Esempio n. 1
// Load user name, etc.
user_load_variables($login, '');
// See if a user login was specified in the URL
$user = getGetValue('user');
// translate 'public' to be '__public__'
if ($user == 'public') {
    $user = '******';
// Make sure the current user has proper permissions to see unapproved
// events for the specified user.  We're not checking to see if
if ($user != '') {
    if (access_is_enabled()) {
        if (!access_user_calendar('approve', $user)) {
            // not allowed
            $user = login;
    } else {
        if (!$is_admin && $user != $login && !$is_assistant && !access_is_enabled()) {
            $user = $login;
// If not, user current user's login
if ($user == '') {
    $user = $login;
$charset = empty($LANGUAGE) ? 'iso-8859-1' : translate('charset');
// This should work ok with RSS, may need to hardcode fallback value.
Esempio n. 2

/* $Id: month.php,v 2010/08/15 18:54:34 cknudsen Exp $ */
include_once 'includes/init.php';
//check UAC
if (!access_can_access_function(ACCESS_MONTH) || !empty($user) && !access_user_calendar('view', $user)) {
if ($user != $login && $is_nonuser_admin) {
} else {
    if (empty($user)) {
$cat_id = getValue('cat_id', '-?[0-9,\\-]*', true);
$next = mktime(0, 0, 0, $thismonth + 1, 1, $thisyear);
$nextYmd = date('Ymd', $next);
$nextyear = substr($nextYmd, 0, 4);
$nextmonth = substr($nextYmd, 4, 2);
$prev = mktime(0, 0, 0, $thismonth - 1, 1, $thisyear);
$prevYmd = date('Ymd', $prev);
$prevyear = substr($prevYmd, 0, 4);
$prevmonth = substr($prevYmd, 4, 2);
if ($BOLD_DAYS_IN_YEAR == 'Y') {
    $boldDays = true;
    $startdate = mktime(0, 0, 0, $prevmonth, 0, $prevyear);
    $enddate = mktime(23, 59, 59, $nextmonth + 1, 0, $nextyear);
} else {
    $boldDays = false;
Esempio n. 3
function print_entry_timebar($event, $date)
    global $ENTRY_SLOTS, $entrySlots, $eventinfo, $login, $PHP_SELF, $PUBLIC_ACCESS_FULLNAME, $slotValue, $totalHours, $totalSlots, $user, $width, $WORK_DAY_END_HOUR, $WORK_DAY_START_HOUR, $yardSlots, $yardWidth;
    static $key = 0;
    $insidespan = false;
    $ret = '';
    if (access_is_enabled()) {
        $temp = $event->getLogin();
        $can_access = access_user_calendar('view', $temp, '', $event->getCalType(), $event->getAccess());
        $time_only = access_user_calendar('time', $temp);
    } else {
        $can_access = CAN_DOALL;
        $time_only = 'N';
    $id = $event->getID();
    $name = $event->getName();
    $linkid = "pop{$id}-{$key}";
    $day_start = $WORK_DAY_START_HOUR * 60;
    $day_end = $WORK_DAY_END_HOUR * 60;
    if ($day_end <= $day_start) {
        $day_end = $day_start + 60;
    //Avoid exceptions.
    $time = date('His', $event->getDateTimeTS());
    $startminutes = time_to_minutes($time);
    $endminutes = time_to_minutes(date('His', $event->getEndDateTimeTS()));
    $duration = $event->getDuration();
    if ($event->isAllDay()) {
        // All day event.
        $ev_duration = $totalSlots;
        $start_padding = 0;
    } else {
        if ($event->isUntimed()) {
            $ev_duration = $start_padding = 0;
        } else {
            // Must be timed.
