousperf($data, $user)
    global $fld_sep, $val_sep;
    // This also defines how many worker fields there are
    $cols = array('#0000c0', '#00dd00', '#e06020', '#b020e0');
    $nc = count($cols);
    $workers = 'all';
    if (isset($_COOKIE['workers'])) {
        $w = substr(trim($_COOKIE['workers']), 0, 1024);
        if ($w !== false) {
            $wa = explode(',', $w, $nc + 1);
            if (count($wa) > $nc) {
                $w = '';
                for ($i = 0; $i < $nc; $i++) {
                    $w .= ($i == 0 ? '' : ',') . $wa[$i];
            $workers = $w;
    $ans = getShiftData($user, $workers);
    $iCrap = strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'iP');
    if ($iCrap) {
        $vlines = false;
    } else {
        $vlines = true;
    $pg = '<h1>User Shift Reward Performance</h1><br>';
    if ($ans['STATUS'] == 'ok' and $ans['DATA'] != '') {
        $cbx = array('skey' => 'shift key', 'slines' => 'shift lines', 'tkey' => 'time key', 'tlines' => 'time lines', 'over' => 'key overlap', 'smooth' => 'smooth', 'zerob' => 'zero based', 'utc' => 'utc');
        $xon = array('skey' => 1, 'utc' => 1);
        if ($vlines === true) {
            $xon['slines'] = 1;
        $pg .= '<form>';
        $tt = "<ul class=tip><li>all = all workers</li><li>noname = worker with no workername</li>";
        $tt .= "<li>or full workername without the username i.e. .worker or _worker</li>";
        $tt .= "<li>add a '*' on the end to match multiple workers e.g. .S3*</li></ul>";
        $pg .= "<span class=q onclick='tip(\"wtip\",6000)'>?</span>";
        $pg .= "<span class=tip0><span class=notip id=wtip>{$tt}</span></span>";
        $i = 0;
        $datacols = '';
        $onch = " onchange='wch()'";
        foreach ($cols as $col) {
            $pg .= " <span class=nb><font color={$col}>Worker{$i}";
            $pg .= "<input type=checkbox id=lin{$i} checked onclick='godrw(0)'>:</font>";
            $pg .= "<input type=text size=10 id=worker{$i}{$onch}> </span>";
            if ($i > 1) {
                $datacols .= ',';
            $datacols .= $col;
        $oncl = "wch();location.href=\"" . makeURL('usperf') . "\"";
        $pg .= "<button type=button onclick='{$oncl}'>Update</button></form><div>";
        foreach ($cbx as $nam => $txt) {
            $pg .= ' <span class=nb>';
            $pg .= "<input type=checkbox id={$nam} onclick='gact(this)'>";
            $pg .= "{$txt}&nbsp;</span>";
        $pg .= '</div>';
        $pg .= '<div id=can0><canvas id=can width=1 height=1>';
        $pg .= 'A graph will show here if your browser supports html5/canvas';
        $pg .= "</canvas></div>\n";
        $data = str_replace(array("\\", "'"), array("\\\\", "\\'"), $ans['DATA']);
        $data .= $fld_sep . 'cols' . $val_sep . $datacols;
        $pg .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\n";
        $pg .= uspg($nc, '#ff0000', '#fff0f0');
        $pg .= "\nfunction godrw(f){var cbx=[";
        $comma = '';
        foreach ($cbx as $nam => $txt) {
            $pg .= "{$comma}'{$nam}'";
            $comma = ',';
        $pg .= '];if(f){var xon={};';
        foreach ($xon as $nam => $val) {
            $pg .= "xon['{$nam}']=1;";
        $pg .= "doinit(cbx,xon)}dodrw('{$data}',cbx)};godrw(1);</script>\n";
    return $pg;
Esempio n. 3
function addQR()
    global $added_qr;
    if ($added_qr == false) {
        $added_qr = true;
        $q = QRJS();
Esempio n. 4
function doluck($data, $user)
    global $fld_sep, $val_sep;
    if ($user === null) {
        $ans = getBlocks('Anon');
    } else {
        $ans = getBlocks($user);
    $pg = '<h1>Pool Avg Block Luck History</h1><br>';
    if ($ans['STATUS'] == 'ok' and isset($ans['rows']) and $ans['rows'] > 0) {
        $count = $ans['s_rows'] - 1;
        $av = number_format(100 * $ans['s_luck:' . $count], 3);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
            // This also defines how many lines there are
            $cols = array('#0000c0', '#00dd00', '#e06020', '#b020e0');
        $nams = array(1, 5, 15, 25);
        $nc = count($cols);
        $cbx = array('skey' => 'block key', 'slines' => 'block lines', 'tkey' => 'time key', 'tlines' => 'time lines', 'over' => 'key overlap', 'smooth' => 'smooth', 'utc' => 'utc');
        $xon = array('skey' => 1, 'tkey' => 1, 'tlines' => 1, 'utc' => 1);
