Esempio n. 1

if (has_slot('a-footer')) {
} else {
    a_slot('footer', 'aRichText', array("global" => true));
// Feel free to shut this off in app.yml or override the footer partial in your app
if (sfConfig::get('app_a_credit', true)) {
<div class="a-attribution">Built with <a href="">Apostrophe</a></div>
Esempio n. 2
// Defining the <body> class
slot('a-body-class', 'a-home');

// Breadcrumb is removed for the home page template because it is redundant
slot('a-breadcrumb', '');

// Subnav is removed for the home page template because it is redundant
slot('a-subnav', '');

a_slot('home-banner', 'aSlideshow', array('width' => 960, 'height' => 300, 'resizeType' => 'c', 'flexHeight' => false, 'constraints' => array('minimum-width' => 960, 'minimum-height' => 300), 'arrows' => true, 'interval' => 8, 'random' => true, 'title' => false, 'description' => false, 'credit' => false, 'position' => true, 'transition' => 'crossfade', 'duration' => 500, 'itemTemplate' => 'homeBannerItem', 'allowed_variants' => array('autoplay', 'normal')));

include_partial('a/areaTemplate', array('name' => 'body', 'width' => 680));

include_partial('a/areaTemplate', array('name' => 'sidebar', 'width' => 240));

<div class='a-footer-wrapper clearfix'>
	<div class='a-footer clearfix'>
Esempio n. 3
} else {
      <div id="a-header">
    if (has_slot('a-logo')) {
    } else {
        a_slot("logo", 'aButton', array("global" => true, "width" => 360, "flexHeight" => true, "resizeType" => "s", "link" => "/", "defaultImage" => "/apostrophePlugin/images/cmstest-sample-logo.png"));

// Perhaps we want some of this on non-CMS pages like 'reorganize' but we can't
// spew PHP warnings, so fix that before you take away this if
Esempio n. 4


$page = aTools::getCurrentNonAdminPage();
a_slot('footer', 'aRichText', array('global' => true, 'edit' => isset($page) && $sf_user->hasCredential('cms_admin') ? true : false));

// Feel free to shut these off in app.yml or override the footer partial in your app
if (sfConfig::get('app_a_credit', true)) {
  <div class="a-attribution apostrophe">Built with <a href="">Apostrophe</a></div>

if (sfConfig::get('app_a_servergroveCredit', false)) {
	<div class="a-attribution servergrove">
    echo link_to(image_tag('/images/sg80x20_g.png'), '', array('title' => 'Hosted by ServerGrove'));
		<p class="a-help">Hosted by ServerGrove</p>
Esempio n. 5
// If there are no slots, show some default text
if (!count($slots)) {
    echo a_('Oops! You don\'t have anything in your media library.');
    echo a_('Do you want to <a href="#upload-images" class="a-add-media-toggle">add some media?</a>');

// Only display this area if there is content in it OR if the user is logged-in & admin.
// Note: The sandbox pages.yml fixtures pre-populate an 'en' RichText slot with the media message.
if (count($slots) || $sf_user->hasCredential('admin')) {
    a_slot('body', 'aRichText', array('tool' => 'Main', 'slug' => '/admin/error-a-media', 'editLabel' => 'Edit Message'));

// This works with the default text supplied above and if the end-user adds the class of 'a-add-media-toggle' to anything in richtext
a_js_call('$(".a-add-media-toggle").click(function(event){ event.preventDefault(); $("#a-media-add").show(); });');
Esempio n. 6
} else {
    if (has_slot('a-logo')) {
    } else {
        a_slot('logo', 'aButton', array('edit' => isset($page) && $sf_user->hasCredential('cms_admin') ? true : false, 'defaultImage' => '/apostrophePlugin/images/asandbox-logo.png', 'link' => url_for('@homepage'), 'global' => true, 'width' => 360, 'flexHeight' => true, 'resizeType' => 's'));

if (has_slot('a-tabs')) {