            $start_padding = round(($startminutes - $day_start) / $slotValue);
            if ($start_padding < 0) {
                $start_padding = 0;
            if ($startminutes > $day_end || $endminutes < $day_start) {
                $ev_duration = 1;
            } else {
                if ($duration > 0) {
                    $ev_duration = intval($duration / $slotValue);
                    // Event starts before workday.
                    if ($startminutes < $day_start) {
                        $ev_duration = $ev_duration - (int) ($day_start - $startminutes) / $slotValue;
                    // Event ends after workday.
                    if ($endminutes > $day_end) {
                        $ev_duration = $ev_duration - (int) ($endminutes - $day_end) / $slotValue;
    $end_padding = $totalSlots - $start_padding - $ev_duration + 1;
    // If event is past viewing area.
    if ($start_padding >= $totalSlots) {
        $ev_duration = 1;
        $start_padding = $totalSlots - 1;
    // Choose where to position the text (pos=0->before,pos=1->on,pos=2->after).
    if ($ev_duration / $totalSlots >= 0.3) {
        $pos = 1;
    } elseif ($end_padding / $totalSlots >= 0.3) {
        $pos = 2;
    } else {
        $pos = 0;
    $ret .= '
<!-- ENTRY BAR -->
            <tr class="entrycont">' . ($start_padding > 0 ? '
              <td class="alignright" colspan="' . $start_padding . '">' : '');
    if ($pos > 0) {
        if (!$event->isUntimed()) {
            $ret .= ($start_padding > 0 ? '&nbsp;</td>' : '') . '
              <td class="entry" colspan="' . $ev_duration . '">' . ($pos > 1 ? '&nbsp;</td>
              <td class="alignleft" colspan="' . $end_padding . '">' : '');
        } else {
            // Untimed, just display text.
            $ret .= '
              <td colspan="' . $totalSlots . '">';
    $tempClone = $event->getClone();
    $tempPri = $event->getPriority() < 4;
    return $ret . ($tempPri ? '<strong>' : '') . ($can_access != 0 && $time_only != 'Y' ? '
          <a class="entry" id="' . $linkid . '" href="view_entry.php?id=' . $id . '&amp;date=' . ($tempClone ? $tempClone : $date) . (strlen($user) > 0 ? '&amp;user='******'') . '">' : '') . '[' . ($event->getLogin() == '__public__' ? $PUBLIC_ACCESS_FULLNAME : $event->getLogin()) . ']&nbsp;' . build_entry_label($event, 'eventinfo-' . $linkid, $can_access, $event->isAllDay() ? translate('All day event') : (!$event->isUntimed() ? display_time($event->getDatetime()) . ($event->getDuration() > 0 ? ' - ' . display_time($event->getEndDateTime(), 2) : '') : ''), $time_only) . ($insidespan ? '</span>' : '') . '</a>' . ($tempPri ? '</strong>' : '') . '</td>' . ($pos < 2 ? ($pos < 1 ? '
        <td class="entry" colspan="' . $ev_duration . '">&nbsp;</td>' : '') . ($end_padding > 1 ? '
        <td class="alignleft" colspan="' . $end_padding . '">&nbsp;</td>' : '') : '') . '
Esempio n. 4
            if (!access_is_enabled() || access_can_access_function(ACCESS_ANOTHER_CALENDAR)) {
                // Get count of users this user can see. If > 1, then...
                $ulist = array_merge(get_my_users($login, 'view'), get_my_nonusers($login, true, 'view'));
                //remove duplicates if any
                if (function_exists('array_intersect_key')) {
                    $ulist = array_intersect_key($ulist, array_unique(array_map('serialize', $ulist)));
                if (count($ulist) > 1) {
                    $select_user_url = 'select_user.php';
// Only display some links if we're viewing our own calendar.
if (empty($user) || $user == $login || !empty($user) && access_is_enabled() && access_user_calendar('view', $user)) {
    // Search
    if (access_can_access_function(ACCESS_SEARCH, $user)) {
        $search_url = 'search.php';
if (empty($user) || $user == $login) {
    // Import/Export
    if (access_is_enabled() || $login != '__public__' && !$is_nonuser) {
        if ($readonly != 'Y' && access_can_access_function(ACCESS_IMPORT, $user)) {
            $import_url = 'import.php';
        if (access_can_access_function(ACCESS_EXPORT, $user)) {
            $export_url = 'export.php';
function build_entry_popup($popupid, $user, $description = '', $time, $site_extras = '', $location = '', $name = '', $id = '', $reminder = '')
    global $ALLOW_HTML_DESCRIPTION, $DISABLE_POPUPS, $login, $PARTICIPANTS_IN_POPUP, $popup_fullnames, $popuptemp_fullname, $PUBLIC_ACCESS_VIEW_PART, $SUMMARY_LENGTH, $tempfullname;
    if (!empty($DISABLE_POPUPS) && $DISABLE_POPUPS == 'Y') {
    // Restrict info if time only set.