        $pg .= '<div>';
        foreach ($cbx as $nam => $txt) {
            $pg .= ' <span class=nb>';
            $pg .= "<input type=checkbox id={$nam} onclick='gact(this)'>";
            $pg .= "{$txt}&nbsp;</span>";
        $pg .= '</div><div>';
        $i = 1;
        $datacols = '';
        foreach ($cols as $col) {
            if ($i != 1) {
                $pg .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
            if ($i == 2 || $i == 4) {
                $chk = ' checked';
            } else {
                $chk = '';
            $pg .= "<span class=nb><font color={$col}>";
            $pg .= "<input type=checkbox id=lin{$i}{$chk} onclick='godrw(0)'>: ";
            if ($nams[$i - 1] == 1) {
                $avs = '';
            } else {
                $avs = ' Avg';
            $pg .= $nams[$i - 1] . " Block Luck{$avs}</font></span>";
            if ($i > 1) {
                $datacols .= ',';
            $datacols .= $col;
        $pg .= '</div>';
        $pg .= '<div id=can0><canvas id=can width=1 height=1>';
        $pg .= 'A graph will show here if your browser supports html5/canvas';
        $pg .= "</canvas></div>\n";
        $count = $ans['rows'];
        # add the orphan/reject ratios to the subsequent blocks
        $dr = 0;
        for ($i = $count - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
            $conf = $ans["confirmed:{$i}"];
            if ($conf == '1' or $conf == 'F') {
                $ans["diffratio:{$i}"] += $dr;
                $dr = 0;
            } else {
                $dr += $ans["diffratio:{$i}"];
        # $ans blocks are 0->rows-1 highest->lowest
        # build an array of valid block offsets (reversed lowest->highest)
        $off = array();
        for ($i = $count - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
            $conf = $ans["confirmed:{$i}"];
            if ($conf == '1' or $conf == 'F') {
                $off[] = $i;
        $data = '';
        $count = count($off);
        $avg = 0;
        # each valid block offset number (lowest->highest)
        for ($j = 0; $j < $count; $j++) {
            $i = $off[$j];
            $data .= $fld_sep . "height:{$j}{$val_sep}";
            $data .= $ans["height:{$i}"];
            $data .= $fld_sep . "seq:{$j}{$val_sep}";
            $data .= $ans["seq:{$i}"];
            $data .= $fld_sep . "firstcreatedate:{$j}{$val_sep}";
            $data .= $ans["firstcreatedate:{$i}"];
            $data .= $fld_sep . "0_luck:{$j}{$val_sep}";
            $data .= number_format(100 * $ans['luck:' . $i], 3);
            $avg += $ans["diffratio:{$i}"];
            $l5c = $l15c = $l25c = 1;
            $l5 = $l15 = $l25 = $ans['diffratio:' . $i];
            # +/- offset from j (12 is the max for 25)
            for ($k = 1; $k <= 12; $k++) {
                # we want the (n-1)/2 on each side of the offset number
                foreach (array(-1, 1) as $s) {
                    $o = $j + $s * $k;
                    if (0 <= $o && $o < $count) {
                        $dr = $ans['diffratio:' . $off[$o]];
                        if ($k <= 2) {
                            $l5 += $dr;
                        if ($k < 7) {
                            $l15 += $dr;
                        $l25 += $dr;
            # luck is 1/(mean diffratio)
            $data .= $fld_sep . "1_luck:{$j}{$val_sep}";
            $data .= number_format(100 * $l5c / $l5, 3);
            $data .= $fld_sep . "2_luck:{$j}{$val_sep}";
            $data .= number_format(100 * $l15c / $l15, 3);
            $data .= $fld_sep . "3_luck:{$j}{$val_sep}";
            $data .= number_format(100 * $l25c / $l25, 3);
        $data .= $fld_sep . 'rows' . $val_sep . $count;
        $data .= $fld_sep . 'arp' . $val_sep . ',0_,1_,2_,3_';
        $data .= $fld_sep . 'cols' . $val_sep . $datacols;
        $pg .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\n";
        $pg .= lckg($nc, 100 * $count / $avg);
        $pg .= "\nfunction godrw(f){var cbx=[";
        $comma = '';
        foreach ($cbx as $nam => $txt) {
            $pg .= "{$comma}'{$nam}'";
            $comma = ',';
        $pg .= '];if(f){var xon={};';
        foreach ($xon as $nam => $val) {
            $pg .= "xon['{$nam}']=1;";
        $pg .= "doinit(cbx,xon)}dodrw('{$data}',cbx)};godrw(1);</script>\n";
    return $pg;