    $details = true;
    if (function_exists('access_is_enabled') && access_is_enabled() && $user != $login) {
        $time_only = access_user_calendar('time', $user);
        $details = $time_only == 'N' ? 1 : 0;
    $ret = '<dl id="' . $popupid . '" class="popup">' . "\n";
    if (empty($popup_fullnames)) {
        $popup_fullnames = array();
    $partList = array();
    if ($details && $id != '' && !empty($PARTICIPANTS_IN_POPUP) && $PARTICIPANTS_IN_POPUP == 'Y' && !($PUBLIC_ACCESS_VIEW_PART == 'N' && $login == '__public__')) {
        $rows = dbi_get_cached_rows('SELECT cal_login, cal_status
      FROM webcal_entry_user WHERE cal_id = ? AND cal_status IN ( \'A\',\'W\' )', array($id));
        if ($rows) {
            for ($i = 0, $cnt = count($rows); $i < $cnt; $i++) {
                $row = $rows[$i];
                $participants[] = $row;
        for ($i = 0, $cnt = count($participants); $i < $cnt; $i++) {
            user_load_variables($participants[$i][0], 'temp');
            $partList[] = $tempfullname . ' ' . ($participants[$i][1] == 'W' ? '(?)' : '');
        $rows = dbi_get_cached_rows('SELECT cal_fullname FROM webcal_entry_ext_user
      WHERE cal_id = ? ORDER by cal_fullname', array($id));
        if ($rows) {
            $extStr = translate('External User');
            for ($i = 0, $cnt = count($rows); $i < $cnt; $i++) {
                $row = $rows[$i];
                $partList[] = $row[0] . ' (' . $extStr . ')';
    if ($user != $login) {
        if (empty($popup_fullnames[$user])) {
            user_load_variables($user, 'popuptemp_');
            $popup_fullnames[$user] = $popuptemp_fullname;
        $ret .= '<dt>' . translate('User') . ":</dt>\n<dd>{$popup_fullnames[$user]}</dd>\n";
    $ret .= ($SUMMARY_LENGTH < 80 && strlen($name) && $details ? '<dt>' . htmlspecialchars(substr($name, 0, 40)) . "</dt>\n" : '') . (strlen($time) ? '<dt>' . translate('Time') . ":</dt>\n<dd>{$time}</dd>\n" : '') . (!empty($location) && $details ? '<dt>' . translate('Location') . ":</dt>\n<dd> {$location}</dd>\n" : '') . (!empty($reminder) && $details ? '<dt>' . translate('Send Reminder') . ":</dt>\n<dd> {$reminder}</dd>\n" : '');
    if (!empty($partList) && $details) {
        $ret .= '<dt>' . translate('Participants') . ":</dt>\n";
        foreach ($partList as $parts) {
            $ret .= "<dd> {$parts}</dd>\n";
    if (!empty($description) && $details) {
        $ret .= '<dt>' . translate('Description') . ":</dt>\n<dd>";
            // Replace &s and decode special characters.
            $str = unhtmlentities(str_replace('&amp;amp;', '&amp;', str_replace('&', '&amp;', $description)));
            // If there is no HTML found, then go ahead and replace
            // the line breaks ("\n") with the HTML break ("<br />").
            $ret .= strstr($str, '<') && strstr($str, '>') ? $str : nl2br($str);
        } else {
            // HTML not allowed in description, escape everything.
            $ret .= nl2br(htmlspecialchars($description));
        $ret .= "</dd>\n";
    //if $description
    return $ret . (empty($site_extras) ? '' : $site_extras) . "</dl>\n";
Esempio n. 6
                $can_email = access_user_calendar('email', $templogin);
            echo '
            if (strlen($tempemail) > 0 && $can_email != 'N') {
                echo '<a href="mailto:' . $tempemail . '?subject=' . $subject . '">' . $tempfullname . '</a>';
                $allmails[] = $tempemail;
            } else {
                echo $tempfullname;
            echo ' (?)<br />';
        for ($i = 0; $i < $num_rej; $i++) {
            user_load_variables($rejected[$i], 'temp');
            if (access_is_enabled()) {
                $can_email = access_user_calendar('email', $templogin);
            echo '
          <strike>' . (strlen($tempemail) > 0 && $can_email != 'N' ? '<a href="mailto:' . $tempemail . '?subject=' . $subject . '">' . $tempfullname . '</a>' : $tempfullname) . '</strike> (' . translate('Rejected') . ')<br />';
    echo '
// end participants
$can_edit = $can_edit || $is_admin || $is_nonuser_admin && $user == $create_by || $is_assistant && !$is_private && $user == $create_by || $readonly != 'Y' && ($login != '__public__' && $login == $create_by || $single_user == 'Y');
if (empty($event_status)) {
    // this only happens when an admin views a deleted event that he is
    // not a participant for. Set to $event_status to "D" just to get
    // rid of all the edit/delete links below.
Esempio n. 7
   //end new/old event
   // Some users report that they get an error on duplicate keys
   // on the following add... As a safety measure, delete any
   // existing entry with the id. Ignore the result.
   dbi_execute('DELETE FROM webcal_entry_user WHERE cal_id = ? AND cal_login = ?', array($id, $participants[$i]));
   if (!dbi_execute('INSERT INTO webcal_entry_user ( cal_id, cal_login,
 cal_status, cal_percent ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? )', array($id, $participants[$i], $status, $new_percent))) {
       $error = $dberror . dbi_error();
   } else {
       // Check UAC.
       $can_email = 'Y';
       if (access_is_enabled()) {
           $can_email = access_user_calendar('email', $participants[$i], $login);
       // Don't send mail if we are editing a non-user calendar and we are the admin.
       if (!$is_nonuser_admin && $can_email == 'Y') {
           // Only send mail if their email address is filled in.
           $do_send = get_pref_setting($participants[$i], $newevent ? 'EMAIL_EVENT_ADDED' : 'EMAIL_EVENT_UPDATED');
           $htmlmail = get_pref_setting($participants[$i], 'EMAIL_HTML');
           $t_format = get_pref_setting($participants[$i], 'TIME_FORMAT');
           $user_TIMEZONE = get_pref_setting($participants[$i], 'TIMEZONE');
           set_env('TZ', $user_TIMEZONE);
           $user_language = get_pref_setting($participants[$i], 'LANGUAGE');
           user_load_variables($participants[$i], 'temp');
           if (boss_must_be_notified($login, $participants[$i]) && !empty($tempemail) && $do_send == 'Y' && $send_user_mail && $SEND_EMAIL != 'N') {
               // We send to creator if they want it.
               if ($send_own != 'Y' && $participants[$i] == $login) {
Esempio n. 8
function list_unapproved($user)
    global $eventinfo, $key, $login, $NONUSER_ENABLED, $noret, $temp_fullname;
    user_load_variables($user, 'temp_');
    $rssLink = '<a href="rss_unapproved.php?user='******'"><img src="images/rss.png" width="14" height="14" alt="RSS 2.0 - ' . htmlspecialchars($temp_fullname) . '" border="0"/></a>';
    $count = 0;
    $ret = '';
    $sql = 'SELECT we.cal_id, we.cal_name, we.cal_description, weu.cal_login,
    we.cal_priority, we.cal_date, we.cal_time, we.cal_duration,
    weu.cal_status, we.cal_type
    FROM webcal_entry we, webcal_entry_user weu
    WHERE we.cal_id = weu.cal_id AND weu.cal_login = ? AND weu.cal_status = \'W\'
    ORDER BY weu.cal_login, we.cal_date';
    $rows = dbi_get_cached_rows($sql, array($user));
    if ($rows) {
        $allDayStr = translate('All day event');
        $appConStr = translate('Approve/Confirm');
        $appSelStr = translate('Approve Selected');
        $checkAllStr = translate('Check All');
        $deleteStr = translate('Delete');
        $emailStr = translate('Emails Will Not Be Sent');
        $rejectSelStr = translate('Reject Selected');
        $rejectStr = translate('Reject');
        $uncheckAllStr = translate('Uncheck All');
        $viewStr = translate('View this entry');
        for ($i = 0, $cnt = count($rows); $i < $cnt; $i++) {
            $row = $rows[$i];
            $id = $row[0];
            $name = $row[1];
            $description = $row[2];
            $cal_user = $row[3];
            $pri = $row[4];
            $date = $row[5];
            $time = sprintf("%06d", $row[6]);
            $duration = $row[7];
            $status = $row[8];
            $type = $row[9];
            $view_link = 'view_entry';
            $entryID = 'entry' . $type . $id;
            $linkid = "pop{$id}-{$key}";
            $timestr = '';
            if ($time > 0 || $time == 0 && $duration != 1440) {
                $eventstart = date_to_epoch($date . $time);
                $eventstop = $eventstart + $duration;
                $eventdate = date_to_str(date('Ymd', $eventstart));
                $timestr = display_time('', 0, $eventstart) . ($duration > 0 ? ' - ' . display_time('', 0, $eventstop) : '');
            } else {
                // Don't shift date if All Day or Untimed.
                $eventdate = date_to_str($date);
                // If All Day display in popup.
                if ($time == 0 && $duration == 1440) {
                    $timestr = $allDayStr;
            $ret .= ($count == 0 ? '
        <td colspan="5"><h3>' . $temp_fullname . '&nbsp;' . $rssLink . '</h3></td>
      </tr>' : '') . '
      <tr ' . ($count % 2 == 0 ? '' : 'class="odd"') . '>
        <td width="5%" align="right"><input type="checkbox" name="' . $entryID . '" value="' . $user . '"/></td>
        <td><a title="' . $viewStr . '" class="entry" id="' . $linkid . '" href="' . $view_link . '.php?id=' . $id . '&amp;user='******'">' . htmlspecialchars($name) . '</a> (' . $eventdate . '):</td>' . '
        <td align="center"><input type="image" src="images/check.gif" title="' . $appConStr . '" onclick="return do_confirm( \'approve\', \'' . $cal_user . '\', \'' . $entryID . '\' );" /></td>' . '
        <td align="center"><input type="image" src="images/rejected.gif" title="' . $rejectStr . '" onclick="return do_confirm( \'reject\', \'' . $cal_user . '\', \'' . $entryID . '\' );" /></td>' . (!access_is_enabled() || access_user_calendar('edit', $user) ? '
        <td align="center"><input type="image" src="images/delete.png" title="' . $deleteStr . '" onclick="return do_confirm( \'delete\', \'' . $cal_user . '\', \'' . $entryID . '\' );\\" /></td>' : '') . '
            $eventinfo .= build_entry_popup('eventinfo-' . $linkid, $cal_user, $description, $timestr, site_extras_for_popup($id));
        if ($count > 1) {
            $ret .= '
        <td colspan="5" nowrap="nowrap">&nbsp;
          <img src="images/select.gif" border="0" alt="" />
          <label><a title="' . $checkAllStr . '" onclick="check_all( \'' . $user . '\' );">' . $checkAllStr . '</a> / <a title="' . $uncheckAllStr . '" onclick="uncheck_all( \'' . $user . '\' );">' . $uncheckAllStr . '</a></label>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
          <input type="image" src="images/check.gif" title="' . $appSelStr . '" onclick="return do_confirm( \'approveSelected\', \'' . $cal_user . '\' );" />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
          <input type="image" src="images/rejected.gif" title="' . $rejectSelStr . '" onclick="return do_confirm( \'rejectSelected\', \'' . $cal_user . '\' );" />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;( ' . $emailStr . ' )
    if ($count == 0) {
        $noret .= '
        <td colspan="5" class="nounapproved">' . str_replace('XXX', $temp_fullname, translate('No unapproved entries for XXX.')) . '&nbsp;' . $rssLink . '</td>
    return $ret;
Esempio n. 9
         // Now, mark event as deleted for all users.
         dbi_execute('UPDATE webcal_entry_user SET cal_status = \'D\' WHERE cal_id = ?', array($id));
         // Delete External users for this event
         dbi_execute('DELETE FROM webcal_entry_ext_user WHERE cal_id = ?', array($id));
 } else {
     // Not the owner of the event, but participant or noncal_admin.
     // Just  set the status to 'D' instead of deleting.
     $del_user = !empty($other_user) ? $other_user : $login;
     if (!empty($user) && $user != $login) {
         if ($is_admin || $my_event || $can_edit && $is_assistant || access_is_enabled() && access_user_calendar('edit', $user)) {
             $del_user = $user;
         } else {
             // Error: user cannot delete from other user's calendar.
             $error = print_not_auth(6);
     if (empty($error)) {
         if ($override_repeat) {
             dbi_execute('INSERT INTO webcal_entry_repeats_not
       ( cal_id, cal_date, cal_exdate ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? )', array($id, $date, 1));
             // Should we log this to the activity log???
         } else {
             dbi_execute('UPDATE webcal_entry_user SET cal_status = ?
       WHERE cal_id = ? AND cal_login = ?', array('D', $id, $del_user));
             activity_log($id, $login, $login, $log_reject, '');
 } elseif ($extra_type == EXTRA_TEXT) {
     $size = $extra_arg1 > 0 ? $extra_arg1 : 50;
     echo '
         <input type="text" size="' . $size . '" name="' . $extra_name . '" value="' . (empty($extras[$extra_name]['cal_data']) ? '' : htmlspecialchars($extras[$extra_name]['cal_data'])) . '" />';
 } elseif ($extra_type == EXTRA_MULTILINETEXT) {
     echo '
         <textarea rows="' . ($extra_arg2 > 0 ? $extra_arg2 : 5) . '" cols="' . ($extra_arg1 > 0 ? $extra_arg1 : 50) . '" name="' . $extra_name . '">' . (empty($extras[$extra_name]['cal_data']) ? '' : htmlspecialchars($extras[$extra_name]['cal_data'])) . '</textarea>';
 } elseif ($extra_type == EXTRA_USER) {
     // Show list of calendar users...
     echo '
         <select name="' . $extra_name . '">
           <option value="">None</option>';
     $userlist = get_my_users(get_my_users);
     $usercnt = count($userlist);
     for ($j = 0; $j < $usercnt; $j++) {
         if (access_is_enabled() && !access_user_calendar('view', $userlist[$j]['cal_login'])) {
         // Cannot view calendar so cannot add to their cal.
         echo '
           <option value="' . $userlist[$j]['cal_login'] . '"' . (!empty($extras[$extra_name]['cal_data']) && $userlist[$j]['cal_login'] == $extras[$extra_name]['cal_data'] ? $selected : '') . '>' . $userlist[$j]['cal_fullname'] . '</option>';
     echo '
 } elseif ($extra_type == EXTRA_SELECTLIST) {
     // Show custom select list.
     $extraSelectArr = $isMultiple = $multiselect = '';
     if (is_array($extra_arg1)) {
         $extra_arg1cnt = count($extra_arg1);
         if ($extra_arg2 > 0) {
             $multiselect = ' multiple="multiple" size="' . min($extra_arg2, $extra_arg1cnt) . '" ';
 // Get the name of the event.
 $res = dbi_execute('SELECT cal_name, cal_description, cal_date, cal_time,
 cal_create_by FROM webcal_entry WHERE cal_id = ?', array($id));
 if ($res) {
     $row = dbi_fetch_row($res);
     $name = $row[0];
     $description = $row[1];
     $fmtdate = $row[2];
     $time = sprintf("%06d", $row[3]);
     $creator = $row[4];
 $eventstart = date_to_epoch($fmtdate . $time);
 // TODO figure out if creator wants approved comment email.
 // Check UAC.
 $send_user_mail = access_is_enabled() ? access_user_calendar('email', $creator, $login) : 'Y';
 $htmlmail = get_pref_setting($creator, 'EMAIL_HTML');
 user_load_variables($creator, 'temp');
 $user_TIMEZONE = get_pref_setting($creator, 'TIMEZONE');
 set_env('TZ', $user_TIMEZONE);
 $user_language = get_pref_setting($creator, 'LANGUAGE');
 if ($send_user_mail == 'Y' && strlen($tempemail) && $SEND_EMAIL != 'N') {
     reset_language(empty($user_language) || $user_language == 'none' ? $LANGUAGE : $user_language);
     // translate ( 'Hello' )
     $msg = str_replace('XXX', $tempfullname, translate('Hello, XXX.')) . "\n\n" . str_replace('XXX', $login_fullname, translate('XXX has approved an appointment and added comments.')) . "\n\n" . str_replace('XXX', $name, translate('Subject XXX')) . "\n" . str_replace('XXX', $description, translate('Description XXX')) . "\n" . str_replace('XXX', date_to_str($fmtdate), translate('Date XXX')) . ' ' . (empty($hour) && empty($minute) ? '' : str_replace('XXX', display_time('', 2, $eventstart, get_pref_setting($creator, 'TIME_FORMAT')), translate('Time XXX'))) . "\n";
     if (!empty($SERVER_URL)) {
         // DON'T change & to &amp; here. email will handle it
         $url = $SERVER_URL . 'view_entry.php?id=' . $id . '&em=1';
         if ($htmlmail == 'Y') {
             $url = activate_urls($url);
Esempio n. 12
        if (empty($ALLOW_COMMENTS) || $ALLOW_COMMENTS != 'Y') {
            $error = print_not_auth(10);
        } else {
            if (empty($error) && $ALLOW_COMMENTS_PART == 'Y' && $is_my_event) {
                $can_add = true;
            } else {
                if ($ALLOW_COMMENTS_ANY == 'Y') {
                    $can_add = true;
//check UAC
if (access_is_enabled()) {
    $can_add = $can_add || access_user_calendar('edit', $user);
if (!$can_add) {
    $error = print_not_auth(6);
if (!empty($error)) {
    echo print_error($error);
    echo print_trailer();
// Handle possible POST first
if (empty($REQUEST_METHOD)) {
Esempio n. 13
 if ($res) {
     $row = dbi_fetch_row($res);
     $name = $row[0];
     $description = $row[1];
     $fmtdate = $row[2];
     $time = sprintf("%06d", $row[3]);
 $eventstart = date_to_epoch($fmtdate . $time);
 for ($i = 0, $cnt = count($partlogin); $i < $cnt; $i++) {
     // does this user want email for this?
     $send_user_mail = get_pref_setting($partlogin[$i], 'EMAIL_EVENT_REJECTED');
     //check UAC
     $can_mail = 'Y';
     if (access_is_enabled()) {
         $can_mail = access_user_calendar('email', $partlogin[$i], $login);
     $htmlmail = get_pref_setting($partlogin[$i], 'EMAIL_HTML');
     $t_format = get_pref_setting($partlogin[$i], 'TIME_FORMAT');
     user_load_variables($partlogin[$i], 'temp');
     $user_TIMEZONE = get_pref_setting($partlogin[$i], 'TIMEZONE');
     set_env('TZ', $user_TIMEZONE);
     $user_language = get_pref_setting($partlogin[$i], 'LANGUAGE');
     if ($send_user_mail == 'Y' && strlen($tempemail) && $SEND_EMAIL != 'N' && $can_mail == 'Y') {
         if (empty($user_language) || $user_language == 'none') {
         } else {
         $msg = translate('Hello') . ', ' . $tempfullname . ".\n\n" . translate('An appointment has been rejected by') . ' ' . $login_fullname . ".\n\n" . translate('The subject was') . ' "' . $name . " \"\n" . translate('The description is') . ' "' . $description . "\"\n" . translate('Date') . ': ' . date_to_str($fmtdate) . "\n" . (empty($hour) && empty($minute) ? '' : translate('Time') . ': ' . display_time('', 2, $eventstart, $t_format)) . "\n";
         if (!empty($SERVER_URL)) {
Esempio n. 14
            $userlookup[$myusers[$i]['cal_login']] = 1;
        $newlist = array();
        $cnt = count($users);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) {
            if (!empty($userlookup[$users[$i]])) {
                $newlist[] = $users[$i];
        $users = $newlist;
    // Now, use access control to remove more users :-)
    if (access_is_enabled() && !$is_admin) {
        $newlist = array();
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($users); $i++) {
            if (access_user_calendar('view', $users[$i])) {
                $newlist[] = $users[$i];
                //echo "can access $users[$i] <br>";
            } else {
                //echo "cannot access $users[$i] <br>";
        $users = $newlist;
if (empty($users) || empty($users[0])) {
    $search_others = false;
//Get advanced filters
$cat_filter = getPostValue('cat_filter');
$extra_filter = getPostValue('extra_filter');
Esempio n. 15
function get_users_to_approve()
    global $is_admin, $login, $NONUSER_ENABLED, $PUBLIC_ACCESS, $user;
    $app_user_hash = $app_users = $my_non_users = array();
    $non_users = get_nonuser_cals();
    foreach ($non_users as $nonuser) {
        if (user_is_nonuser_admin($login, $nonuser['cal_login'])) {
            $my_non_users[]['cal_login'] = $nonuser['cal_login'];
            // echo $nonuser['cal_login'] . "<br />";
    // First, we list ourself.
    $app_users[] = $login;
    $app_user_hash[$login] = 1;
    if (access_is_enabled()) {
        $all = !empty($NONUSER_ENABLED) && $NONUSER_ENABLED == 'Y' ? array_merge(get_my_users(), $my_non_users) : get_my_users();
        for ($j = 0, $cnt = count($all); $j < $cnt; $j++) {
            $x = $all[$j]['cal_login'];
            if (access_user_calendar('approve', $x)) {
                if (empty($app_user_hash[$x])) {
                    $app_users[] = $x;
                    $app_user_hash[$x] = 1;
    } else {
        if ($is_admin && $PUBLIC_ACCESS == 'Y' && (empty($user) || $user != '__public__')) {
            $app_users[] = '__public__';
            $app_users_hash['__public__'] = 1;
        $all = $my_non_users;
        for ($j = 0, $cnt = count($all); $j < $cnt; $j++) {
            $x = $all[$j]['cal_login'];
            if (empty($app_user_hash[$x])) {
                $app_users[] = $x;
                $app_user_hash[$x] = 1;
    return $app_users;
Esempio n. 16
 * Remove any users from the view list who this user is not
 * allowed to view.
 * @param int $view_id id of the view
 * @return the array of valid users
function view_get_user_list($view_id)
    global $error, $login, $is_admin, $NONUSER_ENABLED, $USER_SEES_ONLY_HIS_GROUPS;
    // get users in this view
    $res = dbi_execute('SELECT cal_login FROM webcal_view_user WHERE cal_view_id = ?', array($view_id));
    $ret = array();
    $all_users = false;
    if ($res) {
        while ($row = dbi_fetch_row($res)) {
            $ret[] = $row[0];
            if ($row[0] == '__all__') {
                $all_users = true;
    } else {
        $error = db_error();
    if ($all_users) {
        $users = get_my_users('', 'view');
        $ret = array();
        $usercnt = count($users);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $usercnt; $i++) {
            $ret[] = $users[$i]['cal_login'];
    } else {
        $myusers = get_my_users('', 'view');
        if (!empty($NONUSER_ENABLED) && $NONUSER_ENABLED == 'Y') {
            $myusers = array_merge($myusers, get_my_nonusers($login, true, 'view'));
        // Make sure this user is allowed to see all users in this view
        // If this is a global view, it may include users that this user
        // is not allowed to see.
        if (!empty($USER_SEES_ONLY_HIS_GROUPS) && $USER_SEES_ONLY_HIS_GROUPS == 'Y') {
            $userlookup = array();
            $myusercnt = count($myusers);
            for ($i = 0; $i < $myusercnt; $i++) {
                $userlookup[$myusers[$i]['cal_login']] = 1;
            $newlist = array();
            $retcnt = count($ret);
            for ($i = 0; $i < $retcnt; $i++) {
                if (!empty($userlookup[$ret[$i]])) {
                    $newlist[] = $ret[$i];
            $ret = $newlist;
        //Sort user list...
        $sortlist = array();
        $myusercnt = count($myusers);
        $retcnt = count($ret);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $myusercnt; $i++) {
            for ($j = 0; $j < $retcnt; $j++) {
                if ($myusers[$i]['cal_login'] == $ret[$j]) {
                    $sortlist[] = $ret[$j];
        $ret = $sortlist;
    // If user access control enabled, check against that as well.
    if (access_is_enabled() && !$is_admin) {
        $newlist = array();
        $retcnt = count($ret);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $retcnt; $i++) {
            if (access_user_calendar('view', $ret[$i])) {
                $newlist[] = $ret[$i];
        $ret = $newlist;
    //echo "<pre>"; print_r ( $ret ); echo "</pre>\n";
    return $ret;